Sunday School Lesson tacle, and wa» llko a inibllc recanta- tion. Th« e!Ttim«t««l v»lu« of theae bookj was about ten thousand dollars. V. 20. This act of rtrixrntance is rep- resented as a »vgn of the mixhty power of the gospel, and Luke t«lls us that the Word of God prevailed. This is the doM of another caetion of his work, and after this he prepares u« for the journey of Taul to Jerusalem. III. The Universal Church, Epb. 4: 1116. V. 11. This letter was written to the October 7. â€" Lesson I â€" Paul In Ephe»j«. Acts 19: 8-10, 1820; Ephesians 4: 11 16. Golden Textâ€" We are his workmanship, created , In Christ Jesus unto good works, Ephesiuna from the prison-house at which God hath before ordained Rome, B^t'eral years after Paul had that We should walk in them.â€" left the city. It is filkd with tho nob- Eohesiars 2' 10. ! '^* teaching on the jci-son of Christ, ANALYSIS I. The Successful Preacher, 8-10. II. The Fr'Wt of His Preaching, 18-20. III. The Universal Church, Eph. 4: 1II6. I which is filled with all the fullness of I God. But Paul is also anxious to set forth his belief on the wonderful na- ture of the church, which he regards as the 'Body of Christ." The various leaders of this church arc all the dir- ect gifts of Christ, who is responsible Army Manoeuvres On Carjrda's Old Camp Introduction-Lphesus was a city of f^^ ^^^ progress of his kingdom grcut Importance and drew a largo y ^^ .pj^^ ^jj^j^^ ^jj^^ ^^f ^^^^ „,!„. numh.r of pilBrlms from all parts of j^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ j^j, ^rue believers the world to worship at the shrine of forVtive service in the church., whoso great temple was one y ^^ ^^ ^^j ^^^ different parts of of lh« marvel-s of the world. Paul had ^j,^ church work together, each doing triod on a provloua Journey to v sit ^.^^^ j^ ^^^igned to him, there will that city, but was prevented by the ultimately be gained a condition where Spirit. lu the following year It became ^,, ^.jjj ^ jj,^^ Christ an Important centra of Christian In- ^ 'y ^^ ^.j^j.^^^ ^.j,, j^^^j „], ^jg f^l- fluence. Today this part of Kphesus ^^^,^^ ^^^ ^.j,, ^^^ stability to the has no trade. Its site Is merely a col- . ^^^^.^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ „„ jj^,^ doctrine or 'w*^':;" ."'..^".'".1- '! I probable that ^^, ^tice will arise. the Orst Christian leader to carry on , y^' ^r, ^g Thus will all grow up work was Appollos a learned and el(> j^^j^ ;^j^j.j'j.^ ^.j,^ j, ^^^ Yie&d, and who Captain Cook's Sea Chest in London Sale Old Centre Passes MECHANISED ARMY MANOEUVRES IN MOTHERLAND A one-man light tank making a smoku I een at S.tllsbury Plain. An Angler's Ontario Com Bad Dream Causes Comment After the manner of Mr. William Once Mecca of Eminent Vic- toricms, Glasgow Athen- aeum Ceases to Elxist Battered and Scarred, and' ouscowâ€" Tb« OUscow Athenasam Studded With Brass 'â- "° longer to be numbered among KIM I • Cf-ii I the Important social and cultural In- lNail8, It 18 Dim jstltutlons of the west of Scotland. Sound ; Not very long ago one of Us greatest Dlrmlnghjim, Eng,â€" Probably no sea developments, the Athenaeum SiSool chest In the world ha« a more lUus- °' *^"»*<=' â- *" superseded by the re- i trlons tlstoD- than one which has centlyformed Scottish Academy of I Just loft the home of Mrs. Q. F. Play- ^'"-''^' ^"'l "O" " ^^^ ^^^^ annouuc- : forth In Birmingham for a London «<' '^*' '•»« '*"' <>' "« activities which â- salesroom, for It has a well authentl- ''«''" ^^^ °^'^ "*'"®' ^^^ *^'"'' ""'' "''^ « ated story which traces It back to ^""^ derartments, have ceased to func- , Captain Cook, who used It on most "°°- '^^^ Athenaeum has there- of his voyages of discovery. '"""e ceased to exist as a name, but It was a strange series of evenU "°' *= *" Influence. ! that brougtt the old chest Into the '^^^ Glasgow Athenaeum was <le possession of his Birmingham family ""'^^^ <»^«'" ^^ >"^^" ^^° ''â- °'" '^' wulch has no seafaring traditions. It Glasgow Educational Association, begins with tte gift of the chest by "''<'«« subscribers paid Is. a week .Captain Cook to hU friend Captain »'^'^ '"•^^^ ^"'5" '° ^^^ morning to Bllcllfre, or Usselby, Lincolnshire ^'""^J" philosophy, chemistry, logJE ; This, It Is believed, was In or near ""^ political economy. 1 1775, after Cook's voyages to the "^^^ ^^^^ premises were rented i Antipodes had firmly esublished his '""'^'^ ^ <='"'"'â- ' P''°'n°'er and were fame as navigator and explorer. Cap- °P«"^'' <"» °'='- ^^- ^^*'\J^^ "?"' tain BUcIiffe was a soldier and he ^^"'''P "'^^ l"^" "''" ^"'^°' ^"'^ '^ eventually gave the chest to Sir W '* Interesting to note ttat the In- When one reads from an authorita- "â- E"lott, whose father. Captain John !:"!"?'/°'y!! 'I'^nulTJ ^^LZ^! ed to build. ''" ******* wjio_are unittd with him. ^.^j^^s „ parody article In the current a height of fifteen feet, one is almost . '^°°'' °n ^ome of his voyages. **"« ^^^ i , ,h„ x^nZ.JllrAt^^r I Th» Suc««fui Pr««eh»r. S-lO •^ST" *««"« "' "Vanity Fair" describes an ready to believe that the nursery tale^ . Years later the chest passed into [^tl -Mancnester Ainen- I. The Successful Preacher, 8-10 V. 8. Kvldontly there was a large Jewish population, and I'aul, as was his custom, went Into the synagogue. Jews wore more liberal In their view, because ho was allowed to con- tinue hl.s preaching for a longer period than he had done elsewhere. For three months he continued to Bet forth the message of the gospel of the kingdom of Clod. This Is a term which l.s not often found in Acts or the writings of Paul, and It lueurs mo.stly in the lirst three go.spels. The kingdom of God Is God's rule in this world, which Jesus had come to set up among men. Paul genorally speaks of the living Chri.'it -r of the church; but here he la preseiiled as eagerly discussing with his hearers the nature of this khiKdom. v. 9. The unbelieving Jews at last follow the pxample of those at Thes- salonica, and fry to throw ol)slucIes In the way of Paul's mission. They follow the methods of the perHociitors. and speak evil of this new doctrine, likely by spreading reports of the character and habits of Paul and his followers. The result was that Paul decides to go out and form a distinct church, separ- ated from the synagogup. The hall which be used was probably connected with one of the several gymnasia of EpheKiis. which wero tlie centres for the social life of the people, where they gatherod for recreation and to hear the lectures by distinguished speakers. Possibly Tyrannus was one of those lecturers who had been Inter- ested In P.iul and who placed the hall at his dl.sponal for part of tho time. In the mornings Paul would work at his trade of tent-maklnK, probably along with A(]ullla and Prlscllla, and then In the afternoon or evening he would meet the crowd'i who gathered to hear m'hat was going on. V. 10. I'aiil ronmlns at this task for two years, with the result that the en- tli-e dl.slrli-f nniund was evangllexcd. Paul had 'many helpers whom he sent out on missionary work. It Is doubt- less that this was the way In which the seven cliiirches of Asl, re read In Ilevflaflon, chapt - _ady to believe that the nursery eventful fishing experience. of "Jack and the Beans'talk" ought to '"* Possession of William Alcock, of "Supper over, I decided to try a bo a bit inflated in order to bring it Usselby Hall, whose widow married little casting, and rigged up my rod, up to date. A farmer in Ontario is â- ^°^^ Stafford, another Lincolnshire while th'> doctorâ€" who Is not a very said to have displayed stalks of this Sentleman. It was John Stafford's ardent angler, although he enjoys eat- height when he learned that a New second wife who gave the chest to, ing a fish as well as the next oneâ€" oi grower was modestly expressing ^'®'' s'^'er, .Mrs. Playforth, in whose went In for a cold plunge. My first gonie pride over his own growth of Possession It has since remained. strike was a beautiful example of that twelve feet and six inches, an altitude ^J"^ decision to sell It means a new „,,.„„ „„, ,.„ .^ „^hool In the rare deep-sea denizen, tho Invertus fo. corn that might even an>use a lit- '^'^apter in the life of the old chest, l^'^'^f^. llr fh^ manaeer^eo of a Colh.p.sus, or sub-ocena turkey, which tic feeling among such well-known '^^'^^ ^'though much battered and '^"f'/^rr; „f dirTctorf In 1901 to my knoweldge has never before elimbers as the members of the pole f^^^'-^t^'ned. is still sound and well S'o'i«^nacol„Sll classes w!" " • • • preserved by Its covering of leather original commercial classes were acum. The present building with Its site In St. George's Place was secured £10,000, and was opened In 1888, ex- tensions being made In 1892. In 1890 the School of Music, which was the first of its kind in Scotland. Wild tstablished.and at the time of its reorganized into the Glasgow ani! been brought Into captivity. As soou ij^an family as this extraordinary fish swallow the jowa and' some of the other com- i ^'"''''^'l *'''' brass-headed nails. q^n.innrt PnmmPrcial Col hook, he Immediately puts the tip of producing states have not been heard I " "«« "» 'his chest, no doubt, that /Y^' °' Scotland Commercial Lol his tall in his mouth and pulls him- f^ ,,i,t if thev each report stalks ^^P""" ^°°^ kept, In addition to his '^f. ,„,„,„,.n^ to nntP that amnn. self Inside out like a glove. In which proportionately taller, it will not be Personal belongings, the records of '' '^ interesting to note that amon* position he extracts the barb with j^^j, txjfore one reads of stalks twenty- ohservations by which he contributed ease. He then swims backward rap- fi^.^ „r thirty feet in height," and the '° '""<='i that was of value to navlga- Emerson Thack calling out of hook and ladder com- : ""i' geography, and astronomy ^^um auspices were Emerson. Thack panics to harvest the crop. Of the Ontario stalks it is recorded that the cars begin to appear eight feet from the a distance which would seem who visited Glasgow id Victorians under Athen Idly to tiirn him.seif outside in again, and flits away .silently among the water-hyacinths, lightly touching his fin to his nose. "In order to land this wily crea- -« ture. I took out a small pocket-mirror, j^ indicate a need of at least step^ an<I a.Ivanced It carefully to a point jaddors in the harvesUng. The corn- within a few inches of the fish's head. England Endorses Free Collar Plan eray. Dean Ramsay, Anthony Trollopa ! John Morley and George .\ugustui Sala. 899 GRACEFUL LINF;S Flare at left side gives a .soft flut- tering nppe«rance to u stunning dr>es8 nuadc of the dull surface of black crepe satin with luKt'>>U8 .surface used for unusual shawl collar which em- Presently, glancing up, he looked at ^^^^n^ outstripped in skyscraping Stalk evidently docs not intend to be ^ Laundry Service, Originating Learning Golf his reflection in the glass and saw for the first time how silly a flsh really activities, and may yet attain propoi>j tions that will make it the envy of the i in Scotland, Keeps Pa- tron Always Supplied A fallacy In learning to play golf Is In trying to hit the ball from the be looks whereunon he lauirlied himself -""â- ' '^â€" - ~T ^^ -..--..â- ., - -â€" ' •• ginning says Bernard Darwin In the rdeat73 u". .l..'"or and I had ^^^ °^ ^^"^ vegetable kingdom, m- ; Washlngton-When a collar wears October I.sue of "Vanltv Fair." He Llmnex morning forreak?ast" ^'^^rtr^no'^l.f Hml be\T Tt ^r^eVo'f' h""''! '^"'V'^' T' ""'^ tells a story of how one should rightly tinâ€" tho well-known lima bean. lo free of charge In England. The col- lear» to play the royal game, paraphrase an old ditty: "Little drops lar replacement service which started "I used to have a friend who was of water, little grains of corn, make In Glasgow and has been extended intensely interested in the theorv of the mightt cornstalk, our country to to England, has been very successful, golf andâ€" which is a very different Don't Say It Unless You Sign It adorn." â€" Editorial Science Monitor. in Christian Gossip, meaning sly, on-the-quiet comments about people and things. Is one of the nuisances of our business and social life. Oo'islp Is almost al- ways more harmful In Its effect than In Its Intent, and Is likewise always Sea Call phasizofl tho one-(.id«Mf effwt so .^art, """ef^e-^'"*'"^ 'If yon won't sign a thing, don't « ... wn.„.. In tho mode. Featherwolght tAveed, a of wh • novelty woolen.^ faille crepe, sheer! ""^^ "' ' '" " '""'"'^ attributed to .p\;„2ai.d velvet atvnppn.printo for ne«iFn No. 1 ''"'•• J"-''"";' ^•"" "-ay o^ ,„ay not 8. founded. The Miccess of this 899, which can bo had in .Mzes Ifl, 18, '"'''''' "e'°'"'> ^^ '""* "*'""' P"""" efr.irl was so great that It began to tell 20 years, 3f>, 38, 40, 42 and 44 Inches' """" "'' "''"^'' "''""' "'*'''''' *'« '"'''® uimn the offerings that came to the I bust m«.sum It can Ix. made with i .""1« o.V"" "'.''"'''°" .'" '^L'"' " """"l'! i when I went to the Inland dozen at a time when soiled; In'a "stiff Abalfhe w pagau emple. Gradually the pilgrims to th« shrine of Artemu.s diminished, •o thut th« oHthurst which ultimately drovo Paul from the city, was caused by the Interference of tho gospel with the vustcd Intere-its of tho priests. II. The Fruiti of Hit Preaching, 18-20. V. 18. Where Christ was preaching there always followed an awakening of the nH>ral life. Jesus luid taught that repentance wa.s a needful ac- c<.inpaniinc'nt of the kingdom of Cod. Here we notice how the new converts v.erc impressed with the need of tum- 2% yards of 40-inch material with % yard of DO-ineh contra.sting for tho .36- Inch size. Pattern price '20c in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such gos'slp.- T,ahor Leader patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stanijw or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Wilson Pattern he well to ask oursolvos If we would sign these statenionts. We might re- i member further that people would us- ! ^.j ,„ ,i,„ j^y^ ^.,,en I forgot; ually rather quota us on these state- y,y,j flo^.^rs of the gardens or thick ments. In passing them out on their own responsibility. Wo never know j when or how such things will end. | The safe and sano coiirsu Is not to , ing from their old evil ways. The Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent ty return mail. Black-Eyed Susans convcrt.s came forward to confess in public their former sins, filled with awe. possibly by the incident told in the previous verses. V, 19. Hut more significant than c<>nfession is the actual amendment of How lavishly they scatter life. Thoy abandon their old prnc- ' Their bright gold tices, and gather togf-tlu-r the obif^ts | until the roadsides. ZrKM^ ^r;"' .">«"• old superstitious ; „,,,« ,„ „„d,,en wealth, worship. MaKUians and a.strologers „. , -.,.,. > , abounded in Kphesus. There was « Shako off their dusty dnihness. trarle in the sale of books of '^'"'"'y ""* divinatl<m, i-haniii and many forms The formal gardens. of spi'lls. These superstitions, as al- I'>'I"K »'l around, ways, had n effect upon the About their rich display character, and HarkentKl the minds of Of blue delphinium and rosy phlox, tlwue who practice*! such rites. The ! Along the streches bonfire which followed reminds one of ; of tho long highway, Ih! t'^.^Z^i 'Tq^'*"* 'â- *«"'^'"f ^,';<"" Faces of sun-drcuched gold tho preaching of Savonarola at Flor- „„,. „„„,„ „„ ence. It was a mo^t dramatic gpj^J Smile gayly up. Would such a system appeal here? matter â€" was quite a good golfer. Ha Launderers say no. because collars once told me the story of his one have not been standardized to the pupil, the perfect beginner. This point where a man would be willing pupil was little and young and strong; to have a new collar supplied for an he had never attempted to hit a golf old one Just because It was the right ball in all his life ami he put himself My old love for the water has como size and shape. The average man. unreservedly In my friend's hands. back againâ€" they say. likes a certain brand and What an opportunity was this for one I had forgotten Its surging, so long, would resent It It the laundry sub- who loved theories and had In him 80 long away; stltuted one of another manufacture, that latent germ of the pedagogue Sapphlre-blue In the sunlight and even If It had the same appeararfje which lurks in so manv of us. Some green-grey In tho rain. | and flt. two or three times a week tho pupil And the same waves cresting, and j The way the British plan works Is was taken to a golf course by the mas- the same sharp spray: i for a man to have a supply of new ter, like a sheep to the slaughter, and There was left a wave In my heart coHarg which he agrees to send, a diligently swung and swung his club. as not even allowed to look towns. I container furnished by the laundry, oa and he was bound by a solemn oath Something that moved and murmur- pledging himself to use no other and covenant not so much as to swing laundry service. The customer pays a poker on the tongs until the next the postage to tho laundry, which pays lesson came round. He was loyal and the return postage and charges 28. obedient and came gradually to pos- a dozen . for service. When the cus- .sess a fine, true, round swing, tomer notices that a collar has seen "The weeks had turned Into months. Its best (lays he writer "Repjace" on Still the pupil swung at nothing with It and gets a new one from the laun- perfect docility and at last came the dry free long grass of the downs â€" | What were tho sweets of the sum- â- mer days, where tho calling waves were not? SAD CASES Blind Ileggar: I can't see how I'm to make a living In this town any longer. poaf Heggar: And I haven't heard of rtny way of doing It either. My old love for tho water has come back once more. â€"Margaret WIdderaer. In "Cross Currents." . j^ Tourists Sherbiooke Tribune (Lib.); Not so long ago, when the Province of Que- bec was tho only province In Canada to permit the sale of liquor, malicious tongues took pleasure In saying that It was for the sake of getting a drink that Americans used to flock Into Quo- bee. What are these slanders worth ' Ideas, to-day when Ontario and tho other j 2nd i provinces, formerly prohlblllonlat. now allow the sale of alcoholic liquor? ALIVE WITH IDEAS 1st Hobo; My head's alive wld Hobo; anyt'lng else? An' ain't allv« tremendous day when he was to be al- lowed to swing at a ball. The master teed the ball with anxious fingers, told the pupil as far as possible to disre- gard It and swing as he had been taught. Then he awaited the result In trembling hope. The pupil swung easily, smoothly and truly and away sped the ball â€" as line a drive as ever was hit." "It's got so these days." complained a young man, "that you ran hardly, * " get married unless you can show the "What do you think of these draw- girl two licenses." "Two licenses?" Ings? Tell me frankly." '1 cannot exclaimed the friend. "Yesâ€" marriage toll you frankly because you arc blg- and automobile." ' KPr than I am." Trade Unionism wld Saturday Review (London): The j strength of trade unionism Is not In i class loyalty but In trade loyalty, and Usually a Job Is as big as the man the times are such as to make real In Itâ€" and often several sizes bigger, workmen realize that without com- , Put a laree man Into n small Job. and biuation their trade is In danger. A ' he Increases Its size Just as surely as prosperous Industrial class cannot be j Inhaling air expands the chest. made out of unprosperous Industry. MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Bud Fisher All's WeU That Ends WeU. \ X 6oTT^ HAMb iT TO M<(«LP ,P»I» MAXINa TM« LANt>lA*y, Mm ,A&NCS, bCLICUf: JCFP'V IW i»«e |\W«TH HeOl ttNC* Xt^kb H6ft. jTHM 5M« NtVftff ASttlfift r\\*. JACK ROdjT. t rouMft A QvjAI>TCft ANT> I'f^ GONfuA ULOVAJ kT ro(^ TMOVa FlouwCR}'. ;^^ -reL*. Hei» Jcff /T^Ui;^\ A 6IRTV T^(CIC\ OP MyTT Tl) Tecu OUft LA^OL^DV riA IN L0«6 WtTH iXcal X AIN'T SONNjAGOCyO vwlTH TH«i t>Cca(>T(OM ewew If t MAvCTo SL<s«p iM THe PW»l<'. x'LL CALL H«ie yP, ei?»MWC LIftW ttr(«: 1 AG,7ft>J'(»« A PIMC LAbV / AlMtt * AIN'T <JJOt*tHf OP V0«.'. AMOlMTHfi "fccofytk Pt^Cfi MoTT HGt> VWrtCM H6 HAMX>C-Df«*i THAT ^Ruige Juice aqout m<i- BeiNCl IM LOU£. MlTH VO\j'. X CAM'T (Jih^Vi Awyeobv BecAo^c I CAN'T Sy?Pol5T MtSCLFI