WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEB 21, 'ii M THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLEIIIEITOII MHAHCE [ PiMtolMd on CoUlBcwood ttiMt. i Wtmhmi oa , WadnMday of aaeh I •••k. CieiiUtkn ovar 1100, : Prka la Canada, 12.00 p«r yaar ; wh«n paid in advance |l.W. In U.&A., 12^ per y««r, when paid in advance t2.00. W' H. THURSTON . Editor, r. J. THURSTON - A«8t. Editor, COMMON i-URPOSE Antliropologists tell us that man in his early state lived anart with his own little family, arid arohacologista say the first communities were form- ed by confederated families brought together fo:- a common purpose â€" protection against man's natural en- emies. To-day, man is Histinptly a gregarious animal attracted more and more to community life. And men still build cities for a common purpose, or common purposes. In the city one finds protection ag- ainst fire, diseaje and tho enemies of society. One goes to the city for rood schools and monumental church- es, paved streets, employment, art, entertainment, the society of other men and comforts of life denied the rural citizen There is found the front rank of civilization. The people of Flesherton have a common purpose. It is tho advance- ment of the community as a whole. That common purpose is hardly dis- tinguishable from the purpose of each individual. That which bene- fits the community reacts to the ben- efit of each of its citizens. Prosperity and progress come to those communities whose citizens have their eyes upon the largest num- ber of common purposes. Success crowns the efforts of the man of purpose, and the city with a com- mon purpose works as one man. "Common purpose" creates new In- dustries, increases business, mini- mizes unemployment, makes cities better places in which to live and per- form miracles in community better- ment. Bairnsfather, made famous by his pictures of "The Better 'Ole'" says the Scotch are the most humorous people in the world. It has to be admitted however, that some of them talce con< siderable timri to see a Joke. • • • President-elect Hoover of the Unit- ed SUtes is determined to be original. Within a few days of his selection he has started off on a warship to paj good-will visits to South American Republics. They tell ua one of his reasons for this unique pilgrimage is to get away from office-seekers until inauguration day is near. • •• « Four of the bandits who robbed the mails at Toronto last summe,- have been sentenced to serve long terms In the nenitentiary. Judge Wright told them they could have been sentencea to penal servitude for life and been whipped into the bargain. Th's dis- poses of all but the fifth bandit, who will no doubt be caught one of these fine days. The rascals diplayed i daring and ingenuity in their crime, but the arm of the law is alwajs i long, and in Canada detection and j punishment almost certain. Strange ( that wrongdoers should strive so hard | to gel other people's mney, when by equal industry they might gain an honest and abundant living. , Ten Year Old Boj To Receive Medal Stanley Conron, aged 10 years, will be presented with a bronze med- al by the Royal Canadian Humane Society next Thursday, and all the boys and girls of school age in Sud- bury will be on hand to witness the presentation, which will be made by Mayor Bibby. A few months ago, Stanley saved a baby from deatti beneath the wheels of a fast express train, snatching the child from the engine's path in the nick of time. A second later, he too, would have lost his life. Stanley's father is Sergeant George Conron of the Sudbury police force, and the boy is a native of Bar- rie. He is the first lad of his age to be so recognized by the Humane Society. â€" Toronto Star. »♦»♦»♦»>»♦»» » >»»< I MM I>»« li mn > # »»>»»>»» « >••â- a H »»l»>»>CI>0 » i»»»ii I >»>• DUNCAN'S HARDWARE I ;;>#»0»C»dOOOO M I>l»i ,.< ' MOTHERS' ALLOWANCE BOARD The members of the Mothers' Al- lowance Board for ^he County of Grey met on Friday night last at the Munshaw House and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: â€" Chairman, H. C. Brigham, Hanover; Vice-Chairman, Mrs. B. J. Long, i Meaford; Secretary, Mrs Wm. Ding- AdrfifinnJll I nPal If PHIC ! ^all. HopevlHe. other member, of nUUIllUliai LUCai liemS the Board are: Messrs. A. E. Colgan, „. ^ ^. , I Markdale; John Mills, Hanover, ana MISS Kathleen MacDonald of Toron- w. J. Miller of Bognor The usual to spent the week end with her business of the Board was transacted parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. MacDonald. ^t this meeting. It is some satisfaction to a barber' to know that he is in close with tions. :t ♦♦♦otooo»»»»««»»>»» Taco Ranges j Empire Furnola § ..;; Pleasing and handsome in appearance Large perfect baking oven. Clean dust proof warming closit Large fuel saving fire box . Dual pipe damper ,j Extremely satisfactory QUEBEC COOKERS STOVE BOARDS, PIPES, â€" : Hot air circulator : â€" The pipeless furnace principle that ^11 draws the cold air from the floor, heats it as it passes upward and discharges it in volumes, suf- ficient to heat the home from four to seven rooms HEATER QUEBEC ELBOWS, ETC < » < â-º FRANK W. DUNCAN PHONE 54 :; < â-º « .. â-º « M â-º < M â-º « M > . â-º<> :::t n EDITORIAL NOTES When a man pleads, "Now, listen to reason," what he means is that w hre to listen to him. • • • Hunters are still shooting their fellows in mistake for deer. A man in the wilds seems to be in danger unless he is lit up. » « • Our local bank is now one of 800, branches of the Canadian Bank ol Commerce, which has had steady' progress since it began business In the year of Confederation. j with the heads of many orgaS ^''"^ branch of farm ^ork, farm '=â€" "^ organiza- machinery, stock, etc., has an expert „ ' witer in the Family Herald and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick of Weekly Star, the recognized first Osprey arrived in town last week writers in Canada, and have taken up residence in the' fjl^ editor an expert. The de- house owned by Mrs. Rodie Stewart. partSi^ts of the Family Herald and We extend the glad hand to Mr. and Ky Star, Montreal, are all head- Mrs, lenwick, rnd hope they will be „d bv men of practical experience happy amongst us. | lyi^^L^J, ?«„« - that's why Mrs Jas. Cargoe of town received 't's first in public esteem. The word on Tuesday of last week that subscription price is only $1 a year^ her uncle, Mr. Reuben Merrick, had o"" three years for $2 passed away in the hospital at Sault ' ^"iâ€" â€" â€" ^"^ Ste. Marie that morning, after an ill- ness of several months' duration Mr. Merrick's only sister, Mrs. E. M. Watters, who is living with Mrs. Cargo, left Wednesday morning for the Sault to attend the funeral. The late Mr. Merrick was 76 years of age and has resided at the Sault for the past twenty-five years. He is well known in this district, .having visited with his niece here on severa! different occasions. Sympathy Is extended to Mrs. Watters on the passing of her only brother. A credit auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., will be held on lotj 30, con. 13, CoUingwood Twp., Rob Roy, the estate of the late Malcolm Fletcher, on Friday, November 30th, 1928. See bills. â€"W. KAITTING, Auctioneer. Dividend Notice Standard Royalties Limited The regular Monthly Divi- dend of 1% on the Cumulative 12% Reedecmable Preferred Shares will be paid on Dec- Ist to shareholders of record on November 26th. A. J. JACKSON. PRES. HEAD OFFICE: 331 Bay Street, Toronto 2. CHAIN Red & White ^2M Grocery Specials for This Week Lux Flakes Three Packages 33ctc Cranberries Two lbs. 45cts. COFFEE Ground While UWait per pound 70 cts. Overcoats We have on hand a full stock of Winter Overcoats, fashionably Tailored from imported cloths, English and Scotch Fabrics. It will pay you to look these over before purchasing W. G. KENNEDY New Figs 2 Pounds for 22cts, 10c. SOAP 4 Bars for 25cts. 25c. Chipso 19cts. per Package 25c. Vanilla 19cts. per Bottle iki Sfarfing Reductions Prices have been cut and slaugKered beyond all reasonable limits! Buy now and take advantage of these extreme price cuts! Remember that this SALE POSITIVELY LASTS ONLY 14 DAYS-A Deposit Holds at Sale Prices. A KNOCK-OUT A table full of articles rcff. l)ricefl as high as $2.50. In- cludes jcwelcry, knives, china, shaving brushes, silverware, etc., any piece, selling iQp at only Tf"" AN OPPORTUNITY THAT COMES ONCE IN A LIFE .TIME IS OFFERED YOU NOW IN THIS SWEEPING SMASH - FOR - CASH JEWELLERY CLEAR- _ __^, IS^ANCE. EVERY PURCHASE MEANS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET MEN'S ^\ACT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. ENTIRE STOCK iVrl i.^..««^^ THROWN ON THE BARGAIN BLOCK AT WATCHES 'OV ^^^^^^^^"^ PRICE REDUCa^IONS. A beautiful watch, 7 jew- el, lever movement in a green gold-filled case, reg- I Phenomeiial Valoes A dollar table of bargains, values to $5.00 in silverware. china, jewelery and novelties. Come and be con vine- CI flfl ed. Low price of .... y'*"** LOOK! LOOK! C)l(l Dutch .salt and pep|)cr. well lini.shcd and would niak' ular $12 selling for $7.50 A reliable- i. 7- jewel move- ment in green gold-filled A $16.50 watch with the price .slashed to $8.50 Ladies Wrist Watches A Ladies' white gold- fill- ed case, 15-jewel, lever movement, fine $10 watch. $6.95 Free! Free! To the first 100 customers who purchase $1.00 worth or more of merchandise on Sat- urday we will give absolutely free one Victor Record. Come Early for These TOYS CUT GUSS STERUNG SILVER RINGS A variety of latest design rings, ,stone-.set. mounetd in silver. A very special. Saturday only 69c. Canadian-made Wcstclcx most reliable of the inex- pensive clocks, reg. $1.50 98 cts. Reg. $8 Kitchen Clock.; in all-wood case. Some- thing you have been need- ing. Here it is at ^j. 95<95 SPECIAL GROUP A table of pieces valued as high as $3.00. many good gifts here for the Christmas season. Come and see nt^n for yourself, each Ijo Men's Watches A few only, various makes and designs. Come at once, for these will sell fast d»J Qr Buy now for the Kiddigg. A* Special at HALF PRICE ^ Every piece of Cut Glass in the Store to sell at a lose. HALFPRIClf i,%tr;:r;,j;:^:'"Mc(/"W. A. ArmstrongASon T • * Alarm Clocks All prices and makes from $1.00 to $4.00 at greatly re duced prices. Our AO^ Special at UoC