Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1929, p. 5

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M ' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th, 1929. Prompt Collections -^ Anionpr the innumerable advantag- es of using the services of the Bank of Comnie.se to make your collect- ions by draft is the efecient prompt ness with which you may elose trans- actions by placing the details in our hands. Cwing to exceptionally fav- orable nrra:jgement3 with pur var- ious agrents, we are able to handle collections at minimun rates throu''i oar exclusive conections. TOE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (u/itfi which is arnaigamuiact v. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA JI CJ>.R. TIUS TABLE Trnina leave Flesherton Stafclon u follows : Goi«jr Soutb. Going North ' 8.08 a.m. 11.62 a.m; 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. :8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails closo at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. ••uth al 3.36 For nSomtng train â- outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous eveninjr. Local asd Personal Entire Change of H. S. Staff Next Year A complete chanRe of the staff in the Flesherton high school has bene made this year, when Principal C. F. Lawrence and his assistants, Mr. Johnsto-j, .Miss Kelso and Miss Eraser, tendered their resignations, to take effect at the finish of this term. During Principal Lawrence's four years with the local school he iias made many warm friends, was an excellent teacher and the Bring Military Band A very enthusiastic meetin of the old boys residing in Toronto was held at 170 Bay Street, Toronto, on Wednesday evening of last week, when plans were formulated ta assist in tha Old Home Week in Fl^hei*- ton, August ;iid to 7th. Affiecrs and a committee were elected to follows:- Chairman â€" Dr. E. K. Richardson. Secreta.y â€" Burton E. Field. Treasurer â€" Ur. F. W. Murray. Committee â€" W. H. Fenwick, Chas. MoTavish, .\lrx. Gibson, W. Hemp- hill, Frank VanDusen, J. T. Clark and J. A. LeGard. It was decided at the meeting that a military band would be brought from Toronto for two days, Sunday and Monday, and also a young lady' eleven years of age, who is a professional dancer. There wil! niso be other attractions to be announced later. The next meeting of the old resi- dents of Flesherton and district, re- siding in Toronto, is to be held at 170 Bay Street on Monday evening of next week, June .Srd, when it is hoped that there will be a full at- tendance. The Toronto committee is assisting the local committee in evcrv way possible and it is expect- ed that a representative from here will attend the meeting in Toronto. Oratorical Contest This Saturday Miss Allie Norris visited in Owen Sounc over the 24th. Miss Marguerite Kennef*- of Mar- mora is visiting her brothp-. W. G. Kennedy, and wife here. Mr. T. J. Sled and son visited CoUingwood friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowndes of Brampton called on Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Field and son of Toronto motored up and visited relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and little son spent several days at the former's home at Marmora. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantrell of To- ronto spent the week end \yith Mr. and Mrs. R. Stevens, south of town. Messrs Glen and Ernest Davis o Toronto were visitors in town over the week end. Mr. W. G. Ross of Georgetown Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Stewai't. Mr. Stanley Blackburn of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and iMrs. A. Blackburn, Fourth Line. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and fam- ily of St. Catharines motored up and visited with his mother in town anti relatives on the 8th line, Artemesia. Miss Doris Bowler of Detroit re- turned home last week, after visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Penny and lit- tle daughter of Mount Dennis spenc the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilcox of Port Stanley foi merly with the Bank of Commerce here, visited In town over the 24th. Mrs. J. E. Jenkins of Hamilton is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. Jenkins ac- companied her to town on the 24th, returning home on Sunday. The monthly meeting of the W. X. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Boyd en Wednesday, June .5 a<- 3 o'clock. Cak(), Mcudames Wilcox, Cargoo. McCauloy. Sandv/ich, Mrs. Wes. Armstrong, Mrs. Inkstcr, Mrs. R. Benthnm. The hot, sultry weather of the past fev-- days has Loeii a welcome change and has brought out the leaves on the trcjo and growth is abnormal. Quite a number of farmers have f in- 'shrd seeding, but those on the low- land have not been able to accomplish much so far. An unanimous invitation to remain as pastor of the church was given to Rev. M. Saur.dccr. ''iv the Bantist congregations on Sunday morning. Rev. Saunders tendered his resignat- ion solve time aero, but has not yet decided upon v.-hat action he will take. Flesherton high school boys and girls visited the Markdale school on Wfdnesday afternoon of la«t week and played three games. A team of bovs 'plaved softball ard the s-orc v/?a a tie; Flesherton girls won tn rofr.ball and Markdale girls won the Tjaskptball game. After the games the home school provided lunch and a social time wa« en.ioved. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. picld â€"er 'â- '"' v-ol'^ov were:- Mr. ana Mrs Jas. Field and three daughters -;<i'Mvs. Edward-^, Mr. Doc. Ferry. c!««Bhter and girl friend Mr \IVm. v:o' ir>,i t"o d""ght-"rs. Mr. Eugene Field and Mr. W. S. Putnian »^. K\{ ThistlethwaitP nnd M'" J^- Pope and Messrs. V.. Perry and Ed- gav Taylor, all of Toronto. W" wore pleased to have n visit on S«turdav from Mr Wm. W.lson r>f WalkerviUe who, along with his family, holidayed with his mr.t}^-- ',eiv M is verv rlcasins: to know thnl"Win is another Flcshorto> ho» '..Vo is maVin.' "•nod 'n th^ automoi : bile manufacturinor industry. Re-, centlv he received the appointment of, ^pnor.nl l,lInerin^cndo:n of the bpdyi division of the huge Stu-^-Viker plan^ -,(• Walkervillp ard is makmK good at h\a new oitualion. Miss A. C. Macphail, M. P. is hold. ing her High Schools' Oratorical Con- test in Flesherton High School on Saturday afternoon of this week, June 1st, at 2.30 p.m. on the subjec: "The Solution of Agricultural Pro"o- lems." Each speech is not to ex- best ceed ten minutes. A very substant- wishes fellow him wherever he may^ jal prize of $100 is being offered for locate. M â- . Johnston spent one| first place and $50 for second. A term and Miss Kelso and Miss Fras-j good musical program v;ill ba lur- er served two years as assistants. | nished by the different high schools. As Principal the high school board j has secured Mr. Stewart Thibaudoau,! .ADDITIONAL LOCALS son of Mr. John Thibaudoau. Mark-j ''flfV ''"//"'"T °iy,^''- ,^- ^":' Miss King of Newmarket spent the vHf Z t7.' ^T ^l "^f !^"'f-'i'nolidav with Miss M. Macmillan and years Mr. Thibaudean has beeTTwitn the Chesley high school as assistan principal and comes highly recom- mended as a successful teacher. As nssistants the board has secured Miss Emily Achcsnn, daughter of Mr. and •Mrs. Robt. .Vcheson of Proton Stat- ion, and who is a graduate of Flesh- erton high school ; Mi."^s Ao-nes Bry- done of Milvc^-ton. who assisted for two weeks after Easter in the a'o- spnce of Miss Kelfo, and Miss Dor- othy Lighthart of Guelph. With this excellent staff the hoard ex- pects a most successful year. Mr. Peter Dow of Thorold visited at his home here over the 24th. Miss Gertie Lever spent the past week in Toronto. Misses Elizabeth Bentham and Marie McEachnie of Toronto spent the week end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland spent a few days last week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and family of Durham spent the week end in town. Mrs. D. McLeod of Priceville made a substantial donation recently to assist with the expenses of Old Home Week. 'ville It is with distinct pride that those ' June in the home town view the success oi ' old boys and girls in the business! world. i Mr. R. J. Wilson of Hespeler and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harrison of Guelnh were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson on the 2.1th. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Pcrigo and -â- Hildren. Kathleen and Douglas, of Toronto were holiday visitors with M'-. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. W. Scott of Southampton was relieving Mr. Bert Crawford the past few days in the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commence. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thompson and family. Miss G\v£y;inie Savelle and holiday with Miss M. I visited other friends. Don's forget to have your garbage out in a convenient place the firs: Tuesday afternoon in the month. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lawrence and family motored to Caledonia for the 24th. Mr. Orloff Howden returned home on Monday, after finishing his year's v.-ork at Toronto University. Have your hanging baskets and v.'indow boxes filled nov/. All kinds of ilowers, plants and bulbs. â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesherton. Miss Lilliar. McMullan and friend, M.-. M. McMaster, of Toronto spent the week end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McMullen. If your goods have merit, let the people know it â€" advertise in The Advance â€" 95 per cent, of your customers read it. Rev. M. Saunders, pastor of the Batist Church, accompanied by Mrs. Louis Pedlar of Rock Mills and Mrs. Dow, as representatives of the churches, attended the ordination services at Keady on Wednesday last, of Rev. A. E. Silver. A play "Dot, the Miner's Daugh- ter" will bo presented by the Ladies- Aid of St. Columba Church, Price- in the church on Wednesday, 12th. Watch for posters. Reduction In Rates To Hydro Users ' Notice of substantial reductions in ' the raloa lor hydro has been receA - ! lid by Mr. C. N. Richardson, secre- ' laiy ul the Flesherton hydro com- 1 mission from the head office in To- 1 I jonto. The cliange in the rates is i ! brought about by the most favoi- I able position enjoyed by the locai I commission of hydro distribution. A. I lefund was given the commission this spring on the payc^^ments for electric 1 al energy supplied last year and tho I commission now feels that a reduct-l ion of rates is justified Dc.iveslicâ€" Reduction of % cent' ' per Kilowatt-l'.our, but k.w.'s at the! first rat,' have been increased f Lom I j 50 to 55. This is a saving overtiiel old rate of 8 cents on the first k.w. ! h. use;!. Tho minimum bill h.aa bee • reduced from i?1.67 to $1.39 withlO per cent off for cash, making thei net bill of $1.25. There is reduced I consimiption under the new mini-j mu'.n, wherca.; 33 k.w. hours could ' be used under the old bill, only 30 can be used under tho new, but 3.1: k.w.h. under the nev/ rate only costs $1.34 net Commercial â€" V; cont rcdu;'tion ffv first 100 hours uso of installed cap-, acity and 1 cent on the balance oi"; consumption. The old rate was 4 and 2 cents, the new one being 3'/i and 1 cent. This means a reduct- ion of 50 cents per 100 k.w.h. at the first rate and $1.00 per hundred at the second rate. It will make ciuite a substantial rate of reduction for the commencial users. The mini- mum bill is 81.39. Power i-ates remain the same, but the costs of the power to thelocai j commission has been reduced .$5 pei- horse power per annu'm. The cost i of power to Flesherton was $50 per h.p.; it will now be $45. | Eugenia village rate has been re-, duced '/J cent for first charge; this; means a reduction of 15 cents for! first 30 k.w.h. per month. Mr. Richardson has been working! for some time to have the rates re-l ducod and' his effort.'; along this line are now heartily appiaunded by the citizens of Flesherton. Buil Gored Horse A horse belonging to Mr. Reg. Boyd of town was so badly goren by a bull in the barn one clay last week that its front leg was nearly j severed from its body. The horse J became loose in its stall in the stab- le and wandered to the side where the cattle were tied. As thehorsci came to the bull's stall it caught the liofse with its horns below tho front leg where it is attached to the body, penetrating deeply, a-id at the same time lefting its head upward, rip- ping the skin and flesh for a con- siderable distance. Verv little more would have seve-ed the leg complete- Iv. Nine stitches were inserted to close the wound, and it will be sev- eral months before the horse will again be used for work. 3 Act Humorous Play ^Promoting Romeo' Will Be Given by the Vandeleur Dramatic Club in the NEW TOWN HALL FLESHERTON Tuesday, June 11th ADMISSION: 35 and 25 cents Concert to commence at 8 p.m. CAST OF CHAR.\CTERS John Fenwick â€" Howard Graham, a well-to-do Business Man. Bob Fenwick â€" Roy Freeman, hi;-, son. Ellen Fenwick â€" Mrs. Wm. Swanton, His Wife. Elsie Evans â€" Myrtle Freeman, niece anil wai'd of- Mr. Fenwick. Romeo â€" Howard McGee, their colored chauffeur. Mi-s. Amarilla Baderâ€" Mr.s Fred Boland, Romeo's mother. Rosalie Jones â€" Amelia Davis, a manicurist. Dorothy Stevens â€" .Maud Davis, a young widow. Ben Craig â€" Jack Taylor, engaged to Elsie Evans. May Craig â€" Ethel Thompson, Ben's sister. Selma â€" Vema Boland, a Sweedish maid. John â€" Wm. Swanton, the policeman. Little Florence Lighthart of near while he erected the bars on the Croemore, was accidently -shot hv i^'^cc. The bullet lodge<l on the her little 4 year-old brother, when child's shoulder blade, but was re- he picked up a loaded gun which cover when she was taken to the the father had layed on the ground Colling^vood hospital. •5 Made in Canada Goods GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS FLOURâ€" Ptiritv, Royal Household, O'Canada SEEDSâ€" Seed Com, Rape CHICK FEEDâ€" Starter and Developer DRY GOODSâ€" Print.s, Printed Broadcloth Dress Lengths HARDWARE H.VRNESS PARTS BOOTS AND SHOES A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. ♦ Store Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. Ij: •> i t ± IN MEMORIAM GUY â€" In loving memory of our dear mother. Flora Guy, who passeu away May 29th. 1921. Sweet is the sleep she has gone to. Free fro'm sorrow, free from pain When we think of her so peaceful. Could we wish her back again? â€" Sadly missed by family. IN MEMORIAM BLAKELYâ€" In Mrs. T. A. BlaUel loving memorv of • who departed this Mr. Orrcl Fisher spent the week end jjfg jyj^y jjst, 192(5. v.-ith the lattor's parents here. Three years have passed, how swift Mrs. C. J. Crossley and daughter, tiiiie flies, Janet, and Mi.ss Laura Boyd of To- Loves sweet memory never dies, ronto spent tho past few days with Wo miss lier laugh, her cheery wayy. their mother, Mrs. W. Boyd. ] With her we spent many happy Excavation for the cellar of Mrs. days, ^- • t Jamicfon's nev/ residence commenced We miss her when we need a friendjj last week. Her son, Mr. Chas. On h.-r wo always could depend. .Jamieson,' of Owen Sound is super- â€" Padly missed by Husband and intending the work. Family. ENGAGE.MENT Mr. and Mrs. .\ngus McCannell -", Proton announce the eno-agemcnt of their second youngest daughter. Ha Viola to Ml-. Geordie Black o," Swinton Park. The wedding will take place eai'ly in June. j Tho engagement is announced of, Gladvs Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs." Joseph Cornfield of 457 Mann-: ing Avenue, Toronto, formerly of Flesherton. to Rev. William Howey, B..\.. B.D., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Howoy of Owen Sound, the wedding, to take pl.nee in Victoria College Chapel on Monday evening, June 10,' at 7 o'clock. Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday 10 bars of P. & G. for 49c. Large jars of ]\larmalade for 29c. 5 pound pails of Syrup for ." 33c. 5 pks. Jelly Powders for 25c. 5 pounds of Dur 65c. bulk tea for $3.00 Try Our Fresh Ground Coffee and Be Convinced. â€" :.. Pineapples Are Now At Their Best..: â€" W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Groceries and Men's Wear Read tho Small Advertisements. Dr. and Mrs. R. IIenders.on and two Eons and niece, Helen Craw- ford, accompanied by Miss Shirley, Murray, motored up and spent the holidays in town. > Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruckle and di'.up.v.tor of Hamilton spent the BORN BELLâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. James .A. Bell, Nottawa, on Wednesday May •"'id, l'.'2ii. a son M"'- - Spencer.) "•McT.WISH â€" In Flesherton, on Mr. and Three Shoe Specials TiTT'TrMnt**; ""^ =~ •"" â- j«^.=-« week end with Mrs. J. A. Lever, who Friday, M'ly 24th, 192.), to accompanied them home for a shore Mrs. G. A. McTavi.sh, tho gift of a holiday. 'daughter. ......v...- x~x>«:~x<'««:~>«>>>'X"K~:~>»x~>«>'>«H^x«*»>«>«w~>':~x~x«<'<^<'v%">*«'>*«~' X PINDER'S PURITY BREAD Its flavor and texture is a guarantee of its purity. R'*y made-in-Fleshertoii bread and re- ceive the bcst>, you will be convinced tliat there is none better. '^ve Your Breiad Delivered at Your Door Finder's Bakery PHONE 8 FLESHERTON, ONT. 15 pairs Womcns" Strap Slippers, in dif- ferent styles in patent and kid leather. High and medium heels. Good range of^sizes. Kcu-ular S3.00 to S-V.OO SPECIAL $1.49 PAIR 2.^ pairs of Women's Straji Slippers, I'ancy Ties and Oxfords, in blonde, par chnuMit tvan, brown and black kid and patent leathers. All sizes from 3 to 7 arc represented in the as.sortnient. Regu lar ;?3.75 to $4.50. SPECIAL $2.79 PAIR 18 pairs of Men's Oxfords, in Tail, P.rown and Black Calf and Kid Leathers all good medium lasts, no narrow point- ed toes. Full range of sizes. Regular $4.50 and $5.00 qualities. SPECIAL $3.49 PAIR ' F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO * ^ •>.;„v;..^.x-:'«^>'>*^♦^^•^♦•>'>â- ^v•^^^•^â- :•^^>>•>>>'>•>'><•'>â- â€¢">â- 'â- *••â- >'•"•"^^ t^>BSES32;

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