Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1929, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12tb. 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Think/ ^hat it me^s to own a SIX Now Chevrolet affords you the o^ portunity to indulge your prefer* cace for ux-cyllnder performance . . without going outside the price-range of the four. And the Outstanding Chevrold docs more. It provides the distinctive an- thentk styling of big, roomy Bodies by Fiaber, fiiUtij.^ in the season's smartest colorings. It offers a completeness and quality of appointments in keeping with its external beauty. And it gives you* in addition, the safety of sure, smooth four-wheel brakes, tlie easy-riding com- fort of resilient, specially - designed •hock-absorber springs and the depend- ability and economy for which Chevro- let is so justly renowned. Let your Chevrolet dealer arrange a demonstration . . and learn what it means to own and drive a six. ;.' Outstandinq CHCVROLET S. S. Convention One of the moat successful, enthus- iastic and largely attended convent- ions in the history of the Artemesia Miarkdalc and Flcsherton Religious Education Council was held in the United church, Priceville, on Mon- day, June 3rd, afternoon and evenlnR. Rev. H. C. Priest, General Supt. for Ontario was present and delivered powerful addresses at both sessions. He also conducted an interesting and helpful round table onfcrence dur- ing the afternoon. Inspiring addresses were also del- ivered by Rev. Wm. Coutts of Mark- dale in the afternoon and Rev. Frank Sullivan of Priceville in the evening. The devotional exercises in the after- noon were led by Rev. A. Wills and in the evening by Rev. A. N. St. John of Markdale. The President, Mr. W. J. McFadden, gave an excellent report of the year's work. The re- port of the Secretary, Mr. Howard Graham, showed a total enrolment of 1,100 in the schools of the district, and that splendid reports had been sent in from all of the fifteen schools. The Ramage quartette of Price if ille gave a couple of excellent numbers. Mr. Willis Coburn gave two fine musical selections and Miss Judith St. John a splendid reading during the evening session. Between ses- sions a splendid supper was provided by the ladies -yi Priceville in the basement of the church. The following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: Prisident, Mr. W. J. McFadden; Vice.-Pres., Mr. T. W. Findlr.y; Sec.- Treas., Mr. Howard Graham; Child- ren's Supt., Mrs. St. John and Miss Tcna Henderson; Boy's Supt., Mr. Jack Hill and Mr. W. J. Messenger; Girls' Supt.. Miss Kafe McMillan and Mrs. Dave Williams: Youner People's SuT^t., Mr. Alf Hincks; Adult Dept., Mrs. (Dr.) Mn'-ray; Home Dent., Rev. F. Sullivan; Teachers' Training, Mr. Jos. McKec: Missionarv Supt. Mra. WcR. Armstrong and Mrs. W. J. Lyons; Temnerance. Mr. Ed. Burnes. The next convention will be held in Markdale. Old Home Week \ Program Progresses! A meeting of thet local Old Home Week committee was held on Monday i evening, when the various committees ' reported progress made for the eel- ' cbration. Developments are taking | place and shortly we will be able to announce some of the attractions.! Nothing will be left undone that will , assure of something doing all the , : imc. Several letters have been re- ' ceived and these will be published ill next week's iasue. Let us hear from j all the old boys and gii4s of their in- tentions in regard to Old Home Week. Nothing will give us greater pleasure than to welcome you home tor this outstanding event. IK INCORPORATED 1855 BANMORONTG Coming Events The Ladies' Aid of Eugenia United Church are holding a garden party on the church grounds on Tuesday next, June 18th. Supper served from 5 to 7. â€" Concert at 8 p.m. will consist of 3-act play"The Path Across The Hill" by Lady Bank young people Admission 40 and 20 cents. There will also be games and other amuse- ments. The Ladies' Aid Society of Mount Zion United Church will hold a gard- en party on Friday, June 21st at the home of Mr. Thos. Taylor. A play, entitled "The Path Across the Hill" will be given by the young people of Providence, also Rock Mills string band, and the '4th Line orchestra will furnish music. A garden party is to be held at Dobson's Prairis, 12th line, Osprey, on Thursday, June 20th. Horseshoe pitching, races, etc., and softball be- tween Feversham and 12th Line. A play at night "The Path Across The Hill" will be given in Providence .. - , „„ ,; Church. Tea served from 5 to 7j '^"'ge or phone 38 r 2. o'clock. Admission 40 and 20 \ â- â€¢â€¢â- ^^i^!!'"'^"*''""""''^"" cents. See bills. / FOB8ALB Brancbts TbnugboMt Canada Htad Cftc: TORONTO, CANADA Opportunity â€" content- ment â€" independence for the future â€" all are possible with a Savings Account. Once you stan, the account keeps on growing both by what you add to it and the interest which accum- ulates. We welcome your deposits. The Bank for Savings. MARKDALEâ€" A. E. Hunt. Manager. FEVERSHAMâ€" J. S. McMillan. Managsr. 039 <>^*^^«<«fr«0**«**<-*<^<->^****<'******<'***«'*****>*<->«->*'5'**> Small Advts. FARM FOR SALE t .1 LOST AND FOUND LOST â€" Between Flesherton and Geo. Snell's, via Station Road onj ^o acres in the Township of \t- Tuesday evening, bag of chick feed. | tg^^gj, j^t^ „ ^„j ^g ^ ^ j)\ Finder please leave at The Advance i^hout 85 â- >'-«» »r,A ROD AND GUN PKODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, UM1'1U> D. McTavish & Son I Flesherton, Ont. a T's B b T T [-. A^Ts )• WELL-PRESERVED HAY Mr. James McPherson of Spruce Glen Farm, Proton, left a bundle of hay in this ofice, which is 13 years old. The hay, which is mostly mam- oth clovt'r with a few wisps of tim- othy, is remarkably well preserved, and in hotter condition than most Indicating the special delights of Ontario to the sportsmen tourists, the June issue of the national outdoor magazine. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox New3, as in former years, agai 1 takes the form of a special On- tario Tourist number. The contents of this issue include scve al splendid Ontario features and articles by such well known outdoor writers as Ozark Ripley. Merrill Den- ison, Robert James and a message of welcome from the Premier of Ontar- barn. The blossoms are still on the ThcsL; are all additional to the roR- clover as are also many of the leaves ular features of national interest to and the hav smells sweet as if it all outdoor lovc--s of angling, wood- were but a few weeks old instead craft, guns and amuition, does and of 13 years. It has been stored in the silver fox industry, written by Ak'X. McPherson's barn at the corn- well known authorities, ner of 37th sideroad and concession Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver 10, and had been covered each year Fov News !â- < published nionlhly by W. bv the season's hay.â€" Dundalk Herald '. Taylor, -Woodstock, Ont. A basket picnic, under the auspices of L. O. L. 887, Hatherton, is being held at the home of Jas. Winters, 3rd line Osprey, this Friday afternoon and evening. Big sports programme that will be enjoyed by all, and a high class concert at night. See post- ei-s for full particulars. FOR SALEâ€" 'Ten loung pigs, 4 weeks old. â€" Harry Genoe, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Fresh milk cow.â€" F. Stuart, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Sow, with ten young pigs, â- 'hree weeks old. â€" R. J. Boyd, Flesherton. Car Advertisements FOR SALE Good potatoes. â€" -about 85 acres under cultivation,, balance pasture and mixed bush; bam- 36x60 with T 36x46. all with stone- basement, in good repair, water at- barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen' house; 8-roomed solid brick house - with soft water cistern and fumac». This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated' convenient to railway, church and school. Reason for selling is oit- account of poor health. For partic- • ulars apply on nremisos. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2, Proton Station. IT'S A ; I A D I A I J year-old hay one would see in a THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Our 1 5 Day Sale Big Savings in All Departments During Sale Cur 15 Day Sale has starred with a big rush and many are taking advantage of the great many saving valusc w6 are offering. You still have time to save a lot of money on your spring purhases. Visit our store often, as there are many lines on sale not advertised in our spscia 1 sale bill. Attractive prices on Rag Rugs and Mats YOUR DOLLARS WILL SMILE AT Rag Mats, 18 inches x 30 inches, each 39c. THESE PRICES IN MEN'S WEAR Rag Mats, 27 inches x 54 inches, each .Wc. «« ,_. m r> . *..-- Rag Mats, ;10 inches x 60 inches, each 7'Jc. Mens Iweed SuitS at $14.95 Rag Rugs, 3 1-2 yards x 4 yards, each |3.!)5 Men's Higli Grade Tweed Suits, many of them Rag Rugs, feet x 9 feet, each : 12.95 wi'h two pair of trousers all sizes from 34 to 44. Take advantage of this iffcr while it lasts....$14.t)5 Big Sp^jcfal Selling in Ladies' Coats »«,„„„ ^, , ^ , Men's 20 oz. Botany Srge Suits $24.50 The Insurai.oo Company lost a lot of money on these. Note the wonderful values. On some These fine Suits in Blue and Gx-ev Serge are the linings arc water stained. made up to the highest standard of tailoring with $14.50, $17.50 and $18.50 Coats selling for ....$10.95 the vt y best trimmings and would be good value $i;{.50, $19.50 and $25.00 Cjats selling fox ....$14.95 at $29.50. Special during sale at $24.50 Special Selling in Millinery Department Youth's 2-Pant Suits at $11.95 Our entire stock of High-grade Millinery goes , , Youth's 2-Pant Suits made in double breasted on sale at greatly reduced prices. Be on hand styles, beautifully tailored of splendid quality cloth, early while the assortment is complete. ^izes 30 to 30. Special Sale Price $11.95 Ladies' Wats, regular $4.9,". to $5.95. Special ..$3.95 r» t r»i . « r^. Ladies' Hats, regular $3.7S to $4.75. Special $2.95 IsoyS BlOOmer and Long 1 rOUSer I^idies' Hats, regular $2.'.<5 tJ $3.50 Special $1.95 Suits for $7.48 GROCERY SPECIALS „, ^^ ""jy- «">'^ Suit-^. sizea 2C to 30. Assorted Iwecd pattern.^, double breasted stylo with one 10 pounds Granulated Sugar 51c. I"'''" o^ '""K tnusers and one pair of bloomers. Bulk Dates. 3 pound for 2Io. '=^>'^'» -"^Peiial Value at $7.48 I'eas, standard quality, 2 tins for 19c. o mi • Raisins, seedless, 2 poumi for ...21c. This Store will remam open every Fips, fresh s' K;k, 2 pound for 19c. ..Tuesday evening during the summer. Jelly Powders, all flavors, 5 pks. for 2Sc. ' i •• m on Prunes, large and meaty, 2 pound for 28c. months until lOrJU p.m. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" iA Any person desiring to secure aut- omobile spare tire covers, advertis- ing Old Home Week, can be secured at 50 cents each from the Secretary. Every car owner should secure one of these to spread the news of the cele- bration in as wide a territory as possible. THE SAW BLEW UP An accident that is more important for its peculiarity than for its news value occurred at the sawmill of the Durham Furniture Compnay here BULL FOR SERVICE Dave McDonald, R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and a stack of hay. â€" W. Hawkin s, Eugenia. ~^i^7^^nrrT'^ TT Z . I Registered Jersey Bull for service- FOR SALE-18 good cows heavy ^n lot 127, 2nd range S.W. Termsjr colt. 3 years old, also^ncw Massey- §2 and $3. â€" B. A. Hargrave, Mark- Hams spreader. â€" Walter Akitt, jj^jg. Flesherton, uhone 11 r 6. I FOR SATEâ€" .Barred Rock Chicks, ready to deliver Mav 23 and June 3 â€" Mrs." C. Hindle, R. R. 3, Proton Sta- tion, Phone 32 r 31. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Y'orkshira Boar for esr. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clu'b, -Quantity of hay at the property of the Ontario Depart- , South Line, Price- ment of Agriculture. FOR SALE- MoKinnon farr. ville, $10 per ton. â€" Jos. McKee, Mark- dale R. R. 5. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. FOR RENT Six roomed house i SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE' ,, , . ' ..,. »and frood trarden, opposite the high few days ago when ths big saw, with- »^^^^^, .^^ piesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J. Chas Doupe Clarksburg, Ont. out any warning, flew into a hundred icagwell, Proton Station, R R 3 pieces or so. Considering that the full complement of workmen were en- g.iged at their daily tasks and that the pieces of the saw weer distrib- uted to all parts of the mill, it is miraculous that no one wasinjured. M the time the saw flew to pieces a small log was being putthrough thv> n;achine, and as there was ap- parently nothing the matter whon^ inspected before work began, it isi MISCELLANEOUS thought that something in the log WANTED-Calf of beef tj-pe._ caused it to .iam and, being of the [ p j Vm,^,. phone 32 r 13. high speed variety, it naturally flew -♦ Registered Shorthorn bull for s«r- vice at lot 5, Ccn. 9, Osprey, "Marry .Marquis" No. 179.135; Sire, Bonni«- FOR SALEâ€" Cow, due to freshen Marquis 142,881; Dam, Red Butterfly in June; can be seen at the farm of ,131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds 1B.0O. Doupe, or apply toâ€" Mrs. Eph. grades $2.00. Cows not returned' FOR SALEâ€" Hatch of Barred Rock baby chicks on June 10th; anyone wishing to order phone at once, 15 cents each. â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson, n. R. 2, Priceville, Phone 22 r 41. to pioccr,'. â€" Durham Chronicle. SOME HALF HOLIDAYS A rthur â€" Wednesday. Alliston â€" Thursday. Bramptonâ€" Wednesday. ^ Boltonâ€" Thursday. Creemore â€" Wednesday. Durhamâ€" Thursday. Draytonâ€" Thursday. Dundalk â€" Wednesday. Fleshertonâ€" Thursday. Grand Valleyâ€" Wednesday. Hanover â€" Wednesday. Mount Forestâ€" Friday. Markdale â€" Wednesday. Meaford â€" Wednesday, Orangevillc â€" Wednesday. Owen Soundâ€" Wednesday. Palmerston â€" Wednesday. Shelburneâ€" Thursday. Tnra â€" Wednesday. Winghamâ€" W cdnesday. WANTED â€" Maid, housework. â€" Mrs, A. crsham, phone 8 r 41. to help with Fawcett, Fev- will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County df Grey. Termsi 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamttsd' Dates made at The Advance offica. PASTURE â€" About 75 acres of pasture for cattle, well watered. â€" Luther Duckett, Ceylon. I PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted for { pasture, ICO acres of pasture, well watered. â€" Fred Duckett, Eugenia. Groat interest is being taken in the *our of men and wimen of Grey County, being sponsored by the De paitment of Agriculture and which will take place next week. While with a party down at his cottage at Wasaga Beach, Mr. M. Woodward found a partridge's nest with thirteen young partridges in it. At least they were in it until they concealed themselves, as their fore- parents did, under leaves scarcely big enough to cover them. After con- cealment they "froze" so immovably tha* scarcely anything could move them. â€" Staynev Sun. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to 2.)th of June next by the undersign- rd, for the taking off all shingles and nhingling anew St. John's tliuivh, Flesherton. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed." Dated June Hth, 1929. -A. M UGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- ft prices wil be paid in ca.sh.â€" Jno, Runstadler, Flcsherton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. STRAYED â€" From lot 5, con. 9, Osprey, three yearling steers; one red, one white and one red and white. Any information thankfully received. â€" S. R, MIDDLE BUG & BURNS Barriatem, etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durhaa- and Flesherton. Flesherton eve«y» Saturday afternoon and cveninj. BUSINESS CARDS Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A.F. *-. A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton evea-y Fri- day on or before the full moon. W, G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence». Secretary Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solidt- Hawkins, Eugenia, ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D.- Henry, B.A. Offices. Markdale Luca» Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. SHINGLES New Brunswicll White Cedar. '5 to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear of knots and sapwood. Clears 6 in, cle"- ar ' up. Phone vour orders: 13w. W. A. ARMS TRONG & SON. BULL FOR SERVICE Telford & Birnie, Barristers, loH. citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruc«r Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton. (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Bimie. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer' Dur'.iam Bull for service. $1.50 if for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. paid before January, other^vi8e $2.â€" 'Farm and stock sales a snecialtv' C. Akins, R. R. 3, Ih-oton Station. Terms moderate. satisfrctioT g^aJ." antecd. All arrangements and dates PROPERTY FOR SALE may be made at the Advance office. 01; Central telephone office, Feversham^ or by addressing me at Fcvcisham. BOAR FOR SERVICE The property of the late Ella Gibson, lot 10, Collingwood street, ! Flesherton. On this property is a ' comfortable dwelling houso of 9 1 rooms, with electric lighting. Barn â-  25 X 33 ft., with stable and driving i Po„j.»„,„j v 1 i.- « house therein; also a good well on R^g^tered Yorkshire Boar for ser- the premises. This property is in ^ i^"*~*^«>«f«'y Bright Vim, No. 99,998 good location and will be sold reason- ,"^^'*'P®'^y 0' Saugeen Bacon Wit ably. For further particulars ap- Club. Terms $1.00. Gilchrist, Chairman ply to the administrator. â€" W. J. / • â€" C HINDLE '' Board of Trustees. Meads, Flesherton, Ont. I ' â€" '^ Proton SUtioa . .LjjJLj-. -?^f5

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