Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1929, p. 6

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-TXT- jaUrf •. iAf-JJOL. ssrar 'f • <« l=. i 1 1 Bulwark of $100,000,000 Protects Sun Life Investments LIMERICK CORNER Joyous Jingles By Gifted Rhymslers worship and the purity of the faith. Kriim 12-lG Paul (ie8cril)es the olject which Christ had in mind when he fi.undi'.l these diflferent ministries. ,, , . , , ., .. I • ^< ^ â-  ^ r II I. < They I'liltill their mission in so far I Hundreds of contributions are rejicninu u.s that just tail short ' „^ ti^^j. a,,, j,},)^. t,, build up a .stroKsr ,, . r- • 1 u I.- f r^,^^=«„ n;oo..uo«J U« of requhemenis either in rhyme, rvthm or fxpre.^sion, but we hope character and a tirm faith in those Unique- Financial Position of Company Uiacussed by ^^^^ ^^j^^ ^,^^,^ j..^.,^^ ^^ j.,^^. ^^j,, ^^^ ,^^, rfisn>i,raged, but like the ^vh.. are con^mittc-d to their <;«-•« Paul President Macaulay in Annual Address historic soider will trv aeain conoUides with the statement that all, nisiuiiL npiuLr win iiy a^diii. ^ ministers and people, are inember.s of Mouiiecil. Fel>, Hâ€" The phenomenal growth and suecess of the Sun Lite Strive for originality in the idea l)ehind the limerick as well Assurance Company ot Canada lendu widespread Interest each year to the ^^ j^ ^jj m;n,nef (,f I'xpre.SSion annual address of llie President, Mr. T. B. Macaulay " . i* . . . Heintzmar Pianos [I youni^: lady named The annual ninotlng, which has Just been hi'ld, disclosed a contluiiatlon or this I'xpansion, but it was more noteworthy still for an nrtnounceinent, almost stcriTiug in character, by Mr. Macaulay re^uiUing the llnanclal Btrength of the Company, lie iuaied that so carefully had tlio directors autlcipatud every ' There was l>ossihle adverse contingency in the money market that oven a panic which Anna, would reduce the value of the assets by one hundred millions of dollars would \yjjQ wauled to have a plunu, still leave untouched and unimpaired the bhown surplus and reserves of the . yj^j^j jj^. jj^ jj j^ ^y^^^^ Coiiipai.y. • I I ' ,Mr. Macaulay dwelt as well in a most interesting and ilUiinlnating man- ner upon the relative merits of the varied securities In which iitsiirancc com- panlHS invest their funds, and of how traditional views on Investmint have altered owing to the clianyed conditions of modern business. Ho said In part. The following are a few of la.sl >veelv"s winners: â€" No otlicr will do Hut a lU'iutznian Upright foi our Anna. MRS. n. .M. T.\VIA>U, Nipawln, riask. ".\ mere statement of the Increases No Manic In 'Bond' over the flgures of the previous year | 'Con.sliler mortgages. What com-j Purity Flour Is impressive. In income the Increase pauy has not suffered losses, and i t,. ._„ ^,_ „,, ,,,,. ,.,,,.. ,,„,„„, i is J41,972,onn: in assets $87,650,000; In sometimes very heavy losses, on Its i"^"^** 1^ " ^ surplus IS.lST.iXlo; In new assurances ; mortgage Investments? As to bonds,' io«er, $112,836,000; and In total In force .some people seem to consider that i ^^ "o "'ways used I uiity Hour; J4OS.925.O0u. A company with total ' there Is magic security in the label i She declared the day long business equal to these increases bond'. This ijopular belief Is not. To be healthy and strong •would be a laiKe and powerful Institu-, .supported by experience. The sur- 1 Eat bread mudo of Purity Klour. MUK. IIIOMIY COULTH.MtD, K.lt. No. 1, Hugeiiia, Out. tlon. It Is but, three years since wo plus earnings and margins of many rejoiced at passing the milestone of ; lonipanies, over and above the divl- $l,000.00(i,eO(i of assurance In force, ' dend requirements of their stocks, and vet already we are nearing $2,000.- ! are much greater than the surplus p«„:,i v, « 000,000, whll« at this moment our as- ' earned by other companies in excess „ f! •„, unn.an nnm,.H Bets exceed l-HUjnooOOO "' the interest requirements of their There was a faim woman named "But there 'is anothrr feature even l'»nds. Few experienced lluauciersi Mary, more striking and important. Advance ^'"'"''1 «'"'â- Â» "^a' »''« '""»'« usually i Whose bread was as ligtit as a figures indicate that the increase over i offered are safer than, or even as safe I the previoufl year la the new business written by ihf conibiued life cora- Ijanles of the contlneut was approxi- mately 8 per cent., and the Increase In the combined total In force approxl- liiat«ly 9 per cent. Against these per- t-entages let me place the figures of the Sun Life: ur new assurances Increas- ed 34 per cent., while our total in force Increased 27 per cent. 'I need not further emphasize the rapid expansion of our business. It Is liut a continuation, though in acceler- ating degrnH, of our normal condition. That the Company Is extraordinarily popular with the insuring public Is evi- <lent. But people will hardly k ow so as, stock of such companies as the i Montreal, Light, Heat & Power, American Telephone and Telegraph, Commonwealth Kdlson, and many others 1 could name. The payment of the Interest on the bouds is cer- tainly no more sure than the pay- ment of the dividends on the stocks. In the very unlikely ev nt of the divi- dend on any such choice stock being ' 'j'ijg,.e reduced, it would he certain to be j fairy; When asked to explain. She replied, "It, Is plain Royal Yeast Calies your worries will bury." MRS. T GKNOE, Ceylon, Out. Wrlflley's Gum once was a boy found a tar more than offset by Increases in the divlden<Is on others. Our own average interest rate has been steadily mounting year after year, due solely to increas'ed dividends and bonuses recelve<l on our stocks be- yond the rates payable on those pronoiiBced a prefurenco without rea- stocks purchased by us in 192.1; the eon. That roason unquestionably Is actual cash yield from these In 1928 the great strength ot the Company. ' represented a return of 2.38 per cent, and its unusual protlt-earnlns power. ; on the purcha.se price greater than Tho earnings announced in tbe report j the dividends payable on these stocks are slightly In excess of $40,000,000; | at the time of purchase, while the penny. Who being a Scotty was canny, So he bought Wrlgley's Gum And he said, "Oh yum yum! [ knew this was better thaii any." ELSIE ROBINSON, Box 7G, Proscott, Ont. Red Rose Tea Said a sprightly o'd man in Toronto, 'I drink all the tea that I want to. As I've drunk but lied Rose l)ut it is clearly Intluuitcd that had we i average value of tho rights and | I've not got a rod noseâ€" ileslred to do so Wg could have taken j bonuses^ received during tho inter- ; wife, put on tho teakettle pronto." credit for a much larger amount. We i ^'L'n'nB Ave years has amounted to a however follow our usual conserva-I f'"'*'"*''' -"S per cent, per annum, live policy. We always have before I The Bill Before Parliament onr minds tho possibility ot a '.cslness j "I will now say a few words about depression, which might occasion i the Bill we have before I'arliament. heavy shrinkage In market values of j There has been so much mlsunder- 4ll classes ot securities. Mortgage .standing and misrepresentation about securities may at such a lime become ] it that 1 think you would like a plain MRS. H. W. Stevinson, • Maclcod, Alta. Salada Tea A mat lull Willi llvvs in Nevada, itecDnimeiid.s very highl.v "Salada". ('Dine friends wiien you can To taste m.v .lapan, My (Uilectable (Jreeii Tea, Kalatla. .MRS. II li. KLKTCllKlt, Pai.^ley, Unt. Big Ben Tobacco Tlieie lived on tlii: i.sland of Tliacker, A Jolly (ilii farmer iiiinied Packer, Who said with a smile, "The 'Weed' that's worth while Is a iduK i.f this Big Ben 'Tobac; eer'." M1.S.S MOLLIK PATTEUSO.N, Blenheim, Ont. Royal Purple There wa.s an old woman at Shoos- ter. And siie had a very sick rooster; itoyal I'urpl*-. she fed. And she smiled and she '.said, "iS'ow ho crows again just like he u.se 'ter." •MRS. \\ ARD Bl'LLER, BR. 3, Hidgetowii, Ont. Cuticura A flapper neglected her duty To her skin â€" .so she lost all her lieauty, Although all those pimples Detract from her dimples Cuticura will cure herâ€" poor cutie! -MRS. IirUST, Buckingham, Que. Williams' Pink Pills Tliero was a y.punj; Toller ilamod Tilly. Wild liec;inii' white and frail as a Illy, Took Williams" Pink Pills, Wliii'h cnred all her lll.s. And now she's as gay as a filly. MI.SS KTHKl, M.-KEI,LAR, Belmont, Out. tho hod;' of Christ, and each has his part in "the making of the church totally unsalable but that fact Is not ] statement of the fact J)ateut; whUe every fluctuation In the' "The original Charter, granted in prices at which slocks and bonds can 1 1S65, authorized the Company's capi- he turned into iiumediato cash Is tal at 14,000,000. An amending Act quoted on the Stock Exchange. Securities Heavily Undervalued â-  I have decided to take our policy- lioiders into our contidonce In the most complete way, so that they may realize Ijow fully our directors have the original authorization was unaf provided against any contingency of his kind. You will notice that we Bay that the values ijnoted are those Ijiven by tho government department or lower. There Is much in those mean Mrs. T. Genoe. No decision has been reached as to wiieu tlie con- test will be closed. Compare care- fully the rylhin of the limerick with which yiu won a prize with passed in 1871 contained a .somewhat I "'« ""^^^ """^ ''"" ^"' ^"^ J"*" ambiguous clause, which has been in- ' where they fall short, terpretcrl In some qiiartcrs as limiting I liie capital to $2,000,000. Vivn emi- , nent legal authorities to whom wo | ubinitled the question assuru us that two words. They mean that the | 'uereased vahiea given in the report are ap- proximately $(12,500,000 less than the actual cnneut values ot those securl ties on the Exchanges. Thou we have the additional deduction from market values ot $20,000,000, referred to in the report, and also the special eoiiiingency reserve of $12,5oO,000. Theie itenm total $:i,"i,000,00r), and our fected by that amendment, but ail- vlsed us that it would lie well to have the matter put beyond doubt by u brief clarifying Act of Pariiamwut "We do not ask that tho capital lie wo merely ask that our Mrs. T. Neal. Sorry we cannot return any llmerii ks ibmilted as they are not kept. 'I'lieiv !- pleiiiy of enjoymr'iit for the whole family if ail join la the tun of writing Linierick.s. .Viiy nationally advertised article â-¡r service found In this or any previous issues of this paper may be madq the subject of a limerick. One dollar will be sent for every Limerick aecepted. (live name and address and name of this paper. Write: Limerick Editor, Associ- ated I'uhlishers, Rooms -lil-J, 73 Aileliiide St. West, Toronto, 2. 1 11. right lo issue stock up to the amount originally authorized be freed from legal ainliigulty by a simple declara- tory clause. "But wliy do w^e require a lar;;er capital tliaii tho present $2,000,000'/ "t'hiefly lor two reasons: "(1) Because the present capit.d I is manifestly out ot all proportion' Jinlised assotrl and nilK-r margins''" the magnitude ot tiie Company's] raise llie amount to U')0,000,000. ! operations. It is absurd that a Com-i "This meaits that tlie market values , I'-iny. whose assets are already $')00,- [ of our iieenrities could shrink by; 000,000, should be controlled liy a] $10l),()00,ouo without reducing our capital of $2,000,000. ' surplus by one dollar. Such a shiink- "(2) Because we wish to ensure.'^ nge 1,^ ot course ahnost inconceivable. |t'"tt 'bis great Company shall never! I Indeed doubt wry much If even Ihei'i'" '"to undesirable hands. We can- «aiastrophe ot another world war '">' alter tho status of our existing could produce ko diastic a depre.!- ahares, hut we can Impose restrictions Hion. Supposing it did, wo would r.tlll on the transfca' of tlie new shares liave iiilai I our undivided i-urpiiis of i ^^bich will be an etlectual .safeguard. Sunday School Lesson rai; 'iiiAciuNc; of i",\fi, on thk •CHURCH, Kphesians 1: 22, 23; •1: 4-(!, ll-ltj. Wlieii we j;ass from the Gospels to ' the Epistles, we are slruck by the fact jlluit we do not hear nearly so much I about the kingdom of liod, whereas the word "church," which is found ~â€" I only 'iwicc in the tioapels, is a comnum The Christian ! ''^^'â- "' '" Piiul's writings. It would «ither llnaiKlal corporation which has its assets so piofecled. I Imagine we are more likely to be told that we have been too conseivatlve; if so, that is a criticism we must endure. Oui- safely margins may p(;rhaps be unnecessarily large, but safely ust be our paramount consiileratlon; and If. as we confl<lently aiiiii ipatc', the margins prove not lo be reiiuired, they will In flmo be available for dis- tribution among mii policyholders. And what possibilities for <jur policy- Jiolders do these murgiiis repiesent! Investment Provisions "If may be timely to suminarize briedy tht' provision ot our law. T ey permit Investments In: â€" flrat, mortgages (up to sixty per cent, of Ihe appraised value); governnienl and miiniilpal bonds; lorporatioii bonds secured by morlgage; pre- ferred slocks of loriioratlons which have paid divlilends tor tli« precedlnc. Jlvo years; and eommeii stocks of corporations whicli have paid divl dend.i fur the pieeeding teveii years, HUi h dividends Iwlng not less than four pRr Cent, per nnnum or $.'>OI).00(t per aiiniim in ainiuiiit. These pro visions avoid tho exirome both of unwise freedom and of harmful re- Hlrlctlon. To my mind they :iro alinoHt ideal. "Our list of assets sliou.s lli.it we own BedirllleK ot larg)) amount In all elasses authorize<l by the Act. "Kor a very cousldeiable i^arl of Invest mcnts March 3. Lesson IX .. _ _. Church -Mark 4: 26-32: Eph. 1: 22, "l'l>i;".l- "â- * 'f the church now replaced 23; 4: 3.6, 11-16. Golden Text-So ^^ kingdom. Pauls doctrine on the ' . . ' .... ctiurch i.s an iniODttant part of his we, being n.any, are one body in ^,,^i^,„, „„a (^ unfolded verv clearlv Christ.â€" Romans 12: 5. !(„ Epheaians. ANALYSIS 1 th. 1: 22, 23. These are the con- j eluding ver.se.s of the tirst prayer of Ephesians, in which Paul Ls makin^r I intercession for his readers; and it is 11. TUK 'iKAClll.NG OF PAl L OS TllU all sumiiicd up in the desire that they C'ULHCll, Ephesians 1: 22, SJ; may know Christ in nil his jrloiy and 4: 4-C, il-ll). I power. Now among the various cle- I X, ,„...,>.,,.„, . ., Ti /•! â-  ,• 'iiients ill Christ's authority is his rule ^I N 'f K 1) U C T 1 o N- j;i.e Chr.ilian „^.^,. i,,^, pj,urch. which is described as .t'lo body of Christ. This strilcirj.r li;^- uuring of all the institutions of the lire is a1.so found in 1 Cor. chap. 12, THK riuoincno.NS oi' jKsuti, Mark 4: 20-32. over ?.'i4,000,0»0. We are hardly likely, ! ""• has been said that sucii an ' Churdi is the most imposinij and en- ' I'le body of Christ I think, lo be criticized for buk of , IncrtaKe would divert from the' conservatism. I do iiig to them. This Is the exact oppo- site of the truth. , , â€" -- - ,„ â-  VVe notice that < hnst is de. cnbrd as the head of the body. The mind (untrids the l>odv, but the bodv is the forth - ' ( ... It .,1 II n^ . ." . .MMliUK Vk (Hi tilt lUOLlkUklUllS VX. HIV U IV IS not know any Policyholders jnonts properly belong- , ^^^^.^^ j^ j^.,^ ^^^^,.^.^j ,^,^,^,y ^^ the S"'! it is meant te brinfj out many empires of the earth. It is a divine ''"'-''' coiicerniuK the church. "Tho Insurance Act allows slock- ' '"=='•''•"''"". huvlnj^ been founded by holders lo receive ten per cent, of j C hrisl; and wo have his promise Ihal the protlls distributed from the par-' Ihe gates of tlealli will not prevail ticipaling branch. Our slockholdeis '"i^ainst it. it is true that many evils necessary means for showin long ago reduced thidr share to live i have disligured the history of the tho desire of the mind and for cxecut- per cent. All our conliacts for thirty church and many unhappy divisions : '"^' '''*^ 'â- *'"*'''^'^''' <'' t"" ^^â- '"- 1'hus the years piist have been made on the still exist, but yet it remains as the church is the orj^in for the expression agreement that the partii Ipating pel- ' greatest helper of man ii all his "^ the mmd of Christ, in the church Icyholders shall receive ninety-live per i moral and spiritual aspirations. ^^â- '•' )'"^'' ""^' '""^^ convincing witness cent, of tiiese nnillts iinil fti-it I'liriit . • I" the truth and spirit of .lesus. I'aul pioiiis, and that ilUiili_ ^^^^. ^.^,^^,^^,.,^^^^ ^, ^^^^^^ ji^,^ 4; ^,„^,^ „,,( ,,„,,.,., ^,/j,,^ ^^ ^ ^,,^ ^,,^„.^,j^ 26-32. pidflls, and that right any of our members could enforco in any court of law." Druggists Observe Buckley's Cough Mixture Week was ongnia'.ly f uinded by Christ, but V. 20. This parable is found only''i' '» convinced that Christ .sti lives in Murk, unless it ia to be regarded , »'"1 "'"^â- 'â- â- - '" *'i^' church. It is his as part of tho parable of the tares, . '''^'^'V- Malt. 3: 24. It is one of many drawn | Chap. 4: 4-1'.. The next quality of The week of February 28tli to March i''"ui agrioulture, tlie chief occupation 1 the churcli illustrated by the body is (itli Is being observed by tho retail I "^ ^^^ '"'"^ "I- tsfuel. its unity, and in these verses we have druggists of Canada as "Buckley's V. 27. When tlio sower <ioc.- l:is work )\''"^'"e, ''"'i'"^- ^^'T'''," ""'".''^ *','" Cough Mixture Week." he has to wait and allow the secret "'^ '''"''';''• '^'^ '" ''^' ^'''-j^^''-^:"' "'='' 'PI,! .(It . . I, ...,.,.« nf .,ut,.,..> t.> „.,,..... „ .ui;. none of these is concerned with out- This week has been arranged by the! "â- <â- Â«Â« "' "«t"'« '0 cairy on thUr. ^^,.,, ,„,^,,„i,.„ti„„_ ,„ „,„, ,ve cannot Retail Merchants' Association of , ""?,'*":',",• „„ . , . ..! Ihink that the Roman Catholic claim • •anada and tho Provincial Boards of) ^- r«' I'h'ee stages in ^Ite grovjth the Itetail Merchants' Association i„ I "'â- ".«'^^"', ""-' '''"<''••' ';''«,';"'•. t''« f"" ,^1.. uin.-i ..in.-iiiiianiiii, in „,.m„ 'j.),|.^ represents tho progress co-operation with Messrs. W. K.' Sf the religious life, and some one has Buckley Llmlled, tho iiianutacturers. n:a.le tho following application. First 'Ihis product has been on tho marliel j are the happy days oC conversion for many years and becaiiso ot Its ' when the young heart surren<lers rapidly Increasing favor with Cana- iti^eif to .Jesus; second, the period of tliaiis during tho last few veura, "Tiie ''''"' ""'' doubt which sometimes fol- Wock" Is being featured "thi.i season '"^' ""'' "'''''• '-''^' "t'» of truh, when lo focus additional attention on this fssurance has returned, and faith and tine cough remedy | '"'P? "''' '""'"'y ""«** "> ^^^ a"*^ his - J^ ,v W'^dncs.i. I'lay after play 'has failed In Now! V. 2l>. Christ is the sower. IIo will is correct vhich tiaches that there can be no membership in Christ's church unless we are within that organization. Church unity does not consist of tiny outwai'd form, but all the attributes here mentioned arc spiritual anil mental. They all deal with the faith of the heart. There ir.ay be great diversity in outward forms, but if there is agreement on the Ri-eal* essentials of faith, there maj- lie real unity. The supremo de- mand mrtffb on all of ua is to see that wo show forth the spirit of love and Good Natured Gossip Tlio squire's pretty young daughter, accompanied by the new curate, was examining the children of the village school. "Now, childien," she began, "can you tell me what a miracle hV There w as no answer for a moment, and she was about to repeat the ques- tion when a little maiden held up her hand. â€" ^ "Well. Nellie," said thfe squire's (laughter encouragingly, "tell the class what a uiitacle is." "Please, miss," th; little girl replied, "mother .says it'll be a niirack if you don't itiarry the new curate!" Just Another Day It was little Lucy's lirst ride in a railway train, and tlie succession of wonders had reduced her to a state ot hysterical astonishment. Suddenly the train rounded a bend and, with a piercing shriek from the whistle, entered a tunnel. There were gasps of surprise from the corner where Utile Lucy knelt on her seat with her face pressed close to the window. A few seconds later tho train rushed into brt^ad daylight oiico again. Tills proved too much for the child. "Daddle." she cried at the top ot lier shrill little voice â€" "daddle, il's to- morrow!" A Local Directory After several months of ardent courtship the young man found his advances coldly rejected, and he took it very badly. "If you were to look on my heart A FOR SCHOOL HOURS A patterned wool jersey, whose smartness is instantly recognized in flaring sides of skirt, achieved through shirring at hips. The attractive turn- over collar, tarn-back flareu cuffs and applied band at cer.tre-f ront of blouse, are of plain jersey. .Stylo No. 379 is designed in sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. It is also effective In navy blue wool crepe, with bright red pro.'-grain rib- bon pleated to trim collar, band and cuffs. Printed sateen, plain jer.«ey, wool challis, Mghtweight tweed, line.n, chambray and velveteen also suitabl*. Pattern price 20e in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin care- fully. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address pi>dn- he pleaded, "you'd find vour name en-ny, giving number and size of such graved on it in imperishable charac- Patterns as you want. Enclose 20e m stamps or coin (com preferred; wrap ters." But the girl was no( a bit Impressed. She knew thai he had proposed to every girl in the district at least once during the ten years he had lived there. "Rally," she drawled ; "then you must have a heart like a,Jocal direc- tory by now." A GHOST OF APIECE Land Lady. Don't you think tliia pie has a really haunting flavor? Boarder: It sure hasâ€" mine Is a mere ghost of a piece of pie. Fads that are not frankly laced have a habit ot stabbing us In tho back.â€" Sir Harold Bowden. it carefully) for each number and addre-..« yc'ur order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 V.'cst Adelaide St., Toronto,i Patterns sent by an early mail. â-  - <f More Than Enough When a worried-looking man pres- euted himself in the claims depart- mcut of an insurance comoary and a-.iked for setllcmeut of a fire insur- ance claim, the clerk asked a lot ot (luestlons. "No, uot much damage," remarked the worried one â€" "only a door burnt " "How much do you think a now door would cost. When did the fire occur'.'" ".\bout eight vears ago,'' was the answer to the 'ast (iu-:.stion. "Eight yegrs?'' echoed the cleric. "And you've been all this time mak- ing a claim. Why?" "Well," replied the claimaut, "my wife has been at nie ever Bince it was burnt, and I couldn't stand It any longer." "♦â- - Du.hig my church (inestion period over tho radio Sunday night, I have A "seer" says 1929 will bo a fort- unate year for females, thus niakhis the tenth year ot that kind sluce 191S. Bill: "What's your brother suffei'. oin- InveNtmcnts we must, conse- 1. - - -â- â-  1 , , ., r , 1 â-  . â-  inontlv, look lo tho.so rlas.sea of coml^'"''' l'''8 season. People just can't!?'?** retufn as. the reaper. In the brotherhood. mon str.cks which are authorized by get a thrill out of Ihe same old cuasi l" '^'"v Jl® '*". ' " ' ""â- >*'i'n. ''Si'i'ies j Vs. 11-16. Bui yd organization is "ur Caiia<ll«n Act. Foituuaiely.when 1 words j t()rward the work. ^ ^^ ] necessary, and wo know that from the the same degree of lare as Is necef «.,.,• â-  .. ,_ _ . :^ary for nafely in K"tectliig mortgages and lioiidK Is applied I6 tlic> seleclloii ot roninioii stocks, esiiedally wltblii the conservallve limllK laid down by (he Act, these n-iected serurlties are, Jn the jiidgmeiii and evpeilenre ot th's thoughtful and well-informed, among the ehoicvxl and safeiit of all forward the work , , V. 81, In this second parable we 1 first Pfl'iil appointed elders ill the Tho largest piece of ivory in tho ^*^^ " further illustration of the churches which ha formed. In these World has been found la Alaska and Kreat faith which .lesus had in the verses It is to bo noticed that he first Is on Its way to Washington without *"'â- "';• "f his kingi'oin. lie saw quite nientlinna apostles and prophets, These being elected clearly thai the gesind \va lo bdl were likely concorneil with the entire ,j I preaerhed to the must distan. jinrts of jchurch and had no local office. They the earth. The small seed will become' were temporary, anil the apostle le- liad irreverent card players telephone lug from?" Phil: "Brain fever." in to ask how to play a certain poker . "Oh. I thought it was something serl- liand.â€" Rev. Christian K Ueisuer. 'ous." What Mussolini will do It he ever stops running Italy Is more than ive ^n ?, h Ln.hL Ti. ^li,- V.T •>•».,. .a ...^ >-" ...... ~ !,„„«, K,,, !,„ v.. 1« ij.,1 I. _ I., OJ* ''•â-  branches. Tho condition of the ln»*stme«t« and by f«i the most , f""''/ *'"''"»*'«•»'>*<'*«' •""Poaltlon church today i« the best justiftcati profltahlc and desliable. jjor_ the driver of a highway bus. of these predictions of Jeaui. a tree and all kinds of birds will rest ""W"' '-=<• authority directly from '^'- So nastors and teachers may h- n the local ministers, and V 'sponslbltt for the conduct of IF you ever have vhettmatism, lumbago or other iKiiiis that penetrate ro the very bones ami joiiUs, Aspirin oilers svtch quick relief, ami such complete comfort that it'.s folly to siitTer. Keep these tablets handy in the house ; and carry them in your pocket. Then you need nevet" siifTer long from any attack of neuralgia, neuritis, rhcumatiism, or from a bad headache. Aspirin i* always a marvelous antidote for all pain anil has no effect on the lieart. Proven directions for many valuable uses in every bo.x of genuine Aspirin. Every druggist has it H^IRIN it I A«(irin it » Tndemuk Rcfislcrcd in Ctnada

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