THE FLESHERTON ADVANCR WEDNESDAY. DBCEMBCR flS» V WfeeaTMrlbti Travels By lliiL SEND yonr remittances by tlie Can- Bfii^n Bank of Commcice Mxatey Or-> dex?. They arc coBrenient. effieiest, and economieaL The money is folly icsored against loss or theft in tran- sit. It can reach only the person te whom it is addressed. Bank of Commerce Mon^' Orders ai« as good as c^b, and are acceptable ai^wbere ia Canada. IHE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCS THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA | JTiko Uctl Readerts Passed Away Sinda; Death enteTcd two local homes on Sonday and cast a gloom ever Ute ChiTstaas festivitie:. Mrs. Jos. C. Myers pajsed away at hsr home here after a lonj: illness from which she was bedfast for -the past deven years or so. Mrs. Myers was formerly Kancy Ann Hanley, and had reached ths age of 78 years and 6 months. Afte.- an illness extending over scYeral month] Mrs. Alfred Harrison passed awsy at her home dh the To- onto Line South, at the age of 72 years. Th-^ tatt! Ifrs. Harrison's maiden name was Isabel Stewart. Next week we will gire a extended report oa the life of these two highly rspeeted residents of oar commonity, and mnch sympathy is ezprcaacd to the bereaved ones. CPJL TIMB TABLB Gtihtg Kwtfc llJt 4.10 un. , 8.83 ^Ja *.â- >. 4J3 p jn. n* aaib eleee at Plesherton aa faOo^: For the north at 11.00 aja. at ILM For morning train •an doaaa at 9j00 pji. tkm Ucai aid Personal _lbr. and Mrs. A., i. Bellamy tipeiitNphristnias at Honeywood. j Mr. and, Mrs Wes. Armstrong' spent Christitia.4 Day at Dondalk. I Mr. Allan McDonald spent Christ- maa with hia sister in Toronto. I Mr. B. Nixon spent Christmas with his family at Owen Sound. t Miss Gladya Pinder, Toronto, spent Mrs. W. L. Wright is visitiag In Toronto. Mr. Henry Howard la sp«tding a couple of ntonths in Toronto^ Miss Lorene Cargoe of ToA>nto spect Christmas at her home here. The fine weather of the past we^ has made the Christsias season a mos: enjoyable one. Miss Rhoda Best of Toronto is vis- itiag with her parents, south of town. Mr. Stanley Blackburn of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackbom. Misses Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound and Evelyn Ferris of Toronto spent Christmas at their parental home here Miss D. Thurston, teacher in Raw- linson School, Toronto, is holiday:ng at her home here. Mr. Orloff Howden, student at Toronto University is holidaying at his home here. Miss Beth Bentham of Orangeville T. P. S. St. John's United Church Young People's Society held their annual el- ection of officers on Tuesday evMiing of last week, when the following were dected for 1929: Pres. â€" ^Miss U. Kelso. Cor. Sec. â€" Miss P. Morgan. Treas.â€" Mr. Bert. Morton. Pianistâ€" Miss D. Sloan. '^^ Conv. Devâ€" Miss J. Fraser. "t^ Conv. Miss. â€" Mrs. Murray. Conv. Lit. â€" ^Mr. Johnston. Conv. Rec. â€" Miss R. Bellamy. The past year was very success- ful when $53.51 was raised for mis- sions, while there is a balance on hand from collections of $48.25. The pupils of the public school the holiday with her parents here. \ '^ sepnding this week with her par- Mr. Ernest Fenwick of Toronto ®'**^- «pent Christmas with his mother, east of town. Master Tom Findlay of Toronto is spending the Christmas holidays with his uncle in town. -Mrs. Leroy McDonald of Toronto spent Christinas with her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Haney Griffen ot Toronto spent Christmas in town with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. WilcocS. Miss Shirley Murray <rf Toronto spent the week end and Christmas a? V her home hex^. » » Mr. Jack Bloed^w left on TlonCay -«• '-"*i--*»--si»ead-a week at hfe home at Gol.' den Lake, Ont. { Mr. Mauricr- Wright of Toronto visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright over Christmas. I Post Office Was Bosy The local postoSTice vrao taxed to capacity during the past week with the largt amount of mail arriving and departing through this centre. Postmaster Trimbl^ states that it was a record year for Christmas mail, but it was desyiatched in good Mr. and Mrs. Ge^on McKinnon on order and with no dely. Extra help Toronto spent Christmas with the , hsd to be secured to assist in the woHt former's mother here. j Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto j ^"- ^°y- f overly a resident of came home on Friday evening and, Flesherton. died at Toronto on Mon- rcmained to spend Christmas at her ^ay mormng last, the funeral taking hone here. St. John's United S. S. Annual CONCERT in St. John's United Church on New Years Night MR. W. B. CRAW, B.A. Student Entertainer of Toronto will give a varied program. also Nambers by the Sunday School SUPPER TO BE SERVED FROM 6 TO 8 P.M. Admission:- Adults 50c., children 15c. 1 1 I The Prize Wumers 00 Santa Clans Day place there. The deceased lady was over 80 years of age. Death was presented a concert on Friday after- '^^'^ *» ^ P^'^'rtic stroke, afte- which McEachnie, C. Thistlelhwaite, Elmer Wariing. Sr. 3 â€" .A.. Lawrence, E. Brown, P. Gibson, H. Bibby, G. Boyd, M. McFadden, W. Littlejohns, B. Bell- â- amy, .\. Tumey, D. McRae, H. Croft, The following prizes were secured Bill Welton, J. Kerton. in the various exhibits ia Down's J:. 3 â€" F. Lawrence. B. Murray,; garage on Santa Glaus Day: D. Smith. E. Burnett, D. Stuart, G.' Dressed Qoose â€" 1st Mrs. John McDonald, V. Fisher. ' Nichol, 2nd Mrs. Dave (Williams.; f Sr. 3 â€" Fred Patton, Gordon Gib-| E>ressed Duck â€" 1st Mrs. John For- son E!Ia McRae, Everett Croft. | eocs, 2nd Mrs. Dave Williams; Dress- Jr. 2 â€" Nellie Thistlechwaits. Mar- ed Chicken â€" 1st Mrs. Badgrerow, 2nd ion Miller, Dorothy Whitehead, Helen 1 Miss Kate Stewart. Dressed Doil Love, llac Duncan, Vema Gorrei5,I for Cold Weather â€" 1st Marion Mil- Doris Kerton. | ler, 2nd Velma .â- Ucox. Doll in Car- Sr. 1 â€" Elma Dixon. Betty SlcDoa-[ Fred McTsvish, Dorothy Kerton. |^ u- 7 I riageâ€" Ist Olive Marshall, 2nd Geor- aid. Mrs. Martin Phillips and d .ughter. Mrs. W. Gibson cf Ceylon spent Christmas with relatives at Detroic. Mr. and Mrs. J. D Claris cf West-, on spent Christmas and an the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W.' Hickling. | Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson of To- ronto are holidaying with the lat-, ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. I closing of, ^'^^ °°'i' '''"^*^ * f^'" '"'^•â- i'"- j A concert is being held in Kimberley Memorial Ha!! thio Thursday nifchc A play will be piven entitlsd "Eyes cf Love," by Owen Sound youncr people The concert is under the auspices of the W. L Admission: oj and 20 cents. I?c making has p -ogressed very fa- vorably in the rink durinjr the pas; vrcek under the able hand cf Jlr. '^'^ Gordon AVariing, who has agsin sc- Unity i:.F.W.O. Clubj will be held in cured the contract as caretaker. TuU th? Eugenia Orange Hall on Wednes- vtck end will see the hockey teaui day. January 9th, 1929, at 2.00 p.m. take to skates in order to be in good The ladies will provide lunch. â€" Mrs. shaoo for the game here on the 10th Lewis. Genoe, Sec. of U.F.W.O. of January with Markdale. The Women's Institute will meei Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Reid and t\vo at ths home of Mrs. Gilchrist on Wed., sons of Lapeer, Michigan, motored January 2» at 3 p.m. Paper â€" "Spices over on Monday ,snd spent Chriitmas used for dinner table," by Miss Mac- lay with Mrs. Reid's parents, Mr. Millan; Roll Call, Helpful ideas for and Mrs. George Pritchard. at the noon last, prior to the this term. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sha-p of To- ronto spent Christmas with the la:- 1 tcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc- i Mullen. Misses Alice and Marga^t Robert- son of Toronto are holidaying with tl^eir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson. A joint meeting of the U.F O. gina Blackburn. Dog Rac«â€" team. Jr. I â€" Dorb Lawrence. Burton Stanley Magee; Oyer 12 yearsâ€" Robt. Bellamy, Doris Wariing, .\ldrey Mc- 1 DaigavcJ. 2nti Ed. Patten; Under 1~ Cracken, .Athoi McKillop, G. Loaeks,- Years â€" Leo Patton, Stanley Mageet. Jack Welton, Clifford Saunders, Ivan White Cat â€" - Melville Buchanan, 2nd McEachnie. \ Donaida McDonald; Black Catâ€" Eimev , Sr. Pr. â€" Norman Loucks. Fre J Wariing, Delbart Smith; Cat of Two Gibson, Bert Smith, Bob Stuart. j Cclc^ â€" Joe Gibson. Evison Wilson;' Pr. B â€" Jack Loucks, Dorothy; Maltese Cat â€" Geo. McMaster, Burt Welton, Doris Pedlar absent. j Sled; Cat of More Than Two Colorsâ€"' Pr. C. â€" Stewart McRae, Gwenj Robt. Dargavel. .Teddy Croft: Fer-_ Gorrell, Clifford Littlejohns. sian Cat â€" Jackie Down. Cecil Gibson; Persian Kitten. Geo. Akitt: Kitcen Net Full Grov.-nâ€" Eddie Patton. Mer- vin Summe-s: Cat With Kittens â€" Mervin McFidden 2nd Lome and The Money Strsyei Leslie White. The old slogan "Send by money or- â€" Cake, Mesdames Murray , Mrs. Jos. Biackbarn spent Chnst- . „. . . .. c j â- - i..- j • • •..• iwi . -ii. and W. A. Armstrong; Sandwicn, flues mas and is visiting this week with , „,».,, Dr. and Mrs. Robt. ' Henderson and family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs A. S. Thurston and three children of Thc-nbury spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thnrston. Mks Jeanette Cargoe. who is a stodent at No'-th Bay Normal school is tpendiair the Christmas holidays •i her home here. The receipt ji for the day amounted | ^jer. h is safer," was demonstrated in to S45.15 and the expenditure to the: town not lonrr aso, prior to the Christ- amount of S34.T5. leavine a balance, nias season. A certain young man on hand for next year of $10.40. i e",ther did not wnnt to spend the The committ?e in charge of Santa I money in buying a money order, or; Claus Day wish to thank al! those! ^i^e someone might know what he Saturday and Monday. Lunch Com. home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richard- j who. by thoir contributioBs c- in other ^as sending for. .\nyway. away go«s: L. Fisher ion of the suburbs. They returned j ways, helpeti to maKe our annual jjjj n-.oney along with his permit ia' home on Wednesday. The trip over | day the biggest success yet. | ~^^ envelope to a liquor store in loads dames R. Best, J. Wright and C. was made in eight hours with a Reo j j r,f ^ij^e for Christmas. But mnch to Akins. car. , piFSHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS his disappointment it never reached Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham and The road from Fleshertca t? To- 1 '^ j its destination and he says it was a Miss Beth of town, Mr. Chas. Cra- roato is still iine for motor t -aveL i ^^^ _ g PaUon, C Gibson. E.} pretty drj- and costly Christmas for yen and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. The writer did the trip on Friday last, John McMuUen and family. Mai'y. finding the highway from here to Alma, Mittoa. J«ck and Nelson, Mr. Dundalk somewhat rough with the and Mrs. Joe McMnUen and daughter snow, but beyond that point there was Isabelle, aU of Holland Centre were no difficulty in attaining the speed the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Taos limit for the whole distance Since Bentham and M-. and Mrs. C. Mar- there have been no stomu of So forâ€" and yet so near! ♦1 canst can John by Lanjf Distance, and let him know I got here all- right. Then neither of us will be worry- ing. It's wonderful to be able to visit you like this, and yet keep as close touch with home as if I were there. What must it have been like in the old days, before Lonff Distance made it possible?" "m place the caU for yoa while you are taking off yoor wraps." "That will be fine. Just ask for our number, 124, so 111 get the cheaper Station-to- Station rate. In a couple of days m call up agrain, in the evening, so I can have a few words with the children, too. The Evening Rate after 8.SQ is really very low." llfaHM Fknrence McFadden, Laura ^ riott on Chnistmas Day. Boyd and Inez Brown, who are at- tcadlnt Normal at Toronto are •pendhit thei - vacation at their res- Z T<eetive hones here. ' X Mrt. R. X.. Stephen of Markdalc ; [ passed away »t he'- hnme on Tuesday \ ; •ft«fr only • ahon lllneas. The de- • ipMOtrl «•• femerW Miss fivelyn < > Bo«T4mn of Owon Sonnd. The fa- ', wmtwi takes Tteee in Markdale this ; ; M'. lohn Nnhn. so" and daathtei* ; th* rhri!>t«tta^ hoYidav in To- ; li|«i Mn. Nnhn. wlw l<i at pn- ; la ttw ho^tital. Mrt. Nnha re- . eeatly n »a>tw e ii t *>> otteration and ' «• â- nH wf^yd Is 4o)ii* Bic<riy. >: \ tWrnlv at el««mW>*1 for refnUmr ! the nirinitr^ «vthfMratah«ra huheefl|; »oeol«M. AU ctttam poMouinr * these HImiMt PttU aW?* to 9»»»tr ««n m. AMI nfm«4 •! tiM drof •tovt <V aft lldi oMn. tfikik ***«, Iw aori-l i«fld dance ] «n M» JMif^ !(«• win U Md fai ; tliO'^tWiMttH Ma'"^". "^*- '*- -n*"*^ at O.C.I"'., CoiXTt No. oood 'iilfiitililirit )m» be«a {Mies with bosaa blows to change conditions. < > < « 3: 1929 We wish our many (riends and castomers the best oi health during the coming year, together with prw perity and happincM. "t I A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Talbot, J. Gibson, H. McKillop. L. I him. "Every Bell Telephcme is a Long Digtattce <t:i'i<yn." Tit L"^ To Our Friends and Customers A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year May Christmas bring you laughter and the New Year â€" Good Lqck ^.. j»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»C»l»l»t MH» » » < "" »*****»<*><» » «>» »» L F. H. W. HICKLING r'