Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAM. APRIL 17, 1929 THE I'LESHERTON ADVANCE At this season of the year everybody is liinkinjf of making some changes in their house furnisliinfi^s, and \vc would be glad to show you anything in otir line. We have a full line of dif- ferent kinds of. furniture that is needed to make an attractive home. For the next two weeks we will specialize in Bedding, such as Mattres- ses, Springs and Bedsteads. / We have mattresses from $7.50 in felt up to $78.00 in a spring niatress, also full line of Springs and complete bed outfit for $18.00 i Walnut Finish. Buy a bottle of furniture polish now and brighten uj) }iour old furniture in your spring house cleaning. Thos. W. Findlay FIRNITIHE DKAI.EK FINERAL DIRECTOR 8. S. NO. 6. OSl'REY Sr. 4 â€" Viva Roberts 69*, Doris Roberts CI*. Jr. 4 â€" Eva Poole 64. Sr. 3â€" Edna >Mlaxwell 72, Robert Long 70, Pansy Thompson 66, Ethel- ync HuU-hinson G4, Burton Smith CO, Burton Hutchinson 58. Beiva Long 52, Jean McKenzie 47, Johnny Poole 38*, Stella McKenzie 27. Jr. 3â€" Edward Maxwell 47. Sr. 2â€" Ella Jane 71. Jr. 2 â€" Beatrice Maxwell 81, El- wood Uobson 72, Bernice Long 71, Tommy McKenzie 61, Earle Maxwell 43, Burton Sanderson 42. Sr. Primer â€" Lolo Thompson 71, Thelma Long 69, Tommy Jane 68, Al- ison Douglass 62. Jr. Primer â€" Neil McKenzie, Bruce Douglas. The numbers are percentages. • indicate examinations missed. Number on roll 27. yUEENIE L. KAITTING, Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 5, OSPREY See These Obvious Advantages COMPARE this famous SeiberlingAU-Treadwith any ordinary Tire. Look at the broad, husky side-bars thatadd thousands of milesof wear, and act like cogs to pull you out of sand and mud. Yet they cost no more than ordinary tires. Get 4thâ€" J. Giblin, A. Lawler, P. J. Somcrs. Sr. .3â€" M. Wright. Jr. 3â€" J. Haley, M. Somers, L Say- ers. 2ndâ€" H. Sayers, B. Poole, D. Taylor. 1st â€" V. Somers. Primerâ€" B. Wricrht. D. Wrieht. NELLIE K. SPENCER, Teacher. NOTICE TO CREDITORS r?« ^1 our prices on your size. In t])C matter of the estate of JESSIK HENDERSON, late of the city of London, the province of On- tario, (formerly of the Village of Fevcrsham, in the said province) Widow, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Jessie Henderson, who died on January 2nd, 1921). are hereby required to send full particulars of such claims to tl-.'i iin- der-si^ned Administrator of th? Ks- t:ite of tlie said dT"oasc(!. on or ho- forc the 30th day of April, 1929, af- tc- whii-h date the assst? of the said estate will be dist'-iliuted having,' re- gard only to th:? claims of which nst- ifp s')v\\\ then Iinvo be?n received. The London & Western Trusts Co. Administr.ntor of the Estate FRASER & MOORE Policifcrr, for the Aiiniinistratov BRACK'S GARAGE Fleshertoii SEIBERLING ALL-TREADS NO net TO CREDilOKb I In the matter of the Estate of Al- ! ite McLauehlan, lata of the village of I Pri:cvi!l2, in tlu County of Grey, Widcv.', deceased Tr.!:e notice that all persons hav- ing claim:; apainst the estate of the :-.aid Ali'e McLauehlan, deceased, are required on or before the 8th day of May. A. I\ 1029, to send to the un- dcrsiijned .'Vdministrator particulars of tlioir aL'v'oimt. And further take notice that after tl;ct date the Administrator will proc>?ed to distribute the said estate having rcfrard only to the claims of whir-h iu rhall- then have notice. Dated at Owen Sound, this 9th day of April, 1929. Grey & Bruce Trust i^aving Co. by their .Solicitor. C. C. MIDDLEBRO. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdafe, Ontario -^ OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Spring Opening MILLINERY DEPARTMENT In our large and complete stock of popular pric- ed Millinery you will find juat the kind of hats that express the style trend for Easter. Included in this fascinating display arc hats of Sheer tri- cot Straw, Silk Hair, Crochet Visca, Fine Baku and Flower Hats, with the smart felt for sport wear. These arc to hi had i.n the leading colors, such 03 green, red, fawns navy and brown. Som- bre ccilofH such a.s nivy and bla-k, with brilliant- hucd U'ir.;;!, are a real keynote for spring. A once to suit cvci> purse ranging from $1.95 to $5.95. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Ladies' and Misses' Coats A big selection of Ladies' and Misses' Coats. Our assoKmcnt includes the very latest styles for this Menson's wear. The material consists of Poir- et Twill, Charmeen, Tricotine and Tweeds. Prices range from $12.95, $16.75, $18.50 to $27:50 badle.i' and Misses' Dresses for Spring In Spring times merriest mood arc these gay Silk Frocks, developed in the most approved mat- erials and the fascinating new color Whatever your taste â€" conservative or youthful daring â€" your new frock awaits you here. Come in and look ov- er our large range of drosses. You will be sure to find just what you want and at prices lower than you would expect to pay. MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT The New "Hillsdale" Suits Are Here Enthusiasm runs high in our Men's Suit Depart- ment. Smart contingents of blues, stripes, greys and plains. Your suit is here in this diversified jrroupâ€" it's well tailoredâ€" it's wool and incorporat- es exceptional quality and style at impressively low cost. Come in and see it. The search for a good new suit at moderte cost will, without doubt, end in the choice of a Hillsdale suit. It is our aim that Hillsdale merchandise shall be at all times the best regular value obtainable in the Store or elsewhereâ€" in other words more value for our money than you can get regularly elsewhere. They cost you $25.00. Boys' and Young Men's Suit.s New Spring Patterns and Shades Boys' and Young Men's Serviceable Tweeds, hardy enough for school and dressy enough for best wear. They're well tailored from sturdy wool tweeds in the popular doubled breasted styles. New Spring patterns in distinctive weaves, broken fancy checks. Each suit has 1 pair of longs and 1 pair of bloom- ers. Sizes 30 to 36. See oth'»r Suits. Special $8.75, $9.50, $16.50 Reefer Coats â€" Extraordinary Value $2.95 Smartly tailored from navy Cheviot serge in reg- ulation styles with sleeve emblem and brass colored buttons. Fully lined. Sizes 6 to 10 years. Big Special for $2.95. GROCERY SPECIALS Condensed Milk, Borden and Eagle brand, tin 21c. Tiger Catsup, quart bottles, per bottle 26c. Snidcr's Catsup^ stardard size, per bottle 19c. Fig Bar Biscuits, per pound 19c. Wixcd Biscuits, per pound 25c. Sunkist Oranges, per dozen 33c. Mixed Candies, 2 pound for 26c. 10 bars Pearl Naptha Soap for 39c. F.T. HILL &Ca., Limited, Markdale Miss Nacphail Was Visitor At Burfalo! the auspices of D. McTavish & Son, local dealers. Following the moving picture filin, an interesting and instructive descrip- tive description of the inner work- 1' ings of the new Chevrolet Six was acorded the audience by means of uiiawa, April o, ivau , ^^ illustrated lecture delivered by On my way back to Ottawa I went) j^^ cyril H. Schofield, of Oshawa, for a couple of days to attend the Chevrolet expert. Fellowsmo of Roconciliatom Con-i „ , , f., ,, », jk -.» fcrcnce. The Fellowship is a group L Be^,^'^*" filrns Mr. Royd|n Mc- of people of any denomination, race, I Donald favored the audience with nationality or class, wo.-king to re- i^'^Xef'^'s a\aPho"« selections accomp- concile differences in the industrial ) ^P'eJ by Miss Jean Stuart on the and international field. j piano. The Conference was most interest-" ing and enjoyable. Instead of speak- ' ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY crs and a silent audience, a leader ' would outline a problem, and the group discuss it. One could hear and feel thought developing, the thought of the group being wiser than the thought of any individual in it. _^ Dr. Harry Laidler, author of sev- eral Inoks on Social Reconstruction, and Vice-President of The League of Industrial Democracy, led the discus- sion on "Its strife in Industry Ine- vl'table," He is considered a fore- most authority on industrial quest- ions, equally familiar with British and American conditions. I apprec- iated his vast knowledge and love of humanity. A young professor. William Nunn cf tho University of Pittsburg, told with force and fine irony, his ex- periences of the strike of the coai miners in Pennyslvania. He told hew the courts and state troopers were on the mine cwnar's side, that oven Lewis. President of the United Mine Wor!-<^rs, did not nlay fair with his men â€" that is not tho first time I hav(> hoard of Mr. Lewis'methods. Several clo.^rd towns wcrq to be found in the mining area. The Cur.pany owns the town, the houses, FtoTs, etc., rnd in the time of a strike tl;c ''omnany closes the town, pllo'ving only thise who have permit* In leav" or enter. M-. Nunn be- lirvp'f th.^t too manv coal mines wrc opoiind up durinc the \\r\~ with i-Ue i-f--TT.It thnt' pvon the luckiest miner in Unitprl.'?tfi<u<! works, on the aver- FAMILY OF LATE MRK. BOYCC The family of the late Mrs. Geo> Boyce at present living are three sons, John, Willie and Charles, two daughters, Rita, at home, and Mrs. Samuel Shiers. She was the eldest of a family of ten, of whom the fol- lowing are living: Fred, west back- line, Artemesia, John of Wingham, Robert of Edmonton, also two sisters Mrs. Archie McPhatter of Owen Sound and Mrs. Wm. Carter of Mark- dale. Her husband was living at thet time of her death, but passed away in Hamilton and was buried in Flesherton cemetery on Thursday last, April 11th. I Small Advts. I FOR S ALB [ P^R-^ FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE â€" Top buggy in good condition. â€" Jos. Duncan, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 12 young pigs.- chie McKechnie, Priceville. -Ar- FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and a, stack of hay. â€" W. Hawkins, Eugenia. I * 'J'; FOR SALE â€" 8 pigs, about (50 : & Son, Flesherton, pounds in weight. â€" Ernest White, R. j R. 1, Rock Mills. 100 acre farm, lot 1, con. 5, twp. of Artemesia, 2 1-2 miles west of Priceville on the Markdale road, 4 miles from Ceylon. All under cul- tivation but 9 acres of hardwood' bush. Good buildings, with barn 54 Well watered. For further particulars apply to â€" D. McTavish FOR SALE â€" Silk shade floor lamp. To clear at $11.95. â€" W. A. Armstrong & Son. FARM FOR SALE 110 acres in the Township of Ar- i temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. FOR SALE - Oolden Vine seed f**?"' ^° ''l'^'"^^ ""<^?'' , cultivation, peas. - Peter Muir, Ceylon, phone ^^'^J^"« ''•fu'^T^?"'^.â„¢"'^,'' ''"l^: barn ; r 22, Flesherton. ' ' ' i 36x60 with T 36x4o. all with stone . rnly half the working days. The I'.ii'iukv ch.np pojs huntrrv. .. V. ilbur 'fhomas, Quaker, who was ; i'<!2' for ten yuara auministraior of tne [ pQjj g ^LE ! basement, in good repair, water at FOPv SALE â€" Duck eggs for barn; driving shed 24.x30. also hen hat'-hing. .50 cts. per setting. â€" h. ''""se; S-roonied solid brick house Radley, Flesherton. I ^^'th soft water cistern and furnacp. â€" - -- ' This is a good grain and stock farm, FOR SALE- Yorkshire sow with well fenced and watered, situated 13 pigs. â€" C. Monaghan, R. R. 1, convenient to railway, church and Flesherton. | school. Reason for selling is on '1^^^'^rrr^ a Z j J~ ' account of poor health. For partic- FOR SALE-A sow for ^«le. due „,^„ g^^jy ^^ nremisos. T,f---'h 31st. â€" Mrs. Jos. Croft, Max-i ,,, , „r>r>T,„xT ,^.g|| ' W. A. MOKION, â-  - • . __ â€" . R. R. 2, Proton Station. ^On SALE â€" Three burner coal , , "il stove. May be seen at this of- FOK .^ALE OR RENT I I'ri.>nds' Kelief Fund in Europe, lead the discussion on the International situation. In his opinion Poland is the dangerous spot in Europe, and trance with her satellites â€" Poland being one â€" is Ihrowing an iron band arounJ (Jcrii;any. He believes Great b.itain ij the natural ally of Ger- many, rather than France. Ho was ; "thv hpv â€" M. H'-ard, Markdale R. outspoken in hi.-, belief that tha Sov- R. No. 5. Phone 33 r IL iet Government of Russia should be ^'/-.n o/itp t\^S^„ \r««-,.;/..i„ reccnzed by the United States. His FC^^R f ALE " teslm.ony of the recovery _of Russia , W_^^'lo. ''^y^^^;;;" p^.^^^.^^^^ Good seed barley. â€" . 13 acres of land, mostly seeded to .1. R. t^argo". R. R. 2, 'Phone Flesh- 'alfalfa, with good frame houso, frame citon 31 r 32. |st.nble. orchard and drilled well. ~ T-T^rT ^rrT7> r". , . c 'This properly is situated in the %-il- FOR SALE - L.ght Sussex eggs i^ ^, ^^^ ^^^ !Z A S.rt "^ ~ h'^ 'â- â- ' '"^^ ^^'^'° '' '"^^ '^*« ^J^^-Al- â- _!: â€" U. LJ , c::. Hoy. FOR SALE â€" Quantity good tim- 1 For further particulars and terms- of sale, apply to Alex. Camercn, ex- 'Phone 21 r 22. _ FOR SALE â€" Two good buildirinr lots for sale, also one cook stove, kit- "h-'n stT'c and other small articles. â€"Geo. Myers, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" About fi5 bu. buck- wheat, evr-ellent seed $1.00 ner bu.â€" Alex. Miller. Markdale, R. R. 5, Phone 33 r 15. was identical with that of our own Colonel Mackij, Ex.-M.P. (Conserva- tive.) In the opinion of the group the lowering of tariffs the worla over and the complete, if gradual, disarm- ament, were steps which should be ai once bsgun. They expressed u groat friendship for Britain and they believe that any trouble between the Anglo-Saxon peoples unthinkable. The four Canadians present were treated as honored guests and iriends. Every one stressed the need of each person doing everthing possible to spread truth, uproot predjudicc, and insure peace. It was a heartening experience. Father Boland who presided on the second night, told us a good Irish joke. An Irishman one day stopped erto n, Ontario. the Father on the street,-"I know S Father what Shrove Tuesday is, and I know what Ash Wednesday is, but tell me what is this Nut Sutiaas (.Sun- day) I hear so much about? Have you heard of the Robot? He is a mechanical man. I went to see him in Buffalo. His inventor is Capt. W. H. Richards of London, England, who is oddly enough a journalist, not an electrical engineer. The Robot was on display in Ed- wards' Furniture Store. Mr. Rich- ards calls him Eric Robot. It or he looks like a man in armour, and is made of aluminum, electric motors, â-  ,nn i _ j * v..,,. , „ J ... „,i,„„ i.„ :„ j„i J »„ L- esia, 100 acres, cleared, stone house and wire, but when he is told to he __, . , __, . .' ^ â€" . „ ecutoi- cf the estate, Eugenia, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for «er- vice by Flesherton Baccn Hog Cluh, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART^^areUkat.^-. FOR RENT â€" Six roomed houso md good ir.irden, opposito the high -chool in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J. Caswell. Protm SUtion, R^R 3. _ FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 100 acres, lots 166 and 167. 1st ranee west of T.S.R.. Artemesia. For ull partic- ulars anply to W. J. Bellamy. Flesh- FOR SALE â€" 2 Shorthorn bulls, age ten months, eligible for registrat- ion, color red; also Trebi six-rowed barleys yields from 50 to 65 bushels per acre. â€" Donald MacMillan, R. R. 3 Priceville, Phone 49 r 12. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if paid before January 1920, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eufenlfc FOR SALE â€" 10 tons good hay, also 10 hoc seed drill and second hand range cook stove, and 19 head (tf two-vpir olds and yearlings. â€" W, •T. McFadden, Phone 33 r 3. R. R. 5, Markdale, FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Lots 40 and N. % of 39, Con. U, Artem- W. A. stands up, sits doNvn. bows, salutes'"" Rood bank barn, stream runmng the flag, answers questions, or when , ^/twe'sn house and barn, - w a he does not know the answer, «nv« I >^''"^'^trong & Son. Very slowly and distinctly, "I do not MISCELLANEOUS PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted for pasture, 100 acres of pasture, well Fred Duckett, Eugenia. know." He gives the correct time when asked, and ho answered O.K. to the question, "How do you like Buf- falo?" He told us he was nine watered months' old, and that he was made in London, England. Thp talking EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- part is on the same principle as the '' prices wil be paid in cash. â€" Jno. phonograph. The new thing is that Uunstadler, Flesherton. the sound sets the machinerv to work but knowing that, I thought i; a NOTICE â€" All accounts, large or mo.st wei.d and uncanny sort of th'injr. ?'"«»• !l;^^^* it"'^ i^^ ^^""'tH' It made me wonder "what next?" J,?29, without further notice. â€" W. J. What will happen the men who will be displaced by the Robots when they are perfected. To that question Eric answeed, "I do not know", â€" nor do.L I regret to have made an error in my writing of the Sun Life's bill last week. Next week I will give the facts of the case. I had no de- sire to misrepresent the Sun Life Company on their bill. We expect the vote on the Budget will come tomorrow. AGNES C. MACPHAIL. Stewart & Sons. Chevrolet Demonstration NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. 8IIOBTH0RN BULL FOR SERHCB Registered Shorthorn bull for Mr- vice at lot 5. Con. 9. Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,186; Sire, B6nni. Jl^'^^i' "2'''^' ^•'»- R«d Bntt«rfl» 131.078. Termi â€" Purebred* $6.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned wiU be charge full price. -S. R. HAWKINS. Eofenia. MIDDLEBHO & BURNS Barristert, etc Ofices - Owen Sound, Darham and Flesherton. Flesherton evejy Saturday afternoon and evening BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at toront» and Royal College of Dental Srrgeon. of OnUno. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333. A.P. « A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every iS- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W M r w t. Secretary ' ^ I*wrenca» SHINGLES bia and New Brunswick.- Flesherton Planing Mills. SHINGLES From the famous "Bluenose" fish- ing fleets of Lunenburg and the iron mines of Sydney to the logging camps of British Columbia is a far cry. Vet the several hundred people who were fortunate to gain .idmit- tancc to the special Chevrolet Chassis l.'ilu- :'i and .demonstrat 'ijn held in the new town hall on Monday even- ing, viewed those scenes and many more from the length and brt.idth (if ihf Oominion. .illustrative of the nation's vast natural resources and sornic wonders. "Chevrolet Across Canada" is the title of the highly educational moving idct'M'e which ^vas specially taken Carload of New BrunSWick white cedar shingle's at Flesherton on hand now. Save money by buying off the car. â€" W.A. Arm- strong £ Son. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- |ors, etc L B. Lucas. K. C, W. D. mT' ^J^- °"''="' Markdkle Lac.; Shingles to arrive the first or second ! "'<x^t. Phone 2. Branch offices •* week in Aprilâ€" both British Colum- Dundalk and Durham. Telfort & Birnie, Barristers. ,oH- bSow ?"'«» Grey and Bruc. R r ^, â„¢ ^*'""'''' standard Bank ? Te'lfo^d^T"';' <^'*"*'-y'') ^ i- ^^""'^' ^^â- ' J- F. P. Birnie. fo,^\T" '^"'"'."Sf' I''<^en8ed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office. Feversham, or by addressing me at FeveisbMn. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER Far the County olf Grey. Temu 1 per cent. Satisfaction guartiteed Date* made at The Advance office. FARM FOR RENT Farm to rent or let on shares, known as the Robt. Graham farm, lot 23, con. 12, Artemesia; hay and Club, straw for sale. Apply to M. K. Gra-I for the Chov-olet otor Company of ham, R. R. 4, Markdale; 'phone 31 r' Canada and was shown hore under 6, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE , Registered Yorkshire Boar f or «er- vfceâ€" Edgcly Bright Vim. No. 99,996 â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon H->» Terms $1.00. . â€" C. HINDLE, , . ' Proton Station >

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