Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1929, p. 7

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THE FLESHERTCW ADVANCR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24. 19» ^ i i \ ^ytfJXlfes. A Safe Repository For Bonds and Papers A oAFETx DEPOSIT BOX in your nearest branch of the Bonk of Commerce is the 'bgical place lo keep your valuables for security and convenience. We shall be pleased to furnish you with space necessary for your requirements at minimum rates. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA } County Council Forced Mr. Herb Haw Died j Ooe Day Added CJ>.R. TIME TABLB Death Came Suddenly To Mr. John Buskin Trains leava Fleahertoa Station u foUowB: Goint SoDtIr Going Nortb 8.08 «.ra. 11^2 a.m.' •4:10 p.m. 8:23 p.m. Mr- •'o'"> Buskin, a well known 8J1 p.m. 4 33 p m. ' *"<' hiithly respected farmer of the The mails elM« at Plesherton aa'!^** ""* <>' Euphrasia, near Wode- »m.n\,m.. 0-. »k. _iw ,..,«« house, passed away very suddenly 5S?-v SVa S. â-  ••"•ion Friday morning last. The de- â- onto at 8.80 For niomhir train ; ceased, who was in his seventy-third •aonth mail elosea at 9M p.m. 'tha year, had been in failint; health for 'irreriotis CTcninv, some time, suffering from heart trouble, but was able to be up every day about the house. Friday mom- I inK he got up and dressed as usual, . but !Rras found by his daughter when ' she came in from bein«r out a short j time, ly'-" dead upon the kitchen floor. The deceased was a son of the TO-tu lu J ^**'^ '''â- â€¢ ^''^ Mrs. George Buskin With the dry weather here the and was bom in Markham township highways are improvinjr for travel, j comine with his parents to a farm Mrs. Geo. Ross of Georgetown vis- "e^'" Flesherton when about five ited with relatives here last week, j years of a?e. Fortv seven years atro he married Miss Ellen Bentham To Construct Roads Grey County Council met in Ow- en Sound on Wednesday and Thurs- day to t.-ansact important business that had arisen, following the Janu- ary session of the County Council. .*t that session the Council greatly reduced the allotment to the suburb- an roads around Owen Sound. .\t that time they also decided to dis- continue road construction for this year. The Ontario Department of Highways frowned upon-the arrange- ments and stated that a larger sum w.is nscessary for the suburban roads and that construction of high- ways would have to be continued, otherwise a penalty would be im- posed. Bvlaws were passed to award $10 000 to the suburban Road Coriirais;:cn^ ?rO,CCO for the iroad maintainance and $125,000 for con- struction of highways in 1929. Durham will have the County Road connecting link paved this year, but will lose their rebate for the next ten years. There will be approxi- mately 3,000 feet of pavement con- structed. From Heart Trouble There died on Sunday April 14th, at the age of years, II;. Herb Haw at at Swamp College, after many weeks of suffering from heart trou- ble, and though all was done that medical skill and loving cire could ' do, he passed away. Herti Haw was bom in Egremont, April 7th. 1880, a.id there grew to young man- hood. Then he with his parents and the leat of the family moved to Proton, where they have resided ev- er since. Kerb was married on July 4th, 1906, to Lizzie Ferguson, o*f Proton, six children beiner bom to the union, who are all at home. He is survived by his widow and two daughters and f' sons, and o^e sister, M.-s. Parslow, British Colum- bia and two brothers, Bert, of Cey- lon and Will on the old home. T'le fur.cral was held on Tuesday after- noon to Ssl-rm Cemetery. Rev. Sullivan conducted an impressive sermon, service at the church and grave side. -A. 1.--^^ nii~'^r wero Dresent to pa" their las!- re-7)p"t-. The Old Home Week commiitee has added an extra day to the dates j selected several weeks ago and will morning. ' now commence on the 3rd, to con- fofty-nine â-  tinue to the Tth. It is intended to his home have the reception of the \n3itors on Saturday afternoon, at the out- skirts of town, of those travelling by motor arriving that day. However further particulars will b? eriven lat- er. The invitations have been printed pnd will be in the m.^ils this week. It is not too late to hand in names and addresses so that an in- vitation can be given. DOGS .\CTIVE AGAIN Do«^ have aeain commenced their -^'cnreda'.ions this year and are nut looking for blood. Saturday M*-. W. R. Meads of the Old Durha">. Road. Artemesia. lost three of his best lambs, killed by dogrs and two others worried. Some other drastic act- inns will have to h" devised l^-^fore these marauders will be curtailed. I H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front hnlf of McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be able lo snpply any make of Inter- national Harvester Co. machin- ery or supplies. At pre.sent I have on hand a second-hand Deerinz Manure Sprea(?er. low desiijn; also two and one-half tons of fertilizer. Jno. Plester FLESHERTON, ONT. DELCO LIGHT SYSTEM •«'«M~>4-^'>-:~><~:'<><-><~>»>«>x-K«-;->«>>.xK-x~:~x~x~:~x~:-:~^^ There has been a bone of con- 1 "Tie pall bpan. - v.-ere: Me-sr-- '^c Local and Personal The fishing season week from today. opens one Mr. Cecil McTavish underwent an operation in Durham hospital for an abscess on the neck. i Mr. George Mitchell of Toronto was a visitor at bis parental home here over the week end. Mr. W. G. Akins of Toronto spent the week end at his home here and at Owen Sound. The. publi-e school softball team won a frame from the Rock Mills team after school on Friday on the latter's battle ground. Mrs. George Hargrave of the west back line has? Returned from Owen Sound hospital, where she had been undergoing treatment for rheuma- tism for the past three months. L.O.L. 2855 will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening of this week in their lodge rooms at 8:00 p. m. sharp. General business v,-ill be transacted. The play, "Promoting Romeo" will be given in the Vandeleur Church, on Friday evening. May 3rd. under the auspices of the Valdeleur Women's Institute. Come and enjoy a good laugh. Admission 35 and 2o cents. Mr. Otto Clipperton, Toronto mot- ored ur> and joined his wife here. w"ho had been visiting her pamts. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mrs. Clipeprton returned to Toronto with him on Sun- 'day. Two teachers are hardly suffic- ient for the number of pupils who «re attending the public school. Both rooms are overcrowded, but there are not quite enough scholars to neces- sitate another teacher. "A Little Clodhopper" was play given in the town hall on Mon- day night by the Eugenia United Church choir, undr the auspices of Carnation Lodge, L. O. B. A. 545. The plav was an excellent op" and was well received by the large aud- ience. The officers of of Flesherton, who predeceased him twenty-nine years ago and settled on the farm in Euphrasia, where he has since resided. Industriof and thrifty h(> was successful. A farm- er who loved his farm and enjoyed his work while able to do it. He is survived by three daught- ers. Mrs. Clafa Wiley, who lived with her father on the farm; Mrs. Willard Wiley and Mrs. Gordon Wil- ey of Wodehouse. Two brothers al- so survive, William, of Guelph and Wesley, of Beamsville. The funeral ' on Sunday afternoon tention in the northern part of the county for several years oast as to whether the Tth or 9th lines of St. Vincent would be County Highway. Ono session the council would de- cide on the 7th and at the next switch to the 9th. The many changes became unbearable to the Ontario Department, and on Thursday after- noon R. C. Muir, Chief Engineer of Municinal Roads of the Department of Public Highways, stated that as far PS the Department was concerned the Tth line would be County Road. Messrs. Hunt and Mack moved that the der>artment be memoraliz- M not to enforce the act compelling the width of sleighs to be mad» greater, in view of the expense it would incur on the part of the farmers, and the uselessness of such action in this cart of the country. Mr. Hunt said that here th" snow was much too deep for cars to run. f-ven should the width of the sleighs be increased to corr«><!riond with the v/idth of the automobiles. bert and Ed. Hav^, Wilfied Bla: Jim Sturrock. Rob Lane.Gordon Mc- Leod. The number of floral trib- utes over the casket bore silent testimony to the high esteem in which our deceased citizen was held Viv tb" entire community. Those attending the funeral from a dist- ance were: Mrs, Parslow, Niagara- on-the>-Lake; Mr. and Mrs. George Fisk, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson. Orillia; and Mr. Jim .\ld- corn. Corbetton. COAL We are unloading a car of quality American Anthracite ' week, when New Books For Library The following new books have been secured for the Flesherton Pubfc Library and will shortly be put on the shelves. Glyford of Wa e Farnol. Bells of St. St3phens Keith. Duncan Polite Keith Murder oi_the Sun Connell. Hounds of God Sabatini The King's .\rrow Cody Eyes of the World Wright The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land best this Price $10.75 per ton cash delivered. Will have larger sizes later. Phone 38 r 3. I A. C. MUIR Men's Wear Special $25 Suits for $19.50 $30 Suits for $25.50 IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK THESE OVER GROCEIIY SPECIAX^S j| Just a real g-ood broom 39c. Xew Life Chick Feed. 5 lbs 25c. Chick Starter, 5 lbs 25c. Raspberry Jam, large size 43c Orang-e --j^^armalade. large size 33c W. G. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 -:- Flesherton Remember! Half Holiday Commences in May. <• CEYLON 0NT.\R10 CK">*•><K^>«<•<~>♦♦♦>♦•>•>♦•^•>•>•x~><^K~^♦♦<K~x•^^x•<KK•<-^-K~^•;~^ was a very large one. Rev. Stotes- Ralph Connor. Gaspards of Pineroft _.. Connor. Beyond the Rockies Johnston. Com-bing the Can-ibees Foster. Indian Heroes McSpadden. Our Wonderful Universe Chant. Captain Madeline Dubois. Tom Brown's School Days .... Hug-he?. With Moore at Corunna Heinty. .A.nnc of the Island Montgomery. Anne of .\vonlea Montgomery. In Freedom's Cause Henty. Last of the Mohicans Cooper. David Corperfield Dickens. Anno of G een Gables .. Montgomery Some of the above books are re- placements of those which had been destroyed by constant use. bury of Kimberley his pastor, offic- iated at a short ser%'ice at the house, and after interment in New Englan-* cemetery United Church. Much sympathy is expressed to the bereav- ed family in the loss of a kind c- I | loving father. In his death The | Advance has lost a warm friend oi | many years standing j spring Hardware | Duco Floor Enamel Wire Fence Brace Wire A.F.&A.M. Held A Past Masters' Night Friday evening last was Past Mast- er's night at the regular meeting of Prince Arthur Lodge, No. 333, A.F. & A.M. W\ chairs wei-e filled by Past Mastei's with Wor. Bro. W. J. Bellamy, W.M.; Wor. Bro. Geo. Mitchell, S.W.; and Wor. Bro. Thos. Henry, J.W. The first degree was enemplied in a manner that was highly praised by the many visiting I members present. Past Masters' the jewels were presented to the four old- st Past Masters of the Lodge, these being: Wor. Bros. Bellamy, Geo. Mitchell and F. H. W. Hickling; Wor. Bro. John Wright being unable to be p -esent. Wor. Bro. W. G. Watson, ruling Master, read the addresses and the 3 youngest members presented the jewels. Quite a number of vis- Prince Arthur jtorg ^vere present from Owen Sound Creemore nd Toronto lodges, and com- plimented the officers of the evening for the splendid manner they conduct ed the lodge and the exemplification of the degree. , . â€" ADDITIONAL LOC.\LS Lod^e 333. A.F. & A.M., visited Dundalk lodge on Monday evening and •exemplified the third di'mzc. Quite a number of local members attened, as also a number from* Chatsworth an'' received a real _ reception from the Dundalk brethren. "Dr. -A. E. Little of Owen Sound | has br,-!n appointed Game Warden , Hjrsutol â€" .A guaranteed ;ure for for the County of Grey, but "isi ^^^-^j^ _ ^yiig^n's Barber Shop, district has not yet been mapped out. ,,,, Uprt^.^ Mr. Albert Rolston is the present WarHen and will also continue in his Rev. A present office. There is sufficient fu lough work in the eoounty to keep both Wardens occupied. | The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. R. Bentham on Wednesday May ist, at 3 p.m. Paper, Garden- ing, by Mrs. Wilcock. Current ev- ents by Mrs. Hawken. Election of officers wiU take "lac-. Social committea â€" Cake, Mesdames Mc Cauley Hawken and Wilcock. Sand- wich, Mesdames Fimdlay, Ottewell and Macmillan. Rev. Douglas Kendall has returned to the Maxwell circait of the United Church after completing his course in Emmanuel College, Toronto. Gt»du- held on Tues- A. Scott, missionary on from India, will have chnrr^ of all services in the Baptist churches on Sunday, May 5th. Mr. Geo. Mitchell received the new^ of the denth of his sister, Mrs. Bem- osc in Toronto on Monday. He •\nd Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Aleda V't Tuesday afternoon for the city. Se-vicr was held Tuesday evening and the funeral takes place today at Alliston. The Advance man had the pleasure of attending service in Thornbury United church on Sunday evening last. The choir of that chur;h Is worthy of high nraise for their ex- cellent work. It comprises several trained voices away above the aver- SUPPLIES FOR COUNTY HOUSE OF REFUGE Brushes Sherwin Williams Paints Staples Two Hour Varnish ^ Celo Glass Red Star andGravity Washers Tubs Pailis Asbestos Shingles and Rool Roofing Corrugated (Council Standard) Roofing Massey- Harris Repairs Mamot Varnish S. W. Lac Shellac Ground Paint Buckeye Brooders Wringers «i Decotint WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR EGGS Tenders were open for the award- ing of the various contracts for sun- plies for the County House of Re- fuge at Markdale. The following received the contracts:- Coal, .A. J. Creighton. Owen Sound; meat, Haslam & Johnston, Markdale; Groc- eries. F. T. Hill & Co.,Markdale; bread, F. Pinder, Flesherton. Miss lU. Kelso has retumedi to her (I'lties as teacher in the b'-h school, after two weeks spent at her home in Toronto^ Baptist Church Services REV. M. SAUNDERS, Pastor SUND.AY, APRIL 2Sth, 1929 Flesherton, 11 a.m.â€" Loaness of soul. Rock Mills, 3 p.m.â€" .A call to decision Flesherton. 7 p.m. â€" A call to decis- ion. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware »»»»»»»»<M»<,»^»>»»»»»9,»<H>»^»>»»»»»»»»»^»»»»»»»»»»»»<i»»»»» .<»»»»»»»».>»»>»>»»»»>»<»»» ^! '^ on that of the verv best we have ever listen- ed to outside of a large town or city. On this occasion the choir gave D. Pugh Evans' setting of "Le«d Kindly Light." ^ AUCTION SALE OF HORSES ation Exercises were »««'» "" '^"5» ^„^, ^^ the choir as a whole is one dav evening, the fourteen graduating »^«;^ »"" members receiving their diplomas at Bloor Street United Church. Ordin- ation will take place on June 10th at the Conference in Toronto. We have corrected our mailing list Saturday and all corrections to date will have been changed. Lock at your label and if there is nn error T>ot!fv u^ at once and the matl;>r will be given attention. H vour label shows vou to be in arrear^ wo would appreciate it if a postal note vc"> sent hv the next mn-.l for the p^nount. ^ r^?.> give this your attention new. An auction sale of horses will be held in Markdale on ?aturdav. Ao- ril 27th. at 1 p.m.; quiet and brok- en <n. weighing un to 1.400 Ibv Tp.tfis- â€" Six pionths* and 6 per rent, interest. Aithur Thompson. Proprietor. Fishing Tackle Everything for the fisherman -except fish Complete New Stock of Lines from I Oc. to $ 1 Bamboo & Steel Poles 7 feet to 20 feet BASKETS HOOKS SINKERS Q^ELS . W. A. Armstrong &So8 Flesherton, Ont. House Cleaning Time WALLPAPERS New season's designs, suitable for ev- ery room in the house. Senu-trinimed to save you unnecessary trouble. "Sun- \vorthy"patterns in the better qualities. Priced from 7 c. to 50c. per single roll CURTAIN MATERIALS Lace Panels 59c. to $+^^50 Rayon Madras. 54 inches wide for side ..tains, gold, blue, rose $*jW yd. Bungalow Nets, yard wide, ''i;. 23c. to 85c. a yard Scrims, and Marquisettes ....15c. to 50c. Reversible Cretons. 50 inches wide 45c to ffcl a yard Figured Sateens, yd. wide for 50c- yd. Kirsch Brass Extension Rods, for all your windows from 25c. each WINDOW SHADES All oil colors on heavy Plain colors. dui>Iex color: out insertion. Pried from 95c to $1.25 COMPARE OUR PRICES \vJ opaque cloth, with or Avith- READY MIXED PAINTS Brandram Henderson "Knglish Paints" All colors $1.50 a quart Champion guaranteed paint, all col- ors $1.25 a quart Kf^c«H*4t*f-Pterrt Paints *â-  Fr.scoiiette Flat Paints Floor Paiirts Porch Paints Floor and Linoleum Varnishes Four Hour Floor \ arnish Pernialack Brushing Lacquer Paint Brushes Kalsomine Brushes ^'arnish Brushes Turpentine Linseed Oil NEW FLOOR COVERINGS (At Special Prices) Floor Oil Cloths, all widths 50c s.y. Linolertm. 4 yds. wide, per yd $3.75 Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs 6x9 for S6.00 7 1-2x9 for $7.50 9x10 1-2 for $10.50 9x12 for $1 1.95 Floor Oil Rugs Feltol Rugs Printed Linoleum Rugrs Taspe Linoleum Rugs ' â-  ALL XKW 1<>29 DESIGNS ^ . F. H. W. HICKLING ^ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO f^mnembeT! H«]f H<^iday Coxninences in May.

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