^â- â- "^^^'^^(•Bii^ i/H Wi.lP. iii.B|.illl|^^ ^ijp^LP^IP WEDNESDAY. JULY 20. 19S7 THB FLESHERTON ADVANCE Renew Your I A quiet life, plenty of sltsep and C««d ybte food «r« helpful to young foUu prepmring for eunainations. iTbe secret of health ia the eating of onions. But the trouble is to keep it » flMMft f Daily Subscriptions Through A Pennyilavania man, after an ab- sence of 40 years, has returned home to pay hii ddbta. And no doubt a good many of the old boys would be glad to see him. An automobile expert has figured it out that the average car, when travelling at fifteen miles per hour, uses one-half horae-power to over- come the resistance of the atmos- phere. When the speed is increased \to thirty miles an hour, the air re- sistance is ten horsepower to over- come it. Thi Advance We take subscriptions for all daily papers and perodicals. You don't need to do business of this kind with strangers or go to the trouble of sending by mail. Pay us and we will be responsible for getting your daily to you regularly. Clean Up Paint Up USE THE WALLPAPER THAT IS GUARANTEED NOT TO FADE. CHOOSE YOUR PATTERN AND I CAN GET IT FOR YOU IN36 HOURS. USE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT â€" TWO COATS GO AS FAR AS THREE OF MOST PAINTS. IT LOOKS BETTER AND WEARS MUCH LONGER. ORDER A NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE. Don't forget your Screen Windows. Order from: A. E. HAW, Ceylon STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 6 P.M. Over 300 Hive Mreaiy Secured Driver's License The garages in town haV« been kept busy the past couple of weeka iasuing the new dri vera' licenses and well over three hundred have already complied with the new regulatiena. A feature of tBe new regulstiona is the stipulation that every such person must fill in his or her own application. These application blanks may be secured free gratis at any garage, or from the Chief of Police, and must be filled out before a per- mit will be granted, which costs $1.00. A reasonable time is being allowed for drivers to secure their license, but all drivers mint secure one. Experienced drivers â€" ^that is those who have driven a car for more than six months and at leaat 600 miles, can get their permit for $1 by fill- ing out particulars of driving ex- perience, physical fitneas, etc., and by satisfactorily answering all the questions on the application form. To the inexperienced or "green** driver, an inatruction permit, costing $1, and good for sixty days, will be issued. If in that period, auch driv- er passes the prescribed test, he will be granted the ful license without any additional cost. If, however, an examination is not taken, he will be compelled to take out another in- struction permit. BASEBALL NOTES 4BB Dnndalk again showed their >uper- init^ Wer KlmberWy iB • league! game in Xhindalk 9n Monday after- 1 noon when they "took-in" the boys from the Beaver Valley to the dose score of 10-9. The game was real good, but Dund^lk had the end on their visitors. The defeat on Monday was Kimber- ley second to Dundalk in one- week, having goile under to Mel Thompson's shoots in Markdale by a one-sided score on the Twelfth. It leaves the Kimberley aggregation with one win and two defeats. Dundalk heads the League with three wins and no losses, and have shown unexpected strength this year. At first it was expected by the most optimistic fans that Kimberley would have an eaay time in tie League, but first guesses seem to be away off. BORN MORRISONâ€" In Glenelg on Sun., July 10th, 1927, to Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Morrison, a 'son. SHEARDOWNâ€" In Artemesia, on Sunday, July 17th, 1927, to Mr. and Mn. Lewis Sheardown, a son. MARRIED McConnell â€" Mclntyre â€" At Mea- ford, on Tuesday, July 12th, 1927 at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. A. E. Armstrong, Annie Pearl Mclntyre, of Owen Sound to George Basil McConnell of Kim- berley. What a pity that cyclone in Al- berta did not blow some of the cele- brated coal this way! In Montana a fur-bearing fish is reported. As a general thing, the poor fish pays for the furs. I Going without stockings isn't ex- pensive enough to become a fad. The Flesherton team plays Kimber' ley in Flesherton this Thursday af temoon at 4 p.m., when they hope to get into the win column by defeating them. It will be a crucial game for Kimberley also, and both teams will be out battling to come out ahead. ' In the last game with Dundalk Gus Morrison, the young Fleshwton pit- cher held Dnndalk scoreless until the seventh inning by excellent pitching. With practice which he has received since he should make good in the game on Thursday. A big crowd is ex- pected for this game and the fans are asured of a snappy game. Fire Insurance The undersigned has been ajpbinted agent for the Assurance companies: •f AUm AMurance Cmg^ptnj. The Northern Aseurance ConqMay. llie London Guarantee ft Ackient Ca, Ltd. The Norwidi Union Firtf Insurance. To those who are looking for good fire insurance you would do well to consult me. Aiex. McEachnie FLESHERTON. ONT. Small Advertisements LOST â€" Ewe and February lamb.} BULL FOB 8BBVICE. both have black f acee. Finder please ' â€" â€" notify Adam Hyalop. Phone 48rll. | Pure-bred Hereford Bull for acr- â€" j vice. Terms f2, payable the first of LOST â€" Between Robt. Graham's | February, after that date $2.60 will and The Beaver Fishing Club, imi- •>• charged. tation robe. â€" ^Finder please notify A. Hyslop, Eugenia. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Dundalk ... Kimberley . Flesherton Won Lost p.c. 3 1000 1 2 2 CAME ASTRAYâ€" To my premises on or sftwut June 23rd, one yearling heifer. Owner claim property and pay expenses. â€" Jos. H. Watson, K. R. No. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Fresh lime. â€" Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia. I'OR SALEâ€" Good steel tire buggy, first class shape. Will sell cheap. â€" ^H. Down, -Fleahertod. FOR SALE â€" 11 Pigs two and a half months old. â€" Geo. Fisher, Ceylon, Phone40 r 3. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERYICB Registered Shorthorn bull for vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey, "^errf Marquis" No. 179,136; Sire. Bonnia Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terma â€" Purebreds $5.00. grades $2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Bngeafau .333 .000 Dundalk 10, Kimberley 9 GAMES THIS WEEK Thursday â€" Kimberley at Flesherton July 27 â€" Flesherton at Dundalk. SIX HILL STORES ^j^'bur tofathar in order Ibal oar taMkomers in the tii com- ngunillea^nilf maAorially bon- M IndivldtMlly. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario A Store avaryona inatinc^- iwaly aaaociatas with highS quality marohaiKliao at tht|{ (aireit poaaibkt pricoa. It ivill more than pay you To join the ever increasing number of people who are doing their shopping at Hill.s'. The big store is filled with bargains in seasonable merchandise. Below are a few of the many special lines which are listed for clearing. Dry Goods Department Gent's Furnishings LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Special Rack of Ladies' and Misses' Summer Dresses ol different materials and assorted colors, to clear at Half Price. LADIES' AND MISSES' FELT HATS Two dozen only, Ladies' and Mises' Felt Hatg in the new summer ahades such ta mauve, white, pur- ple, trreen, blue and sand. Half price while they last itbc. each. IMPORTED VOILES Imported Voiles, all the newest shades. Values up to 65c. Clearini^ at ,1<Jc. a yard. FUGI SILK AND FINE RAYON Fugi Silk and Fine Rayon, all the new shades. Very Special Clearing at 69c. u yard. vSVVISS C)KC..\ND1E Swiss Organdie in different shades. Regular Value $1.25. Clearing at 7!»c. per yard. ALL LINEN TOWELING All Linen Towelling in colored border. Very Spec- ial 6 yards for 73c. FANCY SILK CREPES, RAYONS & SILK VOILES Fancy .Silk Crepes, Kayons and Silk Voiles, beaut, jful patterns, newest shades. Values up to $1.85 Clearing at 05c. a yard, LADIES' FINE WOOL SWEATERS Ladies' Sample Sweater CuntH, colors wltitt>, green sand and lilue, Mzc» .S6 to 42. All nice, clean, new goods. Very popular for summer wear. Clearing at |.'i.U5 each. LADIES SPORT SUITS $8.50 Ladies' Sport Suits, very new for summer wear. .Samples. Kxtra Value. Clearing at $«.5() per suit. LADIES' 31LK HOSE Ladies' Silk Ho«e, assortcil colors, uhout five doz- en this lot. While they last Clearing at 4l)c. per pair, BOY'S KHAKI BLOOMERS 89c. Boys' Khaki Bloomers, sizes 24 to S2L A (;ood knockabout trouser. Clearing at 89c. a pair. MEN'S OVERALS $1.89 Men's Overalls in Black and Blue stripe. Extra value, why pay more? ner pair $1.89. WORK SHIRT SPECIAL 89c. Men! Look! A Work Shivt. Special 89c. a garment. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR 59c. Men's Summer Underwear, balbriggan shirts i^nd drawers, sizes 34 to 64. Clearmg at per garment 69c. MEN'S STRAW AND PANAMA HATS 20 PER CENT. OFF Shoe Department We have placed for clearing our entire stock of Men's, Boys' Ladies' and Children's Shoes at Spec- ial Clearing Prices. Come in and look them over and we know that the prices will satisfy. . Groceries Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds for 72c. Macaroni in bulk, 3 pounds for 25c. Matchcj, '.i boxes for 22c. P &G Soap, 5 bars for „ '.'. .> 25c. Tiger Catsup in tins, 5 for 25c. .•^our rioklej, nmirt jar for , , 38c. One Pound of Good Black Tea for 69c. Corn Flakea, 3 boxes for 27c. A Good Heavy Broom 49c. A Good Salmon, 1 pound tin 10c. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. Thwaites of Toronto is visit- ing with her friend, Mrs. McKee. This is your home paper, send in all the news you can. Miss Beatrice Thistlethwaite of To- ronto 13 holidaying at her home here Mr. I(en Boyd spent the week end at his home here. Jiiss Daisy McFaddsn spent the wccl; end w'.th her cousins in Mark- dale. Mrs. Lou Frederick of Tacoma, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton, for a few days. Misses Maud and Hazel Ellbon of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland. Mrs. Roy Neilson and son of Tor- onto are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy accom- panied Mr. G. E. Henry of Berkley to Granton on Sunday. Mrs. Henry and family returned with them after spending a few holidays at her home there. Mr. Fred Davis, mother and sister, motored from Miami, Florida, and are spending a few days with W. J. Stewart and family. The party left Miami on Tuesday afternoon of last week, arriving in Georgetown on Sunday evening and in Flesherton on Monday. Mrs. McCann Sr. and Mrs. McCann Jr. and daughter, Dorothy, and sons, Edward and Gilmour, of Toronto are spending the week wtih the former's daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Harrower at the parsonage. Mr. McCann will FOR SALE â€" ^Fourteen pigs, five week old. John Hatton, R. R. No. 5 Markdale, Phone 29 r Z. FOR SALE â€" McCormack Binder, 7 foot cut, second hand, all com- plete. â€" H. Down and Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" ^Mare, good worker re- asonabse price â€" ^W. R. Meads, R. R. 3 FrlceTille, Ont. FOR SALE â€" ^Two-furrow Perrin Plow in good condition, cheap for cash, â€"Louis Kerton, Maxwell. FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed #owl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. 31tf FARM FOR SALE The lovely farm property of H. D. McLoughry, one and a half miles east of Markdale and cbse to the Provincial highway, containing 50 acres on which is erected a solid brick house, six rooms with kitchen and woodahed. Soft wa'-.er cistern, cement floor in basement, large orch- ard and small fruits. Bam 40 by 50 on stone foundation. Cement floors in stable. Drive ^hed 30 by40. Stone basement with cement floors for ho|r pen. Also Lot 127 in the same range, five acres of which are cleared, bal ance heavily timbered swamp. 'There are 30 acres in hay and grain which may be purchased with the farm. A. D. McLoughr^ R. R. 4 'Phone 30 r 121 Markdale, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Few choice young Chinchilla does from pedigreed stock, jUo i-year-old pedigreed buck; at a right price. â€" Kendal R. W. Hawkins, Eugenia. BOAR FOR aBRyies No. 92.7W80. Alao^ yoo^ shire pig, both bMos tyy* ftr on lot 179. N.W. T. A SJL. Turmaâ€" 91.OOL â€" T. J. BTDreoir. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" Lot 170 and half of 169, third con., N. Tor- Sonto and Sydenham Road. Good pas- ture land, with water on the property. For further particulars apply to â€" Miss M. M. Binnie, 93 Jackman Ave., Toronto.^ FOR SALE â€" Ford 1 ton truck, 1 Ford sedan, FouivNinety Chevrolet touring, all in good shape; three oil measuring pumps; quantity of car repairs; quantity of lumber, one inch, (scantling and plank) â€" Arthur McKay R. R. 3, Priceville, Phone 21 r 6. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat- urday only. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. Resijtered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,9M â€"Property of Saugeen Baeon Hoc C3ub. Terms 91.00. â€" C. HINDI.£, Proton Statical. Lota 168-9, 3rd W.TJS3., ArtemesU. FARM FOR SALE Maple Grove Farm. Lot 12, Con. 9, Osprey, of 100 acres. Good frame house, bank barn 50x62, straw bam 24x60, good well and windmill, water in house and barn, eighty fine acres under cultivation. Due to ill health motor up and spend the week end, owner wishes to sell immediately and when all will return to the city. Mr. will make good offer for quick sale. and Mrs. John King and Melva of Toronto were week end visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Harrower. Last week The Advance inadvert- ently missed including the name of Stuart Ellis of Kimberley as one of the successful Entrance candidates at that centre. In the examination list of form one of the high school, Harold Turner received second class honors in history and geography and first class in art and agriculture, while Evelyn Turner received first class honors in history and art and second class in agriculture. F. T. HILL & Co., LimHed, liAarkdale If called upon to change a tire or make b minor car repair while on the highway, one should remember to pull entirely off t-he road. If this ia not possible at the place where the difficulty occurs, it is the part of wis- dom to drive on for a short distance to find a better spot. Working ''on the left side of the car on a well travelled highway is exceptionally . dangerous ) â€" G. H. BURKE. Eugenia. Phone 9 r 2, Osprev System. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres lot 7, Con. 11, Township of Osprey, would make excellent pas- ture ifarmv with considerable bush and swamp. Ffor full particulars and terms apply to â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON. Flesherton, Ont. JERSEY BULL FOR SERYICB Registered Jersey bull for serrlesk Sire: Brampton Jersey Gonsnipt; Dam: Brampton Petune»8 Ladlr. At Flesherton Livery Stable -f. STUARt ^^^^^^^^^ Flesherton. OM. MiDOLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. 9*'i?'*7"^^^'â„¢'" Sound, DvAmm Saturday afternoon an dtfrentnr GSO B. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County c* Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamtead Datea made at The Advance office. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residene* Toronto Street, Flesherton. Dr. A. TumbuU, B.A., M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton. Pho ne 35. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A.M., meets ta the Masonic hall. Arm- 'strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. RoM. . Down, W.M.; F. J. Thurst on, Sec I L"c«s * Henry,Barrister8, Solicit- Regiatered Yorkshire Boar for aer-'^"* ***'„"i" ^' ^^''*'' ^- ^•'' ^- ^' vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club. ^?^^J' ^•^' ^Wlces, Markdale Lueas the property of the Ontario Depart- i^'*^7„*^'*®"* 2. Branch offices at BOAR FOR SERVICE ment of Agriculture. -C STEWART, CareUker. TENDERS FOR SIDEWALKS Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices, Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. Tenders are hereby invited for the p. Telford Jr.. jV'f P S construction of approximately seven "<«u»w thousand feet of cement sidewalk in Wm. Kaitting. Liscensed Auctionew the Village of Flesherton, tenders to for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. even in the daytime. At night, it he addressed to the Clerk, W. J. Bell- J Fanh and stoek sales a speciaMty may amount to foolhardfness. l.»»y, not later than Saturday, July j Terms moderate., satisfaction guari "Help your wife," sayj a domes- , 80th, 1927. The lowest or any tender. may be lade at the Advance OfVice or tic expert. "When she mops qpjhe not necessarily accepted.â€" W. H.' Central telephone office, Feywahaob floor, mop up the floor with her." Thurston, Reever n by addrsesing me at Fevwshaa.