Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1928, p. 8

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ynOHKSDkY, MOVEMBEB 21, '21 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE hr ; â- > ^ ••til M »»0>>IIO«»»»«»0«««»«< SATURDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 24th Will Be Your Last Chance To Buy at such Miracuously Low Prices $6.60 will buy a good $10 Mackinaw Coat $15 will buy a good $25 overcoat or a good all wool serge suit. Boy's Heavy Tweed Overcoat, size 32 $4.96 2 pair 75c. all wool socks for $1-90, 2 pair fine silk and wool socks for.... 75c. 2 cases of men's over rubbers tb clear at $1 Boy's Rubbers, 1 to 5, to clear at 86c. Ladies' Rubbers, sizes up to 4 at 25ct8. Boy's Heavy Rolled Edged sole rubbers â€" $1 All other Ladies' Rubber at 75 cts. Men's $2.50 Overalls to clear at $1.95 Men's $2.60 odd Trouaera at $1.76 Men's Windbreakers from $1 to $2.90 Men's Scarves from 25ct8. to $2.96 .',. Men's Rubber BooU at $3.96 ' ii: Ladies' Rubber Boots at $2.50 * i Ladies' Raincoats at $1.50 Men's Shoes to clera from $1.95 to $5.96 Ladies' Shoes to clear at 25c., $1, 60c. $1.95 $2.95 and $3.95. 26cT Tin o Blue Bird Maple Leaf Baking Powder, 2 tins for 35cts. 26c. Bottle Sweet Pickles, to clear at 15cU. 30c. Bottle ol Catsup to clear, 2 for 36ct8. LIGHTS FOR PEDESTRIANS The inqueit into the death of Jas. Carson, who was struck by a motor car driven by V. G. H. Phillips, on Provincial Highway No. 10, near Mel ancthon, took place at Shelbume on Thursday night. The jury was un- animous in bringing in the following verdict: After considering all the evidence we are unanimous in saying that we cannot find any evidence t* carelessness on the part of Mr. Phil- lips and that the accident was un- avoidabll under the circumstances. The jury made a recommendation that pedestrians on the highway be compelled to carry lights for their own protection. I All other lines not mentioned going at staggering prices. Remember Saturday next is our closing day for this branch. NO REDUCTION IN AUTO LICENSES Premier Fergnson sUted definite- ly Tuesday night that there woula be no genera] reduction this year in the price of motor licenses. Durina: the next fiscal year, the government will, he said spend $18,000,000 on roads, and the most it) can expect from all sources of revenue pertain- ing to highways, including the Z- cent increase in gas tax, is $16,00- 000. "An apple a day" will no likely prove ^ ^ ve^r cheap medicine this year. Small Advertbements LOST, FOUND & STRAYED LOST â€" 30x3% spare tire and rim on Saturday, Nov. 10th, between my home and Flesherton. Finder please notify Wallace Fisher, Flesher- ton, 'Phone 42 r 15. LOST â€" Ladieis' gold wrist watch, between Dundalk comer and Flesher- ton. Finder please leave at The Advance office. â€" Reward. FARM FOR SALE J.P.Walter & Son •^ Flesherton FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" 2 year old Lel- Icester Ram. â€" Allie Muir, Ceylon. â- *«4H»^«««4.e">4"X•<^~M4»MH^4H^4H9H><^ «-:->«hk-4->'><<<'««<««-8^«<"0->«-><«<««*«** '2 ' ROD AND GUN - fT In view of the increasing interest in the farming of muskrats an art- icle in the December issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News on a new mu.skrat venture on « larpi! scale is of special note. In addition to this, the largest issue ol national sporting magazine carries its cu.stoniary accoptablo coll ?tIon of huntini;, fishing and outdoor yarns by well known authors. Among the contents are a narra- tive of moose hunting by N. IT. Roberts, a prominent shootinR expert and one on fish hatchery work by .lack Doyle, and many other timely articles on deer and duck hunting, trapping, angling, guns and amunl- tion, dogs, and the silver fox indust- ry by thoroughly capable writers. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is pubished by W. J. Tay- lor Limited, Woodstock, Ont. CLEAN THE PLATES 1 Highway Traffic Officer J. S. Culp states that there are many motorists using the highway just now who are not taking the precaut- ion before they start out for a trip to see that their license plates are clean. He realizes that with so much rain of la'le it is difficult to keep them clean, but they can at least make an effort. His instruct- ions are to see that the law is obey- ed in this regard, as these markers are the only means of identification of a car in case of an accident. Sum- monses will be issued without warn- ing in all cases where Highway Traffic Officer thinks there has been I neglect. Officer Culp also states that I there are a great many horse-drawn vehicles on the roads after nic;ht-fall which do not carry lights. There is positively no excuse for this, says tho officer, and prosecutions will be made in every case de^iscted. NOTICE The annual meeting of the Eugenia Farmers' Club, No. 491, will be held in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Saturday afternoon, November 24th, aV 2 p.m. Election of officers. Members please attend. â€" Lewu Genoe, Secretary. IN MEMORIAM PRICEVILLE SCHOOL REPORl FOR sale:â€" Calf, one week old. â€" Wm. Moore, Flesherton. In loving memory of our dear hus- SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that oar customers in the six communities may mat- erially benefit individn- â- Dy. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markttale, Ontario (First Six in Each Class) Fifth â€" Elda Frooks, Eleanoi Mather, Jean McLachlan, Su.°Ie MacDonald, Florence MacPhail, Wal- ter Aldcorn. Sr. Fourth â€" Amie Wells, Mary Mather, Jhn MacVicar, Neil Aldcorn Wallace McDermid, Stuart Carson. Jr. Fourth â€" Donald Aldcorn, Kathleen Burnet, Catharine MacVic- ar, J. D. Teeter, Geo. MacLean, Jack Cori-ey. â€" . .. Third â€" Cameron MacLean, Violet band and father. Andrew Wilson, who ; g^^j^^.j.^yg^^ Donald Carson, passed away. November 12, 192.^. ( Secondâ€" Lauretta Turnbull, Isabel Peacefully let Thy rest, dear hus- j jjathcr, Frances Reiley, Nellie band, 'Me^f'ian, Johnny McArthur, Ateix. It is sweet to breathe thy name; McVicar. 'n life v,-2 loved yoJ dearly, i tnst â€" Walda Stonehouse, Marie !- c'.;a;'i wo do ths same. ! JIacLachlan, Johnny McArthur, E â€"lovingly, wife & children, ith Mecchan, Douglas Turnbull. I Sr. Primer â€" Evelyn McDevmid, Jim Corry, Aileen Karstedt. Jr. Primer â€" Donald Nichol, Mild- red Sullivan, Garfield Teeter, Dor een Teeter, Gwynneth MacLean, Winnifred Conkey, Alfred Meechan. P. A. Johnston & Mrs. A. Mc- Lachlan, Teachers FOR SALE â€" 10 pigs ready to go. â€"Russell Purdy, Cdylon. , .-,». FOR SALE â€" Holstein cow due to freshen. â€" John HatW, R. R. 5,Mark- dale, phone 29 r 2. FOR SALE â€"A quantity of first class dry hardwood. Apply to â€" R. W. PATON, Arden, Ont. Vv'hcn you sec three peipi-: •ed i'l r. love triangle, it'.^ sr.r.: i -or.iebody's not on the square invcr- j t.ii;n THE HILL STORE A Store everyone inatin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Two More Weeks WHIRL WIND SELLING If yoa have not visited this store DO SO NOW Sale Closes Nov. 24th Every Department is filled with Spec- ial Sale Bargains GROCERY SPECIALS Campbell's Soup, all flavors, 2 tins 21 Canned Pineapple, 2 tins for â€"* 300rb Dinsfinan's Soap Chips, 3 lb 33 Tall Pink Salmon, 1 pound Rose Brand Pastry I'Mour, 24 lb. 93 Canned Milk, .small size, 2 for Fancy Hluc Hose cKit-, 3 lb for 23 Canned Milk, larf^c size, 2 for Jersey Cream Corn Makes. 3 pks. 25 Canned Peas, 2 tins for McFvaren's Invincible Jelly Pwd. 5 25 Toilet Soaps, re^. 10c. line, 4 cakes .S()0 Special I'.lend lUack Tea, pound 59 Shot Polish. Hlk. or Brown A (lood Broom 29 200 lb. Bodley's Fancy Biscuits, worth Aimer Condensed Soup, all kinds. 3 25 35c. per pound, 22 3 pound I'Vcsh Dates for , 23 FJ.HlLL&Go.LMed,lllarlidale 28 17 9 23 25 23 9 Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. THUBS., NOVEMBER 29 ROBT. T. CROFT LOT 3. CON. 6, ARTEMESIA LIVE STOCK â€" Bay heavy horse, 11 yrs. old. General purpose black horse. Red Durham Cow, 11 years, due March 26, Grade Cow, 7 years old, 25 Hens, 46 Barred Rock bred- to-lay pullets. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Frost & Wood Binder, 5 foot cut, Massey- Harris Mower, 5 foot cut, Sulkey Rake, 10 feet, Set of Disc Harrows, 21 Fleury Walking Plow, Gangplow. 9 Bull Harrow, Scuffler, Set oi Spring Tooth Harrows, New Adam Wagon, Grindstone, Set of Sleighs. Wheelbarrow, Set of Heavy Harness, Stoneboat, Set of Farm Harness, Sap Pan, Set of Single Harness, Hay Rack, 2 pair Heavy Horae Blankets, 2 pair Horse Blankets, Road Cart, 4 burner Coal Oil Stove, Massey- Harris Cream Separator, nearly new. Barrel Churn, 500 lbs. Beams, Gravel Box, About 300 feet of New Spruce Lumbe/, About 8 tons of mixed Tim- othy and Alfalfa Hay, 3 Horse Col- lars, Forks, Shovels, Crow Bars, FOR SALE â€" Reigistered Short- horn Bull, roan, 3 year old, quiet, price reasonable. â- â€" Louis Kerton, Maxwell, Phone Feversham 4 rill. FOR SALE or RENTâ€" Good farm, lot 165 and 156, con. 2, W. T. & S. R. containing 110 acres; good buildings. Farm well watered.â€" MRS. RODIE STEWART,, CO. H. McPherson, R. R. Ceylon. ' MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDâ€" Fresh cow or one due soon. â€" H. Freeman, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Tues- days and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, Ont. NOTICE â€" No tresspassing, hunt- ing or trapping on lots 154-55-56, 2nd range E. T. & S. R., Artemesia. â€" S. McMullen, Flesherton, R. R. 2. WANTED â€" Experienced girl for general house work, good wages. Every convenience. Apply to Mrs. \ R. W. Brett, Shelbume . FOR SALEâ€" 10 White Wyandotte pullets, also 10 Barred Rock Pullets, March hatched, most of which are laying. The Wyandotte pullets are from W. H. Fisher, Ayton, jlvhose Wyandottes are leading in the lay- ing contest. Barred Rock Pullets $2 each; White Wyandotte? $250 each. â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Price- ville, R. R. No. 2, phone 22 r 41. FARM FOR SALE Lot 192 and 193, Con. I, Proton township, S. W. of Highway no. 10, 100 acres of which 96 is already cleared and workable, good build- ings. ROBT. R. LEE, About 100 acres of good clay loam land, being lots 24 & 25 â€" 2nd con., N. D. R., near Six Comers, about a mile from Flesherton Station, about 85 acres of cultivative land, 10 acres in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. Seven roomed house, solid brick with cellar under all, also summer kitchen and wood shed attached. New hip roof bam 45 by 46, drive shed 20 by 40, good spring well and good fences. This farm cheap fr quick sale.â€" Geo. E. Banks, Ceylon, Tele- pho ne 2 ring 4, Flesherton. FARM^OR SALE 200 acres, lota 24 and 25, con. 6, M^'Z' '"'*°"**^ °" ^"""ty ""d no. 6A 160 acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush. First class grain farm, well fenced, ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage- blocked house, nearly new, good "Stem, telephone, well and wind mill water piped to the bam, 60 rod* from school. Priced reasonable. i E. C. PEDLAR, ! .ou ^'^GHAMPTON. R. R. i. Phone Feversham 1 r 2-y. [sH05S^5irB^L£^~jj^^^J^ 'vic^'fj'K ^'""^'•°™ bun for .«w "nee at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprev "M«n^ Marquis" No 179 nK. c- ' »*"^ ^nZ Kge fS?7ricr "*""'«' -S. R. HAWKINS. Eaganta. MiDDtE^RO &BURNS Barriatera. etc. Of,ces-Gwen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eveâ„¢ Saturday afternoon and eveniii!^ GEO E. DUNCAN DUNPALK .V. LKENSBO AUCnONEBK 1 !^' ^\ ^'?*y «* G«7. Anus 1 P« cent SatWaction »u«»SS Date, madi at Th« Advanc/oSSr HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. In the west end of the vmMf af Flesherton, 6-room houae^ electric wired, soft water cistern, cellar im- der whole house. large verandah od two sides, and woodshed with etaieiit floor; approximately three acres of land and good etabto. An ideal spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG * SOK, " Flesbertoa, Oat PROTON STATION. Pick, Garden Rake. 2 Patent Bindjr; phone Dundalk 83 r 31. Whiff letrees, 2 logging chain*!, 14 â€" ^_______________^«^_ feet long. Doubletr--- -. K^ekyoko'' <t FARM FOR SALE Twins, Cross Cut Saw, Buggy Pole, .^â€" - Wire Stretcher. "Cornking* Manure Lot 13. Con. 12, Osprey Township, ^P.JIt*J?w;,'Jli'S""'' °^^" r.vticlcs. 1 100 acres; 70 acres good arable land. TERMS OF SALE ~ Hay and all balance hardwood bJsh and pasture! sums of $10 and under, cash; over ^n. . . j j • • u j . that amount 10 months' credit will P*^ ^»™ «"'* •'"^'"« "»**"*• >°^ be given on approved joint notes, 5 per cent, off for cash in lieu of notes. GEO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer J. O. DARGAVEL. Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter oC the Estate of Ethel lidred Hoy. late of the owaahip of Artemeaia. in the County, ot -Grey, Married Woman, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the estate of the above-named de- ceased, must file them with the un- dersigned solicitor for the Executor on or before the first day of Decem- br, 1928. And further take notice that on and after that date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongc.t those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Owen Sound the sixth day of November. A. D. 1928. C. C. MIDDLEBRO, _ Solicitor for the Executor. house, 30 rods from school, good well and windmill. Telephne available; rurtri mail delivery. Apply to WM. L. KAITTING, Feversham, or H. W. KERNAHAN, Maxwell. HONEY FOR SALE Chiooe Clover Honey for sale in bulk. Price 10 cts, per pound. Can supply 6 and 10 pound pails at cost. â€"ROT W. FENWICK, Novl6 Maxwell. Ont BULL FOB SERVICB , For service on lot 80, Con. 18, Art- emesia. Durham Bull Royal Lad No* 178,778. Term8:-»2 if paid befoi* January 1929. otherwise «2.60. -DUNCAN WILLUMS. EbimU; BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S, dental anrgeon. honor graduate at Toronta and Royal College of Dental Srrgeou of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at i«aMene« Toronto Street Flesherton. -ff- FWnce Arthur Lodge, 333. A.F. * A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block. Flesherton every PH- day on or before the full moon. W. ..BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for aer- vfce â€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms fl.OO. ' -C. HINDLE. ' Proton SUtion BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshin Boar for aet^ Tien bjr FleelMton Bfton Hof Ctab^ tiia property of tbi Ofttarfe D«par»- OMQt of Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- or», etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C. W Du Henry, B.A. Offices. Markdale Luca. Block. Phone 2. Branch office. a« Dundalk and Durham. Telford A Birnie. Barrister., «,», citora. etc. Office. Grey and Brnca Block. Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block. Flesherton, (Saturday..) W, P. Telford. Jr.. J. f. ^^^^, ' Wm. Kaittlnt, UseniMd AnctioMi^ for thi oomtloa of Ongr «ril ^Vum and rtoek .de. • 'Sntn* raod«mt, BwybaMoaitl^, ny^

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