I* ' :♦ M Ut THE FLESHERTOX ADV.\NCF. WEDSESD.Kr, OCTOBEB 17. 19M ^ M Ciiaiiip. School Fair M. Scbeffer Leaves ^ m BRIXG YOUR "MATUBIXC VICTORY BONDS TO US I The Grey County Champiooahip •^ * Holders of Victory Bonds mator- ing on October 15, will find is prof- itable and convenient to convart theza at this bank. We are prepared So pay cash for such bonds of aay de- nomination, and suggest that for the sake of safety, simplicity anil convenience you deposit your mat- uring bonds to your credit in a Stan- dard Bank Savings Accqont. THE SIANIW^ BANK OF CANAEA .ESTABUSHEI) IV3 E. A. PRESTON Manager, Fksherton Branch CJ>Jt. TIMB TABLE Local and Personal Mr. Steve Sutton spent the we;k end in Toronto. Miss Mabel Binnie of Toronto vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duncan and family were in Creemore on Sunday. Mr. "Huck" Thomson is visiting â- with his grandparents at present. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton anj family spent the week end in Mour.» Forest. Mr. and Mrs. D. Howe and son of Toronto spent the week end with Mr^ M. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferris and child- ren are spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meads. The traffic census in town has b=en i Fair, held at Durham on Saturday, u proclaimed the best Champsionship School Fair in Ontario. Folly 4,000 people witnessed the parade of the 20 schools which comp<::d for the prizes, through their abilities in drillj. , songs and yells. U.S.S. No. 6, Snlli- i van, took first prize in the parade, but Springhill School, champion of the Artemsia School Fair, was not in the first sis prize winners, akhoagh ! all the schools diiT exceptionally wcti and deserved placing. j Joe Gibson of the Flesherton Public , School took second prize in the boys' ; pub.ic speaking conceit and Merle ; Buckingham of Osprey received 4th 1 pta» in the girls' public sp-saking. f Previous to the announcement of ; the parade winners Mrs. T. S. Cooper presented Miss Shirley Semple. U.S. S. No. 2, Holland ar.d Euphrasia, the gold watch which Agrl.-Representa tive is giving to the girl winning the greatest number of points at the I Township School Fa-rs. Another j watch was to have been given to the boy winning the greatest number cf points, but owing to the insufficient ; time to figure these out the winning boy could not be decided. Miss Dor- S. Xo. 11, Artemesia. cf Mrs. W. Moore. | was winner 'in the gurls' singing cor.- ! Mr. Harold Levsr returned from test, nineteen being entered. the west, after spending the past two The list of winners in the solendid . months' in the harvest field. . ^a'l exhibit was received too late to i Mrs. J. Smith of Cooksville spent b« ^et up and the winners from this the week end at the home of Mr. distirct will be announced in next and Mrs. C. J. Cross'.ey. [week's pap 3r. Mrs. Leffler of Fort Scot'. Kansas,! is making an extended visit with her sister, JVIrs. \S". A. Ami-itron^-. r Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling! " motored to Toronto Tuesday. Mrs. P'"^''?*! Lawrence of the h.gh Hickling will remain in Weston for ^^''<'' ^^^ received instructio-' ; f r. m a few davs. I '^- Department of Education thar 'Mr. Murray Inkster. a student "rfsrc. Asother change has been made by ? the British-American Oil Company ^ at their distributing station at Flesh- ♦ erton and Mr. Jack Maltby of Orange- ville has been appointed to the posi- tion. Mr. Maurice Schaeffer has filled the position for the past two years very creditably. Mr. Schaeffer has secured a good situation at Strat- ford and wUl move shortly. We will b€ sorry to lose Mr. Schaeffer and family and we wish him every success In the future. For Autumn Wear ReV. H. Crickington of BenUnck spent the week end aj the guest c' t Rev. and Mrs. M. Saunders at the j parsonage. He preached in the I evening to a large congregation in , Rock Mills church. ] The Osprey U. F. Y. P. O. wiH I meet at the home of Mr. Fr'd Spoi- 1 fard on Friday, October 26th, also will entertain the Mclntyre Young • People. Mr. Oliver. M. P. P. will Tie KNITTED SWEATERSâ€" For the unaB boy or giri | For 90 cents % KNITTED BLOOMER SUITSâ€" For the »maU boy f For $1.50 I GIRLS' JERSEY MIDDIESâ€" Scarlet and Jade t (SIZES 24 to 30) J * For $1.35- * LADIES' SWEATER COATSâ€" $2.25 MEN and BOY S SWEATER COATSâ€" $2.25 MEN'S TWEED COATSâ€" $3.00 A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store Closed Tuesday and Friday evenings Walkerton will tax the gasoline [ making opportunities pass us without Dumps placed on the stre:;t. Wow! j recognizing these. Thirty pu{>Dis Here's a chance for Flesherton to [ at $5 each would make enough to Additional Local items present to address the meeting, erybody welcome. â€" T. Spoffard. Er- make a little money. I thought of the way We never. buy a lead. lot of gravel at 15 cents per ' Trains leave Fleaherton Station foUovB: ^ Mrs. Wra. Martin of Owen Sound Going Soutk. 7 '. Goias North ', called on friends here Tuesday . 8.08 ajn. 11.52 a.m. j Misg jjary Paton of t'ne G. and M. 4.lfl ajn. 8.63 p.m. ; fcospital, Owen Sound, was the guest othv Halber: S â- .31 p.m. 4.33 pjn. The mails close at Pleahertoo as follows: For tEe north at ll.CO a.m. eonth at 3.30 For morning train eouth tnail closes at 9.00 pjn. the preTions evenini^. Changed History St^ding Mr. Marshall Kerton has mov2d his fami.y and household effects to ap- partments in Mrs. Hanley's residence. Mr. Marvin Hutton of the Detroit Police force for the past three years, is visiting his parents here for a few days. Ms. and Mrs. J. L. Whitj of Heath- cote and the former's sister, Mrs. Clifford Sine of Gananocua called on Mrs. W. H. Thurston on Tuesday. The Executive of the Liberal-Con- servative Association of South-East Grey met in the town hall last week and it was decided not to bring out a provinrial candidate at this time. Mrs. C. F. Lawrence and children ! were in Caledonia for a few days ;' I had been awarded his pass in British History, which he had tried at the 1 summer departmental examinaticu.?. I It seems the esarr.s were particularly â- severe and the Departr.'.e-: allowed , those who rr-ceived between 4-5 ar.i^ 30 'marks on the paper to receive the-r i diploma for that subject. taken during the past week by Mrsr'Tast w^e«k. Mr. Lawrence raotorea E. Best and itr. P.obt. Fisher. down on Saturday and Mrs. Law- rence returned with him on Sundar. Mrs. .\lex. McDonald and daughter. Isabel, left on Saturday for their home at Wesion. a/cer spending the past several months with her parents, >!f. and Mrs. Frank Cain.s. Mr. and Mrs. Addison .Allen and Reeve Thurston attended the open- i ing of the pavsment at Thomburj- on | Wedn33day last. j The local deer hunters are all ready j for the annB«l invasion of the north. "'"^^ ""'^ ^''- '"''^ ^^"^^ "''^''"- C'^'^" "^ which takes place the last of the ^°"'' ^^"'"* *"^ ^^'- ""'^ ^'"â- *- ^^- m^jjth. 1^*^ Hendrew and family cf Shelhurr.e ,,. r, ,, ^ „ ^ i visited on Sunday with Mr. R. Waller Miss Edna McCallum. nurse-tn- 1 ^ \r i r >t r j i »_•_â- » I »i. r. u •â- ..„. I**!" Mrs. J. E. McFadd^jn. training at the Grace hospital, Toron- to, spent the week end at her home here. Miss Elizabeth Benthani, v.-ho is attending Orangevii* > Business Col- lege, spent the week end at her home here. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowiing ofj .Allistcn and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. j Mrs. (Rev.) Spencer of Dandaik Ankers of Inglcwcod were we?k en-J ""p* **"'^ W.C.T.U. MAtday at t:ie visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Pi.-.der. i ^'''""''^ «>f »^I^s- T. W. Findlay ar.d The Presbrterian W. A. will hold a ' ^^"'^ '""''*' "'*â- '"' ^"^^ helpful infor- sale of homemade baking on Saturdav '"**'''° *-^ '*>'-' V'^^-'if'-!! bran:h. Mr. F. R. Oliver. M.P.P., addresse.r the Young Peoole's Society Tuesday rvening en "Citizenship." and gave an address that appealed to the aucr- ienee. Mrs. H. Down spoke on t^ie same theme from the standpoint c: the W.C.T.U. Si October 20. at 2.30 p.m., in th? Mrs. W. L. Wright's former grcoery stor?. Rev. Robt. Paten of -Arden ws,? in ♦own on Tuesday and left this Wetl- nesda.v. tak'n-T baok some of his house furnishings besides his horse and drivinir outfit. Mr. and Mrs. W. .A. Milton anil dausrhter. Jov. of Ha»nilton visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Findlay on Sunday. Mr. anel Mrs. F. J. Thurston and two children. Miss Ruby White and Mrs. D. Adams and daughter motored to Aylmer and' spent the week end with Mrs. Geo. L. Whit?. ' Kev. M. Saunders will attend the Haptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, which takes place in Hamiltor from October 17th to the SStd. Mr Saunders will represent the Flesher ton and Rock Mills Baptist Cburche3. | Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and family of Lions Head, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Dur- rant and family of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston of Thorn- 1 bury W9re week end visitors with j Mr. and BIrs. W. H. Thurston. | Great flocks of wild geese have ' been nMsing over during the past week. Is this a sign of an early, freeie up. or merely that the birds are anxious to get their fall feed cd i •orn at the Jack Miner's farm on Lake Erie? j Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Albert' Stewart over the week end were:-' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigoe and famil.v, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibsv-'n and daughter, E'ieanor, and Mrs. T. .A. ' Horton. all of Ton^nto. and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. McK.>e of, Feversham. * • ne also gave a condensed report of ttie Provincial Convention, which was heLi in Toronto last week. T. J. StlN'^ON BOUGHT HOUSE AT DUNDALK T. J. Stinson. who has farmed for a number of years three miles south cf Flesherton, has purchased a resid- ence in Dundalk from George Hood. The house, which is of brick, is sit- uated on Main steet east and at pres- ent is ctcupied by ?.Ir. and Mis. W. Walker. Mr. Stinson is having a clearing sale on Oct. 25, the adver tisement for which is on anci.;-.- page in this issue. Dividend Notice Stanifa d Royalties Limited The regular Monthly Divi- dend cf l'~c on the Cuciulative 12'"- Reedesrcable Preferred Shares will be paid cit Nov. 1st to sharehoid.'rs cf record on October 25th. A. J. JACKSOX, PRES. HEAD OFFICE: 331 Bay Street, Toronto 2. udjo Suits Gmadian GmdiUcms T :r%- IS iise» bas Receivers sensidvitv 6-iube Bdieryleas Cc.ijc& $233 eompkie 'Hn Racio Sec tr.at lacks in sensiriv lesi La many, parts ot Canai.:. In tne VC"estingricusa been developed to zke fall possibilities or present day radlotrcns. More than that, the 6 tiihe W«dnghouss Models have power in abundance â€" resen.-e pcv.er to bricg in the very distant stations with clarity and rszsonable vclume. Extraordinirv- sensitiviri- is the result of the com- bined Ubccicory engineeruig of Wcstinghouse Radio anc Racl;;;trc--i Eagin^ers to create the perfect radio receiver fcr Canadian condidcns. ALTHORIZED ^J'ESTINGHOUSE DE.ALEKS For Batter>-less, Battery sad the Full Line of RadioU Models B4 H. DOWN & SONS - Fiesherton ' WHEN YOU BUY A WESTIiSIGHOUSE YOU OWN THt WORLDS N!05T ADVANCED RADIO New Reduced Prices on Congoleum Rugs Full assortment of NcAv Designs for Fall. AH Gold Seal Guarnteed Quality No "Seconds" nor "Dropped" Patterns These rugs are in increasing demand and cannot be excelled for beauty of design and coloring 6x9 feet $6.25 9x10 one-half $11.25 2> 9x9 9x12 t( (( 9.50 7 one half x 9 8.00 12.75 9x13 one half 14.25 4 yard wide Lm6leums»^$^.8S rua^in^ yard Good^ selection of new patterns to choose from New Chintzes Draperies Lace Panels and Curtain Materials Window Shades and Curtain Rod**â€" Priced Right F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. i