Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1928, p. 4

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WICDNESDAY DEC. 12. '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Sporting Goods Make an Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT Everything' needed in all sports â€" at the lowest j)riccs ever asked for equipment of this kind. Just come in and se«? how many things we have which would make perfect Christmas pres- ents. Thinpfs to snake any REAL STORE happy. Every article for sale in this store is j>-uarn- teed and is a product of I^eadin^r manufactures. No "duds." You can't jfo wrong here. Hockey Sticks. l.'Sc. to $1.50 C. CM. Skate and Boot Out- fit. $2.2.5 to $3.5.00 C.C. M. Skates. $1.00 to $7.00 library, and the town hall rebailding fund. Nothing illiberal about the Scotâ€" when he has it to spare. Eastern Star Held Election of Officers Pucks, Skis. Tape, Snowshoes and* Fancy China, Cuttlcry, Tools Frank W. Duncan 'PHONE 54 The annual election of officers ot Crcy Chapter No. 170, Order of the En.stcrn .Star, was hclJ in Flesher- tou en Monday cvuning, when t'lo following were elected to office: I. P. W. M.â€" Sister Jennie Am- Elrong. I. P. W. P. â€" Bio. Archie Sinclair W. Matron â€" Sister Edna Murray. V;. Palron â€" Bro. Geo. Banks. Assoc. Matron â€" Sister Campbc:;. Assoc. Patron â€" Bro. F. Thurston. Secretary â€" Sister Li'.lian Thurc- tcn. Treasurer â€" Sister Mary Phillips Conductress â€" Sictcr Hazel Ken- nedy. Assoc. Conductress â€" Sister Iwarg- Margaret Muir, Auditors â€" Sisters Sinclair, SncJI, and Wright. Several n-.embers of the Owen Sound Chapter, 0. E. S., were in a:- tendance end assisted with the elec:- ion. FLESHERTON ♦♦*♦<»<"^*<^«<-e"><-^♦«-»♦<^x^^x~xxH^.x^^^ THE FLESHEiiTON ADVANCE Published on Coilingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. CicWlation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance §1.50. In U.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. <V. 11. THURSTON - Editor. e. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. remark the other day that if San:r used an airplane Ihi.s year to delivc the toys, and if it crashed he wisliir. Are Now Making Ice Work was commenced in the Flesh- erton rink on Monday of this week, i preparing for the popular winter pastime. It is not known who wli; be the caretaker for this year yet, but Mr. Gordon Warling, who had the position last year, started flood- ing on Monday, so as to get away to a good start. If the cold weather continues it will not be very long until the steel blades will ring on the hard ice again. Two Mildmay hunters, while out that it would do so in hid back yard | s'^oo''''^ rabbits the other day, had a so that he could have all the toy--. somewhat thrilling experience. While waiting for the hounds to chase up a rabbit, two deer ambled past them. It was a terrible temptation, but the deer were actually allowed to pass unmolested. â€" Gazette. One thing seoms to be sottlc.l h\ the late Presidential election in th( United States: tho people do not v,mtt to get rid of prohibition of the Ijijuoi traffic, even if the law is not enforcer as efficiently as i; ought to be. A .MATTER OF PRIDE. Pcop;c who are not rich mis; a ' â-  of worrying. Jay Gould, who diet worth several hundred million do:; ars, declared that ho never had a ren night's rest after he got past hi. first million. The railways between There was one sentence in an ar- ticle in the DundaU: Herald last week v.ith which we i.iust take ex- ception. In rptaking of the C.P.ii. station at that pla:v the Herald says j that "The prcsc.-.t one ij as good a' *"^ railways running station as will be found be:v,-ccn She'- . ^°"*'°"' Edinburgh and Glasgow arc| bu.r.c and :\!:-.!lt:Iale.- The only "°^^ equipped with third class sleep- other place of any size beiwacn those two places is Flc. horton, r,o we must Iirotect ourselves. The Fleshorlon depot is not first Jass, we admit. ' nor has it the distinction in havinrr the train enter th on track No 2 to disemba-k passon- .filers, it appears, are willing to pay gers. The train pulls up here to a an equivalent of $1.75 (7s Cd). but fine wide platform and evei'ything ,he general public travelling norti, IS clean ard fuiy and a pleasure :j are, to a considerable extent, con- ' view. The Agent's quarter j aro cor.-.- { tented to sit up and watch the seen-! fortablc and the e is a large waiting 'cry. Meantime the high fares still room which is well lighted, but at collected for first class seating has times n filled to capacity with trav- ] resulted in wholesale rtesertjon ol ellers. Now, our station is not mod- ^ the travelling public from the "saloon' em by any means, but it is far a- ' cars." ; head of the shed called a .station av new one can '.)e it will not be before it is needed. There have been ssvcral fires in the Dundalk ing compartments. Managers are disappointed because, while the sleep- ing accomodation has so far been fully taken up for the journey south, f D^T'-'''""'^ about 75 per cent, of the com- o un a.k partments have been taken up on tho jaius journey north. The commercial tra- Dundalk, and if a secured Next year the C.P.R. will provide one of the liners to convey pilgrims! from Canada and the United States station a', various j to the island of Lewis, in the far times, and, if we recollect correctly, ^ north of Scotland. The harbor of it was struck by lightning on otlier , Stornowar will be the- point of de- occasions, and stiil it stands. As the barkation, and mountain climbing above attacks were not successful, will be one of the chief amusements.' the Herald, r.o doubt, believes thai By the way, a successful native of conciliation would be more appro- the island, now one of the great fi- priate to achieve their ends. Here's , "aneiers of Canada, and best known wishing you luck, Dundalk, in secur- ' *' t*>e successful President of the ' ing a station as good as Flesherton ! ^"" ^'^^ Insurance Company,* ha» if not better. ' recently made a munificent contribu- , , tion to Stornoway, in which his par- ABOIT OURSELVES. ^^^^ ^^''® born. His benefaction provides seventy-five thousand dol- We wish to draw the attention of 'â- " '*" **•* hospital of the town, Its our readers to the large amount of' Birthday or anniversary greetings â€"by telephone When a birthday or anniver- sary comes around, and you wan'„ to congi-atulate a dis- tant rolatlvc or fr/jnd, what that you could buy would mean so much to the recipi- ent as the cheerful sound of your voice over the tele- phone ? With the first words of your greeting by Loiig Distance, memories of days spent to- gether flash before the mind and the moments glow with these shared recoUeetions of the past. One of the greatest blessings Long Distance confers is tl.c opportunity far renewing and strcngthcnins the ties of friendship and affection be- tween those who arc separ- ated by distance. Try it. "Every Bel! Telephone is Long Diatanec Station." 707 ur n a advertising in this issue of The .-lu- vance. Our business men are ali '._• to the recjuirements of this district «nd the Christmas spirit pervades nil that they have to say to the public. Look over these interesting announ- cements and choose your Christmm purchases from the stocks of ^ustnels men, who help to mak prosperous ccmmur.ity and also help to pay your taxes. Ne.xt wceV The .\dvnnce will hsuo 8 special Christmas number, whicTi win be patronized by the busln-^^ss men of Flesherton, Maxwell Eugenia,' Teversham. Priceville and Ceylon.' This will be a number worth send- ing to a distant friend. We will print f few extra copies, but the sup- ply will he limited. Orders roceivo,i /^ will be filled in rotation while supply Ic'ts. the EDITORIAL NOTES I POULTRY At Highest Market Prices Tho Markdale Creamery and Produce Go. will be buying live or dressed chickens, hens turk- eys, ducks and geese on Monday, December 17th at Kennedy's Store, Flesherton A sdfisfi little boy was heard to)'^* I Hospital tor Sicli Childreo V7 College St., rorunio t, Uni. Deceubei, lii::». Dear Mr. Editor: â€" Ko( ijuie years past the «oik ;hit this ilj«pit«t Dus oeep itiie to do tor the cbtt'lreo o( Uutinu nn* umu sarlouily crampea ttiruui:o mik oi «l)ac<i. A polut *a* ruaoiicO A:ii.'ie tb4 I'rusieei naJ (o d^-ciiv wtioutei lU service srinuld oe riJiru'eJ ir. (he uiniost number oi 'stcK km* »Qo:n It :uu:d pruvice with cuia oi A'bethei it ihould add to it* roi.iii I'btjre are luauy fuuuifiter* 4u:!i.r tag troiu arCictions ot t.ie iP'ne <it.d lolni4. vktiom oa;f n^or) lom :iiuiii;:ii can restore to O'^aitb and iiieiuin. .Melu-ii ca*e *ili ae»; out «.iui th-'> priiicipitiiy Oc'ea a rreia r.t ino i'lnt.'i lie titltmric the ii ).';i:;ii: toi SI'K Lhltdreo oi* lookeo a:l>i «ii<^b ctiildren id an iiiiiitiKiiin oi.ikc oy 1 ttif p^ayitruuD't Knere niote coriunaie Doya ana «ir;« in:ci i^â- â€¢il iljor'.a. inia::!ue tneii DtU'.ni. i>:i')i ni'in'd *t'tt mouth lia'euing to '.he ilKiuta in) inui;tiier if olhoi chlMr'n. In ()i'tutR>r mat. the iiuayiu, it.i juu wril..:i>:a opentd iti coui;Ty Line* lerotei! to rjimg-tera ".iJie jne cnnnce to ha^e th?if iinib* 4'.rati;htened }i theti tiodlea hullt uv 3i<jH be .L i.uu slace *heie ihev *;ifi jnr.i',:n(E .aJ fresS ii: yica a'lTi'iit cire and medlca' t'l.ntlon. Un « 3*unf ot land o»ar Wc^cn \*ir trom Che murk oi the eii>. sblldren «'• « inning ih'*ii *'ay Dn'k U) B?a'th in in ^ovironmont at aun ihine. ourr oree;e« and q<i:«L Vie country nn.^plta' at I'Mstle- '.OAO \t a G'vl a^nd for ehilitim ihunj It w.II tak« a lona time to :u'e It alao liberates a aundred â- ot6 ID tbr parent Inatltuiloo for roungatei' «bo cao be aet rlgbt in t ahort time it Tili-klr given con- uant a'.tenticn So the H>i»pliai mr itclt Children naa no.« t*o dnor» to laajt opiio flijr and nislit to everr jl.ias color and creed. if'iit more thnn hslf a eenf'iry th* Huapitd: ntt d'jpendod for it» f-rr ?\l.atenp« U0'<n the ptihllo r«â- â€¢poIl^* :o il« inn'inl appeal wllch. onin? iii oenail oi -niMron i» appropriately nmde ai CbM«tiiia« time. Koj over 'irtv yoar* the HKSC. nm f<een 'nahied to make noth enda meet Dy tti,» innallonn of Iti" frl«nds. whether *'i-t\ ne a 1 >li«r or an ?nlovvtnont. Kut the i>nd of 192" finds it wiin niiiiv laige Ml!? to pay fui Ita new reniiira I'o it:< old friends the llnapital for Sick Chlldien once more appeais It la oecaiiiie no many ot your reader* are included In thit evi»r erowlne circle, that I tresp=i«.« upon voiir space to remind tn^m that It «a* their eeneroRliy in th* pa't ttist env noidon-d the tloapltal'a Trustee? lo jilld (or the future. With an ej'rs •ffort atlmiilnied by a n<'w n>»od, jannot the Income of th» "Sfi-k Kld'i'* he put nnce more abreast of Its ureont needsT Faithfully yours. iKviNf) K Kf>nn:itTsnN. Chairman Appeal Commlllce. MOBE SPEED SURE POSITION'S LARGER SALERIES That's what you are looking for. If you are contemplating taking a Business Course and incidentally holding a desirable position, you must . go to a College where you are «ure 'of scientific instruction. The woods ' ^'^*"'y''°"'" ''°""* *''°'" **"' *'â„¢*' "- ; are full, and so is Toronto, of would- 1 «™'^"»"°"- L**"^ "P""^ *'« P'»ceU i be stenographers. Every little town ' "* """"^ «* ^'""^ students in three I and hamlet is running a CommerciW """"t*^ over the long distance phon-j I School, 30 that there will be thous- | »'^«* **»*y receive lands of half-finished material on the! LARGER SALARIES I market next spring. Will you be one , That's what I am telling you, that qualifkation and speed which you will obtain here we can absolutely guarantee you a position upon gradu- ation, no matter how many studen:^ from other Colleges are on the waii.- ing list. Every graduate is holding a profitable position and not one has been out of a position in excess ol of the thousands v/ho drop into pos- itions of from $7 to |12 per week, or one of the thousands who get no position? The Wellar Business College graduate their students witli more cpeed, and there will be a SURE POSITION waiting for you, because with the the graduates of the Wellar Business College, Orangeville, draw a highcv average salary than the graduates of any other College in Canada. Ipso Facto. WELLAR BUSINESS COLLEGE Orangeville, Ont. :: Soap box oratory is not the only kind that suggests bubles. If you must make a song about what you do, you need not make a gramophone record of.it. The most effective use of the dusky ' servant is the rapid distribution of ink with the printing press, and the most practical use of the printing press is the newspaper page. | Christmas Stationery That Delights the Eye The very best stationery for Chrismas, at as- tonishing low prices. In all colors â€" with or without monograms. Sttaionery suitable for all kindsofcorrespond- ence â€" stationery to fit the individual needs of every person. Nothing that is not of the highest possible quality â€" nohing that is not at the lowest pos- sible price. A wonderful stock of the latest, newest, most attract- ive toys in the world, toys made here and others import- ed from far lands, on sale at record breaking prifces. . Toys and games that will suit the individual needs ol Z your growing boy or girl. ^ C. N. Richardson I I Druggist FLESHERTON | •MP 'H J? Everything in the line of haberdashery for men at the lowest TM-.ces .n town. We have wondlerful shirts, ties, collars handker- chiefs, gloves, socks, everything a man needs to wear. Delightful Christmas gifts in the shape of novel haberdashery. ..W.^^'u-T''^''''' n^' ""' ^^'l''^' >^PP>" brightlyl.hued ones, plain white shirts as well as striped and colored shirts, something in f net â- or every taste and mood. All our merchandise is of the very high- est qualityâ€" all our prices are the very lowest possible. We have a real selecion of dolls that will de- light the heart of any girl or little folk. There are dolls that open and close their eves, talk and are well dres.sed. Then there are Teddie Rf^nrs ?"i/yn^ ^A ''°^!^' """'^ *''^ P"^^s range from 25c to ?4.50â€" A real good selection to choose from. Our selecion of tovs is excellent. There is something here for you. Visit our store. W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 . '. < > 4^ FLESHERTON ^

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