Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1020 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SCHOOL REPORTS For the Month of January EUGENIA IM'BLIC SCHOOL 5 Clais â€" Kathleen Pedlar, Glad- ys Williams. Sr. 4 â€" Lucy McDonald, Rvelyn Rowbotliuni, Mamie Kerton, Bclva Genoe* Lloyd Gcnoc*, Phyllis Gra- ham*. 3rd â€" Ronald Middleton, Vernice Fawcctt, Ttddie Campbell, Bernico Campbell*, Ruth Russell, Earl Rus- Ml. Isabel Rowbotham*, Herbie Faw- cc'.t, Argylc Martin*, Annieta Tur- ner. Sr. 2 â€" Nancy Middleton, Fred- die Partridge*, Verda Genoe*. Sr. I â€" Ilene Tudor, Leone Duck- ctt*. Hazel Turner*, Lottie Graham' Percy Graham*. Sr. Primer â€" Evelyn Camnbell, Reffffie Fawcett*, Rody Gordon*, Ruth Gordon*. Jr. Primer â€" Edna Partridge, Winneta Martin*, Carmel Martin*, Mabel Duckett*. Those marked ' were absent five or more days during the month. â€"SYLVIA ACHESOX, Tc'ichor. Sr. 3 â€" F. Collinsoii 80, K. St<;w- ciark 85, Iva Johnston* 8J, Lawrence art CI, L. Archibald 00, D. Stewart phiHips* 83, Ethel Durgavel 81, Mai- 50, K. Genoe 43. jguerite Croft* 80, Lloyd Partriugo Jr. .'ird Cla.ss â€" N. Genoe 54, O. ,78, Jack Monaghan 74. ElsmourShl:? Marshall 34, S. Piper 48, H. Arohi-'sy, Mabel Shier and Roy Fisher, ec;- bald 311, M. Collinfion 37, A. Marshall ua|^ 58_ 34, L. White 29, J. Marshall 28, M. ] Sr. Primer â€" Mary Clark, Ruby Haw 28, J. Chesney 28, E. Mathcw- jMonaghan, Fred Bctte, Glenad Croit, son 28. J. P. Stewart 10, O. Leslie, Myrtle Croft, Bessie Russell, Loreer. absent 2nH Class â€" M. Duckett 70, M. Marshall 51, M. Adams 49, G. Ken- nedy, absent, F. Leslie, absent, L. Love 17, A. Chesney, absent. Class 1 â€" M. Hunt 73, J. Collinson English. Jr. Prim«r â€" ussell Phillips 95, Cecil Shier 70, Edna Croft 09, Go;- don Shier 61. A Class â€" Chester Shic'\ The names are in order of merit. 60, B. Stewart 60, A. Haw 50, D. ! Numbers are percentages. Those Marshall 48, J. Kennedy 38, L Mathcw marked * missed no exams. Nivnber C. McWilliam.i 67, son 35. Primer, Sr. H. Tracey 60. Primer, Jr. â€" D. Duckett 65. Number on •oil 42. Average attendance 28. The number are por^entecs. S. L. HARE, Teacher I on roll 37. MRS. ROCK MH.LS SCHOOL Averape attendance 29. F. J. SEELEY, Teacher MAXWELL SCHOOL CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL Dfccmbcr and January 4th â€" Ita Pedlar 84, Mervyn John- on 79, Robert DarKave'. 73, Murray ^isher* 61, George Akitt* 59, Nath- aliee Patton 56, jE;k Enslish* 4o. Sr. 3 â€" Julia Croft 74, Delia Eng- ' lish 54, Leo Patton 47, Laurie Ru-;- Scl 'I'). Jr. 3 â€" Leslie Seelcy* 82, Ruby Class 4â€" L. Piper 75, r.. Hun' 07, M. Piper 64, H. Genoe 57, J. Chcs- Akitt 73, Leila Clark 65. ney 50. ' 2nd â€" Lulu Ru:i?ell 87, Boboy I I « I •> I •:• •> % .> •> >> <. Cut Prices in Winter Goods ScrjT^c 36 ins. regular 65, half price 33 cts. a yd. * I'.Iiic flannel' reg. 75c., Special 49cts. a yd. Mackinaw Klan"el for Children's Egresses or Men's Shirts, regular 30c. for 25 cs. a yd. IMain Plannel, 54ins. wide, regular $1.50 for $1-15 Checked and Fancy Flannel, reg. $1.00 for 79ct3. A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Sr. 4 â€" Cecil Chard, Marjorio Gcc- ley*. Jr. 4 â€" Arlcan Pallister. Sr. 3 â€" Merlie Bu'"'<inp;ham*. Jean Ross, Marie Chard, Stella Youn?, Is- abellc Pallister*, Ircno Parker', Ed- ith Lrugheed, Ethel Fenwick. Jr. 3 â€" Lloyd Morrison*, Billie Kerton, Bob Priestly, Don Radley. Sr. 2 â€" Mabel Bemro:c, Jim Poole, Tom Pallister*. J â- . 2 â€" Warren Priestly, Guy Poo'o Marjorie Benson. 1st â€" Flora Morrison*, Tom Bern- rose, J. A. Loughecd, Murray Mor- rison, Norcen Grummett, Charlie Grummctt. Primer â€" Robt. Fenwick, Violet Duckett. Those marked * were •-'•escnt every day. HELEN MAYNARD, Teacher. REPORT OF S. S. NO. 3 y y X •|' Jr. 4 _ Delia Vausc*, Wilfred Be.?t ♦ , Merle Allen, Billie Parker. % I Sr. 3 â€" Haro'.d Johncton. Marjorio :J;|WyaU, Ilarcld Jchnitnn, Elsie White' 'I* Gcc^gina Blackburn, Patsy Beard. 'Y: Sr. 1 â€" Russell Johnston. Xj Jr. 1 â€" Ruby Vautc'. Y ! Sr. Pi imer â€" Eileen Johnston. Bil- •j* ly Wy.ntt. Irene Doupe, Everette Park % C-. I3dgar Doupo, Ivan Waller. 1=' Toronto Star Building ' Is A Work of Art The junior editor of The Advance was among a large number 01 news- paper men ot Ontario and Quebec wno attended a luncheon in Toronto at, tne ofticial opening of the new Toronto Star, 23-s.tti'cy building. â-  'ine edit-| on were re jeived in t.^e private oltice 1 of Mr. J. E. Atkinson, I'rcjiaenv 01 1 the Star, assisted by Mra. Atkinson.! A buffet luncheon was jorved in the spacious library where the brcthern of ihe press enjoyed an hoar of sociai fel- lowship. Groups of 20 v/ere taken through the huge building by competent guides to viev/ the wonders of the most modern newspaper building, an un- questionable contribution to arcni- tecture. Six storeys of the new building contain the editorial and mechanic- al plant of the Star. Two huge presses print 180,000 Stars each houi it operates at full speed and they are of the latest tyne of construct- ion obtainable. It is a wonderful experience to see these presses print an edition of the Star. Paper i^ stored on the third floor of the build- ing and G.OOO rolls are instantly avail- able â€" a two months' supply. In one average v/c3k recently 736 full sizea' roll.-i, each roll six feet wide am< fou- miles long,â€" 3000 miles oi pape; and each roll weighs three-quarter- cf a ton. .'Vnothcr idea of the speed v;h: h the r^ossos travel is the fr.;t that they are capable of eatlnjr up pancr at the rate of tcven miler per minute, ovc â-  420 miles cf :'apei rn hour. I The jievvs is received from outside nainlv by irlep;rarh machines, a cc;..- bination typev/riter and telegrapl- innfruments, which actually Lypc- an condition, numerous other articles, j All of the above will be sold with-j out reserve. I There will be offered for -«ale at 1 the same time the house and proper- , ly of the deceased in the village of | Flcsherton, one-quarter acre, more or I less, being lot ten of the Munshaw survey, frame house, brick veneered. This is a comfortable dwelling and will be sold subject to reserved bid, fixed by the Administrator. 1 Terms of Sale â€" Houshold goods,' and chattels, cash. The real estai2 will be sold subject to reserved bid, on the usual condition of sale, 20 per cent, payable on date of sale and bal- , ance within 30 days. Dated rt Markdalc this 31st day or Jannarv A.D. 1929. W. J. Meads, Administrator and Lucna & Honr;*. of the village of Markdale, Solicitors for the Admin- istrator, i Auctioneer â€" W. Kaitting. j AUCTION S A LE FARM STOCK, LMPLEMENTS, Etc. ALBERT SEELEY Will hold a Cre<';it Auction Sale on:' LOT 12.. Con. 6. Twp cf Osprey I AT MAXWELL j THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 , When the folIowinK articles will be ' offered for sale at 1 o'clock | HORSES â€" Heavy Black Mare, 9 years, in foal "Royal Tower." Heavy Bay Horse, 7 years old; Heavy Black Colt, rising 2 years old; Team gener- al purpose Colts, year old; Driving Mare, rising 2 years old. CATTLE â€" Red Cow, 7 years, due April 6; Red Cow, 8 years old ,due April 15; Grey Cow, C years old. Due May 4; 2 Heifers, rising 2 yrs.; 2 Yearling Calves; Rew Cow, 5 yrs. old, calf at foot. PIGS â€" 9 Store Pigs, 185 pounds each; Sow, due to farrow June 5: Sow, due to farrow March 1; 6 pigs six weeks old, IMPLEMENTS â€" Massey-Harris Manure Spreader; Massey-Harris 13- Disc Drill, nearly new; Maaey-Har- ris 13-tooth Cultivator; Masey-Har- ris Rake, 10-foot; Frost & WooJ Mower, 5-focc cut; Steel land roller; Two sets seed harrows; Gang Plow, g-larrcw; Ko. 21 Â¥hx\-j Walking Plow; Stock Rack and box combin- ed; Gravel Box, 1 1-2 yds. (county road); 2 Wagcrons* Buggy; Renfrew Scales. 2,000 lbs.; Cutter; Set heavy brec chine h.-rness; 2 Hofse Collars; Set of Sleighs, Numerous other art- icles. TERMS OF SALE â€" All sums of $10 and under cash: over that am- ount 12 months' credit will bo given- on apjiroved joint notes. Five per- cent, straight off for cash. W.M. KAITTING. Auctioneer. F. J. SEELEY, Clerk. No Reserve as the owner has rented his farm. Small Advertisements FOR RALE FOR SALE â€" White enamel baby cutter. â€" Mrs. A. Sinclai-, Cevlon. FOR SALE - ?obblers. â€" J. A. FOR SALE - first of April.â€" jrton R. R. No. - Two bronze turkey Lever, Fleshcrton. - Yorkshire Sow, due •C. Monaghan, Flesh- 1. FOR S.A.LE â€" Business, your op- portunity now to buy out meat mark- et, $1500 cash and carry. â€" Sydney FARM FOR SALE 200 acre farm in the township ol Osprey, 100 acres under cultivation remainder good pasture a-nd excellent bush; frame bank barn, with harl water, fine spring creek; frame houses v.ith hard and soft water. â€" JAS. McKENZIE, Phone. FEVERSHAM. FOR SALE â€" GcoJ wagon, 2 1-2 inch tire, nicdi-jm height, or would exchange for young colt. â€" John Parker, Proton R. R. - Icrcro JohnE'.o:-, li^-s ler. I r Inier â€" L!:y'l \"z * -^T.-scrt cv; :.7r mr cant. C. ::. LITTLE JOHNS, To: day. .Mlonda:::: IN MEMORIAM ^♦♦•:~M^*^"<^t<'<^'?^*«<'«<^~x«<~C'*«*«*^^^>^^><^ :~:~>.:«>.x-:">'>'>«'>-M' [r. lovlr-r ricmory o^ our Dear Father ,1" 1 Ilu-^bin' Malcolm McDonald, wh.- i:a!.';ed (o the Great Beyond on Fcbrusry T-th, 1928. â€" 2adly Missed by Family. v.-rit". without an intorvsnlion of a;Smylhe, Lcr.don, Or.t â- â€¢ecciving operator, sinu!lt.ineou'-:y Ir many newspaper office? throaghou: the continent. Afterwards the naws coming in this way is edited and hczC- ings put on and sent by automatic tubes to the composing room, v.horc it is sot on linotye machine"! and xln- ally find.s its v/ay to the presses to be printed as the regular daily edit- ion. It is indeed a:i cdu:ation to viev.- a modern ne-^vspapcr phnt in fuii working order. Everything apparent- ly goes .Tlorg smoothely, like well oil- ed machine-ry; but no doubt the troub- les of a country weekly are infinises- inial compared to a largo city daily. FARM FOR SALE rORTLAV*' SCHOOL REPORT :>Iildrec' 1f« mgaui>'&aM)jg THE STORE WITH ^ITHlT SERVICE <ki F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario r OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY February Sale of Rubbers This is Rubber Footwear Week and the savings are worth while. The bcEt manufacturers arc represented, as Miner's- Goodench and other good n-mes. Below is a partial list rep-resentins v/onderful valuss. La-lic'.' Bbck Wed Galosl^s:â€" $1.43 'â-  ;!;;; I: •; y^ â- '. 1 -vj ^'i l-aiv of f>;-^ qusU'y < .' '•"-. Ab'.'<' toly gaarn.ee!. H;;,; iar v;-. • i-i' f la", on rrI; *'• '• .•.:. .l"!- line cf 4 burklc gaio^hei at $1.95. .-V ic:nailai)!e ; urrhasa n-.akes the above price pos- sible on thcHC hight grade galoshes. Regular Prl:e |3.00 During our Big Rubber Sale $1.C5 Boy's Galoshes for $1.39 Tlii; price represents 10 pairs of cKtr.i hi^ii grade Ri.lcsh. Note tha price is very liltio higher than over rubbers, sizen 1 to 5. Regular Value $I.!B. During Iho Sale $1.33 Another line of boy's size-,, 1 to 6, regular $2X0 ' Cn sale for only S'-'i^'-' Youth's 2 buckle, sizes 11 to 13, regular $1.0 i. Special during the nrjle $!.5D Misses and Children's Galoshes At the following prices no child need bo without good v/avm winter footwear. Missca 3 ouckle black galoshes, fizos 11-2, Regular $1.9.1 to $2.25. Spec'al nl only 81.69 Children's th.-ce buckle, black galoshes. hImb to 10 1-2. A few pair regularly sold at $l.fi.i to $2.00. Kale price only $l.'iJ Men's Extra Heavy Wool Galoshes or Overshoes One buckle height, regular $1.05. On sr'; for only Sl.Stt Two buckle, sirc5 C-12, regular §2.35. Spec- ial sale price •••-••• '• •* Men's Th-.-e.> bujkle, regular $2.35. Sale .' â-  , %\:iT' pr'.cc, only , , Men's four buckle, regular $3.50 to §3.75. -... our Big Rubber Sale only 52.i- NOTE: Above lines arc all new lasts made to fit any shoe. 7 lace hole Snag Proof Rubbers 2r, puir high grade, size to 12, regulai- v:.:- ue $3.4.5. Sale Price $2.SJ A few pairs at only *^-"-' Another line regularly sold at $3.00 On Sa:^ . I I $2.»j ° Boy's Snag Proof Rubbers, in grades similiav to that of the men's. 10 ."air of the higli grade, sizes 1-5, regularly §2.75. Sale P"^*' «"jj af this time ;•â- â€¢â€¢ ; •... 10 pair, sizes 1 to B, sold regularly at $2.-... Sale price during the rubber sale ............ §t.89 Size 11 to 13, regular $'2.10, Sale Pncc $1.43 Special Prices on Boots & O'shoes Mens' th tascll regularly at §1 to $1.15, sizc3 C-12, On Sale ot ^''â- '• Women'n sizes, 2 1-2 tot 8, to fit any shoe, regular valuo 95cla. On Sale only eOc'-s- Boy's heavy weight or finer grade, regular value 90 to 98cts. Special Sale Price 73ct8. Misses sizes, 11 ti 2. Regular value 70 la SOcts Special price during (he Rubber Sale Only i ^=^'^"- Sr. -i â€" P.olit. Sheardcvn, Bo",:r, Grace llopns. Jc. .1 â€" Mary Sheardown, Dorothy Badgercv/, Clara Boyco. .Sr. .•? â€" Wilbc.t Fisher, Delbcr: Fisher, Bert Hopps, Clifford Taylor. .Ir. 3 â€" Bobbie Mrldrum. John Blakey, Herb Blakey. John Skin-c.- 2pd â€" Vcrn McMullen. 1st â€" Grace Jamiecion, Roy Char 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6, Osprey, situated on County road no. 52, IGO acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush. , . J , , First class grain farm, well fenced, v.ould marc(^ gDod feed for sheep cr , ^arn 48x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- $10 per ton. - A. C. Muir, j g^t stables, blacksmith skop, garage and work shop, 10 roomed cement FOR SALE â€" 17 breeiin- ewes, o.;e â-  b'ccked house, nearly new, goo* cow, supposed to freshen last of May, i^'^^^^n, telephone, well and -wind mill FOR SALE â€" Sweet Clover Hulis, ( ould cattle. Ceylon, Ontario. also a yearling Polled Angus gradi bull. â€" Peter Muir, Ceylon, 'Phone 22 ring 2. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" House and three lots, in the v-il'apc of Fovcrsham. Frame stable and gooi". well. For prticulars ap.oly on the prcr/.'.^es. â€" R. .\lexando:-, Fe-.-;r- sham. water piped to tha barn, 60 rod* f-om school. Priced reasonable. E. C. PEDLAR, SING HAMPTON, R. R. 1. 'Phone Fevcrsham 1 r 2-y. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB FOR SALE ton, sacks included; Western Wheat $34.50 per ton; Salt, 75c. per 106 lbs., $2.35 per bbl.. Flour $2.15 per bag; Highest prices paid for grain. â€" A. C. » Muir, Ceylon, 'Phone 38 r 3. Registered ."^^horthorn bull for aer- - vice at lot 5, Ccn. 9, Osprey, "Merry Oat chop, $28 per Marquis" No. 170,135; Sire, Bonnie Marqnis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131.078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. grades $2.00. Cows ..not returne* will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eiigeni*. man. Primer Pcdki". BernicG Plantt, Mariorle â€" M. Johnston, Teacher. S. S. NO. 11, ARTEMESIA Sr War Jr 4 â€" Gordon Pattc-.-son, Kath'.ec:-. ng, Dorothy Halbert, ab;cTit. 3 â€" Violet Fit=3immons, Lloyd Boland, Mitchell Taylor, John B>land. Pr. 2 â€" Wilma Cargcc. J.-. 2 â€" Elta Cargoe, Ili'.li-xni Fitzfimmons, Allan Taylor, Wiliii Bowles, Carman Sewcll. 1st â€" Archie Graham. Pr. Sr. â€" Bernico Ilarbottlc. Jr. Pr. â€" Laurcnc Baker, Phesa McLean, Jean Wyville, Ralph Fi^z- simmons. ETHEL THOMPSON, Tea;hr:- MISCELLANEOUS WANTED â€" Set of double driving harn ess.â€" Cecil Betta, Flcsherton. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- days and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, Ont. MIDDLE ERO & BURNS Barristers, titc Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham- and Flcsherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evenir.". PUBLIC NOTICE. All parties arc hereby notified that all trespassers on lots 24, 9th Con.,' 15, 16 and 17, cn South street nortn lots 15, 16 and 17, on St. Arnaud st., | south, and lots 18 and 19, on RagT;\.i } street. Eugenia, -will positively be pro recuted. â€"3. H. DUCKETT. FARM FOR SALE LAST WEEK'S CZXSATION I F.T. HILL & Co., Limled, Markdale The only real sen;aM;n wo noticd in town last week wrs tlio 'x: Mail: Wilson's butcher hci;c rr.n sv.-uy and camo toarinj; up Ihi street u. -uil speed. But the px.iy Uildnji pity on us, and. rcali'zing that too much ex- citement is not a good thin.c', did no damage. The animal kncv.' where it was going, and stopped moment -.i-i'iy in front of the r,hop, but finally de- cided to go on to the stable where it was easily captured and returned to work. â€" Durham Chronicle. Lot \V1 and 193, Con. 1, Proton township, S. W. of Highway no. 10, 300 acres of which 15 is already tloared and workable, good build- irgs. ROBT. R. LEE, PROTON STATION, riione Dundalk 83 r 31. FAR.M FOR RENT GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fir the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamtccd Dates made at The Advance offlc*. BULL FOR SERVICE Administrator's Sale Estate Lot 26, Con. 8., Artemcsia, 100 ac- res, 25 acres seeded to timothy and alfalfa, about 35 unde.- cultivation, remainder good pasture. Pavtio.-! wishing to rent communicate with '^'leo. Cairns, 'phono 44 r 13, Flesh- erton. For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- eniesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Ternis:-$2 if paid before January 1921), otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. BUSINESS CARDS BOAR FOR SERVICE The Administrator ot the of Ella Gibson, late of the village Club of Fleshcrton, deceased, will sell by public auction at the residence of the said deceased of the village of Flesh- crton on the 16th day of February, I A.D., 1U29, at the hour of two o'clock I in the afternoon the following housc- \ hold goods and chattels. j Walnut Dresser and stand, Wn":- I nut bedstead. Cable Springs, Bed Room Dishes, Surface Oak Dresser, i and stand, three white iron bedsteads, I complete with gpring3 and mattresses, chest drawers, coal heater. 3 small tablej. settee and two chairs, one arm chair, three rocking chairs, kitchen .^tovc, quantity of pictures, sideboard, j kitchen tabic, extension table, oxten- I sicn dining room table, couch, wash- l ing machine and wringer ,linoleiim» and carpets, electric iron and fixture' Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice â€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto and Royal College of Dental Scrgeona of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flcsherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. & A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Fleshcrton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. \f. G. Watson, W. M., C. P Lawrence, Secretary Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucaa Block, Phone 2. Branch offices a* Dundalk and Durham. DOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for •er> vice by Flcsherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Afrieoltara. â€" C. STEWART. CareUker. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, aollw citors, etc, Offices Grey and BnK» Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays.) W. V. Telford, Jr., J. p. ?. Bimle. FAR.M FOR SALE. 1^ Lots 174 and 175, Township of Ar- temesia, known as the Matthew Guy, Orr farm. Apply to Executor A. Cameron or Joseph or J. W. Orr on box stove and pines wash tub and boil-.,,, property. ^ j»4.<u&^-^A I er, Sinxer sewing machine, in good *- ' • v^. â- .-iti-firA.. ' .. ' . a^ . ^a Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simeoe. Farm and stock sales a â- pwiaKy. Terms moderate, satisfaction ftiar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, FeTerskanw or by addressing me at Fevmhaa. »#*BilltflW«**-^

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