INFLUENZA'S VICTIMS Left Weak, Miserable and a Prey to Disease in Many Forms. One of the most treacherous dia- '•ases afllcting the people of Canada during the winter months is influenza. It almost invariably ends with a com- plication of troubles. Its victims suf- fer with alternate fevera aud chills, headaches and backaches. It leaves them an easy prey to bronchiUs aud pneumonia. Indeed, the deadly after effects of Influenza may leave the Tlctim a chronic Invalid. You can avoid influenza entirely by keeping the blood rich and red by the use of Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills. If yon have not done this and the attack.s you, you can banish Its deadly after effects through ine use of this BreaP blood-building nerve-restoring tonic. Here is proof of the power of Dr. Williams' Pink PllKs over this trouble. Mr. F. H. McMulIen, Belleville, Out., says: â€" "Some years ago, following a severe attack of influenza, I was left In such a weak condition that my friends thought I would not get better. I developed nervous indigestion, and my blood got thin and watery. In this weakened condition I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these did what other medicine had failed to do â€" brought me back to health and strength. I can honestly say I think them the best blood builder and nerve tonic known, and I shall always praise them." You can get the pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., BrockviUe, Ont. ,5 __ Less Noise Please Making the Airplane Easier on the Ears Will Help a Lot Could it be bandits of the skies. RUSSIA TEACHES CITIZENS USE OF GAS MASKS A Russian Soviet army aflicial teaching men and women of one of the larger towns how to put on gas masks in the event of another war. this country and abroad can see no solution of the problem. These sounds have two sources: first, the vibration of the propeller itself, and second, the disturbance created by the blade tips cutting the, air at six to eleven mil»3 per minute. The first country to develop a noise- , less propeller or other system of pro- staging the first air hold-up, who were peiu,,. ^^g pj^^^^ ^.ji, ^^^^ ^ tremend- peppering the mail plane with buck- ous r. ilitary advantage over the world. Bhot as it roared through the night? The value of airplanes in war depend. No, Douglas Clephane tells us in NEA ^^ ^ i^^ge extent on the element of Magazine and Science Service, It was ; surprise. At present the noise, which an irate former who was trying to ^^^ ^,^ he^^j i,y sound-detecting do- discourage aviators from flying over , ^i^eg for miles, gives a warning to the bis land. The deafeninji noise of the ..pposing forces, allowin planes, he protested, bothered hi.s bens and made them stop laying. Th's man. continues' the writer, who take.s HP the problem of making the air- plane noiseless, or at least less noisy, was the first to express dissatisfac- tion in such sensational form, "but millions of people are becoming in- tolerant of the noise created by air- planes. Both the airplane-riding pub- lic and the millions who must hear this noise from the ground are de- manding that planes be silenced." What is being done to solve this baf- fling problem is outlined thus by Mr. Clephane: In theory it Is as easy to make a noiseless aviation motor as it is to make a quiet motor-car. Every pound added for mufflers and other silencing i devices now on the market reduces the amount of paying mall, freight, and passengers that can be carried. For this reason and because of the added fire hazard and loss of power that most of the devices cause, manu- facturers have been slow to adopt them. Recently there has been a develop- ment that offers first possibilities of a practical solution of the noise prob- lem. A device which will cut down the exhaust noises without adding ap- preciably to the weight or fire hazard, or causing a loss of power, has been developed on an entirely new princi- ple. The exhaust gases are gathered to- gther in two pipes and passed into the Inside of the blades qf a hollow steel propeller that has just been Invented. By leaving an opening on the trailing edges of the blades from whicli the gases escape, the centrifugal effect causes a partial vacuuir to be built up Inside the propeller. Not only will the motor be silecned by this device, but It will do away â- with the loug hot exhaust pipe which p is the main cause of Are in plane.s. turning slight accidents In landing and lu the air into horrible tragedies. Even with the motors as quiet as in automobiles â€" a development them to range anti-aircraft guns, send up op- posing planes, and prepare other pro- tectiie devices that are being devel- oped. Scottish Nationalism Dot Allan in the Review of Reviews (Ix>nclon): Whether or not tho Scot-| tish Nationalists will increase and! thrive remains to be seen. Certain it) is that the party numbers among its di&ciples vast numbers of tho younf^or intelligentzia. It is, indeed, so much a party of youth that older people not unnaturally regard it with suspicion, believing its r.dherent.i in most to be self-seekers, usinjf it as a short cut to political po.ver. Sir Robert Home doubtless had this in mind when he spoke of the triumph of Na- tionalism as bringing "an increase of pride to the breasts of the parochial- niincied." Herein. I think, lies the crux of the whole question. Is na- tional pride â€" a fine thing, and in no way related to parochialism â€" at the Ix-ttom of the Scottish Nationalist mcvement, or has that movement its roots in a baser soil? Will the dissen- sion caused by the propagation of the Nationalist airr.s be justified ultimate- ly by an era of increased peace and prosperity? These are the questions perplexing tho minds of thinking men and women of Scottish blood all over the world today. A PROBLEM FOR YOUNG MOTHERS Stomach troubles cause most of the distress of babyhood and childhood, and are the greatest problem that a young mother has to solve. The treat- ment for these digestive disturbances that make baby cry continually and disturb his sleep must be quick and effective, and, above all, perfectly safe. The absolutely safe treatment fjr disturbances of the stomach and bowels is found In Baby's Own Tab- lets. Thousands of mother-, have L d their problem solved through them. They are guaranteed to be free fn 1 all injurious drugs and cannot possi- bly do harm to even the youngest babe â€" they always do good. Baby's Own Tablets regulate the ever, gave Peter Johnny's raincoat 1 ^j^^^^,^ 3,,^ ,,„^.p,g. ,,^,,5^.,^ ^^^^^jp^. tion and simple fevers and promote that health-giving sleep which is so necessary to the welfare ( f the baby or growing child. The Tablets are More cups to the pound, more flavor in the cup, more tang to the taste. That's what makes Red Rose Tea so popular. Every package guaranteed. «« • is^oodtea RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good OWL LAFFS â- V O.W. L.. (ON WfTH LAUGHTER) Peter was playing at Johnny's house. When It was time to go home it started to rain. Mrs. White, how- and galoshes. "Don't take so much trouble, Mrs. Pressure Reverses Known Properties Many Substances 'The Mucker Pose" While," said Peter, politely. "I'm sure your mother would do as ' much for Johnny," she replied. "My mother would do more," said Peter. "She'd ask Johnny to stay for supper." May: "So you had a letter from the college boy?" Tess: "Yes, he wrote an' ast me did I get homo all right from the dance he took me to." sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co.. BrockviUe, Ont. James Truslow Adimis in Harper's (New YorlO : (The article answer* the question "Why is >it that a gentle- man in America nowadays seems afraid to appear as such?" An im- Cambrldge, Mass. â€" Tremendous poverished a istocrat may sell his titl« pressures have reversed almost com- '" marriage for one generation to re- pletely the familiar properties of habilitate his house, but Americans some well known substances In ex- ^'^o sell their culture and their breed- periments at Harvard University. '"S to truckle to the unbred in buad- Paraffln, under pressure ranging be- "ess. who shed these things of the tween 200,000 to 600,000 pounds a spirit for motor cars and all the rest pquare inch, became so hard that Pro- °' t^e things of the body, are taking fetsor Percy W. Brldgmau pronounced refuge in a yet more ignominious aur- It harder than machine steel. Rubber render. They may thus pick up some became so hard that It was pronounc- "^ -^^^ golden drippings from the ed usable as a die to form steel. | muckers' tables, but they do not gahi Dr. Brldgman found that steel tend- t^^e respect of the muckers whom they ed to flow, If not like water, at least â- imitate and may yet awake to the sufficiently to spread. He noted four ^^'^^ that they have properly forfeited different kinds of Ice, each formed at , even their own. a different pressure. Oil became use- 1 less as a lubricant because It turned Free Book About Cancer solid. Mercury, after a i>rey ' "e of The In.lliinapoUs Cancer Hospltnl, In- 60,000 pounds, began to esi.. pe, the 'i'anapolts. Indiana, has published a ., ,. . ., i .. . . booklet which gives Intereating facts theory being that its atoms were fore- about the cause of Cancer, also tells ed between those composing the steel' "hat to do for pain, bleeding. od..r, eta „, „ . , , 1 , .. , . J A valuable guide in the management of chamber in which ti was Imprisoned, any case. Write for it to-day, mentlon- The apparatus made by Dr. Bridg- '"k this paper, man attains a pressure of 600,000 pounds per square inch ,which is said to be the highest by far ever reached In laboratories. The tendency of steel to flow under pressure makes possible the success of his apparatus, which is a plunger forced into a hole in a solid block of steel. The reaction of the steel is used to plug up escape along the sides of the plunger by the substance It is pressing. .\ wire inserted in the steel cham- ber as an aid In measuring the pres- sure has been shot out with such force as to dent a half-inch armo:- plate set up to catch it. Dr. Bridg- man said that once the almost solid steel chamber broke, in such an ex- j plosive manner that its fragments ^^TdoflTP and Pneumonia Neglectt'd bronrhial cuJds are dan- gerous. Stop them innliinlly wiUl Buckley's Mixture. Its action in re- lievtnir the coueh and clearing the fubes is umazinsly swiftâ€" and aure. All dniKcists sell "Buckley's" under a positive {guarantee. Buy a bottle , oday, and be safe. W. K. Buckley. Limited. It:! Mutual St., Toronto 2 M I XTURE 5 2; '^t'J tike a llaihâ€" a tinslc lip proves it 75c and 40c A friend Is one who pretends not to have heard your old and tiresome story before. TO-NIGtn TRY A hick town is place where a uude seems naked. You can easily tell the modern mother and her daughter apart. The mother is the one who looks so young. Thirsty days hath September, April, June and November, All the rest are thirsty, too Unless you make your own home-brew. PRACTICED IT ON HER 1st Stenog; Ada practices the touch system. 2nd Stenog: Yes, practices it on me about twice a week. C War is what results when one coun- try takes steps to defend itself from another country that is taking steps to defend Itself. WHEN HE'S FLUSH lie: "When is your birthday?" She: "When will it be most con- venient for you?" The Capital f^f the Empire A. G. R. Hickes in tile National Re-' view (London): A thousand years ago political and economic causes op- erated to transfer the capital from y,,,..,,,^. ,„^„„«,- ,„„, ,,« wa^.n^-^t.-, ,. ,, ss iii Winchester to London, and one must , penetrated si.x inches of pine plank- KpOfl Yniir HeSllth not assume that similar causes in the j [^g He estimates the maximum j â- **'*'|' â- ***•â- ll***»i *â- â- future may not carry the Crown be- 1 pregg^re as equivalent to that at the! yonU the seas. For. . . to adopt bottom of an ocean 250 miles deep. i theology, Ubi caput, ibi regalia. Win- chester was the capital of the then principal province in tho realms where the Anglo-§a.\on kings were overlord. London succeeded as the national centre ot united England. London Is the capital of the present chief Do- minion acknowledging the Anglo- Saxon kings' successors. It does not follow It must always be the national Minard's Liniment , „ . ... , , an Australian Navy is evidence of a centre ot a united Empire. History Is , determination not to shelter behind Australia's Navy The Week (Brisbane): (H.M.A.S. Australia, stands for the principle; of | Independence, interdependence, and \ loyal attachment to the great Com- 1 monwealth ot Nations ot which Aus- ' . â- nr r» dct i ior cit tralia is a unit). For the existence of 0} using the OLD lit^LlAULtil aXinard's Iimimeut Co., Xitd., for that cold and tired feeling. Get Wellâ€" Keep Well. KILL FLU a conservative science aud lives by repeating itself. True that with the development of transport and com- munication London may so continue, Yarmouth. U.S. I the forces of the British Government. I and to rocDgnize that the Empire can only stand by the united strength of : all parts of It So much for iiu'.tpen- but It IS prudent to consider that the . ,g„^g_ j^^ ,„ ,„j.^,ty ^^ ^,,^ _^,„t„^,. Cigar-lighters now have "built-in" watches ,so you can tell just how long it takes to get a light from one of them. same causes which operated in the i past and now translated into modern Everything was created for a pur- 1 terms of the enormous potentialities pose. Rabbits do their best to get,^, j^e Overseas Empire will result in I the political (always regarded from over to get into'ti^g sentimental) decline of the Moth- I eriand as compared with her children,! and perhaps of Europe generally as against the new worlds abroad. Con- : venience may then demand the re- rid of carrots, but It seems there are i always enough le the soup. A soft answer turneth away wrath ' but "it takes the hard cash to turn away the installment collector. When U.S. Prohibitionists tell us the country has become prosperous under the Eighteenth .\mendment, we suppose they mean that in a dry coun- try it Is easier to save for a rainy day. A short story, entitled "The Genera- tions," Grandfather had a farm. Father had a garden. Son has a can- opener. Country, the reiidiness with whicli the Commonwealth (iovernment placed its naval resource.--- completely at the command of the Imperial Naval auth- orities at the outbreak of the Great War is testimony enough of the In- ] tention to place Empire before every- | thing. j Minister (meeting man about to en-! which ' ter public-house) : "Do you know, my can reasonably be expected within the man, that that door will surely take j First Hobo: "When 1 lie down for a quiet think I realize how Tempus , fugit i.-5 creepin' on." ! Second Hobo: "I can't tell yuh de i foreign name, but dey're creepin' on ' me, tool " my "I'm a somnambulist." "That's all right; I'll go to near future â€" no means has yet been ' you to hell." "That don't matter, mis- church after we're married and you found to even reduce the roar ot the ter," replied the man. "They turn can go to yours." propeller, and the b6st engineers In jus all out again at ten o'clock." Cjiliftmiia ^•^ \ this winter ^\ QUNNY land of "^ O fruit and flowers, where living is a joy the whole year . .„ 'round. Variety and beauty? Mile'high mountains . â€" smoo^ beaches â€" orange groves, pepper trees and palms. World cities â€" quiet retreats. Every sport •â€"every day. "California Mid-Winter Exorted Toursâ€" 21 daysâ€" alt txpense. On the wayâ€" Indian-detour, Qrand Canyon, Phoenix, California and Yosemite. Return through Feather Rivtt Canyon, Royal Qorge, Colorado Springs mnd Denver. Leove Chicago Satxrday*, January 5-19, PcbrMary 2-16. March 2-I6» 1929. Aih for deUiils." W. T. Haadty, Geo. Acent, Sinti re Ry. itM Traosportatlon BldK , Detroit, Mich. ^k«ii« : Budolpb 87W moval of the regalia to Wellington, or Ottawa, or Canberra, or Capetown, or Delhi, or elsewhither. LAXATIVE FOR BABY THAT "STAYS DOWN" j Baby's tiny system rebels against castor oil and strong purgatives; but here's a medicine that suits him. And It does. the work quickly and so gently that Baby doesn't feel It. ' Fletcher's Castoria Is soothing cross, I fretful babies and children to sleep and making the feverish, constipated, upset ones well and happy, in millions of homes today. Castoria is purely- Mlnard's Liniment for Cougns, Colds. If It hurts you to spend money you can't go vorv far in business. | vegetable, harmless and endorsed by The best way to make a-commodlty , <'ie medical profession. Avoid imltfi- Human Nature j Dame Madge Kendall in John O'Dondon's Keekly: Has the race thrown overboard the capacity for quiet enjoyment that made the Vic- toria period the basically sound era that it was? For it was sound, and It produced many great thinkers, many of whom are still with us. No; beneath the veneer of modern condi- tions, with its hectic race after hap- piness, there is in reality no change. It is a phase just as duelling was a phase, and it will become asunfashion- able as duelling. Human nature does not change, and Youth ot to-day Is no wiser, no nearer perfection, than Youth o£ u, 500 or 50,00.0 years ago. Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes Downcast Eyes Eyes tell Your Character Brown eyes for strength â€" Blue for generosity â€" Gray eyes for jealousy â€" Sparkling eyes in- dicate beauty, yes, and good health, too ! Do your eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow â€" indicating an out-ofsorts condition â€" due to constipa- tion? If so, you need * Try a regular da course for a nh( period. Your«yc5will' j VegclMe lell the story. Prodml ,t, Kccd ahnul Charnclrr 'rr-m the Eyri in Htuf Brefham Atlvtrtiirmentt. sell Is to make prospective believe It's scarce. buffers WHATPRICE BEAUTY? Women, so they tell us, Must always look their best. In spite of death and taxes, Installments and the rest. So I contrive to make a trip To the beauty shop each week To put the wave into my hair And the pink into my cheek. I gaze Into the mirror And like myself again; And I know I'll win a twlnkly smile From my own dear Prince of men. But I am scarcely la the house When the voungsteA come pell mell, And In one grand and glorious romp Wreck my fine marcel! tions. The Chas. II. Fletcher signa- ture marks genuine Castoria. Modern Values Edith Sitwell in the Spectator (Lon- don) : Money has no relation to life at present; it has no relation to any- thing real; it has no true relation to the things whicli it buys. It has got outside human control altogether; It Is a Frankenstein uior.ster dominating the unhappy world which created it. ; Where Charity once spread a cloak which was permitted to cover venial faults, this Frankenstein monster now offers the one garment which is allow- i ed not only to cover, but to glorify, i any kind of mortal sin. Nothing mat-', ters U you can spend more money | than your neighbor; and if you can spend It lu such a way that noone who really needs It benefits by It, then so much the better. FOUNDER OF THE TOWER Tradition points to Julius Caesar as ; the founder of the Tower ot London,' and remains of Roman fortifications : have been found beneath the present! â- lU. i Minard's Liniment prevents Flu. About the only thing a man gets free In this world Is criticism. ISSUE No. 3â€"29 Many people, two hours after eating, i suffer Indigestion as they call It. It Is â- usually excess acid. Correct It with I an alkali. The best way, the quick. I harmless and efficient way, Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physi- cians. One spooiiful In water neu- tralizes many times Its volume in stomach acids, and .at once. The I symptoms disappear In Ave minutes. Ynu will never use crude metliodi when you know this better method. And you will never sutfer from exc«M add when you prove out this euf; relief. Please do, that â€" for your owk sake â€" now. Be sure to get the genuine Phllllpa^ Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by phyifr clans for 60 years In correcting excen adds. Each bottl« contains full dlr*» tlons â€" any drugstore.