j-m'jf. J- I i<^(<j|/j|i)|i^||j|<u| WEDME80AY. DECEMBEH U. '» Letter to Ik Ediior TOC FLESHERTON ADVANCE W. H. Thunton k Son.â€" D«ar Fr{«lMla:- Just a lilts or,.two to with you all a Merry Chriatmas and a Happy New Year. Well Mr. Thurston we are haying; splendid weather. Ws Oatam LegisblBe to Opoi EaifiHr k 1929 Tlie Ontario Legislature will open Hmiday, January SOtii, next, as com- pared with Thnrsday, February 9tht the openlnc date of this year's ses- sion. It 'will be the third session of Ontario's I7th Leirisi'ature, and It Is hoped to finish all business by Ciood Priday( Msich 29th). The Govei-nment side will be one nan stronger, due to the election of Foster 6. Moffat (Conservative) over Malcolm A. McMallum (Progressive) in the South Bruce by-election last June. Two other meQibers-elect are Controller Wm. Morrison, Conserva tive, Eaiit Hamilton, and Ed. A. Dun lop. Conservative North Renfrew, also by-election winners. Xegislstion to be considered includ cs an Old Age Pension Act, act to regulate real estate brokers andl^he west, there will be another war ralcFmcn, and to make policing ol ' very shortly, so I would like to see municipalities by the provincial yo« People wake up and stop such fcree optional with counties and dis- trict*. A bill establifhlng a Prov- incial. Racing Commission (may be introduced by Provincial Treasurer T'or.teith. The Department of Health, it !s u.nderstood, has abandoned fer this ;Cisioti its plan to bring â- con^l of native wine manufacture wy^^ itr< jurisdiction. No new hosp^6^ bill v/ill come from the Provincialoicre- tnry's Department. '. '.•.-^•. One law to which numerous am^nd-. nicntf? may be made thi.5 ses§iott lSfQ( Ih:: Game and Fisheries Act U.P., Of KiBewdiae §mA «ert c»pNM' •d to him on the ainple iailli tiukt would get m fair nmrfcet value for Khedive, Sa«k., De., 2X, IW.) '•»•»»• Th*^ Scotch folk ^eem to have a lot of faith in thoee Scotch folk, haven't they? Jlr. Makoln, whilst in the north, lomc tinrte ago, saw the thirds on the hoof and insist- ed that Mrs. Cameron should let bim| have them when the ChristmM season came around, as he had quite an ex- â- iM Fe Jkmf b *• p. \im tm have had real threshing weather thta tensive list of employees to whom his fall; no dday to speak of, and no f kindnesees are extended around the snow yet, except a few minutes last night. The cars run just like sum- mer and lots of cattle and horses have not been in the stable yet this fall. The ground is froaen about two inches. There is pne thing the Can- adian people and English speaking race roffret ."o much in Saskatchew- an is the foreignera that talk Ger- man all tho time. If v;e don't get a change of government and stop this race of people from coming to you people wake up trouble in the world, I'.OBERT PALLISTER Christmas season. SMITH â€" McFADOEN FINE BUNCH OF TURKEYS Mrs. Ronald Cameron of Lions Head was in town on Tuesday with as fine a buneli of dressed turkeys u.i v.c have laid eyes, upon for a long tinifc. There \jerc 24 birds in the let, weifrhing 3(54 pounds, making an average of 15 pounds each ot learn the price she secured, for e did not know, herself. They Were, addressed to James Malcolm, A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at St. John's United Church parsonage on Saturday after* noon, December 22nd, when Miss Cora Evelyn, the second daughter of Mrs. and the late J. A. McFadden, was united in marriage to Mr. Leslie' EThprnbury M., youngest son of Mrs. and the late' Alexaiier Smith of Singhampton. Rev. Jos. narrower officiated. The happy young couple left for a 'short honeymoon after which they will re- side on the groom's farm, east of Maxwell. We. along with a host of friends, wish the young couple much happiness and joy during; tiie coming years. ftW.?.â€" 8ir Kt. H. TlHinibaiy. WJ>.-Sir Kn^t^fe f. Beatty. Ch«plai»^-«ir JCt J. McKensie. | Registrarâ€" Sir Kt. W. L. Tayk>r. { Treas.â€" Sir Kt J. KOiott. I 1st Lectâ€" Sir Kt. A D. Jamieson.' 2nd Lectâ€" Sir Kt F. J. Seeley. 1st Censorâ€" Siiitikt. W- B. Winters, 2nd Censorâ€" Sir Kt. F. ZcggD. 1st St Bearerâ€" Sir Kt W. Edwards 2nd . St. Bearer â€" Sir Knight £. Brownridge. Pursuivant â€" Sir Kt. K. Hawkins. Committcmen â€" Sir Knights T E. Thornbury, J. Sayers, R. Long, A. McDonald, H. Hale, P. Brown and H. Henry Wright Passes ( Foneral oo Friday Plants Moufhi This Wiiiili'fiii* pMnrfaigt Ydur fi^icatian ' - AT THE â€" OWEN SOUND otrr. Winter Term ^gin9 Wednesday, Jan. ZaA I9i$ For inronnation' regardiag courses «f stody, terttlt etc.' write to- , i Hi C. A. FLEMING* Principal, Ow%nSauad rffOfl-Tâ€" â€" â€" .T3i:r:,-Lb.._:g g ni^' ?sps?,. . Just as we go to press this Thurs- day morning we learn of the death oi Mr. Hepry Wright, at his home or the 4th line, Osprey, which occurred Wednesday evening. The late Mr Wight was in his 76th year. The In the matter of the estate of Ella funeral wiil be held on Friday v/ith NOTICE to CREDITORS Gibson, late of the Villaire of Flpsh Vi'r'*' r'j «''<^on> in the County of Grey, WiJcw We did ,1q„„o.»^ Happy New Year to One and All deceased, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustees ^ci, R. S. O. 1927, Chapt 150, that ail creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of ilie raid Ella Gibson, who died on nr about the 29th day of November, 19 service at the houae at 2.30 p.m., in- terment to take place at Mt. Zion. The Spirit of Christmas 'Of all tho day^ of th3 year, we could not, we would not give up 28 at the village of Fleaherton in the Christnuis. Every nation in the world are required oh "or ragan or Christian, must do some- Send The At^ance as a letter from Home BULL FOB ffiBSVICE^ Shorthorn ball, Cedardale Dufo '. 189,ai8, for service on Iota 134-35, li'^f Toronto Line, ArtemeBia.^ I'd 32.00; if paid before January h IS ! only $1.50. *- ' ., '' "- j â€"ALEX, MILLER^, R R. No. 5 .Marl Smalt Advertisements Yours for bfetter service,- ' Perkins & Freeman Ph one 60 GROCERS -I County of Grey, before the 16th day of January 102!; to send by po3t, prepaid, or deliver to Lncas & Jlenry, SobVitors for the Administrator of the Estate of tiie raid deceased, their Christain namer. Rnd surnames, addresses and descript ions, the full particulars, in writlm of their clais, a statement of their i acr-ounts, and the nature of the so;- .j urity, if any, held by them. Ard trkc ro*;-"-^ that v.'ter S:idi lart n'or,tin»'cd date the "aid Admin- istrator will procprd t" distribute lh-> asset" of the «nid deceased rmiTTj the r-^rti-js entitled thereto, having rec"â€"' only 'o the claims of which ho shn'l tiicn hava notice, and that the said Administrator v/iil not be liablj for tho said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons cf whose claim notic-" shall not have been re- ceivpH I V him at the time of such distribution thing to carry through the -spirit of: Christmas. We need to have a great deal cf sympathy for the millions of workers who are forcing their fin- gers St little faster and' walking a gfood, faw (iteps more and trying lo crowd »,» extra hour into the day to make yours a real merry Christmas. How busy have bean the wo-oden toy makers in Switzorland, Even men in German prisons arc busy, and the girls of Japan ty^d China, and the eandy and biscuit makers cf Britain, also Canada and U. S. wireless, tele- graph, steamers, liners, railroads, motor trucks, aeroplanes, all are u:i- dcr the sovereign rule of Father Christmas, helping him out in" a thousand ways. Oh, the many bun- LOST,'' FOUND £; STRAYED ROBE* LOST â€" Between Maxwell and Flesherton on Sunday, Dej'. 2nd, Finder plcnsc leave at this cfiice or ocmmanicata with Orwell Parker Maxwell. Datpd at MoiPlcdate this 14th day of ' ^'°^ **' '*"'® hidden away in secret December A. D. 192S. j places to bring a joyous shriek on LUCAS & HENRY, Solicitors for | Christmas ^nom. How wonderful it the said Administrator. j.'s that a%tfae world should bo bles- SIX HILL STORES We boy together in order that onr customers in the aiz commnnities may mat- erially benefit indirida- â- lly. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. lHarkdale, Ontarto THB HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively asaociatcB with high quality merchant' - at the fairest pes" f«^ May our wish for happiness and prosperity to one and all be realized in 1929. F. T. Hill Mk, LimHed, Markdale -4 â- â- :, --t^-: FARSf FOB S4|iB - ' . I 200 acre farm in thef4ownship at: Osprey, 100 acres unde* colttra^a remainder good pasture and exee^ent , bush; 2 frame bank ba hard water, fine spring xi^tH; JT-irat LOST â€" On November 12th. female ' houses with hard jiid soft waitir. Hound, white body with larpe blask spots on- back, bi'own face with white strip, answers to name of Micky" Information gladly received by J. S. Dcy Box 477, phone 561, C:liingwood Phone. FOR » A L B FOR SALEâ€" Nine young Pigs.- E. J. BOYD, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Oat hundred weight.â€" A. chop, $1.40 per C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Pair of good he^vy team sleighs. â€" H. Down & Sons. FOR SALE â€" 2 light driving horses â€" D. McTavish b Soif, Fleaherton. sed so with Christnias It woulil hy Bn empty, grumpy world and so many hearts sad witU- out it. It would be the slackest time of all the year for business men whereas now there is such a merry exchange of money mth the golden flew cf goodwill, and not one trade, but every trade, is helped along. This is the finest thing that could happen to any cf us. To cause us to be glad making others glad. It ij the final tribute that Christianity makes for who don't believe in a better world; arc working real hard at the task FOR SALE â€" Good driving horse--" Geo. Hutchinson, Kimberley. FOR SALE â€" Pair of hockey boots and skates in god condition^ to sell '^eap. â€" F. J. Thurston, Flesherton. FOR SALE --^ Ourham -Ball, JJ 'months old, will exchange for heifer or steer." â€" K. Patton, Fleshortoh, Phone 42 r 5. UKCELLANEOUS ^fOTICE â€" Chopping done on Tues- days and Saturdays.!^ â€" Qraham Bvoa. Eugenia, Out. t:=jAS. MeKENZIB. FARM FOR SMiS ' 200 acres, lots 24 and 15, con. fc, Osprey, situated on Connty «^tpd o. 52, 1€0 acres under cult3ya|^ b 1- ance pasture and hardwooi - Im h. First class grain farm, weBtlfenc i, bam 48x74, straw shed, «h^ ee i- ent stables, blacksmith shop, gan (e and work shop, 10 roomed ceiw it blocked house, nearly n^, gt kI cistern, telephone, well and j^d n M water piped to the bam, 90 ^m txom school. Priced r<ia*(iaal)il?i jf" > B. C. PEDLAfi; j . SINGHAMPTO^, R. ?.fl. •Phone Fcversfaam li t-f. Jf inOBTBORN BULL TfM SSSTI Registered Shorthorn hiJLiut , vice at lot 5, Con. 9. Osp^«l|_ ManpriB'' No. 179.158; Sm^ BOiki* Uarquia 142.981; Dam, Bad aWNftfljr 181,078. Terms â€" P«m»Milli V.M[ Kendaa $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full prioaw â€"8. It BAWKiI|ft.««cni«, K0TICT3 â€" No t^esspasMng, . . . r. J u, xu .'"^ o"" trapping on lotj VSHâ€" ^^^„ just now. and wc .ay God bless them! 2nd range E. 1. & & R., ArtenjeptaV, have just fimshed readmg Motherj._s j^j^.„^„, Resherton, R. R. 2.1 '^ India, by Katharine May, and you do; ^ MIDDLEBHO A BinCKS BanrMen. «•». Ofjees â€" Owen Sottnd, DarhaaK and Flesherton!. Fleahertoa evarj .. Saturday ^teraoon^ and evinfeg. "'' want tho inner meaningr the inner India's ignorance and her shame- less cruelties to motXerhood. Christ- mas has given new sanctities to mother and child because of this birthday of the Christ Babe born m a crude stable which was lit with the glory light of Heaven. Let daddy put his arras around mother and smile down on afim^ and sis prA breathe a prayer thit others may be as tklessed and happy as they t(ad the best of Christmr. s blessings ar<» yo\irs. Let the Christmns cheer bo everywhere. Not riotously drunken, for that saddens the Christmas Joy â€"but the real fun of puUing cracks eraâ€" wearing jfUffrnffffmi .wh«re all the family r«iiip^wtth mithlnd , ofndies anlenty. and even .th* baby can giggle his merry Christma*. That you may all be very happy indeed is my best ifiah for Jwo.â€" Wiarton Echo PUBLIC i;OTICE. AH pities are hereby ncfified that all trespaslkera on lots 24, 9th Con., 15, 16 tmi 17^ on Sout% street norta lots HhrlS and 17, on ^t. Amaud st4 south, and lots 18 and 10, on Ragman street, Eugenia, will positively be pro- secuted, ' -a. H. DUCKETT. rROMOtED De^embev "Blue Beil" etnpfciye^' magasine of The Bell Telephone Co.. of Canada, fteords the jtowotioft to a stil) more imibnRiit.poaiti^ M ^e uilKlioqe lervfee of 0, Vi'Miifin, a» old byanieva* boaj^ '^H^IH^n ho- lmes foil Uatiyivf^tifytt^ Ocntri4, Division.--rOra^^||le 6tM. ' tEd. Nfl*i ~ 4*r. J|i^-t» wft. known, hens Kkviut- bajftn in t£U dis-*' trict aoQie yeatf afv^'as )l9Bin|ui with' The-lktU T|I«phoiie.<k).] FARM FOR SALE Let 1»2> and 193, Com. I; Proton township, S. W. of Highway no. 10, lOQ ae^s cf which i>5 is already cleared aiid^ verhahle, good baild- ROBT. R. LBR, PROTON STATION. Phone Dwdalk SS r 81. 4»AR]I FOR 9ALB NQiT IC« 'Tj^ 13, Con. a, O^ney Towwihi^ KAO fRmea; 7Q,a«re8 good amble ImA bniaace hardwood biali and' l^ataM. Cfoed bam ^nd driviii«~ thct, la^ }»m; 80 rods fron •iho</I, food ifsQ •nd wtadnQU Tel^^e vi^OM^ Wtral ttail delivery. Aspljr to K^M. £: XAlTTtNerfevc^^. or H» W. KBRNAHAJN, IbuM^ .1 1 y I i j i* 'â- ii|i n W 2 wntmM Vftt^mt. S»tisik««lMi"»MHfSM« Ds«n made at Tb« Adn«MMrff|ett. BULL fOttjamfKCE Foe service on. lot SfO, dm. 18,t Ai% emesia, Durham ^l Aeyai bfed Not 116.119. ramtzm U i^tiliefot* J«Mterl9»,«|bff%|vo|Ua^ . ;|»UNCANlrBAfMiii lH«eid^ :' Dr. R-C'ltemy. |^ |yk,'*Bt<i •wseen. IM«#?||i««MWC'|^lMMift» and Royal &m^' n, w mWim <a Oii»a«o.v. ^j^ ja.. lp |!tf: «<w tttth exlMetioB. .OMttm-tifMnofe Toronto Stroet, F l iiiijhi ii l iW |. V-^ â- â- Prti^e A^;Mi^49; j^r AM. mmt^ WmWimmk'm^r^P. •traw Wio0t, W iii tiMftln pw^: Wtm-. ^7 «• or bdNpoa^iniii " ..BOA» WGti BEitVICl La#» A-Hswiv; om»ot«L I. •. IteglitM^ed TorlfkiM Boar for MfL TWoid,* | vls<â€" Bdgcly SrMAA Vim. No. 9»jn» tttiim, «t«k -tf^poitr ot Hattgoon %ic«b E>>tMh)f* Owia Clnb. t«nM |1.M^ aiiif,"^ PiMtosSMlea ,v BOAIi FOB inVKS. We have been apopintcd M % r. . ^<m|Vfttg station for the |far|ed«loi RMist«M#Yorh«Ui« ifeter Iw iois ertamory thwi^'the wln^jaoxlhifeVlia 1^ FMharton BaOoa ti««^ttrt^f*i<»«4 U^ve yojir crf^ hepj., -m-. tho wojortf o< Om Qiteii "^ ^ " ^' ' > â- 1^% fi ' ^