â- 3»& WBPNESDAY.'JTJNX n, 19». THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE saswB Bverythiilg Needed For PlnisMng Your Garden And Seeding HOE RAKE SPADE SHOVEL WIREâ€" 1 and 2 inch mesh Chicken Wire. BUck Mid Galvaniied wirt 18 inch Flower Bed Wire. SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS CORN RAPE TURNIP MANGEL A. E. HAW, Ceylon Store Closed Tncaday and Friday ETcninc. i.*^- â- v^ Health Service . of the • CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC. PREPARE FOR SCHOOL GAMP MEETING COMMENCING ^UNE 29TH Proton Station ri L t P LJ J land Fkslwrton No. 2 teama wlU pl»y| r KSlKriOD OODQlWd . at the United Chxich Ga^n Partr 4t \ â- â- V«u««i»viiiwwu^aa^^^ ,Fleaherton. Then on Wednesdayl lQ/7 riiailllUAIIS July 4th at United Chmrcb Garden IJ4. I VIM IIHWVlia p^^y ^^ Majtwell the Onwards will 'take on the fast travelling Maxwell The Centre Gr^ Leagoe schedule team that night. Fourth Annual Camp Meeting of the Pilgrim Holiness Church of Canada will be held at Proton Station, beginning June 29th and continuing 10 days or longer. Rev. Harry Hays, Evangelist ind others who are expected to be with us. Miss Nettie Eckland Returned Missionary from West Indies, will give Missionary addresses. Board and lodving on free-will offering- plan. Bring your bedding and come to the fea.st of good things. Come to pray and push the battle for the salvation of sinner.s, sanctificaion of believers, healing of the sick, and to be ready for the coming of Jesus. H. B. JACKSON, Proton Station. The summer vacation 'aUeuld be uaed to prepare children for scbooL Any parents who have been advised by the school physician or the family phyaician that their child is in need of medical care, and who have not acted upon the advice should attend to it without further delay. The parent of a child who will en- ter school for the first time in the autumn -would be we|l 'advised to have the child examined by the fam- ily phyaiciani in order to find out whether or not he is in need of any treatment. Now is the time to have any phys- ical defects corrected. The chfld then has the summer in which to build up his vitality, and will enter school physically fit. There is no question that the child who is phys- ically fit, to begin with, and who leads a regular hygenic life is the one who develops best both mentally and physically . Children with diseased tonsils, ad- enoids, diseased teeth, or who re- quire glasses are very definitely handicapped. Children who do not receive proper food, who have not sufficient rest, who do not play out of doors are stunted physically and dulled mentally compared with what they should be. Children should be vaccinated This should be done in the first year I diphtheria before starting to school. I This should be done in the first year of life, but if it has been neglected, jit should be done â€" NOW. j Questions concerning Health, ad- i dressed to the Canadian Medical As- jsociation, 184 College St., Toronto, '.will be answered by letter. Questions I as to diagnosis and treatment will not I be answered. BIG FIELD DAY vOI^M uOSWCTMl Showers have been (hffQ to ttt newly married couple. If r. Mod lir^~ Ward Harrison, st tlwir ><>»« ft Sprincrhill the past- week. TM^^Nla^ ertnijig the fri«ndi froBi 0*n s^d ob the Provinciid Hi^ii9 pcssllitad ! Died From Diphtheria i â€" A very sad occurrence took place at iFeversham on Thursday eve;iing of i last week when the fifteen months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Eby {of that place passed away after a i short illness of diphtheria. The fun- Ural was held privately on Friday, I interment taking place in Tara cem- 'etery. Much sympathy is extended jto Mr. and Mrs. Eby in the great loss I they have sustained in the sudden 'passing of a little life that was sweet and dear to them. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the >ix communities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. MarMale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instln- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the faire«t posible prices. Seasonable Wanted Mgrdbandise â€" Savings ^^^MEN'S SUITS $11.95 *Men'8 Suits in Tweeds and Worstedt, single and, djsJWe breasted, newest styles. Our buying ^»wer makes this possible. June Special $11.95 Lil01ES' AND MISSES PULLOVER SWEATERS $3.25 This is a new line which is very pofular for suuK'.ie:- v.car, in zV. tV.? r.cw shr.de.':. V 'n! rninr ed neck, with real smart appearance. June Spec- ial $3.25 DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT In this department you will find all the new and wanted materials for summer wear, consist- ing of Crepes, Voils, Celanese. Imported dress lengths. These materials are very papular for sumriar wear. LADIES' SILK HOSE 75 cts. We have just placed in stock a verr special line of Pure Thread Silk Hose, silk to the top, beaut- iful qnality. Another line on which our buying power aaves you money. June Special 75c. Ladies and Misses' Dresses $4.75 to $13.7 LS#ea' Summer Dresses in Celanese, Flat Crems,*Fugi.Silk, in all the newest shades, beaut- HOUS EDRESSES In this line of dresses we have a large stock from which to make your selection. The cloths are Gingham, Fancy Broadcloth, Percale and other materials. These dresses were all purchased in the best markets which our buyers could purchase from. We feel sure we can save you a lot of mon- ey in this line. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Just arrived from New York!. Aj^hipment of New Summer Hats with Large Leghorn Brims with hair crowns; small and medium hats in blue, red and fawn and natural shades with lace crown and hair brims; fests in white, green, fawn, rose, beige, red, blue and bvown shades. Prices ranging from S1.9,'t to $4.50. Ladies' Silk Vests and Bloomers â€" 69c. Ladies' Silk Vesta and Bloomers in all the new shades. All sizes. Regular value 96c. June Special, each ; 69c. LADIES' AND MISSES DRESSES Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds for » , 65c. Black Tea, choice blend, per pound 59c. Pineapple, 2 cans for â- 35c. Pineapple, 2 cans for i.....> .,.., S5c. Pearl White Soap, 6 bars for ......,......'....„.,.... ^25c. Uttl 'dresses fyr sumn^r wear. June Special Salmon, 1 pound tins for ,. l»e^ -j^^j, $4.7S to $13.75. Ciinger Snaps, 2 pound for .....o 25c. 50,000 POUNDS OF WOOL WANTED F. T. HUL & Co., Limhed, MaHdale Small Advertisements LOST â€" On Monday, June 26h, be- tween C. Moore's gravel pit. Provincial Highway South, and Flesherton truck marker No. X7778. Finder kin^y leave at The Advance office. F4>B BALE FOR SALE â€" Two Yorkshire sows for sale, with ten pigs each, ten days old. â€" Alex. Cameron, Eugenia. '• ^fe* For Sale â€"Quantity of Barley' ^ some first class potatoes. â€" Wm. Carson, Phone 31 r 12, Flesherton. BHOBTBOIN BULL FOB BBBTldi R«fiit«nd Shorthoza bnD fvr Mi^ Tle« at lot S, Con. 9. Ovpny, "BMty Maiqids" No. 17».18iS; Sin. BmmIs Mnooia 14X381; D«». IM Bnttalflr 181,078. Tmu â€" PtaMtarwAi pM, grades |2.00. Cows not rctnrntdC will be charge full price, -g. B. HAWKINS. FOR SALE â€" A quantity of barley for sale, 75 cents per bushel. â€" ^Louis Martin, Irish Lake. * ^ For sale â€" House and lot in Village of Ceylon, property of the Tate Mary McLeod. Apply to Roy Piper, Ceylon. ' BOAB FOB SEKVICB. BeK>st«t«d YaAahlra Boar for m»> vice by FtaatwrtOB Baeoa Has CM^ the property of thf Ontairio BepsiS^ mcnt of Agrieultiire. â€" C. STEWART. Ganftakwk BOAR FOR SERVICE opened at Flesherton on Thursday of, last week when Kimberlcy, champions . of 1927 attempted to take the local j team under their fold for a win, but ^ ,^ jy^^ .ti**'*"* ^^^ •»«« '^"**?L**^,'^ only failed doing, so by tMro runs, thel ^| .^^ Maxwell on I «*»»" «i*«»W»p»a aiti^ aad % score bein- 9-7. Bowlea •PP««red.";*" » . ^.j^ .ve .nspi-i Tuesday "i«r»»t the yonii|r ladies' chat on the mo^nd for Flesherton k„d did.f^^^f ^.''^'j.^^J; J^^^^^^^^^ St. John'. UBit^l Osij^nud.^ good work, only allowing one *«n to| ,^, ^„„ p„..pr«eentot.on aixi a sodaJ twa ma Kimberley in the first iBiUng. The|*j^*j'^^ '^ ^ *^ spent, locals evened up the score in the 4th ' frame, but in the 5tb Kimberley pull- ed away out in front with five runs, Myles, Dillon Belfry, Gilbert and F. EUia accoutning for these, and one man was left on third when the side was retired. It looked as though at this point Flesherton's chances were not very brilliant, but by steady peck- ing with one run in the fifth, two in the sixth and the lucky 7th brought in four to take the lead for the first time Another waff added in the 8th but was not needed, Kimberley getting their other run in the 9th. The line-up was: Kimberley â€" Ted Myles 1st, E. Dill- on S.8., A. Belfry c, W. Gilbert 2nd, H. Cornfield l.f., R- Ellis, c.f., C, Fawcett 3rd, F. Ellis r.f., E. Ellis p., R. Staf- ford and D. Graham sub. Flesherton â€" F. Thurston IJ., C. McTavish s.s., C. Betts 2nd, J. Dow c, Chercott c.f.. A. Sparks r.f.. A. Bowles p., G. Wauchope 3rd, T. McDonald 1st, H. Richardson sub. Umpire â€" Geo. Dundas, Markdale. Elmer Ells pitched a good game for Kimberley with his left hand and held control of affairs very good until the seventh and Dave Graham came in to pitch in the 8th. Cecil McTavish hit a sceeching two-bagger in the ninth inning that hit the right field fence and bounded back, but Thurston was able to score from 1st base on the hit. Thurston, McTavish, Betts, and J. Daw came out even in the run scor- ing honors and McDonald with one. For Kimbeley Dillon has the lead all to himself with two runs, and Myles, Belfy, Gilbert, Cornfield and Fred Ellis I^ad one each to their credit. Flesherton goes to Markale to play this Wednesday afternoon when the Redmen hope to take a fall out of the leaders of the league. There was a very poor turnout of supporters from town, but those there surely make abundant noise when Flesherton pulled ahead in the 7th with the four runs. Markdale gave Dundalk a decisive trimjning on the latter's diamond on Wednesday afternoon of last week, the score being 25-10. For Sale â€" One yearling heifer. Brown Swiss, and one Jersey heifer, 4 months old. â€" O. W. Phillips, town. FOR SALEâ€" House and half aci* I of land in Ceylon, giwd atable, well 'watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc- Millan, Ceyloi.'. STANDING OF TEAMS Team Won Lost Flesherton â€" 1 Kimberley â€" 1 1 Markdale â€" 1 1 Dundalk â€" 1 No. 92-77580. Also c young York- shire pig, both bacon type for service- on Lot 176, N,W. T. k S.R. Termsâ€" #1.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. BULL FOR SERVICE /,- For service on lot 30, Con- 13, Art*- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No.' 178,773. Terms :-92 if paid befora* January 1929, othervise 12.50. â€"DUNCAN WILMAMS. Eogeaia.- ..BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" DeLaval cream sep- arator, in good condition, 2 iron bed- steads, wooden bedsteads, 2 mattres- Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- ses and 2 springs, falling leaf table, viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996- kitchen cook stove, kitchen couch, 10 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog pound house scales, 2 wash stands, . Club. Terms $1.00. several odd chairs, quantity of large plates, store shelving and counter, and the old Ceylon Post Office build- ing. Apply to â€" Mrs. A. C. McMillar, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS EGGS WANTEDâ€" Highest market price will be paid in cash. â€" John Runstadler. Flesherton. tf. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. p.c. .1000 .500 .500 ^ .000 Flesherton 9, Kimberley 7. Markdale 25, Dundalk 10. GAMES THIS WEEK Wednesday â€" Flesherton at Markdale, WANTED â€" Good man for farm work, at once. â€" Apply to T. J. Stin- ison. Proton Station. The Softball League STANDING OF TEAMS NOTICE â€" Orders received now for lime from fresh burned kiln. â€" Thos. Fenwick, Eugeaia. Won Maxwell 4 Rock Mills 2 Flesherton No. 2 1 Flesherton No. 1 1 Vandeleur Onwards Victoria Comers Kimberley Lost 2 1 1 1 2 The results of the games last week NOTICE â€" A carload of Western oats to arrive in a few days. Special price off cars. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. NOTICEâ€" No hunting, Fishing or Trapping on my property. Those found thereon will be prc.^.ecuted.â€" Thos. Bemrose, R. R. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" The property own ed by the late R. J. Pedlar, of Eug- enia. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. H. E. Tate, Hillsburg, Ontario. FOK RENT-Paettirc 6') isi:ei in the Coon?y of Grey, Township of Os- are as follows. Maxwell won from pr«y, lot lb, con. north of the Durham â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station Lota 168-9, 3rd W.TJS.R., Artemeda MiDDLEBjRO ft BURNS nil I him, ata. Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durhaaa^ and Flesherton. Flesherton every? Saturday afternoon and 'evening. GEO B. DUNCAN DUMPALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Tarma;. 1 per cent. Satisfaction 'kaamtae* Dates mad* at The Advance office. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric- wired, sofi water cistern, cellar un- der whole house, large verandah otf two sides, and woodshed with c^ttMot floor; approximately three acr^a pf land and good stablib. An id^ spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Rock Mills at Ring's Garden Party, Maxwell, score 13-7. On Wednesday evening at the Park Kimberley and Flesherton's No. 2 team came together resulting in a win for the Flesherton j nine, score lC-6. At the U.P.O. pic- nic Victoria Corners played their first game with Maxwell, but Maxwell had had too much practice for them, al- ready playing 3 games, and defeated them 17-13. This game was followed by Rock Mills and Kimberley, result- ing in a win for Rock Mills, score 9-29. Messrs Morrison, Radley and Seeley are tied for most home runs' up to date with Ken Betts leading in S-base hits and W. Kerton leads on 2ba8e hits. Mrs. Seeley leads the ladies in S-base hits with a 3 cornered tie for 2-ba8e hits. Following are the games for tihls wee^, Wednesday night at d;S0 o'clock: Vandeleur an dOnwar^S and on Saturday night at 6 o'clcAkVift- oria Corners and Flesherton v.x 2, fol- lowed by Vandeleur and Kimberley. Saturday night winds up the June contest for the prizes so the players this Week will have to do some bat- ting to win the hosiery and other art- icles. Ait.extra game â- will be play- ei on Thursday Wight between flesh- erton No. 1 and Jpfl, 2 teams at 6:80 o'clock. ' . '' ,»t Next week, July 2 all 8 tearns will be in the play, Kimberley, RocK road, running spring. Forty dollars accepted, none other need apply. â€" Mrs. Margaret Litile. R. R. No. 2, Proton. SHEEP DIPPING Sheep dipping at Mr. Chas. Stewart's on Saturday, June 30th. 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Art- emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bam 36 by 60 with L SO l>y ^2, ceiftcmt stabling throughout. LarJiEv â- cttaiAt veneer house, Broomed, with wood- shed, in which ia drilled well, fma well watered small orchard.'-W. X Blackburn. Proton Station. BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford BuM for ihw vice. Tenufl 82. payablti the firat tt Februax7, after that daU 9»M wfl be ebaised. ^ â€"EDWARD LOPCKB. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L. D. S., dental Anyone keeping sheep should not miss { *"*'**°"' ^^^^^ graduate at Toronto this opportunity. FOR SALE OR RENT In the Village of Flesherton eight acres, half in alfalfa, other four in pasture. Would divide for ready sale; no ineumbrance. â€" S. HENDERSON. 82 Millwood JRd. Toronto, Ont. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE For sale at onde . lots 6 and 7, Peter Street, Flesherton, seven room hoitHe, with hard and so^ W||tet» lar^ lot with apple trees; good bam. An excellent location to own a home. Apply to â€" -^OHN PEDLAR, Flesherton. BUI.L FOR SERVICE ' Registered Berefor4 Bull, Duke,. No. 65,411, for service qp lot Sdi Con. 6, Artenlesia. STerms are $2.00, tolMVM mwlMJj^ Mills, Maxw«M%d Victoria Corners be paid by February 1. Cows d^' 'Wttka Miif^ plav at the PiMd rfay at irfaxwell anfl**& ret*fted regularly.â€" Jno. iPorteoui, O l li^ rt m i | i|li t Flesherton iTo.'t. 0BWard%Vaj»*s6ur»R<»k'Mm«. Jlujy 11 and Royal College of Dental Scrgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. , . . Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.P. 4 A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. AmoK strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence^ fiecretary Wm. KaHtlac. LiMMw«l for the eooiitlaa a| QNff m§ fwrn aad sImIi mIii l»jr I I Lucas * Henry, Barristers, Sollcltei ors, etc., I. B. Lucai, Ki C;, W. D. Henry, B.A. Of^s, Markdale Lucaa Block, Phone 2."" Branch office* .St DttndaH(«Md'Durha% - -« Telford ft Bimie, Barristers, soll- citora, etc, Offices Grey and Bnwa Blo^k, Owen Sound; Staaclbd Bai^ Block, Flesherton, (Sahll^ys.)- W P. Telford. Jr., J. F. P. Bimte. ii V J, i \ V I ft1i jisi > iii ' miy ifirm^i/hlitUlk i^*S*T-<iri- ilii*t:0iiats0Sii>>iint/'