THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1928 ^J> r I r » -4 » ,1 < «; . If a.- --*4-^- 4 V < ^ ^. n A Dollar is Saved when it is in the Bank And the sjonor it is deposited in the Bank the^reater the assurance of its being saved. A Saving. Account is a gagnet for the money that ordinarily slips through ons's fingers, and an income- paying guaintee for the future. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANAi:i\ ^ESTABUSHEO 1875^ E. A. PRESTON Manager, Flesherton Branch CP.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station aa -follows: G'oiflg Soutt Going North 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. NUth at 3.30 â- outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Promotion Exams. Ruthven - Cairns Picnic Last week we neglected to mention the large gathering of the Ruthven and Cairns families at Eugenia for which we are indeed very sorry. The gathering was held in the beautiful Memorial Park at Eugenia and was attended by about 125 relatives and friends of the two families. It was the largest family gathering that has ever been seen in this district and the visitors were from Chesley, .A-Uis- ton, Paisley, Markdale, Clarksburg, , Kenora. Proton Station, Angus, Re- ' gina. Kingsviile, Ceylon, Priceville and Flesherton. Many of those present had never seen the beautiful surround- ings of Eugenia and a visit was made to all points of interest and games were played by all. There was also music and singing and old-time danc- ing that made ol hearts young again. Little Miss Itabel Mcdonald of Weston i?ave a very fine interpretation of the Highland Fling that was applauded. This was the first annual reunion of these families and it is expected that ne.xt^year the fine Memorial Park in Flesherton will be the meeting place of, the gathering. ADDITIONAL LOCALS To Jr. .0â€" Betty Mur.ay (H), For- mar. Lawrence (H), Doug Stewart (H) Georgina Macdor. ;ld (H). To Sr. .3â€" Pearl Git on (H), Alvin Lawrencs (H>, Bob Bellamy (Ki), Hugh Bibby (H), Evt Harvev Croft, (H) G For morning train ^.j„ jUcFadden, Angn Littlejohns, Bill Weh To 4th â€" Ed Pattor. son (H), Joe Gibson. Everett Talbot. Lor Elmer Warling, Erne;: Kerton Thistlethwaite. To Sr. 2 â€" Everet Gibson. Fred Patton. Mr.' and Mis. J. Thornton of To- ronto is visiting wiht Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton. Mrs. H. Down, in company with her SOH, Robt. of Markdale visited friends n Alliston and Toronto this week. Local and Personal The election in South Bruce is being held to-day, Wednesday. Mr. Chas. Cole of Detroit is vis- iting at Mr. Chas. Stewart's. Flesherton plays their first game away from home to-day at Markdale. The Ceylon Church and community will hold a picnic in the Memorial Park here on Friday of this week. ;-n Brown (H). ige Boyd. Mer- lurr.ey, Wesley n. The Fourth Line L. O. L. will at- \K), Cecil Gib- tend Divine Worship in the Baptist lazel McKillop, Church on Sunday, July 8th. at 3 p.m. ;n McEachnie, [ All brethern of the order are welcome. I Service in the Presbyterian church at Feversham will be held next Sun- day at 2.30 p.m. in place of 7.30 p.m. Mr. Cameron will preach. Mr. and Mrs. W. I Croft. Gordon , To Jr. 2â€" Helen L ve (H). Nellie .Thistlethwaite, Mac Duncan. Mario:i ; ^f'"- ^^^ -^^rs- W. I. Henry accomp- , I Miller (R), Doris Knton (R) Dor-h^'^d ^^r- and Mrs. Everett Henry of othy Whitehead (R). i Berkley to Granton over the week ) To Sr. 1â€" Elma Dixon (H), Ruth 1 Watson, Fred McTtvish, Betty Mc- Donald, Dorothy Ke: ton (R)i . i To Jr. 1 â€" Doris Lawrence (H). iJack Welton (H), Burton Bellamy, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Cole of For- .Clifford Saunders, Athol McKillop, est are visiting at Mr. Chas. Staw- Doris Warling, Geo. Loucks, Ivan Mc- art's. (Eachnie, Muriel McMullen (R). To Jr. Primer â€" Norman Loucks, ;Bob Stuart. To Primer B. â€" Doris Pedlar. Fred Berkley to ' end. Miss Hattie Cole of ToiTonto is visiting with Mx. ^.nd Mrs. Chas. Mr. W. I. Henry finished fencing in all the property on the north side of the station road, which he purchase'd recently from the Flesher estate. Mr. W. W. Trimble, Gordon -Agar and Master Billy Welton are holiday- ing on the Manitoulin Island this week. Stewart. Miss MiPerva Stafford is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Bryant, in Tor- ' onto. ! The July 12th County Celebration â- will be held in Flesherton this year. A big day of sports, etc. (Gibson. Jack Loucks, Dorothy Welton. A MISLEADING REPORT At last Friday's session of the County Council a delegation was pres- Mrs. Geo. Lowndes and wife of E ' Collingwood and Mrs. Livingstone. ' H ,' and Mrs. Pery of Oshawa visited ^ I their cousin, Mrs. Murray, on Sun- ' S I There was a good attendance at ! ^M The second annual U.F.O. picnic was % ^^IK V^aCCjLa AUk held in Mr. J. A. Lever's grove on y ^^ '^^ Friday afternoon of last week and it is estimated that a crowd of about 4,000 people attendance at this '^ ^^H^* ^^1^^^ ^^M ^^^H 'X event. The day was perfect for a â- 'â- ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ picnic and was sandwiched in between two days of rain which was fortunate tunate for the promoters. Mr. J. S. Woodsworth, M.P., Labor member for ^ ^^ T 1 fV •'• North Winnipeg, spoke at both the | # ^Wlf'imiAC fr/^ 1 1 1 I ^7 / •^ afternoon and evening programs while 1^* ^^^\^AA %iAH V&^?9 L^^ ^r L&A Jr V ^* Miss Macphail, M.P., and F. R. Oliver, i ^ % M.P.P. also spoke in the afternoon. % t^ m. i.1_ D * W/^W7 ^ The Markdale Highland band was in % IjCt tlieSe OafgamS llWVY attendance and .gave excellent music •? to a appreciative crowd. The horse- * â- nj AlipAPER % shoe pitching contests were followed X y by large crowds and was of an excell- X A la'-Qfc ^election oi wall paper t<.> choose from. Reg. f ent variety, and was the cause of v - ^^3 ^^^^^ , ^,, ^^q ^,^.,^^^ .^ ^,. ,^,|,]^ ,.„,j j,^ ^^n ^j ^ much mterest. Smith Bros, of Dur- \ /-< rr o 1 o • *•* ham had the grounds well lit up for % 40^ off Regular Prices. I the evening performance. A dance % . - „ . % ^Jnc:::^^;^!'^:!;^'';;^:"! Some of Many Bargains We are Oflering | pected this vear that over $300 more i* „ . , », .„ . n.a ti , . , , ^ • J y Pamt, regular $1.40 for 98. y was taken m tnan what was received ♦,,,„-, „ 1 ». -« j ». o- co n^ * iqo- T ^^'^^ ^oik Boots, regular $4.o0 and $4.2a S2.98 •> at the 19-1 P'g"'- Y Men's Fine Shoes, regular $5.00 and $5.50 values S3.98 % CAR BADLY DAMAGED '^ Jf^"'^ l''^' f ^'"'"'^ ''"it,- ^^^ ^ ^S":; .'t t ♦ Men s Overalls, regular $2.23 and $2..30, on sale at S1.98 ♦ , , ... o. 1 u , ♦ Men's Rain Coats, regular $8.00 and $10.00 values S2.49 I> A lai'ge SIX cvlinder Studabaker .8. ,, , „ . , c-,^ ^^ i - *i q- •:♦ , , , , . , - T , A Men s Raincoats, regular $16.00 values, tor S4.9o .:. sedan, owned and driven bv Judge Y „- , r. • ^ 1 ^,,-,n« .. i -co m .-. T-i • , T,- .1 . . ", .? *t* V\ omens Raincoats, regular felO.OO, to clear a: S2.49 Y Kleni of v. alkerton, overturned on the '? r- 1 1 •,- j ..1 j • ,. la. V , ,,'•;• Galatea, regular 3oc. and 40 per yard, going at 19c. •> curve lust east of the overhead A ,-, r-i.- 4. 1 on j n- . o.> ♦ , . , , , _ , , „ . A Draperv Chintz, regular 30c. per yard, selling at 23c. A bridge, between Ceylon and Price- .:, m , A . 1 a.% i u 1^ • i- -i ... _ , . ... â- Y Black Dessgoods. regular 90c. values, at half price 4.)c. X viile on Sunday evening, while re-iY t> i -- ,.• o- X , „. ,, ^ ^' , .!♦ Regular 00c. tor 23C. Y tiu-nir.g to Walkerton. The top of ♦ r> i », .t ,. ^ v, 1 „. â- ~ « o- V ^, ^ , J, J J . .J ♦ Regular $1.2o, to go att he low price of 2ac. ♦;♦ the car was badly damaged, besides .f. r>i o t- r- 1 1 »•->.-,- 1 .. ci i- ♦ , . ,, ^, , •' • J , , A Blue Serge Dress Goods, regular $2.2a to clear at .*. having all the glass windows broken, : ,, . 1 on 1 o- 1 r 0.1 a , , , , , . , Y Prints, regular 30c. and 3oc. values, for ,^. 22c. 1 stec-ring wheel smashed and fenders <' „< i. a r- ^ 11110- 1 m t ^ . ^ , _, . , •:• Bleached Cotton, regularlv sold at 3oc. to clear at 19c. y twisted. The occupants 01 the car •:• „ ^, , 1 ,- " j . â- . 00 *•* . ,. â„¢-»u rt â- 1 J u 1 ' •!• Grev Flannel, regtilar 4oc. per vard, to ciear at 29c. •:• were cut with flying glass and shaken .% . ,". ,d , oi- • o - ».^,r. ^ ei 4a ♦ u.,^ t ^ .. 1 J.J .. « A Ladies Bedroom fc'lippers, sizes 3 to 5. reg. $2.10 value S1.48 .s. up. but fortunately did not suffer Y «- . „-i.-^ u â- ,. 1 u 11 , u- 1. 5. :♦ \\ omen s White Boots with rubber soles, regular values which y serious iniurv. 1^ . v ~ -^ 1 4 sold at 1-2.25 and $2.40, for the low price of 78c. ♦ This week we had hooed to pnnt ♦ A large number of Other lines at greatly reduced orices •> an extra page but the page was not ' .;. _ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ •:• received in time and our news columns ^* ^^ 11 /V T T /V TV ^ 1 1 11 ^^\ ^J % have to be cut down and some items ♦ y J _f^ ^^^ XT. AX. xVjl I J X'x. V-«/ ^^5 • ♦ left out entiraiy. <t _ ' •;• The Semi Annual meeting of .\r- t EUGENIA. ONT. * temesia District will meet in Mark- ••• ... % dale L.o.L. 1045 on Fridav. June 29. t 5% off Groceries during time of sale ♦ at 8:30 p.m. â€" G. W. Littlejohns. t^^_•^•^•^•^•^•„•«•^^J^.v.%.vA•^vl^^ Dist. Rec. Summer Merchandise At Popular Prices I the Baptist Church on Sunday when ! „ , , , ; Rev. Geo. Buckingham gave strong I en: from Feversham to ask for a grant! „,ij„„„„ • », • , ,. ... --, T , Mrs. Goldsborough and two child- for equipment to Feversham Continu-r''.^'^'!,''t-KV "r" ! ren left on Friday to visit friends ation School. In committee the ques-j"*'" ^'''""'"t'O" '-"'O"- |: in Hamilton before returning to her tion of making a $400 grant was tied,' ^^r. and Mrs. Ira Palmer, and Mr. j home in Irquois Falls. when Mr. Taylor, the chairman gavel antl ^I^s. Harry Meldrum an Miss Miss M. Cameron of Chatham, a, a casting vote in favor of the grant.l Lorine Watson of Toronto spent the former teacher in the high school' I" oPe>i Council, however, the grant |«eek end at the Meldrum home, 4th here, is visiting with Mrs. Wm. Miller ,^»* defeated by a considerable maj-. ue. Artemesia. and other friends at present. lority. although several spoke in favor | jhe W. I. will meet at the home Miss Loreen Graham of Walkerton,'^''' '"<=l"ding ^he Reeve of Osprey.'f Mrs. Hawken on Wednesday. July The Sun-Times report of the incident j 4th at 3 p.m. Paper - "My trip to is misleading, as Mr. Taylor certainly j Scotland," by Miss M. Patton. Table did not agree with Mr. Lembke, the, getting and "ser^-ing demonstrated by ' chief opponent. >iiss K. Macmillan. Roll callâ€" name of a place. Social com. â€" Cake-Mes- Voiles and Rayons Dress SUks Georgettes and Canton Crepes Silk Hosiefry Fugi and Shot Silks Silk Underwear House Dresses Sport Shoes Straw Hats Outing Shirts Belts Bathing Suits Coatless Braces Hatchway Underwear Boys Jerseys Fancy Sweaters Sport Sweaters daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Graham, has won the Morgan Scholarship the past term in the high school there. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark of Weston are at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mrs. Clark has recently been in very poor health. HARROWER , Mr. and Mrs. J. Runstadler and Monday, June 25th, 1928, to Rev. and, Mrs a place, bocial com. BORN dames Bentham, J. McDonald and W. Armstrong. Sandwich â€" Mesdames W. In Flesherton on' p. Crossley. I. Smith and J. Wright. their daughter, Dr. Marguerite, spent â- the week end at Kitchener. Hespeler and Leawood. Dr. J. G , Jos. Harrower, a son. ARRIOTT â€" In Flesherton Fri- ' day, June 8, to MV. and Mrs. Claude â- I Coleridge of _KingsvtUe Marriott, a daughter. Shirley. i| spent the past week with Mr. D. Mc Tavish and family; Mrs. Coleridge, | â- who has been visiting her parents | for three weefcs returned with him. I Don't miss hearing the Salvation Army band play on the market square SUNDAY, JULY 1st. 1928 in Flesherton on Saturday afternoon Flesherton 11 a.m.â€" "I want to know Baptist Church Services' REV. M. SAUNDERS. Pastor. I ^^Up-to-date SERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP It of this week at about 3.30 p.m. will be a treat no doubt. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffen, in company with Mr. J. Meikle and his mother and two sisters of Toronto â- were guests of Mrs. W. Wilcock the latter part of the week. The fine showers of rain the past few days â- will help the growth of grain and hay. It might be that the rain came too late to give the hay sufficient growth for a bumper crop. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gorby of Dauphin. Man., are on an e.\tended visit with | M^. W. Simmons and other relatives ] here. Mrs. Gorby is a niece of Mrs. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of Swinton Park and Mr. C. Kindle of the West I J Back Line, Artemesia, attended the i ♦ silver wedding anniversary of Mr. ancj A Mrs. Thos. Skippens, which was held .^ on Monday. The garden party, which was to have been held by the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid at Feversham this Thurs- day, has been postponed indefinitely owing to the death of little Lillian Eby. The annual garden party of Maxwell United Church will be held on Wed- nesday, July 4, at the paisonage Rock Mills 3 p.m.- " "[nothing. Flesherton 7 p.m. â€" "Which will you, choose. G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. I A few Suggestions | I For the Picnickers I SPECIAL THIS WEEK Ladies' Light Weight Summer Felt Hats-Newest Shapes-PJain Colors and Two Tone Effects F. H. W. HICKLING STORE CLOSED THURS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT. PEANUT BUTTER ? 5 I OLIVE BUTTER OLIVES PICKLES (sour & sweet) SARDINES PICKLED TONGUE SALMON PORK & BEANS JAMS & JELLYS I New World's Record for Speed &! Endurance I EXTRA SPECIAL ^ MEN'S OVERALLS WORK SHIRTS 98 cts- 98 cts- Srrounds. A gr od program will be j ^ Siven, also a Softball game between i two of the Tongue teams. Admission . ^ adults 50 cents, children 25 cents. S«e bilb for fuU articolars. W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 i Setting- a new world's speed and en- durance record for cars under $1200. the new Whippet Six. in a cotitinuous 24-hour run under official observation covered I357j j miles and averaged 56.52 miles per hour for the entire 24 hours. ' Broujafht to a dead stop fn^n a speed of 35 miles per hour in 49 feet 7j^ inches. .'\ccelerated from 5 to 25 miles an hour in 7.2 seconds. Records that men unqualified lead- ership in speed and safety . . . Rec- ords made possible by the most advanc- ed engineering of any light Six on the market. The new Whippet Six upsets all pre- vious standards of motor car value. It has an array of mechanical features, such as 7-bering Crankshaft, air-clean- er and thermostat, never found in a car of its price before. Among the features of the bodies are unusual roominess, harmonious lac- quers, smart cadet-type visors, remote door controls, attractive window re- veals, extended dash panels affording greater leg room, and quick-acting cowl ventilator. I The new Whippet Six is unusually smooth and silent, due to it> /-bearing Crankshaft (instead of the usual 3 or 4) and its silent timing chain (a feature of the highest-priced cars). It is exceptionally powerful on hills; it has flexi- bility never before obtainable in any car of this size or price. GEO. F. BRACKENBURY CLOSED ON SUNDAY FROM 1 :30 to 7 p.m. â- 9^