Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1929 -.1 I . ' 1 :/ :: â-  ) ' It: :l Let Us Protect Your Gssdwili WHEN dealings with purchasers of uncertain financial rating at home or abroad the Banic of Commerce can be of signal service in approaching the new or untried customer for col- lection. The Bank is in a position to protect your interests without ccmpromioing the good-will of the customer. Enlist the services of the Bank of Commerce to safeguard your property by conducting diplomatic negotiations with customers whose standing is unknown. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA JI CJ'JL TIUE TABLB Geo. Cairns New Pres. of Agricaltural Society Mr. George Cairns was elected e.31 p.m. 4.33 p^HiJiPiesident of the East Grey Agricul- The mails cl«se at Plesherton as i '"''''' Society at the annua! meeting Trains leave Fleaherton Station as followa: Going Soutk Going North «08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. <10 a.ra. 8.63 p.m. Reeve of Dandalk New Grey Warden Reeve Moody of Dundalk was chos- en Warden of Grey County by accla- mation at the first session of the County Council on Tuesday evening, Reeves Lembke and Taylor being nominated but withdrawing in favoi of the Warden-elect. Mr. Moody, should make an excellent Warden for Grey County as he has the highest qualifications for the office. It is the first time that the Village of Dundalk has been honored with the highest position the County can be- stow, since the village was incorpor- ated over forty years ago. follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. held in the Township Hall on Fr:- •outh at 3.30 For rooming train '^^^ aternoon last. H. Freeman was «onth mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal elected 1st Vice Pres., and Edgar Betts 2nd Vice.-President. T. VV. Findlay was re-engaged as Sec.-Treas. at $100, the same salary as received last yeai;. The Secretary gave his report and a precedent in the County Council showed that exhibits at the show Reeve-Elect Unable to Attefld County Council A rather unique situation has arisen in this village over the election, and as a result a new vote for three councillors will be taken to-morrow, (Thursday.) After the first nom- ination only one councillor and the Reeve-elect qualified necessitating a new election. As according to the municipal law, the old council holds office until a new one is elected, and as the Reeve-elect is part of the un- organized new council, therefore lie is disqualified from attending Couniy Council this week, which opened on Tuesday, and the retiring Reeve Is representing the village at the County town. Such a state of affairs has never been experienced here before and we believe that it will establish Mr. Harold McCutcheon of Mark- last fall made a healthy increase and daye spent the week end in town. gave a balance for the coming year Mr. Eme-.-son Thomson left las: "« $38.15. â- week to work in Orangeville. ] The society will try to secure er.- Miss Elisie McKee spent the week °°^'* °* *^* farmers of the district to end in Markdale. have a Field Crop Competition In TVf:.., R„,.;„ ci i . . °*'^' It was decided also to sena Thur daf wiTh W "'"'^ °" '"^^ "«^^ P'^^'^ent. Mr. Cairns, to To- Sound '" °"''" ^â„¢'° t". ^"^'^d 'h« Fairs Association , convention to be held February 7th Mrs. Alf. Down roturned home on and 8th, with the secretary as alter- Monday from the Owen Sound hos- nate. P*'*^- I Mr. R. Richardson, the retiring Mr. and Mrs. Thos. An-hors of En- ' ^"*'''^"'^' ^^^ Kuided affairs during glewcod spent the wee endk with Mr. ^^^ P^^* '^^° years very successfully and Mrs. Fred Finder. Mr. Thos. Bentham is able to be ar- ound again, after his illness of a â- couple of weaks' duration. Mrs. Ann is Alton of Markdale and is deserving of the hearty thanks of the directors who supported him. The following are the newly elected directors:- Bert Sparks, Howey Mc- Auley, Gordon Irwin, Dave Adams, Geo. Best, H. Down, Chas. Best. F. passed away last week, aged 82 J- T!iu.-ston, Andrew Gilchrist. F. Bol- yenis and was the widow of the lace Wni. Alton. i Mrs. W. Wilcock is in West Toron- to for the balance of the wint:'-. the guest cf her daughter, M.s. H. Crii- fin. . Mr. Ed. and, Howard Graham, L. k. Tishei-. Lady directors, Mrs. McAuley, Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. Ottewell, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. .â- \dams. Mrs. Findlay. Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Boyd. ( On Saturday afternoon a specia: Loucks visited on Friday meeting of the directors was cnlba -with his mother at Chatsw>--th.| at the home of the Secretary. On a not improved to ' m.otion it was decided that the Pres- whose health has any great extent. Miss Beth Bentham has finish--! her tuition in*Orangeville Business C 'ilege idcnt and Secretary bo a commit- tee to approach the Agricultural Committee of the County Council to and has secured a situation with the arrange^for the^ounty Championship T. Eaton Co., in Toronto. I School Fair in Flesherton this year. M^s. H. B. Poole and little sr-i of Maxwell spent a few days last week â- with Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick and fam- ily in town. Mrs. John Nuhn arrived home on ,. 'riday, after spending the past tv.-o months in the Toronto General kos- pital. Her condition is not improv- ed as much as was hoped for. John McCool. public school inspec- thor for East Bruce, left last week on a tri.i which will take in points of interest in Italy, Greece, Egypt and Palestine. Easiern Star Officers Instalied Tuesdsy By Owen Sound Chapter The installation of officers of Grey Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was conducted on Tuesday evening by the officers of ths Owen Sound Chapter. No. P4. A banquet by the local Chapter was given to the vis- itors at 7: p.m. The toast to the Kins was followed by that to the Voting for tho th oe now Coun-; Grand Chapter, proposed by Mrs. cil members will tak? place in the Armstrong, past Worthy Matron of Clerk's office, opposite the old town. Grey Chanter and responded to very hall. Every elector who is able to, fittingly by Mrs. Williams. The move cut should make it a point to \ toast to the visitors was pronosed by cast his or her vote. j Bro. Gc â- >. Banks, and responded to by • Mrs. (Dr.) Murray and Mrs. W.!'^''^- I'atterson and Mr. Geo. Mit- G. Kennedy were in Owen Sound on Wednesday evening last, attending: ligh School Report FORM 4 M. Stuart, B. Hincks. H. Heard. I M. Sinclair, J. Jamieson, C. Haw. , F. Allen. I FORM 3 I M. Sinclair, .A.. Heard, B. Beard. I. I Gi-aham, C. Magee, D. Sloan. F. Hovv-- i den, B. Hincks. M. Cameron. J. 1 Stuart, J. McFadden, L. Ferris, E. i Turner, B. Morton, H. Akins, G. I Beard, R. Faw.-ett, H. Turner, B. I Gcnoe, G. McFadden, J. McCormack, j H. Thoninson, V. St:wart, M. Bibby I R. Kerton, J. Wilson, D. Stev.art, J. McKcchnie, A. Roiloy. FORM 2 H. McRac. E. Johnson, P. Morgan, I. Martin, C. Allen. E. Crorrell, J. Stewart, L. Blackburn, "A. Bibby, E. Fisher. X. Brown, H, Best. PI. Mooi-o, .â- \. Akins, M. Thomson, k. Irwin, lu. Eae. B. Phillips, G. Stuart, G. Mc- Master. FORM 1 Mervyn Little, S. Marjhal!, VV. Fishrr, E. Fisiior, J. Bannon. J. iiincks. M. Knox, N. McKenzie. D. Snell, R. White, J. McLeod, M. Sneil, K. Stewart, J. Gibson. X. Hincks, Vv". Patten, M. Stuart, D. Ottewill. L". Ottewell, E. Pai-kcr, D. MacDonai-J, B. McEachnie, V. McMaster. J. Sin- clair, E. Ferris, M. Ferris, R. Magee. D. McFadden, D. Janiieson, E. Mc- Kiliori. A. Warling. J. B?ard. F. Goriell, M. Littb, B. S'.etl, F. WoUcn. Election for Council Takes Place Thursday The nominations for three council- lors for the Village of Flesherton' was held in the town hall on Thurs- day evening last when twelve citizens received nomination for the import- ant offices. Clerk W. J. Bellamy had the proceedings brought to a close when the time set for the re- ceiving of nominations was pasacL',' and the candidates were not asked to take the platform and orate. Those marked (') are standing. •-MOORE, WM. â€" Proposed by H. Down, seconded by I. Smith. 'BELLAMY, C. W. â€" Prosposed by H. Down, seconded by Wm. Moore. ♦WELTON, G. B. â€" Proposed by F. T. Bibby, seconded by J. H. Field. •MATHEWSON, F.â€" Proposed by G. B. Welton, seconded D. McKillop. •KENNEDY, V. G.â€" Proposed by W. J. Meads, seconded by H. Down. •MILLER, W. H.â€" Proposed by W. Moore, seconded by H. Down. •RICHARDSON, C. N. â€" Proposed, by D. McTavish, seconded by G. B.' Welton. j Duncan, Jos. â€" Proposed by D. Mc-J Tavish and W. I. Henrj'. Fisher, Robt. â€" Proposed by D. McTavish and W. L Henry. \ Fisher, L. A. â€" Proposed by W. I Henry and D. McTavish. Stewart, W. J. â€" Proposed by John Wright and Geo. Brackenbury. Stewart, Albert â€" Proposed by F. T. Bibby and J. H. Fields. â€" â€" ^-^-^â€" â€" ^' * .^ Former Osprey Boy Visiting Old Home Finest Goods Um-m! How delicious! They're the best in town ! And at the lowest prices too. Why take the trouble of doing your baking when we can supply ycni with wholesome bread and other bakery products at real savings? â€" : Wholesome Bread : â€" Finder's Baker v Phone 8 We Delive. ^i * Sacon Hog Club Mr. E. L. Morrison of Ferland, Sask., is visiting f .iends at Maxwell and his brother John, near Wode- house. also his brother. Will, and his i parents, near Markdale. He gave The | Advance a pleasant call on Saturday I Mr. Morrison spent his boyhood days' at Maxwell and v.-ent to Saskatchev.-ar. I over t-wenty-five years ago. Shortly after goig West he settled on a home- stead about twenty miles south of Kincaid, v,-hich is 120 miles south of Mcosejav/. Recently the C. P. R. has built a branch line in from Kincaid and he now has a station and eleva- tor v.ilhin a mile of his home. V.'hat this means, only a farmer in the West knov,-3. as it makes his land move valuable, supplier; more conveniences and one is able to farm more exten- sively. It al.-!o does away with long/ trips to town for himself and family | Mr. Morriron is ore of Osprey's man;. I sons v,ho have worked ha-d in thej prairie provinces and has won suc- cess. His many friends in thi.? lo- cality are n'.eased to renew acquaint- ance again and to know that he is in- | tending to move his family east lor ' better educational facilitirs, if a smaM j farm can be sucured in the vicinity or [ a hiarh school. the installation -ceremonies of the Owen Sound Chapter of th« Eastern Star. !«S't,fij&^l ELECTIONS PAY An election in Dundalk may cost less than twenty-five dollars. That amount is spent in road material ano nothing is said about it, or the money may go to pay for hydro power or fuel foi the town hall, and there ;s no comment. Some will arsue that elections are unnecessary. They can be dispensed with, but at the same time could be wisely held. The more municipal matters are brought before the ratepayers, the more better-quali- fied men will occupy the teats at the council board. Only men who know the municipal business well can sit con\fortably in office. Through timid- ity or a wish to cause no unneces- sary flurry, well qualified candidates may not stand fc election when there are others, probably not as well quali- fied, willing to take office, just be- cause the general public has the idea that e'ections are costly when they really are not. Municipal elections «Jouj, not cost; they payâ€" Dundalk HeraldL :r I Mri ' chell. Mrs. Little of Owen Sound proposed the toast to Grey Chapter, No. 170, and was responded to by â-  Bro. Archi'- Sinclair, past Patron cf the Chapter. The following are the officers in- stalled :- I.P.M. â€" Sister Jennie Armstrong. I.P.P â€" Bro. Archie Sinclair. W.M.^Sister Edna Murray. W.P. â€" Bro. Geo. Banks. A. M. â€" Sister Campbell. A.P.â€" Bro. F. J. Thurston. Secretary â€" Sister Lillian Thurston. Treasurer â€" Sister Maiy Phillips. Cond. â€" Sister Haxel Kennedy. A. Cond. â€" Sister Margraret Muir. Chaplain â€" Sister Sa'Ti Wright. Marshallâ€" Sister Mary Snell. Organist â€" Sister Dai^v Morga'^. .''tar Points â€" Sister Bellamy, Sister Pedlar. Siste- Darsravel, Sister Olive MeCauley, Sister Collin^on. Warder â€" Sister Beatrice Sinclair. Sentinel â€" Bro. Ernest Murray. The annual report of the Flesher- ton Bacon Hog Club has been f-: - warder to the government and shows V. very successful year. The hog us- ed was a Yorkshire, Orchard Valley Emperor, No. 120,233, and is kept by | Mr. Chas. Stewart on his f-arni. To- I vonto line north. 102 services were made during the year, an increase over last year of 22 sows. There were 62 classed as good bacon type, 08 medium and 2 fair. Receints for the year amounted to $153 from the service charge of $1.50. The officers are: Chas. Stewart, Pres. Reg. Boyd, Sec.-Treas; Messsrs. Wm. Irwin and Harold Lever, Directors. The officers would kindly request Worthy ^^at all fees for services be paid this month to Albert Sparka. TKAW^ AND HEAVY RAINS Heavy rain? fell en Thursday and Friday of last week, making the fin- ish a veal blizzard and low degrees of temperature. Consequently tiie rivers are higher at this season than for some years past, and bushmrn are experiencing difficulties in woi:c- ing in the swamps as the low parts are flooded with water. The Mar:> ] Jale â€" Fle.^herton hockey ganic was postponed on Friday evening and | v.-as played Monday evening, as t^e rink was flooded with water, flow- : ing in from the outside. The roads arc in very fair shape at present af- ter the thaw. Lumber drawing 's in full swing and considerable woovl is alro coming to town. ♦ i •^ ^• t t t I Hardware At The Lowest Prices in Town This is the place t d come for your hardware needs, as we have a large stock of hardware of all kinds and everything is pricedat the very low- est possible figure. Our service is courteous and prompt and everything we sell is gnaranteed to give satisfaction. Here are just a few items we are featuring: Tin Pails, 10 qaart size Regular 35c. Special Price 25c. 1 gal. Galvanized Oil Cans 69c. each Frank W. Duncan ^: ♦ t ♦ Phone 54w Flesherton BORN CORNFIELD â€" In Kimberley, on Friday, January 4th, 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cornfield, a son â€" Vernon Edward. Mid-winter Sale Extended To January 31st CREAM STATIO?! Wo are a receiving station for At a recent meeting of Collingwood ' Board of Trade endorsed the policy of the departments of highways in its decision to keep the r^ads open during the winter season. One kid asked his father who Ham- let was and he got sla-pcd for not knowing his Bible. FARM FOB QUICK S-\LE 114 acres in tho Ttw-'h p of Prot'-n nearly all cleared, good build:nKS, t«o miles from Proton Stalion, will sell with last year's crop or without; or shipments of cream to the Markdale! would consider a small property in Creameey. Leave your cream with exchange. R. T. WBAGGEIT. â€" W. G. KENNEDY R. R. No. 1 Pro:cn Station. ♦.>XKKK~>'X"X~K~K~K~:~X"X"X~><~x~x«%"X<~:~x~:~x~:"X««:»-:"X~:">.> BROOMBALL AGAIN | A Timmin;. man, on December 28, I completed the trip, Toronto to Tim- Any community wishing to enter a n^j^s^ ^ distance of 450 miles by mot- team in the broomball league will| please send in your entry to T. W. I Findlav not later than Fridav night, > ~ Januarv 25th. I ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY n Owing to the inclement weathet* prevailing during our Ten Days Mid-winter Sale we have extend- ed the date until January 31. New lines at reduced prices have been added to replace any lines sold out. F. H. W. HICKLING r FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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