Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Dec 1926, p. 4

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NM«Ik' â- aL-r.ilUMIi - „;W-i*ew»..j*«»l>«.»u^>i>;«i!« . lili ii * # "T.. Vi IITBDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1926 THE FLESNERTON «DVikNCE Published on CoUingrwood itreet, fleshorton, Wednesday of each -week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, |2.00 per year, whep. paid in advance $1^0. In V.S.A. $2.50 per year, when paid in adrance |2.00. Sir. H. THURSTON. ( - Editor WIZARDS CAPABLE AND WIZARDS SCEPTICAL. The world has just been celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary at the 'establishing by Marconi of the radio system of communication. When Marconi had perfected his discovery to a sufficient extent to enable him to have faith in its triumph over •II difficulties, he came to Can- Ada from Newfoundland, where had the first trans-Atlantic wireless messafrc from England, and he 3nade hia way to Ottawa, where he at once enlisted the sympathy of Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finance, •nd Hon. David Mills, Minister of Justice, and on their representations the Canadian government asked Par- liament to make a substantial grant for the erection of the first receiving station on this side of the Atlantic. Prom that day to this wireless com- munications have developed with phe- nomenal speed. The first great a- chievement, however, was the estab- lishment of wireless systems on At- lantic jhipninj?. It has sometimes been asked if the Marconi di3Covery has really resulted in much gain to humanity. The reply may well be made that if wireless had done no more than to enormoualy increase the safety of ocean-going craft, and their human freight, it would have been regarded as probably the most beneficent of all the dis- coveries in our age. Look at the development of the discovery, even in the last few year^, and the benefit it has conferred on the world in re- lievintr the monotony of lives of countless numbers of '"shut-ins" of the human race, in cultivating the taste for mu-sic, in giving to sojourn- â- ers in far off remote settlements speedy communication with the great centres of population. Having Marconi yet with us, still entraged in devising means for mak- ing his discovery more serviceable to his fellows, people arc inclined to look upon it as a commonplace ac- complishment. But we well remem- ber when the Italian wi:iHrd Ifirst brought his discovery to Canadian attention, that it was scoffed at as tnactically an impossibility to com- municate with others thousands of miles away, without even a wire! Even Edison, the great inventor ot this continent, when told that Mar- coni claimed he could talk on the air across the Atlantic, that ships could send and receive messages in like manner, expressed grave doubt •f the possibility of si::h an achieve- ment. This remindj us of another inci- dent in the progress of the adaptation of electricity to the wants of man, in which Edison himsolf has by no means taken a subordinate part. It waj in 1883 that the great technical journal. The EngineerinK News, discussing the production of a carriage propelled by electricity, expressed the view that while it was nil vory well for the wealthy to provide themselves with • vehicle, the mode of power of which was electricity, the carriage could only be regarded as a costly toy for « long time, unless, indeed, eleo- tricity could he produced at a much smaller cost than at that time ap- peared probable. The development, however, was 'pcedy, and now we have locomotion by electricity, almoiit entirely superceding the horse and bringing the auto into almost univer- sal use. The question is, are we happier through the progress that has been made? We may each have our own answer. Our view is, we ought to be. Two in Fifbt for Reeve of Artemesia Township J. A. Hogarth and A. Cameron to Contest Reeve's Chair, McKenzie Retiring Council in bjr Acclamation Vote Will be Taken on The .Aholishing of Statute Labor EDITORIAL NOTES Get ready, carping critic, to turn over a nc « leaf. Note that most of your friends and neighbors are 4doing the best thev can. "^tlittle knowledge is a dangerous thfflt" is often quoted by wiseacres. Keally a little knowledge is only dan- gerous when one is contented with it. • • • .'Santa Claua made his annual visit on Friday night last, and on Satur- 4la)r the homes resounded with the Joyous shouts of children as they played with their toys and gifts. The 'happy dreams of childhood will never be forgotten in after years. "To see the children at play at such times makes one truly feel that "it is more blessed to give than to re- ceive." A person's knowledge may be 'Crcatly increased if daring the Vong winter evenings there is a will to raad and digest a few good books. There is going to be an interesting: fight for municipal honors in the township of Artemesia again this year when Reeve J. A. Hogarth will be opposed by Messrs. T. R. MbKenzle, a former Reeve and Warden, and Alex Cameron, who has had several years' experience in the council and as Dep- uty-Reeve. For the Deputy-Reeve's position the present holder of the office, Mr. Alex. Carruthers, will be opposed by Mr. Herbert Corbett, a member of the Council for the past three years. For the Council two of the present councillors were nominat- ed, Messrs. John Davis and T. L. Mercer with W. J. McMillan and R. Genoe also Ifor the councli. The latter was not present to bring for- ward his views and the first three names mentioned will be the Council for 1927. Since the above was set in type Mr. McKenzie has decided to retire from the field and the fight is a straight contest between Mr. Hogarth and Mr. Cameron, The nominations were received by Clerk W. J. Bellamy and the follow- ing were nominated for the various offices : FOR REEVE CAMERON, ALEX. â€" nominated by Thos. Fenwick and W. A. Gordon. HOGARTH, J. A. â€"Nominated by â- John Stewart and Geo, Best. McKENZIE, THOS. R. â€" Nominat- ed by C. McLean and W. J. Jamieson. FOR DEPUTY-REEVE CARRUTHERS. ALEX. â€" Nomin- ated by J. McKee and Les Chard. CORBETT, HERBERT â€" Nomin- ated by A. Harrison and W. J. Alcox. FOR COUNCIL DAVIS, JOHN â€" Nominated by John Boland and John Stewart. GENOE, R. F. â€" Nominated by F. Pedlar and W, A. Gordon. MERCER, THOS. L. â€" Nominated by H. McLoughry and A. Harrison. McMILLAN, W. J. â€"Nominated by Jas. Turner and John Dow, The meeting was presided over by Mr. John Boland in his usual witty manner and gave entire satisfaction. The various members of the 1926 Council gave an account of thedr stewardship and requested the supp- ort of the electors at the coming elec- tion. The meeting was very orderly but occasionally questions would be asked the speaker to throw more light unon certain sides of the question in discussion. Mr. McKenzie appealed to the elec- tors on his former record and stated that he was more in a position to serve the township to its best ends if he were head of the Council. Mr. Cameron spoke on the statute labor question and gave statistics showing iiow it would be to the advantage of the ratepayers to abolish statute lab- or at the election next Monday, when the question would be put before them again, and if the electorate looked into the question he thought that to further their own interests and to put money into the coffers of the township it was advisable to abolish statute lai)or. It was working out in many other municipalities satisfacorily and it would work out in Artemesia. Mr. McMillan, in n few words, re- quested the electors to support him if there was an election and that he would serve their interests to the be.5t of his ability if elected. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Meads for Reeve Village of Flesherton Ladiesand Gentlemen, â€" I am again in the field to serve you as your Reeve for another term. My experience of the past two years in the afafirs of the village places me in a better position to serve in the best interests of the village. I sol- icit your vote on Monday and wish you all prosperity and IwAPinea^ duT' ing the coming year. ity and haaplneas di year. rUi.^ â€" W. J. MEADS. When hw oscanc was cut off by fir in his barn on the second line, Trafal- gar township, Archie Armstrong was forced to run through the flamrj to make his exit and was badly burned about the face and arms that he will be disfigured for life. FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP Fir.st Class Barber! ng I^atcst equipment to give first class service to both men and women. A trial solicited. G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. Flesherton To Have an Election for ali4Mii(K; W.J. Meads Being Opposed by W. H. Thurston â€" Five in Field for Council >. Election Alto for Trustees The Village nominations Monday evening were well attended by the electors, showing that a deep interest is being taken in village affairs, and the numbers nominated prove that there is plenty of material available for a strong Council. It was grati- fying to see the ladles of the village out in -such large numbers. The chair waa occupied by that veteran chair- man, Mr. Joseph Blakely. The af- fairs of the village were thoroughly threshed out and considerable criti- cism was levelled at some members of tlie old council, but generally, those criticised gave satisfactory accounts of their stewardship. The following names were submitted to Clerk W. J. Bellamy on the nomination paper: FOR REEVE FINDLAY, T. W. â€" Nominated by S. deCudmore and A. Down. THURSTON, W. H. â€" Nominated by M. Wilson and D. McTavish. MEADS, W. J. â€" Nominated by A. M. Gilchrist and R. Porteous. McTAVISH, D. â€" Nominated by J. H. Field and W. L. Wright. FOR COUNCILLOR FINDLAY, T. W. â€" Nominated by H. Down and W. S. Inkster. FREEMAN, H. â€" Nominated by G. B, Welton and F. Stuart. HAWKEN, W. A. â€" Nominated by A. Down and F. Stuart. INKSTER, W. S. â€" Nominated by J. A. Blakely and C. J. Bellamy. KENNEDY, W. G. â€" Nominated by C. J. Bellamy and J. A. Blakely. PHILLIPS. 0. W. â€"Nominated by D. McTavish and R. W. Clark. PEDLAR, JOHN â€" Nominated by Robt. Fisher and R. Porteous. RICHARDSON, C. N. â€" Nominat- ed by M. Wilson and S. deCudmore. WELTON, G. B. â€" Nominated by M. Wilson and D. McTavish. FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES Wm. Burnett, proposed by E. Wick- ens and F. Brown; Chas. Stewart, proposed by F. Brown and E. Wickens; F. Stuart, proposed by G. B. Welton ind W. G. Kennedy; John Wright, proposed by M. Wilson and S. E. de- Cudmore; E. McKillop, proposed by S. E. deCudmore and A. Down; R. Richardson, proposed by S. E. deCud- more and D. McTavish. Three trustees are to be elected from the following who are standing: C. Stewart, W. Burnett, F. Stuart and E. McKillop. Cameronfor Reeve TWP. OF ARTEMESIA To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen, â€" I am a candidate for the office of Reeve for the Township of Artemcjia for the year 1927. I am in favor of sound ind economical progressive measures, in both county and township manage- ment. I believe Artemesia Tov/nshin is suffering to-day for lack of cour ageouj leadership in the Council. While neighboring municipalities have been receiving government assistance on their township road expenditure in jums varying from $3000 to f 5000 an- nually for the past two years. Arte mesia Township has, i'.fter paying out to the government over f60l)0 in motor licenses, fees and gas tax, re ceived less than |850 in government grants on county roads, and nothing at all on township road e:{pen(liture. We have a solution confronting the ratepayers of this township to-day, which means that we must spend more money on our township roads and bridges, which must come from either government grants or taxa- tion. I hope the ratepayers will vote decisively in favor of abolishing the statute labor system, which I believe will do more than any other one thing we can do to remedy this con- dition. In the county's affairs I think a reduction in taxation might be effect- ed by making less grants and less ex- penditure on county ^juildings and contemplated additions. I have had seven years experience as township and county councillor, and would ask for your support in this election. Wishing you the compli- ments of the season, I am sincerely yours, â€" ALEX. CAMERON. Eugenia, Dec. 28, 1926. A CORRECTION I understand that at the Nomination meeting for Artemesia the â- statement was made that Euphrasia township was going back to the Statute Labor method of road work, which is not correct. There is no desire to return to the old method. J. T. MILLER, Reeve. Rocklyn, December 28th, 1926. Osprey Township WIN Also Have an Election Reeve VV. L. Taylor Opposed Geo. W. Rosiâ€" To Have Deput-Reevc This Year The annual nom'nation meeting of Osprey tovoiship wis held in Maxwell and resulted in t'? decision to hold a contest. This year Osprey is to have a Deputy-Rove and the office is to be contested. A good crowd was present to list;n to the speeches. For Reeve the present holder, W. L. Taylor, is again in the field and will be opposed by Geo. W. Ros-s, who has had consider.t'^le council experience. W. C. Edwaris is seeking advance- ment and wl'l attempt to graduate from the cour. -il ranks to the Deputy chair, but v!ll be opposed by Mr. Laughlin Can:eron. For the Council Messrs. Sylvester Clarke, John Grum- mett, J. J. I'aitting and Robt. Morri- son standing for ofifce, whUe Edgar Betti, Jos. Henderson and John Lockhart d.!cided not to attempt to secure a position. Mr. Henderson been in th^ council for quite a num- ber of years and is forced to quit on account of ill health. Tne following are those nominated: FOR REEVE LOCKHART, JOHN â€" Nominated by Mr. Clarke and Robt. Coutt3. ROSS, GEO. W. â€" Nominated by E. Binnington and Donald Gilils. TAYLOR, W. L. â€" Nominated by C. A. Edwards and Wilils Neff. FOR DEPUTY-REEVE CAMERON, LAUGHLIN â€" Nom- inated by A. Mclntyre and D. McLean. "EDWARDS, W. C. â€" Nominated by Jas. McDonald and Archie Buie. LOCKHART, John â€"Nominated by J. K. Rinn and John Robinson. FOR COUNCILLORS BETTS, EDGAR â€" Nominated by | S. A. Hawkins and Dougald Stevens. ' CLARKE, Sylvesterâ€" Nominate ^ by J. K, Rinn and John Robinson. j GRUMMETT, JOHN â€" Nominated ' by Wm. Hargrave and Jas. McKenzie. I HENDERSON, Jos. â€" Nominated by John Paul and Jas. McDonald. KAITTING, J. J. â€" Nominated by | Neil McQueen and Dougald Stevens. ' LOCKHART, John â€" Nominated by ' Neil McQueen and Clifford Bristow. | MORRISON, ROBT. â€" Nominated! by Frank Seeley and Wm. Hargrave. ! i S. S. No, 9, Artemesia. Sr. 4â€" Hattie MacRae, Cecil Magee. , Clinton Magee, Neil MacDonald, Tom Skinner. Jr. 4 â€" Rowena Magee, Dorothy Jamieson. I Jr. 3 â€" Stanley Magee, Bob Skinner, Biilie Hanley, Percy Smith, Willie Fenwick. Jr. 2 â€" Gerald Magee, Doris Mac- Rae, John Skinner. ! Ist Classâ€" Edith Fenwick, Wesley Jamieson, Ella McRae, Ben Hanley. 1st Class â€" Lilian Magee. Fern Magee, Carrie Skinner. The AUiston Herald says that a carload of feeding com has l>een unloaded there by the Alliston Mill- ing Co.. Oats this year having been light, it is necessary to supplement them with some other feed, and by grinding the com very finely and ad- ding a little to the oats a high per- centage of nutrition is secured. Vote Carruthers for Deputy-Reeve I TWP. O FART EMESIA Ladies and Gentlemen, â€" At the elections on Monday I soli- cit the support of the ratepayers of the township of Artemesia to return meto the office of Deputy-Reeve for the year 1927. My experience of four years as councillor and one year as Deputy-Reeve has put ni3 in a posi- tion to serve the interests of the Township in an t'fficient manner. Wishing you all the compliments of the season and all kinds of prosperity during 1927. Y'ours very sincerely, ALEX. CARRUTHERS. PRICEVILLE We were pleased to have sach beautiful weather for Christmai. Misses Esther McLean, Violet Wat. son. Louisa Watson, Victoria McMill- an, Margaret Tryon, Donelda Niehol, Myra McLean and Anna May McLean, teachers, are spending the Chriitmas holidays at their parenUl homes here. Misses Florabell McLean, Ethel Watson, Katie McTaggart, Sadie and Mary McKinnon, Deliah McPhail, May HfcDermid. Olive McLean. Esther Mc- [nnis, Dorothy and Eva Carson. Nellie McLean, Margaret Smellie and Doris McLean, all of Toronto, holidayed at their respective homes around town. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mino and two sons, Biilie and Howard, of Toronto are visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Watson's for the Christmas holiday. I We are sorry to report the death of I Mr. Albert Jones of town on Friday .last. The funeral took place Mon- Iday, December 27tU to McNeil ceme- ! tery. The sympathy of the commun- ; ity goes to the bereaved ones, j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson and child- ren of Durham spent Christmas-tide I at W. G. Watson's. I Mr. Arthur Burnett of Bossanio, I Alta., is home for a few months of a , vacation. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bowes and family of Markdale holidayed at the Misses James' and at Mermie McLean's. Mr. Jim McLeod of Tilbury is holi- daying at his home here. Mr. Wreaford McLean returned from the North to his home on the North Line. BORN MONTGOMERY â€" Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Montgomery (nee Mabel Swift) announce the birth of a daughter, on Friday, December 24th, 1926, Gwen- doln Mabel. Vote Hogarth for Reeve TWP. OF ARTEMESIA To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen,â€" 'After serv- ing you for the past six years, I now seek re-election as your Reeve for 1927. Your wish as affirmed at the polls in regard to abolishing statute labor will be rigidly adhered to if I am elected. Regarding the finances of the Township, the financial report shows a handsome balance of $6,721.- 92, which is the bc3t babnce for some years. Wishing you or? and all a happy and prosperous ^'ew- Year, -J. A. HOGARTH. WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3, 1927, AT THi: OWEN SOUND, ONT. Individual Instruction, Shorthand Course. General Business Course, Farmers' Business Course. Circulars free to any address. C. A. Fleming, P.C.A. G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN THANKING OUR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS FOR THEIR LIBERAL PATRONAGE IRT THE PAST AND WISHING THEM ALL A BRIGHT & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Wishing You all a Happy & Prosperous New Year WITH A GOOD CROP OF OATS IN 1927. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON =» To our Friends and Customers HEARTY GREETINGS AND SINCERE GOOD WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR 1 ^ \ .• V"? â- * /â-  ^ > > I* ;â-  ^ V * â- ' I •^ •* , .r- S V < V, ir \ t,"^ S •'» 4 ' 1 1 Ml <r^ m FRANK W. DUNCAN GENERAL HARDWAR.E Phonea: 54w and 54j

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