Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1929, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I I Gold Nuggets in Goose! THE DOCTOR'S BILL GEORGE O'NEILL IS HANGED A doctor was severely criticized by George O'Neill, the Tottenham Old Kimberley Boy 1; Dies at Thornbury 1 Second only to the goose that laid » coroner and jury for not attending farmhand, who was convicted of hav- thc golden egg is the dressed goose "" injured child until three hours af-, ing murdered his employer, Azor which W. G. Campbell , Burlington tcr the accident. His explanation was, Robertson, and the letter's daughter, butcher, had in his possession. FrI- '" Part that the parents had not paid; Mrs. Ruby Martin, early last year, the day of last week he found two gold his bills for years. The jury seemed two victims' bodies being burned af- nuggets in the gizzard of the bird and to think that this was no explana- terward in the barn, was hanged at tion at all. But doctors have to live, seven minutes after 12 o'clock last!"* ^^ years. The deceased gentle Nelson J. HurUburt, formerly of Kimberley, died at his home M , Thornbury on Friday last, at the age " was informed that the small pieces of solid gold are worth several times what the goose is worth. The fowl came from Fergus to Arthur, and was included in a Christmas shipmem. Mr. Campbell was preparing it for delivery to a customer when the gold was found. They begin to earn money from their Friday morning at Barrie jail, profession later than almost any oth- er men in any other walk of life, and Noi profession later than almost any oth-'one was allowed to witness the hang- j M'-«"d Mrs John Hurlburt, pioneers xcept Sheriff McLaren, the of- <»* the JC.mberley Valley He was Twenty-five years ago Thomas Hu- bert, now employed as a baggage- iiie, ana ing except Jsnerm racLiareii, me ui- . ..,,' ,',. " . . « after an exceedingl expensive trainingj ficiating clergyman, and several other! »"« ^^ «" children and his death is , They are splendidly responsible to the , officials. O'Neill was pronounced to ; ^"^ ""â- '' J"'^*" "» *"« l^rnWy. He humanitarian calls made upon him.' be dead twenty minutes later. i^"» " "<=»««>' "»**« •" boyhood of the Yet they claim they should no more - be expected to attend people for noth-| ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY ing than should a dairyman to give_ â€" \ editor of this paper, and was a man j much respected and a faithful worker I in church and Sunday school. Three his milk or a cobbler to supply fiVoj p^.g^g ^secured another indus- '>°*^*'^"^"""""«' ««•"«" »"<> Ashel hoes on demand. The jury omitted to| jj,y j^ ^j,e Cadillac Home Appliance, in the West. man on the C. P. R. between OtUwa consider one point. They should have ^^^ munufacurers of vacuum sweep and North Bay, lost a valuable sil- ' directed a raider aprainst thousands ^^.^ ^^^ ^tjjgp electrical appliances.] ver watch while working in a field "P*"" thousands of people who habit- jj^^y commenced operation last week. near Pembroke. The other day a glittering object was turned up by a plow. It was Hurbert's watch, the glass broken and the hands gone, but still retaining a brilliant lustre. The field had been plowed many times since it was lost. ually leave their doctois' and dentists' bills to be settled last of all. , Mary had a little lamb. Given l)y a friend to keep, It followed her around until It died from loss of sleep. CREAM STATION Markdale Won Again FIcshciton played their best hock- for'^^ this year in Markdale on Thursday We are a receiving station lor jg^t of last week and secured thei'r : shipments of cream to the Markdale ; f^.^, ^^^,^ ^, ^^^ when Mark 'CrnnmGPv. Leave your cream with ^„,„ .... _„ _ ^^"f"* ' Crcameey. us Leave your cream â€" W. G. KENNEDY Still fh* Beit for Breail How to make Better Pastry An expert ji:)] ; "Use year favorite shortening. Mi.\ it in thoroughly with Purity Flour, usins a level tab!cs{5oon more of shortening but using two tablespoons less per cup of Purity than of ordinary pastry ct soft wheat flour. Then add just enouEh water so that the dough will aumble together. When rolling out, sprinkle with a little flour to keep It dry. A dough heavy with witer v/ill not flike up in the oven as too much moisture prevents c;uicl: aaion of the heat. Tlie lively, almost crum- bly, dough mjde with Purity Flour flakes up beautifully and makes the kind of pastr/ that "melts in your mouth." Purity Flour Plain Pastry 2;; ct:p5 Purity F!,-;:?r, "i leftpo-'n salt, 1 cup 5horlr:iin(f, J4 cup colj w.iier. Mijj flour a-d salt, cutting in tlie sliortenini; i-ntil the iT'»tms ii lilfe fine meal, hi.t ihoiotn^iiv wi.h t'lc water. Koll o;l tiii.i, l,cc|)ing it tlioiriuslily ,li-v. Tl'is wi'l r-.,i|-e crurt (or two pies. For extra n'cli â- pj.stry uic hall butter and kslf U:d. dale came out on top, 13-3. Cec. McTavish of Fleshorton scored the first goal of the game, about five minutes after start of play. Mark- dale securing one at the close. The first period ending 1-1. The second period Markdale secured five goals and Flesherton failed to get any. although good hockey was j displayed, but (the boys could no: pierce the twine behind Wright. The second period ended G-1. In the third period and the last stanza Markdale continued to sjcore, jbut Flesherton did likewise, only not j as often as .the Maroons. Boyd ant) I MacDonald both counted one each In ^ this period, bringing the game to an I end, 1.3-3. Woodn and McFarlane on I the wings with Burnside at centre j scored the majority of go.<ils for the I winners. The followinp is the line jup: Markdale â€" Goal, Wright; Dci- I cnce Mercer and Merriam; Wings, j Woodo and McFarlane; Centre Bu -n- jside; Alts., Kelly and Henry. I Fleshcrtcn â€" Goal. Allen; Defence, I MacDonald and G. McTavish; Wings, ' Boyd and McTavish; centre, Nuhn; .Mts.. Patton ami Howard. I Referee â€" llarri.s. Rift, Walkerton. The Grocery Store Where Courtesy and Service Prevail But not only that â€" we have the largest, most com- plete stock of pure, fresh groceries in town at the lowest prices. Trade with us and you'll always get real VALUE! We have anything you may require in the line of groceries â€" and always the best of any particular product. Just give us a trial. Perkins & Freeman Small Advertisements FOR SALB FOR SALE â€" 1 cabinet phonograph. Will take wood in exchange. â€" W. A. Hawken, photo artist and music dealer a*^' IDarham Here Thursday I The Durham intermediate O. H. A'. i team takes upon itself a heavy sche- dule ithis week. Thursday -iiight they play a regular game in Flesher- ton at 8 p.m. and on Friday evening play in Markdale, a postponed game from the early part of the sea.son. In place of going back to Durham they will continue to Markdale from here and save , a trip. FOR SALE â€" Cow 9 years old due this month. â€" Wilfred Magee, Eugenia, Phone Feversham. FOR SALE â€" Ten pigs, seven weeks old. Jos. Ferris, Priceville. Ring 49 r. 4, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire Sow, due first of April. â€" C. Monaghan, Flesh- erton R. R. No. 1. FOR SALE â€" Two young cows, due in January; hard and mixed wood also one 11-inch grain chopper. â€" A. [Harrison, Phone 41 r 4, Flesherton. THE STORE WIIH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY After Stock-Taking Special For Friday and Saturday, February 1st and 2nd we have placed on sale lines of seasonable Merch- andise at a Big Saving MILLINERY DEPARTMENT S cuiy, hadic:/ J iiil.;, all till; scasnn frcri S-k9S v.> â- j^rilav, Yo'j.' .», kc'-u!ar value H. I CKo:c2 5I.Cj CHILDREN'S HATS 25 Cliildrrn's 111--. ;i!l this yt'ar'-5 .styles and makes. Out ihcy go; values up to $2.9.T. Friday and Saturday, your choice 95c. STAPLE DEPARTMENT Flanelette, 1 yard wide- 22c. \'ard-\vifk- I'laiu'lcttf, bfaiifiuil (|uality' f^(»(»(l rissortiiKMit of colors. Friday and Saturday Special, yd. .. 22c. Flanelette 16c. per yard 27-incli l'"iaiicUtlc, while and colort-d nice (|iialily. Friday and Saturday Special, per yard 16c. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR Men's Suits $7.95 each 10 oidy, .Men's Suits in Tweed. Rejj. value up to $IX.50, Friday and Satur* day, your choice $7.95 Men's Overcoats 15 only. Men's llij^h gnide Over- coats in blue and mixed tweeds. Reg. value up to $27.50. Friday and Satur- day Special, Your choice |1S,9S Boy's Overcoats $6.95 10 only, lioy's Overcoats, all this season's nuikcs and styles; here is a chance to jjet any of these for your !)()>• at a h\g savinj>-. Friday and Sat- urday Special, Your Choice $6.95 Men's Caps 98c. each 3 dozen only- Men's WiiUor Caps. Re^-. value uj) to $1.75 Friday and Saturday Special, eiach 98c. Boy's Caps 69c. each 2 dozen only, 15oy's'Caps' all this year's make. Ref,^ value $1.00 Fri- day and Saturday Special, Your Choice 69!:. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose 49c. T.adies' ,Siik and Wool Ho.se, f^ood shades. Rej^^. value 95c. Friday and Saurday Special, Your Choice, per pair 49c. Ladies' Wcol and Rayon Hose 69c. pr. Ladies' wool and Rayon hose, new- est shades. Re^. value $1.25. Friday and Saurday Special 69c. Ladies' Pure Silk Hose 49c. pair Ladies' Pure Thread vSilk Hose, mostly all .shades in the lot. Reg. value '>5c. Friday and Saturday Special, Your Choice, pair 49c F.T. HILL & Co., Limied, Markdale CONSERVING (?) THE DEER FOR SALE â€" Lusiness, your op- portunity now to buy out meat mark- et, $1500 cash and carry. â€" Sydney Smythe, London, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Several sets now sleighs, â€" the best on the market â€" a* same pvices as ordinary sleighs. Get prices; a few sets of second hand sleighs. â€" James Barron, Markdale. If tho actions of the reeve? of Bruce County count for anything,, then the Bruce Peninsula is again going to be closed to deer hunters for another period of three years, as at the December session? of the county bosses a resolution was pass- ed (unanimously, of course) and forAvarded to the Ontario Govern- ment, asking that the northern part of the county be continued as a 'closed season" â€" or words to that ef- fect. All of which is so much bunk. FOR SALE â€" Oat chop. $28 per ton, sacks included; Western Wheat $34.50 per ton; Salt, 75c. per 100 lbs., 52.50per bbl.; *"'lom. $2.15 per bag; Highest prices paid for grain. â€" A. C; Muir, Ceylon, 'Phone 38 r 3. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- days and ' Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE. FARM FOR SALE 200 acre farm in the township ol Osprey, 100 acres under cultivation remainder goofl pasture and excellent bush; frame bank bam, with' harl water, fine spring creek; frame â-  houses with hard and soft water. -JAS. McKENZIE. Phone. FEVERSHAM. FARM FOR SALE 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6, Osprey, situated on County road no.. 52, 160 acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush. - First class grain farm, well fenced, barn 48x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith skop, garage and work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly new, goo4- cistern, telephone, well and wind mitt water piped to the barn, 60 rods^ from school. Priced reasonable. E. C. PEDLAR. SINGHAMPTON, R. R. 1.. 'Phone Feversham 1 r 2-y. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for Mr- vice at lot 6, Ccn. 9, Osprey, "Mmt» Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonni. fol'S'^i'' "2,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms _ Purebreds fS.OOu grades $2.00. Cows not returned Will be charge full price. -S. R. HAWKINS. Eujenl.. MIDDLE BRO & BURNS Barristen, etc. Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eveiy All parties are hereby notified that Saturday afternoon and evening all trespassers on lots 24, 9th Con., â€" . . 15, IG and 17, on South street nortni lots 15, 10 and 17, on St. Arnaud St., J This closing of th-_> peninsula would! south, and lots 18 and 19, on Raginn appea-, on the surface, and to those street. Eugenia, will positively be pro- who are ifrnorant of tru conditions, ggcuted. â€"J. H. DUCKETT. as cxcclloUt legislation in conserving. â-  tho wild game which abounds there; FARM FOR SALE but those who know something of the ' . â€" â€" » real existing conditions think the | Lot 192 and 193, Con. 1, Proton southern reeves should have more township, S. W. of Highway no. 10, information on the subject b3fore|H)0 acres of which 95 is already- voting RO "blindly" on the motion cleared and workable, good build int'.-oducod by their northern b-'tk- ings. ren. We have it on good authority that there are ju:,t as many deer shDt on thr peninsula a-? ;'.-.cro v.evo when the public were :.!K:wed t\v.) v.-ceks' shooting; luit it iccms th? .;cttler3 I in the northern at" i want t!u< doer 'â- protected" so that the outsider is . kept out and the natice can, as a ''jle ' bang away to his heart's content. Of course there was one conviction reg- istered against a Lions Head man this fall, but it was not as a result of in- I formation supplied by residents of the I district, but came as a result of a ' search for li(iuor in which the venis- on was accidently discovered. And in \W\sk connection it is rumored that j more than ~<ine citizen of tho north i feared for awhile lest his name be ROBT. R. LEE. PROTON STATION, Phone Dundalk 83 r 31. FARM FOR SALE Lot 13, Con. 12, Osprey Township, 100 acres; 70 aci'es good arable land, balance hardwood bush and pasture. Good barn and driving shed, log house, 30 rods from school, good well and windmill. Teleph«e available; rural mail delivery. Apply to WM. L. KAITTING, Feversham, GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fjr the County of G*ey. Terma: 1 per cent. Satisfaction gruamtead Dates made at The Advance office. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emcsia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS. EugenU. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. p. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toront» and Royal College of Dental SrrgeoM of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. & A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- or H. W. KERNAHAN, MaxwelL strong Block, Flesherton every iS- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence, Secretary BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice â€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 dragged into the affair as it is said I „ _* * o « that "passing the buck-or doe" ^, Z^/^P^ly °' !!»»!««» ^acon Hog quite frequently indulged in up where the people like their venison. But if the Bruce County reeves remain con- tent to pass such rsolutions it will be up to sporting organizations to put in a word with the provincial govern- ment that the "closed" season in the peninsula is a joke as it is observed at present.â€" Chesley Enterprise. Arnold Adair, Twelfth Line, Albion, suffered a tremendous loss on Monday December 31st, when his three barns and contents wre totally destroyed by fire. »â€"'â€">--> â€" «•'- '-" """" i'' Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station BOAR FOR SERVICE. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit, ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W, D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2. Branch offices «« Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soil. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ter- i ^ 'tors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruce vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, j ^'<*<^''> Owen Sound; Standard Bank the property of the Ontario Depart- ^'"^''•_Fle»herton, (Saturdays.) W, ment of Agriculture. t, â„¢, •- â€"C. STEWART, Caretaker. FARM FOR SALE- P. Telford, Jr., J. F. P. BImie. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Siracoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Lots 174 and 175, Township of Ar- 1 Terms moderate, satisfaction guar* Included in his loss were ITJtemesia, known as the Matthew Guy anteed. All arrangements and dater head of cattle, a complete threshing Orr farm. Apply to Executor A. may be made at the Advance office, or outfit, all his implements and his en- Cameron or Joseph or J. W. Orr on Central telephone offie% Feversham, I tire season's crop. „ ,«â- *. «jc:i»i the property. ._,^ or by addressing me at Feversham. MikaMMtiM mmt MaMife

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