Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1928, p. 8

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, -^f^J^ ^•'â- â- "iWi:- tmtl-"'-* yrlf TTSr mt m M It •WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE cause of spontaneous combustion and what will prt'vent it. "The Farmer's Advocate" has been informed on Kood authority thata salt sprinkled through the mow will pre- vent the formation and ignition of Farmers lie awake nights worry- dangerous gases. An eciually wood ig about a fire, for they know that a authority ilainus that salt may make Is Spontaeous Combus- tion a Working the Land to Control the Weeds During the latter part of the sum- mer and in the fall thorough work- ing of cultivated land will destroy many weeds. As soon as the hay crop io removed the sod should be ploghed about B inches deep and disk- ed lightly in order to pack it to hast- en its decomposition. If the land contains couch grass it should M disked at weekly intervals for three spontaneous a fire means a loss of $5,000 or more the hay more i)latable, but will not to themselves or the insurance comp- prevent combustion. And there we imies. In spite of this constant haz- j(,.pi ard and source of worry, has anyone We use salt, hoping that authority heard of any real experimental work number one is right. But there is conducted in Canada to ascertain ex- „o experimental proof to inspire con- actly what conditions are responsible fijence, and meanwhile there is a for spontaneous combustion and what $5,000 investment in jeopardy will preveut it ? If tough hay causes combustion one would the barns in Ontario to go up in I itions seem most conductive to a blaze smoke and flame this year. The pec- 1 was apparently all rightâ€" fire! uliar thing is that some growers have never had a blaze. It is myster-j ing, so unlikely and yet so real! Sur- ious thing, spontaneous combustion, Uly with all the facilities and f unds j j|'jjyyâ„¢"^ij''^'vaiiabie it should be used and the wonder is that it does not in- available for experiment and re'search. j ^j^^^ g^,.,, cultivation to bring the trigue the fancy of some scientific an- 1 something can be done to free agri- xious to solve serious problems. ] cult ureof costant menace and set It is proved to us that one kind of , farmers at ease in regard to their grain will yield heavier or is stiffer buildings and contents, in straw than another vartety. It] We have no fault to find with re- has been demonstrated that legumes i search and experimentation â€" it is all are more valuable feed than timothy i;seful- but brains acd mo'.ey rcp b?- Baseball League A meeting of the Centre Grey League was held in Flesherton on Tuesday evening of last week, which broke in disorder when a protest ^^^.^^^ a„,, long-e^ousers flapping about by the Dundalk team against Al- ^ig ankles, not only looke hot, but is hot, and knows it. A woman, in sultry weather, looks ; lage of_Feversham, in the county of cool; she may feel torrid, but in 3 I Grey, Telephone Operator, who died ^ ion or about the 31st day of March, light dress, short top and bottom, she ; looks as cmfortable 83 a sailboat in a ten mile breeze. But a man, with a collar and tie binding his jor four weeks. Then, if the sod is Sopntaneous combustion is no ^ ^g„ ^^^^gj^ ^^e cultivator should be , myth. Farmers have learned that to , gt^^ted to bring the underground expect half; their sorrow. But. where the con- 1 ^^^^^^ commonly called roots, to the surface. Weekly cultivation will be ! more effective in killing this weed It is all so mysterious, so con^us- \ ^y^^^ cultivation at longer intervals. If there arc many roots and a chain and couch grass. Growers are delug- ing used on highly technical projects, ed with exeprimental proof that good while real farm problems thato cause seed will produce larger yields than j farmers to lie awake at nights remain poor seed ; and after the farmer has untouched and unconsidered. "done all these things" and stored the ountiful harvest made possible by] Shelburne bowling green was form- 1 g„nijjj weeds science the bam and its contents go i erly used as a cemetery, which prob- up in one catastrophy burst of smoke ! ably accounts for the number of dead and flame because no one has taken j ends played there, remarks the Dun- the trouble to discover the actual I dalk Herald. roots together for removal from the field. In the absence of a chain harrow a hay rake may be used. Couch grass roots which are brought entirely onto the surface of the ground will die in about ten days, time in ordinary summer weather. Late in the fall the land should be ploughed and left rough over winter. Thorough cultivation as suggested a- bove for the control of cough grass, will also eradicate most other per- When the late sum- 1928, are required to forward their claims duly proved to the undersign- ed Solicitor of the .•Vdministrator on cr before the 2!»th day of September, 1928. And further take notice that after such mentioned date the Administrat- or will proceed to distribute the money among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as ) All persons having any claims or he then will have notice of. ''^'idemands against the Estate of Thorn- j Dated at Colling\vood this 17th day *' 'as Wolseley Conron, late of the viP of August, A.D. 1928. THEY MUST G0| A Clean Up of White Canvas Shoes for '4 Women ane Children at 25c. a pair. | <'4><~:~:~x«<-:~:~x«<":~x~:~:":-:~:~:~H> s SandaU & Strap Slippers | Just the thing for school Opening at $1 a pair GET YOUR SALT AT CAR (to arrive about Aug. 20) Brantford & International Twine on hand At Right Price A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. mer and autumn weather is rot too wet and thorough working of the soil is possible, fairly complete de- struction of couch grass and other weeds of its class will be accomplish- ed- Where the land contams only an- nual weeds a thorough disking about every ten days after the late sum- mer ploughig will hasten the germin- ation of weed seeds and cause the destruction of young weed seedlings. After harvest cultivation of grain stubble for weed control would be sipiiliar to that Jlestribedl for .sod land excet that it may not be neces- sary to plough the land if only an- nual weeds are present. onzo Smith playi.ig against Kimber^ ley team. Dundalk clsi'^ied that ! Smith was ine.igible as he P'ayed , p^QjicE jq CREDITORS with Meaford m the Owen Sound City League. Fljsherton and Kim berley were not in favor of the pro- test and Murkdalc sided up Dundalk, and K. Kills, President of < the League cast the deciding vote to allow Smith to play. The Flesherton representatives claimed that as Smith had played with Kimberley two form- er years he was still eligible, as he only lives seven miles from Kimber- ley. As Smith was the only pitch- er on the Kimberley team available, as Ellis had a bad arm, it would make the Kimberley team too weak for the play-off games. There was a pre- cedent for this name when a battery from Creemore was allowed to play with Dundalk, which otherwise would have retired from the lack of compet- ent players. When a motion was put before the League Executive to set the play-off games the Markdale representative refused, to go ahead and stated that they were retiring from the competition, if Smith was allowed to play. Since the meeting we understand that the Markdale team will go ahead with the games and decide a winner. Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED FOUND â€" Lodge collar and vest left in the Baptrst church on July 12, can be secured at this office. FAR.M FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, Con. 7, Osprey town- ship, 200 acres, 'consisting of about 90 acres under cultivation, about 20 CAME ASTRAY â€" Strayed to the ' acres in pasture, about 40 acres in property of the undersigned about ! good hardwood bush, balance in good July 12th, yearling heifer. Owner i «'»?.'"? ""d wood bush. Two good prove property and pay expenses. â€" j W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. Came to the Premises â€" Lot 27, Con. 14, on or about June 4th, 2 year- ling heifers, part Hereford. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. â€" Henry Walton, Kimberley. FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" 10 pigs, one month old. â€" Archie McKenzie, Priceville. wells and running spring creek. Small orchard and farm well fenced and in high state of cultivation.. Bank bam 42 by 60, driving shed, garage pig pen, solid brick nine roomed house and hard water at door. W. J. CHARD, Flesherton . RR. No. 1. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVIO <-:~:-<«*x~X":~x~x~X":~x~x« •:":"X"X"K":"X-X"X~x-x-X"X-x~ FOl R-DAY FLOUR From field to flour in four days was the record established by Stuart Shouldice, a Kepple Township farm- er, who was among the first in North Grey to harvest wheat. He cut the wheat the middle of the week. By Friday it was threshed and Saturday it was sold to a local milling firm and ! milled into flour. Mr. Shouldice re^ ceived $1.20 per bushel for his crop I of -too bushels. The entire crop grad- ! cd No. 1. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the six com â€" unities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. This Week's Specials In Groceries 21c. 25c. ...9c. Can Peaches, 1 lb. tins 2 for ,^3c. :«: Can IVars, 1 Ih. tins 2 fur 2Sc. I'.nlk Dates ; ^ lbs. for 25c. 2 lbs. l.'^c. I Crape iMniit. 1 lb. tin. per tin 21c. 2 tins for 27c. X I,\les C.olden Svnip, 1 lb. tins ....2 for 2lc CaniijbcH's Soiij) 2 tins tor .Aylnicr Soiij) 3 tins for Shoe rolish, black or brown vc^. 15 . Loaf Sti;,Mr Can Pineai)ple Sliced ^ tnis lor s/c. .|. i.yies t. olden ^ynll] Carnation it .\estles Milk, larj^e, 2 for 2.^ !|! iCxtracts. all flavors, 2 oz. bottles 5c. Can lieef iMay lientoes ro^' M) for....22c. !^ .\ational liisciiit I'naps. rej;-. 10c. 2 for '5 5c. '4 Certo for Preserving' bottle 2^c. 2 for 21c. '4 Salmon, 1 lb. tin,"fancv i)ink 17c. .• .' "-• 1 '^ '• 7'< C.7. A for '>5c .2 tins yc. i{. Can lieets choice (pialilN 2 fur 25c. Jelly Powders, rej^. 10c. for . Can Peas, standard (piality ... .w ).'•.•:•.: '. ." . â-  . - and Carnation. f» o/. size TODDY, 16oz. Tin, August Special â€" 48cts. «" *«x< •••••.••:••.••;••.••.• 10 BARS SOAP FOR 33 cents 8 Cakei assorted, Comfort, Surprise, Gold, P. & G. Naphtha, 1 cake Ivory and I Cake Boby's Own Soap for 33c. lobars limited to every purchaser. <.^..><.^..>^.:.^<..^<..;^.<.<..:.<~x•>:>•^<"^<•<••x><Xx^<••;••x•<•<•'^^•^•^ Aylmer Pork & P.cans. 16 uz 2 for 2^'S^ Can Raspberries lar^e tin. per tin ....14c. Kipper Snacks. 4|j uz. tin. each 5c S Can Ikintz Cream Tomato Sonp 16 oz. 2-2)^c. X I'.rnnswick Sardines Prunes. Delnionte 2 for 21c. .4 for 2.X-. Shredded Wheat 2 f<.r21. KelloKj.,'-''^ l'<-'p. ''t'R- ^^'^-^ Paris Pate. 3 oz 2 for 10c Syminnlon C.raveV, ^A oz. per jikj.;-. 10c Syniinffton Cravey. l'/- oz. per pk^j. 5c, :j: Club House Coffee. 1 lb. tin ..2 for l'>c. ^: Mazula Oil. -1 lb. tin for cookinK' ...40c. ...'JSc. .Mazula Oil. 2 lb. tin for cooking; 40c. ^ Mazula Oil. 1 lb. tin fur cookini;- 2f)c. * Kovah Lemon Cheese, 12 oz. jar 1'h-. II F. T. HILL & e*.. LifflHed, MarMale Softball Leagqe The race for second place in the Centre Grey Softball League is sure- ly a real one, as the schedule shows. With only six more games to play. Rock Mills, Onwards, Victoia Com- ers and Flesherton are practically tied with Kimberley, who have come out of their slump, closing rapidly up and may make it interesting yet. This team deserves great credit by. stay- ing with the job against great odds in the early stages of the league and have won their last two games against the Onwards last * Saturday evening and came back Monday evening of this week and defeated Flesherton. On Wednesday of this week the On- wards and Victoria Corners will clash, and as Rock Mills have to win this game to stay in the race it promises to be quite an exciting game, and will be called at 6:30 a'clock. Players kindly be on time, as darkness comes on early now. On Saturday night the Onwards and Victoria Corners will play their last game togethc:' at G:.'iO o'clock. FOR SALEâ€" 12 head yearling cat- tle.â€" R. J. Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Almost new Road Cart, paint scarcely rubbed. â€" W. W. Trimble, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Kearry 1927 crop goat's, 65 cents per bushel. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, 'phone 38 r 3. Won Lost Maxwell â€" . 13 0. Rock Mills â€" 8 5 Victoria Corners â€" 7 5 Onwards â€" 7 5 Flesherton â€" ' 7 5 Kimberley â€" 6 5 FOR SALEâ€" (Quebec Range, Quan- tity of coal, Chev. sedan, Beatty elec- tdic washing machine and other art- icles. â€" Mrs. W. L. Wright, Flesherton Registered Shorthorn bull for mt* vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey, "Maav Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Boiullt Marquis 142,881; Dam, Red Buttaxflf 131,078. Temu â€" Porebreda |6.0I. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Engwta. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Bo.-ir for M»> vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Gbdv the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agricuitare. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BOAR FOR SERVICE No. 92-77530. Also a young York- FOR SALE â€" Chevrolet touring, shire pig, both bacon type for service engine in e-xcellent condition, equipped on Lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R. with bracket for trailer. Phone or Terms â€" $1.00. call Wm. Wright, Maxwell. FOR SALEâ€" House and half acre of land in Ceylon, good stable, well watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc- Millan, Ceyloii. HONEY FOR SALE-Clover Honey 11 cents per -pound; reduction on 50 pounds and over, can supply 5 and 10 pound pails at cost. â€" Flesherton .Apiary, W. S. Inkster, Prop. The Osprey U. F. Y. P. 0. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Spofford on Munday, AuRiijt tith, with a good number in attendance And had a Kcnerl business meeting. It was decided that the next meeting would be on August 24th, at the home of Mr. Mark Murphy and will also en- crtain the Maple Grove Young People Everybody welcome. â€" T. Spofford. Voters' List, 1928 MrNiril'ALlTV OF ARTEMESIA. FOR SALEâ€" One Pure bred reg- istered Shorthorn cow, four years old, duo to freshen at once, also Short- horn Bull, one year old. â€" Edgar Betts, 1 Telephone Feversham ring 2-1. *» FOR SALE â€" Near Thornbury, Good fruit, Grain and Stock farm, 100 acres, good buildings, some wood land .Spring water, mail and 'phone. â€" Rob- ert Dobson, Clarksburg, Ont. T. J. STINSON. ..BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vfceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HIXDLE, Proton Station Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia MtDDLE^O & BURNS BaniaterB, etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Tarma: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guanite«4 Dates made at The Advance office. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENTâ€" Double garage Runstadler, Flesherton. :io. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Notice is here()y given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vot- ers' List Art and that I hrtve posted up at my offii'e at Flesherton. on the lUh.day of .\ugust, 1U28, the list of all persons entitled to v6te in the said municipality at Municipal elec- tions, and that such list remains ''â- .v.' fo:' inspc.-tion. .•\nd I hereby call upon all voters to tnko 'immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions} correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 2nd day of Sept- tember, i;>28. Dated at Flesherton the 15th day of August, 1028. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Voters' Ust, 1928 Ml NICII'AI.ITY OF OSPREY In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric wired, soft water cistern, cellar un- der whole "house, large verandah oti two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres of EGGS WANTEDâ€" Highest market I land and good stablfe. An ideal price will be paid in cash. â€" John spot for a retired farmer. FLAT FOR RENT â€" 8-room :>p. ; avtment for rent, bath room. â€" Mra i W. L. Wright, Flesherton. 1 Runstadler, Flesherton. tf. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. NOTICE-Buy your Binder ISvine ' . Pure-l^ed Hereford BuH for at The Park House; the price is right, i ;^'e\*;.„7r;""i^S' ff d."te mTlS â€" H. Spoffard. > be charged. Notice i.-< hereby given that 1 have (•(.mplied with section 7 of the Vot- ers' List Act anH that I have po.sted up at my office at Feversham on the 18th day of August. I<.t28, the li.sl of all persons entitled to vole in the .^aid municipality at Municipal elect- ions, and that such list remains there for inspection. .\nd I hereby cull upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or onii.'<.<ii>ns correct- ed according to law, the last day for iippenl being the 3rd day of Sept- ember, 1!I2«. Dated at Feversham the 20f day of August, 1928. â€" H. G. BURKE, Clerk. NOTICEâ€" Berry Picking for t-wo of- a family ($1.00) Lot 29. Con. 14, Artemesia. â€" Wm. Rae. â€"EDWARD LOUCM. BUSINESS CARDS ^r. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., denUl WANTED - Four head of cattle ^^^^^ ,,^„^r graduate at Toronto to pasture, also four acres of alfalfa' ^^j jj^y^, (,^j,^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ g^. for sale. Apply to â€" S 32 Millwood Rd. HENDERSON Toronto, Ont, WANTED â€" High School students to either board or room. â€" Apply to Mrs. E. Best, Flesherton (opposite the High School) HONEY FOR SALE rgeons I of Ontario. Gas administered for I teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. I Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. & I A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- I strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. jo. Watson, W. M., C. P Lawrence, Secretary Chioce Clover Honey for sale in bulk. Price reasonable. Can sup- ply 5 and 10 pound pails at cost. â€"ROY W. FEN WICK, Novl.''. Maxwell. Ont BULI- FOR SERVICE Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc.. I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry. B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at I Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soH- citors. etc. Offices Grey and Bruce For service on lot 30, Con. 13. Art- ' f j''''^ ^^'â- ''" S**""**: Standanl Bank emesia. Durham Bull Royal La.l No.! Block Flesherton. (Saturdays.) W. 178.773. Tcrnis:.$2 if paid befort' T' Telford, Jr.. J. F. P. Birnie. January 1929, otherwise $2.50. j Wm. KaltUng, Usoenaed Aw â€" DINCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia.' for the counties of Gray and â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , Farm and stock salet % si "Your wife is talking of going to Terms modcrsU.. salMMtkm Europe this summer, objections?" "No, certainly not Have you any Let her Ulk." may ko Ude at the UMiHm Central telepHbM eAsi^ or by addrsestiig me •!

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