Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1928, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE IP YOU HAVE NOT HEARD COME WHERE EVERYTHING GOES! and be one oi the many to profit by this unique Price Slashing Campaign Read it NOW! A first-class stock of Boots, Shoes, Gents' Furnishing, including Shirts, Caps, Odd Pants, Overalls, Men's Suits and Overcoats will be sold at a price that is sure to appeal to the thriftiest of buyers. J. P. Walter & Son - Flesherton f. fell out of the nest on Monday but i didn't break any of its bones in the fall. The other hen cast longing (fiances at the nine in the tree but ! as chicks had not the use of their I wings one peep over the edge was HENRAISES BROOD IN AMPPLE TREE Henry Janke of the 12th Con., Sul- livan is the owner of a Plymouth enough to make them huddle together I °PP'"''^""''^y that should not be over T% -_1_ l.;i ^1_ 1_J. 1 !• • .« •• r, m llrtnL'a/lVtirfnn rvt n n it*l«n lion n .-tiv%A>a Showing at The Fairs Grey County Home Garden Results Fairs have paved the way to pro- fit for niny farmers. They offer an Co-operation is working to-gether, ' ^''^ a dull day in neighborhood hos- so let's go to make our annual Fall ' pitals when one or more patient for Fair a real success, by working and j operation on tonsils or appendix are ''posting. I not laid on the table. Rock which thought not so discrim- lest they tumble out too. Seeing inating in thee lass for whom she the mother's diatresfc Henry came provides the hen fruit as the black to the rescue and handed down the one recorded in nursery rhymes, is other nine. This is the first time very particular where she lays her we ever heard of chickens bin.n hat- Ci^gs. The wind had broken the ched in an apple tree. â€" Chesley En- limb of an apple tree in Henry's or- terprise. chard and the Rock in her search _â€" ^ of a nest, spied the receptacle form- Two young boys near Arthur put a ed by the lodged limb flew up into big iron nut on the rail, but it was i the tree and got busy as a wealth discovered just before the Teeswater producer. In all, chookie laid ten train came along and a possible eggs in the aerial nest and last Sun- wreck was averted . The boys were day ten chickens were hatched. The given a severe lecture in court and family was so large that one chick were allowed to go. looked by the man who has a super- ior product, for with good manage- The judging of the gardens in the Orey County Home Garden contests has now been completed by Mr. A. Small Advertisements ment there is money in quality. Take S- S^'th, B S. A., Assistant Repres- the producer of purebred live stock. > t"'!,'?- Jn f â-  . T """'^ ^^^ ,, , . J . . , , gardens divided into four contests. If he puts up a good show herd and p^^ purposes of Contestant the selects his fairs with good judgment County was divided into four sect- LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" Strayed from the premis- es of the undersigned 2-year old red steer . Finder please leave leave he can make expenses, and maybe ' ions with the total number of gard- ^'t*" ^^®*^ Stuart, 'Phone 29, Flesh- more, in premium money. His profits ens in the local section as follows: erton. I School Time t PENCILS SLATES CRTYONS WATER COLORS TEXT BOOKS DICTIONARIES SCRIBBLERS SCHOOL BAGS ♦•:~x~:~>«:~:-x~x~:-S"X'<~X":-:"M":« Pickling Supplies Hvcrythins: needed and evcrythiny- fresh KIPK TOM.'/roHS R]\D PKPKRvS <"X-x~J-<:*«c~X"X«<"j' â€" Give us your order for green gage plums â€" A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store closed Tues. and Thurs. evenings come in fk-ee pul^iicity. He comes : into contact with more prospective | customers than would ever come to his farm to see his stock. He makes sales and lays the foundation for fut- ure sales. He feels the plus of the , trade, which helps him to make his ' plans for the future. No. 2â€" Bentinck 12 Glenelg 12 Artemesia 15 Osprey ; 18 Total 57 that applied secured FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Driving Mare. Apply to â€" John Wright, Flesherton. Every child a splendid" package of seeds in which o'd there were 18 varieties of vegetab- Some who show fail to cash m les as follows:- Radish, Lettuce, Spin- FOR SALE â€" 10 pigs, one month Archie McKechnie, Priceville. ,, . . . .V. • u. q-i, FOR SALEâ€" 12 head yearling cat- their winnings as they might. They ach. Seed Onions, Peas. Beans ,Cab- tie.â€" R. J. Boyd Flesherton take what comes to them in the way bage, Swiss Chard, Dutch Sets, Car- ]_J [ '__ rots, Beets, Citron, Corn and Squash. The seeds are of the very highest of publicity and do nothing to culti- vate it. The enterprising showman will carry a stock of photographs or Quality cuts for newspaper use, get acquaint- ed with reporters and help them in any way he can, and make use of The prizes given in each contest are as follows :- 1stâ€" S2, 2nd-^$1.50, 3rdâ€" $1.25, 4thâ€" , .... v.. „!,„„,:„„ «1. 5thâ€" .75, 7thâ€" .75. 8thâ€" .75 and advertising to announce >"s sho^ying ^^^^ loth.'llth and 12th all .50 cents. FOR SALEâ€" Brood sow and elev- en young pigs, also Oxford Ram.â€" Bert Magee, 'phone Feversham. % and proclaim his winnings. It all tak es careful planning and constant alert- ness. To go to the fair and win, and then tell the world about it. Fit- ting and showing a herd is only half he story. The big profis comes in ef- fective publicity â€" Chicago Drovers Journal. •♦♦♦<'<>««<~X~X«^ •x-x~x~x~x~x*<-X"X":' «**•**«'****•«%•*•«****••*• •â€"-•â€"â€"»â€" â€"•â€"^"»-â€" •"•â€"»- The winners with their address and School section are as foliows:- GROUP NO. 2 - . 1. Ruby Kobe, S.S. .1, Bentinck,! Hanover, No. 3. 2. Waltorina MoFarlane, S. S. No. 7, Bentinck. Chesley, Ont. 3. J .D. Campbell, S. S. No. 16, Artemesia, Flesherton. In addition to the.se there are also • ^ Verdun McMaster, S. S. 1, Ar- two splendid stories of camera hunt- temesia, Flesherton. inK by the well known writer Bonny- 5. Charlie Winters, S. S. No. ll, castle Dale and Dr. S. S. Dickey. Rob- Osprey, Maxwell. ert James contributes another splen- fi. Rerton Mullen, S. S. No. IG, did "Tale from the Wardroom Mess" Osprey, Feversham. while the magazine contains stories 7. Isabel Firth, S. S. No elg FOR SALEâ€" Six Octave Doherty Organ. A good one. Price Reasonable. â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Grade cow, 10 years old, due to freshen Nov. 13. â€" Wm. Walker, Eugenia, 'Phone 43 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Kitchen Range, 3- burner oil stove, with oven, table, chairs and other articles. â€" Mrs. Roy Piper, Ceylon. 'phone 44 r 31. HONEY FOR SALEâ€" Clover Honey 11 cents per pound; reduction on 50 pounds and over, can supply 5 and 10 pound pails at cost. â€" Flesherton Apiary, W. S. Inkster, Prop. FARM FOR SALE About 100 acres of good clay loam land, being lots 24 & 25â€" 2nd Con., N. D. R., near Six Comers, about a mile from Flesherton Station, about 85 acres of cultivative land, 10 acres in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. Seven roomed house, solid brick, with cellar under all, also sr.mmer kitchen and wood shed attache I. New hip roof barn 45 by 46, drivj shed 20 by 40, good spring well an J good fences. This farm cheap for quick sale. â€" Geo. E. Banks, Ceylon, Tele- phone 2 ring 4, Flesherton. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICl Registered Shorthorn bull for vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey. "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sirp. Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebrpde |5.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenia, BOAR FOB SERVICE. Registered Yorkahire Boar for vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, CareUker. BOAR FOR SERVICE * ' * ' I and feature articles 3, Glen- Durham No. 1. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order thtft our rnstnmers in the six comni::::itie.s may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Marifdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Ne^v Fall Goods Arc Arriving Daily And we are now in a position to serve you better than we have ever been before Our buying powers have placed us in a position to give our customers prices which are away lower than those offered by city stores where theoverhead is so high F.T.HlLL&Co.,Limiied,Markdale FOR SALE â€" Desirable Second Mwi-tgage for sale, Toronto resident- ial property, six roomed solid brick 8 Maudie Pickens, S. S.ll, Ben- dwelling, hot water heated, finest res- tinck, Durham No. 3. 'idential district within short distance) 9. Clifford Brown, S. S. No. 3, of Danforth Avenue. Fully modern Bentinck, Hanover No. 3. . throughout with all conveniences and 10. Frank Eagles, U. S. No. 2, Ar- transportation facilitiees. Amount of temesia, Markdale, Ont i mortgage about $1800.00 usual dis 11. Grace Fee, U. S. No. 16, Os- "^"unt 25 p.c p'rey, Ravenna. aPPly to advertiser 893 Pape Avenue, 12. Edith Mclnnls, S. S .No. 3, Os- or 316, Confedertion Life Buildaing, No. 92-77530. Also a young York- shire pig, both bacon type for service on Lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R. Termsâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. prey, .Singhampton. . Toronto. LATE FAIR SPECIALS MIDOLEBilO & BURNS Bwiiaten, etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evecy Further particulars [ ^"^"^'^^y '^ternoon and evening. GEO K. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEBR For the County df Grey. Tvni: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarataetf Dates made at The Advance office. Special by Ejgo Baking Powder Co. for best pan of biscuits, bakod from their baking powder, can of powder to be displayed with exhibit. 1st 5 â- pound tin of baking powder, 2ml 3^-i pounds of baking powder. The. following specials will be for both East Grey and Feversham Fairs: Special by Osprey and .Vitcraesia Shipping Assoc, for best Bacon Hog either clasae.s. â€" Cash, $2.Ql0. Special by O.^jprey and Artf mcsia j B*n»a Shipping Assoc, for best Market Lamb. Cash, $2.00. ."Special by Osprey and Artemesia ', ^'^'...^t*''^^ for -second prize for. best Baby Beef Cash, $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS ; FOR RENTâ€" Double garage.â€" Jno. ] Runstadler, Flesherton. FLAT FOR RENT â€" 8-room ap. avtment for rent, bath room. â€" Mrs W. L. Wright, Flesherton. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room , house, electric wired, sof: water cistern, cellar un- EGGS WANTEEV- Highest market ^^^ whole house, large verandah oB two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres of land and good stable. An ideal spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont price will be paid in cash. ' â€" John Runstadler, Flesherton. tf. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- NURSINGâ€" Practical nurse with j experience wants cases, charges reasonable. Mrs. EDITH FIKE, j Phone 41 ring 4-2. Dundalk. BULL FOR SERVICE. D \ J. G. Russell To Be i-* FtesliertDn Pure-bred Hereford BuM for mt- vice. Terme $2, payable the fint wt I or write Mrs. E. Pike. c.o. Mrs. R. | February, after that data |2.S0 wlB IBIakey. R. R. No. 2. Proton. ! Artemesia Souncil. â- M Lie Oi ' '^°"" °' $1200.00 wanted at 12 p.c. W66k of S6pt> Z4 I P*'" »nn""i security, 2nd mortgage on ~ : six roomed house with all improve- ments and conveniences, in the Dan- be charged. -EDWARD L0UCK8. l>r. J. (J. Russell, R.O., of Hamilton will be at W. A. Armstrong & Son's I LeVe'(j""to jewellery store in Flesheiton .from | p^' month."" Write" advert"iser"l93 BUSINESS CARDS I Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., denta) . surgeon, honor graduate at Toronte forth and Broadview district, Toronto --j p„„.i /-«ii« * n ^ , r. reliable tenant at t^^.OO if ^Z n ^*".*'' ^rrgeon. Writ*, advertiser 893 °^ Unterio. Gas admmistered for Monday, September 24th to Saturday, ; J,;pg";^;:^;yg 'oV'sio" Confe"derat'ion ***'*• extraction. Office at. residence September 2!)th, fof the purposa of j ^fp Building, Toronto. Toronto Street, Flesherton. testing eyes and suppyling glasses it necessary. If your eyes are trouble ing you consult Dr. Russell when he conies and receive relief. HONEY FOR SALE FELL ON PITCHFORK H.^NDLK , Prince Arthur Lodge, 388, A.F. ft A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- Chioce Clover Honey for sale in strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- bulk. Price 10 cts. per pound. Can day on or before the full moon. W. supply 6 and 10 pound pails at cost. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence â€"ROY W. FENWrCK. Secretary Maxwell. Ont. Novl5 BULL FOR SERVICE John McMillan, aged 23, married was taken to the Marine Hospital Owen Sound, with a terrible wound, sustained when he fell on a pitchfork handle. McMillan was working on the top of the load on the farm of Poter Seaman, near Sjiuble. . He missed his footing and fell from the load, which was quite high. The fork was standing upright, stuck in the ground. McMillan landed on top of it. The handle penetrated a dis- .„..,,.,,.„ . •â- â€¢, -•â- wnaw nocu tnnce of a foot or more. The fork | J**«''*"f V^^f^"^,. ^°*' ^"LTJ'^^ »»>« courtle. of Grey .„d 8^ „„n „.),„ 'vlce-Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 p.^ . . ... „vy """••". Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas For service on lot 80, Con. 13. Art- f "'"''• P*'°"e 2. Branch offices at emcsia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No.""""^"* ""'^ Durham. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if paid before Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soil- January 1029, otherwise $2.50. "**•"• ^^^' Offices Grey and Bruce -ni .CAN WLfAMS. E....I.. Sg: S^rtsrH^) "t ..BOAR FOR SERVICE P- Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Bimie. Wm. Kaltting, Liscented *â€" tlnw was withdrawn by Mr. .Seaman, who waM close at hand. An operation war, jierfornied. Although he was in a serious condition, hope was held for hi.'! recovery. â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Club. Terms $1.00. ! â€" C. HINDLE, I Proton Station Farm and stock salei a aiMdalty. °^Terms moderaU.. aatfafaetioa ^r- may be lade at the Adram* OMmTw Central teleyhoae ef})«% or by addrseilng m* at

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