Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1929, p. 4

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5» mmmmmimmmm^mmmmm ivn mm WEDNESDAY MARCH 20, 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1 Published on Collingwood stroet, Mesherton, Wednesday of each [ week. CicUlation over 1100, | Price in Canada, f2.00 per year when paid in advance fl.BO. In U.S.A., 12.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THl'R.STON • Eaitor. f. J. THL'USION - Asst. Kciucr. PEAK REACHED Ontario has reached the peak in he;- road building canipai;rn, and from this time forth will likely do ^>^X~X- Proceedings in Parliament (Ey A C. MACPHAIL. U.V.) i Ottawa, March 18, 1929. returns, he had no trouble showing The House ij dull, deadly dull. ^^^. Prosperit of Can*da. However The Budget debate is draKKing on. "^ '» so badly distributed that the l.overnment members say the country common people feel very little need IS pnspiLuus. J he opi-j.sitiun claim '^ }}• '^"â- - f "»•''? spoke particularly mat uie irospcr:ly u .•ipotly, anU '••''>;' ImmiR.ntion. He is a (frcat I!..; farminn is nc. one oi the spots, deal closer to opposition to all state il-.f conservatives sugge.a making «'«* f«'' ]'ninigration then he was n lar.n.iig prosperous i.y proi-.-aio.-,, '•o»'l>lo of years a^o. shutting o&t farm nrodu.ts of Unit- The hours drag; the House is al- ed .States. Mr. (Outhrie. in a very ""ost empty; members deliver their p.bl'.. two-hour speech, dt-alt wah the 'arefuUy prepared fortv minute , real nord if more protection for speeches to empty benches, and dis- larmers, but failed to uhow why tho int"restc(i members. United States' farmers, v/ho have I' '^ almost impossible to make a GREY & BRUCE MUTUAL HELD ANNUAL MEETING Auction Sale n Canada to truth or eloquence Kradualiy less construction work on been protected 43 tent., a bushel on K""^ ^f«-^^*P a wholly indifferent provincial highways. Premier u.-eat, lii cents a pound on butter, audience. The House of Commons Ferguson forecast in speaking be- 20 tents a Ballon on cream 8 cts. a •s the ha_-(lest place fore the convention of the Ontario do/:en on eggs, were poorer than the speak. Logic, „ „»,„ Good Road' a sociation, last week. Canadian farmer, more discouraged changes no votes and more often The rrtal v> lumc of construction and less able to help h.ir. .oi:. i\lr. l^^an not leaves the members of the worV dor.o - â- >. Ontario'^, highway.^ Cithri- admill-d i!.'.- Lii.ltJ. States ^ouse -^old. â- â€ž.^,^^. in the last few years has established i, our best market, It seems to me . The Committees are busy, interest- a chain str^tchin^- from one end of the admission is jur.t 18 year., too mg and m theni human contact is Ontario Do the other and far into the late. i Possible; Here Members more nearly north countrv. the premier obsorv- it is the farmei- and not low or expres.s m speech and 'n vote tnmr od and little more now h'.ilding 13 high tariff, or even free trade that conviction than in the House oi corn- left to be done. While there arc interests me. If I could see how tar- mons. still roads to be made permanent and iff would help the fa mjr when he The Agricultural Committee is ilis- others to be improved, the greater h an i :ptrtoi-, 1 would be willing cussing the grading of wheat, with pa-t of the work to be undertaken to try it. Should agricultii e ask pool officials giving evidence. The by the provincp in the next few years for protrHion, how can we then re- F.'ppt.ions Ccmmitt"" is revising the will be i" maintenance and imnrove- fuse higher and yet higher protection Elections Act. The Railway Com- inent. The nremier drew the at- lo the manuf.iciurer. Suppose wc â€" Htee talkinp branch Imei with torfi'n of tho convnntion to intention gt,t a cent or so more for what we Thornton and Beattv in attendance, of the eovorrment a<! previously sold, which is unlikely, but paid out the Industrial Relations Committee expressed to increase the gasoline r> c â-  10 cents more for what we sront this week on sickness and m- tnx f'-om thre<- to five cents a gallon, bought, hov/ much ahead would wc valid'ty insurnr^e. No furthc • decrease in automobile be? Mr. Mnl-r,lm, Minister of Trade and Commerce, has the rare gift of nakinu: figure.^ attractive. By bank deposits, railway earnings, gro.^s trade The annual meeting of the Grey & Bruce Mutual Fii'e Insurance Com- pany waii held at the head office, Hanover, on February 22. The com- pany shows a large increase in bus-: iness and the total asset.? stand at $188 640.46. The amount of insurance in force is $8,216.29. The five retiring directors wore re- elected as follows: A. Mc Arthur, Pri- ceville ; Hugh McLean, Durham, 2; .1. II. Hunter, Walkerton. 3; Neil McLcod, Proton Station; John Cooper Hancvf •. 2. T. H. O'Neil, Hanover was re-elected President, D. McKinnon Vice-President. W. Ruttle, Hanover was appointed manager. Great stress was laid on careless- ness in handling lanterns and smok- ing on the premises. â€" Durham Chron- icle. DAN McGlNNIS McVicar'a Hotel, Pricevillc TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1929 HORSES â€" Team of heavy horses, Black mare. 10 years old Black horse 12 years old; Bay Driving Horse, 8 years old. EQUIPMENT â€" Set of Adams Sleighs; Rubber tire buggy; 2 Fleury Plows; Cutter; Set of four section har- rowj; set of team harness; set of sin glo driving harness; three horse col- lars; neck yoke; whiff letrees, set of team blankets; chains and forks, set of storm covers; numerous other art- icles. No reserve as everything must be sold. I TERMS OF SALE â€" All sums of ,Ten Dollars and under, cash; over Ithat amount Ten Months' credit will be given on approved joint bankable notes, bearing interest at Six per- cent. JOHN O'NEIL, Auctioneer Herbs are Best for Ailing Kidneys Natural, aate and wonderfully healing Herbs, and herbs only, are used in Gal- lagher's Kidm-y Remedy which is on,- of the old, proved, Herbal Household Remedies that the noted herbalist, James Gallagher, compounded himself more than 50 years ago. And these goo<l herbs, Nature's gift, have great healing power. Even acute kidney ailments like Rheumatism, a, e relieved by Gal- lagher's, liad backaches, dizzy spells and bladder miseries soon stop. Try this tnistworthy herbal remedy. It is remarkable â€" and safe. So?d by 34 C, N. RICHARDSON, Fleshorton. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY I?! license fees is announced, although there is a no'^ibilitv of something being done in this connection. Wi-^h thee Budect out of th" v"v ant) Pnater Rcceo'' over April 4th, inav brine mr -e life to the dullest, session I have known. AGNES MACPHAIL. EDITORIAL NOTES If wcmcn liad any .sense wculd be more bachelors. •!»:..»:»:•«<":- ^» « • * ' there People who talk in their sleep shoulJ te'.l the truth while awake. * « « Soon will arrive the time of year virhen it can be truly said of manv a man that his home is in his garage. The British statesman. Lord Buck- n-.a3lcr, aeclares that the drivin*' of u mote, car by a (iruiiKcn man 13 lar nit:; uangerous than firing a pistol. Yev orunken dnvcr.s con- tinue to increase and too often when brought to c-ourt, get oil with very lighi sentences. • • • Men are sometimes berated because they change their minds with regard to publ:.- artairs. Why should a man not alter his opinions if he sees fit? To grow olu gracefully, onj should be villing to tuvise his views us circuir.siancs change and his opinions requiie revisions. It need surprise no one ix Mr. Chamberlain accepts a sit-at in the House of Lords, and takes the title 01 the Efiii of Birmingham. He is in poor health yet, ii'id is said to be tired of active cai..paign.:.g. Ine retreat of the Upper House might not be uncongenial to him. How like OUT Senate i:i the old land's re- pository for tired politicians? "Old Home Week" Letters I'sc These Columns and Let Your P'riends Know. WILL MEET OLD FRIENDS «M~v*~v<V''~x>''":~x«'X~x»'X~*~''»>:«-*« To onto. Ont., March 10, 1029. Editor of The Flcsherton Advance An Ottawa correspondent, point- neither of us ever rocoived to my rec- ing out that one reason for fatalities ollection. I would like to see Reg. at level crossings, is the fact that again. Then there are Bob. Thomp- motorist.,, in their closed cars,, do o-^n. A If. Good P^-rv H»»niUon, Hnrrv not heai- the warning whistles of pfrwa«-* an'' a hocf of others with approaching trains. He suggests vvhnm T could spe"'' (r^<-^ days swpn- that a siren, such as is used on ning old time recolketinns. A= for steamboats, replace the whistle, ttin sirls tho-e are tbe CrniRlevs. Fi"om such an infliction residents In en;...,.,., r.; â€" â- ',--^', on/) ^ rood •^''"v cities, towns and villages, through otb<»'-. wb'- hnv" iT<-;spd nut of th'< which trains pass on the level, will .jj^^psjâ€"jâ€" ^^mâ€" ^â- ^^"^â- BaH^^^H^ pray to be delivered. 'Ihe loud whistling, three times i';peatevl at each crossing, is bad enough now, and there is no gua-antec anyway that the reckless motorist would pay ,)ictura for me lor a good many years but I do hope some of the above mentioned will find it convenient to be present at that time. I You have asked for suggcstioTi-i as Dear Sir:- It was with great ; to any features which might help to pleasure I persued the various lett?rS|make th.^ gathering more enjoyable, in last week's issue of The Advance j I did a lot of heavy thinking last from a number of the "Old Timers," | night, and it occurred to me that a and to note the genuine interest be- , large book alphabetically arranged ing takc:i in the proposed gathering! might be provided in which all vis- together in Argust next of as n any of itors might register their names on the former residents of Flosherton ! ar.-ival and which would be open to and coininunity as can possibly make; them in order to ascertain the names the prade. j of other visitors, as even in Flesher- It will surely be a treat to me to 1 ton it might be possible to miss meet- most some of the old fellows (and | ing with someone you desired very .';:-hool girls too.i and I note that: much to see through not hearing of Frank Irwin will be one of them. The. their presence. I v,rould suggests the fi st thing hf has to do for mc is to "old girls" register unde^- their maid- sing that old favorite of his, and en name, with their present name mine too, anont baseball as mentioned following, otherwise the information in the Bible. He knows the one I would not help some of us as many mean, I on'.y know the chorus but have married since leaving Flesher- I want him *'^ f"rnish me with the j ton and many of us do not know them pntire song if it has not slipped his under their married names. If this memory. suggestion meets with the approval Then there 's T>^s. Smith, whom I of the committp" handling the ar;-an- h!^ve not board from s'n?e I left gements. I shall be glad to provide -ch^ol. Knd do not even know where such a book and forward is as soon ho i^ living at nrssent. Reg. and I as yon wish. It would form an in- iispd ♦'> bpat one ointher "n pretty teresting record for future refer- regularly in those ('â- ^v.t on the p-oif- en'-", isp of a nickle to the winn.^r which I micht state that 'f there is any thing I can do for the Toronto end of the mattr • duri"" the cominir months, nlea'" make suggestions and I will only be too glad to assist in apv wav n^d I nm confident tMt I will ""t lack assistancT from the manv old timers who are even now looking forward to the event. .•-xn-". verv trv'". BURTON E. FIRTT>. A FRIEND T was a shoaf of fears But garmented .. . » .1 „, „ \,„ To bear the splendid semblance any more attention to the screacher X." than he ne^w pays to the whistle or the lighted 8ignal.^. Of a man; Then one day I met God . . , And compact made '-'â- ^ ,..,.,, Of friendship 321 It 18 sometimes objected that more ,p^ i,p jagtjng as life's span. T' thii ' iwo r>'iiii.r»l purtic! are unde- sirable and not to be encouraged, what would me oDJectors think of politics as carried on in the new Re- publics of Northern Europe? For example, in a recent election in Latvia, the Baltic state formed by the allioj, after the war, out of a portit:! of Russia, thei: v/ere in a recent election for its Parliament, candidates represeni:iig no fewer than 44 political pa tics. As was to be expected, cant.. dates were num- erous, and the j'overnmont was forc- ed to app opriatc a large sum to pro- vide builot paper.,. The Commun- ists were not represented on the bal- lots, as the wily government took the precaution of jailing a'.l the "Red" candidates. I kept mine badly â€" He failed not in Hisâ€" And when War's gore-stained kennels Loosed their horde. He, hating battle Less than cowardice, Helped me to buckle on My shining sword And on a day Death rode a hurtiing shell That could not pass me by In its mad race, He held His wounded hands Before my eyes; So that I saw no line Of Death's dark face. And on this spinning sphere Where I had dwelt. Save for His helping, Fear's tight-fettered slave. He let them write â€" In letters hewn from stone- Above my head â€" "Perished Among the Brave." In a recent addros.^ Mr. Kenneth DuDRtan, Vije-P-esident of tlie Hell Telephone Company, suKgesled to tho Toronto local Council of Women, that a ittuatiion was rapidly developing in the relations of the sexes to domeetic relationships that would speedily de- mand attention from the feminine pop- ulation. In Germany, for example, there are to-day five million men of marriageable age and a like number of women. Tho advent of the exten- sive employment of women has kept the w«K«« of a certain number of men so tow it is Impossible for them to marry. Suicides of one in the have resulted from boys being unable to ge» employment they desired. The question is, whether we shall employ married women and have two produc- er! in tho family, instead of one. Women who prefc, to remain single most, of course, be permitted to take pot luck in comncling for work with the other sex, but there can surely be no two opinions about the unde-'ir- nbility of married women re .iani.ig In the labor markc' a^ v.nee c?.rr.-'.s, while the-? are h""bnnds ii-rablo, through such compi'.Iti. r., to r't em- ployment. INCORPORATED 1855 "BANK^TORONTO UmjOfia: TORONTO, GVNAPA {When loMM arc re<)uire<l to inc(e«»e the money- mtkintf opAcity oi your I fum ao HOC hesitate to visit dbe neaf«^ Bank of Tofome Mamget. Ha will / be ^ U i gh icd |0 give yoor ,^ pcohkma dt* EM»nefit of Y* . ibe Bank*! cipcrii^nc^and I' fodlkiea. This Bknk is here to help you. BRANCHES: PEVFRSIIAMJ. S. McMillan, Manager MARKDALE - A. E. Hunt. Manager. . Braneha Thnkgbtnt Cantuij •U \H Easter IV|illinery On Saturday we place on sale our first showing of Ready-to-wear Millinery for the spring season. You will be pleased with the distinctive styles and the reasonable prices. New Shades in Holeproof SUk Hosieryâ€" AU Size8^$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.95 en's Spring Felt Hats Just received from makers this week. Fine fur felts â€" new correcc shapes â€" new range of Spring colorings. Full assortment of sizes. Specially Priced at $3.95 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO i^ 1927 â€" Chevrolet Coach. Its appearance speaks for itself. A real buy at |476.00 1925 â€" Chevrolet Touring, duco finish. Mechanicallv o. K. Do not miss this one. 1295.00. 1926 â€" Ford ton truck, equipped with Starter and Rucketell srearâ€" $176.00 1922 â€" Ford Coupe. A lot of â- enricc i» this one yet. $126.00. CPRINGispractTcally here! Soon you'll ^ be feeling the lure of the road again. Your hands will be tii^ting to get On the wheel. And here's your chance to save mot;ke.y on a Good Car . . a car with thousands of miles of enjoyment left in, that somebody gave up to get an Outstanding Chevrolet. We can't keep these Used Cars in stock with the apritig deliveries comity in. ^They MUST go. They ARE going. BUT there are adB many bargdna left. StiM a good yacaecy to cbooae from. So come in and gBa^> tfaia opportunity. Be rtmly for Spring tliiiy«arl 0. ' ^• \ 1- D. McTAVIftH ft ftOM rlcttkertoii, -:- O^t. « » ;!; T t . + . i \ V

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