Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY MAHCH 20, 1»» » « * » « ♦ » • • » .f Condact Yoor Affairs WithDipity A BANK OF COMMERCE savings account lands dignity to the transact- ions of the depositor. It identifies him with an organization that 13 known and respected in the commun- ity, and establishes a contact which is invaluable should he at any time dciii-fe counsel or advice on money mat^- ters. Open a Bark of Commerce savings account. It will help you de- velop your financial resources as noth- ing else can, and enable you to con- duct your personal affairs with dig- nity. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ]l t Speaks Ob New I Chorch Hymnal ! At te request of Rev. Edard Bak- ' er minister of Trinity United Church I Meaford, Rev. J. E. Peters, M.A., | ' spoke in that church at the service I on Sunday eve ling on the New ' Hymnal of the three uniting church- , cs of Canada, which is in the course of preparation. After briefly reviewing the reasons for preparing a new Hymn Book, the appoiaimeiit oi .no coiuniutee ior ciiat purpose, and tne a:tioa of viie Uencral Council ana ttie Ci.ey i-'res- tytery regard-ng the submitted drait 01 hymns and lunes. Sit. i^eiers pro- ceeded to discuss this drait in detail. In regard to tlie wo.k cf the com- mittee tne foiijwiiig points were iioied: â€" ♦♦'»»<»<'<'»»»»>»>»»»<»»>»»»<~»»<N>4M»<N»»»»<~>.fr»»<0"^^ CJ'Jl. TIME TABLE First Car To Mark- dale This Spring (1) Th£ painstaking work of the Hymnal Loir.mittee during the past I two years. l2) That the analysis I of the sources trom which the hymns I have been :;elected shows that of the I 645 in iho drait, 21'J are to be found I in each of the books used at present i by the three united churches, 336 of i them are in the Congregational book J 341 in the Methodist book, and 485 in the Presbyterian book, while 74 ] are 'taken from other sources; 333 hymns that are in the book used in the former Methodist Church have been omitted, and 334 from the book used by the former Presbyterian Church. V I I i % <• t ♦ I I Buckeye Incubators and Brooders Tested and proved by over a million users â€" scientifically designed to hatch every hatchable egg. :; 5 I I feed trays -^»o Royal Mush Hoppers â€" waer founts Purple Poultry Specific, lice !;iller, chick starter, etc Buckeye Brooders â€" large stove, greater heating effic- iency, double check draTt â€" thermostat heat regulator. Trains leave Flesberton Station aa| (ollowB: Goinc Soatb. Coin; North «.08 a.in. 11.52 a.m. â-  _, . , ^ " ^ . A^(\.„^ aK<t.» The out-of-town motoring opened „ l -^ j .... iJ"*-"- It, "-"-Ion Sunday when Mr. Cecil McTav- ! Mr. Peters submitted a bst of 8.31p.m. 4.33 p.m. jgj^ opened the Provincial Highway !s°me °8 hymns omitted from the The maila close «t Plesherton aa to Markdale with a new Chevrolet. Methodist book, 30 of which are to follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. He experienced no difficulty in go- ! be found in the Presbyterian book, •outl al 3.39 For nJomftj train ing through as the snow on the road i )vh.ch he would like to see inserted * was quite shallow. Rumors of the i '" the New Book, such as^ A Charge Provincial snowplow opening the road i J",^,^^*^ ^V^^-? have been numerous the^ast week, but has not appeared so far. Why the Departmen of Highways has not sent the plow through is a mystery, as there are now -only a few banks. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware ♦♦x«»>»>»»;~>»>>»»>»»»^»»»»»»<^ ? »»»»<^"»< > »»»»»»»»»*»»»»»»»<»»»~>»»»»»»»»<'^ ; • Formed A Limited | Co-Operative CompY •;• 'it â- oath mail closes at 9.00 p.m. yrevions evening:. Local and Personal the Asleep in Jesus,' Blest Be the Tie That Binds," "Day 13 Dying in the West" "Arise, My Soul Arise," and other- also a num- ber of hymns omitted from the Pres- byterian book whic he would like to but numerous enough to prevent i see included in the New Book. Mr. W. G. Kennedy spent a few I motoring. .Ancther thav.- as that of i Xn analysis of the tunes shows that •days in Toronto last week. See Findlay's advertisement this issue. Mr. George McTavish is in Toronto and Oshawa on business. Mr. Ate. Kennedy of Mannora has been visiting his son here. Rev. D.' St. Dalmas of Toronto sup- plied in the absence of Rev. M. Saun- •ders in Flesherton and at Rock Mills. H. Down & Sons unloaded .inothe last week v.-ou!d open the roads for I of the 401) in the draft submitted. in travel by car. Letter From The West 204 arc to be found in the Methodic: and Presbyterian books now m usj; that 33 others are taken from the iVlethodist book only, and 113 from the Presbyterian; that there are 405 om- itted that are in the Methodist book, and 328 that are in the Presbyterian and that of the new tunes, 110 are not found in either of these books, 223 are now to the 'Methodist book. 143 to the Presbyterian. Mr. The following letter was received from an old friend in the West: Editor of The Advance :- In 1925 and 26 we had good crops and carload of new^ Ford cars at the sta- / and good prices; 1927, badly rusted, i Peters mentioned a number of fam- tion on Tuesday. |big crop, prices very good according ; ilLir tunes that he would like to r-ee Dr. J. P. Ottewell spent the past j to grade; 1928 a good crop, some bad- | in.-luded in the new book, few days with his brother, Samuel, 'y„^'"°sted. some ve.v little frosted; j j^ ^ general discussion of the at Goodwood, who is seriously ill. 1929 we got grade 1 for wheat not , ^.^^j^ ^^^^^.^ j^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Mr. Harr>- LeGa-d returned from ^^^"^ ^^^^ ?°"JLo ^''.'PP^I '" ^^^3 ^^^^^^^^^^ expected that it would be Toronto on Monday where he spent *"f* graded 4; 1928 prices low. ^^^^^ ^ ^^j.^^.^ ^j^^ ^^^^ ^ook was the winter with relatives. Land is selling around here, furn- 1 ' ^ . Rev. M. Saunders was in Goderich over the week end and preached in the Baptist church there. A prize of a baby high chair will acre, up to about 6 or 7 miles from be donated by .T. W. Findlay for the 1 town. Land 10 to 12 miles from first baby bom after the first of town, $30 to $35 per acre. April. Read the advertisement. , We had a lovely fall. There were Dr. E. C. Murray was in Toronto h''°"?f"*^^ of bushels of wheat lying ;;'„; (3, That the singing of fam- on Friday and Saturday at a meet- 1." P'les. »« the ground, but the wea- ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ effective ing of the salesmen of the Mid-Con- ther being favorable, all got cloned tinent Bond Corooration. "?• . ^e had no snow "ntil aftei The W. M. S. of St. John's church S*T,^m to^'* haTTruSs"" for V^«' ^i^^if ica"nce of the words while will hold the annual Easter Thank- ' Snel^inX wel?her and roads ^Y ^'""T^^ ^^'^ T.^^^J^^^Z offering meeting tomorrow (21st) at 'P*?'^"'^ '^"\' .^^^ ''^i. l.-ui!, :. .. clo.e attention to what ,s being sung 3 p.m., to which all are invited who are interested in missions. An in- teresting programme is preparc-i. Mrs. H. Fenwick of town received the sad news Monday of the sudden The Artemesia and Osprey Co- ; .*. Operative Co., Limited came into be- ! 'jI ing on Saturday, when a meeting of .;. the members of the old shipping as- •> sociation met. Mr. Thos. Cooper, !♦! -Agrioulturai Representative of Mark- •{• dale wa.s present along with Mr. W. *!* -A. Amos of Palmerston, both gentle- ♦ men strongly urging the formation X of a limited company as the old way ♦> was illegal. Mr. Cooper assisted *:* very materially in the formation of .> the new Company. Mr. Amos also *? strongly endorsed the contract syst- ; X em of marketing, and also spoke on '^ various ether items of interest to the , X I farmers. j*^ j The election of a Board of Direct- .^ I ors for the new Comany resulted in ^ I Messrs Wm. Beaton, Fred Pedlar,,.*. G. Magee. Thos. Sled, W. Poole. W. ♦!• Magee and Robt. McMullen being X chosen. At a subsequent meeting -J* of the Board Mr. F ed Pedlar was el- ected chairman and Garnet Secretary-TTeasur i:. Get Your EASTER Shirts and K AT Kennedy's Store Ma^ee | ^ . , , , , . , .. ..u 1. • I published. (2) That what are frc- ished houses and implements, that is ^^^j, ^^jj^^ „jj j, ^„j ^^^^ second hand implements, feed and seed ^^ ^^,1 ^^^^^^ hymns and tunes wTth f Iwv lo6d'buUdines WO per '^' *>^^^ ^^^"""^ '^^^ %^°"''^ "" ""'»'â-  "eeae<^- " ^^^^ -« f^^-'' n^. fr ^ l^i fi"„r'?'milS"frZll=C ^^^1^^ "f^-"'-' ' i°^ J^'}?!"^'. inion of the meeting Jhat _fo Discussion also took place on lur^ .^ ther branching out of the Company, ' % many advocating a co-operative store, while others thought it would be bet- ter to investigate before any further change was made. The matter was left to the Board to secure approx- imate costs, and any further data needed. It seemed' the general op- Fascinating' new patterns â€" bright Spring colors â€" you can be sure of everything you g'et here is the very best. Shirts in madras, broadcloth, silk and rayon â€" the lat- est striped tics â€" high grade accessories. Come and .see what we have in stock for Easter! Everything for every man at a price you can afford to pay. •Breathe on Me, Breatli of God, which had immediately won a placec I for itself because cf the appeal of ' its beautiful words and appropriate as is sometimes supposed because they may be sung without a thought of being so good grain was rushed m at jj^^^, ^j thought -.}f^l^y_I^': "°?i"l^" '^:^'Z\ arul experience. (4) That the hymn the Comnany to stand still as they are would be a step backward, which was not desired at all. PASSED AWAY IN TORONTO I Grocery Specials Handy Ammonia. 3 pks. for 25c. 10 pound pail of Honey $1.10 Tomatoes. 2 tins for 25c. Rose Baking Powder. 2 tins for 43c Try Our Specizd Tea â€" 65 cts. THIS WEEK â€" 5 lbs. for $3.00 â€" : We Deliver in Town : â€" 'PHONE 2>7 book should be used in the home for | lysis. Wesley suggested and taxing the railroads to their ut termost. There is quite a lot of oats """n.gH-- ^3 jj^ and barley in the farmer's hands yet, niedUaUon as Mr ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ and they are going up in price stead- ..^^^ ^ ^^^^ Methodists." (51 oassing of her cousin Miss Annie ; ily. The weather m January was a ,j.^^^ .^ ^^^^ ^^^^ .^^ere there was Crosby of Singhampton. A heart , bearcat. 40 to 48 belowâ€" but the hors- ^^ ;^striiment there should be a copy attack, afte!- the flu was the -nuse 1 es never came m and are doing fine. church tune book, and that a of her death. More particulars later. I There is a great demand for land to ^^vherinc of the familv. and the A special meeting of the W. I. will l-riv^i^-fi,*" ''^irn^'U ^"ends who may be present, on the There passed away in the Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto, on Thurs- day afternoon. March 14th, the infant ?' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hay j ^>*4«4->*4-H->4-»**«><->«><»<"»«><~:~>>«>«>*->*««>*<»<»****«^^ (nee Viola McDonald) of Mimico. Death was caused by infantile para- be held at the home of Mrs. Wes^ 1 '"'^ to Mennonites ^^-"""^"l^^jc,,,,^,,. afternoon or .-.nine for a Armstrong, on Friday. Man:h 22nd I » ^- /^^^„"-«*^^^^ would Every member is urged- • "" " • -'^ .'f»..n«> ^at- bU Canadians and be a splendid at 3 p.m. Every member is urged .^I^^^VT^^iri'shouW Zy^to tY^ll^^^^ t^^ «» concerned. to be present as important busmess ^ « ^^^^ j, .^^^ ^^^^ o,t and Mr. Peters concluded by stating IS to be transacted. I "".neither t«lk or understand Eng-Uhat the Presbytery Committee, of "One who left home in 1880" sends , Ush I think the Gardner Govern- â-  which he is a chairman, wished to us a cheque for ten dollars to be ap- r-pnt will catch tallvho at the next ; hear from any and every Person in- , plied to expenses of Old Home WeeklpVction on emigration, and the way | terosted in this matter which is so and announces his intention, though <,^hooH a'-e conducted. Apnarently ! vital to. the public worship ot me a very busy man, to be with us for F-^^nch i<5 ^lu-h*^ i" sc^'^oh rr,/^ i" ; conRregation, and would like --o "^^e at least one day during the celebrat- -or^-. <scho-'^ *-"lf ^ *- " ' hair; all communications before the oth 01 ion. . English. People are di=<ru'.^ed. | Ar^ril in order that th- eo^m.--tce mav n-.. , .„ ,. , \ E. D. LeGARD.lhave its report ready for th« next This week will see the syrup mak- I ^^____U_ 1 1 ing industry in this district off to a 1 flying start and it is expected the flow j will De abundant this year. There , is a steady growing market for the ' maple product and the producers, ] each year, are increasing production. In spite of the wet weather on Christian? Baptist Church Services REV. M. SAUNDERS. Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1921) Flesherton 11 a.m. â€" "What is a I meeting of the Presbyteryâ€" Meaford i Express. Rr -V Mills 3 p.m. â€" "What is Christian? Fleshcto- 7 p.m.â€" "No Differeneo" TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE â€" Horse 9 years old, nod •vo'-'""r or driver. â€" Archie Mc- ^echnie, Priceville. >><»«>**<»<l-9><9-»*<>«<«< BORN KIM, â€" In Artemesia on Tues- day, March 1.9th, 1929, to Mr. and >T(-s. Russe'.l Hill, a daughter. W.\TSON â€" At St. Michael's Hjs- oital, Toronto, on Thursday, March 14th, 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wat- son (nee Evada Wilson) a son. WHITE â€" In Artemesia, on Tues- day, March 19th, 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. Sterling White, a daughter. Wednesday night, Mar.'hc 13th. quite a number of the Clover Leaf Mem- bers mot at the home of Mrs. F. J. Thurston. .Afte • the business nart of the evening was over games were I played. The hostess served a dainty | iunch at the cbse. The April meet- •â- "«? will be held at the home of Mrs. ;. '" Wm. Moore. j !• Mr. Harrv Down Durchased the residence on Sydenham street owned by Mr. G. H. Wright, who is moving to Lanark. We understand that Mr. George Banks of Ceylon will occupy ♦he house when he comes to town. George has received a position is H. Down * Sons xarage. The list of old resklents of this district continually grows, but thero i^re many more names yet to be ad- ded. Kuittxan of our roaders la required to send ia aamea and ad- dreaaea that jroa know so that an in- vitatioB mav b« given to attend th« Old Home Week aclebration. Augusts 4-7. Jtunt up the aiUrossee now «na send them to W. A. Hawken or "nie Advance. Miaa Bliaabatk Annstronc of Nem- ?«kan, Alta.. Tl«:lted her cow«'n. Mrs P. H. W. HicklinK ove^- the week «»nd. Mies Armstrong did mtoaion- ary work in Manitoba. bein<T Matron of th" Ind^ Boarding School at No.r- wav House, and was also the sewing teacher there. At present she is I x ..,,.,„^ntriident of two Sabbath Schools ^ •rrvs-h nr" held on altems^" Sundays, i. It is thirty years since Miss Afm- •*. atrong left Flesherton and she missea X very many familial faces, *,a.»,««. J^^<.^^^^^•^^^«>^<N9H»«.^«"^^^^,^.^^^^^^4l«4.^«^«^.^.^«.^«.^««««^ EASTER FLOWERS i EǤter Lilies, Roses Potted Pltnts of all kinds. Choice Cut Flowers Leave yotir order early.. Phone 1 7j W. A. Hawken Easter Frocks and Spring Goats Perfectly stunning Easter Frocks and Coats at Conser- vative prices. Our dresses and coats are the vogue of the smartly dressed woman and you will be surprised when you see what an astonishing display of the new spring frocks and coats we have on hand for Easter. New Spriag Suits udl Topcoats Wc have a complete display â€" the very latest in Men's Spring Suits and Topcoats and our Easter suits are the very best values we have ever offered â€" a delight to look at ; priced for substantial savings. Top your Easter cottum* with a smart hat; and "Smart'' b tlie word for the lovely hats that are now on display at our store. Sport Shoes for All Special striking sport models just arrived, sudi M have ntfver been seen before, for Men and Ladiee. RG.KARSTEDT 'Phone 7 -:â-  FLESHERTON

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