Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1929, p. 7

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Watch your growliig children WATCH th« health of your (rowing chiMrtnl S*» that they hav* tha baalth and anargy nacaaaary fof thair school work and play. For growing children â€" par> ticularly giriaâ€" a rich lupply of rad blood i* caicntial. Languor, ncrvouincaa, da- prtxion, fickla appcdta ot pallK indicatt anaamia. Dr. Williami' Pink Pill* â- nrich tha blood, pravcnt anatmia and build haalthy bona and tinuct. Thouiandi of mothcn havt proved thi*. "My twelve-year-old girl," write* Mn. Robert Devitt of Brougham, Ontario, "bacama (o pale, io ill and ncrvou* that we had to take her out of tchooL I tried Dr. Williami' Pink Pilli for her and •he gained In weight and â- trcngth. She ii now tha pic- ture of health." Buy a box of Dr. Willianu' Pink Pills at all druggist* and dealers in medicine or, poat- paid, by mail at 30 cent* a box from The Dr. Williams Msdicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. S-2I 50^ f>CR BCX PINK PILLS "a household mams tN S4 COUNTRIES " The Waste of Words Victoria Colonis KCons.): Tbere Is more time lost In the world to-day by the expenditure of words than in Eny other way. It is the perennial curse which lies on action. It Is the waster of time, of strength and ot money. When folUiciana realize that defensive tactics through the channels of verbiage only denote Aveaknesj In themselves, and when they correc tthat fault they will have mad ea step on the road lO states- manship. Even in a democratic age men are elected to office for some pur- pose other than that of quibbling and â-ºkli--tte«ijuE.oIjtjcal oppon- ents. New Leprosy Remedy Asserted to Be Sure Afflicted Natives Rush Joy- ously for Treatment, Says London Story London. â€" A msssage of hope for the hundreds of thousands suffering from leprosy appears in the annual report of the British Empire Leprosy Relief Association. The report asserts that leprosy can be cured, and confidently predictj that with adequate public support the asso- ciation can rid the British Empire of the disease within a generation. "This wonderful ideal," as the Prince of Wales has called it, is al- ready being worlced out, particularly in East and West Africa and India, where the great mass of British lepers exist. A method of attacking the disease by means of Injections has been wide- ly tested with remarkable results, and the association is actively sending out suj plies of drugs ;ind chemicals to missionaries and others throughout the affected areas. Half a million doses have been sent out already. News of the new treatment and cures has spread far and wide amongst the -sufferers. Instead of hiding themselves and concealing the disease, they are now voluntarily coming forward for treat- ment. This was unknown ten years ago. Some of the dispeniaries and treat- ment huts are so overwhelmed with lepers demanding injectims that the doctors and their helpers have to turn hundreds away. A nurse in Northern Tanganyika has written home: The leper clinic up here is in its early stages, but It Is very hopeful. We have patients at- tending from different triljes, and it is the first time up here in this very primitive isolated hill district that anyone has come forward for treat- ment acknowledging himself a leper. It is grreat to see the hope in their faces now . . . The report mentions a recent ruler in India who was a leper for many years. A chief in Uganda now has hope of recovery. Anothir chief in Xyasaland who has suffered for years is on the way to health. -=n Young Canadians at Washington Manitoba Taking Her Place Manitoba Is now experiencing a period of intensive mining develop- ment. Copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc and other metallic products have been mined, and exceptional opport- uijities exist for the prospector and mining company. 1 _> _ , Newt. Boyd. â€" How can you dis- tinguish between mushrooms and toad- stools? Bill Stewart. â€" Try eating them. If you die they are toadstools. Buy Empire Goods Hamilton Spectator (Ind. Cons.): "There are many I'easons for increas- ing our purchases from the UniteJ Kingdom," recently declared Mr. H. B. Henwood. of the Bank of Toronto, referring to the. work of the Empire JIarketing Board and the excessive volume of purchases from the Uni- ted States; "the very least we can do is to divert most of our possible foreign purchases to British Empire goods." That is a policy which ought to commend itself to all patrio- tic Canadians, and especially to the governing authorities. "Buy Empire goods" is more than a mere slogan; it would be of no worth if It re- mained only that. It should be a fixed principle with Canadian shop- pers, whether iu a large or a small way. M • ' /9 n 7 An Anchor -Donaldson En^neer . . . like most ship engineers, a devoted Scot, proud of his ship, engines, and gauges. His enthusiasm and pride are typical of the service you get throughout the ship on the "Letitia" or the fAthenia." 4?'. yi^r*^; Sail Anchor -Dotwidson! Booh through The Robert Ref0}:d Co., Limtled, Cor. Bay ana WelUntton Sts., Toronto (TeL Elgin J47i), or ary steamship agmt. Weekly sailings from Montreal (and Que* beo) to Ireland, Scot- \ land and Enxland In conjunction with Cunard. commencing May 3rd. AHCHOR- DONALDSOM ^^^ LINt >r*«*i^ SVA-2U Cskin, TaurMThIrd C*Wn Md Third CliM. The North-west Passage Manitoba Free Press (Lib.): As the means of communication between Great Britain and the Far East the Hudson Bay route Is incomparably the shortest route. It cuts the dis- tance of 16,000 miles by the Suez, and ot 11,000 miles by San Vrancisco, to 8,000 miles by Prince Rupert. Cana- dians are not building the Hudson Bay Railway for purposes of war. and hope that it will never be war which will demonstrate its greatest benefits. But they have to yield to Captain Munro when he insists that "the pos- sibilities by this route (as a line of communications) for the British Em- pire are Immense, and are only to be compared with the advent of the Suez and Panama canals, with this excep- tion .that it is all within the British Empire.'' TWO LIVE BEARS TO BE PRESENTED TO HOOVER Here Is one of a pair ot three-weeks-old bear cubs, found by Philip E. Lamont near Mattawa, Ont., which will be presented to President Herbert Hoover. FOR MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN Mothers are quick to praise any- thing which brings health and com- fort to their little ones â€" any medicine that will malce the baby well and iieep him well will always receive hearty recommendation from the mother. That is why Baby's Own Tablets are so popular. Thousands of mothers throughout the country, not only use them for their own little ones but are always delighted to be able to recom- nitnd them to other mothers. Thou- sands of mothers havt proved Baby's Own Tablets to be without an equal in relieving their little ones of any of the minor ailments which arise out of a derangement of the stomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tab'tts are the ideal laxativeâ€" easy to talce but thor- ough in action. They banish consti- pation anH in.iigestion ; brealc up colds and simple fevers; expel worms and make the teething period easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealer? or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont HAD LIVED AHEAD "Do you think he has a future?" "Xo, I think he has about used it up." Diatomaceous Earth Deposits Diatomaceous earth, a material ex- tensively used as a heat insulator, for the purification ot'oils, etc., has for many years been extracted In a small way in Colchester county. Nova Scotia. ^ She And the Dog Was Saved A dog was swimming across the Connecticut River, when one of the Hartford-Xew York steamboats was bearing down close to the dog who was then about midway of the chan- nel. Had the steamer continued at the speed she was then making It would have been impossible for the dog to have gotten across the chan- nel. Either he would have been struck by the steamer or else he would have been sucked down by the under-tow and. undoubtedly, have met his death in tliat way. for the chan- nel- was extremely n.irrow there. I was standing on the upper deck talking with the captain. Captain Bacon. He espied the dog before I did and called my attention to it. He immediately gave orders to slow down the steamer and also to swerve her as far as possible, which could be but slightly, away from f.ha dog. .\nd. of course, the dog's life vas saved. This was fifteen or more years ago, but the incident is one that I shall never forget. .\nd I am sure that many others who saw it will never forset it either. \Mienever I see a ruthless, careless automobile driver showing no mercy whatever to a cat, a dog or a chicken that happens to get in his wi.y. this incident comes back to me with special clearness. And what is the checking of the speed of an automo- bile compared with the sIowinfT down of a large steamer' Would that there could be a Captain Bacon .t every automobile wheel! â€" Ernest War- ren Brockway in "Our Dumb Animals" Every package of Red Rose Tea is prc-pared with the same care â€" as if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package. es "is good tea RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Aviators Down in Australian Bush A" ^ Classified Advertisementa U.lin CHICKS. WE H.ATCH ruur varieties, price 9c up. for free cataloRue. A. a. Switzer. I clraiitnn, Ontario. Plight of Southern Cross Fliers Regarded as Hopeless Sydney, N.S.W.â€" Friends of the missing Southern Cross aviators Wed- nesday hoped and prayed for a fort- unate circumstance In the almost cer- tain hopelessness ot their plight. Only extreme good fortune, most thought, could result In the rescue of Capt. Charles KingsfordSmith, his pilot, Charles T. Ulm, and the two with them .who Sunday flashed a myster- ious message to the world and disap- peared somewhere east of Wyndham, Western Australia. In that message, which they ended with their characteristic "Cherrio," they told ot failing motors on their plane and a heavy rainstorm which obscured the ground from their view. They gave their position as "alsout one hundred miles east of Wyndham" â€" and then sank into the vastness of the .Australian bush, peopled by wild uncivilized savages, some of them cannibalistic pygmies. Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu. The Empire and the Air United Empire (London): Sir Sam- uel Hoare, the Minister for Air. says that he gets a little tired ot com- plaints that others are doing so much better in the air than Great Britain. "You might think we had no Air Force at all and that British aviation scarcely existed." Such critics ob- viously linow nothing of the facts. Sir Samuel promises that when the two British airships are flying next year the Empire will see how great has been British progress. The en* of man is an action and not a thought, though it were of the nob- lest.â€" Thomas Carlyle. -y BOYD'S lllCYCLES AT LOWER PRICES JUres, Coaster Brakes. Wheels, Inner Tubes. Lamps. Bells, Cyclometers, Saddles. Equipment and parts of Bi- cycles. You can buy your sup- plies from us at wholesale price s. Catalogue free. r. W BOYD & SOS "'''S,S'n?r«^"'- Old Age Pensions La Prerse (Ind.): The Province of Quebec is not behind in this spbere'o£| philanthropy. Our many charitable and friendly institutions are "evidence ! that this is so. But the Old Age Pen- sions law which is now occupying j public attention assumes a different aspect in the sense that it binds the provinces to a contract, the terms of which are dictated by the federal power and deprive them of their en- tire liberty of action. We cannot blame the Provincial Government, therefore, for looking twice before it signs the agrement. Shci/ STONE BOAT Cast Iron FRONTS 30" wide, 3 Plank. ETach $4.00 36" wide, 4 Plank. Each Jo. 00 Delivered Free to Your Station. This "Tweed" Steel STONE $12.00 BOAT ouh with OrdM Delivered free to you. •tatlon. Runs easily; very durable. Three steel runners underneath give add- ed strength; won't rot like wood. Made of 3-16" bolter plate; angle Iron around edge keeps stones from falling off. If not ai« repre- sented, return and get your money Bominos TomrsBxxs, Tw*M, ont. I "Why do you call her a belle?' is nither pretty nor sweet-voiced." "True enough â€" but what a chapp she has." .J More Pheasants for Alberta Calgary, .\lta.â€" An additional 2,000 Chinese ring necked pheasants, 600 Mongolian pheasants and 300 pheas- ants' eggs for hatching will be brought into Alberta this year by the Calgary Fish and Game Protectiva Association and released in selected districts south and southwest of Calgary. In the past few years a few thousands of dif- ferent varieties of pheasants have been imported and released by the .^.s- sociation and the birds have thrived and flourished to a degree beyo.nd the n.ost sanguine expectations. .> _ Epitaph on a Dog Here lies at rest, unknown to fame, ot darl{ descent and doubtful name, One "Binks." Here lie his treasures, too â€" A ball .a bone, a worried shoe. Nay, stranger, drop no Idle tears: He loved one small lad all his years! â€"Nancy Byrd Turner In "Our Dumb Animal." « We're not going to get snooty about the Einstein theory, because it there's nothing else to be said in its favor, at least no one has written a theme tor it. A little love, a little hate. And that was life; A little, hanging on the gate And then a wife. •^ Holes in the pavaments â€" spring's here, and springs there. Minard'n Liniment for Coughs, Colds. No wonder SmariJs Mower* ar© so popular! They cut so easily ondiviih such lillle''pnsK'. Mahri'ol and )Vor/imanshi'p Guort}nfti% AT EVERy HARDWARE STORE _ SMARTS MOWERS JAMES SMART PLANT BROCKVIlUONt W^ rPHIlLIPSS <^^ #^ For Trouble* due to Actd INDtOESnON ACID STOMACH MEAin»U'"' MSADACHS OASSS-NAUS^^ Acid Stomach B ISTEBNATIOKAA MOVE&S liJjT EyUlPilli.NT. LATEST METH. DD.S. uniform return load prices. .All goods Insured. We move you when you want to move. Hake your enquiries now. Pioneer distance movers. Aocr.ls In principal cities ot eastern States and Canada. Hill Tlia Mover, Hamilton and Toronto. Question Box at Kitchener Frank McMurray.â€" How can you tell the proper temperature of the water in which to bath a baby? Bob Stone. â€" If tha water is too hot, the baby turns red and cries. If too cold, it turns blue and does the same thing. Vicar â€" "Do you believe in dreams, Willoughby?" Tilloughby â€" "I used to sir but. I don't now." "And why not?" "I married one Ave years ago." BABIES GAIN BY THIS SIMPLE METHOD Doctors say, souring waste in baby's digestive trac' is usually back of any failure to gain weight according to schedule. And the best proof cliis is true, is the quick way, weak, fretful, puny babies improve when you cleanse thtir stomach and bowels and put them in order with a few doses of purely- vegetable, pieasant-tasting Fletcher's Castoria. This gentle, harmless prepa- ration is the doctor's first ;hought to relieve those ills of babies and children, such as colic, gas, constipation, diarr- hoea, colds, etc. Just be sure you get grnuine Castoriu in the bottle that bears the Fletcher signature. Bu9 Lcc!i.>rn<. DjmJ »ul Whit. RmU, r.. 1. Rnj,, Ancnui, Bbtk yMaattat, lufl OrTHostoni, Whitt WTUuionc*. lie ^ and up. 100^ l^.c Jcll,«nr cu*t*fitcnL i.xiiv (or FBtt CHILK BOOK. '^ SCHWFpiiR'S HATCH»-RY 26 .N'orthnmptnn RufTalo. N V. Bo.. H73. BBISGEBITRa, OITT., CAJT. Flashing Eyes Laughing E'yes Downcast Eyes 'E'se.s tell Your CKaracfer Brown eyes for strength â€" Blue for generosity â€" Gray eyes for jealousy â€" Sparkling eyes in- dicate beauty, yes, and good health, too ! Do your eyes sparlcle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow â€" indicating an out-ofsorts condition â€" due to constipa- tion? If so, you need m Try a regular daily course for a short] period. Youreyeswill tell the story. A Vfgrlable Product BIS Read about CKcndcr fnim the Eyes in juturf Bfrrham Aavfrtisi'mrnlJ. Sales Agenli: Harold F. Ritchie SC Co LimitetJ, Toronto Keep Your Health TO-NIGHT TRY Minard's Linliiuni for that colli and tired feeling. Get Wellâ€" Keep Well. KILL FLU by using the OLD RELI.\BLEI Mlnard'* Liniment Co.Iitd, Tanaonth.IT.S Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective \i, Phillips' Milk of Mag^nesia. It has remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its inveilr.on. One spoonful of PhillipV Milk of .Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. It is harm- less and tasteless and its action is quick. You will never rely on crude methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts Please let it show you â€" now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc tions â€" any drugstore. From Youlh to Age There are three trying periods in a woman's life: when the girl ma- tures to womanhood, when a wo- man gives birth to her first child, when a woman reaches middle age. At these times Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compotind helps to re- store normal health and vigor. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOliND ISSUE No. 15â€" '29

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