Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1929, p. 1

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hje #k0f|jett0tt % Vol. 48 No. 45 Flesherton Ontario, April 24, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA last week cutting wood for the church. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. Kobt. Pur^'is did the work with ' 1 his buzz saw outfit. Mr. Wm. Gord- ' Farmers are busy at their spring on has been cutting; wood for Messrs. ' work, .nlowinK. etc. j W. Duckeit, J. Sherwood, J. Magee, liouseclcaning is the order of theR, Park, E. Proctor and Thos. Gil!:- "^•^'- I land the past few days. _ | \york is progressing on the new,' In our iiem last weeic re "BridKei bndse here. The large steel pipe washout here" we understood Mr. A.' arrived last week and has been lower- F. Pedlar received the contract of ed to the bottom of the gully. Men building the nev/ bridge. We should j y.ith teams have been engaged draw- ; not have said "contract" as the work ^ ing stones to help fill in the huge vac- is to be done by the day labor with . ancy around the pipe. Trucks are Mr. Pedlar as overseer of the job. j supposed to arrive this week to draw; Mrs. Max. MacDonald has returned ft v^fi ' ^-'k*"** ^-^"' ''*^^'*u^^ "^"/^ to the village. We are pleased to : wnrL Jti^K^ "" ^^'T r?''/ .^?,^°^^ the have her back again. i M tI ''Vu^"''*!'^ ^"*^"^-- u f The truant officer. Mr. Robt. Gor- 1 M .Thos McKee, w-ho works in the i„y is busy those davs looking after' rnill at Rock Mills had the misfortune children who have been absent from ' to have one of hi.s fingers cut by,schoo! for some time, or not attend-; coming in contact with the saw. Wejing school regularly. Mr. Gorlev ; are pleased to report him recovenng . does not like to be harsh with any-; from the injury. _ He was off work: one, but the law requires him lose-* ^^/'''Vf7^°o"'^J^°'^® ^'^^^''•â- â- â- â- ithat all children between 8 and IG â-  u/^t P- ^'^^ ^®"°^ **^ Toronto years who have not passed the cnt- i visited the fomier s parents here, i ranee, arc attending- school. He would Wo understand Mr. Thos. GiUiland nke to see them return to school i has rented the Hoy property from at once as he does not like to take i <, f"- Cameron, executor. I action to do so, but will if they ! Mr. A. Cameron attended County ^^^'^ He wants to use them all i Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gov of To- ronto, Mrs. Foder and family iox Markdale, accompanied by Miss Ful- ton, visited with Mr. and Mi"3. P.oss Alcox. Mrs. E. Wickens and daughter, Marion re visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Bsecroft, at Owen Sound. Mr. and Sirs. Geo. Pritchard, who spent the winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson, intend re- turning to their home at Vanuoleur thi'i week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore of Bramp- tcn are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Stewart. A miscellaneous shower for Mr. nnd Mrs. Clavence Alcox was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lever rcently, when over fifty were pres- er-*t and presented the bride,' <with many useful gifts. Mrs. W. Alcox visited her daughter Mrs. Wcs. Smith, Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Perigo and daughter of Toointo visited with Mr. and Mro. A. Stewart, Council last week in Owen Sound. The Eugenia Choir gave their play, "the little. Clodhopper" in Flesh alike. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Grahau, accom- panied by Mrs. G. W. Graham, and j ARBOR DAY, MAY 1st erton on Monday evening, under the daughter, Phyllis,' visited with Mr. auspices of the L. 0. B. A. of that village. Little Miss Shirley Purvis of To ronto is visiting with her grand ra'-onts, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. and Mrs. E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. I on Sunday. Mr. and ^Tr-. II. Forrsstor visited friends in Kitchener recently. Mr. and Mr.s. S. Campbell and lam Mr and Mrs. Roy MacMillan and ;, , ^^pent a day with Mrs. Badgerow, riaughter, of Markdale, visited on fourth Line ' Sunday with Mrs. Wi lson. ; jj;,, Kathleen Pedlar has returned : 'to school again after being absent (Last Week's Items) ' ihc past week with inflammation in On Friday night. Anril 12, the play tU^ foot, entitled "The Little Clodhopppr,. was We wee nlon?cd to hear that Prov. given in Kimberlev by the Eugrnia Officer R. E. Purvis of Collingwood, voung people, under the director- j received his liberty in trial, re Bren- ship of Mrs. Thos. McKee. The nan case. Mr. and Mrs. Purvis and proceeds amounted to S30. daughters visited the former's parent- The-e was a wood bee one day' al home here for a few days recently. Rennie's High Grade | SEEDS I ALFALFA MAMMOTH RED ALSIKE I MAMMOTH RED AND TIMOTHY I have in stock Rennie's Hig-h Grade seeds only at prices better than their catalogue price for the same grade. Know what you sow â€" High Grade Seed produces better results. A good quantity of harness parts on hand At the last meeting of the town council it v/as dwided to hold an .\rbor Day for the viianting of shada trees througlicut the village Vv'herev- er they aix naeded, also general .•lean up day and we would ask that the resident? of the village will set aside, that day for this piirpo.ic. Would anyone wishing to have an;-, trees planted in front of th3i:- resi- dence, please leave your order' i". "o v^e can tell how many tress will be needed. Also v;o need volunteers to do some of the work in connection with same. Kindly let ui know so we can have all arranger"'-its made before that day. We have also had a Board of Health meeting and it is their rcqtiest that all back yards be cleaned up and ready for collection before then. It is expected that a team and v.^agon will be furnished to draw camp to duinn on that day. so have it all ready in boxes for him to father up quickly so nn time will he lost as it is the intention " the Board of Health to take action to have all places still in an undesirable condition cleaned up after that date. This is one vear we want every thin - 'ooking its bests for our Old Hom" Week and later on, so I would ask •â- ->ur hearty co-operation to this end hy showing our visitors that we are looking after the legacy they have left us by trying to make our village a rieaner and more beautiful nlace t-o live in. Signed on behalf of the town council and Board of Health^ T. W. Findlay. CEYLON THURSDAY HALF HOLIDAY A. E. HAW CEYLON, Cnt. Store Closed Tuesday and Friday Evenings Commencing with the first Thurs- day in May the business places in Flesherton will resume the afternoon •losing during May, June, July. Aug- »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»fr»»»»»»»»»»»^»»»^^^»» »♦♦♦»»»» » «»»»»» I '^*^ '"'** September. t Fabrics That Lead to Summer Smartness Prints arc a dominant fabric. They arc seen cvcry- Avhere, both for children and for the older sister or mother. There isn't any fabric more suitable tor a morning or afternoon dress, than one made out' of a flowered print 30c. per yard For the afternoon or sport frock what is more beauti- ful than the printed dimities, flowered figure, flow- ered voiles and Printed Rayons 60c. to $1.25 Flowered Georgettes and Flowered Voiles instantly attract the well-dressed lady. We have them in black and navy blue, flowered, suitable for Mother as well aj the brighter colors, that are always dainty , appealing to the younger member. PRICED FROM $L65 to $2.49 I Never before did we have shoes of such quality and smartness. All types of heels, suitable for dress occasions. ALL NEW SPRING STOCK The walking heel and the well-dressed Cuban, in both black and the new brown. F. G. Karstedt Phone 7 - Flesherton LADIES' SILK HOSIERY A fitting finish to a lovely toilette. We have them suitable for every-day use or for the fastidious woman on the smartest ocas- ions. They are made with that irrestible lustre only real silk of highest quality can give. Obtainable in the season's latest shades. Ranging m prices from : 75c. to $L95 I t I X X I X x X X I I I r I I Mr. Roy Piper has purchased a new Pontiac for the pleasure of his family. Mrs. Anna 'ju-Miilan spent rhe week end with Toronto friends. Mrs. F. Marshall left on Monday to visit her brother at Aurora. Mr. Henry Goheen of Proton vis- ited the first of the week at Mr. J. J. Patterson's. Mr. Davis, student of Toronto had charge of the service on Sabbath and has been appointed to the field for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Haw and family vis- ited the first of the week v.'ith iriends at Swinton Park. Messrs. John and Arthur Whittaker motored to Toronto for the week end. Mrs. Raney and little daughter, Jean, who have been on an extended visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. MePhail, returned to her home in Wiarton the past week. Mrs. Nelson Kirk of Berkley ^pent the v."eok end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Muir. Ma.ster John McMillan, who for several weeks, has been at Listawell, returned home Saturday. Mr. Robt. Cook, Miss Millie. Mrs. White and daughter, Laura, motored to Maple Hill the first of the v.-eek. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauri.ston, visited the first of the week at Mv. Roy Piper's. Miss -A'-nes Macuhail, M.P., is at- terding duties at Ottawa. On Sunday at the c'ose of the Sab- ! ath School a prize of S1.50, given b^ Mr. Pvo.ssGv, foi-mer Pa.stor. for the bey or si"l, Vvho, in 1928, attended 'hr most Sundays. There v.'ere 53 Sabbaths in 1C28. and the Sab')ath â-  School was closed for four Sundays ov,-ing to measles and severe v.intcr weather. Master Goidwin Ksnneiy was present the 40 Sundays, not missing a Sunday. Mr. Davis, v.'hj had charge of the service, made the presentation and congratulated Mast- er Goldwin on his faithfulness, al- so giving good advice to all boys and girls and duty of parents. The little infant, James Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. M^.- Mullen, who had been quite ill with chicken po.x, passed away. The doctor was called on Monday night and on Tuesday, being no bette'-, was taken to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, and all that medi- cal skill could do was done for the little one, but to no avail, and he passed away on Thursday, April 18, at 5 a.m. at the aee of 7 months and 18 days. The little corr^se was brought home on Thursday night and the funeral took place Friday at 1.30 p.m. to Flesherton Cometery. Rev. Mr. Harrower gave a comfort- ing message, "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Beautiful floral offerings of sympathy were received, sprays from the family; Co^lon and com- munity; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eyles. Eugenia; Mr. and Mrs. L. Marshall and daughter, Elenor; Mt. and Mrs. Thos. Brady; Miss H. Shun'" Mr. and Mrs. Morley, all of Toronto; Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. Fisher, Flesherton. The little flower girls were Jennie and Agness Chosney, Laura AVhite, Mabel Haw, Francis Collinson, Katie Stewart, Hilda and Nellie Genoe. The little casket was carried by La Verne and Milford Piper, Alex. Marshall and Orton Leslie. Those from a dist- ance w^ho attended were Mr. Leslie Marshall and Mrs. Thos. Bradj", To- ronto. Ths deepest sympathy of tho community ii cxte"-"- ' t.> the grief stricken parents, and their 3 remaining childrcr, Mary, Jackie and Jean. Geo. A. Priest y Passes Mr. Geo-ge .\rthur Priestly passed away at Maxwell on Tuesday, April 23rd, at the age of 70 years, G mos. He has been a sufferer since two weeks before Christmas. He was born at Weston on October 13th. 185S where he received his early training and cam to Maxwell 29 years at, â-  and has been living with Mr. Robert Priestly. The time of the funeral has not been set as we are going to press" and it is not known whether it wi'l be Thursday or Friday. The hou • of service at the house will tie l:vO p.m., and at St. Mary's Anglican church, of which deceased was a member at 2.15 p.m. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends pnd neighbors for their kindness and help during our recent sickness and sad hjroavenjent. â€" Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMuIIen." IN MEMORIAM OTTEWELL â€" In loving memory of our dea • father, Philip Ottewell, who died April 1, U''28. Oh. for the touch â- ^' a vanished hand .\nd the sound of a voice that is still. Sadly missed by the Family. READ THE SMALL ADVTS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PRICEViLLE Wo extend sincere sympathy to Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair Jones in tho death of their only daughter, Besi:!?. ROCK MILLS Mr. Kenneth Betts has taken a pos- ition with Mr. Pinder, the baker, at Flesl'crton, and commenced his duties She was well imown in r'riceville and ,' last week. Mr. Elwood Partridge and family have moved to the mill mid are oc- Sunday . cupying one of the Durham Furniture ! Company's houses. was a favorite of all who knew her. Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Richardson of Swinton Park visited on at Mr. Alex. Carson's Miss Esther McLean, Melancthon, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar, Lewis and Jim motored to Owen Sound one day last week and visited their ; daughter, who is still in the hospital 1 there. Mrs . Robt. Croft accompanied her i brother, Chas. Howard to Ow.>n Soun.i spent the week end at her home. Rev. Mr. Sullivan has purchased a new Ford coach. Mr. Wm. Mather also has a Ford now. Those who attended the banquet | at the United Church on Friday cv- er-ing spent a real enjoyable evening. ; Hospital, who, we are very sorry to There was a large Towd present and l'^^â„¢ '^ suffering with blood poison, enjoyed the fine programme. A i Foreman C. Newell, with his gang bountiful luncheon was served by the °i "'^n had the culvert finished be- ladies. ! tween Flesherton aah Ceylon on Last Friday the W. H. and „.,. , ^ sionary Society met in the ^râ€" I P'^**' ^- '''^* J"' â- ,.., I Friday, with railing on and all com- ,r j plete. It was just two weeks from -viansc. ^j^^ jjj^j^ ^- ^.j,g washout, till the job presided over ing and gave the Missionary Meet^j J^f f '"""^^^'^'^ "^^'^ ^"'^ '''^'^" ^'''' an interesting t?Ik r- i ,, "^' , -. ^, rT„^„, , „„. missions. H- also read a splendid! , 'J'- /â- ^-'^ Mrs. Chas Howard and paper on Dr. Gofoi'th, which ,,,as | '^^"S'^^''' ^^^"''"' .<^^ ^T" ' ^'^ 1 recently with relative- here. We are pleased to loa; V.'alter Russell u doing n that Mrs. nijely after on Dr. Gofoi'th, which much enjoyed. Mis? E. M. Mc- Cuaig also gave a good reading. The election of officers took place ?~ , follows: Pres., .Miss May Stewart; i '^^i;'.'''^!".' °''?P^ '".'I Vice.-Pres., Mrs. Dan Campbell; Se I Miss Erma McLean; Treas., Miss j Jessie Xichol. Considcsi-able other 1 business was done. The meeting • closed by singing hymn 726, followed j by prayer. Mr.s. John Nichol pre- i sided over the W. H. meeting, op- ening with "Blest be the tio that bind-." Letters wore: re;id from those who rect ived letters during I tlieir illness. A raper was th^n giv- J FISHER â€" In over lovins memory en bv Mrs. A. L. Hir.ck;, followed by j of our dear mother, who wa.-; called a readkng by .Miss Ciailys Hiwks I home April 22nd, 192(j. "Money Don't Matter." The Sun ' One by one our dear ones leave us. Shine bags w^ere all handcti out to I And the bitter pain of loss each person. At the close a iasty , Teaches us in our hearts best shelter Mrs. Chas. Newell and sister. Miss Edith Betts are spending a few days with friends in Williamsford. Unity U. F. W. 0. Club wiil meet on Wednesday, May 1st. at the home of Mrs. Thos. Betts, at 2 p.m. Vis- itors welcome. IN MEM0RL4M Iu.r:h was enjoyed, served by Mrs. \ Corry and a bevy of youn,r ladie =. I \Vr are glad to have Mrs. Burge.^'; t-rcsent. The rr.ceting closed v.-ith prayer. A week ago Sunday Rev. Mr. Har- rower exchanged pulpit."; v/ith Rev. Sullivan. He took as his t 'xt Mark 2. 12. In speaking of the faith of the sick one the faith that wins is the faith that preserves; the friend- ship of friends led to blessed assur- ance of sins forgiven in this case. Mr. Reggie Ramage of Dromo-j choir sang a fine solo at the evening -rer- vice. A good sized refrigerator has been installed by Mr. J. P. McMillan in his butcher shop, which is now up- to-date. Fresh meats can be kept in excellent condition. It is with regret that the congre- gations of Swinton Park and Price- yille learned from Rev. Corry of his intention to accept the call froni Is the shadow of the cross. God knew that she wa.-s suffering. .And the hill was hard to climb. So He closed her weary eyelids .And whispered. "Peace Be Thine." The flowers we placed upon her grave They wither and decay; But the love for her who sleeps be- neath Will never fade away. No length of time, no lapse of years Can dim our mother's past. For treasured memory helds her dear And will while memory lasts. â€"Sadly missed by t')? family. IN MEMORIAM Fairbank, North KAITTING â€" In loving memory of our dear father, who passed away, April 27th. 1927. Just a thought for you dear father. Just a memory, fond and true. „,.„.. .. Toronto, and he j^g^ ^ toj^gn of our affection will bring his ministry to a close ' - - . here next Sabbath. April 28th. The j congregation of Fairbank has a mem- ! bership of 321 and the Sabbat^ I School of 330, teachers and scholars, j The call promises a salary of $2000, ! with Manse and 4 weeks holidays. The communities of Swinton Park and Priceville join in wishing Ml-. and Mrs. Corry and family every success in their nev/ charge and hope and pray that God's richest blessing may go with them. Durino- their short stay in Priceville they have done much to elevate and strengthen the cause that was dear hearts. to their Collinwood 'lublic library board !â- = â-  "XT^end $3430. That our hearts still ache for you. â€" Ever remembered bv the family. Feed For Sale We expect a car of feed in a few days. Special prices off cars. BRAN Sl.Tfl SHORTS si.ro MIDDLINGS S1.90 . LOW GRADE FLOUR $2.10 A. C. MUIR CEYLON 'Phone 38 r 3 ates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: KIngsdale 4344 ]. W. Bates. R Maddorlcs t >: v«-^•^♦♦♦♦v♦♦♦<«♦v<~^<~KM^<M>^,^ a «XK«<*<K^^<*<****«*"^''^'*^"**^^****"*"^*'^^'^*"^'*"^^»*'*'<''<^ FOR SALE â€" Single comb white leghorn eggs for hatching. Barron strain. 75ct5. pr setting of 15. â€" Harold Thompson, Flesherton, R. R. House of Quality'^ SEEDS RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY. .\LSIKE, MA^^I. I CLOVER, ALFALFA, SEED BARLEY | PRICES RIGHT. QUALITY CANT DE BEATEN t TERMS - CASH | We handle the best X BABY CHICK FEED AND STARTING MASH I ' on the market % EGGS FOR HATCHING â€" Li?ht Sussex Eggs- I From Imported Stockâ€" 75 cts. per 15. ' Jas. A. Stewart Remember! Half Holiday Commences in May. |

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