Zhe /leslj^rtjtrtt %hmnu. Vol 47 No. 1 1 Flesberton. Ontario August 10, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietons EUGENIA and sister, Miss Mamie McTavisb of â- . Flesberton visited their aunt, Mrs. Berry picking is the order of the Jacob Williams, one day last week. ' Mrs. Harvey Lunan and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman of Tor- Norma, of Regina are visiting with onto accompanied by the former's Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe for a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lehman ' couple of weeks, and son Mr. Glen and their daughter,! Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and Miss Myrtle motored here on Sat- 1 daughter, Miss Kathleen visited over urday and visited over the week end the week end in Owen Sound, with Mrs. Ross Lehman's parents,' „„ . „. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams. ' Visitors at "Fair View Villa" on Tui A Tit ^ T, i Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry :_â- ..*":.?• . Pfoctor .visited Stewart and the latter's mother, Mrs. H. Wood, of St. Pauls, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavisb of Oshawa. Mrs. W. E. Walker had the mis- fortune to get one of her feet badly scaded by accidentally upsetting a pot of potatoes. She is now under the doctor's care and it will be some time before she is better. We wish her been visiting hre,' accompanied them Alliston. Mrs. Jamieson, who has been vistiing here, accompanied them to her home. Mr. W. D. Campbell 'of Toronto visited over the week end with his wife here. Mr. David barn. Mr. Thos. Gilliland has •purchased a- Chevrolet coupe; Mr. Wallace Gra- ham a Chevrolet touring car, and Mr. Robt. Haney is dflving a roadster. We wish all parties success and much pleasure with their cars. The opening of the Peace Bridge took place on Sunday and many of our citizens were delighted to hear by radio, the Prince of Wales speaking on the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and fam- ily of Ceylon visited at Mr. Thos. Genoe's and Mrs. Turner's Sunday. CEYLON Genoe and daugh ter. Miss Dorothy, of East Mountain, I a speedy recovery, accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Miss Jean Lavery, in company with Mrs. Thos. Genoe and' l^is cousin, four Toronto children, are spending Mrs. Lunan (nee Miss Flora Carr) a few pleasant holidays at the home and daughter, who are on a visit here of Councillor R. Purvis, from the West, motored to Meaford Mr. Harold Lever of Flesherton aiid and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mr. Sangster HemphiU of • Ceylon have been engaged the past few days r-e-shring^ling ^x. W. E. Walker's Genoe recently, Mrs. (Dr.) Coleridge of Windsor 1 The Sale Goes On Everything in Summer G^ods at Great Re- ductions. How about a pair of boots to start school. Everything on the bill is a bargain. Make your dollars do extra duty BUY NOW AND SAVE SALE ENDS AUG. 20 A. E. HAW, Ceylon Stocks & McLean DUNDALK ARE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR McCormack-Deering Implements Repairs A GOOD STOCK OF REPAIRS K:"PT ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TELEPHONE CALLS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION ORDERS MAY BE LEFT WITH H. DOWN & SONS, FLESHERTON CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED Parties wishing to secure fertilizer for fall wheat. TELEPHONE OR WRITE STOCKS & McLEAN DUNDALK, ONT. Professor J. W. McMillan of Victor- ia College, Toronto, and Dean Kerr McMillan, Aurora, N.Y., visited Mrs. J. McMillan and daughter, Miss Kate, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilcock and Mrs. Jas. Hales and babe of Owen Sound motored down and visited at A. Sinclair's Thursday. Mr. J. J. Patterson motored to Creemore on Friday and vvras accomp- anied home by Mrj. Hooper, who has been visiting her sister there. Mrs. Chas. Irish and babe have re- turned to 'their home in Toronto, after .spending several weeks at the par- ental home. Mrs. F. Marshall spent a day in To- ronto last week. Mr. Prosser, Jack White and Mr. Morton of Simcoe, who is visiting Mr. Prosser ,motored to Wasaga Beach to spend a couple of days. Mr. Gordon Jackson and Mr. D. Mc- Leod spent a few days with freinds at Dundas and Ayr., Born â€" To Dr. and Mrs. Beatty (nee Hazel McLeod) at Mountain View Hospital, Hamilton, on August 7th, 1927, a daughter. Congratulations. Mr. R. Coor, Miss Millie, Mr. WiU Croskem, Miss Gladys Cushnie and Mrs. A. McMuIlen motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauriston visited at Mr. H. Piper's the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs; S. Hill and son and daughter of Markdale visited the first of the week at Roy Piper's. We hope that no one will forget to attend the garden party given by the Ladies' Aid on Friday evening, at the home of Mr. Will Gibson. A good time is expected and the ladies will give you a good cup of tea along with plenty to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caswell and fam- j ily of Owen Sound visited the first of the week at J. J. Patterson's. Misses Annie, Agnes and Minnie Harrow of Owen Sound visited their sister, Mrs. Wm. Beaton, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and two child- ren of Shrigley, and Mr. and Mrs. Raney and babe of Wiarton visited the first of the week at D. McPhail's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hodgins and family of Grand Valley visited Mrs. McMillan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and daughter, Peggy, and Miss Mary Muir of To- ronto are visiting their brother, Mr. Allie Muir, and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sheppard and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bennett visited the past week at Mr. J. Stewart's. Mrs. Alfred Genoe and babe of Owen Sound visited her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett, last week. Mr. Prank Stewart, teacher at To- ronto is spending his vacation with his parents. Miss Vera Marshall, nurse in train- ing at Durham hospital, Mr. Dalton Marshall and his cousin, Mr. Edgar Marshall of Roderick spent the week end at their home here. FEVERSHAM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE Service at 7.30 p.m. The subject for the coming Sunday i will he "The Call of a Sea Captain." I The Church with a Messaee. PASTOR - Rev. E. H. YOUNG. I Read The Advance "Small Advts." 25^000 Harvesters Wanted $15 ooiNa To WINNIPEG Plua H cent per mile to points berond, but not west of Edmonton, MacLeod and Calsary ''ram Stations In Ontwto, Smith*! Fall* to and includln( $20 RCTURNING From WINNIPEG PIlu H cent per mile, starting point to Winnipeg Toronto on LrIi« Ontario Shoro ^ , ,^^ ^^^^, • fFrom Stations in Untario, Smith's Falls to and Includlnv Toronto on L^k« untario snoro A I I Cm r^CjT n '^ ^'"s *â- "' Havalock-Peterboro Llnot KIn(<iton to Rantrow Junction, inclusivai Burketora r\\^^*' V**^ "I to Bobcaycaon, inelusivat Dranoal to Port McNlcoUi Toronto-Sudbury diract Linn. FVom all Stationa In Ontario, South and Wast al Toronto to Hamilton, Walland, Niasara Falls and Windsor} on Owan Sound, WaJkarton, Oranxovllla, Taaswatar, Elora, Listowoi* Codsrteh, St. MarjrSf Port Burwsll, and St. Thomas Branchssi Toronto and North to Bolton. From all Stationa In Ontario on tho Mlchican Csntral; Para Marqustts: Windsor, Essaa Sk Laka Shor* ; Grand Rlvar ; Laka Eris * Northam : and Toronto, Hamilton A Buffalo Railways. Through Colonist Car* operated from princiiMil poinU. SPBGIAL TRAIN service FROM TORONTO Ijidios and Chlldranâ€" Spacial Cars will bo »a» s r<ad lor the aaelusiv* nsa of ladies, ehUdrsn and tiwir escorts. SEPT. 7th Travel Full Informatton (ram aay Canadian Pacific Agant. CANADIAN PACIFIC PRICEVILLE Haying js now '^aJmost finished. The v.-eathsr is good and the crops are looking fine; and the old adage''Make hay while the sun shines," is being followed. Mrs. A. B. McDonald of Owen Sound is renewing old acquaintances in oar bur^. All were pleased to see Mrs. 2iIacDonald looking so well ajjain. Misses Dorothy Carson, Flo Mac- Lean, Katie McTaggart and Olive MacLean of Toronto are spending the vacation at their respective homes. Mr. John McGillvray of Maple and Mr. Wm. McGillvray of Madison, Kas., visited recently at Mr. Hector MacLean's. Miss Kathleen MacLean of Toronto is visiting at Mr. Archie D. Mac- Kinnon's, South Line. Miss Myria McLean, teacher of St. Catharines, is visiting friends in Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hincks, visited the first of the week at Mr. Wm. Hay's of Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthur and Donalda and Rebecca Nichol spent the week end with friends at CoUing- wood and Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess of Dur- ham were visitors at Mr. Angus Mc- Lachlan's Sunday. Miss Sadie Carson is spending a couple of weeks with friends in To- ronto. Miss Beati'ice Jelley of Shelburne visited friends in the village recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison and thiee children and Mrs. J. McLeod returned on Saturday to StajTier, after spending a week with friends here. Miss Donalda MacLeod, Al- meda and Jean Hincks accompanied thm back for a week's vacation. The MacCannell family from Bur- guojTie spent the week end at Mr. A. McCuaig's and took in the garden party. Mr. Gordon MacLeod and Gordon MacCannell. Swinton Park, and Miss Nellie MacLean and friend were vis- itors at Mr. Andrew Hincks' Sunday. The -iroceeds of the Presbyterian tarden party held last week amount- 'd to $254.50 and around $40 was made at the bazaar. Mrs. Wilfred Wrenwick of Dromore viisted on Sunday with Mr. W. W. Ramage. Dogs are still doing harm. Mr. Dan Campbell had a couple of lambs killed recently. Surely people can tie their dogs up at night, and keep them lut of harm. Mr. and Mrs. Aex. Carson, accomp- Eiied by Mr. and Mrs. Dougall Mac- Dougall visited on Sunday at Mr. James Wilson's of Dromore. ANNOUNCE MENT ERNEST C. MURRAY, D.D.S. has been appointed the representative of Federal Fire Insurance Company of Canada having taken over the business of this Coidpany from Mr. S. E. deCuflmore. EAST MOUNTAIN Miss Sadie McDougall of Duncan i^ spanding a few days with Mrs. T. I'cCullough. Mr. Wright of Kansas City was the g- 'St of his cousins. Mrs. H. Thonip- sc:^ and Mr. Hugh Smith. Jl'sses Lillian Abercrombie and Alip" Smart of Cherry Grove were callr 5 in this vicinity last week. Mv. and Mrs. S. Smart and daugh- ter. Lillie, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Smart visi;3d on Sunday with friends at Chr ry Grove. r.iiss Lillie Smart spent the week end in Durham, the guest of her cous- in. Miss Wilda Pedlar. ." iiss .A.lma Humberstone and M'ast- e- Joe Cook spent a few days with the f- mer's sister, Mrs. P. Somers, of Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCullough and babe were Sunday visitors with Mr. end Mrs. McDougall of Duncan. Mrs. Wm. Orr and Master Miax of Orangeville visited Mr. Carl and Miss Alma Humberstone and accompanied hem on a motor trip to the north. Messrs. S. McClung and F. Hutchin- -in of Heathcote were callers in this icinity on Friday. One ol the largest and most suc- essful dances of the season was held -it McKcown's Pavilion at Duncan Lake on Wednesday evening. Mr. Leslie McMullen and friends of Kimberley spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. We wish to congratulate Mr. W. H. Thurston on his 40th year as editor of The Advance, and being also the oldest editor in service in the County of Grey. We wish him many more 1 ,'ears of health and prosperity. ORONTO LINE, NORTH Mrs. Ellis of Toronto visted her niece, Mrs. E. Wickens. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mr. rnd Mrs. Geo. Stewart, all of St. Paul, visited over the week end at Albert [ Stewart's. J Mr. Rud Mrs. Gerald Morgan an<} ; ch'ldren of Moorefield spent a couple of -lays at J. A. Lever's. ! Tr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and ch'ldren of Owen Sound and Mrs. Daid of Long Branch visited on Sun- da'- at A. Stewart's. i^'ss .4nnie Rich.irdson and Mr. Don â- 'd McTntyrp havp returned to To- ronto after spending a vacation with R. Ri "'ardson and family. KENNEDY'S GROCERY GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 3 pks. Corn Starch 29c. 3 Boxes Cftrn Flakes 29c. 3 lbs pure Lard 59c Surv-Us Baking- Powder 29c. Fly Tox (bottle 50c. and sprayer 50c.) all for 79c- MEN'S WEAR Special in Men's Ready-to-wear Suits Clearing at almost Half Price Come in and get suited. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEKAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdala 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Shing le Special Lumber, Shingles and Lath No. 1â€" $5.50 per M. cash off car. No. 2â€" $4.50 per M. cash off car fiisi[iiiei PimiiHfi iiiis H. A- McAULEY, Prop. The Right Time For new shippers to start is right now in the spring season. You will find it profitable if you bring your CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest and Produce Co. ^«iht Test MARKDALE. ONTARIO. PHONE 66