WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood stroet, ft'lesherton, Wednesday of each week. CicUlation over 1100, frice in Caiiada, |2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.60. In VS.A., 12.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON - Editor. r. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. ^?'^'â„¢â€" '^â- â€" â€" ^â€" -^^-^ I _ I THfe Ql ESTIO.N OF TITLES. ^<>.>.>^><~>;..:m>.><~;«>«>«>«><~>^*<~>>><~K~>4"><'<m>.><~X'*<»<^^ "Old Home Week" Letters i I'sc 'riioso Colimin.s and Let Your Friends Know. :s; I $15.00 TOWARD EXPENSES WILL BE HERE FOUR DAYS Oshawa, Ont., March 5, 192D. Dear Mr. Thurston :- 1 have noticed in the recent is.suos of The Advance reference to a pro- posed "Old Home Week" to 'lO hpld in Flesherton thi.s sumnier I have oij.ti„^e„ to let you Icnow that they just read the February 27th issue and _ ^^^ c-oniinj?. Well, here's one who Durham, Ont, March 4, 1929. Dear Sir.- I was more than pleased to see in your last issue that Flesherton is to have an "Old Home Week" on Aug- ust 4-7 next. You want some of the FINDERS NOT KEEPERS i loss all jewellers had been furnished I the tracing. This is not so. The T'. by the police with a description of lender has the article, knows where A • t< 1 J 1 jLi- .. XI. • 11 ... .'it is, knows that It IB not hi3 (or hers) A woman in Lngland was arrested the necklace, so the jeweller "ot.f.ed ' consideration of a fortnight ago charged with "steal- , the police and the woman was ar.| ^^^ ^^^ ,^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ mg by frndrnp." It .s an interestmg rested. She explained that she sup- J ^.^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ case. Too many people imagine that posed the nearls valueless and hadnt J .ontrarv do ev- if they find something valuable and bothered her head about them. "I'm do not know who lost it, it becomes arrested for finding things," she ex theirs. [claimed. Ill never pick up any In this case the woman found a thing again." pearl necklace in the street and. suupposing it to be a cheap thing lost by a child, threw it in a drawer, where it lay or two years. One day The chief reason for the decision of the Canadian Parliament, ten years •ago, to dispense with titles wa.s not to rt'-cstabiish the .system.- At the time when the agitation began, it is â- well known, there was before the Bor- <len government applications and rec- ommendati«ns on behalf of many hun- dreds of political friends, who were known to be feverishly anxious to be >jiven tillc'3 for their ser\ices in ihe xreat war, then concluded. The ILst was an appahng one. As many as from 1500 to 2000 women were knMvn to be feverishly anxious to be treated at least Grand Dames of Em- phe, and scores of male party friend.s saw in the conclusion of the war the opportunity to obtain their reward for feaJty in a handle to their names. The pressure on the Premier wa.s very xreat. Hi.s course waj rendered all the more difficult by the drodigality with which the .so-called military hon- ours had Ik on the sc end and â- were piven cquall:; high soimding »~criio titles; there was indeed a craze for distinction whether by merit o- pur- to chase, and so it was ta.-ty for the dem- s ocratic spirit in the country, led by Home well known opponents of the system, to secure a majoi-ity in Parliament against the distribution of honours. The recent decision of Par- "â- iamcnt w.t', in the circumstances, to be expected. The people's representa- tives should themselves de-idedlv l>^ opposed to a resumption of the old system of title distribution. am very glad to learn that it has ^j„ j^^ ^^^^^ j^^. ^j^^ ^^„ ^^^^ ^^ been definitely decided to hold ♦*"= - reunion in August next. this finding, but on the contrary do ev- erything possible to locate the owniei- and restore the lost article by way of advertising it and reporting it at such places as the loser would be likely to make inquirers. There is possibly more "stealing by finding" than there ought to be-^oronto SUr As the - woman's character is good . and she evidently knew nothing of the value of her find it is expect- ' ed that she will get offwith reprimand I There is, however, an erroneous im-j Weekly. pression abroad that a person who I «. ^/ „„ j„„v find, anything is under no respon-| One of the things nmt of us don t sibility to take action to seek the, have to worry about is someooaj ''°'"®'**'dy *"* 86*'"K it advised that it An""OlTHome WeW'""i"s Vomethin'ir | be taken to a jeweller for valuation. that every town should have and i I The woman acted on the advice and Congratulations â€" I agree 100 per can predict in advance that yours will I was informed that the necklace was , „ , ._ â€" i cent, with the idea and I hope the cit- , be an overwhelming success, provid- worth over «400. At the time of its I ownerâ€" that it is up to the loser to do leaving us a million dollars izen.i of Kiesherton and vicinity will j^g you hold your programme down I * tjwjLAAAAA*********'^** give the committee appointed their to what can be financed by a town of y»»»»»»»»»9<'»«»»»»»»»»»»<">»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»<'»»»»»»»»»»»<'<^ % wholehearted support. I the size of Flesherton. X I am not in the "old boy" -la^? as -, There arc many of the Flesherton ^ far as ycavs are concerned but I ^ boys and girls of thirty-odd years have been away frori Flesherton for ' ago that we v/ou;d aro n lonsr way "for ma lo sec and W! knov/ that everyone who consider | has left the old town cherishes the i same feeling, Yours truly, FRANK IRWIN. I ; i; TO MEET OLD FRIENDS twenty-five yeair. (hard believe) and am proud to myself a "Flesherton Old Boy." There are many people who loft Ilesherton when I was a "kid ' and many who have left since I grew un whom I would like to see again at a reunion of this kind, or to at least I new where they are now. Many i wtnt t^ western Canada, many to the | Fort William, Ont., Feb. 25,'29 United States and manv to Toronto j Dear Mr. Thurston:- , and other parts of Eastern Canrda. j We are always glad to see The Ad- 1 ^ confine the list of names and vance arrive a.s it is just like getting I ^ '- '"«•»-•â- from home, although some i .J ign to me now, as Dhave 'j- from there over 32 years, x are a number of changes in | i However we always 1 1^ every week. We had a ' •;» winter up here up to the lastj;^ but we sure got very in January and Febru- ,„ , .. r „ «„„i«omc hp'-p- ' ary, oui ii u commencing to look - W'^f I "•" *K,M iTbe nn-llike spring again and we have very <vith my ^•henuc for $10^00 10 bc^ an i^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ navigation pliHl toward.s the general expense ^^^^ pretty soon. I 'She whole family will be thc.e ^^^'^^^J^ like very much to go home this the celeb-ation-you cant k.c.. ''' ^^^^ jf piesherton holds "Old a«ay- „ ,„ Home Week", as I would like to see Yours 8'"«"'y'^T. . viSH some of the old boys I may never MciAvio • see again. What a grand thing it Buckeye Incubators and Brooders Tested and proved by over a million usersâ€" scientifically designed to hatch every hatchable egg. " 1 know the committee will be Put 'ove^^ wmter . conBiderable expense but a^ l^;;] I cold wea'he ' â- ^,:?"^v^^°^.*^^ Lt%n° osi!^ he^r'-lary. i3 C. F.. Mush Hoppers â€" feed trays â€" waer founts â€" also Royal Purple Poultry Specific, lice killer, chick starter, etc. Buckeye Brooders â€" large stove, greater heating effic- iency, double check draft â€" thermostat heat regulator. APPROVED BY ALL EDITORIAL NOTES Certainly the Union Jack must be iiept flying in Canada. Who wishes it to be otherwise? He won't find running good in any constituency that we know of. • • • It seems the public have been un- duly familiar with Lindbergh, the noted aeronaut. They have been calling him "Lindy." But his girl <leclare8 that in future he must be known as "Augustus." Some fam- iliar folks may shorten it to "Gus." • • • The King is recovering his health at the seaside, but very, very slowly would be. Brighton, March 4, 92D. Dear Sir:- As one of Flesherton's former girls, (not to say old girl) permit me to congratulate the promoters of this movement. To observe an "Old Home Week" is, to my mind, a move in the right direction and worthy of the sympathy and hearty support of all former residents of dear old Flesherton, as well as that of every local citizen of the place. Occasions of this kind are fre- quently held in different towns and receive the approval of all concerned. They produce opportunities of meet- ing relations and renewing acquaint- - .. , . ances with friends of other yean His duties are therefore being under- Under the careful management of a Yours truly. W. A. STEWART. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware • >. • • ( . .1, 4^^»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»O»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»iOO»»»»0"»»»»>»fr»»«»»»»»»fr competent committee there can be nothing but good result from such gatherings. The pleasure of seeing familiar faces, shake the hand of an old friend, gaze over the scenes c: boy or girlhood days, talk over old times, cannot fail to produce joy, loy- ality and love for the dear old home taken by the Prince of Wales. It is out of the question that the Prince should come to Canada this yea;-, and he says he much regrets it. • • • A proposal is mad? thnt the Ontario law relating to the "iiquor traffic should have its name changed from ^ OnUrio Linuor Control Act to Ontario with its many sacrod surroundings. l,iquor Sale Act. As it has worked The thought fills me with enthus- oul, the sale of intoxicants has not iggni and the date you have suggested hetn controlled, but has increased by appears appropriate. I shall there- leaps and bounds. | fore look forward with pleasure to • • ♦ the time when I shall again mingle Our congratulations are extended to with the good and respectable people "Editor Charles Ramage on the cele- of my home town. In the meantime liratioln of his eightieth birthday on let me wish the committee m charge F-iday last. Bro. Ramage has his every success in their undertaking, son, Peter, a.«sociatcd with him in the business and they publish a bright and newsy paper. We wish the ed- itor many more years of usefulness in directing the destinies of The Re- view. * • * Ford City is to have a new name. Being a suburb of the bustling city of Windsor, it has been deemed meet Yours truly, MRS. E. C. BROWN, (nee Mabel Thistlethwaito) IS READY TO COME Mr. Wm. Thompson of Newmark- et writes that their whole family will be here fo- Old Home Week. This "• •â- - -;. „„,„„ ,, Fast Windsor will make nine more people to cntc*- to change the name to b.ast winasor .^ctivitie^ of the ce cbration. before its formal designation as a '" " ;':„^f 1^ J'^'^hompson makes n city, doubtless the two muncipa - ^! ; ''I > ;„\:„7- ,i,it o,,, f,io„ds and «,.,. Doubtless the two municipal _ and pool their fortunes as' one of the largest progressive centres of population m the Dominion. friends lie has not seen for yonrs. AICTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. In his inauguration address, Mr. Hoover, the new President of the United State.s was profuse in his pro- testations that ho favored peace in I hi: world. This is in iv.-cord with the tenets of the religious body of which he is a member, the Society of Friends. But though he is a Quaker mav we tru.^t him to lend his influ- , «>ncc to prevent a ta ilT war with Cm.- 1 uda. He knows that tho Dominion' is the best customer of the republic.^ th rhere Brit will be general regret that h nuthoritU'S have decided WM. DICKETT LOT 2f>, CON. H, ARTEMKSIA One .Mile South of Eugenia WEDNESDAY, .MAKCH 20 CATTLKâ€" Cow, 5 years old, due to freshen in March; ("ow, 4 years old, due to freshen in .lune; 2 cows, .'> & '.» yoars old, due to frc.ihen in July; Heifer, rising :? years, due to freshen in March; Heifer, rising •>. <luc to f eshin in April; Stcen, riainr .'1-year old; It good spring calves; Heifer, rising a, with calf at foot; -*%?;â- not to fellow the example of Canada Yearlinir heifer, nnd reduce letter nostage from three silKEP. PICS, ETC. â€" 22 good half pence to a penny. 'ihf l"'>V , bleeding iNvti; t! good spring ewe Tnaste-Oeneral says they cinn-' •«'- la^lis; 11 good store pigs, about 125 ford the loss of revenueâ€" about thirty ^yprnge weight; flood brood sow,! million dollars. They have l("<'< faith ^^j,^ j^ ^.j^^ 4 ^eeks old; Cood brood] •ban our rovernment. who hope to j,^^^^ ^^^^ ^^„ farrow in March; oO largely make good the revenue loU ,, \^y\ng hens, consequent on giving the people ppnnv IMPLEMENTS, ETC. - M.-H. T>ostage, bv the increase in postal bus- pjj„ig,. o f„ot, complete, in good or- Iness. In this, as ^rell as in the e^- ,,p,.. Mn'^aey-Hn/ris 11 ho.i seed â- •â- ' ' ,|fii|. M.-H. U tuoth Cultivator, .good as new; John Deer Mower. 5 ft. cut, good as new; Set of work har- • I r-o^n; 20 rods of No. 9 fence wi-e; Remarkinp thp» 'n <*o"thKmoton, Tudhope- Anderson. V*^ . '^'j'"^' '2.'*" nome n<)p<^"'>nt<> of the Hydro Sv.'tem p^„,i „, new: »ai.iwhment of preferential trade with- in the Empire, Canada has led the way. . . . Ciood Chatham Fan opposed aliEpi.scon«role;-Kymen who ;,i^g Mill; ""Kcv; Daisy Barrel .loiirerl to -oi.v theClnbeSB'": "I" Churn; Good cookmjf stove. New the old land Church of England pross cut saw. f> 1-2 feet; rlcrevmen are ineligible for Parlin- of been, in good phane; set mcnt" Mn.t neonle will snv rightly also harrows; Heavy Watron. rood as TO. «ccing thai by law they have ^pw; nbont five ton=i of good hny; .^„i„ r-'nrcentation in the House of numeroii<< other nrtirl^s. T,ord«. where ArrHMshon, nnd Bi.>;p»>s TEr'> >^ OF SALE -All V«vp seats bv virtue of thel" office. |6 and under, ca.ih; ;v-- T^nt noone is foiHsh <'n'>"K^ '"â- "'^''ount '2 months' credit will br giv- *hnrp that n eleri"-mnn should not I pn nn ni>proved inint notes. 4 r^"'- «ame right to vote as « cent, off for cash. No re^erv â- JTvdro onnonents in Canada | njr. Duckett is eivln^f nn farming. Save the Invman 2 hives of 12- 'iims of Hre sflmetimes contentiona. ridiculous in their , E. MORGAN, CLERK. W. KAITTINCi, Auctioneer. Dominion of Canada Income Tax Information Reports Are due March 31, 1929 This advertisement is directed to: Trustees Employers Corporations Do not incur the penalties which the law imposes for delay* What is Required of Persons Acting as Trustees All trustees, executors, administra- tors, assignees, receivers or persons acting in a fiduciary capacity are re- quired to make a detailed return of the income of the estate or trust which they represent. This return should be made on Form T3. What is Required ot Employers Each employer in Canada must make a return giving particulars of salaries, wages, commissions, fees, bonuses and other rcmimeration of all direc- Locations of Income Tax Offices Inspectors of Dominion Income Tax are located in convenient places throuRhout Canada. They will comply promptly with written requests for information. They will supply you with the proper forms upon which to make returns. Consult the Income Tax Office nearest to yea. Address "Inspector of Dominion Income Tax." The ofhces are ot: Halifai Nova Scotia Saint John. New Brunswick Quebec City Quebec Moatteal Quebec Ottawi.' Ontario Kingtton Ontario BelleviUe OntarUi Toronto Ontario Hamilton Ontario London Ontario Fort William. Ontario Winnipei Manitoba Reglna Saikatchewan Pi ince Albert Saekatchewan Saakatooa Saskatchewan Calgary Alberta Edmonton Altxrta Vancouver British Columbia Dawjon Yukon Territory tors, officials, agents, employees, pro- fessional men or other persons who received $1,000 or more during the calendar year 1928, and who were paid at a rate of wage or salary (in- cluding bonus) equal to $1,500 or more per annum during the same period. Employers should ask for Form T4. What is Required of Corporations Every corporation in Canada is re- quired to file a return of its dividends or shareholders' bonuses paid or credited during the calendar year 1928. This return should be made on Form T5. I Qet Your Forms at Once I Blank forms may be obtained by writing your nearest Inspector of Dominion Income Tax, or Postmaster, or the Income Tax Division, Department of National Revenue, Ottawa. The addresses of inspectors are given herewith. Full instructions appear on each form. Do not delay because of the absence of officials who generally sign such reports. Any responsible member of a firm or corporation, or any person acting as agent for the trustee, may sign these returns and so avoid the penalty. March 31 is the last day for making information reports required under the Income War Tax Act. The Income Tax Diviiion respectfully asks for the fullest co« operation of taxpayers required by law to make these returns. The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division Honourable W. D. EULER, C. S. WALTERS, Mlnifter of National Revenue. Commiidoner of Income Tai. I .1;