Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1929, p. 1

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Vol. 48 No. 44 Flesiherton Ontario, April 17, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear neighbor, Mrs. Bert Badgerow, who departed this life, April 18, 1928. Sadly missed by Mrs. Wm. Halliday ARTEMESIA COUNCIL PRICEVILLE PROTON STATION AdTertise in The Advaiice A Baking Expert "For light, flakey pie oust, use 2 tablespoons^ less per cup of Purity Flooi tnta of ocdioary putty o( toft what flont tad I level oblespooa mote of ihoiten- iag. Kollitdrr- Fotcstntich pic oiut lue half buccet ind lulfUid." SnJ 30c ftr Purity Flour Cook Back, Wettem Canada Flour UUls Co. Umitad. Tcconto : The Artemesia Council met at the I Township Hall, Flesherton, on the 6th day of April, 1929. Members wdre all present, with the Reeve in the chair. { Minutes read and adopted. Com- j n-.unications, Geo. Cairns, et al pet-j ition re snow fence on Seargent's hill; j accounts. County of Grey, re indi- j gent patients at Owen Sound Hos- ' pital, 109.50; C. C. Middlebro, legal: services, $4.20; A. Cameron, commit-! tee $4; J. A. Dayis and the Clerk committee, 52 each; H. Corbett, ex- ' penses attending road convention,|18, ' all ordered paid. By-law 873, ap- pointing fence viewers and pound . keepers, and 874 to authorize bor- rowing money for current expendi- ture were introduced and passed. Corbett â€" Meldrum â€" That the I petition of G. Cairns and eight j others, requesting better winter road j condition on Sergeant's hill be re- j eeived and commissioner of the div- 1 ision and Road Supt. investigate and i take steps to better the condition. â€" j Carried. Whitaker â€" Davis â€" That report 4 of the Road Supt. showing expend- iture $490.34 be adopted and am- ounts paid. â€" Can-ied. The Council adjourned. f I ♦ t t t Rennie's High Grade SEEDS ALFALFA MAMMOTH RED ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY I have in stock Rennie's Hi^h Grade seeds only at prices better than their catalogue price for the same grade. Know what you sow â€" High Grade Seed produces better results. A good quantity of harness parts on hand 1 A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. •5» . , '} *»^ -â€" ^/SteW-Closed Tuesday and Friday Evenings '^ ^ """ •> •> •> % Mr. and Mrs. John Whiuker of Toronto moved into the burg. I Mr. Gilvray McLean, Durham I spent the week end at his homj. Miss Phoebe Livingstone returned to Toronto, after spending two weeks here. Mrs. Chas. McKinnon, and son, have gone to Toronto to join her husband, who went down two weeks ago where he secured a position. Mr. Innis McLean intends going to Toronto on Wednesday, where he has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson visited friends at Hayward Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Burgess, Durham, visited on Sunday at Mr. 11. R. Mc- Lean's. Mr. Colin MaoMillan returned to Portage La Prairie, after spending the winter months with his parents and friends. Mr. J. A. Cook, principal of the school, purchased a new Ford road- ster. Miss Marion Muir returned home after an extended visit with her sis- ter at Pe'.-erboro. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean and .A.nna visited recently with friends at Markdalfi. Mr. Robt. McConkey has had pleuro pneumonia, but we are glad to knov;^ at the time of writing he is improving and will soon be able to be on duty again. Miss Mary \lcKinnon has been looking after the post office. Mr. Hector McEacher.: has also been very sick; hope he may ioon be restored to hii u-5ual health. Rev. Mr. Gorry has rsceivcl an un- iniiTious call to Fairbank, No-th To- ronto, and the call was sustained at I the regular meeting of Toronto Pres- ; bytery. The charge carries an I annuii! salary of $2000 and the use j of the Manse. We regret the do- I parture of Rev. ami Mrs. Corry and j family from our midst very much. < hey '.vce ever ready to give a v/ill- I'mg hand to .-wist in any way thev j could. He has only two more Sun- days to preach here. Mr. and Mr?. Robertson. Mr. Cap. 1 and Oben and J. C. McLachlan of To- ronto visited on Sunday with Anguj McLachlan's. Tbp funeral of the late M"'. Boyce was held on Wednesday in the Hall, -onducted by Rev. Corry. Inter- -iient v/as made in Fleshorton cem- etery. Wrnford an^^ Neil McLean v>'erc in Tuoliih nnd Toronto last week for repairs for the engine. Be« J^^ m HENRY FORD WAS RIGHT HE WAS RIGHT on left hand steering. HE WAS RIGHT on cylinders cast en bloc HE WAS RIGHT in light weight construction in proportion to horse power. HE WAS RIGHT in building higher quality per doi lar into his cars than any other machine offered. AND HENRY FORD IS RIGHT HE IS RIGHT now in Full Roller Bearings placed where carrying weight is greatest and speed and ease of operation are essential. HE IS RIGHT in the low speed motor in ratio to car speed. HE IS RIGHT in high road clearance. HE IS RIGHT in turning out a car that is supreme in its field in mechanical design, specifications, equipment, quality and precision workmanship. Prove it yourself. See the New Ford. H. DOWN & SONS Ford Sales & Service Ficshcrton The funeral of the late Gertrude Lockhart, aged i) years, who passed away on April Sth, was very well attended. An impressive aervice at the house was conducted by Rev. Mr. Hohn of the Bible School. M'iss Mc- Lennan and Miss Irish sang very sweetly the duet "Beckoning Hands." Floral gifts were sent by the neigh- bors and a wreath by the school children. Ths pallbearers were: Emmett and Alvin Jackson, Bert Hodgin and Gordon Acheson. Inter- ment was made in Dundalk cemetery. Little Gertrude is survived by her sorrowing parents, three brothers and one sister. The mail Toutc'j Nos. 1 and 2, Proton (Station, have been up for tenders tor couriers. Several anpH- caiions were sent into headquarters. Recently announcement was made that Mr. I. B. Whyte was chosen for route No. 1, and Mr. Russell Irwin for routj No. 3. Both men are re- turned soldiers and it is very fitting that they should reL-eive finst consid- eration from those who are in authority. Mr. and Mrs. Still spent a couple of days last wceK m 'ioronto. Devcr Bro.s. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dover spent the week end with friends at Berkley. Mrs. ArchiLald : pt.it the '.veek end with her parents and sons ' at Ceylon. Miss Ferguson v.'as at her home at Wiarton last week end. Mrs. Still and daughters, Margaret and Edith, spent last Saturday at Cheltenham. Mr. Jno. Wyville of Markdale visit- ed his brother liere. We enjoy the letters in The .Ad- vance from far-away friends who are looking lor.varu lo tnj Uio. Home Weelc. SOUTH LINE and O. D. R. Some of the farmers have started to plow. Miss Emma Oliver spent the week end at her home. . We arc sorry to hear of the death of Mr. H .Haw of Swinton Pari;. S'-mpathy is extended to the bereav- ed wife and family, also other rel- atives in their hour of sorrow. Sympathy is e.N.pressed to the bereaved husband and relatives of the late Mrs. .\rmstrong. She was one of Piiceville's girls. Mr. R. Vause and daughter, Sadie, visited recently at E. Patterson's, Stones Line. F. R. Oliver and Ivan Turner mot- ored to Toronto the last of the week to spend the week end. Ivan was going on to Hamilton to have his face treated. Miss Sadie Vause visited the first of the week with Margaret Turner. Mrs. McDougall returned home af- ter visiting with her daughter at Niagara Falls. Mr. Archie Currie and Jos. Oliver have been on the sick list. We hope to sec both gentlemen out around again soon. Mr. J. Hoearth has purchased a now Chev. sedan for the pleasure of his family. (Last Week's Items) Wo have had very mild weather with heavy rains and thunder storms. The storms have done quite a lot of damage to the roads and telephone lines as most of the phone lines are out of business. We are sorry to hear or Mr. u. Anderson getting hij fingers hurt with the buz3 sav,-. Mrs. A. Johnston of Markdale and Mrs. Clark of Hamilton were visitors at Archie Currie's last week. Mrs. Storey and family of Toronto spent the week end at Jas. Turner's. Mrs. Donald McDougall is visiting her daughter at Niagara Falls. Jas. Turner has been out sawing wood the past week with his sawing outfit. , , , Say bo>-s, you want to be carctul when out driving and not upset. Misses Allic and Mabel Parslow \-;sitcd with their mother and brothers. , ^ v Miss Jean McCannel is back to her duties after the holiday. All ^hc teachers are back to their schools aL'ain this week. IMflbcl Wattcrs spent the holiday at home. WA N T E D We have an opening in this county for a man or company in close touch with the farmers to sell the well-known and advertised Walsh No-Buckle Harness. This is an excellent opportunity for the right man or company to cash in on his connections and good-will with a product which already has the good-will of 70,000 farmerij. Sample models sup- plied and leads furnished. No outlay for stock. Write, giving details as to present contract with farmers in this county and references to â€" R. L. SWENSON, GEN. MGR. .lAMES. M. WALSH. Co.. Ltd. ORILLIA. ONTARIO FEVERSHAM We welcome Mr. and Mrs. George Burke and son, William, who have moved into our village. r.'r. Cha-. V/cldriL-k his moved into a part of the parsonage up on the hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fletcher of Gib- raltar spent the week end with Mr.i. Fletcher's father, Mr. Joseph Rend- CEYLON ilr. and Mrs. Crawford of Regina rpent the week end with Mr. and -irj. F. D. Cairns. Mrs. A. L. Muir, and little son, spent the week end with her parents at Berkley. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. D. D, MbLauchlan, Messrs J. C. and Oben McLachlan of Toronto motored up to orson in Maxwell. Mr. Henderson town the 'first of" the' week. 13 m poor health at present. , jlr. and Mrs. Woods and family of Mr. and Mrs. Forsythc of Owen Chatsworth visited the first of the Sound Sundayed with Mrs. Forsythfs week at Mr. F. Marshall's, parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith and Master Mrs. Win. McKenzie of Flesherton Stanley Hunt motored to Durham on visited with her daughters here last Saturday, week. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Smiley and Mr. Rozel Conn has gone to St. daughter, Margaret, visited with rel- Catharines from which place he will '"it'^es at the Glen the first of the go to join the boat on which he will week. ..,.,,,,„ sail for the summe-. I ^^^- Cecil -Airchibald of Proton spent Mr. Jas. Neshiit. who has been tel- the week end with her parents. ler in the bank here for the past two .Ml-. Jas. il :Whinney spent a couple vcavs, has !;aen moved to a "Toronto of Aays in Hanover the past v.-eek. hank, vhich will be a promotion for The month old little daugnter of him. We r.ro sorry to losa Mr. Nes- M''- ^"d Jlrs. Will Callahan of Toronto bitt," bn*: welcome the young man who passed away on Sunday, alter a takes his olace. short illness. The body v,-as brought Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell fnpe Edith ''V train on Tuesday noon and con- Ottowell. of Collin!;v*-ond visited with veyed to the Flesherton cemetery the latter's father. Mr. Samuol Ot- Much sympathy is expressed to Mr. t-well over the week end. Wc wish and Mrs. Callahan in the loss of their tb" viunp r-ouple who were married only little girl. re -eTitlv n Ions and prosperous journ- 1 Miss Mary McKinnon of Priceville „.. ,.(„.^...,(, y,^^ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson of To- ATr. S-im'iei Park h?"= ni"-"h"»<!ed the ronto were visitors with Mr. and nroport-" "? t^"- Into ?Tr. T W. Con- ^trs. Cameron Smiley the past week, von in this village. I Mr. Stanley Chesney motored to 1 Fergus on Saturday afternoon with a load of seed for A. C. Muir. Miss Maroraret McMullen. Master Orton and Fern Leslie, who have snent the past fortnight visiting RATEPAYERS OF ARTEMESIA* â-  Be it positively understood that the culvert Mr. Harry Patton had reference to in last week's issue was not the size that he was authorixad by me to order. HERB CORBETT, Dep. Reeve. friends in Toronto, retu ned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw attended tho funeral of Mr. Haw's brother rear Swinton Park on Tuesday. Ho passed away on Sunday morning af- ter nn extended illness. The com- munlt" extends to Mr. Haw much svmnathv in his bereavement. Mr-.. Leceson, who resided in the villag" some years ago, and fo" the rast three years has made her home ,nt <y.-. Henry Cohen's at Proton v.-aa two TVPeks ago taken to the Durham hospital, where she passed awav on Saturdav. The funeral took plare on Monday to St. John's R. C. cem- eterv, Glenelg. . Mrs. -Mary Rutledge received the word the past wopk that he- iryand- Ison (onlv son "f Mr. Leslie Ru^'edge I of Dakota) had passed away after a ifew hours illness. Mrs. C. Bellamy, Flesherton, spent' Mr. Edgar Patterson went to "To- a few days with her sister, Mrs. An- , ronto last Thursday and is going drew Graham. -through an operation for P«";«J;0- Mrs. (Dr.) Shepherdson of Brock- day. (Tuesday.) Mrs. Patterson ville visited with Mrs. Frank Davis went to the city this morning to be one day recently. ; pr-^sent at thp "oe^^'â„¢- ^^. ,. _ Mr. Alf Dumlop had a successful Mrs. Jas. W. McMullen spent Mon- auction sale of stock and implements , day in Toronto. , on Thursday of last week. Owing; 'â- " to ill health Mr. Dunlop has been | WORTH REMEMBERING forced to give up farming operations , VICTORIA CORNERS The boys and girls content in the league is closed. The weather man did his bast to dampen the ardour of the boys by giving us three league nights in s'uccession with a downpour of rain each night; but the good oKi saying "you can't keep a good man dcwn" was t ue and our boy.s came out to win just the same and lost by only a few marks. We are ex- pecting a treat from them this w-sok. VANDELEUR for a time at present. A lot of damage has been done to bridKCS and roads in this community bv the heavy rains of the past week. """â- -> Beaver and Saugeen rivers have never been higher. the CARD OF THANKS The high ways of life are happy ways. -,_• u • • No sermon seems long which is in- teresting. ., „„„in Too many family cars are equip- ped with grumble seats. No preachei- will ever lack for an audience who is really helpful. I The easiest way to tell a boy how Mr. and Mft Wm. Inkster -^ the to go straight is to^s^^^^^^^^^ Arnott family desire to express their i Blessed is tne >- '"' , thanks for many acts of kindness and erdoesn do all the wo .^^ ^^^^ sympathy during th:; illness and nns- i" taKeh a '"" " , PniHon Rule their beloved mother, Mrs. i men to talk aboutt he Golden Rule The devil is never womeu dn i.n«: preacher, who is afraid to take sides. ♦ sing oi Jessie .Arnott Bates Burial Co. 122-121 Avenue Road I TORONTO I â- > Phone: KIngsdale 4344 * i J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks. | I "House of Quality" | House of Quality' SEEDS 1 RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY. .\LSIKE, MAM. i CLOVER, .VLFALF.V, SEED BARLEY \ PRICES RIGHT. QUALITY CAN'T BE BEATEN I TERMS - CASH t We handle the best t ^ BABY CHICK FEED AND STARTING MASH V on the market s i EGGS FOR HATCHING â€" LigKi Sussex Egssâ€" ? From Imported Stock â€" 75 cts. per 15. Jas. A. Stewart I Remember! Half Holiday Commences in May. i^ I $

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