"WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r <i'... ;:^'.'«{ir,,"./<^ How Many Millionaires Can You Name? There are 252 millionaires in Canada today, but not one of them is a tele- phone millionaire. I i 3rll2in6ni3ry OOCiCty \ Thombury on April 3rd and at Mea n .A lit '"'"'^ °" April 4th. oenale Overworked L, ,. ,~; â€" \ jNow 13 the tune to renew! The Better Seed Train is to be at | Wingham's jubilee celebration of the 50th anniversary of the incorpor- ation of the town is now definitely set and the dates' were made known last week as July 2l3t to 25th. .-â- c-nl- r^r 3tr.rf- VJi': •V In forty-eight years of growth the Bell Telephone Company has never ex- ^'.„-,i( ploited the public nor has it itself been ^v:\'' exploited. Its shareholders have never received over eight per cent in dividends and its subscribers today have the lowest rates in the world for comparable service. f'ii* m^m %t 'r4 r.-yr Alt â- r' A Cf4-;; The Bell Telephone Company is owned by 15^00 shareholders and no individual has as much aa one quarter of one per cent of the total shares. /•.^... ,:--;»i: THE BELL TELEPHONE 5^r" COMPANX OF CANADA i^v!,. SSI FLESH KRTON I'l BUC SCHOOL Warling, Cecil Ivan Jr. 3 â€" Betty Murray, Forman Law- rence, Delbcrt Smith, Doug. Stuart, Ethel Burnett, Georgina McDonald, Vclma Fisher. I Sr. 3 â€" Pearl Gibson, Alvin Law- rence, Anjfus Turncy, Bob, Bellamy, lIuKh Bibby. Harvey Croft, Mervin McFadden, George Boyd, Evelyn H^own, Wesley Littlejohns, Bill Wel-| ton, Doris McRac, Jim Keilon. MeEachnie. 1 â€" Bob Stuart. Fred Gibson, Nc man Loucks, Muriel McMuUen. Prin-.cr ''r. â€" Jack Loucks, Doria Pcfilar, Dorothy Wclton.| Prirrip •, Jr. â€" Evelyn Lcavcll, 4thâ€" Ell. I'utton, Joe Gibson, Loro»'n Hazel McKiliop, MeEachnie, Ev- erett Talbot, Elmer t Thistlethwaitt". JUNIOR ROO.M Sr. 2â€" Fred Patton, Gordon Gibson, Nellie Thistlethwaite, Mac Duncan, Helen Love, Marion Miller, Eila Mc- ^ „ t. Rae. Dorothy Whitehead, Everette ^^'"^^ Worrell, Stewart .McRae. C.-oft (absent.) I Jr. 2â€" Ehna Dixon, Doris Kerton,| • AL'CTION SALE Roberta Lc-'-ll. V'ema Gorrcll, Fred â- McTavish, Bclty .McDonald, Dorothy j Ar .nuction sale of farm stock, ini- Kerton, Ben Leavell. jplemcnt;;, c\x., will be held on lot 2, .Sr. 1 â€" Clifford Saunders, Dois con. 17, township of Proton, on Thurs, Warling, Doris Lawrence, Audrey Mc- March 14, 1929. See tills for partic- Crackcn, Jack Welton, Uu'ton Bel- ulars. John Plester, Prop. laniv, Alhol McKillop, Geo. Loucks, Duncan, Auctioneer. Ottawa, Feb. 23, 1929.'' Dear Editor:â€" { The unexpected has happened and i the Senate is overworked; not ail of j it, but a part of it, the Divorce Com-' mittec, and that any part of that aug-| ust and leisurely body should be < straining every nerve and crowding] every hour to keep up with its work is surprising enough. It happened thus: â€" In the fifty years from 1867 to 1916, inclusive. Parliament grant- ed 310 divorces; in the five years, from 1916 to 1921 inclusive, 294 div- ori^es were granted, just 16 less than in the preceding fifty years and In the following five years from 1922 to 1926, inclusive, 608 divorces, and in the one session 1926-27, 196 divorces a^jl the last session 238, and this ses- sio almost 250. Yet we have no divorce court in Ontario to deal with them. The Divorce Committee of the Senate has been increased from nine to fifteen and for the uncon- tested cases, it breaks into two parts and conducts a two-ring circus, al- though for contested cases the Com- mittee must meet as a whole. Still we righteous Ontario folk won't have a Divorce Court; a court that could make provisions for the children, which the Senate committee canno because they fear that by having a Court we would increase the num- ber of divorces. In adition to the cases tried before the Senate Com- mittee, it v.as stated in the Senate debate that in 1928 there were 548 Cana(.-an div^rcc| receivf)! in the ?ity of Detroit. It is clearly seen that without a court, divorces are rapidly increasing. The remainder of the 96 Senators have gone to rest â€" no, not eternal â€" just until March 2oth, afte • having worked seven days, during which time they passed a Bill asking that a Divorce Court in Ontario be estab- lished. In theory the Gove-'nment has now a majority in the Senate, but in actual practice it has not, since four or five of the Liberal Sen- ate s cannot attend, owing to great age or physical deformities. Yet it is akogether Small Advertisements FOR BALE FOR SALEâ€" Spy Applesâ€" Gra- ham Bros., Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Com in the sheaf, about 2 or 2^6 tons. â€" J. A. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE 1st, also one fresh cow. Turner, Eugenia. 110 acres in the Township of Ar- temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.; about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bush; bam 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at Two cows, due Mar.! ^am: driving shed 24x30. also hen ' house; 8-roomed solid brick house R. O. with soft water ci.<itern and furnaf»>. j This is a good grain and stock farm, I well fenced and watered, situated FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of grama- j, convenient (.o rai'.way, church and phone records, in excellent condition. school. Reason for selling is on _,, , . account of poor health. For partic- A. Shackleford, Flesherton. i ulars apolv on premises. W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2, Proton Station. FOR SALEâ€" .Doherty organ, eix octave, first class condition, rea! bargain. Apply at The Advance. FOR SALEâ€" A sow for sale, due March Slst.- Mrs. Jos. Croft, Max- well. _^_ FOR SALE â€" Alfalfa hay in our barn, one mile south of Markdale.â€" McLoughry Bros., Markdale R. R. 4. FOR SALEâ€" High grade Holstein heifer calves, ?10, delivered at Pro- ton. -*C. Moore, Proton. FOR SALEâ€" Set of team sleighs, nearly new.â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesher- ton. FOR SALEâ€" Oat chop per ton, bags included, per 'j-.vt., $3.25 per MUIR, Ceylon. at $28.00 Salt 75c. bo.i'rel. â€" A. C. FOR SALE â€" Ford Coupe. 1926 model, first class condition, original tires in good shape â€" Walter Akitt, Phono 11 r 6. Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Household furniture reasonably priced. Phone or write â€" Chas. Palmer, R. R. 4. Markdale, 'Phone 31 r 2. FOR RENT â€" Garage at Fles'nei- lon on Brariton-Owen Sound Prjvii:- •.•i;il Highway, garage with equipment. â€" L. A. Fislier. .Flesherton. FOR SALE OR RENT 13 acres of land, mostly seeded to alfalfa, with good frame house, frame stable, orchard and drilled well. This property is situated in the vil- lage of Eugenia, on the main road, and is the estate of the late Mrs. Al- ex. Hoy. For further particulars and terms of sale, apply to Alex. Cameron, ex- ecutor of the estate, Eugenia, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 200 acre farm in the township ol Osprey, 100 acres under cultivation remainder good pasture and excellent bush; frame bank barn, with harl water, fine spring creek; frame houses with hard and soft water. â€" JAS. McKENZIE, Phone. FEVERSHAM. FARM FOR SALE Geo. FOR SALE â€" Good wagon, 2 1-2 likely that enough off inch tire, medium height, or would our judicial Upper House brethren of j exchange for young colt. â€" John both parties will gather in the spring Parker, Proton R. R. to defeat any promising bit of legis- FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 100 acres, lots 166 and 167, 1st range west oI T.S.R., Artemesia. For uU partic- ulars applv to W. J. Bellamy. Flesh- erton, Ontario. ^\ THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario 5? OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY February Sale Rubbers This is Rubber Footwear Week and the savings are worth while. The best manufacturers are represented, as Miner's- Gooderich and other good names. Below is a partial list rep- resenting wonderful values. ladies' Black Wool Galoshc-â€" $1.43 In thij line v.e lir.ve 25 pair ef fir.»t qu.ality ,-nV.=hf>>. Absolutely guarntceJ. lingular va - i:c 8:! 2.'., on sab SL;.^ Another lir.e cf 4 buckle galoshes at $1.95. A remarkable nuichasc makes the above price pos- sible on these bight grade galoshes. Regular Price $.1.00 During our Big Itubber Sale $1.95 Boy's Galoshes for $1.39 This price iepres<'nl.s 10 pairs of extra high grade ^'alosh. Note? tlie price is very little hiKher than over rubbers, si/.es 1 to 5. Regular Value $1.95. During the Sale $1.39 Another line of boy's sizes, 1 to B, regular f2.r.O On Hsle for only $1.79 Youth's 2 buckle, sir.ca 11 to 13, regular $1.95. Special ("uring the ssle $1J>9 Misses and Children's Galoshes At the following prices no ibild need bo without good warm winter footwear. Misses 3 Jiuckle black ga!i shea, ilzes 11-2, Regvilar $l.Hri to $2.25. Special nl only S1.69 Children's th ce buckle, black galoshe?;. fir.es 6 to 10 1-2. A few pair regularly sold at $l.8i> to $2.00. Sale price only $'•••» Men's Extra Heavy Wool Galoshes or Overshoes One bu<.klc height, regular $ I. '.>'!. On mM for only $•••'"•" Two buckle, sizes 6-12, regular $2.35. Spec- ial sale price $1.89 Men's Three buckle, regular $2.85. Sale price, only $1.9."i Men's four buckle, regular $3.50 to $3.75. .-.: our Big Rubber Sale only $2.73 NOTE: Above lines are all new Lists made to fit any shoe. 7 lace hole Snag Proof Rubbers 25 pair high grade, size to 12, regular va:- ue $.'{.l."). Sale Price $2.89 A few pairs at only $2.00 Another line regularly sold at $3.00 On Sa:c at onlyl > i. $2.Z3 Roy's Snag Proof Rubbers, in grades siniiliav to that of the men's. 10 pair of the high grade, sizes 1-5, regularly $2.75. Sale price only at this lime S2.19 1'.) i)air, sixc:i 1 to 5, sold regularly at $2.'iO. Sale price during the rubber sale .„ $L89 Size 11 to 13, regular $2.10, Sale Price $1.49 Special Prices on Boots & O'shoes Mens' th iB^vW regularly at $1 to $1.15» size:! 0-1 '2, On Sale at p 83c j.",. Women'.! sizes, 2 1-2 tot 8, to fit any shoe, regular valuo WMs. On Sale only 69c:.i. Boy's heavy weight or finer grade, regular value HO to 98ctH. Special Sale Price 73cta. Misses sizes, 11 to 2. Regular value 70 l-.> Rfltts. Special price during the Rubber S.tIs Only .'iScts. lation that comes up' from the Com- mons. The Setiators have had the utmost difficulty in getting anyone to intro- riuce the Divorre Bill in the Com- mons. For various reasons the Lib- eral members from Ontario did not want to introduce the Bill, and the Conservatives who were quite free to do it, were not pa -ticularly anxious to do a piece of bard work for the Govornnicntt. The Bill is going th -ough the Commons in the name of Mr. i FOR SALE â€" Sweet Clover Hulls, would make good feed for sheep or cattle. SIO per ton. â€" A. C. Eluir. Ceylon, Ontario^ ____.^ 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6, Osprey, situated on County road ne. 52, 160 acres under cultivation, bal- ancie pasture and hardwood bush. First class grain farm, well fenced, barn 48x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage and work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly new, gooil cistern, telephone, well and wind mill water piped to the barn, 60 rods from school. Priced reasonable. E. C. PEDLAR, SINGHAMPTON, R, R. 1. 'Phone Fcversham 1 r 2-y. FOR S.ALEâ€" 10 tons of mixed hay. well saved, $10 per ton, cash in the barn, at the McKinnon farm,_ South Woodsworth, and from the temper of t Line, Priceville. â€" J. E. McKee, R. the debate on Friday night, it would 'r. 5, 'Phone 29 r 5, Markdale, Ont.- appear that it would be defeated. ^ "There was a sound of revele y by had gathered F.T. HILL &Cq., Limited, Markdale ^SKM â- ^ night, And Canada's capital there. Her beauty and her chivilry and bright the lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men." That night was Wednesday, Feb- ruary 20th. Othe- nights we work until 11 p. m., but when the Cabinet Ministers' wives give a reception on our only free night, we quit work at 6 o'clock, get a bite to eat and from then to 9 o'clock we do our best to overcome Nature's deficiences and fit oursel- ves into the poetic description given above. Wo call a taxi, â€" even if it is our last cent â€" it isn't good form to walk cv take a street car "tI grandly draw up to the members' cn- tranio of the Hour:- of Commons. Arlthough the rei.'eption begins Ct nine, it is frightfully cmbarr.nssintr lo be first there and as everyone tries not to be, the wholo al'fair ii delayc-1 a bit but by 9:30 the crowd ij pas- sing in front of the Cabinet Minis- ters' wive^s,- who stand in a semi cir- cle in the stately Hall of Fame, say- ing n kindly work of welcome to ev- eryone. The wives of the cabinet ministers arc n remarkably fine â- group of wonten. Two minister.s haven't any wives â€" poor things. For some time the crowd wince a- bout, speaking tp friends and greot- ing 'new people, biit soon the orches- tra strikes up, «nd those who enjoy dancing go to the railway committee room or dance in the corridors to the music supplied by the ampliflern. Such a gathering gives one a chantc to meet people as muman beings, not as members of a certain party, or representatives of a certain country, but just folksi The netv I.egn- ticns have brought an international aspect to parliamentry me!>tings; they have lent distinction and added interest. It is a privilege to meet !ind talk with the Ambassador ov Con- sul of the United States o.- Great Britain, the representative of China o, Jii^an. One foel^ that the world is growing r-mal!er, and that Cannd.i \\ ftrov.'ing up r.nil must take her place in the neighborhood o^ natior.a â€" which is the world. AGNES MacPHAIL. FOR SALE â€" Bred-to-lay Barreo Rock eggs, from a flock mated with cockerels from high producing hens. Price 5 cts. each, â€"r M-3.G. Campbell, 'Phone 22 r 23. R. R. 2, Priceville. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" House and three lots, in the vil'age of Feversham. Frame stable and good well. For prticulars apply on the premises. â€" R. Alexander, Fever- sham. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICl Registered Shorthorn bull for s«r- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire. Boania f^^TJ "2'^^^: ^«'"' Red Butterfly ldl.078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. ETados $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenl% MIDDLEBRO & BURNS ^Barristers, etc » MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- days and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, Ont. Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. GEO E. DUNCAN DITNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEEB • Fir the County df Grey. Terns* 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamtM« Dates made at The Advance office. BULL FOR SERVICE TENDERS WANTED. Scaled and marked tenders will be received by the undersigned until March 15th. 1929 for the conveyance of school children from lots 130 con. 2.. and lot 131. con. 3. East T. &. S. Read. Artemesia, to and from Orange Wiley School du-ing school days. lorm of contract mav be seen at The Advance Office. Lowest or anv tender not necessarilv accepted. ED. LITTLEJOHNS, R. R. No. 5, Markdale. WESTERN OATS AND WHEAE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.60. -DUNCAN WILLUMS. Eugenia We will have a car at Ceylon with- in a few days. Oats â€" 70 cets per bushel off car. Wheatâ€" $35.00 per ton. We will abo have corn at $2.25 per cwt. Please 'phone your order to 38 r 3.â€" A. C. MUIR, Cevlon. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., denUl surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto and Royal College of Dental Srrgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton FAR.M FOR RENT Fa vm to rent or let on shares, known as the Robt. Graham farm, lot 23, con. 12, Artemesia; hay and straw for sale. Apply to M. K. Gra- ham, R. R. 4, Markdale; 'phono 31 r 6, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. 4 A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full G. Watson. W. M., C. F Secretary moon. W. Lawrence, Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C WD Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- ctors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruce Bock, Owen Sound: Standard Bank Block Hesherton, (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Birnie. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Qaretskc^^ Urn. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Fcversham, or by addressing me at Feversham.