Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTC^ ADVANCP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1929 What We Have To Offer No one chartered Bank in Canada has anything greater to offer the bujiiiesa community than 4it3 'icon- temporaries unless it be in the char- acter of the ser%'ice it renders. Dur- ing its life, the Canadian Ba:ik of Commerce has developed a distinc': individuality through the kind of service maintained in its daily trans- actions. The commercial aspect of ••his individuality is found in the many unique services for which the Bank of Commerce is peculiarily equipped. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (u/ith tuhicfi is amtxlgamntad -w THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl Council To Assist In Road Building E. McClocklin Passes \ At Home in Durham CJ>.IL TIME TABLB Trains leave Fleiherton Station u -follows: Going Soutt Going North 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.ni. -4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. «.ll p.m. 4.33 p.m. Tb« mail* cIoiq at Plesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.ni. â- euCh al 3.3d For morning train eonth mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the yreriona evening. Tennis Club Officers The annual meeting of the Tennis Club was held last week and the following officers were appointed: Pres.â€" H. McCauley. Vice.-Pres.â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Sec.-Treas. â€" Miss Elda Karstedt. Courts and Managing Com. â€" W. G. Kennedy, W. Armstrong, Dr. Milne, Dr. Bryce, Dr "' ~ An emerg2nt meeting of the Vil- lage Council was held in the Clerks otiice on Friday evening in regard to the road program on the coneci- ing link cf the provincial highway through town. Engineer .\!der of Durham gave Reeve Findlay figures for the cost of the road and these were presented to the Council. The roadway would be twenty feet in width, of mulch tar construction and would cost ap- proximately $1800, Flesherton's share cf this would be twenty-five re- cent or nearly $450. The length would be from Wm. Henderson's j iced comer to the Baptist Church, a dist- 1 p-.^ ance of about 112 rods. Councillor McCauley thiught that it would also be a splendid idea to lav crushed stxie from curb, to curb in the bus- iness section at the same time the 20-foot strip was laid. It was moved bv H. A. McCauley and seconded by G. B. Welton that this Council accept the offer of the Department of Highways to pay 25 per cent, of the cost of the work on the 20-foot strip. It was also decided to take the money out of the general fund, as , to rais' money otdenvise would nec- I casitate a vote by the people and j there was not time to do so. I Clerk W. J. Bellamy stated that unless other reductions were made it would mean a two mill raise on taxes next year. I Councillor C. N. Richardson i far )ught up the question of the dump â-  and to the motion passed at the last regular meeting requesting H. Down certain materials ; On Satu-day evening, Mr. Edwin • , Thomas MtClocklin, well and fav- i i oiably known in Fleshcrton and vicin- ' I ity passed away in his sleep at his i 1 home in Durham, after a few ] I m mtbs of dechning health. He was | ' the eldest son of the late Mr. and i j Mrs. T. W. K. McClocklin and was j born near Hamilton, 72 year ago. his | I parents coming to Glonalg when hej I w.Ts a 'inv child nnd settli^g on the ' I 4th conpcssicn ">f Glenolg. When' ha reached manhood he learned the' I trade of wagon making, and pract- 1 his trade at Rob Roy, Durban : Hanover. R^ttirhing fmm Hanover he opened a butcher shop in Durham. In buying and ship- ping stock he was associated fr-r many years with his cousin, Mr. W. E. Limin. Some fif-y ears ,t?o h" mar-'ied Miss Mary McFayden. and to them wera bom five children. Mildred, d^'ne in childhood. Mav :.? on the pufil'c school teaching staff in Toronto, Susan is Mrs. Stanley Mc- Beth, Durham. Te^l is i i tW 'â- ir.n''"-- me-'t of Steele. Brires and C^... "^o- nn'-o and Jim a m^nag"'- in t^'- Bank of Commorco, Trenton. Mr. McClocklin was a man who mid^" friends readily, and who loved his home. H^ was a strong Consei-%"\- tive and was in health, regul.ar in at- tppdance nt the, sen'ices in Knox church. Four lonthers and two sis- j '^pr? su^-vive, Charles, at Zion; Fred in Toronto; J.nmes at Trout Creek and Arthur in Dnrham. The sisters are Tilly. Mrs. M. Wilson, Fleshe'- BIGGER AND BETTER U.F.O. PICNIC Monday, July 1 Let us celebrate together Canada's 62nd Biinhday in Lever's Grove g?rt?of Flesherton Full Program of Sports and Music from one o'clock to one o'- clock Including Bail Games Horseshoe Tournament and Foot Races The finest of concert paities has bean procured featuring Willie Hell, Scotti.sh Comedian Jean Simpson, Costume \'ocalist M Betty Robertson, Dancer and Entertainer Ethel Clowes, popular violinist, using- costume Jes.sie MacGregor. pianist and saxaphonist â€" COX'CERT AFTERXOOX AXD E\'EXL\Gâ€" Especially prepared addresses bv Miss A. C Macp'hail, M.P.â€" F. R. Oliver, M.P.P. Dancing- on Enlarged Platform Refreshments and Lunch Booth on Grounds Cali- Mrs. & Sons to remove ce.ca.. â€" "â€" i j^^ and Eliza. Mrs. E. Smith, left : 1 tne wrong place. J'oe feel ^.^^^ ^^rT\st. ing cf the Council ^"^^ tha^t anm- t^^^^_ j^^Donald and S.,san died some The fune-al took place Murray, F. Thurston, BIr. Hickling, C. N. Richardson. -» -- â€" - , •,.,. j v ™„„f sanav Yii Social Com.â€" Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Justice had been committed by ment- , -^«^^> ->^ Wes. Armstrong, Mrs. F. Thurston, ioni^?: the above firm s name while ^ > Tuesdav af^^moon and was large- Elda Karstedt, Mamie McTavish. other parties had also dumped rub- ^n :r._Aj =-* ^^^ <â- -!---., nWrP Work on the court commenced on ^j^h where it was F^"* ^"Pff ptblTc S Saturday and they are now ready P'^^'^^'^' ^" ^^^"^ ^'^^^^ ^^^ ^ LI for Dlavinp â-  realize that there was a proper place ^ ^ *â-  to dump rubbish and that the Council Mrs. D. Strachan of Toronto is vis- 'would take steps to have it moved iting her nephew, Mr. Thos. Clayton. "HOME TIES" TO BE I and the expense attached would be Mrs. D. McKUlop is visiting rel- GIVEN IN TOWN HALL charged against the persons in I question. The play "Home Ties CEMENT Local and Personal visiting rel- -atives at Walkerville and Windsor, j Examinations for first form in the high school commenced on Monday. Fine weather; but a good shower of rain wouldn't d^ ' â€" harm. , Miss D. Thurston of Toronto was home over the week end. ; Mrs. Leroy McDonald of Toronto snent the week end with her mother here. Rev. Jos. narrower attended the Conference of the United Church in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark of Weston are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ,W. Hickling. Mbs Seta Kennedy of Toronto is holidaying with her brother, W. G. Kennedy, and wife here. I Mr. Ernest Feuwiek of Toronto .spent the week end with his mother on the East Backline. i Miiss Amy Hanbury of Dundalk was the guest of Mrs. H. McCauley ' over the week end. I Mrs. R. Alexander of town spen' the week end with friends at Gra- ' venhurst. j The Sunday School class of Mrs. H. McCauley enjoyed a picnic at Harrison Park, Uwen Sound last week. Mr. and Mirs. Jeff Thistlethwaita and family of Toronto motored up and is to be given for the second time in the new town hall, Flesherton, on Monday ev- ening of next week, June 17th, under' the auspices of the Tennis Club. BLACKâ€" MacCANNELL A very quiet, but pretty wedding .ook place at Dundalk on Saturday, When given here earlier in the year jime 1st, at the manse. When Pev. Iv attended, intsrmont taking place in Durham cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Mrs. Jas. Wilson at- tended the funeral. Sympathy is ex- pended to Mrs. Wilson nnd other members of tho family in the loss they havo sustained. ♦ DON'T BUY YOUR CEMENT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE OUR QUOTATIONS the play received a real reception and is one that gives a lasting impres- sion, and -throughout there are hum- orous situations that bring roars of laughter. Many have asked to have the play repeated and there should be a fiill house again. Those who missed seeing the play before shotUd not miss -'he chance now. and those who have seen it will be be sure to 'come again and enjoy the evenin" to the fullest extent. looked shell pink McCannell, Baptist Chureb Services REV. M. SAUNDERS. Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 16th 1929 Flesherton, 11 a.m.â€" Rev. J. R. Wol stencroft of Leith. ' Rock Mills 3 p.m.â€" Rev. J. R. Wol- stencroft of Leith. Flesherton, 7 p.m. â€" Rev. J. R. Wol- stencroft of Leith. Rev. J. R. Wolstencroft of Leith will be in charge of all services for the day. Mr. Annand united in marriage Ila Viola MacCannell, soeond youngest , daughter of Mr. and Mrs Angus ; MacCannell to Mr. George J Hack of, Swinton Park. The bride looked! charming in a beautiful gown of i Trianon Georgette with rosebud trim- ming and carried a corsage bouquet | of Ophelia roses and Lily of the Valley. The bride, who was attend ed by Miss Alice Broughton, charming in a gown of gloria crepe. Mr. Dan brother of the bride, supported the groom. The groom's gift to "he bride was a handsome necklace anu to the bridesmaid, a sterling silver bar pin, and to the groomsman, a set of military brushes. After the cere- mony the young couple left on a motor trip to Detroit. Windsor and Toronto. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm, near Swinton Park. IN MEMORIAM HA.Y In loving memory of Miss who was killed in a car YOUNG CHILD DIES â- Word was received in town this week of the death of Harold, two- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lever of Manitoka, Sask. Ptomaine poisoning from tomatoes is assumed to be the cause of death. Inter- ment was made in the cemete;-y at Bracken, Sask. The little chap was n grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lever. Toronto Line North. Friends of the bereaved parents here extend their sympathy to the sorrowing ones. Woven Wire Fence We Have in Stock the Followinsi 4 to 9 STRAND WIRE BARBED WIRE COIL SPRING WIRE NAILS GLASS RAW OIL BOILED OIL COAL OIL STOVE O'CEDAR MOPS MACHINE OIL SEPARATOR OIL VARNISH !â-  I Annie Haj'. , Mrs. Clarence Semple and two ,„_,„ „_,, „„„ spent the week end with the former's childran of Islington visited last week :^°fJe„t on June 13. 1924 parents here. \ ^^^1, jjrs. S. Sutton. She had a nature you couldn't help Have your hanging baskets and _ â€" window boxes filled now. Ali kinds * , of flowers, plants and bulbs.â€" W. A.I Annni1l1l*PITIPni Hawken. Flesherton. | riUUUUUCCUlCUl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips and two children, Willis and Jean, mot- ored up on Saturday and visited the former's mother, Mrs. M. Phillips. Stone crushing equipment is being brought into the gravel pit in town and the Provincial Dept. of High- ways expect to commence work at once. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Johnston and son, DavD, and Miss Margaret Rob- ertson, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson Satur- day and Su.-iday. Mr. and Mrs. .Alf Whitren and two chiU^en, M'l s |vate Tanj''3son and Mr. John Whittjn of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. -Alf. Harrison. Mr. John Whitten is remaining tv visit friends for a coupb cf weeks. Rev.M. Saunders and Henry Smith were the delegates representing Plesherton and Reck Mills Baptisl churches at the Owen Sound Assoc- iation held ii WiartOB on June 4 h, 5th and Gth. T'«j C'ur'^y Roads Commission had the Stat:.- 1 read torn up last week and are now busily engaged with gravelling. For some time the road has been in a very bad condition and vas long overdue to be repaired. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston at- ;> tended the funeral of the late David .< Gaudin, which took -lace on Thursday v afternoon ef last week, intennent b«- $ \n% w-c^e in Thornbury cemetery. ^ Dr. W. D. Brycc, L. D. S.. D. D. | "S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- A â-¼ersity of Toronto. Gas admimster- t i>d for extraction. Office at ths X residence of Dr. E. C. Murray. To- * T -.to street. Flesherton. ^ The Advar -e tenders congratulaMon* X to our felbw townsman, M •. W. J. ♦ Hendeiswn. who celebrated his Sftth X birthday on Wednesday. Mr. Hend- ♦ erscn was born in Vaughan townshio "« 80 years ago, but has township and village ^ix years of aje. Mr. John Whitten of Toronto w.« a very welcome caller at The Ad- vance office on Tuesday. Mr. Whitten â- r,-a» B' ycar.o of asro last March and sw he n:vc-T tdt bette.- in V.blit". He "I'o nositivolv ,loM->ros V» wil. be here to meet the ether old boys vhea they con-.e August Dr. H. G. Marshall Dentist of Dun- dalk. desires to announce that he will conduct a practice in Priceville on Wednesday of each week, begin- ning June 19. 1929. loving. .,..„„ And a heart that was purer .han gold. And to those loved her. , Her memory will never grow cold, â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks, who knew her and Read it in The .\dvance Made in Canada | Goods I GROCERIES AXD CANNED GOODS \ FLOURâ€" PuriU:. Roval Household. O'Canada k SEEDSâ€" Seed Corn. Rape | CHICK FEED â€" Starter and Developer | DRY GOODSâ€" Prints. Printed Broadcloth y Dress Lcngth.s | HARDWARE HARNESS PARTS i BOOTS .\ND SHOES $. I A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. I I Store Closeid Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.in. J, I PINDERS GOLF PUTTING GREEN Two Courses 5 cents per game Tourist Homtf Toronto St., South | Markdale, Ont ! J. Lawsoa Roya! Guardian Mutual Life Assurance Co. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT Sicknes and Accident .\ssurance Children's Endowments Full Deposit with Government .\ssets over One Million Dollars Representtaives: W. J. Martin and .Angus E. Bolton. Flesherton T. Ness Jack, District Manager. ES Ph TURPENTINE, FLOOR WAX, F. G. KARSTEDT one 7 -:- FLESHERTON ♦ ♦♦♦♦»»»«»»fr»»»»<x9"9 9 >>»»»»• to n > '>»»»»>»»>»0"»»»»»»-»»»< Build up a Monthly Income by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An investment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12 ''j. Payable I'r monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each month to shareholders of record of 25th of the previous month. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE Dr. E. G. Murray Flesherton PURITY BREAD lived in since he this was Its flavor and teKture-is a guarantee of its purity. Bhv made-in-FlesheiTon bread and re- cctv« the best, you will be convinced that there is none better. Have Your Bre*Kl Delivered at Your Door Finder's Bakery Hatchwav Underwear Combinations $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Ilallbriyiian C'Miibinations $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 I)allbrii;r.iran Shirts and Drawers 75cts. auid 85cts. Merino Combinations for $1.95 Merino Shirts and Drawers k>r $1.00 ALL SIZES 36 to 44 NEW STRAW HATS FOR MEN Broader shapes in plain and fancy straws Fedora shpes in white and natural weaves New Shapes Reasonably Priced LADIES' SUMMER FELT HATS A fre.'^h shipment of Summer Felts in new pashel shades just received. Snappy styles, large ad mediiun brims and close fittiniT style* are included. Prices $1.95 to $4.95 LADIES' RAYON SILK LINGERIE Reliable Qualities \'ESTS 79c. and S1.25 P.iAK)MERS Sl.OO and $2.00 SLIPS $1.95. 2.2h, $3.50 GOWNS $1.79. $2.50 Colors: Sunset. Lovebird. Mais. Peach, Hiesfc. Coral. Orchid. Japonica. Flesh and White, PHONE 8 FLESHERTON, ONT. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHE«TON, ONTARIO h?me in early *JJ^^^vx•^X^>•>•X••>XX• >•>>>>•>'>>> :•^^'^^^^^*<~>•>*^^•>^^^^ »

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