Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1929, p. 6

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w \ i Every tiny leaf is a storeliouse of flavour *Fresh from the gardens* « TTM^ BEGIN HERE TODAY No Doubt About this Tdtnous Cereal SHREDDED "Why in the name of ht-avtn (lid they want to ilo fm- it. ^ou know staiicagcs. He went down vaulted that." h{ llways, and under the floor of the "Yfs." Avhole he peerrd gingerly into dnrk "They've K<>t a notion that you get passageways and litt.le o«ll<i which rich by riding around in a limou.sine.". ini(;hl have Ixen dnrk even at nonn- "Don't you?" Daniel a.sked quietly, day. Now, in the du.sk and the «il- "Xot often. Not unless you think | t-rce, when even Jhe scrai)in(r of his while you ride, or your father thought' own hare feet soiini!e<l loud in the for you. Kven then, money doe.sn't stillness, they were doubly stranzo Btuy lent; in had eonriiany. To hear and eerie. He wondered what the peo- tho.se fellow.s you'd think there wasn't p!e eould ha e heen like who u.sed any work except what's done with a these passaRoways; and he shivered a pick. The man who really produces little as tho twilight bats whirled out i>- the man with the idea." of the darkness and brushed past him. â- 'The man who produce.s most," cor- But in the open space of the arena, reeled Daniel. where the moon shone and his polden "Ves, and he ought to get most," ^ donkey stood waiting, his courajre re- paid Coodkind, firmly. ; turned. . . . He hobbled the donkey's "He doe.s," came back Gilchrist. {feet, wrapped himself in his bournous "H(; always will." assented Gfwd-and lay down. . . . kind. "Show me a bi^c man and I'll ' When he wakcnod the first grey show you .somelK>dy who's done a big 'streak of «lawn was showing in the job. it's the little man with no ca- fa.st. He rose stiffly and stretched pacity and no chin who cries about himself. Then he looked about for a con.'-piracy to keep him from being the Ron of Satan. But the donkey was president." \ nowhere to be seen. Abdul Aziz wan- "They'vo got to be little men, too, 'dered about the ruins, calling. If he Mr. Goodkind." ) had lost hia pet .^o far from camp he ^"'' "'/^ inches bust. It adapts itself George (nervously): "I'd like best "And tliey've got to be satisfied with, would he lost indeed. Then, from a ^^o^^'^uHy to the season's new fabrics in all the world Rose, to marry yoti. little rewards. We can't all have the, passageway to the right he heard al'" ''â- '^h printed rayon velvet, plain , but I don't know how to propose.** same bank roll any more than we can ! thud :ind a rattle of stones. Quckly j s''*'^'" velvet, lustrous crepe satin,' Rose (promptly and practically) l all have the same health. Thai's where I he ran in that direction. There in j ^upple woolens in new featherweight, â-  'That's all right, George; you've unions go wrong. When you tell a ! the dusky passage he saw the Son of *'"d the lovely silk crepes in tweed, finished with me. Now go to father." , Hi^h value at low cost ^ Ideal for Winter with hot milk Proved by 34 years of growing popularity Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd. man he's going to have the same re- 1 Satan kicking up his heels in his ward whatever ho docsâ€" not because j rrorning gambol, and out of pure , . . , . ; , , icu euiiic.-,>. he's got ability, but because he's got'sport trying his hoofs against the kmd for his nwney. Daniel is dis-: "I can take what 1 want ""t «! , ,^^j_^,^^^^ ^j^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ | pil^j, ^j ^^j^j^,^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^.j^^^ ^ ol'^he S'l'^r^i.'v 'â-  ^"r^'^-l;,'''';: Church life,;- Jerry an.svyered wth a smirk. incentive, and to hell 01 the Nativity m New \ork because Gilchrist nodded. ' ^ aare Jewett, in love with the Rev. >"" '""^o ^ ^^^ '"'''''** "P "^'^^ ^""'^ , Daniel Gilchrist, marries Jerry Good-! Hennig'.'" he queried earnesly. Gilchrist is "God says, 'There i=i the world. Take of his radical sermons. •cnt to the coal mines by Goodkind \^hat you'want,'" he said, and then Sd "'"â- ' " ' ''""^ ''^^vith erhphasis, "'and pay for it."' A delegation of strikers comes north â-  "Rubbish!" mocked Jerry. "Save to interview the president and direc- the whole social structure." said Gilchrist, approving- t<jr». They are received in Jerrys home, first Stedtman, then Hennig and L'manski. They do not meet with suc- cess. Daniel calls at Jerry's home to see Jerry's father. Jerry meets Dan- iel and forbids him to speak to Clare. NOW GO ON WITH TIIK STORY Suddenly Jerry lifted a hand that trembled with anger. With a swift motion ho brought it up and with its back slashed (lilchrist across the mouth, a slinging blow. Gilchrist's hands clinched tightly, his face colored so that the red mark I "Right! ly. ' "That's why I'm fighting the un- ions," continued Goodkind, well warm- icd to his subject. "Not becau.se I want ' 't( starve the man who works, but be-! cause I want to fire the man who' your preaching for tho.se who like it. And kee)) away from my wife." "Why?" "Because you're in love with her. Aren't you?" "Yes." The answer was bland. "Well, you've a hell of a nerve to, ^-^^^ ^^^^ .^^ ^^^ dem<K-racy all | Kleaming sho, preach U, me about Hennig s wife ,^^^ ^,^^, ^^.^^^^^ the dozens of gold while you re making a play for mine. • i . . . . "I'm not making a play for yours." goes , boy came near the heels thrashed out I again and he heard a sharp crack like that made by breaking pottery. Then the words of his grandfather the sor- cerer came to his mind. "When the donkey kicks in the dawn, look care- fully." He held his breath with excitement - -and looked. "No?" Jerrv s tone was sarcastic. . , , ,.r' .. â-  . 1 i; ,„. .u.,f „.v„_ minute you take away the You cxiiect me to believe that when i • , n • >> 1 -i iiru ij „ «„ii ii,„f the chance to get this vou admit â€" Whv did vou pull that , , . ^."^ , ,,, ,, , ; "Ito xin" 1-1 1, „,, „^„,. a hand at the signs of wealth that hero stuff? Why did vou keep your; , . , . ,7., , , luth shut when I lost my tamper? ^""•"""<'«d h.m-"that minute you re- of the blow was lost, he drew himself! Whv did vou turn the other cheek?" ''"'-â- <' ''"> ^•«';!'l. *" » '^'""'""" '"â- ^'' °^ up as if to launch his whole force at' ---- -• -.-.-•^ .-.. 1 t^-... •' common indifTerence and common doesnt â€" and reward the man whol There among the crumbling rubble does. I want to give every man a I lay the broken pieces of an ancient good reason for doing his best. You 'pottery jar, and on the ground, in a shower, lay dozens and pieces, big: thick shin- average man isn't afraid of being fired I'ng gold pieces. .\nd on each of them he isn't afraid of being worthles.s. The.i vas the head and superscription of a incentive â€" j Roman emperor. â€" Eunice Tietjens, in and he waved I "Boy of the Desert." asked the moth- "Nffin." sigh- 'T've got to go modernistic and novelty weaves. Pat-i tern price 20c in stamps or coin (coin] Little Emily had been to school for preferred). Wrap coin carefully. the first time. 'Well, darling, and HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. *'hat did you learn?" Write your name and add-ets plain- «â- â- â€¢ °° Emily's return ly. giving number and size of such ^^ Emily, hopelessly. patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in ^'^'^^ tomorrow stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order^to Wilson Pattern Servic ', 7.1 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by an early mail. lauiic this snarling thing before him. Then, as suddenly as his muscular frame had stitfened, it relaxed. He V>owed his head, as one humble!. In his mind he had seen a figure and heard a voice. Clare started with the blow l)ut caught herself up quickly when she saw Gilchrist open his clenched hands and lower his head. "Dan!" she said in amazement, "you're not going to take that?" Gilchrist looked up unashamed. "I have nothing to say," he an- swered simply, calmly. It was Clare who turned to .scorn now. "I didn't think you were a coward,"' she mocked. Then helplessly and pathetically: "You seeâ€" I was wrong about everything." And she was gone. CHAPTER Xiir. jerry's riiTIMATUM. Gilchrist stood there helpless, but with his head still high and his eyes dear. Clare's reputation had loft him mute and he sewned like a lifeless and hollow thing. Its c-fTect on Hennig, however, had been the opposite. Fired by the brazenness of others, he, too, doubled his fists, and advanced upon this man he believed to be immobile with cowardice, "You'll play around with my wife, will you?" he blustered. His fist sh<it out. Daniel had wheeled suddenly with the alertness of a cunning animal. With a swift move, he caught Hvn- nig's wrist with both hands. A (|uick twist, and Joe sprawled on the floor. Daniel looked at his cowed adversary solicitously. "I hope I didn't hurt you, Joe," he said. "My CkxI!" It was Stedtman's ex- pressim of amazement as he looked from Gilchrist to Jerry, U'wildered. Hennig had scrambled to his feet, but not eager for anothc- encounter, III made for the door. "Don't worry," he muttered. "I'll get you I'll get you.' And ho hurrie<l <)ut. "Tako him home, Stfdtman," said Gilchrist with a trace lU(jP. "Tell your father we'll he around in the morning, Mr. Jerry," said Stedl- num as he left. Gilchrist ami Jerry eyed each other for a moment. Then Jerry sauntered knew you'd do it to the table, poured hinisidf a drink and downed it with a grimace. â- 'Well," he said at Inst, "you've made a nice nie.as of it. Why can't you keep your nose out of oth<'r people's husi- i|ss? Why did you have to date my heaving Black River?" Gilchrist could talk fretdy now. ( laro was gone. "You wouldn't undei-.-stand, Jerry," Gilchrist was looking off in the dis-: tance. ! "Wouldn't I? Well, you understand, that I've forbidden you to speak to her and that goes. If you come here again I'll have the servants throw: you out, and I'll tell my father why." The senior Goodkind came from the: music room as though summoned by the m-ention of his name. "Here's your father now," dared Gilchri.st. i Jerry drew nearer and lowered his voice. "And that's not all I'll do a damned sight," he muttered, indifference and futility." "Right!" agreed Daniel again. ' "Have another cigar!" chortled (loodkind, well pleased. Gilchri.st wav- ed the one he was smoking just as Benfield appeared at the door. ' "Come in, Charlie.' said Gootlkind. /•Gilchrist's settled the strike." j "Good," said Renfield, but with a skeptical .reserve. I I)aniel drew a folded paper from ; his pocket and handed it to (Joodkind. "They may seem a little radical," he said, "but I think I can show you Not bv''^'"-^'" *'"^'' money in the end." Anil! "That's the idea," beamed Good- I kind as he picked up the .â- sheets. He i flung a cocky look at Itenfield. "I told you I knew my man. The lx)rd knows he's full of theories but sometimes ' theyâ€"" I His eyes fell upon the typewritten ! sheet iM'fore him and h<' stopped short. I "Wait a minute! What's this?" (Joodkind jumped to his feet and ."â- lowly rage ai)i>earcd an a face that had radiated confidence a moment be- fore. I (To he continued.) Abdul in the Desert Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu. ^ Lady â€" "What Is your trade?" Beg- garâ€" "I'm a picker, ma'am." Lady â€" "A picker? Tell me, what do you pick?" Beggarâ€" "Well, ma'am. It goes accordlnj; to the seasons. I pick strawberries In July ; In .\uBust I pick hops; In September I pick ' pockets ,and the remainder of the year I pick oakum!" Use Minard's Liniment for the Flu. "Which Is one of the slowest thlnga on earth?" asked a school inspector ot a boy. "Influenza," remarked the boy. "Influenza," said the inspector, "how do you make that out?" "Be- cause it Is 80 easily caught," prompt- ly answered the boy. She wouldn't want him if two or three other women weren't tryiag to get him too. (iilclirisl'.s ban (Is clinched lightly. (|UIZZ1- h> brushed past his father as he stalk- ed out. (Joodkind Kxiked after him cally. "Jerry doesn't like he?" he declared the humidor and passed the cigars to (iilchrist. "Not much," smiled (iilchrist. The two men shared a match and It may be n long time butpiilfed vigorously. For a while longer they travelled on, . . . The donkey breakfasted on some young cactus that grew l)eside the way, but .Midul AvAy., who had had no supper the night before, was ravenously hungry. . . So he begged .Aral) bre!i<l and come carobs from an obliging farmer's wife in a place where there .vas water. Then they 1 set out on the long way home. 1 A little after noon the l>oy saw on 1 the horizon the great ruined building, which had macU' him so curious th? ' day before. "This time I shall look' at it," said Abdul .Aziz to himself, 1 and steereil towards it across the: you imich, does! phun. Hut it was farther away than as he reached for it looked and it kept retreating un- comfortably before them, so that the sun had almost set before thev reach- - .,, ,„, ed it. Seen again.st the sunset glow' ^'''"•'*: ^^': t''''^'"'"'' A"''-' ''f ••^kii't the great gaunt arches, set in a huge!'**""'''"''' Pcnteil treatnu.nt at front is oval, seemed to reu^h into the skv, f."' 'â- 'â- ''•''"''â-  "^ ^^^'"^ '' *f'^*~ ''>-'ht h'P" uiaking the du.^ter o" s.piat Arab | ''"''""'' '''I'l""*-' l'"^'' "">^'''""'"'- 'I'he houses around its base look not muchl f^"'!''? ••-'wulders are decorative. It higher than t(.ad-stools. i '•"* dehnitely ditferent and decidedly « Haughty Father â€" "So you desire to become ray son-in-law?" Rising Young Man (frankly)â€" "Oh no. I don't; but If I marry your daughter I don't see how I can avoid it!" Lelty: "She swears she has never been kissed by a man." Lotty: "Well, isn't that enough to make any girl swear?" MATRICULATION (Juniors and Seniors) in Three Years A fifteeTT-year-old boy did thii straight from Entrance. A farm boy of 18 not only did it but took 16 Honors. Ask for "Stories of Success," and reliable advice â€" CANADIAN CORRESPDONDENCE COLLEGE £t.-Col. A. C. Pratt, President ROOM 4, 78 KINO ST. EAST. - TOBONTO DISTINCTLY UNUSUAI, A charming new silhouette made more feminine by attached jalxit "Well," said GoodkimI, when the smoke began to come generously, "how )f tender solid- jure things in Black River?" "I think we've got everything set- tled," snid Dani<'l. "Fine. Henfield'n Ik' up in a min- ute and we'll hear the conditions." He, sat down contentedly. ".Somehow, ijivreat hole on one sid Jerry says you're a '"â- 'â- '"'•'' ""' br(»ken down. I knew he The reople who lived in the houses', must all have been at supper, for the boy saw no one, and he and the Son of Satan (rotted i.ip unnoticed to a • where the Here there ;hilanthropist, but I knew he was'^^"^" " barbed wire, but the two of wrong." i them slipped ui.dei' it and went fn. "Thanks," said Gilchrist, smiling. ' Abdul .Aziz looked about him. . . . "If you've really settled this strike," I'^e place was so gigantic, and it was said (loodkinrl seriously, "our way â€" I youthful. It's economical, Ico, for it with ;ni yards of 40- I can 1h» made inch material with I'i yards of edg- ing or piping for jabot frills for the ;?(!-inch size. Style No. lUlo is design- ed in .'izes IC, 18, 20 years, :!i), .'IS, 40 SPIRIN To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try an Aspirin tablet. And for headache. Tiie action of Aspirin is ver\- efficient, too, in ca.ses of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago ! .And there's no after efl'ect; doctors give Aspirin to chiklrcii â€" often infants. Whenever tliere's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Asplrir lA th< IrnJo mark iri,-l.,iter»'.l In Cma'la* tmllcitlng Bayer Ntanufnotiiw. While Ifl Is \voU known that Aspirin uii'ft:is l'.ny«-r maiiufnrtur*'. to assuro th*. puhlic against iwltA- Uou.i, the 'iablou wilt he mauii^vU waii liioir 'â- Uayor Cross" trademark. ees 1 ine. TrainforBusinessi '-- I Ignoring thi COUPON This coupon niiillod to us will Mufi p Kreo nooklot mailed to you. "()pi)ortiiiillte,s In HnslnosH for YinniR I'ooiile." Name Addrett Greg;} Business College Sla*v,S\kB or,(^ND HAY 8T8. TORONTO on them before ti., . , ., down by tr»fflc. ^O. ^^r ^V • • • What, kska a neglectet. has become of the old-fash with you. apology. so lonely! your salary from today is $,'10,000 a ^" ''• when it was new, sixty thou- year." sand people could sit on jireat banks "Thnnksâ€" aiinin." I''*" »iarble seats, crowred by the Raunt "I'm dojr-tired of rowing with labor. i'*''''h«"a, to watch trenientloUs spec- It's such niter damned waste! Kxcuset *"'''*''' '" '^e arena below. Here Rladi- I fttor.s fought and chariot races were said I):iniel, ''""• Here ta vny .•\frican lions shook their mane.s. And to this nniphi- walk- **'•'"'''<'. twenty miles from the sea. water was brought by an under- I ground passage to turn the arena into j a lake for naval Ifights and pageants. I Kor this huge coliseuni of Fl Djem «a.s built by the ancient Romans when centuries ago they contju-.Ted and! rulfvl all of North .-Xfrica. ... j The boy's breath erne a little short and he helil his bead very hijfh as he walked with the .Son of Satan into the arena. . . . lb' tied the donkey ;>; a stone and set ouf to explore the ruin*. He scrambled over the broken Chiisdies Biscuits 0%^ Ji^tancUzrcCe^JlualUi^^Mrice 18^33. "I'd hate to figure out what out have cost thi."! country." "Yes. I often wonder why it Wouldn't be cheaper to keep (he men contented." "How'ro y:)H going to do it?" qupr- ied ('•onilkind, doubtfully. "Don't for- get there are as many people paid for stirrintr up strikes as for crvishing 'em. I'aid well, too. What the labor- ing man needs is a real interest in his job." "Why don't you give it to him?" "How? By doubling his wages? The more most n/ '©m 8«t the le»»|»*«»t« •"d mounted crumbling marble. One important thing about Christie's Soda Wafers is that their excellence never varies. They arc always crisp anil crunchy â€" always fresh and pure. In the store or on the 'phone, tlutiyf ask for Chriitic'i Biscuits t t ,

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