Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1929, p. 8

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I*' •WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE !!Kan9 AD* M T jusUble by means of a small incon- OlS ll6W 1 own I »P<-'cuou3 handle. The rear seat is £% J v| n â-  particularly roomy. The upholgter- uSdflD DV rOrd '"^ '^ Lincoln cloth and presents a ' I luxurious appearance as the interior I is trimmed throughout in harmoniz- The new DeLuxc Town Sedan by ^ jng materiaU of rich texture. Scroll Ford is on display at the showrooms ^ bronze door handles and remote con- of H. Down & Sons, and an entirely trola, grey window frames with gam- different conception of motor car jg^ moldings in mahogany finish are values ih unfoldod to the public. The i„ p„fect keepinR with the car en- only objection ever raised to the new , gp^blc. Silk curtains, a flexible robe Ford car was some people wanted rail, overhead indirect liRhtinR and more room in the rear. This beauti- , ^^^^j^, ^^^^^^^ ^j^^ gj^^ ^„j ,,„tre inl DeLuxe Sedan is biRger, longer. ; ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^j,^, this car above all and wider, and carries an air of dis- and a Band Concert in the evening. The Model Exposition Shows of Lon- don, Ontario, and the Bruce Regi- mental Band on the grounds all day. Attractive prizes in the various con- tests. Returned men wearing service button admitted to the grounds with- out charge. Come and meet with your friends, they will be here. See large posters. Recalling Celebration \ arm rests, I ordinary cars in its field, tiction. a richness of appointments, think _ You can obtain luxury never embodud in any low Priced ^,„, available heretofore in the autonriob.le. Like the introduction of | ^^^^,^,^ ^^^^ expensive automobile. the New Ford, It sets an entirely new ^ ^^^j, ^^ Houdaille Hydraulics, Lincoln Btandard of values. It .s DeLuxe in , ^^^^^.^^^ Lincoln transmission, full c^-ery way. \ou must make 't a point ! j». .^^.^^,^^^^3^ differential, plus Ford's standardized ssrvice. and now. plus finest luxury at prices only Ford's ' mass production Rcnius can create. ..,, ^ . I Everybody welcome â€" see the new omohile at such a price. j ' ' The body is 5^^ inches lonpro- and 4 inches wider. The lines are low, long and straipht and this suggestion is emphasized by the smart French ] to see this newest Ford at once. One- ] wonders how such a change could be made â€" wonders how any manufactur- er could present such a luxurious aut- CHESLEY. JUNE 3rd Eleventh Annual goldieis' Reun- from the ' 'on Celebration, the biggest and be.'^t day of sports and amusements. Sports commence at 10 a.m. with grand parade, and lasting until Uined by dropping the floor. A 10.30 p.m.. ending with a "^aff"'^*- cent display of fireworksâ€" the best seen in this locality. A full day of pleasifc for everyone. Horserac- ing. Ladies' Softball Tournament, Men's Softball match, Horseshoe pit- The driver's seat is wide and deep ching contest. Relay foot races am- ad completely cushioned and is ad- c-g the high schools of t-hc^ 'j^^]^]^^ <•<~x•<•<K•<-x~><-:K~^•^<"^<"^•K">^•>x~x••:•♦^•H•<•♦•:•♦:••:••^•^•^•^<•<•<•<•<":••: A 4. Yoof quarters and the belted mouldinp' which runs .sharply back from the "" radiator and encircles the entire body. The doors are exceptionally wide and exceptional headroom is ob- a taincd nickel strip divides the cowl and nickel cowl lamps to complete this most beautiful of standard Fords. The now car is of the six window type. FleshertoD Yoong Boy Won A $100 Prize Announcement was made in Satur- day's Globe of the winners in the .Iu.1t Kids' Club essay contest and Flcsherton is proud to know that it has the champion essay wi-ited with- in its midst. Master Murray Stew- art, younger son of Mr. and M*rs. Fred Stuart of town is the fortunate 'ooy and his many friends showered rone--atulations upcn him. He will be the recipient of n $100 cheque, as p reward for well-doing in writing the champion essay. Murray is 12 year? of aco Prd ia in th'' first form i 1 Flesherton High School. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY COURT OF REVISION VILLA.GE OF FLESHERTON Findlay's for Good Furniture ^Now that Spring is here nearly every house- wife will want to make changes, and should you be thinking of a new Chesterfield Suite, Dinmg Room Suite or a new Bedroom Suite, just 'phone us up or call at the store and we will arrange to take you right to the factory in a short space of time, where you can have a much better chance to pick out something to suit you, as our stock is naturally limited in these lines at our store. We promise to compete with outside firms and you will be dealing at home as well. For every other line of furniture, wc have a good sample in our i The first sitting of the Court oZ Revision of the Asse3sraent of the Viilago of Flesherton for 1920. wiii be held at the Council Chamber on Monday, the 3-d day of Juno. 1929. at 8 o'clock p.m. Dated May 22. 1929. â€" W. J. BELLAMY. store. .^.^^^J^ Thos. W. Findlay Furniture Dealer -:- Funeral Director 'S I I I I Y V I y COURT OF REVISION TWP. OF ARTESIESIA Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of Artemesia will Le held in the Town Hall. Flesh- citon, at 10 o'cock a.m.. on Wednes- day, the 15th day of June, 1929. All person? having business at the zs.ll court arc hereby requested to take notice. D::'.cd ?Iay 22, 1929. _W. J. BELLAMY. Township Clerk. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY 7h2 fir-t sitting of the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of 1020. Township of 0?prey, will be held at Maxwell. Saturday the 25th day of May at 10 r..m. All parties interested will olease take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated the 15th d:o.' of May. 1021. â€" H. G. BURKE, Clerk. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Warkdale, Ontario OUR BUYING ROWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY i ews Itefns of Interest to 3iioe Ptircnasers We now have many e:tylcs and widths in the ever famous "Empress" shoe. Widths .\ li., C, U., K-, KEK, either in patent or kid leather. Our prices are right on all lines from the smallest child's to the largest men's. Our chain store volume buv- ,._ ,1 ing m.ilces .this possible. We assure you a p^;r- nN/ ^^~--^^^/^ti^ij)/*^ Icct fit and .satisfaction guaranteed at all time;;. ^.^r Remember, that ill fitted shoes arc the chief ^ '^ source of all foot troubles, ^, including bunions, -^ â€" X -^ ^ ,.^ ,, crooked Iocs, callouses and corns. QuKsER \ ^.^'^^^ We also have a complete stock of Dr. W^m. M. Scholl's appliances and will do our utmost to cor- rect any troubles already developed by ill fitting shoes. .-._^ri...j,>^" Men's Work Shoes of oil tanned leathers, with either rubber or leather soles, at prices from $2.95 to S3. 75. 'i'his price represents the better line ^i^;^.^^ ^^ r^ <'t si'''"--'- ^^^^Bm\ S,4lSr Ladies' Dress Shoes of many different styles f^^SC?''^"'* ^ '^^ and lasts from $2.2') to $3.95. li^^Bro Chiidre'n's and Misses Strap Shoes, sizes 5, 7>< 98cts. to $1.69; sizes -S to 10/, for $1.40 to $1.95; . (^ sizes 11 to 2 for $1.59,to $2.50. ^^'"^ Men's Work Boots of many grades of leathei Many pairs actually worth $3.95 to $4.25. Special Sale Price $3.29. GROCERY SPECIALS â€" WE SAVE YOU MONEY 3 pk.s. Corn Flakes for 25c 2 cans of Peas 19c. Sliced Pineapple, 2 for 29c. 2 cans of Tomatoes 25c Oranges, sweet, reg. 50c. doz 39c 2 cans of Corn 25c "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" iX (Continued from Page 4) took a iesB peaceiul aspect as anti-, quatcd shot guns, old muzzle loaderii luat might explode on the tirst dis- •.;iiarge, were bein^ prepared for the mormug tray, whue uown at the drili shed the boya oi old No. 6 Company j were beginnmg, already, to liven the scene with their scarlet Jackets. In due lime, una wiin iho snap that" v/as imbued into tnem by their First' Lieutunani, wno uad been ia the| ICoyal Irisii Constaoulary, responded! promptly as the bugler sounded the •Fall In!" On the opposite side of the village came warriors of uineient types, some with war paint and feathers, others with buckskin or other leather jackets, that smacked of the outlying settlements where the fringe of civil- ization and constituted authority and modern progress reached into the wilderness to raise the standard of living and leclaiia for greater use of man tiie vast Canadian hinter- land ( v.fith her undreamed wealth of natural resources. But this village was not on the fringe, as it had beer, only a century before â€" then why this v.'ar-liko preparation? Looking closely among the men who were gathering â€" some v/ith stealthy Indian tread â€" r,va vecognize tv/o who were outstanding as leaders. One Sad raven black hair, and sv.arthy complexion, wth clear blue eyes â€" the editor of the local paper; thet other of more stalwart build, and the gonial smiling face that war. the attention of his class at Sunday School, after a week of constant and consistent conf idenca of the public as h2 dealth out to them their supply of meat v.-ith many a free heart. What do these men mean? Is this rebellion? Calm your f^ars! Our story treats of 1880 and this is preparation for a reproduction of the decisive battle of These are the days of the annual spring turning of the house upside down. Feed and Seed NOTICE TO CONTRilCTOIIS Tenders on supplied forms will be received by H. G. Burke, Clerk of the Township of Osprey, addressed to Peversham, Ontario, or handed to him at Maxwell up till 2.30 a'clock in the afternoon of 25th of May, 19- 29, for the construction of tho' \veatherall Municipal Drain, v/hieh contains about 5300 cubic yards. A marked cheque for One Hundred Dol- llnrs ($100.00) must accompany each 1 tender and on approval bond for [Five Hundred Dollars (500.00) must I be given at the time of signing of 1 the contract. The lowest or any ' tender not necessarily accepted. Other I information may ibe obtained at the j office of the clerk or the undsrsign I 0,1 BHAN $1.60 per cwt. SHORTS $1.70 per cwt. .MIDDLINGS $1.90 per cwt. LOW GRADE FLOUR $2.10 per cwt. CHOP $1.25 per cwt. WEST. WHEAT ....$1.60 per cwt RED CLOVER, No. 1 G.S. $15 per bu. RED CLOVER, No. 2 G.S. $13JiO per bu. We also have Oat^. Barley, and other feeds We arc now tak- in|r orders for best quality nut coal. Price $13.00 per ton off the car Terms: CASH A. C. MUIR „ Engineers, Court House, CEYLON 'Phone 36 r 3 ' Orangeville, Ont. I CHRISTIE & BEATTY Small Advts. , FARM FOR SALE LOST STRAYED & FOUND LOST â€" Airedale doc no tag, re- ward. â€" W. E. Morgan, Eogenia. FOUND â€" L.idie3 wrist watch.â€" Apply at this office. 110 acres in the Township of Ar- temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R., about 85 acres^ under cultivation; balance pasture and mixed bush; bam 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone basement, in good repair, v.'ater at barn; driving shed 24x30„^r.lso hen house ;-8-roomod solid brick house with soft v/ater cistern and furna'"». CAME ASTRAYâ€" Steer, about one rear old, came to my premises about .> . . . ,. Friday. May 10th. Owner prove '^If^ ?°^' J^'f"" "^''^^rn and tiirna-. 4 , /-,' This IS a crood crain and stock farm. property and pay expenses.-«eorge ,^ell fenced and v.^atered. .situated hutchmson, Kimberley. convenient to raihv:iy, chur^'.i anj In or jusi east of Flssh- 1 ^'=^'°°lv /•"''on for sellina: is pir account of poor health. For partic- LOST citon, on Monday, May 13th, one Lundle of wallpaper. Finder please Icsve at Hickli -.g's store. FOR SALE FOR PALEâ€" 8 young piss.- Allan McLean. Phone 49 r 3, Priceville. ulars applv on nremiso?. W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2. Proton Station. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR KENTâ€" Garago.. in town. John K.:nstadler. Flesherton. premises. This property is in » â-  (rood location and will be sold reason- |Cbly. For further particulars ap- â-  ply to the administrator. â€" W. J. FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and a Meads, Flosherton, Ont stack of hay. â€" W. Hawkins. Eugenia FOR SALEâ€" Hi! oford Bull, one vear old. Registered. â€" Fred K. Boland. BULL FOR SERVICE The property cf the late Ella Gibson, lot 10, Collingwood street,. ^„„ ^.,„ „ . ' Flesherton. On this property is a FOR bALEâ€" YouT7-r general vv.r- comfortable dwelling house of 9- the North-West Rebellion in 1885â€" ' Pce hcrsc.â€" Herb Corb ett, Proton, rooms, with electric lighting. Barn Batoche. The leaders, referred to, pQR SALE â€" Good potatoes.â€" ^^ * ^^ ^*-' ^^''^i stable and driving were to represent Louis Reil and d^^, McDcnald. R. R. 3, Priceville. ^^^~° ^'^f"'"; also a good well on Dumor.t. With their forces well instructed and skillfully lead they crossed the] river that bears a name made fam- ous in European history in 1690, when a French tyrant, after massac- icl.ig a million of thia loyal and indus- trious, albeit, unconquerable subjects, threatened to drive all freedom out of Europe, till his plan was thwarted by the defeat of his chief satellite by a Prince from the Netherlands, who had just ascended the throne of Enrlf.nJ. The boys in red â€" with commendable secrecy and skillful scouting, deploy- ed in skirmishing order, a section to cover a line which the rcbc'.j would sco j waa held, and avoid â€" then as Uie BOAR ro« ssar/cB. I Rcgi3tp-e.a Jersey Bull for .service on lot 127, 2rl range S.W. Terms- FOR SALEâ€" Barred Rock Chicks, $2 and $3. â€" B. A Farir^ave Mark ready to deliver May 23 and June 3â€" dale. . " Mr3. C. Ilindle. R. R. 3, Proton Sta- tion. Phone 32 r 31. FOR SALE â€" Mammoth Clover _ . . , - , ^ . » =^ced. â€" Chas. Doupe, Proton, 'phone , «»«'»*'J«d Yorkshire Boar for wis 52 ring 14. | '** *7 Flwhn-trrn 9m:cn Hog Chib, '^FCR'.'^AL'ir-rUi'ihrSussex egrsi""' T?!"^. !^ ^^^ ^""^ ^*^'*- for h.-.tchin^ 75 cts. per setting, â€"j^snt of AgrK:n*tur«. 1.13. A. Stewart. â€" C. STEWART. Catietnknr. FCr, SALE â€" Quantity of hay at cnnm-Trnnw m?. , r,^w, iMcKinnon farm. South Line, Price- SHORTHORN BULL FOR SBRVICB iattcr atcnthily attempted an attack iviHg^ jjo pej. ton.â€" Jos. McKec, Mark- . cl-icwherc, the reserves of loyal c dale R. R. 5. 1 .^•fi^'a'^ered Shorthorn bull for 8«- them in a trap, and â€"^;:;:r^^:Z:; c:. ^ ,,„,„„ ^I'.L^il?* 3 Ccn. 9, Osprey, -M«Tf militia caugh with Capt "Gaf Howard and his then niaivcllouj gattlin^ gun. represented by a Ccv/ (,iant crackers, and the littlo gv.n-bcat of Batc;he, vcprcsontea by a raft, the rebels were vanquished and Dat,o:heâ€" alias Peaceful Valley, alias .... â€" wa3 saved. 1:0 sciicus iv.iihap occuiTcd, though :-.r.r.cV( escape FOR RENT - Six roomed house Marquis" No. 179.185; Sire' Bonnii nnd rood earJon. opposite the high Marqnis 142.381; Dam. Red Butterfly school in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J. 131,078. Terms â€" PuT*hr«.Ta « Jui Canweil. Protcn Station, R R 3. | ^,,, j^J^""' Cow^^'tletu^ri FOR SALEâ€" Cow. due to freshen «'^1 be charge full pnce. ia Jure; ccn be seen at the farm of 1 Chas. Doupe, or apply to â€" Mrs. Eph. - Dcupe. Clarksburg, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" Hatch of Barred Rock there were as babv chicks on Juno 10th; anyone â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eufenfa. GBO B. DUNCAN nUNDALK LBCENSRD AUCTIONEER tcmahnwk n-.ct Snider .ind Enfie'.d. wishing to order phone at once. U p,^ j, ^ , , , „ i,„„..„„i :_ cents each. â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson. . „^ ^ . ' '. . "^97. rernisj A goxl clean up and a bamjuet m j^ Pricevi'.b. Phone 22 r 41. J, P'* «"> Satisfaction gMmteed tho ilriil fhcd. prepared by the cvei | . _ ... , - i^a'es made at The Advance office. MIDDLE ERO & BURNS liarristeru, etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham dependable women of tho place, fol-' FOR SALE-25 tons of first clas.. . , â-  .. • „f „„,„» timothy and alfalfa hay; 200 bu, o*. lowed by i-.mokiu- the pipe of peace, .^^^ barley: 200 bu. of feed barley.-' and no or.j wa-. son y for a few hours j j^ i,-ving, Flesherton, R. R. 2,' to tell the CMcitins episodes of tho phone Markdale 39 r SI. dr.y while re3ting weary lin.bs. wait-^ ingfor -the cvenins entertainment. j^^^^UK^^^A^^L^t K ^u.iN^^^.-.„_^^^^ Flesherton. Flesherton ever. This event was a pronoar.;cd success. x.S.R.. Artemcr.i.i. For uU partic- Saturday afternoon and evenir." I'he village Land in its new uniforms, ulars annlv to \V. J. Bellamy, Flesh- and led by one of fiv? c' r. family orton. Ontari.>. v.ho were in tho band.r.nd stepp.ng FOR SALE â€" 2 Shorthorn bulls, iaunt'ly to the ntrnin of "Do yo kov. .o.^rc ten months, rii?ihle for rec:istrat- John Peel* led th? way to tho town ="n. color red; also hall. "The Night Before V/aterloo-' made a hit and an an encore. ' Cur- few shall not ring to-night!" estab- lished the schoolwoman's place as a star elocutionist. Soprano solos and male quartettes were commendably six-rowed 1'srloy, yields from 50 to f5 bushel;-. BUSINESS CAflDS Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, AF A A.M. meets in tho Masonic Hall. Am., per aero.â€" Donald MncMillan. R. R. 3 gt..--. j,,' '"^ -""»»"« Priceville. Phone 49 r 12. 1^,_ ^ Block. Flesherton every Fri- daymen or before the full moon. W. C. P Lawrence* MISCELLANEOUS WANTED â€" Maid, to help with housework. â€" Mrs. A. Fawcett, Fev- G. Watson. W. Secretary M., rendered, while two Campbells unre- ,----- -r»- ^- , Lucas & Henry. Barristers, Solicit- iora, etc., 1. B. Lucas, K. C. W. D. latcd gave in costume a thrilling pres- , • Honrv n a r^ciâ-  \'." ^'' "•"• entation of the fight between James PASTURE - Cattle wanted for bS PhonP "'" p "'ui"'" ^""" ^â- . â-  J n«/<»,i„i, nv.li nf tho'P««'""C' ICO acres of pasture, well |°'o<^K, thone 2. Branch officea at Fit^james and Roderick l^hu, at the ^ ^^^^^.^ ^ _ ^^^ puckett. Eugenia. Dundalk and Durham jme time the lines from Sir Walter | 1 n m. Scott's Lady of The Lake were well| EGGS WANTED J I et price.'! wil be pi re^d by tho schoolmaster. ! Runstadler, Fleiherton The hearty singing of "God Save The Queen" brought to its close a celebration that was home-made, whole soulod and hearty. â€" B. K. R. Highest mark- Taif^r-A n. n- â-  Z â€" â€" â€" jet price.<» wil be paid in cash.â€" Jno. ,/^"oâ„¢ * Birnie, Barristers, soH- '" • â- â€¢ â„¢ â-  icitors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruc. I Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank NOTICE â€" Chopping Saturdays only.-Graham ivos. Eu^^^^'^'.^f \"t°"' "(^Sa't'uVday;^) "T gcnia. ^- Telf ord. Jr., J. p. p. Birnie. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY LOST Any person or persons having lost their perfect eyesight can have same restored by applying to: DR. J. G. RUSSELL, R.O. -:AT:- Armstrongs JEWELLERY STORE MAY 27th to JUNE 1st â- * NOTICE â€" Special in chick fe"-* | Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer also flour and fer on hand. Can, for tho counties of Grey and Simcoe. be secui-ed r.t the Park Hotel. â€" , Farm anrf »tnn\r .oi... .VT^ «„...,i,i c„„ff,..,i IZ, "^^'^ ^^*' * specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction gu»r- Harold Spoffard. PASTURE - H. Pedlar has his anteod. All arrangements and dates 50 acre farm offered for pasture, may be made at the Advance office or which is situated on the 8th Une, -Central telephone office, Fev6r»h«in, Artemesia. Communicate with Geo. or by addressing me at FevM»b\m Fishei-. Ceylon, Phone 40 r 3. iâ€" ' SHINGLES BOAR FOR SERVICE •VI Registered Yorkshire Boar for ter* New BrunswicM White Cedar. « vfce-Edgely Bright Vim, N«. M.9M to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear VmnmM'B «♦ al..- «__ m_ iall of knots and sapwood. Clears 6 in. 7:^1°^^ "^ L'!X^ ""^ ^"^ cler- «P^ up. i^'"''- Terms $1.00. ^ Phoae your orders: ISw. f ^^^ â€" C. HINDLK, ^ W. A. ARMSTRONG A SON. >• .ri..;,.:>. Proton StatM ^ t

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