Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1929, p. 2

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And when millions like it better it must be so. n SAUDA TEA *Fretb from the gardens* n & JlILEi »>' K.w.&A-nnttTiixA BliUlN lltKL iuiJrt.x Clare Jt.veti, in love with the Kev. Daniel Uiichrist, niairua Jeiry Uood- kind lor his inoiR-y. Uaiiiel is dismiss- ed Irom the fashionable thuica of the Nativity i.i New Vork because of his radical sermons. •"Overcoat Hull," a refuge for the unemployed, is established by Gil- Christ. Clare onies in and says she has left Jerr; and Daniel sends her back to him. Joe HennijT and liis gan^ break in and assault Gilchrist. Mary Margaret, a little cripple, repeats the Lord's Prayer. She rises from her knees and walks to Gilchrist, cured of her lame- ness. The gang believes it a sign from nt)ovo. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. CH.\PTER XXII.â€" (Cont'd) "I wish I could," Daniel earnestly ipjoined. Mary Margaret turned to go. Good- kinu halted her. "You seem to walk all right," he Baiu. "Oh, yes," she answered cheerfully. "Had a doctor look her over?" he aiked of Gilchrist. "Three of thcni." he replied. "Any opinions?" "Three opinions," he answcicd smil- "They say he didn't do i'," spoke up .Ma-y M.u->,aret. "You ses.i hiiii." J'ui'icl held a warning finger towarfi her. "They all Fay she sufTerod from hysterical paraplegia," he said. "Hys- toiieal paralysis; One says she was cured by shock â€" you know, the riot. Another says it was sugRestion â€" bu- lieving â€" which is another way of say- ing faith, isn't it? The important thing is that she's cured." "God did it," the girl said, firmly. "God and Mr. Gilchrist." 11% halted her again, then .sent her (Dn hi!- \v;iy ;vith an armload 'if pack- apes. The two men paused, each wait- ing for the other to speak, it was Goodkind who broke the silence. "How are things with you?" Good- kind asked at length. "Fine!" came the answer, with more thai a mere emphasis of enthusiasm. "Happy?" asked Goodkii.d, as though leeling his way. "Ves." The reply bore assurance. "And you?" "No," said Goodkind, gravely. "Everything's all wrong," he confess- ed. "My boy's very ill. Clare's won- derful t<j him. I can't explaii. it. She's liko a different woman. And she seems happ.v. 15ut Jerry's had to give up work, and there's more trouble in Black River â€" that's what brought me." "You don't want my advice," said Daniel quietly. "I want you," said Goodkind â€" "as general manager. These strikes are such utter d â€" d waste. We had a working compromise on yi ur agree- ment, and everything was all right, but we bcagn figuring we couUl make more money â€" and the men walked out and flt>odtd the mines. I'd like you to take charge, Daniel." Gilchrist did not hesitate. "I can't," he said simply. "You're not going tfi turn down $100,000 a year?" "What can I buy with it that I haven't got?" Gilchrist smilod faintly. "What can you buy with $100,000?" Goodkind blustered, bewildered. What have you bought?" Gilchrist Uenged. who have nothii.g else â€" neither health, nor happiness, nor love, ntr respect. Men who car get no joy out of books, or pictures, ^r music, or even them- selves. Ti -ed, worried men who are afraid to qui., because tliey have no t'esiurco except to mi(k<^ money- money with which to buy vulgar ex- citement for their owivdeljr.sed souls," He paused for a" moment. "Why, Mr. Goodkin:l, • I'avc an 'n- come that you wouldn't su^gtst to your bookkeeper. But I have peace, and health, ai.d friends, and time to read, and think, and dream, and help. Which of us Is the rich i. an?" "But if everybody lived your way," GeMxlkind protested feebly, "what would become of the world's work?" "Living that way is my contribution to the world's work," sr id Daniel. "Another ma. might be selling shoes, or writing pluys, or digging ditches. Doing his job doesn't prevent any man from doing his bit. 'I'rom every mar according to his ability, to every man according o his needs,' And every man who givei; his best must find his happiness." "I'm afraid thoro wouldn't be much progress â€" living your way," said the other, unconvinced. Daniel turned on him. "That's the second time you've spoken of my way. It isn't my way. It s the sum 'otal of all that has been learned and taught. You and Jerry and tho others have called me eccen- tric, and a fool, because I'm trying to w:ilk a path trod hard by countless feet." He rose and drtv. closer. "Was Christ eccentric? Was Con- fucius a fool? An '. how about Buddha and Mohammed? What of St. Ber- nard, and St. Teresa, and S.. Francis of Assisi â€" of Plato, and Zcno, and Lincoln, and Emerson, and Florence Nightingale, and Father Daniien, and chimeH. Daniel walked to the window and threw it open. He looked up at the sky. Mary Margaret watched him wonderingly. Shj huddled and drew h»^r new furs tightly about her, •« though taking refuge Iq them, r Oiloh'risl's gii^o fell to the great, jtH;;;»ed skylino sirii<iittt»d before liipi. firn.iMey* pojircd no myrky smoko into tiie world now. All was (luict, all was calii., all v,a's peace, Was the day coming when men's si uls wt'uld le as <|iii('t, as calm, i.s pcac.'ful as this Jus - this eve of shepherds, a manger, a child. T;.: girl came towaidhimslowly. She foun<I his arm akimbo, and .she tucked her head beneath it and nestled to him. Her eye.s looked above the sky- line to a g'eam of sheer light in the blue. "Mr. Gilchrist," she said softly. "Is that the star of Bethlehem?" He looked up .at it. "I womlcr," he said. But he didn't. He knew. (The End.) â- .''<»:â-  -they call him 'The man you can 't rattle ' Many successful business men regularly use \Vrigley*8. The act oi chewing has a soothing effect. The healthful cleansing action ot Wrigley's refreshes the mouth â€" gcndy sdmulates the flow oi the natural juicesâ€" steadies the nerves- aids digestion. WRIGLEYS ch;i CHAPTER XXIIL SUCCESS AND PEACE. Goodkind, master of millions, was taken aback by the blnnd query. Out- side thoro waited for him a motor car with more upholstery than this whole room contained. He hail just driven from one of New York'-i residential show places. He owned mines that went deep into the grourd and sky- scrapers that towered into the air. With one fl.)^ri.sh he could write a chc<|uo in seven figures. An<l this man had asked hini what wealth had bought for him! "I've one of the finest house? in New York,'' he saiJ a- last. "Is it any n.oro cimifort .l;le than this?" aniel challenged. "I've got half a dozen carr," wont on Goodkind. "I've two legs, and I walk, and keep well," returned Daniel. "I've '.'O servantsâ€"" "Don't toll me you enjoy that!" ".•\nd, what's most imporluiit of all,' said Goodkind emphatically, "I'm a I success." Daniel fixed piiiet rating eyes upon hi 111. ".'^re you Goodkind's mutter. ".Are you?" Daniel queried again. "What is success? Money! Yes, that is what our civilization tells us. .Money! But where has that brought us? Only to tho elevation of the unfit â€" tho merely shrewd and predatory. All around us we see men of wealth "Is that th star of Hcthk'hcm 'â- '" he asked eari.cstly. answer was a scornful NICE WORDS WONT DYE a dress or coat . . . Kcith<T prdty pictures nor colorful adjectives will dye a dress or coat. It t.ikcs real dyes to do the work; dyes made from true anilines. Next time you have dyeing to do, try Diamond Dyes. See how easy it is to use them, 'ihen compare the results. Your dealer will refund your money if you don't agree they are better dyes. You get none of that rc-dycd look from Diamond Dyes ; no streaking or spotting. Ju.st fresh, crisp, bright new color. And watch the way they keep their brilliance through wear and washing. They are better dyes because they contain plenty of real anilines â€" from three to live times more than other dyes. But you pay; no more for them than for ordinary dyes The while fackaqe of Diamond Dyes is tlie original "ail-piirpose" dye for any and every kind of material It will dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon or anv mixture of materials. The hUic package is a special dve. for silk or wool only. With it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results e«\ual to the finest professional work. Remember iMs wnffll you buy. The blue packaije dyes silk or wool only. The tvhite parkaiie will dye every kind of goods, including silk aitd wool. Your dealer has both packagcf. Diamond D|l« £asp to me Pvject results ^B^ Otlavia Hill, and all the saints and scientists, and po<!ts ami phlosophers, who have lived and died in complete forgetfulness of seit? Wer.; they fools, or were they wise men and women who had found the way to peace and happi- ness? Were they failurc.s, or were they the great succes.scs of all Time and Eternity'.'" "God knows!" said Goodkind, per- pl. .\ed. Tho door opened. Slow I.v a bent figure made its way into the room. One might have found it h.Trd to rec- ognize Jerry in tiio man, Deatii's slow ajiproach was written in his deeply- lined face. He dragged his legs with difficulty. But his eyes still bore a cirtain cruel alertness. "You've been tho devil of a time," he said petulantly, t.iniir.g to his father. "What's been keeping you?" "Mr. Gilch'isv," explained the elder Goodkind. "Hello, Gilchrist," Jerry said crisp- ly to the figuro that came toward him. How are you, Jerry?" responded Gilchrist cheerily. Not so damned well," said the other, cringing . bit. "But I'll be all right in the spring. Clare's looking after inc. Clare's a good sport. What I need now's a run down to Palm Beach." He looked around the room patronizingly. "So you're reduced to this, are you?" "Yes," said Daniel, smiling. "Going to take my job?" "No," said Gilchrist. "Why not?" "Your father understands." said Gilchrist. "Yes â€" so do I," Jerry snaered. "Didn't I ..IwayH say you were a nut. That's it, a nut." And his derisive laughter turned into a paroxysm of coughing that almost toppled him. "Come, Jerry," said his father, starting for the door. It opened be- fore he reached it and Mary Mar- garet camo in. Jerry scrutinized her closely with a leer. "Who's the girl?" he asked of Gil- christ. "Your father's waiting," said Dan- iel, evading the question. "All right," said Jerry, gooil-na- turcdly enough. Ho hobbled toward the door, but not without turning for i\ final fling. ".Some failure you've made out of life," he said contemptu- ously. Ho lifted an unsteady hand, described n circle or two about his head. "Wheelsâ€" by God. Wheels 1" Goodkind looked sadly at Gilchrist. "I wonder whether you're the fail- ure, aXt«r ail," he Sfeid softly, as he took Dftniel's hand. Then he followed hl» son through the door. (Jilchrist took his pipe from his pocket, filled it leisurely, and the flash of a match revealed his clear-out face in the darkening shadows. From far away in a church spire pointing heavenward there cnme-the sound of Just Ri^ht for This Weather SHREDDED Hi^h in calories and wanning carbo- hydrates-No fuss or bother- 'just warm in oven and serve with hot milk Made \iy The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd Department of Health The marvel ol Ontario's power de- velopment and the application of elec- tricity to ilium. nation and transpor- tation systems of the city, to the machinery of industry, to lighting and cooking in the home, has a parallel even more mar.-ellous in the develop- ment of the services now available to the people of Ontario through the De- partment o'f Hc-alth, CO.\lMb'NITV HEALTH. Any communi'y, large or small, is free to ask for help under ar.y item of municipal 1 ealtli adraiiiistration, viz. : control of communicabit dis- eases, the establishmen', maintenance or extension c " water supply and sew- age disposal, giiibage collection, milk supply, puhlic health nursing, child j health or d jntal service programs, to- jgether with ruut.ne or emergency [laboratory service. I HEALTH IN iNDUSTRY. Industry has its own health prob- lems and special service is proffered by tho Department to further the health of the woker in industry. Any industrial i. agenient may request help to meet the health needs of its plant, becaiiie the Department realizes that health plays ju;' as important a part in plant operation a.s the horse- power which .iiakes the wheels go jurid. HEALTK IN THE UO.ME. In the home the real fight for health is staged, an J into the hon.e the De- p itment sends knowledge of every new discovery after it ha.s bien care- fully tried and tested. The home Is using this knowlcug in every-day life just as it pu ;lie.s tho electric button to light the floor lamp or beat the electric iron. It is because the mothers of Ontario hr.ve used this health knowledge thai Ontario's infants are net dying from diseases Uco to incor- rect feeding in such large numbers as formerly; it 's duo to the iplendid co- operation of Ontario parenls that 41),- OO'J children were protected against diphtheria last year, uiid it will be through the etiorls made in jur homes that preventable disease â€" diabetes. tuberculosis and cancer as well as the acute infectious dise.ises â€" will be re- duced in thi^ Provirce. Personal health meani community health, na :.ional health, and iiersona! health de- pends hi the home. DIVISIONAL OKCAMZ.-VTION. The Dcpurtmcnt is organized into .^ series of Divisions, each responsible for its own job: Division f Saintary Engiiieei<ng, Division of Preventable Diseases, Division of Child Hygiene. Division oi Laboratories. Division of Industi-ial Hygiene. Division of Dental .Services, Division of Vital Slatisticj. Division of Nurse Registration, Division of Public Health Educa- tion. Write for copy of the Uerlth Al- manac for I'Jli'J. Uept. of Health 1 Ontario, Parliament Bigs., Toronto, Ont Trade With Newfoundland Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph (Ind.) ; (Newfoundland buys goods worth $lii,000,0OO from Canada each year, while Canada buys from th; Ancient Colony goods worth $500,UOi'. Sir liichard tiijaires has been vi.>iting the Dominion for the purpoj*, of nego- tiuting a tret.' that will ensure a bet- ter trade balance.) The chief diffi- culty is found in' the fact that Can- ada produces pretty much what New- foundland exports, and so there is lit- tle demand in this country for our neighbor's principle products Canada cannot be expecteo to accept pay for her exports in codfish instead of cash, sin^e we already i.i.ve all the fish we need in our own waters. With the most f ric .idly feeling toward New- foundland and with a natural desire to accommodate our trada arrange- ments to suit so good a customer, it will be difficult to discover means by which the trade account may be more nca.-ly balanced. MInard's Liniment for Coughs, Colds. « "Freedom of. the Seas" Saint John Times-Globe (md.) : The United States has u way of changing its interpretations ol the "freedom of the seas" according to whether Eome- bcdy is In its way or it vvanii tc stand in the way of another. Just as tho traflic offlcer had given' the signal for the cars to move, a' pretty girl made a dash across the' street. Sbo would have been knocked' down by a swiftly moving car had not the driver jammed on his brakes. "Women and donkeys are always lo the way," he exclaimed furiously, "Glad to see you've the manenrA to' put yourself last," retorted the girl cooly. FAi^IVIckS fiequiring British neip â€" Singic men, Aomen or families, to assisi Mrith farm work, should write Rev. Alex. VlacGregor, 43 Victoria St., Toronto. These people will be arriving after March 15. Theit teeth are at a tough- ness which makes chemhold their keen cutting edge un- der every usage. tIMONOt CANADA SAW iO. â-  m . MOKTREAt. VAMUIUVtBiST. JOH«, N.B.j Tgnarrro MInard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu. The St. Lawrence Waterway London .•Vdvei'.'. «r (Lib.) . Air. Fer- guson and other politicians who talk of an nil-Canadian channel into the stretch of the St Lawrencs between Ontario and New York State assume that the Canadian people nre ignorant ot the fact that tho United States built and even today maintain deep channels on the Canadian ijide of the line. Let the peace talk continue; Its bet- 1 ter than war talk, anyway. The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But ifs just as important to knozv that there is only one (jcniiiue Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the bo.x. If the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and i£ it doesn't, it is not ! Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and tiie pain that goes with them ; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin â€" at any drugstoreâ€" jvith proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Ajplrin 1» Ihe tr«de mark (reglBteffO In Canada) Imllcallnir B«jt«r Manufaclure. Wlille It U will kuxwu tliot Asplrlb mtnns Bayvr manurariun-, lo assuri' Ihr public against tmits- Uuim, tbe iablets wlU he stajiiptJ with tbelr "Bajct Cross" ttaJiojark. ISSUE No. IIâ€" '29 Chri(ftie*8 Sultanas Packed full of tender, plump, delicious ftncntsbed Sultanas retaining the fine flavor gnd fragrance of the fruit fresh from the sunnji; vineyards. stort I 'fbone, d%i)*yi *sh for ^lic^iscuits \ r^

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