Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1927, p. 1

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W)t fks^ttion %tfwmct. Vol 46 No. 32 FlesbertoOk^Ontario January 5, 1927 W. H. Thuraton & Sod, Piot>w e to B» EUGENIA RCXaCMULXS New Years comes, the oW year goes. Bet here's to wish yoa through the glad New Year, prosperaos days and all good cheer. Mn. Quesnel and cliiidren ot Owen Sound spent Christntas with Ms. aad Mrs. Joseph Sherwood. Mr. Germld Large of Niacin Falls and lady friend, BGss ICIdted Cas- well, tX Flesherton, were viaitMs at the Euipana Hoase. A very^ pleasant eveniaar was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob WQliaaia Christmas night, when a number of the village people assem- bled there. The party laroke np at midnight. Messrs. John and Sam McDonald spent Christmas with their ancle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Blatt Wood, Mark- daley Miss Laara Faweett of Toronto vis- ited over New Years Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^as. Faweett. A dance was held in the L. 0. L. HaQ on Friday night, Dec. 31st, when a large crowd was in attendance and a very pleasant time is reported. Miss Lottie Badgerow, 4th line, vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. C. Boyce, recently. Mr. Charles Park has returned to Detroit after visiting over Christmas with his parents here. The Misses Mary and Isabelle McKee retimed to Toronto on Sat- urday to resume their positions there. The schools re-opened on Tuesday. Miss Johnston of Kemble returned to her school here and Miss Christie of Owen Sound to her fchovi, 8th linei We wish them success this term. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood and Miss Lucy and Mr. John Itngf spent New Years Day at Mr. Donald McDonald's. Mir. David Genoe nnd daoe^ter, Dorothy,' of East Mountain, spent the' first of the week with the former's sister, M». Ed. Hillock. We were pleased to have a call from Mrs. Genoe. On Tuesday aft»nooB of last week the Sunday school children were given a jolly sleighride, after which a dainty lunch was served in the basement of the church and a social time indulged in. The children enjoyed this event greatly. The annual school meeting was held on Wednesday of last week, to vrind ap tig year's bssiness. T^ Trvtstee Board now consists of Mr. Francis . Goioe, Mr. John Campbell and Mr. Cardwell Graham. - Mr, Gra- ham is successor to Mr. A. F. Pedlar, the retiring trustee. Now when the Trustee Board meets ft will be a ham was appointed delegate to the Toronto convention, as well as re- ceiving the appointment of Secretary- Treasurer. Mr. Joseph Sherwood again gets the caretaking of the schooL Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and famly spent New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Mr. Walker Sloan has secured work in Northern Ontario and left last week to commence his duties. Success. Master Teddy Dixon visited Flesher- nn friends recently. Mrs. E. Partridge and , children : a few dajrs with Mr. and Mrs. .if. Partridge, Collingwood gravel. We are aorry to report Mrs. Will Magee on the sick list, but hope.slve n-.ay soon be well again. Mis» Josephine Falconer of Durham visited the past week with Mr. and Mis. Harold Falconer here. Congratulations to Mr. Alex. Cam- ~ eron on receiving such a large num- ber of votes, but we are sorry he did not succeed.. Remember the motto. Aler.t â- "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." PORTLAW The roada are in ideal shape for teaming as there is just enough snow to make good sleighing. Cars are also namingr yet. Miss Reta Monaghati is visiting with her uncle, Mr. Cecil Monaghan, wife and family. The school meeting which was held last Wednesday wasn't very largely attended. Mr. Harry Patton was el- ected trustee, in the place of Mr. Lea Chafd, whose term expired this year. Mr. Walter Russell is the new care- Uker. School has opened again after the Christmas holidays. Bfr. and Mn. Thos. Betts held their annual gathering on New Year's Day, it being also the 3Sth anniversary of their wedding day. All their family was present, and also other relatives, numbering thirty in all. A happy time was spent together. In the evening a program was given consist- ing of songs, recitations and speeches, aM at the dose all joined in singing ••God be with .you till we meet again." Mrs. J. Small of Alliston and bro- ther, Mr. Em Hargrave of Warehum, recently visited with their uncle, Mr. Mhn Hargrave, wife end son. Mr. Chas. Newell spent New Years writh relatives near Duriuuot Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous visited on Sunday with their son, Mr. Art Porteous, and wife ef Osprey. Mis$ Ethel Talbot and brother, Mr. Ab. Talbot, from near Dundalk visit- ed with their cousin, Mrs. Walter Rus- sell, on Sunday. Miss Ekie .^welj, who has spent a week with ber father and sisters here, haS|Jfift for Vandeleur. Messrs. Geo. and Lewis Newell and Thos. Whitmore of Durham spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croffheld a New Years 8:athering( when twenty-seven were present. , Mr. acd Mrs. Dick Claris and family spent New Years with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark, in Flesherton. It was decided to discontinue the Baptist prayer meetings for the months of January and February on account of the bad roads at this settson of tht yta,-- Sunday school and Church service as usoal next Sunday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid will hold their Jan- nary meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Dargavel on the 18th. This will be the annual business meeting and all members are requested to be present and any visitors are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woods and babe of Owen Sound are holidaying at tSe latter'sij parental home, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ksher's, Mr. and Mrs. G. Warling and fam- ily of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and son of Feversham spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft at the Mill. Again we wish The .Advance staff, those of their household/ and every- body, also, a happy New Year. Co- operation will do wonders ta bring the wished for results. Mrs. Jeremiah Thompson 'cf ColT- ingwood, who has been ill for some time, is now at the home of h^ daughter, Mrs. Albert Blackbam, where she is being nursed, and we hope she will seon be restored to good health. Mirs. J. A. Tompson and daughter. Mrs. Fisher, attended the funeral of a cousin, Mr. McArthur, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson enjoyed yuletide with members of their fam- ily in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lyons have Srett^ed from the West and wiB again take np farming on the Centre Line. » Mrs. W. Warren, Miss Lizzie and George Blakey were home from To- ronto for the holiday season. Mrs. W. J. Love visited with her daughter, Mrs. Hannah, at Berkeley. Miss May MHjennan of Prot^ vis- ited with her friend. Miss Pearl Wat- son. Miss Clinton spent Christmas at home in Toronto. Mrs. John Shiers visited a few days with friends in Toronto. Miss Watson of Proton visited with Miss Iva McNally. At the annual ratepayers' school meeting Mr. Wesley Plantt was elect- ed trustee. The other members of the board are Mr. F. T. Taylor and Mr. C. D. Meldrum. 3&-. Lewis Sheardown was re-appointed Secre- tary-Treasurer an«^ the caretaking fell to Mr. Jas. Hopps. Mrs. J. L. Woods, Mrs. Edward Haney, Mr. Will and Miss Violet Taylor of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tay- lor during the Christmas season. Mrs. R. D. Meldrum was taken very criticaly ill on Monday and an oper- ation was being arranged for when relief came, and it is hoped that she will soon, be out of danger and on a fair way to reoove.v. PROTON STATION Congratulations to the new Deputy- Re<tve. Mr. Herbert Corbott ot Proton Stati«t. Miss ^ngHah, our pu^ic school teacher, is again on duty. The stu- dents and teachers, of the Bible sehool are back again from their vacation and the visiting teacers and students, hive returned again to thair ^rarious a«tdemys of leamiag. Mrs. Chesttr' ofi ScaVboro Beach - <ip«nt the holidays «| the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Ja*. Neilson. ' Mr. and Mr^ A. Coutts of Toronto spent New Years ftt the home of the Matter's parents, Itr. anl Mrs. R<)om«. Miss Ua Satchelor is visiting in Owen Sound.. . » • ...iM- Mf. Vau.?e spent Nei^, Wr. IW*. Vartsc NEW BOOKS IN THE KIMBEl^EY LIBRARY. Curly Tops in the woods. Curly Tops at Cherry Farm. Curly Tops at Silver Lake. Curly Tq»s at Star Island. The Boy From the Ranch. The Boys of Belwood School. The Boy Ranchers Among the In- dians. Only a Farm' Boy. Darry the Life Saver. Dick, the Bank Boy. The Yellow Fairy Book. The Red Fairy Book. Ruth Fielding in the North. Penny Plain, Pollj-amia, Tlekher- stone. Emily of the New Moon. Viking Heart. Nan of Music Mountain. Masterman Ready. Jack Harkaway's Adventures. Jack Harkaway at Oxford. Tralin'. , The Moon Out of Reach. TKe Lamp in the Desert. Th'.' Night Horseman. >The Call of the Canyon. The Yuk^ Trail. The HTtite Flap. The Alaskan. The Rosary. The Spirit of the Border. The Mistress^ of Shenstone. Ironheart. Thoroughbreds. Mrs. Red Pepper. Runn^ Special. _ "Roopi the Corner in Gay Street. V teaf,-«rs. S. ftbURRlTT, Librarian^ |lt<Hinso^ ^ »oA af I '^ Women's Institute at Port iittW^^^V^W' vfeitora* a\ the ^fm« lv« , i^e«4f»ted Unft>,j J«ek«, it .C.^hfmt^.^ ' .Idhjsfcn of the igBlO^ 9A<«^ , CEYLON PRICEVILLE VANDEUSHm a Mrand Mrs. 6oy of Toroato •» the guests of Mr. ' and Xtwt Akox. Mrs. Hare, soi^fverett and ter Dorothy. spenVka few days witili Messrs. Lundy and Will Jofasstoa. School re-opened on Bbmday wii.i Miss Jhompson of Bildey in ehacse. At the sehM meeting on Wedw. day of last week Mr. E. Waiinig waa- eiected trustee and Mr. George Sha»> non auditor. Mr. Amos Bowler gofc zix contract for the wood, and Mr, Sam Gilbert was appointed earetala&. Vandeleur Sunday school had a vecj successful anniversary entertainment on Tuesday evening of last week. A, splendid supper was served in tte basement, after which a Tine prognfB of songs, recitations, musicr eta* was rendered in the church. Ba^. F. N. Bowes acted as chairman. The proceeds amounted to about $37.09. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham aad children of Markdale and Mr. aad Mrs. Russel Graham and babe, ef Sligo, spent New Years with Mr. aad Mrs. J. L Graham. FEVERSHAM Mrs. Robt. Ratledge and babe Beft' The New Year has begtin with ex- Friday for their home at Bala, after ' ceeiBngly fine weather, and ears still spending Christmas with her parents, >nuining on the provincial roads. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall i Misses Donelda NichoU Violet Wat- Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith left Wed- (son, Louisa Watson, Margaret Tryon nesday to visit relatives at Norval. j and Esther McLean have returned to '^Mr. and Mrs. Chas; bisb and babe their school duties after enjoying the who ' spent Christmas and New > holidays at their parental homes here. Years here wilk Mr. S. Hemphill and | ^Lr. Pete Johnston has returned family, left Monday fd^ their home to his school after spending the hoH- in Toronto. days at his home at St. Thomas. Mr. Joseph Hemphill of Dundalk i Dr. and Jfflr* Milne were New Year visited with his brother, Ifr. S- Hemp- guests of Mr. -A B. McArthur, Glen, hill, last week. - [ 5&rs. 3<yine of Ehnwood was the Mr. Frank Stewart returned Satur- guest of her son^. Dr. and Jitn last day to his duties in Toronto. ;week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mino and sons babe of Toronto and Mr. Jack White have returned to Toronto after spend- teacher at Williams who spent Christ- nig the ChrisiRas week with Mr. and mas and New Years ' with their Mrs. Khner Watson, mother, returned Saturday to their { Miss NeUie McLean and Dorothy duties. ] Carson recnme^ to Toronto. Mrs. Sara Archibald Sr. left Sat- \ Mr. Bobbie Young of Toronto, Knox urday to visit her daughter at Toron- College, filled tltt pulpit of the Pres- to and Chatham. .byterian church Sunday. He rend- Mr. Stxmley and Lewis Thibaadeait jred a very beautiful solo in high at Markdale visited at Mr. John tenor voice. Stewart's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson spent Mr. Ross Leslie, who visited at Mr. New Years with the latter's parents, A. MoMiillen's on Saturday, left to Mr. and Mrs. .A. B. Mc.\rthur. Glen, visit at Walkerton, Master Orton and Mr. and >Irs. Sam McDermid and Fern Leslie accompanied their father family spent the New Year holiday for the week end holiday. at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson's, Mr. and Mrs. R. Speers and son, Dromore. Hariey. of Mt. Pleasant spent New^ We are sorry to say tiiat our school Years at Mr. Fred Wright "s. will not be opened for another week, Btr. Goldwyn McMullen of Toronto on account of furnaces being out of visited with his father, Mr. Wilson order. McMullen. Mrs. .Annie Graham was the guest Mr. Ernest Mo?fulIen of Toronto oif he» brother, Mr. Malcolf Mclnnes. i visited under the parental roof. over th < holiday. Mrs. Bolton and son, Levi, scent Mr. ..'im McLeod returned to Til- the week en/ with friends at Dundalk. bury M 'nday after a week's vacation Mr. Harold Spoford. U.F.Q. buyer, with his father, Mr. A. D. McLeod. had a ear of com arrive on Monday. Comm -.nion service was observed -A meeting was held at the home of Sunday. -January 2nd. at the United Mn;. .\. E. Haw on Friday afternoon. Chinch b :re. when a Ladies' -Aid Society was for- The concert given by Miss Ljnnox med in conection with the church. It of Durham, assisted by !Miss' Mc- was decided to hold a social evenirig Comb of Durham and Mr. Jim Milne in the church Tuesday night, when it of town and the McDou^ald orchestra. is hoped that a most enjoyable even- last Tuesday evening was a Acided ! ing will be spent. success. We hope Miss Lennox may i Mr. and Mrs. .Alfred Genoe spent favor Priceville at least once in'the i '»°^^'^3' **^ ^^"^ parental Tiome New Years at Mr. Luther Duckett"s. future. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and __^___^______ son. Jack, of Lauriston spent New Years at Mr. Roy Piper's. GIRLS MIST RETl RN RLNG STH LINE. ABTEMESIA. Toe Late Last Week. Miss Melrose Campbell of Eagenia is spending a few dajrs with her coo- sin. Miss Irva Magee.. Mrs. Wm. Hyslop of Eugenia is vis- iting her daughter. Mrs. Wilfred Ma- ge*- » f Miss Martha Fenwick and friend, Mr. Biggar, of Owen Sound, spent Christmas with the former's pastaS. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton and fam- ily, of Portlaw, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Miss Ha Magee and friend. Miss Greenaway. have returned ixoia» after spending a couple of months with friends in Toronto. Miss Mabel Williams spe^t Christ- mas with her mother, Mrs. Gko. Bee- croft. Miss Claribel Fenwick s|lknt the Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMiUan and babe of Markdale visited over Chrtst- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamie- The school concert on December 22 was a success. *The recitations, songs and dialogues by the pupils were v.-ell rendered, and the play: "'.-V Double Proposal", by the young people, was laughable. The teachers. Miss Ferris and Miss Clements, de- serve great credit for the way they had their pupils trained. The holiday visitors in our viUagre were: Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Gordon and Ray Henderson and Miss Ruby Henderson with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. H» Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe of Owen Sound with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eby; Miss- May Whiteoak and Miss Violet Davidson of Toronto at their parental homes; Mrs. H. B. Horton of Toi-onto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Col- quette; Mr. Geo, Heron ol' Dunville at Mr. Alister's; Miss Queenie Kaitt- ing of Riverview with her father, Mr. J. J. Kaitting. Mr. John Conn visited last week vrith his nephew. Jas. Conn, and fam- ily at Streetsville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne spent N«w Years with Mrs. Osborne's sister, Mrs. Ed. Croft, Rock Blills. Our public school opened on Mon- day with Mr. Ken Boyd as teacher. BORN â€" Oh Sunday. January 2, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby. a daughter. rORONTO LINE. NORTH .A happy and prospero^^ new year to the editor, staff and readers. Mr. Chas. Perigoe of Detroit is spt'iding a while with his sister, Mrs. A. Stewart, and his mother. Mrs. I. Perigoe. who is very low. Mr. Harold Lever and uncle, Mr. Walter C)arlh of Barrie. spent a day uist week with the former's sister Mrs. R. Wood, near Wodehouse. Miss Mable Thibaudeau visited her firenc. Miss Bessie Stewart. Master .Argyle Martin of Eugenia speni the Christmas holidays with his grandparent-.:, Mr. and Mrs, T. Lever. Mr. aad Mrs. J. .\. Lever returned home from Brussels last week. * We are sorry to report Miss Hoppe» ill at present. Miss Lizzie Murphy and brother, 1 John, spent the w^eek end with th«r ) .A court has ruler that where a girl breaks her promise of marriage she is not entitled to keep the ring, but is required by law to return it. That seems just. The case at point ] was an $SO0 ring, but the principle ] holds whether it be ISOO or $25. Loss ; of the girl is usually bad enough for i ^t«- Eiwood Partridge and faniBr the luckless swain, without the for- 1 *»ave gone to Toronto to spend a feit of cold cash besides. It may J «>"Pl<? «^f weeks. Mrs. Alfred Part- seem a mercenary attitude, but when r'dge accompanied them. . -*» , jsister, Mrs. Brawn. • Miss Hattie McRae is spending a few davs with her aunt, Mrs. McLeoi love flies out of the window â€" well, business is business, â€" The Chesley Enterprise. VICrrORlA CORNERS Mrs. Louise Bannon and children are visiting with her mother and fa- ther. Mr. and Mrs. George Aeheson. at Bethel. W'e are sorry to hear that Mr. Scott has been called to the bv'dside of his mother, who is very ill. Mr. Jack Robinson of Oakville ^p«nt Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Milton Bannon, and mother. Mrs. Robinson. Ivan Lockhart has gone to Toronto where he expects to go to school. Mr. Ernest Miners is visiting his. uncle. Mr. Albert Stevens. Misses Violet and Dot Stevens spent the Christmas holidays with s'-Jc^^ss. their .p»re''.ts. Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Stevens. Ren -Aeheson, Kingsley G^lagher and Clayton Betts are returning t» the States after spending their 'iholi-.. days with friends here. MAXWELL Miss Florence Stevenson of "Mc- 1 Intyre is visiting her sister, Mra. R. \ J. Morrison. \ Miss Shirley Buckingham has re-i turned to Dundalk after spending the'. holidays here. Miss .Aleda McLean of Rob Roy spent a few days with her friend, ; .Miss S. McLeod. ; The United Ladies' -Aid Society will i h.>Id their regular meeting at the , home of Mrs. Wm. Morrison Thurs- ' day. January 6th. j Miss .\rtle Wright has returned to j ToroiWo after spending holidays at ] hor parental home here. 1 The United Church choir met at . the home of Mrs. (Rev.) New Fri- day evening last and presented Dr. i Guy, their organist, with a pair ofl Masonic cuff links and Mrs. Guy with j ft vase to show their appreciation for the splendid help Dr. aad Mrs. Gey j are in keeping the choir going. I Miss Maynard has again resumed j duti ^ as teacher here. j Thep rgressfire euchve party and i dane4(eld her last Wednesday, under; The protrressive euchre party and; danee.held here last Wednesday, under [ the ftMspic»s of the L.O.B..A-. was ;\, Misr ^acPHAlL RE.M^BERED.' Mis .\gMs Mac|^ilk M. P. for, 9outh-Citit CJr«}', reived on Christ-, »* _ .^,^ . « . . • >»*» i^swtnlnit « telegram fwtm Lady M« Duckett of EDCekia spent the. WiUiufdon wishing her a "Merry I Pk end with Mar^^awt Moore. t chri.t.:ia»and h.-»ppy New Yev" ' ' â- ""^^ ' t J^tes M»cPhail had met th^ fimti ^.Raymond *!f«»tod Maj. Snet-| Tadj^ 4>f the laisd so«aMy in OUawa, siOfS)!' « the mayotality contest fn ! and fee»s proud to number her amonir â- ^otBlHsfy hj 24 TOtw.^ j iiet fri«*h and w^b wishsrs. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUXER.\L P.\RLORS 122-124 .Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Khigsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. HOUSE OFGIUALITY GROCERIES We carry a full line of FRESH Groceries CONFECTIONERY Neilson's Fancy & Bulk CKocolates Patterson's Bars â€" Trv their WILD FIRE ICE CREAM BRICKS always on hanq FLOUR & FEED Purity. Royal Household 6c Five Roses. Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Rolled Oats, Oat Chop» Barley Chop, Crocked Corn, Wheat, & Corn S.ALT Barrel and Sacks Stare closed Tues. and Thur. W. J. STEWART & SONS FIoi. , Fted. SMda, Groverie* and Coaf««tiMMry * Flesherton «Mip li Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and SOU Percy spent a couple of days with his sister. Mrs. Ed. McKean. Bavenna. Miss Muriel Fenwick has gone to Advertise m The Advance jOwen Sound to spend her Christmas ' [holidays. -«4 s"^- -• <s 5^H 5=:. I] $â-  ^at. .<« 'iJ^iS^, '^-^mm^-:

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