Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1928, p. 1

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Vol. 48 No. 12 •jjllje /kslj^ttxrn %t^tfmu Fiesherton Ontario, August 22, 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprieftcrs. PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM Mr, and Mrs. John McNab of To- Messrs. Earl and Cecil Alexander ronto^ are visitors at Mr. A. J. Mc- left here on Monday to catch the ex- '''"'^- cursion train from Toronto for the . Mrs, Craig of Toronto is visiting West on- Tuesday, W» wish the her mother, Mrs, H. McDonald. I boys good luck. Mrs. Dr. McFarlane of Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. John Francis and two Miss Catharine McMillan, nurse m training in Fergus, motored up Tues- day and visited with K. H. McLean's and Angus McLachlan's. Mis:s Nellie McLean returned to Toronto Saturday after visiting with her parents here. Miss Florence Carson is home, after enjoying a month at Wasaga Beach. A number from here took in the circus in Fiesherton on Friday last. Miss Orma Meuser and sister, Margaret of Owen Sound spent a few days at Mr. Arch. McCuaig's. Mr. and Mrs. Heiiry Tucker of Ebenezer Sundayed at Mr. A. L. Hincks', Mrs, Maltby and mother, Mrs. Buckham are spending a week with Priceville friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee and Mrs. McKee's mother visited on Sunday at Mr, Wm. Aldcom's. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sr. and Jr. and Miss Alexander of Tiverton Mr. Archie and Flora Clark of Dro- more, and two friends from Pont- iac, Mich were Sunday visitors at Mr. Archie McCuaig'^s. Miss Pearl McCuaig accompanied them back. A number of the folks around here are planning to take in the Orange Picnic on Wednesday at Swinton Park. A number from here took a trip to Wasaga Beach ♦'he first of the week. EAST MOUNTAIN Held over last week. Mrs. Fred Chard and son, Gordon of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart, for the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Stevens of Toronto spent Sunday with ^Mrf. and Mrs. Thos. Hall recently. Miss Elva Smart of Cherry Grove spent the week with her cousin. Miss Gladys Hall. Mr. Robert McMulIen raised a new driving shed on Monday of last week and entertained the community to a dance in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett and childi'en spent the week end with Robt. McMullen and family. Mrs. McAllister and little daughter of Toronto are spending their holi- days with Wr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall. Mrs. Thos. McCollough and little son, Allan, are spending this week in daughters of Dresden called on old friends here last week. Mr. Francis was a miller in the Farmers' Milling Company mill here for some years. The Misses Stotesbury of Colling- wood visited with their unde, Jas. A. Davidson for a couple of weeks. Two of Wm. Smith's nephews of Toronto called on them last week. Miss Carrie Kemahan and lady friend. Miss Mary Carson of Toron- to are visiting the former's parental home here, Mr, and Mrs, Wiley and friends and Mr, and Mrs. Louis spent a day at Wasaga Beach last week. Mrs. Crowe and three children of Hanover visited with the Eby family for a week. Mr. Joseph M<ijGirr of Bognor is visiting his brother Robert here . . Mrs. Jas. Potts and daughter Bes- sie of Mclntyre are ttrisiting with the former's daughter, Mrs. Will Heitman. Mr. MacTagart of Ottawa is re- lieving Manager Smith in the bank here for a couple of weeks while Mr. Smith is away for his holidays. Miss Mina McKeown and little bro- ther of Duncan have been visiting with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting. Mrs. Chas. Thombury of Colling- wood visited with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Whiteoak last week. (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Perigo and children of Toronto visited with the former's sister, Mrs. H. Alexander and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis and daughter of Chicago are visiting with Mrs. Louis's sister, Mrs. F. Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. Mowat of Peterbor- ough and Miss Hines of Buffalo were the guests of Mrs. McMullen here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawler and child- ren of London, Ont. are visiting with Mrs. Lawler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Barber. Miss Irene Trizard is visiting with Tirs. Torrence Williams here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills of Markdale visited Mrs. Mills' sister, Mr. Wiley, on Monday last. Miss L. JoUey of Owen Sound vis- ited with M r.and Mrs. Colquette over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Stotesbury of Collingwood spent Sunday with Mrs. Stotesburv's brother, Jas. A. David- CEYLON Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Comford Thompson 1 son and family, and children accompanied by Mrs. J. | Miss Grace Horton of Toronto is H. Thompson visited over the week ! visiting with her grandparents, Mr. end with friends near Erin. Miss and Mrs. Colquette. Ursula Thompson returned home | y.c. and Mrs. Thos. Davidson of after spending a fortnight there. | Rob Roy spent Sunday with Mr. and Miss Mildred Smart is spending a Mrs. Jas. Davidson, week with friends in Toronto. ! Miss Addie and Mr. Bamall of : ' Oshawa, are xisiting with Mr. and Use The Advance Small Ads. ' Mrs. Jas. Long and family. DUNDALK BUSINESS COLLEGE WILL RE-OPEN Tues. Sept. 4th COMPLETE COURSES AS FOLLOWS: Secretarial, Stenographic, Commercial, and Preparatory. Graduates assisted to positions. 50% of the grad- uates of last term secured positions Our rates are reasonable $15.00 per month. The time required to complete a Course is gener- ally SIX or SEVEN months. Some of last year's Graduates completed the Course in less time. As follows : Roberta E. Knox Five Months. Fern Goheen Five and one-half Months Frank Mulligan Five and one-half Months The above gradu^ites have splendid position, now Ceylon On Tuesday evening of last week the Ladies Aid held an ice cream soc- ial on the lawn of Mr. A. C. Muir and Jas. W. McMullen. In the early part of the evening a ball game be- tween Priceville and Ceylon was played in T. Genoe's field. Ceylon winning. A lengthy programme was given with Mr. A. Sinclair as chair- man. Musical selections were giv- en by Mr. Alex. McDonald n violin accompanied by Mrs. McDonald, then daughter Isobel stepped danced. Mr. Alex. Knox and Bradey Irwin on the guitar and ukulele, Mrs. Robert Camp- bell on violin, accompanied by Mrs. Roy Piper. Mr. Campbell also step danced. The three Douglas brothers of Toronto gave several selections on their guitars and sang very sweet and clear. A trio was given by Mrs. Alex. McDonald, Mrs. George Cairns and Mrs. McCallum of Fiesh- erton and a solo by Miss Margaret Sinclair, Mrs. R. Whittaker gave a couple of readings and Miss Agnes Micphail gave an address. Every number on the program was thorough- ly enjoyed by the large crowd present. Ice cream and cake were then served. Proceeds of the evening were 139.80, for which the ladies feel very grate- ful to all those who assisted to make the event a success and to Messrs A. C. Muir and Jas. W. Mc- Mullen, who so kindly lent their lawn for the purpose. The Ladies Aid hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. White on Wednesday, when they hope for a good attendance. Everybody is welcome. Mr. Alex. Stewart, Miss Mary Stewart, Mr. George McKenzie and Miss Jessie visited with J. Campbell and family at Eugenia the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Patterson and son, Gordon of Toronto spent a fort- night at Mr. Archie Stewart's. Mr. .\rchie Stewart accompanied them to Harriston to visit friends. Born â€" At Delia, .\lberta, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott (nee Ruby Stone) the gift of a son. Congratulat- ions. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cushnie of To- ronto spnt the past week at R. Cook's Mr. and Mrs. Will Pattison and babe of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. Knox and called on old friends who were very pleased to see them. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rutledge and babe of Lethbridge are visiting with the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Collinson and family motored to Owen Sound the past week. Mrs. Coleman, who has been visiting her daughter returned with them. Mr. Robert Cook and daugher, Millie motored to Zion the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper visited with their daughter at Lauriston the first of the week. Mr. Clark of Edmonton, Mr. T. Flynn and Misss -A. and E. Grants of Toronto are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir. Mrs. Wesley Arnott of Durham visited with Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist ov- er the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and two daughters of Shrigley and Miss Stev-^ ens of Markdale were week end vis- itors at Mr. D. Mcphail's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mcphail visited friends in Dundalk the first of the week. Mrs. Will Carruthers and family, who have been visiting with her sister Mrs. Thomas Genoe have returned to their home in Toronto. "Air. and Mrs. Royden Gibson and daughter He'.en of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mj-s. John Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hutt and child of Regina visited with Mr. and Mrs. George .â- Vrrowimith last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Genoe, Miss > Mabel Williams and Miss Marie Fen- T. wick of Eugenia visited the first of , m Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair and daughter Margaret left the past week on a motor trip to Niagara Falls and other points. Miss Irene Sharp of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Will Gibson. Mr. John McMillan of Toronto spent the week end with his mother. Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto and little nephew, Angus Calham of Orangeville are visiting Mr. Angus Whittaker. EUGENIA -Master Fred Taylor has returned to Toronto after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and family. Mrs. .A.nderson (nee Miss Calder) PORTLAW Harvesting has commnced. Mrs E Whitten, Mr. and Mrs. a former teacher here, accompanied ICharles, Mrs. D. McXichol and dau- by her mother, brother and sister vis-!jrhter Helen of Toronto, Mrs. Quinn ited in the village on Sunday, .August [of Bethel and Mrs C. Lyons of Proton 12th and renewed old acquaintances! Station were visitors at the home if Members of the Park, Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Gi-aham families met them in the Park in the afternoon and lunched to- gether. W*edding Bells! Wedding Bells! Congratulations are extended to Mr. Ted Parsons and Miss Verna Roberts whose marriage takes place this Wed- nesday. Miss Mabel Hoy and frie'id, Mr. Child of Toronto visited at her par- ental home a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Waldrick ac- companied by Mr. Ed. McKean and children of Ravenna visited a week ago last Sunday with Mr. McKean's brother, Mr. Court Smith and family. Miss Myrtle Acheson and friend of Walters Falls spent Sunday with her friend. Miss Marjory Park. Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and children have returned home to Owen Sound after spending the past week at the home of Mr. Joseph Sherwood. Mis* Selen McDonald also spent the week end with her grandfather, Mr. Sher- wood. Mrs. Geo. Proctor and grand daughter, Miss Marjory of Kimber- ley visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor. Miss Marjory Park, accompanied her aunt, Mrs. Fogg to Toronto where they will spend a week holidays. We are sorry to report Mrs. .A.lex. Hoy not enjoying very good health. Mr. Will Graham is also under the doctor's care. We hope both pat- ients may soon be well again. Miss Florence Howard of Duncan i â-  visiting Mrs. Alex. Hoy, who is Mrs. Will Campbell and little son have returned home to Toronto after spending the past two months at Fair View Villa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cruise and family have returned home to Gait after hol- itiaying with Mr. Jas. Porteous and lather friends. ."Ir. and Mrs. W. E. Morgan and ftMiily have returned from a pleas- a- motor trip to Toronto, Windsor r.n 1 Detroit, returning by way of the B'. : Water Highway : Irs. M. McMillan has returned from a trip to Tobermory and northern poirr.i with Meaford friends. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrj. C ut Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Ir- w Knetchel and children and Miss Mrs. J. L. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor and Mr. J. Wiles of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor. Miss Hattie MjCrae holidavcii with! Mr. Louis H Shearu.v.n and dau- her aunt, Mrs. Thibaudeau in Mark-|ghter Mary vi.^ted with friends in ^'^'«- iOwen Sound. Born-Or: Friday, August 17, 1928, j ji^s. Geo. Williams of Toronto vis- to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee, a son.ljjed her friend. Miss Iva McNally. Congratulations. I Mr. D. Mclntyre of Mclntyre vis- Miss Josephine Falconer of Dur-,ited at Mr. J. A. Thompson's, ham is holidaying with Mrs. Harold Mr. George Blakey returned to To- Falconer here. jronto after two weeks holidays at his Miss Nettie Martin of Owen Sound home here. His brother. Gorley and visited on Friday and Saturday with, Wesley Young left for the west on her brother, Mr. Chas. Martin, and the harvest excursion, family. I Stanley Gaudin of Toronto is holi- Mrs. Alex. McDonald of Weston is, laying with cousins in this part. visiting with her uncle, Mr. Henry! ^^"^^^s -•^"'^'"J' '*"'* ^^^^^ 0^^°™ ^'^' Qgjj^g lited with Toronto friends. ' Mrs. J. A. Thompson received the sad news that her sister, Mrs. Mc- phail of Winnipeg had passed away in the hospital there. The remains will be brought down by train and the funeral will be held from Mrs. Thomp- son's home here. Mrs. W. H. Little, Stanley and Mr. Jos. Williams Jr. contracted blood poisoning in his hand. We are glad to report him recovering. Mrs. Ross Lehman and sister, Miss Hilda Williams returned home to To- ronto on Sunday with Mr. Lehman, who came up Saturday night. A very pleasant tmie was spent at „ . _ , . _, x •_•* „ . ' . ,-.,, , „ I, Gertie spent a week in Toronto visit- Fair View \ ilia, when all members ^ , , relatives, enjoyed a corn roast. ^^^^ Spurgeon McNevin is re-roof- Mrs. Burkholder has returned to .^^ ^^^ otherwise repairing his house, the city with her two little daughters ^omnig events east their shadows be- rema'ned for a longer visit. fore. yoif M. .Mr 4th M past Hoy falo. y ror ma:: aci â- 1 Stade of Hanover. Mr. and Lcs. Poole and children of the â- â€¢J, Osprey. Leachburg, who has spent the veek with her niece, Mrs. -A. I'.as gone to her home in Buf- Dundalk Business College, Dundalk, Ont. .... Ciontlemen:- Plcase arrange to have me as a student in >our College, this term. My name is • • .Address .:. Butler and son Willie of To- 1 spent the week end with Post- r Park and family. ^Ir. Jack .ipaiiied them to Shallow Lake. : .ster Wessie Jamieson is visit- is liis aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. R MacMillan. Markdale. :iiss Hilda Gordon, who has been \ y ill with an attack of the "flu" 4S.- slowly improving. We wish her a nore speedy recovery. 'Ir. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson, Mr. :-n ' Mrs. John Wilson. Mr. John Paul y \ R. Bentham, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H Millan, Mr. and Mrs Gordon Wil- ? â-  and Mrs. William Walker Sr.. ' ted friends in Cotlmgwood. Was- ," • Beach. Elmsdale. Wavcrley and : ildleton over the week end. Mrs. Len Latimer is visiting f iends at Grier.wille and other points Mrs. Maggie Turner and friend â-  Toronto spent the week end with "rs. S. W. Sloan. Mrs. Bert Graham and family have one t> Menforil after sjiending the rast week with her mother. Mrs. M. :.' Mullen. "..:• and Miv. Gordon Wilson and >• Wilson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. . Hall of Duncan visited the for- 3 mother, Mr.;. W. Wilson re- to get a thorough Busine.ss Training and make the pre- Daration neces^^arv for .^ucc-^ss in life. A NAIL will go no further than its head will let kt. Young Men and Women will go no furSher than their heads will let them. That means if you have not the i^roper 'Tiining or preparation you will not achieve the ?::--i-^i; vou pre lookine for. WHAT TRAINING SHOULD I HAVE'? A thorough Busines-s Education or a Shorthand and Typewritine course, or both of them. WHERE SHOULD I GET IT? At Che Northern Bu.siness College. Owen Sound, Ontario. WHEN SHOULD I BEGIN? When the College oijens after vacation for the fall A' fhp beginning of Sei^tember. WHAT Si U DIES SHOULD i TAKE? Write to the Principal or Phone 107 during office hour.5 or No. 330 evenings, or better still, call at the College and consult with the Principal. C. A. Fleming. Northern Business College Owen Sound, Ontario. ij tern I •> ♦ BATES BURIAL CO. 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO Phone: Klng<dale 4.141 J.W. Bates. R. Maddocks | <t.x~:~x*<~:~x«<~:~>«K~M":~>«>'>'>->->-x~>«><>«K~M~x~x*<>*x~X":«'W~x~:«-K«<":~> "j^ouge of ©ualitp" S S g FOR REAL FRESH GROCERIES BUY AT: g 9 9 ♦♦♦ the week at Mr. T. Genoe's. Cedar , ce; ly View Farm. ! • â-  vt -vt Mrs White and daughter Laura Me. 'ord spent Sunday with Mrs. M. are sepndintt a week with Toronto Mc! ullen. Mrs. A. F. Hammond friends. , and daughters. Blanche and Estelle Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bean and ba'oe of Toronto also visited with her of Red Crtiek, N. Y., Mrs. Herbie mothc •. Mrs. McMullen. Fisher and two children of Toronto ; Mr:- Clarke and three children of are visiting their sister, Mrs. Roy Sault .He. Mario are visiting with Piper. Mr. an>: Mrs. H. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns, Miss BOR:: â€" On August llth to Mr. .«!yble Collinson motored to Wiarton and Mrs. Valter Sfott of l>elia. Aha., the first of the weok. - a son. Mr. and Mn. uortlon Baxter of Mr. Fr. ! Martin of Detroit spent Chicago were first of the week visit- the week d with his aunt. Mrs. J. ors at Mr. Peter Muir's. J. Pattisoi . |FRUIT O GRANGES BANANAS LEMONS g GRAPES PEACHES r. and Mrs. Russell McMulUn of^lV.'lli UKLAIVl PEARS I 2 NEILSON'S ICE CREAMâ€" ALWAYS FRESH 9t (Sold From Our Electric Cabinet) J PURITY AND FIVE ROSES FLOUR O O 2 Fiesherton » W. J. Stewart & Sons Phone 46 O

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