Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1928, p. 3

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Chew Bay Big Ben by the Vacttutn {aif' tight) tin, which keeps thepluga in the same perfect condition as they were when they iefl the factory. FREE Westinghouse ELECTRIC TOASTER BIC BEN and Save the ** Poker Hands'' There are two big pleasures in chewing Big Ben. One is your enjoyment of this fiiie, rich, full-flavoured tobacco^ Still Troublesome League Helps Solve Tax Problems British Retain Grip on Ireland De Valera . Says- in ^ Attack pn Treaty Dublin â€" ETamoD de Valera told an audience In County Donegal that Great Britain is as firmly entrenched In Ireland as ever. He said that If war were to occur between England and the United SUtes, Ireland's har- ! bors would furnish naval bases for ; attacks on American commerce. I The British, be said, «re still es- j tabllshed In the principal seaports { and British troops are garrisoned In j the leading cities. He pointed out I that this conditton was provided for ! In the tr«aty between England and I the Free State. The same treat> pro- Legislation in favor of the Investor and capitalist who owns" property out- side of his own country and who has to pay double taxes on his holdings may be brought about If the present conference of government experts on double taxation and fiscal evasion be- ing held at Geneva under the auspices of the League of Nations Is success- ful. "Interdependence," the monthly review of the League of Nations So- ciety of Canada, points out that the various problems of this nature have passed out of the theoretical into the practical stage and tSat the twenty? • eight countries participating In the ' conference should be able to eventual- ! ly relieve and reform the present vexed situation. Points being dealt with by the meeting in Geneva In- clude four draft conventions reapec- miM is good tea Red Rose Orange Pekoe u 18 supreme In clean, hright Akaniraxm. The other is receiving, FREE â€" a handsome (Westinghouse) Electric Toaster for 16 sets of "Poker Hands". A "Poker Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco. vlded that Ireland's coast defense tively on double taxation of Income, would be undertaken by the British double taxation of death duties, on ad government until some other ar- rangement could be effected. He held that Ireland would be con- sidered hostile territory by any pow- er with which England might be at war. Touching on the financial agree- ment between Ireland and England, he said that the amount of money Ireland was obliged to pay each year to England was more in proportion to Irish population than England pays to the United States on the war debt. mlnistrative assistance in matters of taxation, and jjudlclal assistance in the collection of taxes. iHiLDKooD mmn Can be Quickly Banished With Baby's Own Tablets. OWL LAFFS BV O.W. I_. (Ci« WITH LAUCHTER) Your Sweet Kiss I dream of your two lips so red, And those sweet words of love they said; An more than wordsâ€" what turns my head Is your sweet kiss. Classified Advertisements A&TISTS' ST7FPI.XES. ARTIST imi:.SIlES, COLORS, PA- PERS, canva.s. Complete line artist niaierlal.s. Write for cataiORue Ciirlst- mas cards for liand ooloriiig. C. R. Crowley Limited, 13S5 St. Catlierln* \\'eHt, Montreal. BDOOISB. FINANCIAL NEWS SEAGRAM PLANT ALTERATIONS COMPLETEDâ€" ONE 0F MOST* UP-TO-DATE PLANTS ON CONTINENT. Alterations doubling the capacity of th« Seagram pljmt of Distillers Cor- poration-Seagram, Limited, have been completed at a large capita! exp^pdi- ture according to W. B. Cleland, an official of the company. The Joseph E. Seagram & Sons distillery at Wa- terloo has been rehabilitated through- out and the plant today is one of the most modem and ap-to-date on the continent. The merger company started their first full year's operations on August 1st last, and in the first four months cf the fiscal year good progress has been made. Sales are running very satisfactory and the products are Red Rose Orange Pekoe comes as near to perfection as any tea can. Everything • *J!" «Pert« can do to make Red Rose Orange Pekoo •uperior in quality, flavor •no v«J«« w done in the ^eat Red Rose blending rooms. Tiy It to-day. Putupintho bright, elean aluminum packages. ^j. meeting with good demand, particu- larly in the Dominion. Aidditions and alterations to the Waterloo plant will make for a pro- duction of one million gallons of liquor a year from this piant and increases the yearly capacity of Distillers plants in th# Dominion to around four mil- lion gallons annuall?'. Extensions to the La Salic and Mon- treal plants when completed will give the corporation a capacity of 10,000,- 000 gallons. A new 50,000 barrel warehouse has been completed and the foundations laid for a second unit of similar capacity. Equipme. t installed is the most modem obtainable and the new warehouse facilities will assure the aging of stocks properly and the keeping of a large inventory of ma- tured spirits on hand t-t all times. ASSETS OF G. M. C. AT ?1,237,S55,329. New York.â€" Detailo â- . fiRures on the bt.!ance sheet and income account of the General Motors Corporation show- ed that the corporation's total assets on Sept. 30 amounted to $1,237,855,- 329, the largest in its hisiory, and comparing with $1,098,477,576 on Dec. 31, 1927.. -Total current and working assets on Sept. 30 were $507,- 450,707 and total current liabilities were $144,705,288, as against $432,- 280,123 and $159,356,147, respectively, on Dec. 31, 1927. The statement, issued in the form of a letter to stockholders from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., showed that in the thrre ironths ended S'jp^. 30 the sales of ears and trucks by G. neral Motors to doalers totalled 523,-^86 units and for the first nine months of this year 1,606,902 units, cmpared with 433,120 in the hird quarter of 1927 and 1,316 Dual Installments on money advanced by Britain to help tenants become land owners. The Free State now collects these installments and turns them over to the British government. TONIC TREATMENT FOR INDIGESTION Indigestion Comes With a Run- Down Condition â€" Relief Comes Through Enriching the Blood â€" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make New Blood. I Or maybe dusk in winter cold, I When as we sit 'fore Are gold. You softly sigh, then we enfold j With your sweet k'ss. I Though we may part in times to be ] And you will hare forgotten me. ! A dreamy night with mellow moon The ailments o£ childhood are many j While sleepy sweet your voice does but nine-tenths of them are due to I croon, one cause and one cause only â€" a dls- ' About a dream of love and June â€" The amount is approximately $25,- j ordered condition of the stomach and I Then your sweet kiss. 000,000. Most of this represents an- , bowels. To quickly banish any of the I minor ailments of babyhood and child- hood the bowels must be made to work regular and the stomach must be sweetened. No other medicine for little ones has bad such success as has Baby's Own Tablets. They banish constipa- . Uon and Indigestion; break up colds ! ^''' never let that thought go free and simple fevers; correct diarrhoea j ^' your sweet kiss. and colic and promote healthful sleep | by regulating the functions of the j Drew a Blank stomach and bowels. Concerning | The MacTavish was not a mean them Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., man. No, he Just knew the value of writes:â€" "I cannot speak too highly money. So, when the MacTavish de- of Baby's Own Tablets as" I have ! veloped a sore throat he meditated found them excellent for childhood ! fearfully upon the expenditure of a aliments." : doctor's fee. As an alternative he Baby's Own Tablets are sold by ! hung about a day and a halt outside medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 ! the local doctor's establishment. Fin- cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, On.t C^ USHIOX A.VD SOLID RUBBEHt J tire buggies, auto seats leather up- holstered, four bow tops. Write for re- duced prices. J. K. O'Neill & Son, GeorBeiown. Ont. RUG YARN fl»-| ^ I - PER POUND UP. TWENTT- one samgjles free. Stocklns A â- ^arii iluia, Dept. 1, Orillla. Ont. f -ADIES W.VXTED TO DO PLAIN iJ and light sewing at home; whole or KiJure time; good pay; work sent any distance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. â€" Xatlonal Manufacturing Co., Montreal. CI R A T I .S. ( LITTLE FRIEND TO r ciiher sex) mailed In plain envelope. Paris Specially real, Que. Co., easier 2423. Mont- Death means nothing to me. If I am not shot after the jury's verdict I am sure some private person who hates me for Obregon's death will kill me. The result would be juat the same. â€" Jose de Leon-Toral. P ATENTS List of Wanted Inventlona" and Full Information Sent Fre« un Request. TKE BAMSA7 CO.. Dipt. W. 273 Bank St., Ottawa. Ont. There are many symptoms of In- digestion such as acute pain after eating, belching of wind, nausea and vomiting, bloating and pains In the region of the heart, a dread of food for the misery it causes. Dieting and the use of pre-dlgested foods may give ease, but that la all, and meanwhile the stomach grows steadily weaker. The work of digeftion depends upon the blood and nerves and the only ; way to get rid of Indigestion Is to tone I up the stomach through the blood, to I do the work nature intended it should ' do. The one thorough way to do this I is through the use of Dr. Williams' I Pink Pills, which renew the blood, strengthen the nerves and enable the stomach to do its work with ease and comfort. Neglected indigestion means prolonged misery. It you have any of the symptoms of this trouble try the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once . and you will be gratified with the results. Among the many who have found new health through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is Mrs. Ada Webb, RJR. No. 3, Prescott, Ont., who says:â€" "Fbr-a long time I went through the tortures of nervous indi- gestion; I call it torture because no Boosts Home Gee Gaws ally he managed to catch the great man.. 'Say, doctor, hoo's beez-nc^s wi' ye the noo?" "Oh, feyr, feyr." "Al s'pose ye've a deal o' prescribin' 'tae dae fer colds an' sair throats?" "Ap." "An' what dae ya gin'rally gie fer a sair throat?" "Naethln'," replied the canny old doctor. "I dinna want a sair throat." * > y ^ Oet Riti of JDandrwtr Cutieura 8oap Aaalited by ^Mticura Ointmout Sold .rerj^her,. Soap 25e. Oii>t»nt 2S 4 S0«. First Humorist â€" "Do you read your jokes to your wife?" Second Ditto- â€" "Yes, and when she doesn't laugh, I know it's a good one." â-  First Boy â€" "My Xather has Just bought an upright piano." Second Boy â€" "Ye.s, and my father says it's a downright nuisance." When^/w/ Children Ciy for It Castoria is a comfort wben Baby la fretftil. No sooner taken than the lit tie one Is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No barm done, for Castorla is a baby remedy, meant or babies. Perfectly â- Â»fe to Eive the youngest infant; you tave th» d|P?tors' word for that! It I a vegetaole product and you could use It every day. But It'i in an emergency that Castorla means most Borne nli^t when oonsttpatton must be relieved â€" or colic painsâ€" or other raffering. Never be without It; soma mothers keep an extra vottlo. un- opened, to make sure there will «]. ways be Castorla in the house, it la iBectiTe for older children, too; rMd tks hook that comes with It 597 in the first nine months of 'l92'7 '''^^'" *°'"'^ "^*° describe what I en Measured in dollar value, the corpora ' ^^^^^- " â„¢y stomach was empty I tion's net sales in the three months ' ''^^'^'le''- " ^ took food I vomited. I ended Sept 30 amounted to $401 158 - i ^^^ °°' sleep, and I was steadily grdw- 789, and for the first nine months of i *°^ weaker. I doctered for months this year $1,210,408,566, as again&t ' ^^^ *'"^ °° ^«'»«"'- 0»e day my hus- $347,512,013 in the third quarter of I ^^^'^ ^^^^' '^^ '^® treatment you have 1927 and $1,028,131,492 in the first!'"*'' ^^^ °°' helped you, why not try nine months of last year. ^^- Williams* Pink Pills. I consented As already announced, the corpora- ^°'' ^^ ^"^ ™® * supply. After I had tion's earnings for the .irst nine *''"'" """"" "'° """â-  ' """' ' months of this .ar not o.ily exceeded any other nine months' period in its history, but also were greater than the pr'\-ious record earnings for the en- tire year 1927. The ret earnings of| the corporation for the nine months of' this year were $240,534,613, tompared I ^°^ °'^ husband and children again with $193,758,302 in the similar per- '*"'''" ^"*-''' " wonderful experience iod of last year, whi'.e for the third ' ^°" '^'*" ' '^° anything else but recom- qtiarter earnings were $7^,266 639 \^^^^ ^^- Williams' Pink Pills?" against $64,508,095' for the" three! " '"'" "^^'^ * blood-building tonic months ended Sept. 30, 1927. ' \ie?.\a taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to-day. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by nail at 50 cents a box by Persian Queen Bans Foreign Jewels as National Weakness London â€" Hencefor'h no foreign ornaments or jewels or other articles of luxury can be worn by the royal household of Teheran, according to the order just passed by the Persian Queen. This gives a direct blow to the fashion of importing costly dresses by Persian women, started after Teheran w.is dazzled by the gowns worn by Queen Suraya of Afghanistan when her majesty lately passed through Persia on her return Husbandâ€" "The doctor has ordered Journey to Cabul. me to keep to a diet of sea food The Queen of Persia, however, wife â€" "Oh, fine! I'll bake you a holds different views, and at a public sponge cake ri^ht away Durbar held for the ladies of the ; â€" court she denounced this additional. Sunny says th:t he doesn't under- item to the household bill, calling It i stand how you c^:i describe a girl as unnecessary and superfluous. j having cqarse 1. atures when you "This extravagance," the Queen haven't seen her face. said, "besides preventing us from at- tending to more important matters, j Growing boys have but one fear and will conduce to the weakness of the that is they'll starve to death. country and augment national pover-j ty. We lose little by leaving oft the i officer (esaminhig recruit)â€" "Have manner of adorning ourselves and ygy j^jjy g(<ars on you?" ASX YOUB LOCAl, DEAIiEB P0» Canadian Artist's Series Christmas Cards Beautiful rianil-OiIoiiieci Christmas Carii.s (lc.-isii.. ti by i ii:iaiia's Leading .Vi-tist.i. TiicUe UMMiiially attractive Cards witli charming ami appropriate Sfritlniciii.s may !)«â-  pun-liased at a oonslflirabie .savirn in l>ci.\ed assort- iiieiiis ai hi<c JUKI, and Si.jO. PubUihed by ROUS & MANN, LIMITED 172 SmCOE ST., TOSOSTO been taking the pills for a while I knew they were helping me as the pains and retching grew less and I slept better. I gladly continued the use of the pills and in a few months I felt like a new woman, better than I had fait for years, and able to work grasping the habits of robing in simple raiments and ornaments sup- plied by our country." writing The Dr. Williams' Co., Brockville, Ont. ^ . MedfcinB Man May Smoke Eastwell. Kentâ€" Men smoking their pipes and women nursing their babies or rocking perambulators, whUe they listen to church services will be seen here soon. Canon Ha'loran, the rector of East- well, has announced that he will con- duct a series of Sunday afternoon ser- vices on the rectory lawm at which men may smoke and to which women are asked to bring their babies. Parking space, said the Canon, will also be provided for motor cars. CASTOR! A Photographers havo a tiresome habit of clicking their cameras Juet at the moment when my mootk to I wide open or when I am in some on- DETESTED SALT MEAT Sailor: Don't claw me like that Just for trying to kiss you. Flapper: I'd bite yon if I didn't detest salt meat. .> Break Colds with Minard's Liniment. Recruit- cigarette." -"No, but I can give you a The real movie hero is the that goes every night with his and children. man wife How to get rich without working is what keeps most men poor. A highbrow Is a person who can stand boredom without complaining. Nut (at Insane hospital) â€" "Oh, I want a piece of toast. I'm a poached egg and want to sit down." Use SiMOND^ SAWS nj Machine Knives! •IMOnoS CANADA «AW CO. LTD. mohtheal vancouver, st. john. n,b.. TaRONTO B i A girl will like any editor who prints a kiss on her lips. We take issue. Some girls prefer special edi- tions. Many people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call It. It is usually excess acid. Correct It with an alkali. The best way, the quick. "Inaccurate listening-in results In amplified broadcasting." â€" « Minard's Liniment for Backache. attractive or undignifled pose. That harmless and efficient way, is Phillips' kind of a photographer Is a daned Milk of Magnesia. It has remained nuisance. â€" Viscount Lascelles. | for 60 years the standard with physl- â- > clans. One spoonful in water neutra- Kngland needs a press agent more "««« ">*"? times Its volume in stom- than anything else. â€" Sir H. w. I •**> â- <'*^*> *""*â- * °°<^*- The symptoms Thornton. disappear In five minutes. You will never use crude methods when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy relief. Please do thatâ€" for your own sake â€" now. Be sure to get t;.3 genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc- 1 tlons â€" any drugstore. I An Old Reliable For fifty years Minard's has been effective for bruises, cuts, stiffness and other pains MEDICINE FOR YOUNG GIRLS Mothers Endorse Lydia E. Pink« ham's Vegetable Compound Sydney, N. S. â€""My seventeen year old daughter took Ly^a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for weakness and pains. She could not go about much with the other girls as she was not strong enough. We got sLx bottles and it did her a great t-^rn. Sheis work- ing out now in a sto:^ and walks three miles every morning and back in the evening." â€" Mrs. Mary V.^.nce, 44 Lingan Road, Sydney, N. S. Pinewood, Ont.â€" "I constantly had pains in iny back and side and spent two days in bed every month. I have taken three boxes of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Campound Tablets. They have done me good and I always have them in the house. I have recom- mended your good medicine to several friends and have given it to my 17 year-old girl." â€" Mrs. Alfred 0ub» LSTTE, Pinewood, Ontario. ISSUF. ^h. 46â€" '28

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