Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1929, p. 1

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> iv ®hje /l^sh^tttf n %hmMt Vol. 48 No. 40 Fleai^crton Ontarfo, March 20, 1929 W. H. Thurstf n & Son, Proprietors FEVERSHAM EUGENIA PROTON STATION Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCanneli and fam ily in the death of Mrs. McLannell s mother, Mrs. Runciman, who passed away loliowmjj a paralytic stroke at the home of her son in loronto. Mrs. Runciman made her home the great- er part of the time with her daughter here and her quiet, kind disposition made many iriends who will miss her greatly. The United Church W. M. S. intend After the bad storm of two weeks Maple syrup making has begun in ago the weather has moderated and our locality. the last week the mild weather took Mr. Sam McDonald of Victoria away a lot of snow and fine Manh Corners spent the week end at his weather is prevailinjc now. ihome, 8th hne. Quite an excitement around the Reeve Cameron had Mr. Wm. Gor- village on Saturday last when Mr. don with his buzz-saw outfit cutting .)chn Smith toak his snow car out for wood one day the first of the week, its first t -ip. This cai- is on run-' Mrs. Alex. McDonad of Weston is uer3 and 13 dvawn with a prope'l.er, | spending a few days with her uncle, like an airplane, and while John can't ! Mr. Henry Cairns. lay claim to a very fast machine but; Miss Sylvia Acheson spent the ^ with some minor changes he might , week end at her parental home, Vict- quilting a quilt for their missionary work up a speed record against 1 oria Corners. bale on Wednesday afternoon at 'the Major Seasrrave with his Golden A--! Mr. George Cairns of Ceylon vis- t-ome of Mrs. James Dever. row. However aeainst a good many . ited his uncle, Mr. Henry Cairns, one Visitors last week with Mrs. James ideas John sure did run ud an<l down | day last week. I Dever were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Good- the street with the machine drawn! Miss Mildred Johnston teacher at fellow, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Goodfel- bv the propeller. I Proton, renewed acquaintances here [ow <xt Bethel and Mrs. McKinnon of Mr. William Conn's sale on Monday I o^fj ^^ "^^^ ^^J^- . ..„ , ., PriceviUe. wr.s fairly well attended and good ^, "^^"i°«* *?" ^^? l^^^' .^^ ^'*- â-  Mrs. Knox of Ceylon was a visit- nricrs wc e realized by auctioneer [ '1/ Clodhopper will be given on or at LMx. McCannell's and with Mrs. Mr. Conn is leaving the , March 29th. / Archibald. We understand that Mr. John Col- jjr. John McMillan of Ceylon was igan, from near Maxwell, has rented a guest of Mr. N. McCanneli. Mr. Henry Cairns' farm m the su- -^g ^^^ ^i^^ ^g gg^ Mrs. James burbs and will move here shortly. Corbett home after spending ihe win- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bellamy and ^^^ ^jt,, ^r son, Mr. John Corbett of children of Flesherton visited with Bethel. Mrs. Bellamy's sister, Mrs. Andrew | j^jgg Marjorie Acheson returned Graham and husband and sons, near , f j.^^ 3 visit to Toronto. thp powpr house. | Mrs. Fred Jamieson, who has been ^ , in the hospital for two weeks retum- PRICEVILLE given Knitting. village and will reside •with his daneh- ter, Mrs. Thomas Foley in CoUing- wood, in the future. Mr. John Stonehouse has rented Mr. Conn's house and will move in this week. Mr. snd-JVIrs. Allie McLean spent ''undav with the former's mother on the Fourth Line. Mrs. McCormack has returned to her home in Yorkton. Sask., after 1 ed home a week ago. (Last Week's Items) The Pedwell Lumber Co. of Toron- to are loading lumber at Proton Sta- visiting with friends in Ontario for , the last two months. I Revellerâ€" The police station is thej tion under the supervision of Mr. Jno r''o- ry,iT^:^l^'f:r'''I fi^ '-^^ '"'^ when you've had a drop | Howland of^ W^sto.^^ ^ £y?and 'if m'eeC^th^ gool s'uT too much and the wrfe is waitmgup .^^.^ p ^^ ceJs in recruiting for our local court, for you .t home. ^^^ his^dwJling tot^ a'n^ loTtT^. 4n» » »»»»»»»»»»»»<.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»0'»»»»»»»»»»*»'»<' X "»*^**; ' James Dever's farm on the 14th con. of Proton. 'Mr. Batchelor and fam- ily intend moving soon to their farm ! at Saugeen Junction. j We are sorry to learn that Mrs. ' Runciman suffered a paralytic stroke i on Sunday at the home of her son in i Toronto. I Mrs. Oscar Patterson and children I Joyce and R. J. spent a few days I with her parents here. j Miss Margaret Russell of Dundalk I was a week end guest of Miss Mar- '> ' garet Still. S! Miss Marjorie Acheson is visiting ? ! in Toronto and Oakville. T Mr. Stanley Lyons spent the week ♦ J end with his parents here. Requisites For Quilting ZOcts. .5 for $1.00 95cts 69cts Plain Grey Flanellette, 36 ins wide Pink Stripe Flanellette, 36 ins. wide Factory Cotton, 36 ins. wide, 5 yds. for .... Factory Cotton, 36 ins wide, 5 yds. for .... Serges for lining woollen quilts, 5 yds; .... $1.59 Heavy Figured Sateen, 5 yds. for $1.49 Batts, 2 for 25 cts. Comforter Batts for 79cis A. E. HAW CEYLON, Oat. Store open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings KIMBERLEY Mr. Bruce Hall visited last week in tho city. A I Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart of Burks ♦ \ Falls Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stuart of S Maaford and Mr. H. Ellis of Meaforc ♦ , spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sit. Ellis. ♦ i The young people gave their con- y 1 cert on Friday evening, at Union af- y. High Chair Special As in former years we are again donating a prize of a High Chair to the first baby born after the First of April in the community. As usual there are no strings attached, all that anv compet- itor needs to be is a customer of some store in Flesherton. You will remember last year a pair of twin babies were born only a few hours later than the one that won the high chair, so competi- tion is gettnig keener every year. Those who do not win in this special will kindly bear in mind that Findlay's is Headquarters for all kinds of play- things, as well as useful articles for the children, and good furniture for the house. * Our Motto Never Change.â€" "SERVICE" li: T. W. FINDLAY ! terwards motoring to Heathcote to a dance. , „ Messrs. D. L. Weber and George Pro J tor went to Erindale iast weekto consturct a. home for Mr. Ewins of ' Toronto. The rest of the gang go this week. • •,. , Rev. and Mrs. Stotesbury visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Palmer att the Pqwcr House. The W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Stotesbury. A good meeting was reported. The nexc meeting «.|will be the second Wednesday in Ap- X I ril. at the home of Mrs. S. S. Bur- ^'"Mr. and Mrs. Will Grieves left for X ' their home in Saskatchewan on Up- ♦ ^dav. 'Mrs. W. Myers accompanied S th4m to Toronto, to spend a week ♦ , with her sister there. t' Mr. Thomson Ferguson returned to I'his home her*, after the winter s ♦ i work in the north woods. X , Mrs. Russel Ellis is spending a few ♦ i days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. i Goodfellow, at Duncan. I Tho roads are bare now through the valley and the ears are running ; through to Meaford via Thombury. â-  Mr J. R. Fawcett returned home after spending two months with his son. Herbert, in CoUingwood. Bom â€" On March 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haynes. a daughter. Furniture Dealer Funeral Director â- â™¦â™¦â™¦Â»Â»â™¦<•<"^♦<•♦♦♦♦<»♦♦<~>«<<<•<K•<^<•♦<^<^**♦<•*♦*<->^^ Dr H T. Crosslcv, the veteran evangelist, who has cari-ied on his ^,-ork for the past forty years has retired at the age of 79 from active service. >^>«<>^^'><~><>««<>«^'»«^<>^^^4^<»««^4>^<~»<»«<M>^»«4N$N»4N«»gH>.>4.^^ Finder's Bread Mr. Dougall MacDougall ha3 pur- chased the old McArthur farm, at the pond, on the g^ravel road. Mi33 Kathic'sn i\Iact!ia.i sptait a few days visiting friends at Egre- mont. Miss Olive McMeekin has a pos- ition clerking in Karsledt's store. Mr. Alfred Hincks haa been ap- pointed Superintendent of the Sun- day School. Wc wish him suc- cess. Mr. Donald MacMillan had a dance in his home on Monday iiiirht and a splendid time was enjoyed by the large crowd iprosent. There was music galore that put everybody in the humor for dancing. Anna McVicar had the misfortune to fall on the stove on Thursday night and suffered a gash behind her ear, that bled considerably, but i.^ getting along fine now. Rev. Mr. Corry and Mr. Colin H. McLean drove to Proton Station on Friday to the funeral of the lato Mrs. Runciman of Toronto who suf- fered a stroke a week ago Sunday. The remains wcre^ brought up on Thursday night to her daughter's, Mrs. Neil McCannel. Rev. Mr. Cor- ry conducted the service at the house and the grave. Mrs. F. McKinnon visited friends at Proton Station last week. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McKinnon and son into the village. The Willing Helpers and iMission- ary Society met in the hall on Fri- day evening with 15 ladies present. Mrs. Corry was in the chair and the meeting opened with a hymn, followed by scripture reading after- wards Mrs. Corry led in prayer. A paper was then read on "Easter" by Mrs. Corr>'. A letter was also read by the Secretary. Miss Erma McLean, from Mrs. D. Palmer, Dun- dalk, asking for .a delegate to be .<!e"t from Priceville to attend the delegation meeting in Hamilton, the latter part cf April. The meetine was clo.sed bv repeating the Ix)rd"s Prayer in unison. Mrs. .Tohn Nich- ol nresided over the W. H, meetinc ard was opened bv singine Hymn GIO and tho President led in pray- er. The creed was repeated in un- 'ssrn and the roll call was jinswerst! hv a wc-d with "faith." Consider- nble business was transactced ind discussions we"c planned. The meeting was closed with a hvmn foT- Icweil bv "'•ayer. The next meet- ing in Ar>ril will be held at the Manse. Lunch was served at the close. The parlor social held last Wed- nesday night was a decided succps<= Despite the wet (an.' disag^'eeable evening there were about forty pres- ent. .A. good programme was en- itiyed, violin muyic bv Rev. ^Trs-. Sul- livan, recitation hy K'-'bort Whittak- cr, Fong hv Arthur SuUlvan. niu.-io y-, MiP>5 Olive M< V 'kin smd Mr. In nis Mi'Ion, romnvinity ^'neing, nius- !" by Colin and Innis McLean, ard the contests caused much amuse- ments. The prc-'eeds amounted io $5..5n. A dainty lunch v.-ii'i scvvd at tho close and everybody thorough- ly PD'oyed it. The e was a good time and a splen- did turnout at the St. Patrick â- ^'^c- i-1 in the United Church on Friday nieht. . _ , Mr. anH Mr-. Earl McT "od v"=ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir on Sunday. eastIwountain CEYLON MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Will Gi'.'son gave a card party tnd dancii on Friday ev- ening to a hos: ci ;heir !-.;i;ny tr.er.dj when a ir.oti enjoyable time was spent by all present. Mr. iMcNarey of Wiarton visited ;â- .: Mr. Wm. Mathewscn's the past weelc. Miss McCannel of Pi'oton Station spent the week end v>'ith Iiirs. Knox. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McWhinney. Mrs. F. J. Quigg of Proton spor.^ the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .-Vr- chie Stewart. Mrs. Kno.x attended the funeral of Mrs. Runciman, which took place from Proton Station to Swinton I'ark on Friday. The Holdfast Club held their reg- ular meeting at the home of Airs. Ar- chie Stewart on Wednesday after- noon of last "week when a good at- tendance was present. A hap;iy a.fter- noon was enioyed. , Mr. A. S. Muir shipped a two-year old steer last Tuesday with H. Spol- fard, U. F. 0. shipper that weighed 1140 pounds here and 1110 in Toron- to. He received $9.75 per hundred- weight. Who says feeding cattle does not pay? T Mrs. Ben McKenzie received word the past week of the death of her , sister, Mrs. R. Galbraith, at her home j at Meaford, which occurred on March i 10th, after a lingerig illness. She ', leaves to mourn her loss her hus- band, three sons and one daughter, Neil and .Andrew of Alliston, David at home and Mrs. Russel Nash of To- ronto; also four brothers and two sisters, Robert and Dave Brodie of Toronto, Neil of Strongfield, Saak., Dan of Walkerton, Mrs. Ben McKen- zie of Ceylon and Mrs. T. J. Brodie of Glenelg. The sympathy of the community is extended to Ml^. Mc- ' Kenzie and other relatives in their , bereavement. R. Cook visited with Glenel friends on Monday. Thu Maxwell 'Women's Instituta met at tho home of Mrs. Geo. Priest- ly on VVtanesuay, Jiauh 13th, with aoout 2U ladies piesent. Mr^s. (Dr.) Gauid g-ave a ve.y instructive and in- teresting paper. \ social was plan- ned for members and their nus- tando or iriends. It will be held Thursday evening, March 21 at the home ot Mrs. (Ur.) Gauld. Lunch was served by the hostess and an en- joyable social hour was spent. The services in St. .Mary's Anglic- an church will be held on Good Fri- day at 2.'M p.m. and on Easter Sun- day at the regular hour of 11 a.m. The Guild has cancelled their meet- ing for the month of March. Rev. Watson cf Toronto wlil take charge of the service in the United Church here ne::t Sunday. The sympathy c: the comm inity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Som- berger in the loss tf ther home by fire recently. Mr. and MVs. Robt. Mil.-.tyre Jr. spent Sunday with the lattcr's mother Mrs. Cameron. Mrs. Herb Clarke of CoUingwood has returned after spending the past few weeks wiih her m-ther, Mrs. Cameron and ether relatives, SOUTH LINE and O. D. R ARTEMESIA COUNCIL t :: Bread Is Your Best Food Eat More Of It Every Day Miss Hazel Flood has gone to Han- over, where she has taken a position. A number from here attended the miscellaneous shower on Friday night for Miss Gladys Sheridon, bride-to- be. Some from here attended the dance in Kimberley on Friday night oi I*mt w@@K Mr. Daiton Ferguson of Kimberley spent the week end with friends on th'- Third Line. We extend our sympathy to MY. and Mrs. Thos. Hall in the death of Mr. Hall's brother, Jos., who died on Thusday, at his home in Sask- atchewan. The snow is disappearing very rap- idly in this vicinity. The roads are in loor condition for either sleigh; ing or wheeling. ROCK MILLS Beautiful spring w-eather at the time of \vTiting. C. Newell had several men on, the first of the week, shovelling out the snow on the hills. Cars commenc- ed running here on Monday, as Jas. Dargavel went through to Flesherton with his car. Mi-8. Sam Croft had a quiltmg on Wednesday of last week when a num- ber of the neighbor ladies were pres- ent and finished two quilts, after wh'ch Mrg, Croft served a bountiful supper. ' A very enjoyable time was spent by those pi-esent. The Pilgrim Holiness meetmg will be held next Sabbath evening at the home of Mrs. Chas. Newell, at 7.30 Everybody welcome. Wo are very pleased to learn tna'' Ei"iie White, who has been confined to his bed for several weeks, is maTc- ine snlendid progress lnte\y and is able to bp up some. We trust no will steadily improve. See T. W. Findlay's advertisement in this issue. The council met in Flesherton on March 6, -1929. Members were all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted. Report of committee re changing proposed diviation of 1.30 side road, recommending no change in route; ac- counts ordered to be paid, W. Aid- corn, refund $2.00: committee work. A. Cameron, $8: H. Corbett, $4. C. Meldrum $4, J. Davi:; $2, I. B. Whit- taker $2. Report 3 of Road Super- intendent was presented. ; U;i.,.is _ Whittaker â€" - That report [ 3 of the Road Superintendent be ad- , opted and accounts amounting to $103.50 be paid. â€" Carried. ; Corbett â€" Jleld -urn â€" That a ; grant of $15 bo made to the Township j of Artemesia Trustees and Ratepay- ers -Association. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Corbett â€" That the Aud- ; iters report be aodpted and the ab- j stract statement published. â€" Carr. i Davis â€" Corbett â€" That the wire ' fence bonus be left to commissioners of 1P29. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Corbett â€" That the Treas- urer open an account with the Bank of Toronti at Markdale, for the ac- commodation of the ratenaers. â€" Car. Corbett â€" Davis â€" That no cul- verts be purchased without cor-ient of Commissioner of the division.Carr. The council adjourned to meet on the 6th of April. (Last Week's Items) A very enjoyable evening was spent by friends and nL'ar neighbors on Friday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. James Turner, it being the 25th anniversary of their wedding. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Turner and Mrs. James Oliver. Miss Miabel Watters of Orangeville business college was home over the week end. Miss Jean McCannel spent the week end at James Oliver's. Mr. R. Vause drives a fine team of blacks. Miss Emma Oliver spent the week week end at her home. Mr. F. R. Oliver and a friend spent the week end with his parents. The wind on Wednesday night of last week took the roof off Mr. John Meads' barn and the track along with it. James Oliver's cutter had been left standing outside that nifht and it was somewhat damaged. It was certainly a wild storm. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank all neighbors and friends for sympathy extended to us during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Wm. J. Reid. See T. W^ Findlay's advertisement in this issue. Toronto is not a safe place to have a bicycle. Last year 1446 of these wheels were stolen there and only 348 recovered. Motor thieves were less successful. They stole 2225 autos and 2150 were recovered. *lce Box Cookies'* 1 cup but:er ; 2 cups sugar; 3^2 cuP* Piinty Flour; 2 eggs; 2 te«- ipoons baking powder; ^voring ; 1 cup nuts and teisins <£oppcd (optional) Make tb* doush in ^^^ • rail tad keep it 1^^^ OTetnisnt is die ice bos 6r • HDB A _ cooi place. Slice thiolr â- SB A ^^ and bake io • M^^ H â-  M^^ qnlck OTca. I .uslkint ^B ^^m ^^k StnJiOcfrr 700 Rtcipi Caoi Bock Weateia Canada Floor MiUa Co. Limited. Toronto. 92 Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO ^ Phone: KIngsdale 4344 « I I. W.Bates. R. Maddocks. | I "HouseofOuality" RIPE TOMATOES ORANGES CELERY LETTUCE LEMONS RANANAS GRAPE FRUIT I W. J. Stewart & Son; | I 1 ""^^ffSrSfi*^.

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