Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1929, p. 6

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A Mining News Service For Readers of This Page Former Financial Editor of the "Toronto Globe", Mr. L. J. Moore Will Contribute Exclusive Weekly Letters to this Page and Will Answer Enquiries CONSERVATIVE INFORMATION Dy L. J. MOOIIK We m-i Wry iili-aHcd to toll tlii' readers of this iiiiRc lliat Mr. Lliiyil J. Moore, iiilulrig anJ llnauciiil expert of note, will c-oiilribiite a weekly U^tter to this i>a66. Mr. .Mooro had r long and siucoBstul coniiei'tloii In the news- I'.iIi.T field BH fliianoial editor of the ••Toronto (ilobe". He Is now a iiienihur of tlio Stttudard Stock and Minlug Kxeliange of Toronto^ aud lias visited all tho chief iiiljiluR rentres of fanada; he brings to you a wealth ot personal knowledge which should bo of keeu liilerost and exlrctne value. i • • i • Mr. Moore luis agreed to answer iu these colnnin.s any l-sitiniate enquiries , nuninK stand]k.mt. on m!nes and uilning Investment problems, and we tnixl the readers will '''*^« Smaller Isiue Hvall ll»*mselves of this attractive opportunity to a( (luaint themselves with Wright-HarKieaves is now looking better after an iinusualiy tenipestu- ' ous market career durins the past j twelve months. Mill heads were not ! much above St'i.Otj during the final Benefit by Our Knowledge' Our close aviloclatloii with th« nilnlUft hidustry and vluck mar- ket operatloiiH places uh in a poaltloM to he of real help to you. Why not beuetli by our knowl- edge and comniunicute with this office when you need assistance ijonceriilug ruliilng niurk<-t vwiU- lein-j? Wright, Wilson & Austin I STOCK BROKERS i .l/fid'iciK Sluudard Slorl: kihI Miniiu/ Typical Scene of English Winter Beauty KxchaiKje. Ground Floor 61 KING ST. W. ELgin 8127-89 TORONTO and very cai)alily hanii from Canada's vital growing Industry. THE SITUATION TO DAY lliRh-priccil ."looks have been the ]<!;niipal iiioney-iuakers in the Can »diaii mining market for the lust year lii more. The experience of purchas- ers of low-priced shares has been un- BBlisfactory on the whok>. The same siiualion seems likely to continue in K'cater t-r less det;re<.' diirinp the ci'tiiitiK i.'V>nths. Nickel liu<^riiailonal Nickel has been tho most spectacular [H-rformer during January. Its present price has dis counted the future several years in advance. Its chief sponsors, notably, in Montrtial, are predicting confident- ly that much hisher prices will \x.\ reached. Recent performances of the ; stock lend color to their views. The BtroriK Montreal proup is easily cap- able of obtaininR its object. In the meantime the Trood Mine is dovelop- InK wonderfully at depth. I Noranda Noranda Mines is second in n.uket; Interest. The news of a pro, sed ' ofTcring of Riphts has had a ( Iri- .\ ilHllxluiul nioorUirnl laiic Sunday School Lesson Lesson VII â€" Prayer- Matt. 6. 5-13; Luke 28: 9-14; 1 John MR. LLOYD J. MOORE Member of the Standard Stock and mtntalrulher than a liencficial c'ect ^^'n'^K Ivxchiuige, who will contribute on tho market, but this i.s probitiily merely temporary. Noranda has !â-  en earning at the .ale jf close to $;;.tK) annually ct: cturns from a sinifle reverberalory unit. Sinkini; of the new No. i shaft is proceeding. It will be coaipSoled and equipped for hoist- ir.ii ore in tho latter part of this year to this page enquiries. Air. conservative llud.son Bay will undoubtedly earn market lecoj^nilion of its assured earning power in due cour.se. Tho At the present time No. .1 sliaft pro- stock should be held for substantial viilc insufficient hoisting capacity; appreciation in the writer's opinion. No. 1 furnace has been .shut down fori ''"'''f condusion is reached after se- ripairH, and No. 'J. furnace has been curing the best information obtain- and answer nilulns Mooro Is prominent in mining invest inent circles. quarter of I'J^S. Bullion returns were 'also low. P-rotil.. were upp.'o.timately I $18,000 in October and about .$14,000 in both N'ovenibei- and DecjiulK-r. The mine is looking deiinitely better, how- ever. The downwj rd continuation of the vein encoui.tered in tl.e north ^vorkings in the direction of the Syl- vanite boundary looks like c.\tioinely gix)d ore. This vein has been en- countered at both the l.')00 and 17r)0 j foot levels. A\. the f<.riner Yun'v/Mn it i I Wiis Ua feet wid.^ and assayed .?18.00. i No returns are available yet about I I values and average widths al the IToO j f^^bruary 17 loot, but it is understood that the ore looks comparable both in quality and quantity with lie level above. The ii,an;igeinent seems to he sanguine that it has the makings of a new mine below the faulted mnp. Lake .Shore has secured wonderful ore recently very close to the Wright-ilargi-enves boundary. -All thcs-> things combine to make the Wright-llargreaves sit- uation look more cheerful, especially for those who are willing to hold their stock for some time. , The situations at Tcck Hughes and; iNrritonrcTluN- There are few il.ake Shoix- are cxc-jptionally good ' J<^'<-'*--' l" "^^'hich .le.-us gave more time land these will be outlined in succeed-!""^' t-hought than prayer: and there ling articles if tho correlation of mine :"'>' ,V"T" f''*'^^.'''--"' "'".y^ '" ^',^'^"*' ^ , , . , 1 . • • e niight study his teaching on the very I developments and ma. ket opinions of i,,,,^,,.^,,^^ -^uj^ject. We may noti ENGLAND'S GLISTENING GLORY IN DEVON jiear I'riiici'io.v/l where tie snow added mufli lo t!i- c^uul l)ea\ity. Of the.se the first thi'ee concern God the Father, and the remaining one.-^ deal with human needs. The address' is of infinit(- signirican<;e. The na- ture of V,<A c.'terniinc-s all .••c!igion. How (litfereat are the prayers which I :i worshipper of Molo..h would make from thoEe which arise out of the as- surance that (lod is our Father Dry Cleaning as a Technical Problem There are at least SOO.OCv) different kinds of spots, and pr'*paratioiis that will take off one kind of spot will not V. lu. The three petitions to be|ti;ke off another. The expert cleaner, as such, i« a different technician from an expert "spotter." whose business |it i.< to understand the why and wherefore of If. I ill illl. .A.N.AI.YSIS TltfE AN-J) IWI.SK PltAYUi, G:')-V^. .Matt blown in. .\s a result the current pro- diiction figures have decreased. Im- provement is expected as No. 2 fur- nace work.s in. It is expected that Noranda will show itself capable of earning well over $.").00 a share annu- ally with two furnaces in operation. A' the rate the Home Mine is de- veloping the doubling of present â- Jnelter cajiacity seems justified. The forthcoming annual report will be most conservative. For those who llBve the patience to hold this stock we have no doubt they will realize up- vrards of JlOO.oo a share. Tho retire- ment of ih? $2,000,000 bonds held by Hollingor is a constructive piece of ftnancing. The IVIanltoba Field Hudson Bay .Mining and .Smelling ia in very .strong shape. It looms up as one of the most attractive Can- adian mining ventures from the in- vestors standpoint. The shiewd and powerful group holding control of this conpatiy have said unofficially that tho Fliii-Fl.,n earnings in the first hIx years operations will be suf- flciwit to meet the entire capital ex- p<»nditures. Its ore rcserve.< are esti- (iiatod to be in excess of 20 million tons. The company is in ai unassail- able financing position with over fKl.OOO.OOO In cash to meet the de velopnieiil and equipment loquire- nient iH'foie .starting pr<»du<'lion fiseii at'' r an e\pondituie of c'os.' to 56,- (Hu>,(j()0 for |)ov. ir develof.incir, at In'iiiid Falls, >'.i»l-.iifchewan. tlicr' will b<" i<*ft iiK-re than ample funds for t\w "t<*i consti'U'.-tion. mine develop- n.tiil. towiiu.lc and other ii»*-' Is. The ii.;ii:->geii!e'u h.is a far-s'ghlid ;irp- gram. It had been most in'iccnt abo'it mine develnpinenl, v.'liicii is' known however to Im niost riivpinHe. ! Jt > f.'diniHled that there i.. enough ore to bo obtained by glor> -holing toi pioi.dc fliwlter feed for the proiccteil ;).fM>()-lon mill fi,!- :il least \i\- \car.i. made concerning God are: (1) The 5: 14, 14. Golden Textâ€" If ye abide hallowing of his name, by which the In me, and my words abide in you, â- ^^'"•^hipjx'i- expresses his desire that ye shall .^sk what ye will, and it |''':'''"f ^^ *^'^ »?, '^'•'"« '".f red it on ih-M K .1 » I t. ,c. 7 •"'^ ""'> name. The opposite of thiij i , ,. ,.„ ,^,^ , . , shall be done unto you.â€" John 15: 7. .j^.^^y,,, |,^, ,p profane that name. (2) i^'*'«'">' ^"^^ ^^ ♦•^^ oOO.OOO or more-kinds That the kingdom or i-ule of (joil may "^ stains and blemishes that have a be extended. Ci) That his will may ! way of attaching themselves tt. the be done on earth. These fietition-s rise I finest silks and the cheapest g':igh«in. ,..-w,c-uin..v„ • "'•''â-  ?^ '^ ^''"^ "^ ^^^ sovereignty and ! Theoretically, a spot can n.wajra be WOII.SH1PIKKS, goodness cf God, and they imply that: taken off, .^^^^ declared, if one the divine rule extend.s over the earth. ' knows iunfc bow u, H.^ f.* Hrwwpwr J- Aim AM. I'UAYKli. 1 John 5: God's interest must come first. fv â- " f'. "^'^^Tf- U. 15. ; V. 11. The lirst of the three peti- ^^""'^ are many spots that cannot be , tions for ourselves concerns our physi- ""enioved by present methods, end tor cal nseds. We cannot live without ^â- his reason the National Cleaners and our daily bread, and in this prayer we Uyers Aseociation is puahinjf research acknowledge God's power and readi- , in an effort to discover new prepara- iies.s to give us hat we need. | tions which will reveal the vulnerable ,, . . . _,. , ..J.-... .,.,.,.....„..... ,,,\^/ ^^1=*- Tlve^wo remaining re-: traits in every s-pot. the writer meet a responsive audience. ! (j^ His own c.Yample, from which we i"'"*^'' '"." . spiritrual, including the ^ j^ 1^1;^.,.^^ (.hat the greatest pro- In the meantime requests for infor- ijearn How constantly ho ..ought com- ?^/. ."^ ni;n;;'\vTth pn.^«o?'7rorthe "*'" ^"«*' = "« *^« cleaning and dyeing TRfK ANIi Luke 18: FAL.SI-: i)-14. lotice-. profeesion is tt> clean artificLal silks able, and after makifig a personal visit to tho projierty in Northern Manitoba. It has been hobling stead- fastly around .$21.00 recently. Sherritt-Gordon has earned much inarkd attention recently. The de- velopment and exploratory work has yielded some surprisingly good re- 1 suits, especially on recently acquired! claims, situated along tho mineral- j ized break. .Shorritt will undoubtedly! 1>« productive of big tonnage. It may â-  eventually rival the Flin Flon. It j has i>lenty of cash on hand for somcj time ahead and there is understood to] be appro.\imateIy l,.'lo3,000 shares of thp total authorized cai ital of fi,0()D,- 000 shares remaining in the treasury. Thin should be approximately suffi- cient to brin.? the mine into produc- tion in a big way. Mandy has not received much mar- ket attention recently, but it is due to reach its 1025 foot objective in shaft sinking and commence lateral work on three levels by about .March 1st. Only a small amount of crosscutting will be necessary to reach the favorable zone. Sufficient encouragement was en- countered on upper levels to make ex- ploration at depth decidedly interest your letter and an'^wtr will appea an early is.sue. tly ho .'•ought mation on C'anadi'in mining subjects munion with the heavenly Fatlier, T>,\vciful siult. rf -"1 will be cheerfully anr.wered in order and how he consulted him on every ; ' " ' t evi . HwkMov them Jn thi. iirtve«« of receipt as far as space iK-rmits. lissue of imp<.rtance. (2) His mani- H- â„¢[\ ^Nt. falsk woRSH>P''ERS, '^"^^ ''*"'J«^^^ halfar^rh Address vour enquiries to Mr I, .1 'fold instruction given to the disciples I'Uke 18: it-14. \^^ >**' theie was half ab much M.'K,re 10 rn.an S Tomnto an 1 o>^ the great subject. {?.) His actual V. 9. This parable is found only in «rtihcial silk manufactured a« there .>i(H)ie, M.an .-51., loionco, nn" 1 j„,,,j.^,,.^ ^.^ich are contained in .Matt., l.uke, and is meant to teach a definite were cotton goods, and as the result, ichap. (\, and John, chap. 17. From the lesson on prayer, a subject occupying cleaning and dyeirjg establishnitnts I we infer that this is one of the most much space in this gospel. We are the country over are being swamp«d I important subjects for our considvra- told in this introduction of the spe- with materials that present the moet Ition. A revival in the art of prayer cial fault here condemned. It is self- complex and difficult problem of \vould do more to revive our church ccnfidence, combined with a s«\-ere denning yet faced than an.vthing else. Prayer is the critcal attitude to others. way l)V which we get the power of V. 10. The Pharisee does not really , „, ,,,. ., . „. I God. â-  pray at all. There are four elements ^'â- '^^ ^be""- When this fiber is molst- il. T- -K AND KU.SK I'RAYElt, Matt. '" praver, thanksgiving, confession, *'ned, it liec'omeb tenJer and has a (1:5-13. * intercession and supplication, but tendency 'o fall to pieces. In many i ,. - ', !, ,. 1. r iu- none of these is included in this case, cases, it takes an expert to distiniiruish ! \ . i>. In the earlier part ot this vi;„ „„.,„„„,.,i n 1,. ;..:_„ ;_ „ *„ i_ ^^ ^ > • .... • , .,. •haptor four vcr.-es are given to „^ «„„^.„„„„.,„, ,„,„,„ p„m .n^r^nn ,r.r <->_. .. .u. _ . • , ,jj^j^ ^^^^ lyeing profes- we may measure which Is the most " y 'j<{ 'Thenublican standli at a *'"" ''""'' ^^^ '***" ^^^ ^ remove is important in these three acts of vvor- ,ii,t„n<.e" f^ni one whom ho regards "»»' "^^^"^ f*"â„¢ at the nape of the ship, lirst of all we heve a warmng ^ ^ ^.^^^. j^^,, ^^^^ j.^ ^^^ ^,^ neck. Thus coat c-ollars tend to be- against the danger of h>-pocru;y. « we see illu&t-atc: one of tho primary come dingier with continued wear, people make a parade of their prayers ,^„^iti„ns of true, prayer: humility Strenuous effbrta ai^ being put forth in order to win the reputation of be- „„^ ^ ,^,,3,, ^,, unworthines,s. He doss to develop a chemical pr«>aratw»n ing religious then they may receive _ .^ .t: , . .l. .t^..i._ _. .1 u..,. ^ y»:>'^i\i^ a «.iit:'iiu<.ai [uv{;araii.^>ii .Artificial silk ia manufactured from laitgivng three to fast g and of -^If-'-'gratulaUon, and instead of One of the most indelii uiaiih-sMMng, mrec to lasiing anu cnfessing 'his own s ns he criticses xi,«.t th« ,.U»nir.a. ...„,l ,fr>,»;„ cloven to prayer, so that from this ^j^^ ^.^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ that the cleaning and dyeir mg religious then they nrny receive ^^^ ^^ink of tho faulU of otWs. but that will remove this stain the reward 01 human praise, but they . , ^j j,;^ ^^^ ^^ ^e places hiniself , *** '"^' i^moye ^^isjtam ilo not get the reward from God ..dy .. ... , ,_„ . in the class of elnnei-s. Pleading no Literary Iconoclasts the secrecy of the r«!li,jious life. have Local Representative W.\NTED llesporisible representative want ed In (Ills lonimuully to repre- Bout ail incuriiorated Ontario (oinpany. To the light liiuti who has the proper connoctloii a vor.v altraitlvt' proposiHoii will be iii.ndc. Apply by letter to W. E. Smith, Manager, 110« C.P.R. BLDG., TORONTO 2 y. 6. Jesus here gives the positive „,„„:,. •„ v,!„„„w i,„ ,„,,„ „ii 1,;. i,_«- I . i . ti- lu 1 r* • 1 J 1 merit in himaeli, no puts au nis nope nr xr Â¥> • ... ». , . 'slatenier.t. His method often included ;_ n,„ ,„^ „, 'n^., '^ '^ VV. N. Bngance m the North \n\- nj»n goe« ©rican Review : We have efficiency ex- stifled in the perts in industry; we have them in Pharisee re- government. W« have them in the at all. Thus trades; viro have them in the profea- Dolores: "How are yo.i Retting on V. 7. The second warning is against 7:t«**woril^ examples of fab«> and ^i^^ We have them in our .school.; with your llunce?" Clara: ••Very unreality. If pwplo rep«vat a fonnute J,"' ;â„¢'P- ,, w« haw them in our chuKhes. It w« well lie bought me a pearl mcklace vrithout putting any heart or soul into ^"- ',/ ir inA^tx, 1 jonn o. mevitaNe, sooner or later, that they ^„ then a diamond rlne and now he Is "'• *i*>P'»K that this vrU be heard, Uieyl /â- *• ^"'; . should invtade the fields of literature. on .Iho" a diamond ring, ana no« ue is ^_^^,^ ^ ^^^jj^. ^^.^^^^ concepUon of I V. 14. In Ihew verses John writes ^ was equally inevitable that, arrir- th«re, they shooild, as Goths in ^ , , „, .. 'penance. But if ChkI be' ourTovinJ Christ has the assurance thk't 'what- <*« J"^?^^^^ ^^ of IU»ra«, find sr»aU man dashed along the f,^^y^^,^ ....^y^r ,„ust be a form of ever he asks of God will be given to >"«"* "» th« Upeatxies of art which platform ns tho train was moving out communion, or conversation in which him, if it is according to the will ot for centuries h«v« been treasures of and mado Tor tho last carriage, at the our souls find true delight, (lod. Wo must notice this condition, the literary â- world. window of which a woman was fran . y f^ y/f, fj,^ „„t jippj jq pj-ay jn which is hero laid down. If in our â€" ♦ tically wavering her handkerchief. 'ordeV to inform tiod of our wants, istnorantc wo ask for anything that The FutUTO <rf the Empire Un was about to grasp the handle of "Prayer is the human aide of inter- l? I**'' ,fl"" S'^'' J!?***!! .^t",.'l'® .l*7*r.°^ Wickham Steed in the Reriew of tho door whon the porter pulled back. "Vou muHu't board th while It's moving," said the 'ileside.s, that compartment ed." 'Kngafiodl^' slioutod tU man. dancing about In his rage, as he ti,ig lord's Prayer we have the im>- i ing. Reflection of this i>rogram ,.„,v, <. .v....... ...... v.. « w« -- - â€" tho market is not unlikely. The stock golug to marry me." -.Mi, 1 suppose ^" Mere TepotitionrimpiyThat'God <>" intercessory prayer as tho naturail \^ has been dragging recently at around he wants them back." jj, „ hard, exacting ruler, donvanding fruit of faith. He who believes in v* $1.'25. Tho oi»eration is well financed " ^ -, - - ^. _ ? . The little watched the train disappearing. „„, , , 11,,- C'olleRe Koulorâ€" "What would you .onrse l.'s eimagedl . engaged U nj' ! 1!^ V-ye^'t' c:;:^!!:';?^ e^^.^!! «<lvi- ,- to read after ^niduatlonV self, and that's my wlfo at tho window, ilenccs. The lirst is the addr<vss. while '•^".«"*"' I"-"/'"*"'-- The Help Vant ofl' on her honeymoon!" the romaining six fall into two jiarts. ''^ .column. sUgnation. The aUbility of the Brit- ish Eiiipire is not the stability of « monument. It is the stability of a gyroscope swiftly and noiselessly re- \x>lving in a free atmosphere. ^ND JEFF.â€" Bud Fisher. Jeff Should Be More Orii^nal. '1 "J ' o OF 1H0se#5 i /cwOiCC.MVi- jiSAFeTY pa2or:-> a Wi^jf Choice j \ iMDCcr, Sitw^ "TV^ i a'V ' l^ /AiT A MlNlOie.' 1 DlOM'T V(OR< IM 1HG MINT roc F\V£ â- /CARS Mcsr To tCNCW I COOMTeRFef 5 BiLl WHeW : .â-  'xv^V-"""' .:«?''*.'' -V-

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