i 3,- ®i)je /iegh^tott %hi^mce. Vol. ^ No. 30 Flesherton Ontario, December 26, 1928 W H. Thuraton & Son. Proprietor* FMCEVILLE Thjf u one tiiii* of the year when •U pms^ are of tbe same mind mitd an an pr^^arhig f<Mr happy meetings off frianda and neighbors and all have a Merry Chriatmas and a Happy New Tear. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLeod of Swini- oa Park viaited last week at Mr. V. â- '"'WSilMif- â€" Soriry to report Mrs. D. McLa c hla n very iU and nurse Allan of Owen Soond is in attendance; also Mr. Ar- chie MeCnai? is very low, and we wish for both a speedy recovery- Mr. and Mrs. H^mie McLean and family of Toronto are Xmas visitors here. Mi*. A. B. Mc.A.rthur motored to To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wat- son and Betty and Mr. Jno. McMeek- in accompanied him home for the Christmas holidays. The annual Xraaa concert of the Presbyterian Sanday school was held ta Friday night. A very interest- ing program was provided, consisting 01 choruses, drills, pantomimes, reci- tation*, songs and other entertaining numbers A black face number by several boys, in - funny costumes, was weQ acted by the O.DJi. school ciiildren. A flag drill by the junior girls was well presented and a couple ''dOSegii^ were given by the Top Cliff schoo?|v4fter which the scholars of the school preaented their teacher, Mr. Pete Johnston, with a dressing £ct. Miss Kathleen McPhail read the address and Miss Elda Frooks maoe the presentation. Though taken com pktely l^ surprise, Mr. Johnston thanked them all in a few well choe- f.n words for their thoughtfuln€*;s and kindness. The children were an- zionsly waiting for Santa Claus who immediately was on the scene. Tiic tree was stripped and the child- ren got' a hag of candies, as well as lots of presents. Rev. Mr. Corry was the chai'-man, and thanked al: who hdped to make the concert suc:i a success. The proceeds of the ev- ening amounted to $30.25 Miss Flo and Marjorie McLean, Mrr. Henry Richardson, Miss Esther Mclr.nis, Sactia, McKinnon, Dorf.iy Mary and Eva Carson and the Mc- Kinnon girls, Rebecca Niohol, Violet ?ilfT)ougall, Delia McPhail and friend, Jic McLean, all of Toronto, Alex, kn. .ISJlMord Hincks, Allan i^;^ Innis. Esther McLoan. Donalda Nich- ol, Ida Hincks, Wilda McCuaig, are all home for the Xmas season. The Willing Helpers held their an- nual meeting on December 14th when the following officers were elected Pr«., Mr*. John Nichol, Vice Pros., Mrs. Dan Campbell; Sec., Mrs. W. J. McMillan; Asst. Sec., Mrs. A. L. Hincks; Treas., Mrs. Ray McLean. ROCK MILLS A Happy New Tear to slL BIrs. Thoa. Betts spent a few days with friends ia SiielbiEnie. The joint meeting of the U. F. O. and U. F. W. a Goba have poaU poned their Jaaoary meeting till the W. G. AKster Died At Age of 76 Years FEviRSHAM Mr. George W. Alister passed away CEYLON VANDELEUR second Wednesday in the month Jan- at the home of his brother here on nary 9th, which will be held hi the Sunday, December 23, at the advanc- Orange Hall, Eugenia, at 2 p,m. j ed age of 76 years. The funeral Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clarke of Flesh- erton and Mrs. Frank Leavell and family of Wilder, Idaho ,spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clarx here. Wednesday was school meeting day. will take place this Wednesday to Maxwell cemetery. Further partic- ulars of the life of the late Mr. Alister will be given later. Mrs. Will Gibson and Master Harold Tracey are spending Xmas and New Year's holidays with friends in De- troit. Mr. Arthur Whitaker and John Mc- Millan motored to Toronto the past week. I Mrs. Harold Holmes of Owen Sound ' visited her sister, Mrs. Anna McMill- ' an, who was real ill from gas fumes, , but who we are pleased to say is bet ter again. Mrs. Percy Hunt and son, Melville who have been in Toronto for a weeK, The Season's Greetings to all read- ers of The Advance. Miss Jean Wright of Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Our teachei, Miss Thompson, OSPREY COUNCIL Osprey Council met at Maxwell on December 15ch, 1^28, all memoera^ were present. Minutes of last mee;^ ing read and confirme<l. Communications received: .W. G» McLellan, extending greetings of the season; CoUingwood hospital, re in- spending the holidays at her home in digt;nt patients; Deputations fromi Ripley a couple of weeks ago attending the I lot 20, Con. 5; Wm. Mc funeral of an aunt. Levi Allen drain; Wm. j WeH W8s received here on Monday , that Mrs. Geo. Myers of Flesherton returned home on Monday and was I had passed sway af te â- being a patient j accompanied by her husband from We are having beautiful weather j g^fl-gjer for several years, and death j McGee, Sask , who wiU spend the wini to her was a great relief. She was I er here. born and raised on the 8th line of Mr. Chesney, who ia employed a*. Osprey and some of her old school- Hamilton, spent Christmas with his mates reside here yet. She is the family here. I last of her family, as the others pre- j jj,. j wilUanvE, who has betti , deceased her some years ago. Her | employed near Shjlburne all season, maiden name was Nancy Hanley, ] ^^^ jj^^jg fg, T;j,ia3 with his family daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hanley, pioneers of this district ' Mr. cn-d Mrs. Fred Anderson and I family of Kitchener motored ove- here • on Saturday and visited with the for- j â- mer's sister, Mrs. McMillan, and i family over the week end. ' Mr. and Sirs. McMillan and son, Joseph, motored over to Kitchwicr on Monday, and spent Christmas Day with friends there. Mr. Jas. Nesbeth spent the Christ- mas holidays with friends in his home town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley spent Christmas with friends at Nottawa. Our Continuation School teachers. Miss Warder and Miss Dempsey, and I public school teacher. Miss Mclntyre, at present and hope it continues as the sunshiny days seem shatter thia winter. The twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. Ale.-c. English have bean very ill and a nurse has been in attendance. We hope* to hear of their complete recov- ery soon. Mr. Dick Clark had a wood bee oae day last week. Mr. F Seeley did the job v/ith his buzzing outfit. The school cpncert, which was held on Thursday night was well attended and a large crowd present. Wc are glad to know that Mr. anii Mrs. Sam Croft and family are ail able to be around again after being confined to their beds with an attack of the flu. Mrs. J. Croft of Portlaw is at pres- ent with her son, Mr. Sam Croft and family. Miss Edith Betts has been suffer- ing the past week with neuritis, but is feeling some better. Miss Thompson was iieme \ John Milne, re arrears of taxes oa McCutcheon^ re Winter?, rat Master Cai-man Sewell, who was'.<l°S t^^x; Sum Talbot, re dog ta;c. operated on for apendicitis a short I Morrison â€" Grummeti â€" That ^% time ago, id recovering nicely. I B. V» inters be refunded Sfi dog tax , A large number of friends ana neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- 1 j charged in error. Edwards â€" Clarke That Sam Mr. Thos. Betts and Edith and Ma- { of Dundalk spent the Christmas ho'.-, bel and Mr. and Mrs. W. J Newell idays at the:- respective homes, and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. New- ' Miss Rose McGirr of CoUingwood ell and M •. Henry Smith spent Xmas visited with her mother recently. A- . and Mrs. Chas. Irish and t.\vj children of Toronto were Xmas visit- ors with Mr. S. Hemphill and famuy. Miss Harriet Hazard of Toronto and Mr. Harry Haiiard of Priceville visiter] theii.- grandparent J, Mr. and Mrs. I:. Stone en Saturday. Mrs. Raney, who recently unCer- wtnt an operation in the General and Marine Hospital in Owen Sound ar- rived '.lome on ThursdUy and her many friends will be pleased lo know she is making splendid prc- gres;. Christmas visitors at Mrs. D. White's T.cre Mr. Jack White, Miss Delia White, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and daughter, Miss Anna White Gee, who were married recently, me: | Talbot be refunded $4 dog tax chavged at their home en Friday evening, De:;- 1 '" ^i"'"'"'- ember 14th, and spent a few pleasant i Edwards - Morrison - That tUe hours, during which the bride anal treasurer be authorized to re=e:v= groom were -^resented with an ad-l'^-^O '""^ ^eo. McDonald for four dress and a beautiful case of Sliver- i''"'""^^ "* '=^"'^''*- ware. Mr. F. Davis read tha ad- ! ^-law No. 16, to pay Township or- ficials, and By-law No. 17, appoir.tmg D.R.O's. and Pell Clerks, were read the required number of 'cimcs, signed ! and scaled. .\ccounts Reads and prsssntatvon. Glen, in a neatly worded reply, thanked tho friends fjr j their kindness. Vandeleur church was filled capacity on •it -„ , , ....^ were passed as follows church wa3 filled to ,,. ,, ai-ona. „,. . , . Miscellaneous, SI ; 3.09 ; Wedneasay evemng of _, . , ,-„--., , ^. ' . . . "."ki Bridges ?59o.i3. weak, the occasion bemg the I „ ., ,. . . ,. „, . ' T , . i , I Council adjourned sine die Christmas tree entertainment, undsr with E. Binnington and family ot Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt and fam- ily visited Toronto friends recently. The annual school meeting was held , on Wednesday, when Mr. Lewis Ped- j lar was appointed trustee in place of Mr. Walter Russell, retired. Mr. and Mrs H. Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. H. McKce sepnt Chrijl- mas in Owen Sound. SPRINGHILL PUBLIC SCHOOL PORTLAW MAXWELL Holiday visitors in this community are: Mr. Fred Long of Niagara Falls idth his mother, Mrs. D. Long; Mr 'Harry Fielti'lth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ivpiaid; Mr. Chester Camer- on vt De^it and Lawrence of To- fonto at W. H. Gay's; Mr. Andrew KorriaoB •! bis parental home hare. We «|ipM our sympathy to the Alistttr C^aily in tkeir sad bereave- ment, ia tlie toss of their brother, Mr. Geo. Alkter, who died suddenly on Sunday evening. , , ^ . _, • â- , ... M « Mr. N. Milnty^, attended the funeral Wo are sorry to report Mr. Henry 1 !":,^;,"_ _* ,1 ,. _, _ „,.«_ Wright aerloosly ill at present, but Quite a number of our citizens have been suffering from flu, or somet)»'»"«' ( akin to it, of late, birt .wehlng serious so far h»a developed The Advance sprang a genuine sur- prise upon us last week •when it ap- peared in its gay Christmas coat of many colors. The product is surely a crelit to its producers. Mrs. Jas. Hill, who is visiting her daughteir Mrs. Jamieron, had thrj misfortune to fall backwards on the hard ground when entering the house last week, and is suffering a great dc?.l from the effects. It is hoped that she will soon recover from the mishap. Mrs. W. A. Morton roceired the sad news from Hanover. Mich., that her cousin had bc3n killed in an automo- bile accident The deceased lady was a prominent and much esteemed resi- dent of her town, and there is wid»* spread grief on account of her tragic passing Mr. Thomas Taylor, although still confined to his bed, is slowly recover- ing from hia recent accident_ Mrs. J. A. Thompson and brother. Jr. 4 â€" Delia Vause*, Billie Parker' Merle Allen*, Wilfred Best*. , Sr. 3 â€" Marjorie Wyatt*,- Harola S^tcrs in Toronto. Johnston*, Dorij Waller. j 2nd â€" Elsie White*, c«v,rs:nti Blackburn. Patsy Beard*. Jr. i â€" Kuby Vause*. Sr. Pr.â€" Billie Wyatt*, Irene Doupe and Mr. Robt. Brown, all of Toron:o, Miss Vera Ma shall, narse-in- training at the Durham hospita:, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and two children Mr. Dalton Marshall and cousin of Roderick were Xmas vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Mr. Angus Whittaker spent Xmas with friends in Toronto. Mr. D. D. McLachlan is spending i Xmas and Nev/ Year's with hls-ca-^- thc auspices o^ the teachev and pupils of the day schol and the pupils of the Sunday school. A splendid supper wa3 served in tiic basement, after which an excellent program was rendr"ed in the auditorium, which consisted of reading.?, recitations a:''.d , dialogrucs by the little folk, all of which were real good. Well-rcndcr- cd soles were also given by Mrs. Geo. Buelianan and Dorothy Kalbert. An interesting number on the program was a play entitled "Mrs. Studdins Book .'igrent " which was well .(riven by Vrs. Jim y^argocv Miss Verr:a I What the grjat Canadian home needs right now is a can opener a womas can operate. PUBLIC NC^E. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the ele-tcrs of the^ow:;- ship of .A.rts;uesia will be held at the t-ownshij) hall. Flesherton, on itonday, the 31st day of December, 19i28, at one o'clock, p.m., for the pur- pose of nonr.inating members of th-i Council for the year 1029. Dated this 17th day of DacourJier, Boland and Messrs Howard McGee, 1 1926. Howard Graham and Kendal Teeter Everett Paiker", Eileen Johnston', Ivan Waller, Edgar Doupe*. Jr. Pr. â€" Lorene Johnston*, Roy Best, Lloyd Walier, â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teasher. Present every day niarked(*); av. attendance CS.4. After the program Santa Claus. in the personage of Mr. Howard McGee, appeared and unloaded the tree, much to the delight of the little folk. The pastor, Rev. St. John, presided. VICTORIA CORNERS _W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. S. S. NO 6, ARTEMESIA Sr. 4 â€" Bessie Cairns. Jr. 3 â€" Bii:y Caima, Elsie Fisher, Irene Fisher. ^ Jr. 2â€" Catharine (Jaims. Sr. 1 â€" Doris FislKT. Jr. 1 â€" Ijabt?lle Cameron. Sr. Pr. â€" .A.llan Cameron. ^ Jr. Pr. â€" Anna Fisher â€"A. D. HINCK^^ Teacher. S. S. NO. 9, .IRTEMBSIA SXr. and Mrs. Jas. Hales of Owen Sound spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair and family. M.'.'S. Coleman of Owen Sounc spent Xmas with her daughter, Mre. F. J. CoUinson and family Mr. Alert. Knox of Toronto spen-, Christmas with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ross ~Leelie, Mr. 3. C. McMullen cf Toronto and Mr. Roos l^t^Mullen of spent Ohri-i'- mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen. Miss Millie Whittaker, teacher at Wingham, spent Xmas with her par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs_ Thos. Stewart ana family spent Xmas with the latter's parents at . ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G- iff en o: Tcrcnto visited ti.e fromer's sister, Mrs. White, during the holiday. Our Sabbath school is looking foreward to having a real plccsan: and happy evening on Friday w'.ien they are giving a fine program..-.; to all the friends in the .-ommunity. Miss Dorothy McLeod, teacher *: Rheumatisffl no Part of Nature's Plan She offers her healing herba to stop suffering When .\merica was wilderness, Indian* were using herbs successfully. From- the Redmen, 50 years ago, James Gallagher le:UTie<l herbal seerc's and compounded GallagH.-ra Herl.ul Uouse- hold Remctlies. liis famous Kidney Remedy h.-ir helped many a sufferer from Rheum;- 1 ism. This fine, time-proved remedy, drawt* from the heart of Naturt", heids aiid clcansi'S kidnevs. Quickly stops back- ache, dizziness and other aaj^ing kidncy and bladder ailments. Try it I For sale by 31 C. X. Richardson, Flesherton 4tli _ Billie Hanley, Percy Smith, Stanley Magee, WUlis Fcnwick. 1 „, . ,^ . „ t^ ^ 3vd-LilliJn kagee, Edith Fenwick, Shaw's busmcrs college, Toronto, Gerald Magec. Wesley m^t Christmas at her home here Ivan Lockhart of Toronto came home on Saturday evening for Christ- mas holidays sind Lawson of Detroit is c?:eTctetl this Monday evanini. Mrs. E-Tiie Stinson and babe, Marie left on Saturday f c • Laurel, where Ernie joins them on Tuesday for Christmas. School closed for the holidays or. Fridav evenirar. On Wednesday eve- ning Mr. McDonald's pupils gave a very interesting program, followed "oy a short play by the youns people. Mr. McDonald is to be congratulated as our Echcol has very few pupils. Mr. John Robinson of Hamilton is spending the Christmas holidays witli i his mother and sister, Mrs. Milton 1 Bannon : Miss Jennie Anderson of Brooklyn, N.Y. visited at Milton Bannon's. { Christmas this year will not be ex- ' actly a "green" Christmas and yet 1 the sleighing is not very good. \ We wish The Advance staff and all its readers the Season's Greetings. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirch and fam- , ily of Toronto visited at J. Lockhart 's. ' . . . p-to-da(e S^ERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. bope to report improvement soon. Mwkc(«4it b due to Miss Maynsrd i&d jMipBa for the splendid c<Micert #rea bwt Friday evening. The Siuiday acttool concert on Mon- day evening was also a decided suc- cess. Bo^ mtb Harmonica Band Iras ynaent at both coaccirta anJ was miufmi to tiie foQeat extent Dait forget the congregattonal Mtolfav •§ tke United Ghttich in the . thoiA FridajF vt S.SO !>.b>. Utai Helen MayiMurd ia holidaying wilk hut alatar in Owen Sonnd. in CoUingwood last week of a relative who died m Chicago. Miss Lillian Morton, R.N., of To- ronto is spending Christmas holidays at her parental home. Centre Line. Our sdtool poncert on Wednesday evening of last week proved a splen- dkl success and provided a great deal of wholesome enjoyment fo-' the house full of people. The punils all performed their parte creditebly. showing good training on the part of their teaeker. Miss Johnaton. Fern Magce, Jamieson. 2nd â€" Bennie Haaley, Irva^ Magee. Pr. â€" Doris Magee. â€"I. M. HINCKS, Teacher. S. S. NO. 5. OSPREY i,i$0»f I bfiiki a car I dont have to |#lPk t(» «lM bafeir to mak* deposits." ^)'^m ditve tiMM. eht" •^ I doat maiBe any." £ ENEMA iib'.'^llftnia on M«« Tear'k «iai Strt. and be oriin> %u1L Gftm, 1. A.. «r To- Sheâ€" "Is it dangerous to drive with one haadT" Heâ€" "Yon bet More than on« fellow baa ran into a chorch doing it.* RUBUC NOTICE 4th â€" Jim Giblin, Arthur Lawlor, P. J. Somers. Sr. S â€" Myrtle Wright Jr. 8 â€" Mervin Somers, Jim Hay- ky, Iva Sayers. 2ndl â€" HVibcrt Sayers, Blar^orie Benson, Bornice Poole and Doris Taylor equal. Ist â€" Vernon Somers. Pr. â€" Ida Benson Nellie K. Spencer Te acher . f,' •"- .1 â- â€" S. S. NO S. OSPREY Bates Burial Co. C U Mt ir t flten leader iMto'lMM amreb ^ !• e^maanco al \ 5th â€" Harold Ring (H), Kenneth Notfee is bcrri»y given that a Moore (H). meeting of the electors of the vil- j Sr. 4 â€" Edith Mclnnis (H). lage of FIoBhertoa wlU be held at Jr. 4 â€" Isabel Mclntyre (H>,Mar- the village hall on Monday, the Stat | gi^^ Mclnnis, Elmer Mc<)uay. 4^mj4 DctwiuUi*, 1JS5, at tbe hour i j,_ 3_ AlHe Ring*, Gordon Moore, ^jftn o'clock ^n., for the purpoaa Cincan Mclnnis, Robbie McQuay. of minathac caTdidatea for mem- bers of the Council for 1M9, atao membnra of tbe pablk: acbool board. Dated this KHi day of Docember. 2nd â€" Eachura Mclntyre. Ut â€" Ray Moore. Pr. â€" Bert Moore. Mclnnis, Donald Ivan Moore. Mt. George Arrowsmith visited friends in Toronto and brother at Niagara Falls recently. Mrs. Hare and pupils gave a very plcs.sing programme on Friday aT- terncon from 2 to' 4 p.m. when each of the pupils did well in song and recitation and dialogues and motion songs. Mr. Dick Stewart acted as Santa Claus, when all the pupils re- ceived a gift and a treat of candy. A goodly number of friends and pare- cnts attended and were well pleas- ed with the entertainment. Miss Sybil CoUinson of Toronto spent Xmas with her sister, Mrs P. D. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and daughter cf Wiarton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and daughters of Shrigley were vis- itors at Mr. D. McPhail's. Mr. Maurice Wright of Toronto and Mrs. and Mr. John Wright of Flesherton were visitors at Mr. Jas. W. McMullen's. . :: Rev. R. K. Lambert United Church | J minister at Homing's Mills, has re- ceived hotiflcation from Ottawa of his appointment to tbe position ol postmaster of that r>la«e- ^*- ^"*" bcrt is a returned man. SL-.ce the I s I 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: Rlngsdalc 4344 | I W Bates R. Madrloclcs. t •♦a»o»«»»**»»«»»»»»»»*»**»<~><"»<^'^^^^'"^*'°"^''"*^'^^"*^******'v Happy New Year •The House of Q-jality** We wish our many fr.cnds Prosperity, Health er d Happiness dnring the New Year. 1929. -W. J. BKLLAMY, Clerk. ^y Sincerely yours, W. J. Stewart & Sons