mm III X FROM THE FARM BY ANNA COYLH. Qkriatmu thonglits for tlw tswn tiw otlier decoratioiu placed on the friend take •xpKsslon in numerous sidM of the ^r. temptintr raorseJi from the farm In For the Christmas rememb-rance, K»la hoMdity wrapptngs. Thei* is a candied fruit v*el is packed in thia charming personality about theaa Jar. A wrappinir of white tissue pa- gifts, per, a brifcfat piece of ribboa and a Take the jar .>f sparklins Jeljy for aprif of Cbriatmws greens complete the Invalid, pacired is a tiny basket the wrapping. tied with gay Christpiaa ribbons. It ugor cars p^b holiday baskkts. carries with it the very spirit o' the | q^ ^^ ^^^^ (i,^^^„^ ^ ^^^^j^ ^^ season. A plum pudding or fruit cake ^ Gutter. 2 eggs. % c. sour cream, % In an enameleC and decorated flat ^ ^„ gy^^p_ ^ ^^ ^^^ cinnamon coffee can. fives no hint of the angin ,^ ^^^^^ j-^^ ^ j^p g^^^ 1 ^ of ito container and wiU bring joy to ^^j^^, ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ g chopped, Vi the heart of the colege girl who coujl ^ ^lack walnuto, 2V4 c. flour, ^ tsp. not return home for the aoadaya, or j^^^g po^^der the married daughter in her own, ^^^^^ ^^^^ ;„g^^ ^^ j,^^^^^^ ^^^ house. For tive o'.d neighbor who liaa < eggs, then cream and syrup. Nejrt add moved to town, what could be more ^^e spices and soda dissolved in two appropnate than a basket of eggs or tab'isepoons of hot water. Mix fruit K^c** r«. *r.,>.«? A generous ri^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^, ^^^ ^^ ^^ j^^ bright red apples? bon bow and Christmas card attaclied to the handle, add the holiday touciu Boxes or baskets ot fancy cookies, a basket of candy, home-made grape Juice, a i«r of pickles or candied di^en cootiee fruits with the jar top enameled and ^^ p^^. '^ ^^ ^^ decorated; al- these wil. find a warm settling. Add remaining flour to the batter until stiff enough to drop, then ?tir in fruit and nuts and drop on ^rreased pan. This makes about three in a square of oiled paper and fUl a low DSEFOL PRESENTS THAT DO NOT COST TOO MUCH BY EDITH M. BUKTTS. A yard of material, such as a check- 1 inchea sq'r,r», and towo piacea wei« •d gingbMm or a plain-colored cotton, { fifteen inches square. Six yards of linen or cretonne, presents many gift ! prepared binding finished all edges ot ;' poaelbllities to the ingenious woman. { tite three squares. Then each of titeae j One yard of cretonne or chintz | was folded envelope sltape and joined I thirty-five inches wide will make an ' with an overcasting stitch, leaving a . apron without any other guide than I free lap for tlte closing that Is fasten- I these simple directions : ,' ed securely in place with a ba<« button I First cut a twenty-eight-inch square! and a loop of the binding. I from the yard of material Pnom the ! p-^r the Ug case, two each of the ! remaining material cut a strap for thrse pieces were cut from pasteboard, 1 the neck one inch wide and thirty the foundation siie being four Inches I inches long. The pocket should be six at the top. two and three-quarters j Inches wide and twelve inches long. [ inches at the bottom, and five and and the remaimng piece of nâ„¢t?rial > three-eighths Inches Wgb. It is prob- j shouji be utiliaed for the strings, cut- ably easiest to get the other sections I ting these two and a half inches in -.^11 shaped by outting these to the "^"'^cJ 1 -1. •! same measurements, tiien shaping i Finish aJ edges of the apron with them as shown to form the pockets. I a narrow hem. -Attach the neck strap, /^.„„ „ u _. ..i. ,.u « '^' Cover one each of uie three sizes of welcome at the hearth of the c.ty ^^^^^ basket Place a spray of dwet*r who might otherwise not have -^ „^^^ „, ^^•. ^^^^^ the top tiie abunaance of the good things that ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^j tar'etan Unk the present memories of o.d-tnae ^„ ^j^ ^j^^^,^ ^ ^ j^ ^, ^;^_^ Lydia Pener, 14 years oki, ot »pj-in«fle«, Minn., who reoeived. when her giand yearling H&cvtos^ was soW ax. aucticn, ?120 a. pound, or J1.270.SO Oar the an i m al. She raised the animai U^reelf aind was awarded the prize. Christmases. tissue paper caught togetlier vrith a Improved Methodb of Grow- ing Alf ajf a. j lay in a dart-siiaped plait at the waist- â- line. Stitch en the pocket so as to hold ; these plaits in position. Sew on the i atrings end the apron is completed. .\. ' narrower width of material can bo utilized, since the result will be mere- ly an apron of smaller size. I ATTRAcrrVB CASSa. Have You Tried This? My dust mop cost me nothing. pasteboard with figurec -ji-etonne or silk, and one each with plain material. Join corresponding sections by over- casting. Place one section over the other, the sma2er on top, and se- curely join these. It is best to use a heavy coloidd cotton or silk floss for the joinirc, employing a foatiier ^ _. ., , . ": and all. This wrapping is suitable if ^^f„ higher vield th»n outer Chr:«tmas dress, may be new to the gift is to be delivered by hand, f^^'^ S^T^rJZ Many uses will be found for the nest stitch, since this is effective In ap- of handy CBfcs, and one yard of thirty- pearant^ as well as sufficiently firm. In Ontario alfalfa gives a consist- *" « l>ag of thick, soft material th«t ^u^jft. '''r,Tt f^-^^^r. "^^ ^'^^ the cord hanger with ta«ei ends .... ..._._ "i^ft".^^'! ob^Xed fit3 ov^ my broom. I run a cord '^roe sizes. It is not un.ike.y, t.nouga. by braWmg strands of tho floss to- ll some of our readers. CANDIED ORANGE PEEL. The fol.owing recipea^or Chnstmaa ^^ ^, ^^„ f,^^ ^y„ . "goodies' and directions for their ^„d ^y This wranninir is suitable if IS oDtameu "" ;•" "/.:"'""; . "Vn k *^' "^^« ^"*P ''a^ ^'^ P"'^* ^"1' "^ 8«'^^ """i »"a'^n this to each side , For the cookies which must be sent by ^^ ge' vielT^f ^l^'aTough^oS ^Lf^rV^Tl'tTjitl^I ho'ld^itTn ,^-«- ^^ ^^^^ ^'-^ <>' -^^'^'^ ** ^\ '-^ ^he tags_ in two siz«, 'parcel post, a white box is better, the utivinco duHnur th» la<=/f\ "i ^!» p'aoeâ€" Z M "'**• suggest tlie purpose oi the ijag. aW Five oz. o-^an^e peel cut in 1-3 inch Each cookie is wrapped in oiled paper has been 2.^5 fr,n,^r^..~'"^fi. I -ever throw awav soiled imso-ine "^^ â„¢*''* *''* ,'*"^- *'^* P'**° ""' ^^""^^ ^^*^ *^® °°* 'â- '''^'-' "e':**'^''/ :ss: 4 wâ„¢s/^.TS'Si -t^^n:;:si>r£^ fHrHi?5E?s r^LzrHHEs r^a-^^r^xi'-^s^ja-;?- ""• ~ • - strips. fore the lid IS put on. Wrap the box ,^^^ ^^^ .j,^ Experimental Farm ^<i» '» » Pi"* <>' water and add this ,^ „ ,^~:;. " "^^ Cut thick, soft orange pee. from with white tissiw paper, tie with red ^^ Ottawa has grown alfalfa success- '«> *!••« gasoline, thoroughly shaking Yoiff TeH-Tale Toes. bright colored, heavy smooth-sldnned ribbon and slip in a pretty Christmas ; f^^y f^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^. .^ ^ the mixture. When this has settled. ^y^^ ^^ eo to beJ tuke a good oranges into 1-3 inch stnpa. Add to card. 1 outyield any other hay crop and to the gasoline may be poured off. It ^.^ ^^ " bi« ,^ ^^'^^ .^.. ^ *^K^,V'r' "t^T""^ 1 cold water . fancy holiday COOKIKS. p^^^uce a %ery superior quality of ^^11 be thoroughly clean, as the dirt ^^T^^'^Li^ ^e^r.^ imd boil for thirty minutes Repeat stir up a batch of cookies according , bay. is left in the water.-A. M. A. chS^xur ^. prob^blVdaratlon ot this proce«=!n.tith« stripe have been to a favorite recipe and proceed to: 0\vlng to the fact that farmers When rubber hot-water bags get ura, and character, says Dr. IntaflaaU. p»rboi.ed three times, discarding the gtir up and roll out in the usual way. : sometimes find it difficult to grow '^^^^ I ''â- ^ -^^ »"<» suiUMe sJiapes ^^ ^as been lnveetl«atic« the scteaice water after each boiung. The cutting and decorating gives the; alfalfa, the account of the methods '<> S^ undt;r vases or under the table- ^f "tooo«losj- " Dissolve the sugar in two-tKrds of a suggestion of Christmas. Cut in the , followed by the Experimental Farm <^''°^ ^or ^^ -Wishes. These pieces of ..tms new science,' ho says "ia far cup of water and add the orange pee., form of bells, sleighs and Christmas j in producing this crop, given in the rubber aliio servo as stoppers for the sowndoi- and reliable Uian palmistry Cook rapid.y for about twenty nun- trees. Decorate some virith raisins, | latest report of E. S. Hopkins, Do- bathtub and kitchen sink. We always phrenology or psj-cbo^tuaL) sl^ l:\>r utes.then place an asbestos mat under others with candied cherries cut in j minion Field Husbandman, will be keep one old water bag in the car to! tu^ance. tie lines that run parail^ the pan or remove to the back of the strips, nuts or strips of candied orange , found of peculiar interest. Mr. Hop- <«« '" tarrying wat-r for the radiato-. wiith the ll«htercolor?<l haW-uioon aroa stove and boil gcnt.y until the syrup pee*. Bake to a golden brown and r'»ck i kins emphasize^ the importance of se- ^^ " handier than a bucket and takes ^j the base of the na:! oon bo taken is all absorbed by the peel. Care must Jn boxes according to the above direc bo taken at this point that the syrup tions. docs not scorch. The strips should be These In a box will be highly ap- turncd frequsntly. Use a fork in turn- predated l-y the stay-Tit-home lady ing strips and removing them from who dolights in serving a cup of tea| the pan , .»....> vuiphas lecting the right importan field for growing alfalfa on farms where tlie crop ha^ up *ss room. â€" Mrs. F. J. L. B'or a kitchen wastebasket I like! I SA an aUnoet certain guide to agie. For a perscxi of from one to tan yeairs ot j not been grown before. A well- nothing better than a fruit basket age, each Itae accounts for a .v«ar. Place the pee! on waxed paper until cool, then, using the flat side of a knife, roll tlie strips in granulated sugar. L*-t the strips dry out for an hour or two, then wrap in waxed pa- per ansi k'wp :n closely covered con- tainer until ready to pack in the holi- drained soil is the first requisite, be- ;>!>'«<* '^r stained to blend with my color prom Oem to twenty the y^ar Uiiw be- ] cause alfalfa will not grow satiafac- 1 ^*^'**""'- ^'i"*^ ^ "-'"t "â- lining pattern g-jn j^, fade, but aJte.-iiaM* liaee remain I and dainty bite to iier holiday callers. ; torily wher<s water lies on th«> surface ; from paper. From this pattern I cut tiiscinct; tl:«r»for© tUewf distinct lines ' Yl'LBTIDB FUDGE. of the ground or stands within a^ lining of oilcloth and pa^te it Ini^ne nueni a two year* each. From Two c \'>'hite sugar 1 c milk 2 U<"»J>'« o' f*^' «' th« »"rf««- -A. field p:a<^e. .\ strip of scalloped oilcloth tw^at/_to thirty t1i» tlaee represent squares chocolate. 1 c. black' walnuts. ! ha^"*? « slight slope will provide a-ound the top of the basket makes a tiir^ yeers euch. Put the sugar in a saucepan and; ampl* drainage and will grow larg-e »<^a* finish. The basket is easy to. About rhls time th« lines begin to ;;! crops of alfalfa even upon heavy soil. '^^^P dean, as it can be wiped out a<ming« themsiSves lu gnr^ps of live,! The field selected should not contain "^-^^ * damp cloth. .\ handleil basket wnu the dfth Una distinct. Thus. f!»m â- ugar in a saucepan pour the milk over it, stirring it well before placing over the fire. Cook 1 '""•'"' - '"-^•' r *•:•-* '" ","; , cent'y untr the syrup when tried in' acid or sour soil. If it is, only sli.^t- can be iined and decorated in tho same thirty to fifty years, th> distiuot lines lay jars. This confection shou.d keep * ' •^.^. ' ^' ^^^i jy ^^j^ jj ^^^ ^ corrected by the ap- w»y- One of these holds my sewing.] count Cor llvt> yrars ^ch. From the [ ror two or three weoks and may be -_,____,•_•.. ,_, I........ ' t>li,^tiftn r>f lim*. U,t r,.^ «ftpr ^"^Ph^.'f the cho<V.ate which has been previous- Ip'Jeation of lime, but no attempt Decorated basket, make nice gifts, flrtteth y.Nir ih.^ dlatiuct of the Ohrist- ^^j j^j,^ ^tir until it has melted, i shoulti be made to grow alfalfa on a "hen filled with choice fruit or vcge- worth t^j-u years «ich. (lay jars, inis coniecuon snou.u Keep - ^ -^^ _ _,,. , ;__ *_ _,^ ^_„ ^^^ | ,, ^^^ ,,, ^^^ ^ ,.„rr«.tpH hv tlw nr>- way. for mads well in advance ^^J!^^l'r.„â- ,^ »o»l »„rl T„m«« n«-l «,»v RsmoVo^from the stove anrplace 'the j ^ery acid soil. .\ fert;ile soil is very ta>>le3.-A. M. .\ Grapefru t peel and icmon peel may cold water to necessary in getting a stirt with, , . be prepared uceordmg to these diroc- P^^ -^^ ;;rS^ tolTt tJsJudi: ^ alfalfa. ' After the 'alfalfa is^stab-l ^.^ tTTP. t7'.w,-.„ fV.^ „..a.,f;f,, .r- ~vxi i, ^^ until It i.t so cool that the spoon when, ••sh^d, however, it requires less addi-i Lsltts Ihat Last. su^'^bS t^^X Tall t drawn_ through the centr. will leave ; tions oi^manure ar_fertilizers tl^ , ask my p. pe-snioking friends aiui; linee om I .\ !arg» bis i-'-e Is a sure Indication of a liRscy and vtulent tenii>«iran!ont. How i U«e Old Batteries. drawn through the centre will leave : *»«"» <>' manure or fertilizers thr.n al- ; _ ^^_, a track. Beat vigorously until quite ; niost any other farm crop Weedy ^^1^,^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^ ^^^ ^j,^,;^ .j^^^^ j^y,,^; tenser ccokii- - is roouired in order thick, stir in the chopped nuts and; land should be carefu..y avoi.ted. ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^.^ ^.^„3 The most: This spring 1 .-allvctt-d a nuia!)er of! tl^irill the vrun mTv be absorl^d PO'"' <>" ^^^^^ P*" «' P'""*''- ^he' . The seeding of hardy alfa.fa seed je,irabie ones have the lids hinged ^vet-cell battery containers, made of: mat ail me syrup m>.y oe ausoroeu. ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ broken too fine. . >» a necessary requisite to success, and ^^ ^„j ^^^ ^^^pp^j (,y a nickeled knob, cmckery. to use for food contfiiners ! ENAMELEP-TOP JABS. g^^.^ jeliclous pieces of fudge may! Canadian grown seed is preferable to ^^^^ j ^j^,^ ^^ ^.^^^ ^,f colored i:i niy kitchen cabinet. There i:« ::' Any attractive tall glass Jar with be one inch thick and a little rough on : any other. The importance of inocu- gna^iel paint, allowing each to dry ' small round hole in the centre of each screwed on metal top is suitable for j^p. Cut in squares of one inch decorating as a gift jar to be Allied with confections. The metal lid should en.vmeleu canuy boxes. bo given two coat-, of black autome- The enameled tin candy box has not bile enamel. On the centre of the top oijly the advantage of being most at- lating the seed must not be overlooked, thoroughly, and after the last coat a [cover and a slit iiltout ontf lon-j as It 13 frequenl.y the means of pre- ^^.^j j^ ^ ^„ ^j^j, ^.namei paint, j on tlw edge. Through the round hclo venting partial or even total fai.ure. ^y^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ attractive designs I! I scre-.ved a woodfn knob, then put The methods of inocu.ation and ot ever made was a soft greenish blue for putiy in tho slit, making a -.uiltA.-y: seeding with or without a nurse crop ^^ ^,,^ ^^e motifs \vere .^nall,' contaim-r with an en.".ily remwej Ud. ; is pasted a small, bright colored pic- tractive but also keeps the candy fresh; are detailed in the report, which may ^^^^^ ' ^iiij^„ ^.^^^s .^i^h their i Siiica tho olor .«clK-mo in my kitchen' ture cut from a Christmas card or much .onger. | be obtained free from the Pub.ications ,„u:... .,..;'., *„i'^ Figures cut from kinder-: vesse.s . ^ 'r^"- u <, I •» o^ainM f ree frx>m the t'ub.ications -^jj^ 3^P^ fj^.;:3Pj.^.,j ^„,^ tj^pi, ^ » „,.^^„ ^ magazine. Mgures cut irom Kinaer-. A 8ha..ow. round coffee can or any. Branch, Department ot Agriculture, j^,^.jg ^^^^- thr'ouoh silver wa^vs. ion th.- knobs and with blue paint add-! ^ ^-ROCK EXPRESSING SM.-VRT garten paper of red, purple, dull blue tin contai^ier with a c.ose-fitting lid, Ottawa. j ^yj^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ,^^ ^^.^ completed I od tti- name of the fwdsti:ff io be' SIMPLICITY IN EVERY or other suitable combinations, are may bo givon t;vo coats ox enamel and, -«- I ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^:^^ ^^-^ r,),,^^ and kept in etioh jar, such as rice, tapicca.' DETAIf.. most effective. These figures may take decorated as .suggested for the enamel- Two things make the cup of misery ^^ j^gsortment of bu'bs. .\ tiny greet- ; beans, etc. These uniform, attractive ' Trimly f:ish:oncd oi moire or fine the form of colored! conventional- ed-top jar. The largo g.ass tobacco i fullâ€" i3»d parrots, fruits or flowers. If pre- jars with screwed on lops mako ideal. The unloaded gun and the gentle bull, â- ferred, tho top may be enameled and candy containers. ing verse was slipped in the lid, direct- jars make a mucli neater appeaxancj woolen inatecial. this irock follows the _, , ,, ^, ., • â- u J- 1 ii. ing the planting of the bulbs in the en my cabinet shcl- es than Jo the straight llrcs thiit t;-..' season stamps The bull thats ug.y is haiid.ed with ^.j^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^ removal of the nicker p;'.per bags in which foodstu:r.-i are with ir.aubitablo smartness, at the Health of Our Live Stock. Eternal vigilance is required, and happily given, to keep our live stock in a healthy condition. This is par- ticularly shown by the just published rsport of the Director General (Dr. Health of Foxes. Great progress is being made in fox .'arming, which is now seemingly per care, *Ti3 the gentle bull we should a3 be- ware. knob that the can might be used as a purchased. â€" Mrs. D. C. knitting-yarn holder. â€" E. R. j • same tinio .liytlng at a modisn two- 1 pieco eTect by means of the front of I "iho skii-t, having two groups of pUiits, [being joined to the bodice. The long tho^'Shttiitijig sleeves are finished with ,. .,..,,,,. , , True to Tvoe. Persia's Shah Values Learning. Goose oil instead of land i.-< used by "^"« 'o 'yP^- \ manently establislied in everv prov- the Hebrews, and wo don't blame them ' A dramatic criiic. on being., pre-; Though hlmsoif iinedu^auvl lu .. ,- w »â- . • i inco of Canada. The health of the'onebit. The housewife the other day ! sented to a glorious new diva, cou-ld onUiury *ons.v of the wora. Riza Kipn, : •'«'•«'« -«'»'' o^ ^u.trastmg,.il Dominion Veterinary aniniails h a main problem that has fried some white potatoes in goose only murmur, "Words fail me." ! the uew Shah ot Porsia, is doing id- Geo. Hilton), to bo dealt with. In its solution much grease, and u finer flavor the writer! "I was expecting at '.•east a column ::d the siime note of contrast i.s used lu hh i>o'.ver to iniyrcvo the pUiicatloa- '" ^^^ }:r:icoful jabot ai d shaped col- for the year ending March 31. 1926. excellent vjrk has boen done by the While, as is unavoidable, during tha Pox Research Station that, within th? year occasional outbreaks of disease domain of the Health of .\ninials; occurred, on the whole, it is gratifying Branch at Ottawa, has been establish- to note, the situation was very satis- ed for *even \-ears at Charlottetown,' factory. This is indicated by the fact P.E.I. In his vevH.<rt for the year oiid- ; that less compensation had to be paid ii* March :it, li)>C,, the Poniinion for tho .-laughter .of animals in com- Veteiinary l»iiectt>r General reconis | batting trouble than in any of the last the progros.i that ha.< been made by i ftvo years. Espcci.nlly was this the the Pathologist in chKr^e. J. .V. .\:ie:i.' case as regards glanders, which fell ^'.S.. in pv^ventiiig and in remedying from $15.72'2 in 1924-25 to $;{,255. th<^ diii«as?s to which foxe.^ kept in. Boviiici tubeiculosi.s eradication is also capl'vlty are subjwt. !);•. .Mien feels pregressing. The demand for tubercle justi.Med in s-nyitig that the fo.\ (armor free cattle, and for milk and other of to-d.iy need not bt> Ins.s infoniK-d in ; dairy products from healthy cattle is lesix^t t.> !iysii'-v;.\ sanitiUion and dis- rapidly increasing; so much eo that it easo o>.ivtr< I than ilie brtetlors of any' is becoming difficult to satisfy the other class of liv.« slock. Practicing' demand Of douriiie there has been : v.t^'t inr.riiina are r*>lizitig thv iu«e»ls ' none for the hist si.x years, while the of this eoiuparativdy new industry: compensatory amount re<ii:ire<l in ""'-d ii"' si>3«.-iali7.iiiK in fo.\ diseases, 1913-11 was $t8,743. Hog cholera and hygiene. never experiiMiced. 1 responded the practical woman. al .system of his i-ouutry. The Canadian Homemaklr ^ jerics o^ wesTt/y artidlts coloring. PLANNING . BUILDING . FINANCING DECORATINQ . FURNISHING . GARDENING -â- » Copvry/Ft I3CS FIRST THINGS FIRST WHEN PLANNING I lar. X,>. 1!?8 is for Isdies and is in i size* 34, 'jl', 3S, 40 .-ind -12 inches bust. , Si^e ."iS requires S'/i yards 3S-lnch ma- j tcrial, or 2H yards 54-iuch, and H j yard ;>,>-inch contrasting for collar, cutis unci jabct. 20 cents, i Thj ga-ments illustrated in our new ! Fashion Book ar? advance styles for the heme drcssirjker. and the woman I or girl who desires to wear garments Idependablj for taste, simplicity and econcmy will find h.jr desires fulfilled i in OUT patterns. Price of Ih? book 10 cents the copy. UOW TO ORDER PATTERNi Write iOi.r -i.' me and aajresi pla:a. ly. giving numter and size of suih patterns as you want. Knc'ose 20c ia The>so ai'o the llrst things (o be con- cenieil with. !ua.^much a* It Is inside I Vl.ict>d a. very stn-ag enivhasi-^ on the ( \\-i»i apcce iJian wis t^e rn!e cvcai ttamtn or coin (com rreferrcd; wrap I interliia- aVruiigtnvcnt c.f the honu.', iind in t!K> old-fashsonsil r.imbllng houses, it carefully) for each number and « , ri 1 I i ''"^ teiLloU tinvnnl grttitir couipaot- Diuins rtoiiis; too, nre> bein^; re-,i«co>l address voiir order to Pattern Dept., PV)r niformatioii en the,»f '•'•» """"o '"at you wu siiena most , ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^.^ ^^^^, ^^ ^^^.^1 ^^ j.^ ^^^^^ ^.j. j,^n,i„.^od aJto«>thf-r; their WUbou Fublishins Co.. 73 West Ad*> (hows a slight increase compared witn suliji.s.t Dr. Allen suggests n study of of yvur futiiiv hour.-i. The exterior j ,|,^ hiMis»work i-onducievl with a mini- i .a».e elih^^r being taken b.v broakfust lalde Si.. Toronto, t'etterns sent fer recent years, but at that was oi>ly a ; "Fo:^ Fanning in Canada." a thii-d , ^ai>e and ai ivactlvenessi of the homo | mum ot «xi««.tevl Inbor. Th;-s tendt>!K-.v. i ixmis, wU ich are u.-niiilly .-♦utllclen-t lor reiarn a.aii. "" wia de.veloi. ot Its-eilt Into a pi jasliig coup^ed with Improve^l Idciis as to snui-U families or for hoiiKtj wheio "1 . *" 7 vemtulatlon. snd inci-e regHni for the thore la T!lttK> entcrta!nli«; or elae i amo and fortune have oumo to 'amount of sun&lilne which «iu be dining facUUie-s cim iucludied In the "-'^'^- t''*'i '^i*^ f".'"'' l>'"e«<'<^'' Ix-cauaa I counted on from th*> i-Lring aud M'tting i :»n of iho living .omu. Th* latter Is ^^ stsrted official testing with what Ulon of : sun. \\\\Uh liiv<Hvea the planning of the iHrotJ: loint a iho ontira modern <^r-JH">*-"* ^nd means he had. instead tl'^flvei Ijer 110,000 as against the huge edition of which Is in press and will f close upon $1!)7,000 in 1914- bo available free of cost on applica- tion to the Publications Branch, Ot- tawa. To wander la one ot the Instincts of and hamwnlous <.l!0«ign. If vim deal oompetomly wUh iho Interior room ajTaiigenii'ut. TUo wiiworn Httli •m(_^^ 16, S^Rin average of over $:}0.000 for the last twenty years. Th« report, which can be had free on application to th<^ Publications Branch, Ottawa, is one fhnt in a general sense can be itadicd with pride an showing the splendid work that ia being dono by the Hsalth of Anintals Kri.nch and the leauUs thercf-.-;m. Keep one -nm for e^ery forty bW«». other buildings, the turks will not get' need of repuir. ami s«m-vo to oollect un- I'ootl the ram u pound of grain a day [away so far that ti>ey can not return d^ie quantiiiotj of dirt and refuse. I iloderu hcv^ekeepiag ai-^iboda bav9 making a home a sliow i^Uue from the • w-inrtows In i-<iJttlion to tN» direction dwelling. Gcnv* are the d«\-s when the i "^ waiting until ho had everj-thing cuUld-e. with iisefess gabJ«<* ami or- ; th«( house faces; all Iheeo things have rarlor or Urawlns-icorn wa» pmcticaJly n>''.t:r?f s<:avO!l. tlM wild turkey, from which the dom- iMuneniiition of ail Uhids, has boon os- ! a(r«He<(l tho p'«nniiiig of every worn closed to the Iious".' hold oscopt on Sun- ostlcakcd variety descended. This trait plodwl by tho moi-<.> luodorn livud to- [ in the iiiiMi«rn. efflcleut, convenient . da.vs or wli^eii Cv>nii)any c.inio l;i. Llv- has never been bred out of tho tamo' want iutMior coiivi>nleJiico. Kxtei-ior : Uoaue. ; Ing rcoms are being expan-.i'wl to take fowl. But II fed at appointed times, i friMs sl -.-vo n<> real ixirixue. They -.nUl > Kitchejis are smailer but better fur- care cf the UMiueiicy of ill* modern at regular places around the barn or' to bulV.iiug cotits. are constantly in niahed with buiit lu and other devices fnjnKly ti> Idvo in the front of the ' ' "" for saving s^ejw aiul hiNor. Bgrfroom« hou'&e. instead of c>)oi>lng thomsehrea •re ainaUer than they were, but better- up in the siualler and darker rooms at v«u(ilat«d, sod u»ui^ly with more iho back. ! In timo for tb«tr meala. just right. It isi'.'t necessary to break any records to make official testing a very profitable venture. Good ordi- nary records mako additional valu«i tha^ pay big dividends on the mon«jr and l.ibor involved, Th«.-t are hills of salt «00 fo«t hfyb In Spain.