Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1929, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ Skates Sharpened In New Way Our new machine for sharpcninff skates ensures a snioothe surface, easy to skate with. No holding the skate with the hand and guessing that it is sharpened; our way is the best. Leave your skates at the Service Station or at the Oarage and they will be attended to promptly. D. McTAVISH & SON Phone 9w -:- Flesherton, Ont. Flesherton Lost Again' Dr. Jamieson's Speecb (Continued From Page 1) ' years of age. The maximum paid her, was |3U a month in the country dis- • ti'icts, $35 in towns and $-10 in cities.) The difference in living conditions J made the graded scale necessary, a , THE RIGHT WAY I assess him is on his mileage as de- termined by the consumption of gas- olinc. Looked at in this light the No increase in taxation was ever increased gas tax is an equitable way popular. CcrUinly the addition to of raising some of the huge revenue the gasoline tax which will come in- ' needed to keep up highways department. the provincial to effc't this year will not be any exception. At the same time improv- i-d highways have to be paid for Qn a recent Saturday night thieves somehow and the man who uses them entered Frenche's hardware store a*, the most should pay the most for Elora and stole two of the best guns their construction and maintenance.' jn the shop, pocket knives, flashlights The more a car owner travels over and other articles. The same rob- the road the more he benefits there- bers robbed two garages, Hammii"s by. Accordingly the fairest way to and Thomas' and stole tires and ac- For Cold j WEATHER I • MEN'S FELT SHOES & OVERSHOES BEN'S, BOY'S & LADIES' UNDERWEAR (Coton, Wool or Mixed Material) Flesherton Intermediate O. H. A. team lost on the home ice to the Markdale Maroons, a one-sided score again, 7-0. At times some good hockey was played, but generally the game lagged and the interest dropped to a considerable extent. Harris mother received »5 a month for each ' Rife of Walkerton handled the game additional child. It is stipulated that| in a satisfactory manner and handca e»ch child shall receive a proper edu- , out six penalties to Markdale and cation, and it is required by the law two to Flesherton. It wos mainly that no child not attending school long shots that beat Allen, the new could receive any benefits. Flesherton goaler, only two being There had natuurally been cases from close in and he had no chance where unscrupulous mothers had at- to save. The locals rained dozens tempted to send some of her child- of shots at Wright, the Maroon ren out to work and also collect the net guardian, and he withstood their grant, but the introduction of a card shocks with utmost ease. ] system had pretty well put a stop to Flesherton plays the return game this practice. Now the mother wa? in Markdale this Thursday night and required to send in a card monthly Durham comes back here Thurs- showing the number of days each day night of next week, January 31. ^hild attended school, and this card The lineup for Monday night's (,ad to be signed by the principal of game was as follows:- the school. Markdaleâ€" Gofel, Wright; Defence, »u ' i ,,,._. itr,-â„¢= VTo The public sometimes gathered er- Mcreer and Merriam; Wings, Mc- * * _ , J iir J /-•„ *.;„ â- R.-.-nr, roneous ideas of the workings of the Farlane and Woods; Centre, Burn- .,,,... side: Alts.. Kelly and Henry. j Act and oftentimes were not aware of Flesherton-Goal. All*, Defence, the requirements to receive the grant. _ ^ , „ M T„„:.i,. w;«»<. Grants were givefi to widows, to those Thurston and G. McTavish; Wings, ,,,,, ^..^l-. R A H r M T i h- Centre Nuhn* " deserted by their hus; Alts., McDonald and Wellwood Referee â€" H. Rife, Walkerton. Broke Knee Cap I I bands and nothing had been heard of . them, for a period of five years, fostei , mothers, but not to widows with only . one child. The Mothers' Allowance ^ Act was costing the province from ; 16000 to 17000 a day, and the amount was increasing faster than the popula- Harry Wellwood of Dundalk, play- tion. This was due to some extent ing for the local hockey team Mon- owing to many who were entitled day evening fell and crashed into years ago to the grant not having the boards at the side of the rink and heard of it until recently. fractured the cap of his left knee.' First aid was given at the rink and the sufferer was removed to his home at Dundalk in Leslie Watson's snow car, in which he had come to the game. It is exnected that Harry will have to go to the hospital for treatment. It was an unfortunate occurrence and his irfends here ex- The Grocery Store Where Courtesy and Service Prevail But not only that â€" we have the largest, most com- plete stock of pure, fresh groceries in town at the lowest prices. Trade with us and you'll always get real VALUE! We have anything you may require in the line of groceries â€" and always the best of any particular product. , ^ Just give us a trial. ' Perkins & Freeman Small Advertisements Grey County alone receives $20,000 annually from the fund, fifty per cent. of which is paid by the county. In the whole province there was only one instance on record where any munici- pality complained of having to pay.; In some of the northern sections of the province whe^e the population was â- 11 u sparse and the organization not com- press the wish that there will be no ^^^^^^ ^^^ government paid all, as it permanent injury to the knee. i was Harry's first appearance the local club. LOST. FOUND & STRAYED LOST â€" In town, on Monday, Dec- ember 31st, small gold watch with Maple Leaf fob. â€" Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. â- ^^Z MEN'S HEAVY SOCKS I A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Supplies the loi'.ely hn, in t Store opcti (111 W'l'dnosday aiKl Saturday evenings fo- the 150 inhabitants of iltle island of Tristiani da step-children. Cu!:ha in the southern Atlantic not far from St. He'.er.a are being collect- ed by Montreal chapters of the I.D. O.E. r.nd will be delivered in Feb- ruary by the Canadian Pacific liner "Ducl-o!"-. of Athol." This great lin- er, making a cruise of South Amer- ica and Africa, is one of the few vcFiicI-. to call at this isolated point. ^ I The visit is one of the unique feat- 2 I u Ts of the cruise for the passengers and the event of the year for the In- . . was not felt that any deserving mother I with children should suffer because I she lived in an outlying district. The Act also makes provision for the pay- ment of grants for the upkeep of ^'♦♦♦♦♦♦<«<'***^<K'4'<>**<'**<'<'<**<'<>'><M~>«>*<'***<><>4^<><~&^<K~:k><><4»' habitants of the island. THE STORE W ITH , 1 SERVICE ;|[^ OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY F. L HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario January Clearance Sale Now in Full Swing Our Annual Clearance Sale is now in action and the prices are cut very deep. The power of organized buying is forcibly demonstrated in this event. Come expecting to find sensational values; you will not be disappointed. Buy and save. Don't fail to be here during the sale which will ("ontinue to the end of the month Ladies' Wear Specials l.adis' Silk Dresses $8.75 l.adies' J^resses at 1.95 Children's Flannel Dresses 2.19 Women's Millinery 1.95 Children's Millinerv > 98c. Women's Winter Coals 19.75 Women's Winter Coals 7.95 Wfjmen's and Children's Bloomers. .59c Children's 'L'underwear /, 39c. Lathes' Silk and W^xil Hose 69c. f. aides' Silk and Wool Ho.se 49c. Ladies Pure Silk Hose 49c. Womn's House Dresses 98c. Meh's Wear Specials High-grade Overcoats at $19.75 High-grade Overcoats 15.95 High-grade Suit.s at 22.75 Two-pant Suits, all sizes 15.75 Hoys' Overcoats 6.95 Boys' Overcoats • 3.95 lioys' Tweed Suits 5.00 Men's Heavy Che^k Sweaters 3.45 Boys' Heavy Check Sweaters 2.69 Men's Heavy Flanr.el Shirts 1.60 I'leece-lijied Uunderwear 69c. Flecc-lined Combinations 1-^9 Heavy Winter Caps '->8c. Staple Department Yarfl-wide 1 leavq Flannelette. yd.22c. Linen Daina.'ik Tabling, yd 95<=. 27-inch Flannelette, yd 16c. Factory yarn, all colors, lb 98c. C.ilf Hose for boys 39c. Double bed size Blanket.s- pr $1.95 Pure Wool Oy Blankets, pr $4.95 Corsets and Cor.selettes, pr 95c. Open Sto«k Chinaâ€" 3 Patterns to choose from Cups and Saucer.s- dozen $2.85 5 1-2 inch Plates, dozen 2.25 6-inch Plates, dozen 2.75 7-inch Plates, dozen 2.95 8-inch Plates, dozen 3.25 Soup Plates, dozen ; 2.95 FVuit Saucers, dozen 1.50 Grocery Department 10 lbs. granulated vSugar 58c. 10 bars of Pearl Soap 39c. 3 lbs. New I'Ve.sh Dates 21c. 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 25c. 2 lbs. New Pulled Figs 19c. 3 lbs. new Prunes 29c. 5 Jelly Powders 25c. 3 cans .\yliner Soup 25c. 5 lbs. Beehive Syrup 29c. ! Dr. Jamieson compared the cost of j administration of the A^t with that of 1 some similar movements. Some, he said, cost roughly 50 per cent, of the amount received. In 1925-26 the cost j of administ-ation for the Mothers i Allowance Act was 3.93 per cent., in 1923-27 it was 3.7, and in 1927-28 it had droped to 3.5 per cent. He had ' ho'ies that he would ultimately bring the cost of administration down to I 3 per cent, or even lower. j Dr. Jamieson told of many pa- I thetic circumstanced that had come j under his personal observation.others that had come under observation of[ (Ihcr members of the Conuiiission and' read letters from different parts of the ^ province telling of the help that the small grant from the Mothers' Allow- ance fund had been in the rearing of a little family. It wao not the intention of the Commission to grant a mother suf- ficient money to live without fuither effort. The intention was to give the motlier sufficient help that if slie ^ FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Cow 9 years old due this month. â€" Wilfred Magee, Eugenia, Phone Feversham. FARM FOR SALE 200 acre farm in the township ol Osprey, 100 acres under cultivation remainder good pasture and excellent bush; frame bank barn, with, harl water, fine spring creek; frame- houses with hard and soft water. â€" JAS. McKENZIE. Phone. FEVERSHAM. FOR SALE â€" Ten pigs, seven weeks old. Jos. Ferris, Priceville. Ring 49 r. 4, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Two young cows, due in January; hard and mixed wood also one 11-inch grain chopper. â€" A. Harrison, Phone 41 r 4, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Business, your op- portunity now to buy out meat mark- et, $1500 cash and carry. â€" Sydney Smythe, London, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Oat chop, $28 per ton, sacks included; Western Wheat $34.50 per ton; Salt, 75c. per 100 lbs., $3.25 per bbl.; Flour, $2.15 per bag; Highest prices paid for grain. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, 'Phone 38 r 3. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- days and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE. All parties are hereby notified thai all trespassers on lots 24, 9th Con., 15, 16 and 17, on South street nortn , , lots 15, 16 and 17, on St. .^rnaud si., were thrift and industrious she would ,„„th, and lots 18 and 19, on Raghv.i 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6^ Osprey, situated on County road no. 52, 160 acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush.. First class grain farm, well fenced^ barn 48x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage- arid work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly new, goo4' cistern, telephone, well and wind mill water piped to the barn, 60 rod* from school. Priced reasonable. E. C. PEDLAR, SINGHAMPTON, R. R. 1, 'Phone Fcversham 1 r 2-y. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for mt. vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "M«Ty Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonni« Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131.078. Terms â€" Purebreda $5.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenia. M1DDLEB«0 & BURNS Barristers, etc Oficea â€" Owen Sound, Durham Flesherton. Flesherton evesy Saturday afternoon and evening. and bo able to keep her small family to- gether under the home roof, for, who should have the rearing of her own little flock â€" not some charitable institution. The Commission was very strict in street, Eugenia, will positively be pro- secuted. H. DUCKETT. FARM FOR SALE Lot 192 and 193, Qon. 1, Proton inquiring as to the financial standing ' township, S. W. of Highway no. 10, of prospective grantees. He told oihoo acres of which 95 is already one woman who had been left some [cleared and workable, good build- $4000 insurance money. She bought jngg^ ROOT. R. LEE. PROTON STATION, Phone Dundalk 83 r 31. FARM FOR SALE F. T. Hill & Co., Limred, Markdale Lot 13, Con. 12, Osprey Township, 100 acres; 70 acres good arable land, balance hardwood bush and pasture. Good bam and driving shed, log house, 30 rods from school, gcod well and windmill. Telephxc available; rural mail delivery. Apply to WM. L. KAITTING, Feversham, or H. W. KERNAHAN, Maxwell. GEO a DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSHD AUCTKWEER Fw the County ot Grey. Term« I per cent. Satisfaction guamtMd Dates mada at The Advance office. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Tenn9:-$2 if paid befora January 1929, otherwise $2.60. -DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eugeala. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronta and Royal College of Dental Srrgcona of OnUno. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vfceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon H^g Club. Terms fl.OO. â€" C. KINDLE, Proton Station Prince Arthur Lodge, 838, A.P. * A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence, Secretary yii a car, an expensive radio machin,< ana other luxuries â€" and then applied lo the Commission for help. She did no: get it. There was little doubt that the au- dience, following Liiu clo-e oi l)r. Jamieson's address, had an altogether different conception of the work, and the help, and the noscssity for a Com- mission such as this. Fortunately the rural districts were not so much in need as the larger centres, or those rural sections back from the unpopu- lated areas, but with the first-hand knowledge given them by the speaker all doubt as to the incffeciency of the Commission, if such existed, was re- moved. There is no locality that knows Dr. Jamieson like his home town of Dur- ham. Here he is known as a conscien- tious citizen, and as a man who, when once he undertakes a work, does not rest until he makes a success of it. In hin address on Tuesday night he indulged in no oratory. He told his story in his own simple manner, but behind this mannci- was a sincerity that was unmistakeabie. His story of the work of the Commission has done I more than he knows in furthering its j aims in this community and many who possibly entertained the idea previous- ' ly that the Mothers* Allowance Com- mission was a government hobby went Lots 174 and 175, Township of Ar- away knowing that they had been mis- temesia, known as the Matthew Guy ' antced. l.^kcn and had misjudged one of the Orr farm. Apply to Executor A. j may be made at the°A(ivan^~^fice" or best and farthest-reaching of On- Cameron or Joseph or J. W. Orr on ' Central telephone office Feverahim ' tnria's charities. .«,..^ the property. â- â-  - â€" -- i • •â-  ' » BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for etr- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnhi the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€"C. STEWART, CareUker. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit, ora, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W D Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas* Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. FARM FOR SALE. Telford & Bimie, Barristers, soil, citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruc* B ock, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdaya.) W. " Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Birnie. ^ Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer! for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar* * All arrangements and dates - iS;. L-l!&** I M by addressing me at Feversham.

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