WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1929 THE Fl.ESHERTON ADVANCE ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artcmesia Council met at Flesh- erton on June 5th, 1920. The members were all present, the Reeve presidinK. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion, were adopted. Claims fo- sheep killed and in- jured by dojfs wiTc presented and or- dere<l paid, vir, W. J. McMillan $20, Archio Fisher, $'; Fred Wright $10; and valuers foes, R. Piper $1.50; W. Gibso:i $1.00; J. Oliver $1.00 T. R. .M'cKcnzie waited on Council reirardinK dtviatinn of ViO sideroad By-law No. 875 expropriate land over lots 132-133, 1 range N. E. and lot l.i.T 2 ranKP, N. E. for deviation of 1.30 sidcroad wa? introduced and read the re<|uired :iumber of times and ordered to be signed, scaled and registered. Whi'takcr â€" Meldruni â€" That the Road .Superintendent have Mr. Jarinc go ovc.- Township ro.-ids with him, with a view of asking Department t'oi additi >nal grant on same, am* the Clerk write the Department re-j questing a grant of at least 40 pei- cent, on expenditure. â€" Carried. , Report No. G of Superintendent waj| presented, showing expenditure of $388.25 and a progress payment ofj $500 )n the Gc'don bridge was or- dered. . ( The members of Council were paid fcr committee work, Mr. Meldrum! 81.00; Mr. Corbctt $4; Mr. Davis $4; the Reeve $8. I The Council adjourned. | OSPREY COUNCIL ' The Osprcy council eat at. Maxwell | on -May 25th as a Court of Revision on the asFcrsiv.cnt roll. The appeals wcrs as follaws:- ] R. E. Fair too highly assessed. I Frank. Scclry. too highly assessed. Wm. Selwcod, too highly assessed. I.ockhait â€" Clarke â€" That the asscr; n'.cnt en lot ^6, con. 7, the \trits a29x4i^baliom i-s^ \ > â- pOR jonr Chevrolet, Star, Ford, Whip- â- *• pet or any car using 29 x 4.40 tires get a Coodycar-built guaranteed balloon â€"and pay no-more than for a ''cheap'* tire. Pathfinder Balloons are all full size« strong, tough-treaded. Goodyear quality gives them extra sturdiness, and supple* ness. Besides they're built with SUPER* TWIST, an exclusive Goodyear Cord* Ask for prices. :«^ M For high-preiture tiret atk for. Pathfinder Cord â€"Mode with SUPERTWIST D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT. Oar tervicc Is immediale and personal â€" not delayed and by nuU l»ropcrty of R. E. Fair be sustained. John Thompson, too highly assessed Morrison â€" Clarke â€" That the assessment of E. P. Lot 182, Con. 6, the property of F. J. Seeley, be re- duced by $400 on land. This ap- peal being on lot 2, con. 6. Loi'khart â€" Grunimett â€" That the assessment on S. P. lots 02-63, con. 3, S. D. R., the property of Wm. Sel- wood, br cdu:ed by $200 on land. Grummctt â€" Morrison â€" That the on lot 21-22, con. 2, S. D. R., the property of John Thomp- son, be reduced by $300 on land. C ^urt adjourned to ruariscmbie at Maxwell on June 8th, at 2 p.m. Ininicdiutely after tli? Court, C'>uncil sat for gereral business. .M'in- u-'cs of tlic last nu'.ing v.'crc read and confirmed. Communications â€" Honiitt & Honi- itt and the County Treas. â€" Several letters re airears c!" taxes en Little property. Christie & Beatty â€" Re advertising Wo-otherall Drain. F. J. D. Spof- fnrd. re nuigance on Bpuvei' Hill. Dent, of Agiicultum. re Weed Con- trol Act. B.-.nU of Commerce, re fee for collection of taxes. Deputations â€" John >Ii!n-'. ro tnxcs on lot 20. con. 5. Wm. Findiay. i<o ipproach to fatewav .ot lots 33-34, â- on. 3, N. n. R. Walter Seeley, re cleaning of creek south of Maxwell. John Poole, re ditch on 5 sideroad. Robt. Amott. re culvert "n corner of 3rd line and 15th sideroad. Lockhart â€" Grummett â€" That all sub-overseers be instructed to not trcccci an expenditure of $25 per mi'.e in their respective divisions, ex- ccrt with authority from 1hc Super- intendent and Commissioner. Gr'.:mmctt â€" Morrison â€" That the tender submitted by Bly & McWat- er." for the rcnstruction of the We:ith- erall Drain for a 1-ilk sum of Sl,- '^75.00 be nccer'ted and that the Rocvo be authorized to sign the con- tâ€" •-'^ for same. ""Maw No. 10 (ir.2i^ to pr-'vidc ^.-.f the ti''r!n<r 0'" shii'tir"- HP of all dor- at nVbt was '•end the required number of times, sig-icd and sealed. Acoun'? wp''e nassed ns follows, Miscellaneous $160.00, Road Accounts $1144.30. Afte-- ♦*"« .'"'ionrped R'Hin" of the •^ H nf pf.\--i.-n ^r, ,Tunf Rth. the â- foltowing general business was trans- acted :- Gruninie't â€" Mor-ison â€" That the ("'"â- •!< bo instructed ti write W„ W. nivi«ti^ and request that he inspect the bridr-n on f'" "nv^ey of ."^''i «-^'>- rcad and con. 2 S. D. R. and that he also prepare plans for the two culverts to be built over the Weather Drain and advci-^ise for tenders for the construction of same. And fur- ther that the Road and Bridge Com- mittee be empowered to receive ten- ders and let the contract. Grummett â€" Clarke â€" That Mr. Morrison ,\)e authorized to expend $."00.00 on the 15th .-idovoad, be- w'-n FeversViam a^d Con. (>. .â- \ccounts woro r,T-cd .it fol1~-v?: acKB* A Real Holiday { Auction Sale The season has come when many FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS people are preparing for their sum- j The undersigned auctioneer has mer holiday. There is no question been instructed to sell by public auct- but that a rest, a change of environ- jon at the farm of the proprietor, mtnt a period spent chiefly out of , ^_ jj McLEOD doors at play, and a release from the usual responsibilities and routins of, Lot 48, Con. 3, N.D.R., Glenelg work are all good for everybody. ^^^ |^t*iclA.V tlun^ 2& is not intended to suggest a rountine , * »*****jr| W irlllw mi%9 of life for the holiday; in fact, the, ^^^ following release from doing things, by the u^^^^^ ^q y^^rs old; aged ma^e; year- clock h, in itself, a relaxation, and ijng coit- f^esh cow, calf at foot; this appeals to many as the mo.':':lciw, supposed in calf; 2-year old dcsiraiile part of the holiday. How- hcife:-, supposed with calf; 2 yearling ever, it is foolish not to give some cattle; 2 calves; brood sow, supposed consideration to a few things, which if overlooked, may result in the holi- days developing the aspects of a calamity with pig; 12-hoe Peier Hamilton drill; Peter Hamilton binder; Pel- | or Hamilton No. 21 plow; Cultivat- 1 or; scufflor; Peter Hamilton Rake; Water in the countrj', v.-ater at, spring tooth harrow; d'sc. hor.-ow; THE STORE WlTlf SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BLYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Hosiery Specials For Ten Days VJ?. TrlF-: LADIES LADIES' KU.W HOb".:. I.-jc. PAIR no Cr.'xi\ Lavlics' SiIa Hose, sub- !'.;;nda:-ds f. a i..ii .-id ai i^l.OO per pair. All the L.-st f^haiie i aro shown in this lot. All sizes, and a real ba- gain at. perc pair -ISc. LADIES' SILK AND LISLE HOSE 3 I'AIRS FOR Sl.OO 25 dozen Ladies' Silk and Lisle Hose, all firs' quality in ajsorlcd lihades and all sizos up to 10. Reulur 50c. valut;. Sale price 35c.. 3 pair ....$1.00 LADIES' COTTON HOSE. 33c. 40 dozen Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, mostly all colors in this lot. All sizes A rcguar 45c. line. Sale price per pair 26c. LADIES' FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSK. $1.19 A PAIR 25 dozen Ladies' Full Fashioned Hose an all first quality. Tw'^,"^ '*>« best make s of full fu.?hioned silk hose are shown in the lot. Almost every shade and size. Reg. $l.T.o. »alo Price a pair 'l-**" For the Men MEN'S MURINO COITON SOX. Vie. PAIR 50 dozon Mtn's <''lton Sox, Penman make. A real wearing Sox. Special price per pair 25c. MEN'S WORK SOX. l.-ic PAIR 25 dozen Men's Work Sox in asortcd colors. This line will give the working man lots of wear. Sale Price per pair IBc. Friday morning, sharp at eight o'cloc!:, the dcor of the store will swing open to the greatest Hos- iery Sale ever attempted by U3. FO:^ THE CHILDREN CHILDREN'S HOSK, 25c. a pair l>â- ^^ .-^O/'^^e" Children's Fine .Alercjri'cd k.bbed Hose , assorted rhade... sizes 4 i-2 to .). IJcguUr value Irom 3.5c. to 50c (lennng at. your clioiu. nor pair 2r,,. CHILDRKN'S SILK I^L.VIKO so\ £" 20 do::en Child -en'.! Fine Ribbed Pal- crt J-,)x in nssortui shades, sizes l--> t,t) A beautiful SOX and a real woarer. " Sale Price per pair Al^ HOY'S HEAVY RinBFD HOSE 15 dozen only. Boy's Heavy Ribbed Hooe, nosortcd colors and a stockim; that will give ;he best of wear, sizes 6 1-2 to 10 1-2. Sale Price, per pair 25c. This store v/fll be open every Tuesday night until 10.30, during the summer months. For the Men MEN'S SOX. 5 PAIR FOR Sl.OO .SO dozen Mens Fancy Checked and Plain Cot- ton Sox. A beautiful ouality and will give good wear. Sale price, 5 pair for $| OO MENS SILK AM) WOOL S<)X. lie. PAlh' 20 dozen .Men's Silk and W lol Sox, fan^v |ilaid pat'crn, first (piality and a real buy. Sale Price per pair ..45c. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" summer resorts will, if contaminat- ed, spread disease â€" par'icularly ty- phoid fev^-r â€" just as readily as will iv.otcr in a town or city. When se- lecting a summer resort, or when renting a :ottage or sito*for a camp, find out whether or n i' the water is pure. You cannot .iudgc to this from the appearance of the wator. WatJr may be clear, cold and spark- ling, and . may still be impure and dcngerou.^. The only way to be sure is to have 1he watar examined. Y''our provincial health department will do this for you. Write and ask them how to take and send in a sample. Do this bfoie you establish yourself at a summer resort. Milk in the country, despite popular belief, is- generally not safe. Do not use milk unless you know that it is safe. Visit the farm from which it comes, see for yourself if the cows are kept in a cleanly way, and how the mi'k is handled, and then decide for yourself if the conditions rac sat- isfactory. We would advise that, at least for children, all milk used be pasturized. Renew Your Daily Papers Through The Advance Announcement wagon; wagon box; cutter; sleigh; hay rack; stock, rack; fanning mill; ladder set of double harness; sat of single harness; plough hirness;; (luantity of rain; quantity of hay;| forks; chains; whiffletrees;- grain', bags; blankets, robes and numerous' other a- tides. ' i Everything must be sold. | Sale commences at 1 o'cl)ck. TERMS: Grain, and all sums of $10 and under Cash; over that am- ^^ „ f, Marshall, Dentist of Dun- ount 6 months credit on approved jai,,^ j^gj^es to announce that he joint nitea bearmg interest at 6 per ^.j], conduct a practice in Priceville cent, per annum. on Wednesday of each week, begin- â€" JNO. O'NEIL, Auctioneer, nine June 19. 1929. I Small Advts. LOST AND FOUND FXrM FOR SALE LOST â€" Between Flesherton and Geo. Snell's, via Station Road, on ! „ . . , , . , , I 11*' acres in the Township of A^f Tuesday evening, bag of chick feed, j temesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.». There is no objectj Finder please leave at The Advance ^bout 85 acres under cultivation, m taking precautions all the year i office or phone 38 r 2. I'Dalance pasture and mixed bush; barn round, and then allowing children tol _. _ ^ I 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone- be exposed during vacation. You^ F O R S A L B | c.onnot tell from bis appearance ifj FOR S.\LEâ€" Ten »-oung pigs. 4 tl;o farmer i.? i disease carrier. Y'ou. weeks old. â€" Harry Genoe, Flesherton. cannot tell frim appcar.nnce whether or "I " the farnic-'s well, t>io water! FOR SALE â€" Fresh milk cow. â€" F. which he uses, is safe. The most Stuar', Flesherton. practical safearuard is to b)il or past- cuiise the milk. Uprn request, i".structions as to p;i';;eur:zat:on in the home will be Eupplied. FOR SALE â€" Good potatoes.â€" Dave McDonald, R. Pw. 3, Priceville FOR SALE â€" S''?d '^ota and st.ick of hay. â€" W. Hawkins, Eugenia basement, in good repair, water at btim; driving shed 24x30, also hen house; 8-roomed solid brick house with soft water cistern and furna'*". This is a pood erain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated' convenient to railway, church and school. Reason for sellinsr is on account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on premise;', i W. A. MORTON, » Ji R. R. 2, Proton Station. SOME HALF HOLIDAYS A rthur â€" Wednesday. Alliston â€" Thursday. Brampton â€" Wednesday. Boltonâ€" Thursday. Crcf-niore â€" Wednesday. Durham â€" Thursday. Drayton â€" Thursday. Punda'k â€" Wednesday. Flc?herton â€" Thur-'day. Grand Valleyâ€" Wednesday. Ilanovo- â€" Wednesd.iy. Mount Fore-^tâ€" Friday. Markdalc â€" Wednesday. Mcaford â€" Wednesday. Orangcviile â€" Wednesday. Ovvon Sound â€" Wednesday. Pnliver.'itonâ€" Wednesday. Shp'.burno â€" Thursday. Tnra â€" Wednesday. Wingham â€" Wednesday. FOR SALEâ€" Heavy hovso. 8 yrs. old. â€" A. Hairison, phone 41 r 1. } BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Jevcev Bull for -servlce- FOR SALEâ€"Sow, with te-n young 2^ ^"^ f^' ""^ '•?'•â- !?,' ^.W. Terms: ni,Ts. ^hree weeks old.-R. J. BoyJ, '^^^'^'^ ^3. - E. A. ha-.-rave. Mark- Flesherton. <i.;le. -â- rd '.umbf^r. â€" A. Smith, Eupneia. FOR SALE â€" 7'.2 acres of grnss, -o;i:e I'lacksmith's tools, 2 wajrgnns BOAR FOR SERVICE. Visce'.Umeous S95.G0! Road .\ccoants §17.75. The C )uncMl adjoivned to reassem- ble ct Feversham on Saturday. July •jth. at 2 p.m. and th. fi^st Salur- j,,^, ^^ r 4. Flesherton, d.oy in cni'h month thercaftor wnth the exception 'f the firrt and last nieclii'.gs in each year. Registered Yorkshire Boar for Ber- FOR S.\LE â€" Three burner coal oil vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, Steve. May be sc;.i at The -^d- the property of the Ontario Depart- vance Office^ jment of Agriculture. "^^^7LE-narle:.-Davi.lson- twin ' -^- STEWART. Caretaker. •.•ylinder motorcycle, vv^Ith side car, '•ebuiU and in fir.»t cl.-'s'' condition. â€" Wes. Armstrong, Flesherton. I â€" â€" ' Registered Shorthorn bull for Mr- . FOR SALEâ€" 18 good cows. he:ivy vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry colt. 3 years old, also new Massey- Marquis" No. 179.135; Sire, Bonnie Harris spreader. â€" Walter Akitt, Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly FleshertMi^ph^e H r 0. 131,078. Terms â€" Purehreds $5.00. grades $2.00. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB UOR SALE-.i:ieven ,y-oung pig^, ^j,, ^^ "j,^^^^ tMpric^ ready to wean. I a'.?c\ wi»n to nuy ^ ^ „ . _;. vounir calf. â€" Melville IIog:u-th, : â€" S. R. Cows not returned ull price. HAWKINS. Eugenia. CAR DITCHED FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of hav at McKinnon farn:. South Line, Frice- ville. Sin per ton.â€" Jos. McKec, Mark- dr.le R. R. 5. A ro^uliar car accident wa. expc-r- FOR SALE - Dining ^"^IJ^:!^' i.nccl bv a Drnlalk motorist .,n Sun-I luaitor-cut oak, in excelled con.uuo , and a younir womiin. For ?->mol pQp RENT â€" Six roomed h^'i-" j rcnscn, which can on'.y be guessed nt, „„,] pgoj carden, onposito the hi.vh ! the cr.r shnt off ths road down a .ci-hnol in Flesherton. â€" Mr-. W. J. tbvce-fcot bank into a marshy spot. Casv.cll. Protcn Station, R U 3. The front R.vlo was ben\ a springj ^^ „,r^ t. • o * l.,.oke„. nn,i ofner minor injuries sus- FOR SALE -Premier Separator but Ih- rv'i- a-niost nev.", capabb of 000 lbr.„ als.0 tainod by the joupD, . f u ; tK nVv i-tu-ed fo-1- 100 acre farm. Wil'. sell cheap. - pant, got of, with "-"V ' ^^;<='> \l j,, McCrack.n, Blacksmith Shop ings and d.?.ntrruijrr-d r-v-. The ' ; - '•'^T, ra-- wn'^ bi-iutht "> l>.-n"l:'r. G.'.rac;c en it hind legs by a tvoul!l.-> t.u.-k. esherton. TENDERS V; ANTED MISCELLANEOUS GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fit the County of Grey. Termsi 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamtee^ Dates made at The Advance offlca. MIDDLE El^O & BURNS Barristers, etc Oficcs â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flasherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS Prince Arthur Lodge, 333. A.F & A.M. meets in the Masonic Hnll. Arm- WAXTKDâ€" Calf of beef typo â€" strong Block, Flesherton evei-y Fri. R. J. Vause, Pho:ie 32 r 13. it^^J^ ""^ ^'^f'^ro the full moon W Tender", will bo r."ceivcd up to 2olh of June next by the undersipn- j p^STURE â€" About 75 acres of Secretary for the taking off all shin<r!es p^gturc for cattle, well watered. i/- nr i „ - moon. W. !G. Watson, W. M.. C. F Lawrence. r< nd shiniiling anew St. Jouns Luther Duckett, Ceylon. The lowest or rlr.irch. Flesherton n"v tnmW not necessarilv . accept- j PASTURE cd. Lucas iors, etc. ^ "enry. Barristers, Solicit- • I. B. Lucas. K r. vir n Cattle wanted for ' „:' ^r" *; "A,^"'^"'' ^' ^^ W. D. Dated June llth. 10'20. 'pasture, 100 acres of pasture, well n, 7' "•^- offices, Markdale Lucaa _A. M. Gilchrist. Chairman .^^.^fg-.p,, _ p,.gj, puckett, Eugenia. "'°<"''. Phone 2. Branch offices mk Board of Trustees EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- Dundalk and Durhar rk U.^ P.-««kvl'i>riAn Church' 1^^ P^ice.^ wil be -paid in cash.- Durham rresbvtenaa v^nurciiuj^^^^^^j^^^ Flesherton. ANNUAL Garden Parly ^vill be held at Durham Show Grounds on • Thursday, June 27fh Seven professional entortatn- ors will tuniish the program. â- Jno- Telford & Birnie, Barriste^T^ ctors, etc. Offices Grey and Brno. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Block, Owen Sound- <?t„L j « . Saturdays cnly.-Graham Bros. ^- .B'oc^i^F.XrlT ,P. Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Ri STRAYED â€" From lot 5, con. 9, Osprey, three yearling steers; one red. one white and white. .Any information thankfully i Farm and stock sales received. â€" S. R. Hawkins, Eugenia. | . â- fr â- mie. This Event will ho held in the Skatinj;- Kink if bad weather prevails. SHINGLES Wm. Kaitting. Licensed Auctioneer one rod and ] for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. T. , •''a specialty, ierr.ia moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and datea , ""^y ^ made at the Advance office, oi; New BrunswicM White Cedar. -5 ^;"t'-«' telephone office, Feversham, to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear ' aaara^sing me at Feveishl.n[i. of knots and napwood. Clears in. | "- i. cIq'- nr» up. } BOAR FOR SERVICE Phone your orders: 13w. | " '' 5LA.^^M?T«"_^« *_Si^^| Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser. BULL FOR SERVICE viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,998 I â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Vtg Durham Bull for service. $1.50 if *^'"''- Terms $1.00. paid before January, otherwise $2.-^! â- .*. â€" C. HINDLE ^ C. Akins, R. R. 3. Proton Station. ( ;:i>y-3^; -^V - p,oton Suuda '