tfnar mm I' W'-W P WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22, li)28 THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE Findlay Makes An Open Confession They say that an open confession is g'ood for the soul so I fed like makiiiji" one. Last Spring I boujjfht ratlur heavily on llahy Sup])lies, expecting? a lUnnper Year along that line, but whether the wet weather had an>thinj^ ti» do with it or n(it, we find ourselves with Rill coming on with too many Baby Carriages to Carry over the winter, so we will give you a real bargain if you are in need for one now, or it would pay you to hold one over until next spring if necessary. We say we serve the ])eoplc. Jusi. call in and let us ag:r.n dem onstrate that you do not hnve to send away to get bar- gains in -mything- in our line for we invite yon to com- part our goods as to (piality and price witli other nei- ghboring towns, or outside firms. fifi THOS. W. FINDLAY Furniture Dealer Funeral Director THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherttn, Wwinosday of each week. Ciculation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance §1.50. In U.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON F. J. THUR.STO.V WEDDINGS BENTHAMâ€" REYNOLbS Neepawa, Winnipeg and other points in Manitoba. The bride wore an emsemble »uit, the coat of oyster kasha, opening ov- er a dress of printed crepe in har- monizing shades. Her hat was a close fitting model of biege chiffon felt leaves over net. She wore the groom's gift, a fox fur. On their return they will reside in Craik, Sask., where the groom is a member of the Royal Bank staff. On Wednesday, Aug. 1.5, Elizabeth I Ailecn, .second (laughter of Mr. and I Mrs. G. E. Reynolds of Beeton, was j united in iiiarriaRe to E. David Ben- 1 tham of .Saskatoon, J on of Mr. and ^Mr.s. Richard Bentham of Flesherton. itor. j The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Asst. Editor. |g. H. Sneyd, pastor of Trinity United : Church. The bride, who was given l).v her father, was charming in a EDITORI.VL NOTES I French gown of white georgette with I skirt of silver picoted handkerchief Week-end drowning accidenU^ are P"'"'* a"d Brussels lace veil caught becoming as numerous as week-end "'*'' "range blossoms. .She cairied car fatalities. I a .shower bouquet of Columbia roses • • • : and lily of the valley. The bride wa.s It seems to be a foolish expend- ' ^"'""'«d *>>' her sister, Miis Bertha iture of upblic money to transport ^^y^'^lS' attired in a period gown of British mine workers to Canada to ^'^^'°"' ^""^ mauve taffeta, with shoes work in the harvest fields, without ^"'' ^'^^ ^^ match, and Miss Aileen any previous farming experience. C^^f^P'"'"' very dainty in a frock of The westerners claim that it will "^^"^''^ "epe *'e chine, with an old- practically mean a bread line this f^^*''""'^'! nosegay. The wedding winter. ^ music waj played by Miss Beth Ben- • • • I tham. Mr. Jack Re.vnolds assisted the CARRUTHERSâ€" HUTCHINSON A quiet but pretty wedding of con- siderable local interest was solemniz- ed at Knox church. Portreeve, Sask. on July a, when Thirza Mary Eliza- beth Hutchinson, popular young lady of the city and a former member of the teaching -taff, was united in ir.arriage to Ian Wallace Carruthers, of Portreeve. The muptial knot was tied by Rev. R. J. Russell in the pres- ence of a small gathering of intimate friends. Mrs. McCIenaghan acted a^ matron of honor, while the groom was- attended by his brother, La \'erne Carruthers, of Taft, California. The bride looked charming n a rose Inege georgette model gown with mo- hair hat to niatth, and carried a beautiful bouquet of roses and sweet peas. The matron of honor wore an orchid georgette gown with hat to match and a corsage bouquet of yellow roses. Following the wedding ceremony a reception was held at Mrs. McCIen- aghan i home, followed by a buffet lunchooi,. Later in the afternoon the happy couple left by train for a honeymoon trip to Banff, after which they will return to Portreeve to take up residence. They were given a rousing send off by friends at the station. The bride wore a travelling dress of mid-night blue morocco crepe with touches of apricot and hat to match. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful leather handbag and to the matron of honor a beaded bag. During the reception were displayed a wonderful array of gifts from their many friends. Among the out of town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Meyronne and Mr. and Mrs. A. Walkinshaw. Yoong People's Rally i The annual Rally of the Young! People's Union of Grey Presbytery will be held in Markdale on Friday of this week, August 24th, afternoon and evening. Commencing at 3 o'- clock the final games for the ladies Softball chamrimship will be played off, when the f )ur group winners will compete. Thii wil be followed by a Basket Picnic. In the evening in Annesley Chur.h the final debate be- tween Markda:.> and Annan will be held. There will also be a final or- atorical contst, when the champion- ship groups will come to-gether. Oth- er good numbers will be provided. Ur. Anderson, returned, Missionary from Chin i is expected to be present. Come and make this a real Rally. Everybod;; wt^ccme, especially the young people. Howard I. Graham, Convener. VANDELEUR Mr. rnd Mrs. H. Garner and dau-J ghter, Irene of Toronto, also Mr. Am- ' OS Smith of Meaford are visitors at ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gil- ' bert. I Mrs. Geo. Warling is visiting with friends in Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. Van Everett nf Hnm- ilton spent their holidays with Miss Mamie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert and fam- ily of Toronto were holiday visitors with friends in this vicinity. The Ebenezer Ladies Aid met at the home of the President, Mrs. T. ( Freeman on Wednesday, August 8th. i A large number of ladies were pres- ' cnt and a good time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham, Howard and Jlay; Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Gra- ham and family; Mr. and Mrs. Rus- / sel Graham, .Mr. and Mrs. Russell Freeman; Mr. and Mrs. Burnett of Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blair, Mary and Jack of Florid spent a day at Wasaga Beach. aIj. more ammmC lha[uxu^! The very newest designs in Diamond Rings of quality. .Attractive mountines in ISk white gold, beautifully carved. Mounted with diamonds from .915.00 up. SOUTH LINE and 0. D. R. The tourist trade from the United groom as best man. After the cer- emony Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Reynolds States to Ontario is estimated this , „ , ,, „ „ year to reach 10,000,00 mark, with ''" "" "' ^ Bentham receiv- an approximate expenditure of $00 - T' ""â- ' ^^'^â- '^^- ^ater the happy couple onrinnn fi„f....:.. :„ ^_-. . . ' 't'ft for a 000,000. known as a beauty spot and inquir- c.'."r' " ,, ' States, a Ontario is fast becoming „r„* it- i. ... , â- „ . Water Highway, through the United nd hence to their new home eries are received from all states south of U.S as to various holiday routes, etc. i in ."Saskatoon IISHI.EIGIIâ€" WHITE It is feared that two more aviat- ors have lost their lives in an at- 1 A very pretty wed<ling took place tempt to reach Europe in an airplane, at the Grace United Parsonage, The planned route this time was on .Saturday, 11th, at 5:30 from Cochrane. Ont.. on a non .Uop p.m., when Miss Florence White, dau- flight to Greenland, thence to Ice- ghter of Mrs. (Jco. White, Diinboync, The hot weather that we are get- ting is bringing the harvest in fast. By the nde of the week nearly every- body will be at the harvest. Mostly everybody took in the Card- motor trip along the Blue en Party at the United Church at Priceville on Thursday. .Miss Jessie Ferris opent the week end with her frieiid, Miss Sadie., Ol- iver. Sorry to hear that Mr. Robert Vause is losing one of his horses. It is a big loss, as he liought the in the spring when he lost one of l;is other ones. -Vlr. Curby of Toroto visited re- cently at Mr. Jos. Oliver's land and on to .Stockholm, Sweedcn, formerly of Flesherton was uniteil in but from latest reports the flyers marriage to Mr. Robert Clarence Fish- have not reached Creenland. No leigh, .«.n of Mr. and Mrs. Albert \ at Andrew and William Dingwall's. doubt in time the crossing thee Atlan- Fishleigh of Sparta. They were at- ' tic will be an every day occurrence tended by Mr. Harold Nickle and with rea.sonable security for the oceu- Mis.s Agnes White, the bride's sister, pants of the machine, but to-day .sue- Rev. J. N. Gould, officiated. A re- ce.-is are very few and the loss of life ceptiou was bold at the home of tlie Fall Fair Dates All'ston Oct. 4 and 5 Bolton Oct. 5 and 6 Bothwell's Corners Sept. 18 andl9 Brampton Sept. 25 and 26 Chatsworth Oct. 11 and 12 Clarksburg Sept. 25 and 26 Colling^vood Sept 25-28 , Dundalk Sept. 27.and 28 ' Durham Sept 18 and 19 Feversham Oct. 1 anig Flesherton Sept. 20 and 21 Grand Valley October 11-12 â- Holstein Sept. 25 and 26 Kilsyth Sept. 26 and 27 London (Western Fair) .... Sept. 8-15 Markdale Oct. 2 and 3 Massey Sept. 18 and 19 Meaford Sept. 19-21 ^i''"and Sept 13-15 <":~h~kk":~x~x~X":~:~x~k~wk~>«xk~:~:"Mkk"X~><"Kk~w~:~^^^ Mount Forest Sept 19 and 20 *»; is mounting. (.'room's parent.!. Mr. and Mrs. .Mbert Fishleigh, Kparlii. The ha.opy couple This fall the I'nited Church of Can-, 'i'*"' *""•' Niagara Fall.s. On their ada will receive into its communion â- '<''^">'" they will reside in, Port Huron. two ontstandiny preachers from abroa.l. Rev. K. W. Young, M.A., B. | GRASSIE-MADILL I)., comes from Belfast, Ireland, to be ,' pn.-^lor of Dun.las Centre Church, j A very pretty wedding was sol- London. Rev. Lynn Harold Hough, enmized at eleven o'clock on Satur- D.D., who declares that as soon as he; (lay, August 11th at the home of comes to Montreal to bo pastor of Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Madill, (Jlenside, what prior to union was the American Sask., when their eldest daughter, Presbyterian Church, he will become ^arie Meldrum, be.canie the bride a citizen of Canada, has this summer „f Mr. Morlev James Grassic, son of been preacing in the City Temple, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gra.s.sie, Neep- London, and at Mansfield College, '„„•.,, Man. The ceremony, which Oxford. For years he has been one t,,,,;^ pi„(.p i,n,]pr an nrch, beautifullv of the leadmg divines in Detroit, and k.n.rated with wedding bells, white IS well known to many Canadians, streamers, sweet neas and baby breath We have many Canadians preaching „.as performed bv Rev. J. D. Manley m the Inited States, so here we have ^f Glenside United Church, real reciprocity. rr. i • i . i ' I The bride, who was given away by •â€" -*â- ||,(,p father was charming in a bouf- Am 1 Mntnr Trin '""*' >^"^'n "^ coral taffeta, shading UN n mUlUI I lip ,,„ ,,j,,p ^„i,i .and carried a shaker â€"â- i)ou(iuet of sweetheart roses and lily Dr. Ern Armstrong, wife and fam- ' „f the valley. ily of Cobalt are holidayincr thi^ r j- i , « n . ^.i^ , ... ,, , ,. i, ,. Immediately following the cere week with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. , ,/. , , , ,,.,,. , , , . . mony a buffet luncheon was served. Hicklmg and other relatives and arc ^he table was centered with the wed- renewmg old friendships. Dr. Ern ,„„^ ^^^^ „,„, „^^^„^^.,, ,,,,i^htf„„y and family have been .m a motor trip ,,1,,, ^„„ ^^,^., „, ,^. j^^ ^^^^t through Eastern Ontario and will also visit Niagara Falls and Buffalo be- ,'! , „ ,.,. fore they return to the North. i, .?'"•''"'", ""'"'1; T'"" J bride, Mrs. Alex. McMannus; Mrs. Hugh McDonald and Mis.<i Eva Cole, intimate friends, assisted with the .serving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnhouse and' "Wedding Memories," a preUy three children of Eilmonton arc on "'""'''''•• '" ^*'''"'*' ^^"^ ^"•''^s »'K"«"' a motoring trip and called on old ""â- '•â- "«'"*"*' """^^ Presided over by friends in town. It is about 25 ^'''"' <â- '"''>« Osbor»e, Saskatoon. Orangeville Sept. 18 and 19 I •!• Ottawa (Central Canada).. 20-5^^! Owen Sound Oct. 4-6 [X Mr. Harry Milliner of Hopevillc ' Priceville Oct. 4 :-.nd 5 : f^ visited a couple of days last week Rocklyn Oct. 9 and 10 1 •!• Toronto (C.N.E.) .......Aug. 24-Sept. » .'£. Walter's Falls ...." Sept. 25 and 20 Y â- 1^ MO.S(H ITOS WENT |X j AFTEi; BARE LEGS 4; J A number of people took in the Circu.< at Flesherton on Friday.- Mr. an<; Mrs. Ed'vard Ding\vall .^pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrj. ii. Watson, Proton. ;vh,s. Ualdwin of Niagara Falls ro- I Mosquitos were .^o ba(i on . Friday ' ,^; turned home after visiting with her ^ e^'fi'i^-"- 'hat tlie Harris:on Kiltie band Y parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDou- I ^^•«'' f'^"""' t-'*'l«il «",onen air com- y cert which they had >ianned giving X on the library law'rt. .\f >r playing t\y"' Y Specials in Men's Suits Regular $30 for $26.95 Regular $25.50 for $22.95 WORK SHIRTS FROM 98c UP gall. She was accompanied back b.v Mrs. MeDougall. Mr. Holmes, Mi.^s Ida, also Mr. Neavon of Durham spent Sunday at Jas. Oliver'.s. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMillan spent .Sunday at Swinton Park. Brs.*!'". Williamson is visiting at John Williams's. pieces the knee.^ of th;- bandsmen be gan to take on queer, shapes as the piiosquito bites started to sweJl.Thpre S evidently are no mos'.iuito.-, in Scot- v land, where the Highland costumes •*â- â- first originated; â€" Harriston Review. '^ ROCK MILLS The Advance Small Ads. NOTICE I GROCERY SPEC1AL,S 2 lbs. Raisin.s .'.... 23c. 11 hais P. & G. Sod SOc. l.arj;e Jars Marnialadf 39c. Castile Soap, 7 bars for 25c. Th'uit Jar Rubber Ring's, S pktjs 25c (^"Canada Flour $4.25 Visiting Old Scenes years sice Mr. Barnhouso last \ is- ited in Flesherton and sees many changes since his boyhood days, which were spent here. I^ubicribe to The Advance NOW. The bride's mother was becomingly irowned in black crepe-de-chine satin, with trimmings of mauve and silver. Mr. and Mrs. Grassie left on the early afternoon train amid showers of rice and confetti for Clear Lake, Mrs. Fred Field of .Memphij, Tenn. is visiting with her father here, Mr. Robert Akitt. Mr. Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia spent Sunday with his niece, Mrs. Chas. Newell and attended Camp Meetings. Mrs. Walter Akitt and two child- ren arc visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ben Wilson of St. Catharines. We are sorry to renort Mrs. T. Atkinson in poor health of late but we hope she may regain her usual health again soon. Miss Gladys White and Edith Betts spent the week end at Lions Head.. Rev. H. B. Jackson preached on Monday evening on the subject "Is the World gettig better" and delivered a forceful message. Mr. John Akitt of Creemore and Brs Greg of Barrie visited recently with the fomer's brother, Mr. Robert Akitt. Mr. Geo. Jackjon spent the first of the week at his home at Williamsford. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Newell and dau- ghters Florence and Marjorie visited recentlv with relatives at Durham, X It X I ? X I W. G. KENNEDY! PHONE 37 There is no partnership between my son, Orrell Fisher, and myself and I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by him in connection with ^, the garage or in any other way. 4- â€" L. A, FISHER, Flesherton. ♦♦4K":"X'4h>.VM«K"Mm:.<m><h><.<.^><h^.>.>.>,>4h^^<->^^ WANTED For Canadian West 44,000 HARVESTERS $15.00 S To WINNIPEG Phil H cent net mOe to point* beyond, tat not «Mt of Bdmcotoa, MacLeod and C«l|*ry. Rcturaing $20.00 phu 20c. tai from Vlkmigt, pha H c«nt per mile, itartinc point to Wiimipci. 21 Aug. 23 31 From stations in Ontario, Toronto and east to Kingston, Smiths Falls, and Renfi«w Junc- tion; Torooto to S udj>ury, including line Medoote to M idland. From itaticnt in Ontarto. Toronto and south, west and north to Bolton, including all staticnt in Ontario co the Miehlcan Central: Pete Marquette: Windsor, Bitex and Lake Shote: Qrand River, Lake Erie and Northeni; and Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railways. From alt station* in Ontario west of Smiths Falls and south of Sudbury and Renfrew Junction. BORN MOLIITdRâ€" At Earlton. Ont., on Sunday, August liUh, 1028. to Mrs. and the late Mr. A. Molitir, a son. Train Service Trains leave Flesherton Station at S:10 a.m., and 4:10 p.m., August ?3rd. â€" A. SLNCLAIU. AGENT. S^iol Cantor hadienmd ChiUt«n. CANADIAN PACIFIC M . I .- 'ro-t<rfimlg'St t> i^