rrrr ^a^ srrr: PrinceM Elizabeth Shows Glee Over Sights at Her First Hunt Melton Mowbrtr. Eng. â€" Wtt'« PrinMSs Eiitabeth at tlie age of two and a half years Is belns broken In to the Rights ftnd Bounds of the hunt- InK field, which Is so essential a part of the English gentlewoman's life. When the Pytchlej Hounds met at Creaton, near Naseby. the other day for one of the biggest meets of the hunting season, tbe baby princess made her first appearance on tlio field in the company of her- motUor, the Duchess of York. DrossPd In a diminutive fur-trimmed coat and long leggings, her luxuriant golden curls uncovered to the breeze, the princess watched from her nurse's arms the assembling of the hunt, her eyes opening wide with excitement as the bright-coated men mounted their eleek hunters, pawing to be otf. When the hounds arrived she beg ged to be put down to play with them. Her disappointment was keen at not being allowed to fondle the lithe creatures, but she was some- what mollified when she was permit- ted to walk beside her mother, cling- ing to her hand while the duchess pointed out some fine ^luts of the chase and explained the meaning of the hunt. Her glee knew no bounds when she recognized her father among the tbrong of huntsmen and watched him gallop off behind the pack when the master sounded a bugle. Ob- viously, the little Princess Elizabeth considered her first meet a huge Sunday School Lesson December 30. Lesson XIIIâ€" Review: Paul, The World Christianâ€" Psalm 103: 1-5, 8.13. Golden Textâ€" For me to live is Christ.â€" Phil. 1: 21. The purpose of a review is to help the students organize the truth they have been studying so that it may become a permanent possession. In the case of a life study such as we have had for the past six months, it is like putting tije story together again into one. We want to .sec the life of this great Christian leader, see it in its wholeness, see its secret u we can, the secret of its power, and realize its significance in Christian hiftory. Such a review will help us to tap the spiritual resources that th«»-e are in a lift like this, and make Paul our daily^Smpanion to encour- age and inspirit to a greater faith, and a more zealous service of our common Master. Can you do bater in the brief time at your disp^-sa". than to gather up into a sort of summary sketch the general outline of Paul's life and its inost striking impressions as they have been felt throughout the six months? Briefly recall Paul's early life and training; his attitude to the Good Money Can Be Made on F^rm 1 5-Year-Old Stock Raiser Gets $6.50 a Pound For Steer At International Show Chicago. â€" Another boy has demon- strated how good money can be made on a farm. Keith Collins, 15-year-old Iowa stock raiser, got almost $6,000 for his grand champion dressed steer carcass at the recent International !.ive Stock Exposition. The dressed beef sold at auction for $6.75, only ift under the record price obtained •ecently for the grand champion steer by Clarence Goccke, 12 years old, of State Centre, Iowa. The champion carcass, we!g)iing 722 pounds, was purchased for $4,873.50. It was an Aberdeen Anr gus and dressed G2.24 per cent net meat. The grand champion barrow car cass owned by Iowa State College, was sold at auction for $1.61 a pound It sold for 30c last year. The winning barrow carcass weighed 227 pounds and was purchased by a Chicago gro- cery. The first prize yearling steer car csss, 648 pounds, was sold by Hall Christians and his reasons 1°^ )t; his Orchards Company, of Hall Orchards, Z^r^V^^^vlVrjJ'I^^ Sd.Mich.. at 55c a pound, attitudes and activities show the new The grand champion lamb carcass factor that his conversion had Intro- of the show brought $3 per pound on duced into his experience; his mis- the auction block, equaling last year's «fc>nary activitiei, and especially the fifrures. It was owned by John D. broader interpretation of Christianity j.nrkin, of Quecnstown, Ont. The •s a world religion which was seen in cj,,.<.a8s weighed 61 pounds, his missions to the Gentiles; th« m-, ^ l{;ratti?fidfh:Talnt;it'd^'fiL'r C.n^dia„ WJnnin., at Inter ward the Judaizing Christians in that! national first Council "^ ^';;^„^f]^^'J";' '^^',': j Ottawa. Canada-Canadian farm- towards those who sought to compass' ,,,,., » ., ,noo i_» , his <!ownfall; his writings, naming era who exhiljlted at the 1928 Inter, the Epi.stles of Paul and endeavoring national Live Stoclr Exposition and to place the time of their writirug. Grain and Hay Show again demon- that is, where in the life of Paul thoy gtratcd tho hlBh standard of agricul- were written; his characteristic mcs- t„,Q i.y carrying off a p;ood share of sago. _ the highest awards, lu competition Let your discussion bring <>"*â- 'n ^.j^j, ^]^^ jjcst that exhibitors from conclusion, as far as >"o uarc able, ^j,^ United States could produce. In S'ttThrcL^.-.ctiTf'tllsToIt -heat _oa,s and other grains and Christian and his timely niessaiye for seeds Canada won oomo of the most the church Get them to recall from coveted honors. Herman Trelle, of the story in the Acts, of from any of Wembley, Peace RIvor, Alberta, who his Epistles, what they con.sider to bo won the world's wheat championship the outstanding characteristic of the |,j 1926, and the reserve champion- man and his n;es?aj!;e \V hat was the ,„ jg^; ^i,g jeclared the 192S re- secret of his pownr? _ What i.i tho ^^^^.^ champion. IIo exhibited a Up-to-D«te Method* Osed in Mooalpaii Couii try U8INQ A TRACTOR TO CLEAN SKATING RINK Davos SwiUerland has a 7V4 acre rink and they certainly are not behind tbe times In their method of clean- ing this large pleasure ice area. â- ' Holiday Drinks To make cider punch add half a thinly sliced orange to two quarts of sweet cider and, after thoroughly ing tbe juice of two lemons, half a grated nutmeg, a teaspoon of powder- ed cinnanton, half a pound of raisins and three tart apples cut in quarters, hen the oatmeal is soft strain into , _ a mixing bowl through two thick- chilling, half a cup of strftined orange nesses of cheesecloth, pouring in a juice. Add a small pinch of soda to little more hot water if too thick, each glass poured, and stir until it When ready to serve heat to the boil- foame. ing point, sweeten to taste, and add PINEAPPLE DELIGHT. tw) well beaten eggrs, stirring over Mix one quart of apple juice, one ^^^ firo Jast a moment after the eggs cup of pineapple juice, one cup of f~ ""^^"^j ^"^ '"*^ .» P"â„¢:"**! white syrup, the juice of three lemons *'\** "as been warmed m hot water, and four sprigs of mint, or enough '"^'*™«^ '«'" *. dozen small roasted mint extract for a sbght flavor. Color /'PP'®' stuck w ith^ho le etovea. a delicate green with vegetable color- ing, chill and pour over ice in a punchbowL Just before serving add slices of maraschino cherries. SPICED GINGER CUP. Inser* into the outer skins of four lemons a handful of whole cloves, allowing them to remain for an hour A New Idea Successful Boys Never Save Any Money, Henry Ford Says Washington. â€" Henry Ford believes or two to extract tho full strength ' the advice frequently given to young of the spice. Then rub oflf on lump boysâ€" that to succeed thev must work sugar the yellowr zest of three of the hard «fnd save their money -is p.irt- lemons, adding the juice of four care- jy wrong. fully strained, two tablespoons of Before going to the V/hite House to honey, half a teaspoon of powdered attend the annual dinner g'ven .Tus- cinnamon, a cup of seeded raisins and tices of the Supreme Court, the De- two thinly sliced oranges. Allow to troit manufacturer was asked if he stand m the ico chest two hours. Just n^d anything to say for publication before serving add a pint of cracked anfl responded with a statement ice and a quart of iced ginger ale. about boys Decorate with large preserved straw- berries and sprigs of mint. SOUTHERN CITRUS PUNCH. "No successful boy ever saved any money," he said. "They spent it as fast as they got it for things to im- messagc of his life and service to us â- s individual Christians, and to the Aurch today? "Mary ropnd '/om." "Lassof'l l.im. eh?" "Yes, Lass sued him." Kainpio of Marquis. He won second prize for his Victory Oats. His out- Htandliig honor was winning the world'ii championship for field peas for a sample selected from a 20-acre field on his r)20-acre farm. Whilo the championship for wheat tills y>?ar went to C. Edson Smith, of Corvallls, Montana, U.S.A., the win- ner In 1927, Canadian exhibitors won 24 out of the 35 wheat prizes. Hon- ors were won for horsoH, cattle, and In sheep, Ontario breeders captured the majority of tho blue ribbons. Someone complains that there are plenty of monuments erccte<l to war, but none to peace. Every factory, every bank, every schoulhouse can be such a monument lo peace, and one that will outlive any carving or cast- ing in marble or bronze that could be devised. ' Citizens of soft-coal-buming com- munities .v'ill doubtless be cheered to know that soap, as well as soot, may 1)C made from bituminous. Strain the juice of six oranges^/six prove themselves." tangerines, two grapefruits and two He recalled that Thomas A. Edison, limes. Add two quarts of cold tea; his close friend, never^had any money sweeten to taste. Add twelve thinly until he had so much He couldn't spend sliced kumquats and two quarts of it." ' ' charged water. Servo at once with "If you want to make a real story," .shaved ice in each gla.^ss. ; he continued, "instill in the minds of; CRANBERRY COOLER ; the young men that they will never ^ Cover ciar.berrles with water boil^** any^vh0re without work. I never; until soft and strain; to each quart '*^"*'^ * ^^^^ """" ^^^^ ""^^ ^°'^ of juice add one cup of sugar, let "''" cents that wouldn t work, and! como to a boil, add one pint of pine- fT^" occasWUy get into trouble in apple juice and serA-e with shaved ice '''!.^?°'â- ^^'*' ^*""'- , „ ... / with bits of green cherries on top. I , . 7^^" ^ Y'"^! "^ 7"""^ v ^ GERMAN COFFEE CUP. , j ^^ welcomed to." Add a teaspoon of almond extract' Ho explained that in his attempt to to a pint of strong black coffee and loam as much as possible about ma- Ftrain into a double boiler. While chinery, he would slip into every I this is coming to' a boil beat the yolks available machine shop and Avatch I of two eggs with two tablespoons of their ojierations. thick cream and the snmo amount of "No ono will ever get anywhere in sugar. Turn a little of the hot cof- this world unless he becomes a teach- fee into the mixture, then beat it into er, one who can show others how to the remainder of the coffee and cook, do things," he added, and recalled how stirring frequently until the soft cus- both Edison and himself, in working tiird begins to coat a spoon, then chill, out their respective plans, had to Whip a pint of cream to a stiff froth teach others haw to make every piece , and chill. . Serve by adding a little Lf machinei-y they needed. ; cracked ice to each glass, then i -•> enough of the custard to fill it a third full. Add charK<?d water to come within half an inch of the top and then a pile of whipped cream. PURITAN PUNCH. To two cups of grape juice add three tablespoons of lemon juice, one- third of a cup of orange juice, one cup of pineapple juice and pulp, three-fourths of a cup of loaf sugar, a few prratings from the rind of a lemon and a few from the rind of an orange, a few jrrains of salt, a few gr-ntings of nutmeg and our sprigs of crushed mint leaves. I-et ripen an hour on ice; pour over finely crushed Ice and add a bottle of charged water. Serve in tall glasses w'th a teaspoon of whipped cream on cnch,- OLD ENGLISTI CANDLE CUP. Our BaditiilM R^QMiMi Found to Hmv ted Them Fram Adopted T Aodent Gredcs SMART. WRAP AROUNB Softness of line is noteworthy fea- ture in sniai't wrap around dresa in coat styling, for the youthfully smart woman. Flat hipline is emphasized by clever cut of circular skirt. The revr <>aUttr of surplice bodice adds length to figure. Style No. 832 is interpreted in strin-g-bean green aheer woolen gleaming with metal threads. The rever collar is matching sheer velvet, which contrasts smartly with plain green faille silk crepe used for siurpMce closing vestee. Shaped trin»- ming pieces at each hipline are of veil- vet, piped with the ftClilo silk crepe. Belt fastened with novelty buckle is made of braid. Homespun in guava red wMth matching suede belt, with vestee of faille crepe, bottle green vel- veteen with beige silk crepe veatee, black crepe satin with dull side u«ed for rever collar, and printed sheer velvet with plain velvet are smartly appropriate for daytime wear. De- signed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust Pattern price 20 cents in stamps oACoin (coin is prefeiTed). Wrap coin carefully. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your arae and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want Enclose 10c :.i stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for caih number and address yocr order to Wilson Patteni Service. 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by an early mail. HOW LONG HE WAS MARRIED "So you are married? For how long?" "Well, let's seeâ€" for about six Boil a small cup of oatmeal in two drosses, throe hats and a half-dosen quarts of slightly silted water, add- crying fits." " -0- Pollce vs. Stockbrokers London Stock Exchange and the police had a 15-niiIo walking race tbe other day. A policeman won. When a worm turns, It's g«MnU7 Into silk hose providing it's a iOk worm. If at first you don't sue tise. England has developed a subaUtato for cotton, but In this country «• J«A use silk. N«« York^-OlMinrHtea at tlw n* oantljr axeavatedl dty «f Otyntfav* «tt tba HMwioiiiMi plaioa in N orths n t Oreeea prom tluU the Gnt/ka llmd te as high a dogree of eonfort aai splendor in the fourth and fifth eatt- turies B.C. as did tbe Bomana aadw their emperor« in the Ckristisn eia, according to Dr. David Bloore Bobhw son of Johns Hopkins University. Dr Robinson, speaking at tbe new- ly formed Brooklyn Chapter of tba Archaeolo£:icaI Institute of America in Brooklyn Museum, described theaa discoveries for the first time and «!•- clared that they showed that maay forms of ari, fornm'Iy clasaed as R»> man, had existed in Greece hundreds of ytars earlier. "Tho bathtub," he eontcued, "el- ways regarded as a Roman innova- tion of comfort and civilization, it now sbown to have been merdy bor- rowed from tbe Greeks, whom thof subjugated." â€" The excavation of Olynthos reveal- ed ruins of once palatial homes show- ing a high degree of material culturs, with art objects of exquisite and deli- cate workmanship, vanity boxes and even compacte. not unlike those used by the modem woman. Dr. Robineon said. The expedition' found a large cirie centre flanked by pite in which gnia was stored, a barracks for troopa, shops, a mint and a terra cotta fac- tory, the molds of which are atlD usable. Many fine busts in marMa and terra cotta of the period <rf Phi- dias were uncovered, he said: magai- fioent plates, bowls and other objaeta ornamented with highly wrought art work; coins of many periods, citiet and countries, accumulated by tt* merchants of OljTithus; weapw objects of personal anH fnmi A. pair of bronze jejaaJgi/wora hy Sonne Greek ge»eral were found t« be of such fin-? workmanship tiiat their value is estimated at $^,000, he said. Qlynthus. which once had a popula- tion of 50,000, was the leader of the Chalcidic League oC s'lrrounding towns which precipitated the Pe!opon- nesian War. Tt was conquered by Phlip of Macedon. father of Ale* ar.der tho Great, in 48 B.C. The finding of the city it»Blf was really the most important discovery of all. Dr. Robnson said. The exca- vr.tions were begun on the ridge of a bill and remnants of a Stone Age set- tlement were first encountered. These included a large collection of neolithic lelios. est'mated to have be?n used hy primitive races H),CO0 years ago. Transferring operations to a long. flat mound nearby. Dr. Robinson said, the party was soon uncovering mo- caics and paved courtyards of a once prosperous city, all within two yards of the surface. Most of the later finds also werwe uwnweartwhed wbwy " | also were unearthed by "merelyi scratching." he said. ^^^ •^^^^il ./ % » ^ \ -^ â- .K -^,