THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1928 .tt 4 • » 1 S 'I K > < i ^ > « > 4 * 4 i 4 ^ i â- â- â€" 4 * » Sending None) To Distant Points You can send any amount of money to any point in Canada at a min- imum cf expense by using a Standard Bank Money Order. This method is the safest way to send remittances by mail in the Dominion; if the mail goes astray no loss is sustained. Should you desire to send money to a point outside the country, a Stand- ard Bank Draft will serve your pur- pose for forwarding money to foreign places. THE SIANDARD BANK ^ OF CANAIA ESTABUSHfO W4, E. A. PRESTON Manager, Flesherton Branch CJ'.K. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as fellows: Going Soutt Golag North "8.08 a.m. 11-52 a.m. 4.XD a.m. 8.B3 p.m. 8.31 p.m. â- l.Sa p.m. The mails close at Plesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. ••uth at 3.30 For morning train «outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Georgian Bay Disaster Early Saturday morning last the S. S. Manasoo of Owen Sound found- ered in the Georgi .n Bay otf Griffith's Island a short d' tance out of Owen Sound harbor. Most of the crew escaped in boats l^nd rafts on only a few moment's and up to Tues- day evening on!;, four of them had been rescued, ar 1 it is supposed that sixteen member- of the ship perished School Fair Success Artemesia School Fair w«z MTain a success this year, beingtheiu on the Agricultural Grounds in F^sheston. Although rain threatenedi in the morning the sky cleared considerably in the afternoon. There were four- teen schools from the township in the competition in the hall, but only nine took part in the school parade, which was won by Springhill school, Proton Station, coming second and Eugenia and Rock Mills third and fourth. The competition was keen and all the schools did exceptionally well in the parade. In the public speaking contest for girls Pearl Gibson secured first prize, with three other pupils of the Flesh- erton school taking the next three prizes. In the boys' section there were only two in the competition, Joe Gibson and Harvey Croft of the Flesherton school taking first and second. Miss Halbert of the Vande- leur school carried off first prize in the singing contest with ease, next in ord'^r being Pearl Gibson and Lorene McEachnie of Flesherton. Four lads from Rock Mills took the prizes in the boys' singing, but we have been unabh to secure their names. This was the largest fair in the history of the Artemesia School Fair, hundreds of cars being on the grounds with spectators. It is stated that the Artemesia School E*air is the largest and best fair in Grey County. Besides the four schools msntioncd above the others taking part in the exhibit in the hall were: Portlaw, 8th Line, Durham Road. Ceylon, Orange Valley, Vandeleur, Stone's Line, Irish Lake, Victoria Corners and Flesher- ton. There are onlv three other IT CAN BE DONE 12 p.C. WITH SAFETY Standard Royalties Limited which offer one of the safest and most profitable investments on the Canadian marlvet Summary of the Company's Progress and Monthly Income The Company is incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario. The Directors were elected and the Company commenced operations on March 7th, 1928. 'â- in the high seas .-unning by the cold. ' schools in the township to take part Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bentham spent the past week at Singhampton. Mr. Wm. Moore spent the first of the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips and son of Toronto motored up and spent the week end in town. Miss Mabel Binnis of Toronto spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. W. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks of Colling- wood visited with R. Bentham last week. Mrs. John Latimer of Toronto is the guest this week of h^r brother, C. X. Richardson, and wife. Mrs. M. Phillips has returned home after spending the past month in To- ronto. Mrs. Thos. Brady of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright. Mrs. J. Phillips of Toronto arrived last week to spend the winter months with her sister, Mrs. M. Phillips. Mrs. A. McRae of Eugenia will shortly move her family to apart- ments in Gordon Warling's resi- dence. An airplane passed over town on Tuesday morning, travelling north. It was apparently following the Pro- vincial Highway to Owen Sound. Gravelling on the County Road in town was commenced on Monday morning. Considerable work is to be done to the streets this year. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chard and daughter of Toronto spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. A. McMullen. Mr. W. H. Thurston is this week accompanying his son, A. S., of Thornbury on a motor trip through the Niagara Peninsula. Mrs. W. Poole of Maxwell under- went a serious operation in the Gen- eral Hospital at Toronto last week and is progressing very favorably at present. Her father, Mr. H. Down, of town, was with her for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. A. Cross and daughter of Manitowaning were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray last week. Mr. Cross was the for- mer manager of the Bank of Mont- real, when the branch was in Flesh- erton. Misses Florence McFadden, Laura Boyd and Inez Brown left the first c: the week to attend the Toronto Nor- mal School. Miss Jeanette Cargoe is attending the North Bay Normal. Don't forget the Ospery Agricul- tural Society Fall Fair to be held in Feversham, October 2nd. Ball games in the afternoon. Concert by Jim- mie Reid and troupe in the evening; dance in the hall after the concert. A splendid concert in the rink on the second night of the fair by the Laird Concert Troupe, of eight people. This will be a' real varied program of everything to amuse and make you laugh. The first of the final games in the Centre Grey Softball League was held in Flesherton on Tuesday afternoon when Maxwell was victorious over the Onward team of the O.D.R. The score was 9 to 6, and included two home runs by Maxwell and one by Onward. The final game will be played on Pair day at Plesherton. Mr. Chas. Stewart of town suffer- , '9i a very painful accident one day, last we«k, when his thumb was caught be,tweeri two large stones, when they c:ime together. The injur- ed digit was split on both sides, the nail torn off and besides the hand was bruised. Mr. Stewart's mis- fortune is to be regretted. The first facts received here were i from the Tore- ^o morning papers, I stating that the survivers, picked up by the S. S. Mr.nitoba were on the raft for sixty hours. I Mr. and Mrs. David Hyslon, Mrs. Doyg and daughter. May, of Strat- ford visited ovei- the week end with the former's r-i'i-^.tives in this district. Mr^ and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong of Toronto gave The Advance a pleasan: call on Tuesday, while on the way to Thornbury. He also visited his niece. Mrs. Robt. Croft, at Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Bramp- ton, are visiting? their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Stewart. in the competition, and two of them are L'nion school sections. It is always a delight to see what the kiddies can do in making articles of wear, fruit, cooking, manual work, etc.. but sometimes there are cases of first prize articles being made by somebody besides the child sho^vinff them. Most of the children, though, take pride in doing their own work and do not try any cheating methods. Mrs. W". J. Akins of East Lynn. Mass., and son. Will, of New York city, also Mr. Henry Richmond, of Meaford. callod on Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley on Sunday. Mrs. Akins is the only sister of our fellow towns- man, Mr. W. P. Crossley. •:~:-:~:-:~:~:~:~K"K~:~:-:-x~:~:~:"X"j~:~:~> I •>«K»<~x~>>«<~:-:-><-K~>'K~:-:~x~:~:~:~:-' t WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE The units of STANDARD ROYALTIES LTD. Will be advanced in price on October 1st TO $1.00 for the Preferred Shares .\XD 40c. for the Common Shares This advance is warranted in view of the Large Income and substantial surplus being earned and applied to ^ the Commotn Stock. \ MID-CONTINENT BOND CORP. I 331 Bay Street - TORONTO If 'i' linPfoloirr Friendly Co-operation This Bank consistently en<- courages the development of Canada's industrial and agricultural interests and seeks to merit your confi- dence and patronage on a basis of nelpful and jBriendly co-operation. TroNM^ your inutnct* with our manH fcnmch sai "VANHOKOKTO FEVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith, Manag er. M.4RKDALEâ€" W. L. Young, Manager. h- Months Operating Preferred Shares Issued Actual .Monthly Income Received March 222,650 $11,661.31 April 258,420 13,099.98 May 314,250 14,069.25 June 413,674 16,712.57 July 468,265 18,002.51 August 532,602 25,248.88 The Company'.s Income is now 434';; per month on the outstandinj^r Preferred shares. After the expenses of Management. Taxes, etc. the Charter provides for the distribution of the Income four wav? as follows :- 1. CLMILATIVE IS^c REDEEMABLE PREFERRED STOCK The Pref>3rred Shares are a first lien on all the Assets of the Company with a fixed dividend of 12 p.C. per annum payable 1 p.c. monthly on the first of each month to shareholders of record on the 25th day of the previous month, and are re- deemable at $1.10 a share. 2. SINKING FUND An amount equal to at least ^2 of 1 p.C. each month on the outstanding Preferred Stock of the Company must be set aside out of the Income of the Company and deposited with The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, as Trustee for the Re- demption of the Preferred Shares on the Ist day of April, 1943, at Sl.lO per share. 3. SURPLUS FOR RE-INVESTMENT Two-thirds of the Surplus Income must be in- vested in Producing Royalties to increase the As- sets and Earning Power of the Company and the remaining one-third is available for Common Stock Dividends. 4. COMMON STOCK DIVIDENDS One-third of the Company's Surplus Income is set aside for dividends, on Common Stock and in view of the large Income Dividends are assured and the Company will commence paying regular div- idends on .April 1st, 1929, as originally provided. Monthly Dividend cheques for the Preterred Stock at the rate of 1 per cent, are issued by The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, and this, dividend has been paid regularly since April 1st. 1928. S38.000.00 has alread}- been invested out of the Surplus Profits in New Producing Oil Royalties for the Company. Xo other Rovaltv Companv on the Continent has made greater progress in so short a time as STANDARD ROYALTIES LLMITED. all due to the Company's funds being invested only in Diversified Producing Oil Royalties in Fields of Proven Deep Long-Life Sands which are being operated by the Major Oil Companies. The shares are sold in Units of 100 â€" 12 per cent. Preferred shares at Sl.lO pei share and 100 Common Shares at 25c. per share. The present yield will be sub- stantially increased in the near future out of the Rapidly Increasing Common Stock Dividend Fund, as provided for in the Charter. A DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR, GIVING FULL INFORMATION ON STAND ARD ROYALTIES LIMITED, WILL BE FORWARDED ON REQUEST. When purchasing units make cheques. Drafts or .Money Orders payable to The Imperial Trusts Company of Canada, and forward same to :- Mid-Continent Bond Corporation 331 Bay Street Toronto - Canada Phones: Adelaide 9177-8-9-0 Upon receipt of funds the Share Certificate will be issued by The Imperial Trusts Company of Can- acia, Official Transfer -Agent for the Standard Royalties Limited, and forward by registered mail to the purchaser. Extra Pants FREE to every man measured for a suit of clothes during the visit of the Berger Tailoring representative to this store. Men. what an opportunity! For one Aiy only, during the visit to this store of Mr. P. King, head office representative of the Berger Tailoring Company, we offer you t!ie services of this well known, long experienced tailor and EXTR.V TROUSERS FREE with ever>- suit ordered. This is a wonderful chance to get the finci>t fit you have ever had at not a cent more than our regular low prices. In addition to a full line of suits, topcoats and overcoat.s already made up in the new styles, Mr. King will bring with him A Complete Range of the New Berger Fall and Winter Fabrics Comprising many score of beautiful import ed British and Canadian cloths. The Berger Tailoring Co. have always been noted for the extraordinary beauty and wearing quality of their fabrics. This fall they have excelled themselves in the wonderful value they offer. Tailored to Your Individual Measure All Berger sarments are tailored to the cus tamer's individual measure. Duriiis; this special event you have the opportunity of being measured by one of Canada's leading tailors at no extra cost. Don't forget : FREE PANTS only to those measj id •V\dne.'-.dp>, September iiii Make sur. of the iVitel Rememb;.r: ONE DAY Only Wednesday, September 26th F. H. W. HICKLING STORE CLOSED THIRS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT. <%