Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1926, p. 7

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DANGER O F FIRE ON US FARM BY G. P. WILLIAMS. Vim snrev«ntk>n w«ek» are for all top, or with bookj to anchor at tiho ilia paop3e â€" both city dwellers and ridce. mral reakisnts. The city family has It ia a matter for real surprise, not Dearly ao mu<^ at (talw, becauna upon aecoml thought, the wtiy fairmers fire control is at hand and only a ' permit chimn&ys to go from year to xalatively few city fires ever get much year and well onto a lifetime without «/ a start. Also, HvioK en masse, the careful inspection in closed garrets city dw<el.er antl property owiter ia and at the roof teve} and above, often compelled by inspection to abate SweepiTtg or otherwise cleaning the flzv hazards titat go on from year to r accumulated soot out of farm chim- yaar unquashed <m tha farm. neys is often a job never even once So, on the whole, the farmer ought i "^w* to observe fire prevention week more , Both scientific test and actual usage •traigbtfordwardly than the city peo- ' ^o*" ?«»" have proven that a thorough pie, because his property loaa is Sable â- ystem of rods not only reHeves ac- to be heavier, or complete, and he can cumulated electricity in the ground, not nsaally begin houeekeeplng the but conducts violent bolts aafely over next day anywhere conveniently near «>• building, yet thouranda of bams to his businese. As I write, I recall «*««"" unrodded. They say that a the neighborhood in which I grew up, f«>*»«» bam protects a sphere around and remember four farms «11 touching ''- 3**- ^ ^he writer's certain know!- one another, that have everyone had fdp and seen with his own eyes, a a house or bam fiie within the forty l»«t hitman oDd empty bam not a hun- yearsâ€" in which the structure waa <^«« 'eet from a new bam with ap- complete-.y destroyed in every case. ; P'^^ ^^^ carrying five points, and wi„i *v a .1 *._â„¢,4. â€" -a " With groundings ten feet in the What the fire department ca3s "a ~^^m^ roof fire" is probably the most com- mon «n fprnw, conring either fr«m ^^^ â„¢ smokh in a bae-M. sparks on the roof, or from defective ' Smoking on the part of men and tiues. Fire prevention weeks are boys, and kindling fires with coal oil Bcheduled in the fall, no c--ubt, to re- on tlio Part of women, are causes of mind people of fire hazards before niany bad fires every year. Aa to they start using heatinig equipment â€" smoking, I know of an oil refinery end to encourage inspection and cor- company employing four thousand rectlon of dan-gers and obvious baa- ''^*" o" eight-hour shifts, where smok- ards. Most fire nuarshals get out '"« '3 prohibited. The same care boofcleta outlining the moat common should he exercised in the farmer's fire dangers and how farmers should ^^rn To smoke there is foolhardy, avoid tkem. The farmer, or his wife, Then, too, the wom«n who brings the •who reads one of these circulars is ^oal oil can to the kitchen stove should sure to be reminded of better means of "Iways klsa her baby good-bye before fire protection. â-  f^ starts for the oil can. Much could be said about protectinir HAVE LADDERS BEADY. <,p«, fi^es by wire Cages, about keep- The majority of farms are amaz- ing fire buckets at hand, about not ingly arhort of ladders. Many a farm filling lirghted lamps, and about set- The. Canadian Homemakeh ^ jteritj y weai/p arTio'is couerinj. PLANNING . BUILD I NQ . riNANCfNQ OECORATINQ . FURNISHINQ . GARDEINING '^«ii£2f#r2Ecii-,'.; A CAPTiyATING COLONl«. BUNGALOW QueaOon : Many manufacturers offer catalogs and leaileta dealiaK with building mat«rlaia and houseboid ap- pUazices. Can one dei>end upoa the Informatton theiy give as being fair and unbiased? Maaufa'C-turara of good products and Question: Our plana call for carfe- ment windows. We have thought of using steel sash. Aro ihey effective? Uo they coet more? Can we have the â€" r "- •" "^ »»w.., o..^ v-«, gette with self trimmiiw nr crm*â„¢ f ^^^ ^^ '^"^ "* '^'-â- " **r s°""'® "8'^'*' ^'^^^ ^'^ ^^^ ^ shown on plana.' der stored in the wcodshed or near by. ^re hazard is bound to diminish with ing Anv hom* tt„v1 «»« â„¢-n « j^- shade of cream and that a well defined Ste^ saah are effective. They cost This may be made of rough boards , the improvemntts made and the plans j a very sim^^s^vr^^ir^ . ^' ^- " ~' ^" "â-  with crx>ss cleats for climbing, with a! about what to do if a fire accident TaLing KSst m^^ ' ^ """"^ heavy slat on the reverse aids at the should happen. ^ ' '"'^*- SOMETHING TO MAKE Succulent Food for Sheep. The front is in on^ piece, as is also the back, and the flounce is shirred to the dresa on both sides. The .set-in sleeves with at- tached fri&, and tiie vestree ai« of By Storey and Van Egmond, Architects. The flno Colonial entrance of this Get a standard form of agreement bungalow witi lu impoadng pediment between contn-jtor and home builder ' and massive dJseufagcd coUunns Is In fr'>m your stationer and Ull It out with Itaelf sufficient to Indicate that the your contractor. Write tnw) the pro- home belongs to the better class. Even per place the total amount of money ! though one be unfamiliar with archl- to be paid. Then writ© In a para- , tectiu-o and architectural detail, which graph providing for partial payments i after all are only cauaee, it doe« nvt as the work pnx»ods â€" that Is to say, i manufacturers of poor ones maie si ml I detract from the appeal of the effect. , a.t 30 day Intervals. Provide tor the ; Isr representations in their caialoga. I With regard to conatructlon and an payment of all bills for labor done and ] You may rely w'.lh coafldence on the I economical solution of the problems of materials delivered on the job. Pay i stateroeats maile by wdll-iaiown maau^ ; strength and beauty, a sihfiigle roof the contractor uo money until he cau i tacturers of high grade products. 'iUey 1 and frame and stucco wails on a con- ilrst siiow you receipted bills. Get a i cajinot afford to make talaa state- ' cr«te foundation are aa excellent mechanic's lien rele<iao for every item. ' ments. Use materials that '•-ar a good ' choice of materials. Neither ehould Hold out 15 per cent, until 30 days af- ! reputation and that are ba^.i-ed by the j one overlook the tact that the wide use . ter the work la turned over to you com- guarantees of reputable manufac- 1 of stucoa haa resulted In the inception : pleted. Gel au architect to help you turers. Aak your architect j Question: The floor along ope side I of OUT hvlng room has aunk n^early aa inch although the hous« waa butlt last summer. There are al»o larg^e cracks in the plaster in the waJl above where the settloment shows. WhB.t is the cause; how can we remedy It ? Tilers baa been »attleine>ni here. This has been caused either by jUrink- ago In materiaifl or by saltlemeat of the fo:-idatlonaâ€" probably tho Uitter. Get an architect to lock over your AN ATTRACTIVE '^TYLE. Grace and charm are admirably'*'^ * ^^^ variety of flalsSiee. Thai draw the papers, mbined in the desirable frfvl- ^V. auirface may be smooth, sllghUy tex- I contrast be assured by tho selectloa more than wooden sash, but the dif- of the paint or stain for all wood trim, ference is not great. Tho sbeel aaeh The wide water table at the flo,>r level manufacturers have standardized their reduces the apparent height of the product so that stock sizes are rvall- walls and will fail to Tuncttoa aa U able. Unless your window openings bulWing to se<- what the real clrctim- should If not mad© to stand out pro- are quite unusual, approximately the , stances are. He will prsdc-ibe the ^ Cab>-^. tumips and mangels, thej ^^^ imT^CIlo^UwlTtJZ^Z mlncnUy. , same size saah may be uaed. | necessary repairs .ast mentioned in small quantities, aie: and Is in sizes 34, 36. 38 40 and 4i in^^'-u'l^'^ 'T "i^-l"^^^ bust. Size'36 busi^ Z^si a Spencer in Bull^m No. 41 of thely^nfe 39-inch material; 3'^^rdsall- -, ! Do^^'on Dopt. of Agriculture, is lover lace 27 inches wide. Mc^nts Here is something that any little! ^Jel'ormiltnd^hrve'UoL^rt."!^ ''^T'' o^^-^-^ve dress fiesl boy can easily make froni a sh^ box.jray be ^ f"C the^elTuStrthl' *" ^ ^^'t "^^^"^ '^«" * '*^'^^ *''â- ' A .ar.0 .hoe box, a pencil, a ruler, titnl turt^S frhalttS^ TLt r^'j^Z:t\Z^. .^^.Z ^t^ '-' ^^^^r T ^T^"" "^^^ fed on the pasture or in troughs in a and the home dressmaker will fii^^ eunroom while stUl servtn« to a great shed While the sheep wia consume^ desiisiSrat^i^t^t^wF^hJ: "'""' *" "^ '^'"""' "' "" '"^'"" cabbage from the whole head it is Book to be practical and and a pair of scissors, and you are ready. This is a game callsd "Airplanes in Considering tb« . moderate cost. $5,000, and the commensurate dimen- sions of thla home, the floor plan re- veals commodious accommodation and several Intereeting featuree. By the substitutiott of a large area of glass In plaoe of solid walls the the Hangar." And nx>w wo are going preferable to divide it int^ T, W nr "^r^J? r Pfa<^wai. and simp.e, yet j ^.i^^v^ , to make the' hangar. Of course, thei^e^.^ For Srit^g -ariet^-rt^ Z^mori Pn^'"^"'.^*^^^^ ^^^"^ '' *'• box (without the lid) is the hangar. ^,tion or adding^a vflual"e sUulSS : S^tsThTly "^"^ ""' ''" "^^^ '' '. ^^^ ->- «* but we must cut dcors for the air- food, cabbage fills an important olace' p:at.« to enter it. There ate to be Ln the sheep farm. '"'P*'"''"* ^"'^j HOW TO ORDER PATTERN! five doors, or openingB, along one side ! - exteut In the capaiclty of the former. The large living room Includinjf din- j with built in seats and \ X 17 ft. At the end of j a door leading to the hall, bedrooma and bathrooms and an- other to the kltche^a. The grade en- ; For fattening sheep and growing ' Write your name and address olain^ ! '•'^'=* '° kUchen and cellar is a great of the bo-x. Measure these carefuly _ ..tock turnips are fed in practically' ly. pving number and si: oonvenlence and one you are strongly this write 25, so that you can read it when tho box ia upside down. On each side of the smal'Iest door- way cut another doorway, an inch and a half wide and three high. Under these write 15. Patterna sent by cats with the architect direct. j drees Messrs. Storey and Van Egmon'.l, i McCalltun HIU BuUdihig, Rogina. tuents turnips have a wonderful effect ' ^'''» St., Toronto^ in maintaininig a vigorous condition ' '«ton» «»»fl. of the digestive organs and the gen-' __ ♦ eral system. Young lambs are greatly I They Can't Break Ouf EggS. SSnsi^^/f^Jwrf "*' ^' '^""^l '^^ J»-^« tried almost every sort of I Q-ieeUon: If I engage a srioed turnips m the winter and spring' w.:_„ f^^ .),,•,.„!„„ „,„ u^-„u u ".i ' u h« -entitled to uart oaviii I Sask. contractor Then between these two doorways until gras? arrives" Pr^oulToTâ„¢? ^**"'u."^'' ^*'" »^'PP'"« ""^ high-bred 1" he entitled to i^art payment before aiKl the ends cut others, two inches' i„gewershou?dTot be f^l^Xn' ^^^ "K*^- ^"^ '^^ "«« only, the house la finished? If so, when andabalf wicteandas highasthefXTrfivevJ^^^^ and half-bushel baskets and>,l^ouUiI pay him and how much at a box wii: aliow. IhKter these write B.,jambin^ the ;a«„tL%«^Z'ri^!v,' '^er^Sr^t**! pasteboard cartons for time? LEFT-OVERS THAT DENY NAME , 'tomatoes may bo baked with cheese; i al'so. box wli; aEow. U«der these write 5. , Jambing the quantity can be gradually "ri'3,r J Now «t the lK>x. top down, on a incw^ased. A good method topnepare f^'^'^'"'^ **^ °"^' ^^^ <"' three set- tabfe or bench and you are ready to tunrips for sheep is to cut them in tL -i .. , ^ .end the airplanes flying into It Then strips with an ordinary machine cut- ' â„¢3t f*' ""^ ^f'^ '" ''f "^f^ fold a piece of paper and send it fly- ter or they may be pulped and mixed T^y^it ^'^r'Z. ?*f '/ ^^"'^ ^ lag by meane of a rubber band. (If with chaffLl st^w. the^by t^crj^shg «^ "? ^ -^ basket, then the you do not know haw to do this, ask the patatability of the tatter I *^^ "T P^<^ •"J'«y<^" ^1*^ "'"''^ another boy to show you.) Each Breeding sheep and partlcularlv' S."*°u ^\ '^'*' between each layer, waste leiwver looo, ana yet a goou tpr,i,K.e witn aots ot outter an<t baito rt^ro are t^^vvral ways of hiaing player has a number of these folded 'rama should not be hea^-ilTfed with vL*"* '^ *^PP«<1 separately and cook dislikes to jeopardize her rep- ti.l brmvn and the potato^ are done, the farm junkpile with vines. All ask papers and an elastic band. Each ' niangers in winter and spring ^. : P«k«i compactly so that it cannot tation by servmg warmed-up foods' If the corn is left fix>m supper, it for some framework. We can simply might clioose a different color of , though in the absence of turnioa a fM»- '"'*'? f^"*.*. A. snia-' ^an<Wul of the , Following are some of my recipes, and n>ay be usetl in the morn-- r-v,,7,^<. 1." wT *^.„M ^^ J â-  'w^oJ l8 P"»«<1 out. then the egg is the finished dishee are not. at all ree- giving a very common A thrifty housewife dip'ikes to i-'ason to taste with salt and pepuor, waste left-over food, and yet a good fprinkle with dots of butter and bako Hiding Our Rubbish Pile. peper. -'Trt.Z' tStHl'' !^-«^•;carefu.lIy^vrapper and packed. I always put in a few extra eggs. They take turns, flying hut one air- : As spring approaches, says Mr, Jane each turn. If the plane enters gpencer, mangels become less danger- the hangar through the smallest door, ous and by April may be fed quite it counts 25. If it enters through ». ' medium-sized doo?' it counts 15. And plane each turn. If the plane enters gpencer, mangels become less dancer- n v_ .. n i. •. , .â€" the hangar through the smallest door. 'uVand by April n^rbeled S' "-i ^ ^ "l^"* Ave to a hundred, ; it counts 25. If it entera through '.! g«„^usly except to rams I ^''^'^ ^"' breakage, I have had only Ti J i • „ â-  . 1 one or two complaints of eggs btxjken It ia not uncommon to find them' ;„ transit inlhe eight yea^I'vele^n ognizable as left-' .-^rs. CHICKEN OR SALMON -SALAD. : taste. rnin^ pancake.?, f,x ^ screen in front high enough to dish, :i huliday hide what is behind it. A letter nlaa WITH COOKED KRUIT. r>.aii, lis to give it tho appearance of an a.rl>»jr by h«.vin« a front, tv>p sai ends. if It enters through a large door, it composing a part of the daily ration ! "^I'^'T'l^i'^^'^''' ^^ counts 5. But if it d«a not enter at of show sheep up to the middle of w^„ ,L K*t^ â-  «• .a, it counts 1 against the player. The ju„e. Mangels are prepared for feed- fjl!^ *^ ,â„¢l' Z player who scores 100 first is the i,ig ;„ t^g game manner as turnips, whm^r. Also, you can place the box on the floor and call it a garage, using mar- bles as automobiles. You will prob- i ' I Sdl fmr Even Money. faster^^d on securely with fasteners made especially for the lids, Then they are properly addressed on pasteboard shipping tags that are nailed on or attached with fine stove wire. I aliways put on the tags, usu- ., ^ , ,, . . , I I have found that in retailing farm !Jl lit ^D^^ «pidir' '~"' r<*-<=.^ it - - Ko^d P-Ji<^y to make! ally mailing one on and fastening the will noount up more rapiay. • the price a multiple of five. Change- - * * If you wish to make the a^rp.«ne ^^^(^^ j^ ^^^.^^ ^^,^^,^ ^^^ ^^ ;^ a larger twx aiw ^^^ ^^ quickly nor is so much needed game easier, use nalte the doorways larger. What CareleMRess Cost. Some years ago our merh-fblks pour- Sugar to Improve Flavor. If corn is sellintg at 18 cents a d«7*n I offer 14 ears for 20 cents. Apparently I lose a cent but custom- ers quickly snap up the offer and that •d some Paris gt«en solution on'tha' «»^'«<1 «*"' frequently results in sales ground after they had used all they ! that otherwise would be lost. Also the needed in spraying potatoes. Some ' »tcck is disposed of in lees tinie. If | bo enormously Improved just by tho - ima« chickens from eggs that cost us ««?» ^''^ ^8 cents, try offerinfNs for j addition of a very little granulated M cent* each found a miall puddle of ^,!!"':'_!'"' ^ :,T-!L1-L!"''t-:'"'o tlM liquid and drank it. They died. other with wire. If shipped by express be sure that I there is an express office at the point j they are shipped to. â€" O. N. B. | When turnips, carrots, peas, or string beans seem tasteless, they can This is equally good for chicken or 1 A dish of cooked fruit is often in and this is not at all hard to Jo. With salmon. Remwv© tho bones, and flake danger of being allowed to sDoil, sini- many vines only a coarse support is the salmon or mince the chicken fine. P'y because tho family has tire<l of it. c.'j.-iential. Add as much diced sweet picklo as I *»ave two favorite ways of usins The cor.-il honeysuckle is ore of tlie, you have meat. Moisten with salad this. A rich biscuit douch is tho prettiest vines for l^his where a com- ifi? h • '^ ' *^*^'"'*'^' P'-'® ""^ lettuce leaves and foundation of each. For the first, roll jlctc dense covering is not essential the wire.gg^p^ ^j^j^ js a dish that has infinite the biscuit dough very thin, spread uni yet foliago thick eiiougrh to make possibilities as a dish to be prepared with butter and cut in rounds. Lay anythinj; back of it hiirdly noticeable, quickly for utiexijected company. If two rounds together and liiko. Sep- It blooms so freoly and the rich coral there are many mouths and little arate tho rouiK;>s an^f pile fruit be- red trumpets aru .•k> beautiful tha.t it salad, the salad may bo "lengthened tween them and on tip. nrrangiiifK will mako a very pretty .spot of an out" by garnishing with hard boiled «acb two rounds in an individual dish, ugly one. Tlw foliai.-e is smooth, so it oggs in profusion. Bill's of well sea- If the fruit is not r^?ul r.weet, aid more kee'ps free from dust and insects do, soned cottage cheese may be used in sugar. Serve hot with cream or rich ^ i.ot bother it so fur as 1 know. Itj place of tho eggs. mi.k. j [(,>es not kill back and quickly covers. Chicken or saltaon may a'.so be used ^or the other dir.h the doi.gh la' -j, lar<;9 spac,». it grows so fast, in delicious croquettes or fritters, both rol.&d out thinly and .r.ire:id iiuite The trunipant rine is a ran»pant of which are particularly fine for thick with the sweetened fruit, using hardy vir.e £or those who want seme- supper, very little juice. Roll up. jvlly roll thing showy. It does not appeal to wmi A BIT OF CANNED CORN. ^^''^-^ *"*^ P'^'^"' '"_^ long bAking pan. ma bccaur.o of its coarsan<Ti3, Tho Last year a nsighbor wrapped a little Paris green securely in paper and put t on a high shelf under a shutter. The other day a busy hen, in search of a nest, flew up to the sihelf and scratch- ed the package off. A valuable calf extra egg. Or if vegetables are 8 cents a bunch, offer two for 16 cents. â€" M. U B. My Tractor Lunch. Hot coffee adds greatly to tny trao- chewed and Vvs-allowed the paper and ^' ^''^ ;'^ ^ ^^J''^ ^«"t ^o stop died. To prevent accidewVw^ put ' ^^^ ^<" ''"«»^ ^ ^ » '«^^ «»»- all poison medicine in -5 fruit jar «nd put in a can fitted with a top that woni't easily come off. â€" D. H. K. « V/eigLt for v.-eight, a chimpanzee Is Kbout ftur tlr.v-^ aa stroag u a maiik »*^. » .. con- tainer ntade from tbin strap Iron directly on the raAnifold, Into which sgaitlon tin pail just fits. The pail ia fiXed with prepared coffee and placed dit th* oon^ainer from fifteen to thirty minatM bcfor* vataut, thua tak- ing no extm tlmibâ€"F. L. A. sugar. Be careful not to use too much. This may be done with either fresh or canned vegetables. The same thing Is true of ntaats. A pinch of granulated sugar sprinkled over an inferior quality of Imcon or ham while cooking wii make either taste like the very beet sugar-cured product. It also improves cheap cuts of meat used for either roasting or boillnc:. Use only a little sugar, how- erver, never so much that it can be detected in the food. When lettuce tMilads of any kind lack ze«t, or if the dressing on them proves a bit too acid, just add a c«u- I.eft-over com is one dish that caus- ^"^^ *bout twivthirds of a an of Itonaysuck.o is a good vliia for the es me no worries, as there are so boi.img water over it. sprink.e with purpose but will need more and finer many ways of using it. If it is left *^*«^ *"•* ^^^ "^ butter and bako ti.'l support than ths coral. It has the ad- from dinner, and the weather is such '^^J}^ through. Serve hot, with rich vKntag? that it is much denser and thatsoupwilltasteKOodforsupFer.it "^'^ *** which sugar and cirvr.'air.o-n re5nain.<! cvargreen far into tho winter, is used in soup. Bring a quart of milk b«^* been ad<led. j xho white and cream flowers are borne to tho boil, add salt and pepper to left-ovek VEfiET.vuLEs. | freely in th? spring and for a long taste, a rounding tablespoon of butter Nearly any leit-ovcr vexytable or *'«»«. "i^i ''â-  few all summer. They and if desi>red a few drops of onion cereal may be used for -rnpper. ii'/T^ v*^"^' fragrant, scenting tho air juice. Add the left-over corn, allow, addeil to a good fritter batter ami well j *-- 'irour.d, to boil up, and serve. And hero is a fried. It is well to reiuoinbc"-, bow- "^^ ] * time to use dry bread. Browni the ever, that thes^e friilters should n«,'t be V>-pical Bargain. bread Mghtly in the oven, spread with sen-ed wth one or two other fried' "This is a great country. Pat." butter and aerve with the soup. foods. Cold sliced b<*ef wi'l hi nice! ".\nA how's that?" If the family ia not ftwid of soup, to serve for meat if yr>u are serv^rtgj "Sure, th' paper says yon can buy try cooking the com in the casserolie. fritters. ^a folve-doUar money or^lsr for tbree Arrange a layer of sliced potatoes Rice and some other cei-ealfi may l)e:<^®"!s." about two inches d©?p in the ca!»e- aiwJed to ci:st.ir(*s, and improve the' ~*^ * ' â€" role, spread the corn over tl>e top, taste rathe- th.Tn (>tra.?i. fi:>ni it Rice' Farm tV.ief usually come* tfter th* tloua sprinkling of granulated sugar, pour on rich milk to barely co\'«r,^may ailso b« baked with cheese, and evening choitar ^redone.

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