Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1929, p. 4

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WEDNESDAM, APRIL 17, 1923 THE FLESHERTON .'.DVANCE THE FLESHERTON AOVANCE Published on CoUingwood struet, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Ciciilation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A., ?2.50 per year, when paid in advance S2.00. W. 11 THURSTON - Editor. f. J. THURSTON - Asst. Kditcr. <».>.X~X*<'<'<":*<">*'><'<'**<~^****** Isorrowinff friends. 2 'i I Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannei; "* * ^»-*« week in Toronto with thoii' <> I I Letters to The |iSt^, Editor - I KIMBERLEY //â-  Mr. and Mrs. McRae of Toronto visited over tha week end with I I fi'iends here. Miss iEdith Harris j Mr. Sam Wilson i" engaKed with M-. Lou Kinnel for the spring. , • i .u u ~ m „.. \n^^ . M_ „«j M,= A T Hin^iTi. «f P..io» accompanied them home. Miss Mer- f; .><~>.><K-<">-><~X~K">><^X~><K~>X»*l ..^r-^ndMrs. A. L. Hincksof Price- I " - iviP.c visited her parents hsre on COMES REGULARLY iThuisday last. , . I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richardson present. , , „ , . i_ In n recent letter to Tho Advance' visited on KriUay with her parents at | Mr. Elgar McConnal of Markdate :- Perkins & Freeman -: dina Harris of Bowmanviile is visit- ing her father, Mr. W. E. Harris, at Mr. Alex. McLachlan of Calgary P' ' spent the week end nt his parental states that he surely enjoys receiving Mr. John Coulter went to Toronto home. The Advance and looks for it regu- to see hi< sistec. Mac. who is in tho { Mr. W. E. Myers has gone to To- SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK larly every week. EUITORIAL NOTES jCcrTal Uospitnl, undergoing an op- icralion for goitre. I Bornâ€" On Ma'Th 24th. to Mr. rrnd ^ Mrs. Olive- Bell (nee Agnes Black) . , , a son. â€" Robert Clifford. In a letter received on Saturday j^^. Dnn McCann^ll is out tha.=!e "-1^"!â€" â-  WATCHING WITH INTEREST â-  „ ci, .,•» Wh,, '^'"'" *''â- ''• ^- ^- Norris of Drummer, ] ^^jfj, ),;, gasoline engine cut- Has anyone seen Shaw? Why gagk., she says in part:- We are -^V wood not look for Orval in the Proton always glad to see The Advance and ^ '_ swamp? I are watching ^vith interest all ihi connection with Old Home Weck.fWe Have yoi! .vown your peas yet? hope to see both Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Napoleon in his diary, said:- "Often ris with us to visit their old friends, the whol<' difference between the â€" Editor.] PORTLAW wealth of tv.-o men consists in the one beins able lo cat green peas a fortnight earlier than the other." SEEDING JUST STARTED The recent torrcnial rain did con- cidcrable damage to culvc-ts and roads in thij distr' t. AlthouKu bridge.": w:re lubjoct to s2vere tests they stood the strain and no very I Rcadlvn. .Sask, April 10th, 1929. serious harm resulted Already the old boys and the ever- i ^^^^ Editor:- I hope you are quite' Mr. Francis Shier, who has been young girls, living at a distance from ^..^.j,. j^„ ^^^^ ^^^ ^,g„ ^^ ^^^ ;„ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ of he.ilth, suffered a Flcsherton and the classic Artem- ^living some snow this morning and slight paralytic stroke recently, from csia 'â- ?[;«: ^arranging^ in largc^ ".""i".,!!" Just an odd farmer has some wheat which we tie glad to say, he appears in the eround. I hope the recent to be recovering, storm did you no harm. We had Our sympathy ii extended to the no storm hare, but zero weather for j relatives of the late Mrs. S. Arnott, a day or two, 2 to 4 above. The Waroham, grand old lady. The .._„ weather is milder this morning, 30 family have the great satisfaction years ago were more desirable than _i ^vith n,y best wishes to of knowing that she bequeathed to i those of the present day," "'"" ^^ to join in the home-coming celebra lion of Augui'i. next. "Wc.'U all feel gay. "etc. Ncws'^apers arc guying a theater in RJ:hmord, Va.. which ad"er':;ised "Tho no.itl to Ruin at Regular Prices." But none of them has suk- gested that the theatre sell that sign ♦-> the Ontario Li'mor Commission. â€" Toronto Star. Certainly an oppor- tunity for rublicity lost. Segrave. tho Englishman who won the long-distance championship for ai '.OS in Florida, hn;* been knighted by King George. He has wisely re?olvcd not to race again â€" unless â€" some one beats his record, "world's fastest" now stand" ni*-. .318.'> miles per hour; by land 231.3 mile- per hour; on wat--r, 92 miles per hour. ronto for a new Durant .sedan. Misa Kathleen Hutchinson has com- pleted her studies a'. Oiindiilk busin- ess college. The Eugenia United Church choir gave their play "A Tattlo Clodhopper" \\ in tha hall on Fr:d«iy ni«ht. Al- ' though the weather was stormy, n g-.o;l number were out to enjoy it. q| L drcsa-makill^: cla?3 'm being held j in the hall unl-r the auspices of the ij Won en's Ins^itur-.-. | AVc r.rc coit'' to report tV.at Mr. J. n. Fav.'cc'.t i3 ill at prccnt. \ Mr. Wilmer Turner has purchased a new Star car from Mr. Harry Down i of Flcsherton. | The last of the community social j'-^ evenings was held in the hall on Wednesday evening. The big fea- tures of the evening were two de- bates resolved "that a i^ii'iy aero farm is becoming more profitable than one of larger acreage," won by the negative and "that the styles of 50 Choice Oranges, per dozen Si)y .\pples, 4 pounds Creamery Butter, per pound Jan. 1929 cheese, 2 lbs. for Canned (sliced) pineapple, 18c, 2 for 23c. 25c 45c. 55c. 35c. Leave Your Order With Us for Buns, Doughnuts Cherry and Nut Loaf, Etc. FRESH VEGETABLES I :- Perkins k Freeman -: Remember! Half Holiday Commence* in May. above. won by you all. , them the record of "a life well spent the affirmative SWAMP COLLEGE I am yours very truly, i^^ the noblest ways." R. N. K INNEAR. m, Abraham Blakey held a suc- C033ful sale on Monday of last week. The family intend to remove to To- ronto in the near future. On Fri- day evening last the neighbors and The recant storm did a lot of dam- friends met at their home and pre- ago around here. Mr. Joe. Watson stnted them with a purse and a sum had his ba n struck by lightning of money, accompanied with a suit- whiL' feeding tho stock. He was able speech. He thanked his friends stunned for some time and all tho u., all their kindness to himself and Tnc cattle and horses were badl fright- familw. Bv I ened. Mr. Tom Parker's barn was Mr. LawTence Lyons has added to FlesliertQi High School Form 4 â€" Examinations in Litira ture. Composition and Algebra. M. Stua-t 86i7.5l81 H. Heard 74i70!59 r. Haw 58'70I28 J. Jamieson 52'00'45 B. Hincks 8C;65lâ€" M. Sinclair 81551 â€" F. Allen 7.S1â€" ^â€" H. Akins â€"1701â€" D. Sloan â€" i60'â€" A. Heard â€" IfiOiâ€" B. .Morton â€" |60iâ€" Form o â€" Geometry, Chemistry, Composition, French. D. Sloan â€" 90901â€"07 L. Fer.is 78i98'65 â€" G. Beard 76189165!- G. McFadden 07,85:60 â€" I. Graham 86â€" |70i3.j E. Turner 52|--l60i72 .1. Wilson 2885701- J. McFadden 021â€"185156 M. Bibby 711â€"60.50 M. Cameron 49|â€" 17554 A. Heard 861â€" |â€"' 87 B. Hincks 85iT8lâ€" H. Turner ^^-'f'^^i V Ma^ee 44 â€" 46 73 r: ITZ ::::: ^91-170134 U. Fawcett 51â€"65146 M. Sinclair ^^I'^^niTI B. Genoe 55,-6042 J. Stuart ~r^ Ixt; F. llowden 30-60 43 B. Morton ^"'Tlf^ V. Stuart °°lx^,":r"~ D. Stewart â€" I79l45|â€" F. Allen Jjf,*' ,;;â- " •o Rpard 71!â€" '501â€" a. nearu . , .1. McCormack \t r.^~ A. Reiley o^ H. Thomp.son H. Akin- J. McKechnie Form 2 â€" Literature, Arithmeti;, Geometry. QoonlOR ! E. Johnston 82 ^0i98 P. Morgan 8,2 74 7,J I.Martfn J^"^" 'J J. Stuart „„?rni C. Allen "2^592 H. McRae '^i ?2 ^? also struck and a sheep was killed, his real estate by purchasing one of It was lucky Ihero were no fires Xr. Albert Reid's faims. started. ( Mr. Fennell of Toronto had charge Mr. Herbert Haw passed away on of the service in Mount Zion church •Sunday morning after n lingerini? ill- last Sundav. ness. The fuTiera! will be hold on The Ladies' Aid met last Wodnes- Tuesday to Salcm cemetery. He is day in the home of Mrs. Thomas f h -other of Mr. Bert Haw of Ceylon Tavlor. There was a good nt>"»-!anco Much sympathy is expressed for the an'' an interesting meeting held. 35:â€" â€"155131 35 49!â€"'â€" _i_|45l_ Abstract Statement of the Village of Flcsherton FOR THE YEAR 1928 Abstract Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of the \'il- lage c;f Fleshcrton, and Assets and Liabilities for the year 1928. RECEIPTS Balance from 1927 % 1009 55 Account of taxes of 1928 ^ 6768 44 Bank Loans 1,500 00 Town Hall Debentures and Premium 2525 00 Miscellanecus , 653 32 PAYMENTS Salaries and Allowances $ 310 80 Printing, Postage and Stationery 114 55 Tntf'i'st on Current Loans , 47 95 Legal Expenses 15 Oo Roads and Streets 505 83 Schools , , 1500 00 Sidewalk Debentures 469 11 Fi e Protection 40 53 County Rate 1928 1296 00 Repaid Loans 1500 00 Street Liehting 490 00 Mr. Albert Myles has gone to the Th"rnbury hospital for treatment. Messrs. J. A. Stuart and H. Ellis of Meaford made a business trip to the village recently. „ ^„. , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ellis and Gwen visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodfellow of Duncan. The W. M. S. will meet in St. John's United Church on Thursday April 18, (tomorrow) at 3 P-jn-Jne program will be in charge of Mrs. Mitchell's group. â€" m SECOND STANDARD Dividend Notice Standard Royalties Limited The regular Monthly Divi- dend of 1% on the Cumulative 129'c Reedeemable Preferred Share wil be paid on May 1st to sheholders on record of Ap- ril 25th. 1929. S. E. NICHOLSON Secy.-Treas. 331 Bay Street, Toronto 2. Town Hall Park County work on roads iV,iscellaneoii9 Balance ASSETS & LIABILITIES ASSETS Balance Arrears of taxes of 1928 , . 2276 36 17 43 468 48 59 35 3344 86 % 12456 31 A. Brown 60 5377 E: Fisher 7i;63^50 H Best 51l77|4o L. Blackburn 44 62 66 G. McMastcr 54 78,25 A. Akins 72 33 50 M. yoore 4721174 A. Irwin 5633 39 G. Stuart 39165 17 >I. Thoniison 42'43'30 M. Rae .'. f^^lSOjlS D. Stewart 581â€" â€" M. Bibby â€" ;36lâ€" $ 3344 8u , 424 22 % 3769 08 LIABILITIES Balance due Public S;hool , % 223 80 Balance due Hie-h School 517 80 Balance due Public Library <. 172 00 '^ropo -tion of High School Debentures 156 00 Town Hall Debenture maturing 331 67 Bal.inco on Piano 275 00 Sidewalk Debentures maturing 1929 469 11 Balance 1623 70 $ 3769 08 We, tho undersigned auditors, have examined the books of the Treasurer of the said villac-- f r • the year 1928 and find the same correc t with the balance as shown above. Dated this fir^t day of March, 1929. â€" C. J. BELLAMY & F. W, DUNCAN, AUDITORS GIBSON â€" HAGGART V A very pretty wcddinp; wfi:? sol- emnized at four o'clock in the Un- ited Church, Port Loring, when Miss Eloise .Madeleine Haggart, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. llarkness Haggart of Port Loring war, inited in marriage with Mr. William Frank- lin Gibson, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. RobTt Gib-ion. Markdnle, Ont. Rev. R. M. Dingwall, Loring, of- ficiated. ... , Tho bridal group took their places under an arch of evergreens, en- twined with Easter Lillies and white streamers from which hung dainty wedidng bells, to the briday march played by Miss Lily Ernest, Arn- Btein. The bride looked charming in a white canton crepo gown with a dainty bridal veil and wreath of or- fcngc "blossoms. She carried "''<;'"- ouct of sunburst roses. The bride was attended by Miss Elvn Brooks of Port Loring attired in chin chin blue crepe de chine with fawn hat, carrying a bouquet of roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Ivan Donnelly, Meaford, Ont. After ihe â- perc'monv a recriplion »*WB«i held at the bride's home. "The â-  'dinine room was prettily decorated In "ink and white. The young couple will reside in Port Loring, Ont. FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL RECEIPTS Balance Pupils for school fair County Treasurer, grant 1928 County Treasurar, grant on equipment 917 25 9 00 701 23 32 60 Treasurer of Flcsherton, taxes 1928 ;. 1500 00 Treasurer of Artemesia, taxes 1928 791 00 PAYMENTS R. G. Holland, salary f iMirs. C. Bellamy,sal«ry Miss Inkster, relieving » Caretaker - Hydro light and power » F. W. Duncan, coal ~ C. Newell, wood Standard Bank, stamps on overdrafft School Fair grant W. J. Stewait & Sons, supplies D. McKillop, flush tanks H. Down & Sons, repairs ............'. ~ D. McKillop, repairs M. .Sled, work H. Down & Sons, repairs D. McKillop, repairs Jos. Field, repairs to roof « T. R. Lever, cement work E. Thompson, work C. Marriott, work , Secretary Trcasu er, allowance Balancs 9 3951 10 1366 00 026 25 45 09 275 00 20 9S 346 00 95 00 1 00 19 00 10 85 180 75 4 85 2 87 2 00 10 30 6 90 4 OJ 70 00 10 00 6 00 25 00 535 08 Are You Ready? Don't be the last minute buyer, but be prepar- ed. Buy your clover and grass seed NOW. TIMOTHY ALF.'KLFA MAM^'OTH ALSIKE RED CLOVER Wire Fencing The Beaver represents Canada. A National &ymbol of industry. The word "Invincible" is both a symbol and an indentification mark for the best wire fence made. Wire fencing so stamped is always good. 4 line wires, 33 ins. high, upright wires 22 ins apart. Price per rod 26 1-2 cts. 5 lin wires. 40 ins. high, upright wire 22 ins apart. Price per rod 32 1-2 cts. 6 line wires, 40 ins. high, upright wires, 22 ins. apart. Price per rod 37 cts. 7 line wire. 48 ins. high, upright wires, 22 ins apart. Price per rod -44 cts. 8 line wire. 47 ins. high, upright wires, 22 ins. apart. Price per rod 49 cts. 9 line wires, 50 ins. high, upright wires, 22 ins. apart. Price per rod 54 1-2 cts. F. G. KARSTEDT Phone 7. - Flcsherton ( NEW CHEVROLET SIX , V â€"u Six in the price range of the fourl TJ[TE cordially invite you to visit our special Spring dis- '' play of the new Chevrolet Si.x. 9 Here, in a price class that has hitherto been ocmpied ex- clusively by four-cylinder automobiles, you will see dis- i played a line of beautiful models that bring you every advantage of six-cylinder performance in the price range of the four . . six-cylinder smoothness, six-cylinder reserve power, six-cylinder speed and six-cylinder accelera- tion. And this amazing six-cylbder performance is matched b impressiveness by the beautiful new Fisher bodies. Longer , lower and roomier . . finished in striking new colors .1 ; . and oflFering numerous outstanding comfort and conveni- • â-  \ ence features â€" they introduce into the low-price field a new ' V conception of luxury, comfort and style. Come in any time the week of April 20th to 27tK. We want m. you to see for yourself that no other car in the world can give you so much at prices within the reach of all. . C20-4.29a >'â-  •• l^." \- .•"^•^•. \: I 3951 10 â€" C. J. BELLAMY & F. W. DUNCAN, AUDITORS. You Are CordioUy Invited to See Our Special Exhibit of the Sew Chevroht Sia ^^ D. McTAVISH & SON ' Plesherton :-: Ontario PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, UMITEP*

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