twn Vol. 48 No. 49 Flesherton Ontario, May 22, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Hall Holiday Not to be Observed This Thursday, But will Observe the Queen's Birthday on Friday. MAXWELL PROTOff STATION The annual meeting of the Women's Guild of St. Mary's church was held at the home of Mrs. John Milne on Wednesday, May 15th, at 2.00 p.m. A goodly number were present. Af- ter the business for the year was completed the election of officers for the ensuing year took place. Pres., Mrs. Geo. Lawler; Vice-Pres., Mrs. W. H. Hall; Secretary, Mrs. E. Sec- ley; Treas., Mrs. John Milna; audit- ors, Mrs. J. A. Kernahan and Mrs. Martha McGirr; organist, Mrs. Ed. Scelcy. It was decided that they hold a garden party at Maxv/ell on June Ufh. We are glad to report Thelma Morrison recovering from a severe attick of pneumonia. Ml. and Mrs. John Lawler of Rip- ley spent the week end at Mr. Geo. Lawlei's. Mi::scs Annie Pries i.!'- and Mable Ross visited with Dundalk relatives for a fev/ days. Mrs. Cameron of Collingwood is visiting relatives here at present. Mr. Chester Cameron of Dcfroit spent the week end with relatives here. PRICEVILLS V/. M. S. AND THE LADIES' AID We are glad to report a decided improvement in the condition of Mrs. Wm. Park, who has been seriously ill for some time. Visitors during the past week at Mr. Jas. Vause's were Mr. and Mrs. Meads, Mr. and Mrs. Findlay ol Flesherton an Mrs. Jos. Oliver of the Durham Road. Mr. John Rutherford of Mansfield visited last week with his brother, Mr. E. Rutherford. Dr. and Mrs. McAllister of Dun- dalk and their friend, Miss Moore were callers at Mrs. Parks'. Mi3s Margaret Russell of Dundalk visited over the week cr>d with iier friend, Miss Margaret Still. Mr. and Mrs. W. McNalty are en- joying the pleasure of a new Chev. six. Miss Margaret Still entertained a number of her friends at a birthday tea on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and children motored to Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. Davis, the student minister. Is planning to conduct a prayer meet- ing here each Tuesday night. We trust it will ba well attended. FEVER3HAM CEYLON The May meeting of tho W. M. S. and Lsdies' AM of St. Columbia Un- Messrs. Giliard and Ken Kaitting of Detroit motored over last weak end ited Church. Fricevillo, was held at and spent a few days with their par- the horti'? of Mrs. D. G. McLrm on May 15th. The meeting opened by ringring hymn 430 v.'ith Mrs. Mac- ICinnon, F^'csident of the Ladies' Aid, presiding. Mrs. Sullivan then led in prayer. After the business of the Ladies' Aid was over, readings were given erts, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe and baue cf Cv.-en Sound spent the week end with Mrs. Forsyihe's parents, Mr. t-nd Mrs. Eby. 'Mr. and Hr3. Will Coliuettj and two children v/ere week end visitors by Anna Shortreed and Marion ^^'th their parents hero. jl„jr. i Miss Ilazef Alexander of Owen Lizzie Mather took charge of the Sound visited friends in this village W. M. S. meeting, owing to the ab- o" ^''^"<^''>'- , ,,..„ „ , ^ . . .ence of th« ^resident, Mts. Muir. ' M"-. and M.s. \V.11 Tyler of Lauy Hymn 560 followed hy the reading ^ank spent Sunday Mr. and -' , . . . ,T -nr-11- Mrs. Torrence ^A lUiams. of the scripture by Mrs. Williamson ... „ , , ,. „ . .,, „. -^ 1 jT T> 1 II- _ tr Miss Knolds ot Priceville is visit- and Mrs. Re:ley led m prayer. Hymn . ,, r t. oi .381 was then sung and Miss Marion i^g ^»th her sister, Mrs. John Stonc- Muir had th^ topi; "The Blacksmith ^^'^se. Hammer" taken from the study book. Mrs. J. A. kernahan visited witn After the singing of the Grace, Mrs. '"^-^ds »n Toronto last w eek. McLean and her assistants served lunch. Read it in 1 he .Advance t X I SPECIAL J Ladies' Afternocn Dresses Made of print cloth, in floral patterns, large organdy cullar also cuffs and insets on skirt cf v.'hiic organdy, solid color- ed piping in harmonizing shades, trininis same. Spec- ial $1.98 LADIES' AFTERNOON Di^ESSES â€" made of good (-liudity print cloth, collar, tie cuffs, belt loops and strap on I'.kirt of solid colored linen, in luinnonizing shades. Imitat- ion yoke, made of white or- .gandy piped with black stith- ing. Sizes 38 to 42. Special price $L98. GIRLS' GEORGETTE DRESSES â€" Suitable either for party or street v\-car. fan- cy draped skirt, trimmed with pleating. Dress has slip to match in either silk or a quali- ty sateen, seasonable shades. They are the best dresses we have ever had to offer. Spec- ial for $15.00 Ladies' Black Satin faced crepe dresses, made of a very heavy quality; can be had in all black, or trimmed with sand and some with a soft shade of pink. Ranging in prices from $15 to $2<'!.50. Not only have we shoes to match these good look- ing dresses, in black satin, patent, brown and sand shoes, but we have also. Men's. Ladies' and Child- ren's brown canvas sport shoes, with crepe and rubber soles. F. G. KARSTEDT Phone 7 -:- FLESHERTON Mrs. D. Stewart, Miss May Stew- art attended the funeral of a relative at Orangeville last week. Miss Mable Moore, nurse-in-train- ing at Durham hospital, spent a few days the past week visiting Mrs. D. Macphail, and Miss Margaret Sinc- lair. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffen and family, Mr. and Mrs. H/.rvey Griffen, Mr. iVrcher, of Toronto, Mi-, and Mrs. George White of Springhill, were week end visitors at Mrs. White's. Mr. Fuller of Bolton is visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker and family and John McMillan of Toron- to \isited Mrs. Anna McMillan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawlor of Pin? River, Mr. Wm. Wadsworth, Sr. and son. Will, of Toronto, were callers at R. Cook's Friday and Saturday. •js. Wilson McMullen has been quite ill. liut is now improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and chiiu- den of Shrigley, visited the latter's i;arc:-.ts Mr. and Mrs. D. Macphail. Mri. .v. C. Muir and babe visited Saturday with her parents at Berk- ley. Mijs Jean McCormack spent the week end at her home at Swintca Park. M'S. Thos. .\rrow3mith of the West, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arrow- smith, son and daughter, of Niagara Fall?. Dr. McCrae and mother cf Dumias, Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgom- ery "f Toronto, visited the past week at Mr. George Arrowsmith's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart and family visitsd the former's mother at Mcl^tyre the first of the week. Mr. "and Mrs. Roy Piper and three sons. Mrs. H. Piper, visited the first cf the week at Lauriston. On Mondav evening. May 27t-h Mr. CooT'or of Markdale is putting 0:1 moving picturc-s in the church, un- d-'r the auspices of the Ladisa' Aid. .\n that is being asked is a silver coll'-:tion at the door. Dr. and Mrs. West anr! two child- ren of .\nus visited the latter's par- ents. »lro Mr. Bert Whitaker and sister, Mrs. Neubar, of Canton, Ohio, bcfoic their return home. PRICEVILLE ry effect- purchased a ROCK MILLS Mrs. Robt. Sharp of Oshawa, who has been holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam M'.-Mullsn, spent a day last week v.'ith her sister, Mrs. Frank Betts. Mr. and Mrs. B. Field viaited re- cently with relatives in CoUingwood. Mr. D. Kinnee of Durham spent a couple cf days at the mill last week. Mrs. Everett McLean son, oi Owen Sound, iftr. and tirs. Gordon Kcariis and dau-hter, of Flirt, Mi:h., and Sirs. Jos. Ottewell and daughter, Daiothy, cf Flesherton. visiteH over Sui:day with Xn: and Mrs. Sam Phillips. .Mr. a-id M:s. Disk Clark, Mary and Havoi-i, and Jlr. and Mrs. Ned Croft motored to Owen Sound on Sunday ;x:;d visited v.-iih Mra. Clark's parents, ilr. and ilrs. Jas. Park. We are sorry to know that Mr. Parle is very ill with pneumcni.i. Thj Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Chu-ch held their May meeting at the home oi Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Mr. Thos. Betts sold n fine driving horse last week to Mr. T. Jack-son of Chatsworth. Misses Gladys V/ickcr.s and Opal Weber of Kimberley spent the wees end with the former's cousi;-i hero. Miss Ita Pedlar. Mr. Cal Atkinson anl cousin, V.y.: Mr. Davi?, of Victoria Comers, were callers at Mr. Thos. Betta- on 2 ev- ening last week. Messrs. C'arence and Cecil Ch.ard visied over the wask c.vl with their cousin, Hr. Gordon McMulion, East Mountain. Visitors at Mr. R. H. McLean's the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Coiln McMillan, Holstein; Mr. and Mrs. Falkingham and ill'. Falkingham's father and Mr. Gilvray McLean of Durham and Miss Annie ShortreEU and brother, John. Mr. Mur:ay MicMillan has gone to Markdale, where he has accepted a position in fhe bank there. Mrs. John Pollock,, Mr. and Mrs. Rcbt. McPherson ot Hsrmr,!, Miss., Miso Jean McCanned. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay, Miss Mary McDonald, Mr. Duncan McMillan uf Swinton Park, M •. .A.lex. McCamell of Dromore were visitors at Mr. \. L. Hincks the nast iveek. The former remained for a fev,' days. Dr. and Mrs. McFarlano of .'Arthur wp-e r'^cen'- visitors at Mr. Angus McLachlan's. r.ev. Mr. Reidy of Ilillsburg cc- â- 'uicd tha pulpit in the hal! on Sun- day la3t, and preached a v Ive sermon. IMr. David Hincks h= ncv." Chev. sedan. Rev. Mr. C'arran and family cfHon'^y- wood V7sre callers in Priceville last waeii. Mr. Robt. McCankey has purch.'js- ed 1 new Otdsrnobile coach. The W. M. S. and W. H. S. held ;.heir monthly meeting in tho hall on Friday last v.'ith a good attend.inee of mar.ibers and visitors, President. Miss May Stev.-art, in the chair. Tlie mooting opened with '^ hymn, follow- ed by prayer. The Scripture lesson vas -oad by Miss Gladys Hincks. tho»i Mrs. Ban Campbell gave a splondiJ paper on mission work. Mrs. Car- son and Mrs. .A. L. Kincks also gave • -tereating readinirs. Mrs. W. J. M<-Millan read the report of the Presbyteria), at D'andalk. held last '»'f»ek. which -was verv intc-estinc. The meeting close with a hymn, fol- lowed by the Lord's Praper in unis- ty-i. Mr'. John Nichol nrasided o-;ei tha W. H. meeting. The secretary, Mrs. W. J. McMillan read the mln- u'eo of the last meeting aid were adopted as read. A letter of l.harks v/a'? read f om Miss Mabel Ni'--hcl. Con.widerable business was transacted. The creed vv-as repeat- ?d in unison and the closing hymn WIS "O Grd Our Help in -Ages Past" after which the President led in arayer. A dainty lunch was serv- ed and a social h"nr spent. Miss Catharine Meilillan returned -in .'^atu'day to Fergus, to resume her duties. PORTLAW Seelcy Bros, of Maxwell, with their ' (Last Week's Items) truck, are working at the new bridge- 1 Seeding is progressing slowly oa here. Pilling in the large vacancy account of the frequent heavy rains< will go on faster now with the two Our sympathy is extended to Mr. *''^cks. [ anj jfrs. Sam Fisher in the tragic Mrs. Catherine Walker visited a death of their little daughter, few days with Mrs. Richard Bentham j^^ gad news was received by rel- m Flesherton recently. stives of the fourth line of the pass- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leppeard, in ing in CoUingwood of Miss Hazel company with Mr. and Mrs. Lavi • McKee, a daughter of the late Mr. Duckett of Flesherton, visited friends | and Mrs. Robert McKee. Since the at Traverston, on Sunday. j death of lier parents she made her Mr. Turner and daughter, Streei.-;- i home with her aunt, Mrs. J. Thomp- ville, visited recently with Mr. and | son. of CoUingwood. Deceased at- V.VS. Walker Sloar. Mr. Sloan ae- I tended school here for som3 time and cor.-.panieii them back. Miss G. Smith of Toronto is co;:- valcjcing at her home at present. Wc v.'ish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and children of Ceylon spent Sunday with M.S. Turner. Mr. Ray Genoe of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home hero. Mr. Ernest has bsen con- fined to his bed the past few days. V/o hope he is soon well again. Mr. Albert V/illiams had the mis- fortune t3 lose his driving horse on Sunday. was a general favorite with her as- sociates. Mr. and Mrs. David .lamiason and family of Toronto visited with rel- atives here last v/eek. Mr. Art. Wilson lost a fine young horse last week. The animal ran into a wire fence and broke its neck. Mr. and Mrs. .A. Blakey and fam- ily have returned to Toronto. "Mr. and Mrs. D. Blakey of To- ronto visited at the home of the lat- ter'.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shier. The Ladies' .-^id Society met lasf Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. H. Little. There was a large at- Mr. and Mrs. John Webi;r, and lit- tenance of members and visitors and tie son, Johnny, cf Cataract, visited i ^ good deal of important business a fe.v days the past v.-eek with Mrs. 1 .^^"jg transacted and a number of new Catherine Walker. members were added to the roll. It Mr. Harold Lever and inend of! ^.^^^ jg^j^ed to hold a garden party Flo.P.ertcn visited at C. Martin's on | .^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ Mrs. Gilbert Little and Mrs. R. Os- borne visited with friends in Orange- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewsrt an-.; children cf Inglewood visited one day recently with Mrs. Ca:herir' Walker ard Mr. and Sirs. Vv". E. Walkei-. Mr. John Park ar.d Mr. Charlijj ville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Watson and Mr. .Art Watson of Tc-onto were vis- their parents. Willioms were home from Erindaie '*"" recently with over the week end. Mr. Bates Faw- here. =* cett joined the Vv'eber staff this j week to grasp some of those attract- fheoc b-ihgt sunshirv days are ive wages Success Bates! I bringing out the bright shiny new Postmaster Park, who was success- \ . . â- _„„u„_„ inA c 1 â- 4. \.- V. ^1 cars in increasms numbers â€" ana ful in catching a number cf large i *^'^'^'' '' ,. •„„»»,„- ^potq â- those what were shiny in other years VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown, Mr. Geo. Brown, M"^^'. J. and Miss G. Smart ci Bond Head visited IMr. and Mrs. J. Brown ol East Sack Line. "speckled beauties'' in the pond las: yea-v landed anoth''" beauty the oth- er day to add to his record. This ore weighed 2 lbs. 1 o:. and measur- ed Id -2 inches long. Who says there's no fish in the lake ? .-irbor Day v.'a-; hold at the school on Friday, May 10th. It was r. fine day and after the school, yard, planting flowers, etc., the teachor. pupils and some of the village ladies nicnickcd in the park, v.-hcre an en- joyable time was si)ont. are making their appearance too. .McCUTCHEON â€" I'.ATTON A quiet, but pretty wedding v.'is solemnized at the Manso, Sheibum? on Saturday, May 18th, when Blanche Isobel Patton. second youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr J. 0. Patton cf Flesherton was un- ited in Iho Holy Bonds of Matrimony to Harold Alexander McCutcheon, I. H. Co. Implements I have for my storeroom the front half of McEachnie's Livery Stable and will be able to supply any make cf Inter- national Harvester Co. machia- ery cr supplies. Miss Kazci Oko cf Toronto is vis- •1.1 ^i „»j sth^ r .,..^„ TnJin ' son 01 air. a:iu iUrs. .•\iox. lacc iti ^.g v.-ith Mr. and Mrs. Lur.dy jonn- 1 .,, , j . r. n 1- . *' cheon, Markdaie. Rev. Hahyard oi ^^°^- „ ^ . , ' Shelburne cftlciatcd. The best Rev Br Brve cf Toronto occuoiod 1 • > » . , .^ rv^ oi.v.i. v.i i"." . | v,,;si,eg q£ the commuity goes fi'J the pulpit in thj church here on ' Sunday aiterncon. For the second in two weeks Vandeleur ch'j^-ch was filled en We.-!- nesday evon= ig, May loth, to seethe j |•^^'^^•^<••^•^<•<~^•^•^<~^•^♦•^<K^<-^<"^ rlay "Pron-oting Romeo" which was : % put on hy lo.-al talent, and the large : •!• to this young couple a-nd may their journey through life be a prosperous Jiio. Picster FLESHERTON, ONT. DELCO LIGHT SYSTEM av.dienee thoroughly enjoyed thcr.-.- se'.ves. The P-ay ^ HarJ-.awsy en T>Iai' ley en June Crd Jur.c 5th. â- v given at 23-. d; at Kimbei- and Eocklyn on VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. .and -Mrs. Ja~. Lochart and Ar- gy'e motored to CTinton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowdcn over the week end. Lawson Lochait of Detroit wascx- pectpd to ioii them there. Mrs. Wm. Cantrell is convalescing I Rt the home of her parents Mrs. A. 1 Stpvens. Mr. Cantrell and Miss i Cald.'r of Toronto motored up for , t^c week end. Correction of Ad. A misteke occurs in this week's is- sue of Mr. A. E. Haw's advertisement which reads 3 pks. Vegetable and Flower seeds for 15 eta. This should read for 25 cents. ^ ... Sister Passed Aivay JT-. V'. P. Cro-'sley â- received word on Tuesd.ty that his only sister, Mrs. J. W. .\lki -s. of Lynn, assachusetts, hsd di':d en Monday. Mrs. .\ikir.'S visited Flesh:>rtcn last summer. On her way home she met with an a:- eident. which is Cc'pposed to have contributed to hsr death. Slie v.-a^ C>2 years of age. The funeral takes pla..c V.'. Mcaford on Saturday next. ENGAGEMENT Th'j engagement is announced oi Ethel, daughter of Mrs. E. M. Faw- cett and th- In"^ Mr. J. M. Fawcett, Kimberley to Mr. Wm. J. F. Hut- chinson, son of the late Mr. and Mr"?. VVir. Hutchinson, Vandeleur, Ont. The mai-riage to take place in May. 'Uria % % % ♦ 122-1-: t Avenue Knr.d I TORONTO t Pl-ioae: KIngsdale 4344 I j.W. Bate?. R.MacIdocks. | -:.-:•^~>^"^•^<•<••x~:••x••:•<~>:••^•^•^•x~^•;•.:":•â- ^•KKK••>•:•xK~:.<•^.<••xK~^•^•;~^•^^^<^.:~> <-K-:-:"C":~:-K -x- •:->X";":~>«;~><-x~:'«:~>.>.»^<wx..;..x..:-.:-:~x>':~fr«x- ^-^.x-:-/^ I *'Hoiise of Qualitv" H""^ • Waiitcd 100 men or women with defective eyesight. See: DR. J. G. RUSSELL. R. O. â- MAY 27th to JUNE 1st -:AT:- Armstrong's JEWELLERY STORE â- ' GIANT WHITE SUGAR MANGEL GIANT WHITE SUGAR BEET JUMBO SUGAR BEET LEVIATHAN SUGAR TURNIP Rennies' & Steele Briggs Garden Seeds Dutch Setts and Multiplier Onions : TRY A BAG OF MAJESTIC FLOUR ; Jas. A. Stewart ♦««^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*>»♦i•*♦>^♦♦♦«<^»***♦*♦<»♦♦*♦«^»♦«*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ •> I i t i % •> V •f s I