t i f Qenuine Westinghotise Electric Iron FREE Buy Big Ben by the Vacuum {air- iight) tin, which keeps the plugs in the same perfect condition as they wera when they left the factory. If your wife has always wanted a genuine West- inghouse Electric Iron, here is your opportunity to obtain a fine one for her, FREE. A "Poker Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco. Enjoy this rich, full-flavoured chewâ€" save only ten sets of "Poker Hands"â€" and the Electric Iron is yours. Chew BIG BEN and Save the ^^ Poker Hands'* Tailors Foresee Frequent Changes i in Men's Fashions To Prevent Breakage When Moving When packing cblna, glass or can* ned (rult {or moving. It Is wise to us« excelsior and dampen It well. Am . It dries It will shape itself to th« Will Keep Up With Women's »«'';'»» "•»'<:»» are encloBed, forming Styles, Is Prediction â€" a safe and solid framework. Color Harmony Urged Philadelphiaâ€" Carleton P. Scbaud, How to Fool the Rats An Ingenious way of catching rats Is AH follows: la setting the rat trap However, they are curious to know what is under the paper, and will soon find out. of St. Paul, Minn., was elected presl- '^''^ *"'•"'« *'^^"'^'' ^^^ covering of dent of the National Association of " "^^^^ "««"« »»»«â- â- • ^" "^ *°° Merchant Tailors at the closing ses- intelligent to walk into an open trap, slon of its annual convention here, i Chicago was chosen as next year's ; convention city. Raymond G. Twyeffort, of New York, chairman of the fashion board, said that the day may not be far off when there will be 83 frequent changes in fashions for men as there are to-day for women. "The American mau," he added, "is KEEP YOUR BABY HAPPY AND WELL awakening to the fact that this is the ' Every mother wishes her child or age of style, and he Is abandoning his children to be well and happy; to be indifference to clothes. In the gen- bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked boys and eral urge to enjoy the good things of S''"'^- ^'^ mother, though, can expect life he is seeking the luxury of fine ' ^^^ children to escape all the ills of clothes, beautifully tai'ored and care- ! babyhood and childhood, but she can Tbe world's finest young tea-buds ... Ripened undent tropical suns . . . Bursting with fulsome flavor. That's Re(| Rose Orange ^eko« .Tea^-cvery package guaranteed. ^i REDRpSE is good tea" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE Is extra zood British Working Boys Interested Many Employed Youths Show Desire to Come to Canada It is among the boys of the more I prosperous areas of Great Britain, Stars that science calls gaseous are solid enough to our present senses: one of them is 2.000 times as dense as the earth's densest metal, plati- num. Maybe they are just trying to move Salvation Army headquarters to the land tliat needs the most salvation. fully selected, which differentiates I ^° "'"'^'^ '° '^^'P ""''" ^S**' ^^* battle ^ where many of these lada hold good ; him from every other man ol the • *°'' ^^^^Ith. j jobs, that the keenest interest is ' street. j -A^H prudent mothers constantly shown in Canada and its opportunities "Men are realizing the-> Importance ' ^^^^ *' '^""'' ^^^ means of aiding for young settlers, rather than among of harmony In colors and harmony in ^^^^' ""'® *"'®^ '^'^^'^ sickness comes tjje distrecsed areas where hundreds dress. A man should take a hint! ^"'^'^®°'^~''^ '' generally does In the; qj jaas are on the unemployed regis- 1 from the ladies In the selection of - "*^® °' children. In every home where ter, and where the apathy towards op- , hats and should always wear a hat' ^^^'^^ "* '''^''"'^ """^ ^°""^ children P ATENIS Llut or Waiuea Inventions" ai)U [•"ull lnfoi-..iatiun Sent I're* on Re*ii:e.st THE SAMSAV CO.. Dept. VT. 873 Bank St.. Ottawa. Ont. that harmonizes with his suit. As to shoes, the well-dressed man should : have at least two dozen pairs. A 1 well dressed man with poor shoes : spoils the picture. "These suggestions, of course, are indicated tor the man of means, but it i should be emphasized that the finest! custom-made clothes are lucontest- ' I ably the least e.^tpensive even though } I a man buys but one suit a yea. be- ! cause choice of materials, superlative Baby's Own Tablets should be found. Read what Mrs. Mary Hill, Centre Dummer, Ont., says concerning these Tablets:â€" "I am the mother of six children and would not be without Baby's Own Tablets. They are a won- derful medicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus break up colds and simple fever, banish constipation and indigestion and allay the Irritation accompanying ! Box S7i N^ B-iI Orpu»ctor.., WhiM WT«*k-«(fc iZm SCI1WE51X«'5 HATCHERY i\o>:tiiamp>un Buffalo, N.Y. bbisq£3i;bq. ont.. cak. They are abso- Jews Flocking Into Palestine, Trade Reviving Warsaw Said to Have Waiting last of 1 0,000 Approved Candidates Jerusalem.â€" .\ftor a lull of nearly (two years there has been organized a ! large-scale Jewish iir.mieration into ! I What Will do When your Children Cry font There is hardly a household that hasn't heard of Castoria! At least live miUiou homes are never without It. If there are children In your family, there's almost daily need of its comfort. And any night may find you very thankful theres a bottle in the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved; or diarrhea checked. A vegetable pro- duct; a baljy remedy meant for young folks. Castoria is about the only thing you have ever heard doctors ad- Vise giving to Infants. Stronger medi- cines are dangerous to a tiny baby, however harmless they may be to grown-ups. Good old Castoria! Re- member the name, and remember to buy it. It may spare you a sleepless, ansioi^s night. It is always ready. Klways sate to use; la emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of the day or night that Baby Ijccomes 'fretful, or restless. Castoria was iliever more popular with mothers than It is to-day. Every druggist has it. Palestine and a fresh batch of 150 pioneers arrived toward the end of January in time to join their com- rades working on large Jewish plan- tations in Judea Their arrival is said by Zionist authorities here to bo proof that the economic depression which i set in toward the end of 19'26 is past! and that Palestine is entering a period I of e.\pansion which may equal the ! rapid development of the boom years preceding the crisis. j Permits for new immigrants were ^ obtained by the Zionist organization . toward the end of 1928, and immedi- ' ately afterward the Zionist offices of central eastern Europe began select- ing suitable candidates from long waiting lists. Ii\ some places, espe- cially Warsaw-, the number of appli- cants approved as fit for early immi- gration into Palestine is said to reach more than 10,000. ; Some 500 pioneers, or haluzig as they aro called in Hebrew, are expect- ed before the end of February, the first group of 'lO being from the train- 1 ing farms of Germany, Poland, Lithu- ania. Latvia. Galicia, Austria, Czecho- slovakia, all had quotas assigned them from Jerusalem. Although immigra-. tion was not actually suspended by law, there is only a very small triclcl-| ing of immigrants of the laboring class with no means of their own dur-l ing the time of depression. Prospective settlers with means are , at the same time subjected to very I severe control, and there have been loud complaints agait.st the policy of, the immigration authorities, which was said to d'vlde families as well as keep potential wealth out of the coun- j try. I The Jewish settlers' eagerness to adopt Palestine nationality is reflect- 1 ed in the 2,GTS certificates of natur- alization issued in the three months, ending December. The Government was obliged to increase the naturali-j zation staff and bring a special of fi- , cer to deal with the large accumula- tion of citizenship applications. workmanship and the touch and taste : t,,^ ^^„i „j ^.g,,, nmuTfTfe'''""" «»«^'^'i^t ^^"^ ^0 lutely safe and are pleasant to take. The Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Jlediciue Co., Brockville, Ont. iS .4 RESLLT OF FLU A Severe Sufferer Overcame This Trouble by Taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Xo ailment of , portunities for a new start in life in Canada has been very marked. I 1 This, according to Information, j reaching the Colonization Department of the Canadian National Railways in 1 Montreal is the experience of R. M. j Pym, who is the special representa- tive of the railway company In Bri- tain for the rerulting of juveniles for Canadian farms. ( During a lecture tour amon? the , . , [juvenile welfare centers of South 1 Toilet Preparations (tnal Wales, reports Mr. Pym, he had occa-' return mail. Dept. W. aion recently to address twenty-eight meetings of boys who were on the un- employment registers. The response to his appeal was practically nil. In marked contrast to this he reports that interviews held more recently n will The Chinook Spring comes early in southtrn Ore- gon and, beginning with the first days of February, those who dwell in the valleys are apt tj think of winter as recent years has ' P^st. The rains may not be over, be- rtfT^* In stamps or coins, ^^'^ bring you Five High-Class sizes^ by Chamberlain Laboratories TORONTO 1.31 Free Book About Cancer Tile InUianuMulis Caiicur llospKjl. tn- Cairdiff. Birmingham and Dover, were ' Ulunapoiis. Indiana, has publiaheU a . , , , , . ' , booklet which gives Inierestlny facts attended by large numbers of lads, 1 about the oa'.:ae of Cancer, also tcila manv of them lu good jobs, who uev- i wha; to do for pain, bleeding, odor. etc. • J ., ' „ .A valuable eruide In the management of ertheless appeared willing to throw these up and try their fortune In the Dominion. proven so treacherous as has the Flu.l*^^"^® nominally it is still the rainy The disease itself is bad enough, butj^^^*°" ^<"' 5°™« w-eeks to come, but the after effects is where the real It may be that it's the goodness of the good that dies young. any vaf^c \Vriie Ine this nni'Hr if tn..1n'. miiiuion- danger iles. The Flu leaves behind It a weakened body, impoverished blood, shattered nerves and an impaired di- gestive system. Too much stress can- not be laid on the importance of re- building the blood and strengthening the nerves during convalescence. Un- til the blcod is built up there can be no recovery of health and strength. The one sure blood-builder is Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pill6. Start a treatment sunshine plays a heaN"}' part in the progi-am: and then there is the Chi- nook. Soft as any bi-eeze of summer is this wind that comes down from the mountain ranges, carrying with it the feel of melting snow. A few weeks hence the green that covers mile after mile of landscape will be emerald in tone; now it is a yellow-green, with its unmatured growth shining topaz in the sunshine. Wild azalea, broom and rhododendron of them to-day and see how soon you ! =*'"'* beginning to bud; the branches of show signs of robust health again. I ^^^ *''"'' '""^^^ already have a promis- Aiuoug the niany victims of the ''"" ^0°^; and the spruce, pine, fir and terrible Flu epidemic of 1919 was j ''*"'^°*^'^ ""^^ ^^'^^ '" contrast to the Mrs. Irving .Ma.xwell, of Bancroft. Ont. ! "^'^^ S:reen of the land. Read wjat this lady has to say con- j Farther north where the Columbia ceruing what Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills ' ^"'^ Vv illamette Rivers sweep on to did tor her.â€" "After an attack of the Flu I was left in an e.xtremely weak state. .My blood was impoverished; the sea, spring arrives later. True, the crocus, the hyacinth and the Shasta buttercup may now be making I was seized with indigestion and; ''">' ^pots of color along garden paths, stomach trouble; my nerves were ^""^ "^* stems of the flowering quince shattered and nothing my doctor gave nie seemed to help me in the least. I continually grew weaker and weak- er till finally I lost all control of my nei-vous system. .My mother, who had are garnet in their challenge. The valleys of these great rivers, protect- ed by their eastern mountiiin range and tempered, it is believed, by the Japan current in the waters of the -*- CASTORIA "What Is real progress?" asks a big motor manufacturer. About eighty ^ miles an hour, judging from the ads. i .> ! Fascist Italy places difficulties In the way of emigration except to Its j African colonies, with the result that ' population has gained. An excess ot| births over deaths has also contrlbut ed to this desired end. ued Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with | Pacific, are not far behind in their good results for anaemia, strongly ad- 1 '^'^''^^^^ing of the spring, vised me to give them a trial I did I "^^^ ^'^^'^^ '"''^'^'^ °' southern Al- so, and after using three boxes r ''erta and the British Columbia val- noticed some improvement. I per- ' 'eys are the first to feel this breath sisted in the treatment and by the ' '"S sign that winter was over. So it time I had used seven bo.;cs I was i '^ to-day. Be it late January or early fully restored to health again, and '' ''stir, the rider of the foothills knows although I am a mother of six chil- that spring has come, dren I am now able to do all my work | „. ... , ,_i„.„.'"'l~T,.„»~» pi„ around the house and feel as ^vell as "'""'" Liniment prevents Flu. ever I did in my life before. What | ^^.^ ^„„,^. ^ „^„*„„ of the younger these Pills have done or me they , • j^^ ,,„„ ^^^1;,,,^ ^^nvitation win surely do or others. • 1^ ^ ^^^.^^ ,,,„„ ,,,^„^,_,.. „„ Dr. W hams Pink Pills are a ton C.I ^„„^j ^^^^ ^,,j ^^,^,^^. .^en a not a stimulant. They bui.d up, the', blood and are a specliic for such trou- bles as indigestion, rUeiiiiiutism, wo- men's ailments and the general worn- Eyes of Blue â€" true to you Eyes of Gray â€" Jove while away What are YOUR eyes sayiag to-day I Your eyes h.ive no voice, but tkey spook â€" they show moods and temper. They do more, tliey show your physical condition. Are they clear, bntjhc, sparicline with Ij health â€" iir dull, with a yeUowiih tingo l' to the whites ? This yellowi&ii tingo is the eignal of Intc&tinal sluggishne&s â€" 4Uto-intoxicAl!on jnd liver trouble. Ooti't nci^lec; tliia warning oi poor health to follow. m Iiviure againat :>iiiii Troubles by daily use of Ciifit*Bira Soaji Atir'Lsied by Culicura Oiulmeut Real youth comes from within ^ fry « tegular daily " Try « ref^Iar da. "".•"V'"' ' "L°M ^ Vegetable p«nod. Youreye»wiU n i . tell iii« Mory. Product Read about Character from the Eyes in !:t:urc Bfcdiam Atl-.crtilrmeils. Solo Agents: Harold F. Itilchie 6i Co., Limited. Toronto 9;4 -4 • Oil now occupies second place In Russian exports, the 192S total sent) out, mostly through New York com,' panies, having been three times the | pre-war (juautity. ] London County Council ruled that knitting by members at sessions Is out feeling that affects so many peo- i out of order, whereupon Dame Lyall pie. They are sold by all medicine j stuck her ueedlos in a ball of yarn dealers or direct by mail at 50 cents ' and left the chamber, a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi' cine Co.. Brockville. Ont. The FirstDosc ; Relieves the Cou^ And there are 40 doset in *> ent bottle ! Pleasant to take and in.itant in action in every liind of Cold. Relieve? Bronchitis, Croup and Whooititu; Couich. Prevent* Flu" ;ind Pneumonia. Eases irri- tated tliruat^. Buy "Buc'tilcy's". Sold by all druggists and guaranteed, W. K. Bnckle.v, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto MIXTURE Acu like a /IjsAâ€" a eitielc &;.-) pro-.-« U 117 73c and 40c By supplanting his semi-automatic with automatic machinery, a chassis frame manufacturer Is turning out with two shifts of 200 men as many frames as one shift of 200 men pro- duced In the merely semi-automatic plant. I .-.\ tJGHTNING COUCH SYRUP WARO OFF INFLUENZA Tho«and. •re finding relief with Veno'. Lightning Cough Syrup. l^^ifi*^ Sweet vj.ii....\e: I i.,:i\ lUcide where to go ou my honeymoon. Olga Alimony: Why not go to the Acid Stomach Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy by flushing kidneys, helps you stay young Tho ii.:..i li-'iii I'ii'.'.v.ud cliiirm of youth In a oicar siiin. spaiklins. with natuial cokT. But how can' your slsiu remain clear If iiitliiuys and liver do not act â- as nature intended'.' .\t times when your ' system Is uiiset take a lew bottles of I Warner's .?afe Kidney una Liver Ki.m- I edy. a nation-wide favorite for M years. Xote how iiuiolily isidneys and liver res- ! ponii, rtushint; away iii« dangerous body j poisons that da so nim.'h to make you I look old and worn out. Tlie very lirst j botUe Hiiould show a splendid linprove- [ ment. Purely vegetable and pleasant- tasting. .Start on %our first botlle today. You have delayed long eiiough. Warnei's Safe Remedies Co.. Toronto. Ontario. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy A Health Saving Reminder Don't Wait until you get the Influenza USE Minard's Liniment t t"e first sign of it. Its Healinj Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE "PiNKHAM'S COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" Read This Letter from a ] Grateful Woman Excess add Is the common cause of , times lU volume !n acid. It 's "^artn- .1 laan and tasteless and its action is indigestion. It results In pain ^^^V;^^^''\^^':Tn^,,, „ly on crude RlTlera? That's where I always fO eourness about two hours after eating. m,tijojg_ never conUnue to lufter. on mine! The United States Biological Sur- vey has increased 'he meat supply by cross-breeding Alaskan reindeer with caribou and thus producing animal* of heavier weight. * Minard'a Liniment for Gnppc and Flu. [ The quick corrective i« an alkali ^hen yon learn how quickly, how which neutralizes acid. Tbe best cor- pleasantly this premier method acts, rective U Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Please let It »how youâ€" now. It has remained standard with physi- ] Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' clans In the 50 years since Its Inven- Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- tl„n_ clans for 50 years In correct Ins? excess One spoor'ul of Phillips' Mt'k of acids. Each bottle contnlns full .lirt'i- M;.^iiesia ntalrallzes Instantly many tionsâ€" any drugstore. Vanessa, Ont.â€" "t think Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a'vonderful. I have had sLx children of whii.li four are liv- ing and my young- est is a oonnie baby boy now eieht months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medi- cine before each o( them was bom and have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. I urge mj- friends to take it as I am surs they will receive the same help I did."â€" Mrs. .Milton Mo MvLLELN, Vanessa, Ontario. !?SUF. No. 8â€" '29